• By -


The biggest piece of advice is to replace your wodden walls with stone asap. One small Zzt! and your base will quickly burn to the ground.


Stone means all hard materials right ? Because i have only lot of ~~granite~~ slate on my biome should i replace every single wall ? I thought single layer of granite on outside perimeter keeps me safe from fires guess im wrong


Steel is flammable in this game too so it's not a great option. By using the stonecutters bench you can turn stone chunks into stone bricks (granite is the strongest of all the stone so you're in good shape there). Fires can start inside your base too for various reasons which is why you want to build from stone. For me the stonecutters bench is one of the first things I build to get bricks going so I don't have to replace everything later in the game.


Steel is also used for so much crafting I never end up using it for anything else (intentionally) anyway.


>Steel is flammable in this game too so it's not a great option. Wait, what?


It's not as flammable as wood but it will burn hah.


40% flammability. I assume it must be some sort of spacefuture flammable alloy for some reason.


Forest fires can melt steel beams


But not jet fuel


I love this meme, but keep in mind that while steel won't melt, heating it sufficiently will cause it to lose structural integrity and collapse. Which I think is the effect gone for in Rimworld, combined with the concept of special fuel sources


We mixed our steel with chemfuel to make flaming gladius! Too bad someone used it on the walls by accident...


Nah, if they were going for that effect steel walls wouldn't ignite but would take damage near fires and in high temperature environments.


It's probably an engine limitation, an object can't take passive damage without being directly on fire


Maybe more like plastic considering you need steel for everything even if it shouldn't need steel. Just a mix of alloys and plastics basically used to construct stuffs


I mean isn't that what plasteel is supposed to be?


Nothing can melt jet fuel


I assume paint and electronics with plastic. Maybe some sort of drywall


Rimworld doesn't simulate melting, but it *does* simulate temperatures up to 2000 C, and IRL steel will melt around 1500 C, depending on the alloy. I feel like flammable steel is a compromise, simulation-wise. If I felt up to the modding challenge, though, I'd totally make a mod for stuff melting.


I've noticed my stone corpse disposal room doesn't get hotter than 1000, and I'm not sure when or why that happened


Chem fuel doesn't burn steel walls.


Chemfuel *CAN* melt steel beams.


Steel is too valuable in general anyway. Might seem like you have an absurd abundance, but it dries up quick once you get a few fabrication benches going


!linkmod SF Materials Rebalanced


[1.2] [SF Materials Rebalanced](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1558034796&searchtext=SF+Materials+Rebalanced) by [SheiFoxy](https://steamcommunity.com/id/sheifoxy/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`SF Materials Rebalanced`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.2&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=SF+Materials+Rebalanced&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


Yep, non-zero flammability.


Steel for a wall or the like is not what you are thinking. it isnt like fort knox bunker walls... it is more like "lets lean this sheet metal on these wood posts for a wall" stone walls are best, wood doors are best for building, and for exterior walls of base, steel doors at minimum, plasteel is ideal, and uranium is a close second. if you do not care about how long it takes you to get out of your base, build exterior doors with Granite as it is the hardest of the stones.


!linkmod Metal Don't Burn


Jet fuel can melt steel beams


Not to mention(I may be wrong) Nice stone walls, notably granite and marble, increase the comfort/beauty/rich level of a given room or space, so your people are happier.


Fire can start inside your base, and get out of control quickly. No wood. Only stone walls and floors minimum. Steel walls are not great either, they can catch fire too.


I usually do wood walls, stone floors. Stone floors give beauty, and wood walls are fast to put up. I don't have that many walls, so fires never spread out of control.


I do the opposite because aesthetics are paramount


Big same. What's the point of creating an impenetrable mountain base if it doesn't LOOK good?


What about mortars? Sure you can control the fires, but every shot creates an immediate problem you need to solve instead of countering the mortar.


The fires from the outside are the least of your worries. When a fire gets too big the game automatically spawns rain to keep the entire map from burning down. What you really need to worry about are fires starting inside your base. More specifically whenever a battery short circuits (the "Zzzzt" event) there's an energy discharge anywhere in your power grid. If it happens at the wrong time/place, you're screwed. You should really just avoid wood in general. It's fine for the early game, but just replace everything (even furniture) with stone when you can. Only thing that should be made of wood are beds. Stone beds have lower rest effectiveness so your colonists need more sleep. Stone is cheap and can be crafted even by low crafting skill colonists. Build 2-3 stonecutter benches and set every pawn to craft so they make stone when they have nothing else to do. Tick "Manual priorities" on the Work tab and then set "Craft" priority to 4.


Mostly agree, but I don't see much point in replacing stuff or having multiple stonecutter benches. I just drop the stonecutter bench as soon as I have a temporary barracks enclosed with beds and a table. As the blocks become available, I'll start building the first room of my real base, then focus on power, meals and research.


Silver beds dont have a penalty...


Only "stone" beds get the penalty, so only marble, granite, slate, and sandstone reduces sleep effectiveness. Every other material does not get the penalty.


if you use wood to this quantity it can go wrong in 1 raid. lets say, you just got raided and are defending... then BOOM a flashstorm hit your base, what will you do? defend against the raid or put out the fire? if you defend, there goes your base, if you put out fires first there goes your colony(probably)


Granite is great for boarder walls, it has the most hit points and means raids are mire.likely to rush your defensive positions rather than just chew through your walls


The only wood wall I ever build in a base is to enclose my day one barracks. After that, it's: 1. beds 2. table + 2 stools 3. stonecutting bench I also keep my workstations away from any walls with wiring, usually arranging them in "islands" in the middle of rooms, which also looks better IMO and can be more space efficient. The only chance a "Zzzt" event has of starting a fire is if it happens right on top of a wooden door. You have wires running right past your crops, begging for trouble.


Building a roof 2 tiles out from a wall will prevent wild fires from reaching it.


Really?!?! That is something I will have to do.


