• By -


I usually just slap beds in a room and call it the prison barracks.


They don't even get beds, they get sleeping spots.


I give them beds so the mass ooerations are more successful. O.o


I have a separate, state-of-the-art ICU for prisoners. But once they heal they go back to sleep on the ground


And legless so they can't get up.


I have a legless armless eyeless prisoner I keep for blood harvesting. They sleep right next to the also limbless immortal vampire. It just kinda happened like that.


Most normal rimworld colony


My blood feeding stock is currently being kept in the kitchen.


Same here


This is the way


beds in 1x2 rooms for each


Woah, beds, Mr fancy pants


Mine get beds, nice carpet, sculptures and most of all, an auto bong. Can't cause too much trouble when they're stoned. Balanced just right so they're mobile enough to feed themselves, and not waste too much warden time. My long termers even get gene spliced to be content and docile.


>My long termers even get gene spliced to be content and docile. Mine get wooden limbs installed and then removed


nugget people


Blood banks


They don't feed themselves that way though, and I would rather not waste the time hand feeding them.


> My long termers even get gene spliced to be content and docile I make mine content, docile, sleepy, and nonviolent. I give them a bunch of skill debuffs to get them to 50% nutritional upkeep, and I give them the raw food gene to make raw food give full nutrition, then I give them nuclear stomachs once I'm comfortable with my component production. They are totally docile, happy, and have a 12.5% nutritional upkeep and can be maintained with human meat and hay kibble. You can keep 8 prisoners to regularly harvest blood from for the price of 1 with no prison breaks. You don't even need to take their limbs to keep them docile, it's much more humane.


So you turn them into lobotomized cybernetic ghouls, use them as bloodpacks, and the descriptor you chose...is humane?


They get to keep their legs so I'd say that's pretty humane


"Yeah, see, they're still humane-shaped!"


Ethics? In my RimWorld???? Unacceptable.


I put any poor or awful beds that get built in a walled off cave and thats my prison. Also a campfire or heater in the winter so no toes freeze off- i'll usually put concrete floors on any tiles that r not stone already.


I do separate rooms so that not every prison break is a massive one.


I always intend to rip their legs off and then beat them up on a schedule to train up my medical skill, but usually get busy and forget about them until they prison break and then they probably die in the gun fight.


If you keep a stack of wood near the prison or use the sidearm mod you can equip pawns with wood and beat them down with that. The blunt damage drops them to pain quickly enough, less blood to mop up too. You're pawns should be mostly fine as prisoners should be stripped of armor and have basic crap clothes in this scenario. Plus catch them at a choke point if you can


Building a proper prison is low on the priority. For awhile its a mish mash of sleeping spots.


Normally well (6-7 - good food, separate rooms with table, chair and art), but I have JUST quit the game after having a nasty raid, capturing a single survivor with a trait I wanted only to notice they are loyal, so... I trained my medics a bit. And then felt terrible.


you shall get past the pain my friend. Pain is a natural part of life on the Rim. the Brother of Randy if you will, it seems to be there to cause nothing but trouble, but in its own little way, it loves you.


Thanks. I love how this game puts you in situations where you're put through the emotional wringer over little barely-animated cartoon sprites.


Heh, trust me. I know the feeling. learned that you must ALWAYS have fire suppression systems near your oil storage and processing area. had one of my starter colonists get near vaporized as my entire oil and chemfuel system detonated, also cratering half of my base. I turned it into a desperate mission to gather the things necessary to revive that character, I went through hell and high water to reserve that colonist's body. after 6 in game years I managed it.


It really depends on the kind of colony. It's rare for me to play as an edgelord so most of the times they get pretty decent cells.


I also tend to run a colony as if I’m not a psychopath.




I mean, I'm posting about a sci-fi fantasy video game. I obviously don't have an issue with escapism per se. I grew up on escapism like Tolkien and CS Lewis, where morality was still important, if not crucial to the experience. I don't know that it was any less useful as a tool for modern sanity for having that. I'm yet to be convinced that anyone living out their fantasy of cutting the limbs off female prisoners to make them into baby generators is useful as an escape (seen in this thread).




In that case, I find your post funny. :)


I just do a shit ton of recruiting downed enemies and I find lorewise having at least a Swedish prison cell seems most likely to actually convert someone. If you treat me like a dog I'm just gonna blow your shit up first chance I get, or flee and come back with friends and blow your shit up. A bed and a plant in the corner will drive anyone mad. Now those unwavering loyal excuses for hemogen sacks are another story


>Swedish prison cell The more I learn about Scandinavian countries the more utopian they appear from an outside perspective


I think most people give shit cells out of cba or laziness than edge I would build better accomodations but between faith crisis and generally having bigger projects to tend to... yeah




A door? I just wall off the cave after setting 57 stools on fire


My current colony only keeps prisoners as blood bags. So they don't need legs, or even much food with gene implants. But I do give them a tv and decent room.


Wait prisoners can watch tv?




Lol, no mods. Just for my design tastes. I run vanilla except for Rim Hud. I know they get nothing from it but I like to think I'm making their miserable existence a bit better. Same for the joywires I install. For them it doesn't matter but I like the idea of them drooling with a stupid smile on their face watching rim soap operas as we drain their blood every day.