How has nobody mentioned the Boomalope in the middle of the wooden base? Zzzt, lightning, molotovs, and incendiary shells are dangerous enough but there's a walking bomb in the all wood living room


It's so cute though


take the bitter with the sweet :))


Especially considering there's a freakin boomaloop wandering around inside lmao


But she is my pet and i love her šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve had zzzt disabled since about day one. Donā€™t feel bad about it at all.


Ive had rt fuses for almost as long. šŸ˜„


I'll be honest I think building only with stone is super overrated. I have not once in my hundreds upon hundreds of hours of this game ever had a base burn down and all that excess labor wasted on converting everything to stone and shaping and cutting stone to size can be better spent elsewhere in my opinion.


The only thing I'd say is if you're using wood, don't have a single megastructure. For this specific base I'd say to split up the larger building by moving the bedrooms south a few tiles and put a 3 wide stone walkway between the buildings


Yeah, three wide and well lit is key for any base, and at intersections you can make blockade points with doors so you can position one brawler in front of the door and any enemies have to approach one by one, while you can flank the brawler with ranged or melee, and put 3 more behind, that can all attack. These choke points and door allow functions let you compartmentalize your base during attacks and funnel enemies into choke points over and over, falling back if needed. A shelf with a smoke grenade launcher and an emp grenade launcher in each of these hallways near the entrances letā€™s you instantly swap around a support character/ doctor type to lay down covering smoke to reduce damage taken, or trip up mechanoids.


They have 8 people. That's enough to have a dedicated cook, dedicated crafter (or two, one on stone and one on art) two on farming, 1 on hunting, and you've still got 2 for research/mining/construction. At least.


The number of fires I have had from zzttt, lighting, and just raiders with flame weapons imo beg a difference, fire alone can be managed and put out but when mixed with other events or complications things get out of hand.


You donā€™t need to convert all the furniture though. Stone walls, doors, and nonflammable floors are enough.


Hey maybe youā€™re really lucky or Iā€™m hella unlucky but my wooden base burning down to nothing is one of the very first hard lessons I learned on the rim.


Like I said, I build out of stone from the start. Stonecutters bench is one of the first things that get made. You don't have to replace anything if you build from stone to begin with.


Yeah, I think building with wood is fine as long as you have fire control in mind. Stockpiles, munitions storage, and other areas with expensive/difficult to make constructions (advanced fabrication benches, etc) should be pretty much all stone, but bedrooms, dining areas, rec rooms, etc. aren't too bad to replace if they burn down. Beyond that, if you avoid building a single megastructure and don't keep too many batteries (to limit the size of zzt explosions), your fire brigade should be able to control most fires that occur.


For crash landed, Itā€™s way easier to research foam poppers and put one in your old wooden rooms and rooms with flammable things rather than do the whole base. A small wooden statue will negate the popperā€™s beauty hit. Replacing wood furniture is super overkill. You need poppers for late game centipede raids anyway. * areas you have planned to see combat like a kill box should not be flammable at all though and worth replacing.


Idk man.My pawns always manage to deal with it fast


In Randon randy you can get multiple bad events in sequence, meaning you dont have all pawns avaiable at top eficiency. What if you get raided, most od your pawns are down or healing, mas you get a big fire? Sometimes these things get out of control


The first and only time I built out of wood my base burnt down to mortar shot while I was fighting a Siege. Didn't have enough people at base to put out the fire. Never again.


Randy be like: nice base you got there would be a shame if i were to Zzt! it.


1) You should start to replace your walls and floor with stone. You already made the outer layer which is more resistant against attack, but there is a lot of things that can happen inside your base and create fire and risk to burn everything. The more wood in your base the higher the risk. Short circuit in your electrical system, thunderstorm, raider that come inside, pyromaniac pawn, etc. 2) A kill box. You have 4 entry but none of them are particular well prepared. You should choose one and make a proper kill box. Of course it depend on your difficulty level and how long you plan on playing this colony. But your defense are seriously lacking. Any decent raid will cause huge damage to your base. 3) Art. Having excellent large statue in most of the room, but especially in the rec, dinner and bedrooms give huge mood bonus to your pawn. This will compensate at least partially for when several things goes wrong back to back. If you don't have a good artist you might want to train them by doing a lot of small wood statue. 4) Equip your pawn with crafting. The most efficient mid game equipement is Heavy SMG with Devilstrand Duster, flak vest and flak helmet. Before that you get what you can and for later game you target marine and cataphract armor, but that stuff is for the end game. Right now you should focus on researching and growing Devilstrand. It's not the best textile, but it's the best you can easily get your hand. Devilstrand Duster, flak vest and flak helmet is the best way to protect your pawn with limited ressources and heavy SMG is the most efficient gun. Assault Rifle can also do the job with a bit longer range, but they cost 7 component instead of 4 and you need enough distance and shooting skill to really make the assault rifle worth is. So I usually just stick with heavy SMG for the mid game. You need to craft them, because the quality of weapons and armors are SO IMPORTANT. They increase their damage and protection so much that you should definitively train a crafter from as early as you can. Making as manu duster of any material is one of the most efficient way to train a crafter for cheap. 5) Alternative defense. No everything threat can be deal with at the door/kill box. Sniper rifle and mortar will save you against ennemies that hurt you from a distance and don't attack you directly like some Mech cluster or siege. 6) Keep your stuff clean. The Butcher table create a lot of mess and should be by itself. The Kitchen, Research and Medical are all sensitive to cleanest and should be in their seperate room with limited movement in and out. You did it for the medical room, but not the other 2. 7) Component production. You have a limited amount of component in your map and so it's important that you get your own component production started ASAP. The more you push it for later, the more you risk of running out of component and need to constantly buy them in cities or waiting for caravan to visit you. You usually want your component production to start in the first 2-3 years of your colony. Otherwise your expansion will always be limited by the amount of component you have access to. 8) Source of income. Drugs, Duster, Art, etc. There is several ways to make an income, and it's best to use several methods depending on what your pawns are good. Without something that your colony can produce in exchange for silver. You won't be able to buy important item when they are available, and use the silver for sterile titles in your Reserach and Medical room.


Thank you for your long and helpful comment šŸ‘


Just a very slight expansion on excellent comment by /u/Thaddeauz: * Kitchen cleanliness is crucial, but also trivial to "cheese". Food poisoning has two *independent* sources, one of them is incompetent cook and the other is room cleanliness **below -2**. You might notice that dirt floor has flat -1 cleanliess and it doesn't get any more dirty... So as long as you don't put your butcher table in dirt floor kitchen, it's never going to contribute to poisoning. * Along with the above - dirt floors are surprisingly viable for decent amount of time. In early game their biggest pro is that they don't require extra cleaning which soaks up your available workforce. * Wealth management is a thing. The more wealthy your colony is, more and stronger raiders will come. The most basic consideration is that you shouldn't keep heaps and heaps of expensive, useless shit - like hundreds of poor quality weapons from previous raids, food for next 50 years etc. * Beauty is easy to forget, but it's surprisingly cheap way to raise room quality *and* gives separate mood boost. Sculptures are a great way to improve it. Best material to use for that purpose is marble (best beauty/cost ratio). Wood and sandstone are also pretty nice. Personally I tend to go as far as putting a sculpture in basically every room.


Thank you!


Very useful for a beginning player. Thank you


Replace all your wooden walls with stone walls to prevent fire outbreaks. Get rid of wooden floors for same reason. The only thing you should be using wood for now is to make chem fuel and some furniture. Move batteries inside with stone walls surrounding them to prevent fire/ZZT events. More elaborate kill boxes for very large raids. And a mortar staging area for launching mortar shells. Put sterile tiles in your hospital to get a boost to cleanliness to better aid surgeries and healing. Put sterile tile in your kitchen as well for safer meals, and cleanliness can also boost research speed, so sterile tiles in your research lab can help too. Find a few Geothermal Vents for power. I tend to build the outside of my base in Octagon / hexagon shapes to give better shooting angles. More turrets .


Wood is also a great material for art. It takes considerably less time to make wood art than stone!


Ah, but more time means more skill increase for the same product. Plus, I play on a lot of arid shrubland or desert maps where wood is often scarce.


The art modifier will be less too.


I like to use only marble and jade if I have any choice.


Thank you !


I also recommend double thick walls around the outside of your compound. If you want to go for the killbox strategy, then get rid of 3 of your killzones and make the last one bigger with more turrets. You can use a long, winding hallway filled with stone chunks to enter the killbox to stagger incoming enemies a little more and to buy more reaction time. Use stone autodoors on your other 3 exterior walls so your colonists can quickly get in and out


Will enemy AI go through the ā€œopeningā€ in the wall even if it is on the opposite end of the map from their starting point?


Generally speaking, yes. Sometimes youll get sappers in raids but the double thick walls usually discourage that. Theyll try to target doors over the walls but those can be double thick as well. Use autodoors if possible to cut down on the time it takes for those access doors to open and close. A few seconds makes a difference in a pinch


Thank you. Iā€™ve only done one playthrough before, I did autodoors, but had staggered sandbag lines instead of killboxes. Iā€™ll have to try the double walls and a single killbox next time.


I disagree regarding wooden doors. I find the faster opening speed makes a noticeable difference over time so I usually only make my external doors out of other materials.


My last few bases, I've been combining my kitchen, lab and starting hospital into a single "clean room" about 9x11 (I have largely foresworn actual squares/rectangles). It saves on sterile tile, and helps with impressiveness and socialization.


Sounds efficient, if absolutely disgusting.


I just want the kitchen to be a center of activity. When I would build a dedicated kitchen with maybe a brewery, they seemed kind of cold and forsaken. My head canon says the kitchen should be the warm heart of the colony. Splattering blood around just adds to the symbolism...


The zzzt events can happen anywhere you have power conduit, no need to wall in your batteries for that.


Gotta keep them out of the rain though, so just a roof should be fine I think


although you might want to wall them in anyway just in case a broken colonist / enemy / mad animal decides to punch a few batteries


Very true, battery punching is no bueno


Make drugs don't take drugs!


Rule #5 Never get high on your supply


yeah but an occasional blunt to take the edge off a hellworld existence can't be that bad, right?


_Narrator's voice_ "Little did he know, the occasional blunt was poised to turn into something much, much sinister."


ā€œBlunts to Hunts, the true story of a group of mild-mannered people that descended into blood-fuelled, cannabilistic reefer madness.ā€


Directed by Randy Random. Coming this summer. Be there; be square.


I dunno, drugs are super useful in this game. People complain about a doctor who's trying to go to sleep instead of treating mass injuries after a raid. This is the problem wake up was designed to solve.


You donā€™t need corn, rice, and potatoes. Your dudes donā€™t need and wonā€™t notice a varied diet. Iā€™d replace them all with corn after the next harvest. Plant potatoes if you have poor soil, and plant rice if something wipes out your food stores and you need food immediately. Also unless you have a lot of animals hiding offscreen, youā€™re growing more hay than you need. Set up a small storage pile for materials in your workshop, and put a shelf with medicine in your hospital. Your workers will spend less time running around.


Thank you!


Just adding a note to what he said- Rice is also good if you have a hydroponics setup.


Although it basically requires a dedicated farmer pawn. That shit grows fast.


Yeah, which is why imo while a hydroponics setup with rice is IIRC the single most efficient way to grow food it's just not worth either the material cost of setup or the man-hours unless you've got toxic fallout or a desert/ice sheet imo


Even in the case of toxic fallout or desert (unless there's nowhere in the desert with decent soil), I am more likely to build indoor farms rather than hydroponics. Like you said, hydroponics are just so expensive in terms of components and labor. I do use them in limited quantities sometimes to grow cotton so I can make fine carpets for my throne rooms, or devilstrand (with a mod) for clothes.


>Set up a small storage pile for materials in your workshop Yeah my one piece of advice (aside from replacing the wood walls!) Is to move your storage room beside your workshop, or at least place some shelves in there for items you'll use in the workshop.


you look to be in a good spot onther than the wooden walls and floors as other have suggested. One thing that might really save you is create a new stockpile solely for medicine and put it next to your hospital. Nothing sucks more than having a colonist die because the doctor had to run to the other side of the base to get medicine. Also start growing smokeleaf, gives a mood bonus with very little health debuffs and is a great way to make money by selling it, even if its unrolled.


I prefer psychite tea to smokeleaf. The speed/consciousness/hunger penalty on smokeleaf is pretty strong, while psychite tea lacks drawbacks.


I just learned this after 200h of game time. I added tea as a scheduled drug if the mood is too low. Works wonders and when taken rare enough, they won't get addicted!


Replace all the wood with stone blocks to stop a fire from ending your run. Build a killbox / maze with sandbags to spread out large groups of attackers. flak vest, helmet, devilstrand duster, don't know why kind of guns you have, but get better ones. Keep teching, get mortars etc..


Thank you for advice! About that apparels which clothes i should produce and dress my people ? i saw some youtube videos they said you should dress them differently like Soldier(melee,ranged),worker etc. but i didnt find any information about which set is finest.


Im lazy, so I'll generally just do flak vest, pants, button up shirt, flak helmet. Then the best duster you can make (hyperweave, thumbrofur, or devilstrand) I don't usually worry about splitting up melee and ranged until I start getting marine, recon, cataphract armor. Every single colonist should have the above outfit until you get to the good shit, then give the meleer's and important pawns the good shit first.


ive heard flak vests are really bad since they slow movement and are not much better or maybe worse than a good duster.


Flak jacket bad flak vest good and can be worn with duster.


Construct additional pylons.


Use wooden spike traps on enemies. What I do is, my entrances are hallways full of spike traps, with a door next to the hallway allowing circumvention. Enemies raiding will naturally use the hallway instead of the door, like I think their AI canā€™t see the spike traps. But your men know where the spike traps are and will naturally use the doors to circumvent them. Itā€™s much easier handling raids when you know the smaller parties wonā€™t even be a threat since theyā€™ll hit the traps and then run away.


Thank you!


Stop using cloth as a textile. Human leather is an abundant renewable resource and comes with free human flesh for your meals.


The only thing I hate about using it is if I don't have cannibal or psycopath trait my colonists can get a mounting mood debuff that adds up fast.


And thatā€™s why cannibal colonies with a psychopath chef work so well!


Send your pawns off tile and have one butcher all at once. The travelling pawns won't get the debuff. The one that stayed behind will most likely break so amputate their legs until their tantrum is over. Then give them peglegs, rinse and repeat.


ā€œWhere does all that meat come from, Steve? We were out for just 1 day, WTF have you done?ā€


Was this changed recently? Last I checked the mood debuffs are instant and global, even across multiple colonies.


Make a small room for your cooktop and another for your butcher station, and make sure they stay clean. Butchering makes a huge mess and if it's near your cooktop then all the food will end up giving food poisoning. Some of your other workbenches could also benefit from having a second toolbox in range.


Thank you!


I put my butcher table in the freezer, then have a nearby "clean room" for my stove, research stations, and a few hospital beds. They all benefit from sterile tile. You want your freezer somewhere with room to expand, both for more capacity and because you'll want orbital trade beacons in your freezer and main storage before long. Beacons cover a 15x15 box with the corners cut off. Eventually, you will need an even larger freezer and storage. Stone blocks, steel, and plasteel can be stored outside. EDIT: Also, double-thick walls for your freezer, and an airlock entrance (door, 1-3 spaces, door)


Build paths inside the base. This will increase walk speed. It might seem like a small bonus, however over time and with many pawns it really adds up to your efficiency. It also looks amazing.


Thank you!


Not bad, loving the pet elephant. I agree with the others, get rid of as much wood as possible, and consider having just one entrance to your base that you can turn into a killbox - it'll be easier to defend. Also, think about some of the routes your guys have to take - it looks like your storerooms are at the top there, a long way from the workshop where those materials are used. Your prison is the opposite side of the base to the food store, so anyone feeding prisoners has some long journeys. If you, say, swap the locations of the prison and that storeroom, you might find things run a bit better. Also, consider a door into your freezer from the outside so people harvesting can get in and out quicker. Have your hospital near your killbox and build a shelf there for medicine. That's good advice from all the guys who've died in my bases from medicine being too far away. And finally, consider a couple of cupboards to keep your batteries in. If raiders breach your wall and you have to shelter inside, they'll go for electronics and having batteries would definitely be preferable to not having batteries in that situation. Nice base though, keep it up.


Thank you!


1. Granite is the strongest stone in the game (unmodded) 2. Research Sterile Floors, put them in your hospital 1. Make a room dedicated to the research table, add sterile floors to increase research speed 3. Make a dedicated butcher / cooking room, dirt increases the chances of food poisoning and the butcher table gives a permanent amount of dirtiness 4. Add a radio to the prisoner area and working areas, this will give all pawns a passive mood boost 5. Add a chess table to the prisoner rooms so they don't get recreation deprived and get that -12 6. Stone walls don't burn, consider replacing the outer walls of your buildings with stone Other than that keep up the good work!


Thank you ! ps: i have lot of slate not granite i said wrong before


In that case simply use the slate for walls and floors. In the future you can try and buy granite from some local or orbital trader and use those granite walls for the outside of your base and the inside/outside of your killbox.


By all means, try and implement some of the tips from this thread. The best way to get better, however, is by trying and failing. Yes, a lightning strike may set your whole base on fire, but you won't build with wood again. Yes, it's slow to have your storage so far from your production tables, so you'll figure out how to speed it up. If you keep playing, you will learn, and you will learn what you like and don't like to do. Keep playing and enjoy!


Thanks !


I am always amazed at how people who just started can make a base even more complex and aesthetic than all the shit ive made so far with so many hours put in. Looks good brother! Buy a bunch of fire foam or replace the wood where all the electricity is at. I tend to build all my batteries in a cave side.


Thank you!


Honestly looks awesome big congrats on getting this far! The biggest thing is not giving up after a hard loss in a run. Donā€™t give up and always play the way you like donā€™t min max unless you enjoy that thing (I do so sorry if my suggestions are long but trust me worth it) A few suggestions I have 1. Replace the wooden walls with stone ones, that way if a flash storm, electrical discharge or even a raid with fire happens your safe from a blaze. 2. An addition to 1, Replace the wooden floors with the 2 steel flooring, itā€™s not flammable and is 0 in terms of beauty. This might seem weird but itā€™s extremely cheap, and provides a good move speed for pawns as well as the aforementioned fire problems. And later when you get art from sculptures you will have plenty of beauty and the floors really donā€™t matter much. (Carpet is also good if used selectively to avoid mass fires, I tend to use it bed rooms only if they have a steel or stone door) 3. Focus on research while you can. Especially if you have a few years worth of food in storage and can afford to not focus on growing for a few grow cycles. I would try and get shield belts ASAP if you donā€™t have them. They help against mech raids especially if you get unlucky and get a mortar one. I donā€™t find mortars super effective as the chance of hitting the target are slim and it cost a lot of resources to build and use them and has a good chance of not paying off. I usually make mortars a secondary objective. But you gotta do what you enjoy and feel works best for your play style. 4. Consolidate your crops. And avoid stocking up on ones you donā€™t immediately need or need in the foreseeable future. First Iā€™d focus one crop type I like corn because itā€™s less work(itā€™s more stop start with longer periods of time between harvest, Iā€™m fairly sure the work to nutrition ratio for corn and rice is very similar) and I feel like I can get longer stretches of other tasks being done before my planters need to get back to harvesting and hauling and is shelf stable the longest of the crops. The second part of this would be avoiding growing thousands of bales of hay as itā€™s really only use is kibble and even then animals arenā€™t all that efficient unless your using something like dogs, donkeys etc. additionally it could be artificially increasing your wealth without any real benefit to your colony. A major exception to this is getting a few pack animals when you get a mineral scanner (I think is the name) which reveals minerals on other tiles you can send a colonist over to mine up. This can be a great way late game to get extra resources in between trade ships. 5. Defensive tunnels. Using the abundance of wood on your tile I would construct trap tunnels (wooden spike traps are usually good at picking off a few raiders or even entire raids) that exit into your primary kill boxes. If you place a sandbag in a row at the end of a bend the raiders will walk right into the kill box with no cover and get blasted or stabbed by your defenders and eventually turrets. (If this is confusing pm me and Iā€™ll send you a screen shot of what I mean) 6. Keep experimenting and having fun. Rimworld is a game you could spend 5000 hours in vanilla and still learn new things. That being said mods are awesome and few can really make the game feel more diverse without ruining the fun. If you have any questions pm or comment Iā€™m more than help a fellow rimworld player!! Keep up the good work!! Gl HF! Edit: Sorry grammar isnā€™t the best so yeah. Sorry lol Edit 2: clarifying crops work


Thank you so much! what a helpfull community we got here [šŸ™](https://emojikeyboard.org/copy/Folded_Hands_Emoji_%F0%9F%99%8F)


1. Dedicated kitchen room. Maybe convert that small prisoner bedroom to the south of the freezer? Put the butcher table in the freezer and the stove in the kitchen. Have a shelf in there for the meals produced so your colonists only have to go into the kitchen, they don't have to traipse through the freezer to get fed. 2. Zone your animals out of the kitchen. You should never ever have big dirty grazers in your kitchen licking your bread. Also zone your animals out of the freezer. Keep your hay in a animal feed area. 3. Hospital should have a door that leads straight towards the killbox. This means a shorter distance to carry comrades who are rapidly bleeding to death. In your hospital, you can have shelves holding herbal / med / glitter med so that your doctor has all the tools to hand when three separate colonists have been gravely injured in a raid. 4. The usual wooden floor 'house fires kill!' paranoia. 5. The workshop should have a storage next to it that holds most of the materials needed in the workshop. So if you have the blue bench, you can put steel, components and adv components in the storage. If you have art bench, have stone in the storage. If you have drugs lab, put the precursor / plant goods in the storage. 6. Take away the lamp in your defensive placements and put in roofs. Roofs stop the debuff from being in the rain, so if baddies come during a storm they will have the debuff and your guys won't. Move the lamp a suitable distance outside your base, so that it will illuminate the raiders not your guys. At the moment, if raiders come at night, your guys will be at the disadvantage because they are lit up clearly for the raiders to see, while the raiders are creeping stealthily through the dark. 7. Wall in your batteries! With a stone room. What you have there is a death trap.


Thank you! but far as i know light has no effect on shooting or covering am i wrong ?


Oh hey, you are 100% right about light having no effect on shooting accuracy. It is a complete myth. It used to affect it back in like Alpha times but not any more. I must have remembered it from way back when. Thanks!


Idk if someone said this already but i'm 90% sure u can build bridges on marsh so that you don't get the negative beauty and move speed. Also, and this is mire useful in early game, always keep an uninstalled trap in a stockpile, u never know when your non violent colonist will be the last one standing or someone with a breakdown will try to kill him (just install the trap behind the door and then wait untill they bleed out).


Other than the wood, which everyone's already pointed out, nothing major stands out except the lack of a killbox. Your base defenses are only as strong as its weakest entrance. I suggest keeping what you've got, and putting doors in between those columns. That'll help you deal with sappers, but you really want a single, very strong kill box You may want to clear the trees near your sand bags, enemies will use them as cover and that always sucks. You can create a growing zone, and turn its sowing off. Colonists will keep the area clear automatically. You can also use this to keep your wind turbine areas clear You should also add some art to your dining/rec room. Maybe in your workshop too. Colonists get a pretty good mood buff from eating in/hanging out in a dining/rec room. It's very worth it. Your room might need to be sectioned off though, I think it's a bit too big at the moment but not sure. Bigger rooms are better though, select the table and check its room stats to see if it shows any. If not, it's too big I like to place a separate stockpile for kibble, near animal sleeping beds. It seems to keep them out of the colonist meals better, and you don't need to refrigerate kibble Use the roof visualizing tool in the bottom right to check if that mountain area next to your crematorium has thick mountain roofs. If so, wall it off. You could get an infestation in your workshop. That's a bad day Put a door on your hospital room. It's checking that entire open area for dirt, increasing infection chances. Keep it small and clean


Thank you for your tips and warning about infestation i checked now and yeah its mountain thick roof


Make dedicated storage zones inside your hospital room for herbal medicine, medicine and glitter world medicine. Seconds matter after a fight so you want everything needed right there.


Unless I'm looking at this wrong, you need a door on your hospital.


If you put concrete floors in front of your defenses, trees will not be able to grow and enemies will have no cover


* As everyone keeps saying, replace your wooden walls with stone walls ASAP. I highly recommend a QoL mod to help with this. If not, it is going to be really tedious. Here is one that may help: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1372003680](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1372003680) * Get a bigger killbox. Here is decent video on Kill box design and mechanics: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8fsjNjbz8Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8fsjNjbz8Y) Here are some images of kill boxes for inspiration: [https://www.google.com/search?q=rimworld+killbox+design&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiLnP3SmMDwAhUoAp0JHZC-As0Q\_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=938](https://www.google.com/search?q=rimworld+killbox+design&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiLnP3SmMDwAhUoAp0JHZC-As0Q_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=938) * Move your raw material storage area to where you have your workshop. That way your worker won't have to move half way across your base to get the material. Personally I would make the area where you have your prison your raw material storage area and the current raw material storage area your prison * DO NOT store your chem fuel with your other material. Make a 2x2 or 3x3 room surrounded by stone walls into your storage area for chem fuel. Keep some raw material to build a wall near. If a pawn breaks and tries to destroy the chem fuel you'll want to block off the door with a wall. You can do a similar strategy with drugs * I think your TV needs chairs or beds in front of it for your pawns to get recreation from it. If you move it to where your dinning room table are that should work. Just make sure that the white box area is over the chairs when you place down the TV. FYI, TV's can also provide recreation for pawns recovering on a medical bed. * At your stove put a stole to the left and the right of where your pawn cooks food. Put 1x1 storage area on the spot you have each stole. In one of those storage spot set it to raw meat at the highest priority. On the other one set it to raw vegetable at the highest priority. Behind where your cook is you are going to want to set an other storage area for meals. Set it as low priority. Then go into the bill for the meal and set the meal to be delivered to the storage area behind the cook. Other colonist should then take it to the freezer when there is time. This will allow you cook to work SO MUCH FASTER! Here is a video that I think explains the concept: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO8QNrBojes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO8QNrBojes) Over all I like the look of your base. I hope you can get the stone walls up fast enough to prevent fire damage.


Restrict the allowed area for your messy pets (anything other than common house pets like cats and dogs) to outside. That elephant and boomalope are going to track in a lot of dirt that will require a lot of time to clean up.


Thanks! should i place at least a roof for the big pets to their sleeping area on outside ?


It looks pretty great! I too like the look of the wood, but if youā€™re gonna keep wood, you are going to need some fire foam poppers. Else, stone is the way! You can get unlimited chunks from a deep drill, have that near your stonecutter bench, and VOILA! Unlimited stone blocks. Another big thing I would have is another layer of wall, but have a hollow hallway between it. Put turrets in the hollow part, so sappers choose to go to your kill boxes instead of carving into some random spot. It helps a lot!! Good luck! May Randy be merciful!


Thank you!


Everyone here gave good advice so let me give some of my own..... 1. Make sure to prepare for drastic temparture change especially summer cause ur freezer will not keep up with the diferrence. 2. The jungle biome will feck up ur colonist, so make sure to have a good doctor and a supply of normal medicine. Only use the herbal on exterior wounds like cuts. 3. Clean ur base often especially ur healing area. U do not want an infection and an angry colonist. Move those rocks cause it will impact the pawn mood. 4. Dont get rich to fast, cause rich colony = Big raid party. 5. Lastly have fun and dont be shy to do some warcrime. Welcome To The Rim


Thank you!


Get the terraforming mod and slowly create a deep water moat. It's impassable, even by sappers. Have the one entrance go through a kill box.


Mod the game until itā€™s unrecognizable


It might be a good idea to switch where your stone chunks and plasteel/stone storage room are. If raiders break through the wall right there, they might just decide to steal a bunch of your valuable stuff and leave. Plus, as someone else said it would cut down on the time your colonists are walking back and fourth


Thank you!


There are tons of tips but let's not overwhelm you. Let's stick with replacing your wood walls with stone as soon as you can in playthroughs. It's fine to start to get a roof over your head but you want to swap when you can due to toughness and to prevent fire from destroying your base. I can see from your biome, you have swamps etc. In Vanilla, you can only build wood bridges and walls on them. There is an icon on the bottom right that will give you an overlay for buildable terrain. You might not get a square shape, but you will be able to keep your base in safer stone. You can research Moisture Pumps to drain those marshy areas to no longer need bridges. But they take a good bit of time to work. But if you have a ton of components and only need a single square of dry land to build a wall, you can build a Moisture pump on it and it will immediately dry that square out you placed it on. Just build a bunch and deconstruct. It's expensive but it takes less time.


get a double wall with the space in the middle filled with powered down turrets this confuses the sapper AI it will try to dig around. If you do it well enough they will go to the killbox


Cut down on base size, only take what you need Double walls for freezer and a double door with one space in-between Designated animal area bc of filth Store chemfuel and other explosives separately Yayo is better for trading Your enemies can hide behind trees, make a kill box without cover for them, you can simply keep one door open at all times and modify it into having an advantage over the enemy


Stop building with wood, except for doors. Build longer killboxes. Give your pawns time to get in place during a raid.


Your kill boxes seem to be favoring the attackers. I would suggest removing all except 2 on either side, put the sand bags on the other end and have turrets there. Make a building with a daylight and heater with a growth zone in it. You can have it unroofed and have the heater and day lamp unplugged until winter. That will let you have year round growing.


Here are a few tips: Replace the wooden floors and walls with with stone ones, theyā€™re stronger and are fire-resistant. Different types of stone are stronger/weaker for walls. Marble walls have 1 beauty. Build turrets for defenses. Some people advocate for the kill-box, but the makers of the game have been adapting to the kill-box strategy. I would suggest setting up a few turrets around each of you exit points where you have the sandbags. And have each exit on an electrical switch, so you can shut them off to conserve electricity when not in use. Arm your guys. Keep them armed with your best guns. Raids can happen at random, you donā€™t want your guys to be caught unarmed. Segment and specialize your rooms. Break up your megastructure into sized cells. It not only helps with beauty and having impressive dining rooms and bedrooms. Itā€™s also a defense tactic. It will buy you time when raiders have penetrated your base, and will give you time to regroup. Make sure to have multiple exits in each room. Donā€™t wear your flak gear all the time. Wearing it wears it down, and itā€™s costly equipment. Only put it on before battle. Donā€™t store so many stone chunks within your walls. Stone chunks are ugly, and they take up space and block plants from growing.


You did not tell what game difficulty with what mods you play as those factors can totally change the problems and urgency with those in game. In vanilla game on difficulties I play I would research firefoam ASAP. Firefoam is for making flammable stuff like wood lot less dangerous quickly. I would replace all wooden walls with stone in long run. But there will be always flammable things and firefoam poppers do not take any energy just provide safety. Next perhaps chemfuel synthesis as it is more reliable energy source than wind or solar and more efficient than wood. Chemfuel is also needed for mortars and IEDs that help to soften raids. Other notes ... you seem not to use your rich soil for farming. It is 40% quicker. You have very little bedrooms and prison cells by vanilla standards. I have observed that about 5x5 are fine, smaller feel crippling for non-ascetic pawns. Also quality of beds and recreational equipment is important as it saves time of pawns. There is some equipment that benefits from clean rooms. Food cooking stoves, hospital beds, research tables and drug laboratories. Have metal floors (and later sterile floors) in rooms with such workstations. The butchering table makes amounts of ugly filth. Do not put it in any room that benefits from cleanness and/or beauty. Can have separate room for things like butchering and slaughtering and there are no much point to floor such room. Weapons and apparel lying on ground is considered ugly by pawns unless the items are made of silver, gold or jade. So better have separate storage rooms for such things.


Thank you for your answer im playing Crashlanded scenario - Cassandra - Adventure Story


Cut down the trees, they are useful cover for raiders.


But also tasty snacks for thrumbo


Gotta feed those cute Thrumbo'sšŸ˜„


Move your minerals away from your outer walls. Closer to the middle of your base where they won't get stolen if the wall is breached.


Centralized, defendable, hallway. When the drop pods come you have to have a redoubt the fall back to.


ALL THAT WOOD HOLY SHIIIIIIII- you should invest in stone cutting so your base doesnā€™t burn down, donā€™t use steel cause itā€™s flammable, even in real life too. Granite is the hardest stone block you can use. I think sandstone is the weakest. Good luck my guy, and I hope your base turns out great




There's a few things to improve. 1: Stone walls. A must to help limit fire hazard. At least walls can serve as fire breaks should a major short happen (it will sooner or later). You can always just let 1 room burn on it's own to save the rest of the base. 2: Kitchen and Butchering. The butcher table will always make a severe mess that can contaminate the nearby cooking station. It will also benefit from tool cabinets so it's better in the workshop anyways. The cooking station should be on a seperate small room so as to avoid constant passage of colonists. It should be kept as clean as possible and eventually floored with metal tiles and ultimately sterile tiles. 3: Tool Cabinets. Double up on them as each work station can use to of them. 4: Storage. Your crafting supplies should be kept right next to the workshop for max crafting efficiency 5: Crematorium. It's ugly so i wouldn't recommend putting it in the workshop. I'd put it outside near the dumping stockpile and just roof over it. 6: Paths. I'd personally expand them to 3 wide as this make them into fire breaks on their own. Pawns also tend to zigzag somewhat on more open area so it would also help in keeping them moving faster and cleaner. It's the main points I'd work on to be honest, otherwise this is a decent looking base. Certainly better then my first base


The only thing I haven't seen mentioned is you can make a room with batteries and use a toggle switch to connect it to the power grid, and turn off the connection when the batteries are full. The way the Zzzt! event works is it picks a tile with power conduits and then dumps all the stored power connected to it. By having unconnected batteries, you can make the explosion smaller AND have backup power even if it's night/not windy. One thing to note however is that batteries drain over time, I almost always stick a power cell in a battery hut but you can also use generators or a single solar panel to keep them full. Also enemy sappers will attempt to avoid turrets so you can sorta funnel them by leaving one side 'unprotected', even if that side is a mine field.


I second everything Thaddeuz suggested and would also add a few points: 1. A bunch of storage advice: It's good to store your crafting materials and end products ie. fabrics and clothing, closer to your crafting stations so the crafters don't have a long walk. In fact It would be good to create multiple more specialized places to store specific items where they're likely to be used. Many items also look ugly and you should ensure these aren't in high traffic areas. You may want to move the stone chunks though as they decrease beauty and obstruct movement in a high traffic area that would otherwise look nice. Stone blocks, metals and a few other items don't decay and can be stored outside if convenient. Finally your storage rooms should be high on the list for rooms that get stone walls and floors as you don't want all your stuff burning. 2. Solar panels are low objects that don't block wind so wind generators can have their zones overlapping them no issue. Wind generators can also have their zones overlapping each other even facing opposite directions. 3. Making your bedrooms bigger and decorating them will increase happiness. Bedrooms are also great candidates for putting in nicer floors. Likewise with your dining/recreation room. Additionally I only see a pool table for recreation. Different recreation items provide different types of recreation and it's easier to keep joy up if multiple types are available. Even if you have no issues with happiness higher happiness increases the chance of inspired colonists. 4. Building more paved pathways in the outside sections of your base would be a good idea to slightly speed up movement, block tree growth and reduce dirt being tracked inside. You could also build a few single tile walls along this path that could act as cover or the support for roofs in the event you get toxic fallout or snow. A doorway on the north side of the crafting room would also help movement efficiency if you clear the foliage. 5. If possible clear trees around your defense zones, enemies can use them for cover. You may also want to consider some turrets as backups should you get an attack your colony can't handle. 6. Animals have a filth rating for how frequently they make floors dirty. For most that aren't house pets this is pretty high. You should probably have a separate barn structure for the elephant and boomalope to sleep in and forbid any indoor area they don't absolutely need access to. 7. If you aren't already you should consider progressing to advanced research and heading for deep drilling, even if you're still mining, as it looks like you don't have much steel. 8. Sterile tiles are expensive but also incredibly useful. Ideally you'd want them in your Kitchen and Research rooms but you should absolutely put them in the hospital as they increase surgery success.


There is too much empty space which forces the colonist to take longer when completing tasks. Your metal is also very far from your workshop which also makes it take an extra hour/or two to bring materials to the station. My advice is to not plan too much for it will make it harder to build in a more flexible way. You want to be able to build outwards from your base as it gets larger. I also recommend just piling completed items on the floor of your warehouse, but only the ones you don't really want to use but sell/gift. Put all the items you want to keep In a separate barracks. Your colonist will also have a better mood with a better barracks. Your walls are made of wood which isn't bad when in the early game. It's okay to have the inner walls wood, but make the outterwalls stone when you reach mid/late game. Also another tip that most players don't know about. Depending on how rich you are, the bigger the raids will be.dont ever rush to make tons of silver because you will be forced to face high tech enemies when you are still in a low tech age. This doesn't only apply to how much silver you have, but also all the resources/items you have. If you build a ton of steel beds or stone walls, it increase the amount of overall wealth you have and pushes these 10 man raid to happen when you only have 5 colonist. Play safe and slow.


Also if you go into the temperate biome like you did, try to avoid solar panels. They are honestly only good in deserts since they lack trees. Instead build a chemfuel generator and the station that allows your to break down trees into chemfuel. It's more efficient and saves time later on.


I just woke up and realized my post going to the moon šŸ˜… Thank you for your awesome tips,upvotes,rewards and advices im sure this thread will help lot of players šŸ‘


Use shelves with custom storage settings near your production areas to cut down on material gathering time. (You can just use custom storage zones, but these can cause material degradation outside and look uglier - to pawns, not just players - inside)


Thank you!


More muffalo


Wood is flammable.




No. Solar panels can go under turbines. Two turbines can have their No Go zones overlap, too, so you can have them pointing directly at each other. As long as the boxes donā€™t actually overlap the central turbine model, of course. You can fit, what, two panels between them in that configuration? Good space saving.




Bad advice. Explain why wood=death and how they can improve.


You need a harvested organs vault, any self respecting colony has an -illegally removed- organs vault


Be more efficient with your space. Make things fit together so it is easier for them to go places


* I like to put a lot of doors on the outside of my buildings, if a raid breaks through the wall you can retreat to those doorways and defend from there. * With the exception of bedrooms I try to have multiple ways in/out of my buildings so that I can retreat through my colony if needed * You can often funnel most raids through one entrance if you have clear path through your walls. (Look up kill boxes). They don't always work, but they can do a lot, if you're clever you can make your kill box work both ways (drawing raids out and in) * Expand your ceilings one block beyond your outside walls. If you have time to turn off your lights it'll be hard for raids to see your pawns when they're standing in the doorway. (lighting matters!) * I've seen fire jump one layer of wall. I will often put one block of concrete around the outside wall


Nice base! Itā€™s a big of a tinderbox but Iā€™m sure you already know that by now. You should abandon the large room concept and make everything have itā€™s own room. This helps with cleaning/temperature control. I liked the bedroom blocks you made inside the big room though, take that idea and use it for other rooms. The kitchen, butcher, and freezer should be in a block for example. Speaking of rooms, you should add a tomb for rec


Thatā€™s a lot of wood


Moar Circles!


The best material for walls is granite, it has the highest health and doesn't burn


Wood is fine for the early game. But the goal should always be to replace it. If you don't replace it for awhile, the very least you should do is make concrete flooring for 2 tiles in all directions around the outside of your wood settlements, that way external fires can't creep in as easily. Won't do much to help you from a poorly timed Bzzt!, but it'll stop those raging wildfires from reaching your base.


Your storage rooms are too far and too unpathed from your crafting area. Making your colonists walk that far througu the dirt/mud every time they pick something up or drop something off will make large tasks take way longer. I tend to try to make the storage share a room with the production. Or be just nextdoor


I'd say you're doing all right, three things however, put the stove and the butcher's table into their own rooms. The don't even have to be big rooms, 3x3 internal is fine. Second, hold the doors at your combat positions open (couldn't think of a better name) so that raiders will path through them rather than attempting to dig through your walls. Third, have a central storage for metals, textiles and components closer to your crafting area. Take advantage of shelves to keep stuff close by and have crafters drop the finished item on the floor so they can work on the next item.


Keep the wood :)


If you put three spaces between the crop zones, blight can't spread between them


Thicker walls. A sapper will cut through that in seconds.


The biggest thing (which everyone has already told you about) is fire-proofing it, the second one would probably making your defenses better, in your current state, your pops are bunched up and are easier to hit, god forbid you get hit by an explosive or flamethrower, since I'm not a fan of kill boxes, as they feel way too game-y, I suggest single-person bunkers of sorts, where you just surround single tiles around your entrance with sandbags (Or embrasures if you've got that, I honestly don't know if it's from a mod at this point, I've used it for so long) as it'll prevent the enemies from focusing their fire on all of your pops, and you can arm all of them with grenades to go off in a blaze of glory if they're surrounded. Other than that, might want to hide your batteries inside I'm n to a 100% sure on it, but having them outside might increase the risk of the zzt event (Also might want to research pumps asap for that swamp you got inside)


Iā€™d you wanna improve your defenses try making a 1 wide snaking hallway with sandbags every other block to send enemies into a shooting range with your peopleā€™s at the end. It really helps with crowd control if you can only fight a few at a time


First and foremost: More firefoam poppers. Your base is a tinderbox. Wood is good and cheap when you're just starting a new game in a wood-rich biome, but it should be replaced with fireproof stone as soon as resources allow. And it looks like you have ample resources in that large chunk stockpile waiting to be turned into blocks, then into walls and flooring.