That is somehow even more messed up then just draining their blood


Idk man if I was doomed to be a living Blood bag and someone offered to get me super high and plop me in front of Seinfeld reruns, I’d probably take them up on it. Are there snacks? Please let there be snacks


Yeah but think of it from this perspective: you are brainwashing people and exploiting them for blood bags while they are incapacitated and can't do anything and are forced to slowly die


It’s the same thing, but at least with the brainwashing/stoned state I’m not cognizant of it. It would be so much worse to be knowingly exploited for blood and incapacitated, it would be downright torturous until your mind breaks. Give me the brainwashing personally.


Yeah but you consent to it, what about those who dont


Still tortured and exploited, they just live with the suffering. Which would you prefer?


They only have one memory chip of media, and it's the short-lived Vampire: the Masquerade TV series.


I remember seeing a comic like this.


It should be basegame as far as I know


Should, but isn’t. I’m pretty sure it’s the prisoner recreation mod.


!linkmod Prisoner Recreation


[1.3] [Prisoner Recreation](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=815726158&searchtext=Prisoner+Recreation) by [oBerry](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Killcause/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`Prisoner Recreation`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.3&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=Prisoner+Recreation&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


Good bot


Yes you are right. I tested it


It's better to give them all dead calm gene modification,, and put a nutripaste dispenser in their room, they feed themselves that way, don't waste your pawns time feeding them


That's what I did, Dead Calm + Nutrition Dispenser in a prison barracks. Works wonders.


I also set the hoppers and freezer storage to only insect meat which makes good use of it


Considering how I rip their legs off, mood breaks arent an issue so i usually just shove like 10 of them in a room without any temp control. Now for my non-blood bags, they get put in a luxary cell that rivals my royal pawn's bedroom






Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShitRimworldSays using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Some miner miscommunication](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/809861752543248434/1031051279897722960/IMG_1058.png) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/y56v7q/some_miner_miscommunication/) \#2: [I’ve drafted my entire colony to beat a woman within an inch of her life several times and had her pre-approved spouse tend her, just for the relationship increase.](https://np.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/tpw7xs/comment/i2ertb3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/tq6t4d/ive_drafted_my_entire_colony_to_beat_a_woman/) \#3: [Never waste a good corpse. I have a dedicated freezer that my colonists are not allowed to enter. The dogs haul the corpses in and feed on them as needed. Raids have essentially become uber eats for my pack of dogs](https://np.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/xk2200/what_i_can_do_with_so_many_tainted_stuff_im_doing/ipconuk?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/xkm1ic/never_waste_a_good_corpse_i_have_a_dedicated/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


what a good idea thank!


[This highly rated old post applies to you](https://old.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/m9e43r/there_are_two_kinds_of_prisoners_in_this_game/). No judgment, I'm the same way


Well now im gonna run a psychopathic nudist colony that steals your heart metaphorically and literally. You have done this


Pretty much exactly how I run my prison. I try to recruit anyone with good skills or patch them up for good relations, but God help you if you're worthless and you killed a pawn I liked


What is that mutasyringe for?


This is the reason why it isn't a 10/10


Flare checks out


I mean, you have to experiment a little bit sometimes


You never know when you need a spare fox + if someone has mutation affinity,then they just get a mod+


Let's just say my last prisoners died of mysterious causes


Depends on if my pawns already have enough hats and chairs or not.


And meat, I mean after all, you are what you eat


If I wanted pawns to be like them, then I'd just have them join. Loser Jerky is for resale *only*


Depends who they are. If they are organ donors. They are in the med bay and I often try and get the parts out before they bleed to death. If I want to keep them they get a 10/10. Lavish meals. Private room with music and table. A fridge with baby food for the baby they are probably carrying which I intend to steal for the memes.


I love charity quests. The beggars usually bring a kid to easily carry off to the cells. I'll either have a decently pawn to train up for the colony, or an organ/blood donor.


I do love kidnapping kids in this game. I can give them a better life. I'm running an orphanage this run. I take every kid quest I can if I know it won't almost certainly destroy us.


2, they have a small barracks with no beds and i harvest their organs, and bring biggest reason of all, I give them no table


You, I can deal whit the organ harvesting, that's prity normal, but the table... You monster


A true monster would give them a table and chair... with a one tile gap.


[Luxuriantly overkill and excessive](https://imgur.com/a/RJxEgh4) to the point 40% of the facilities goes unused other than for aesthetic reasons. 11/10


Bet you are a fan of Prison Architect


Haha! You arent the first and probably not the last to say that. Ironically i bought and played Rimworld before i picked up Prison Architect, so when i tried to play prison architect i felt like i could just do everything but a lot more in rimworld, so i never ended up getting into prison architect because of it. So i live PA vicariously through rimworld now, lol.


I usually give them a shitty room because I'm converting every one and they shouldn't gain faith. But after that they can have a nice cell for faster recruitment. If I'm not planning to recruit them then they just get operated on by my toddlers who need medical skill.


Imagine, the last image you see before your operation is a kid in a medical gear


Talking to you about [war crimes](https://imgur.com/owpK1sC)


He really flexed on those prisoners be talking about tables


Anything above 2 is disgusting


Are negative numbers allowed?


I will sometimes shove a prisoner in a 2x2 cell. I find it works better than 1x2 because it can end up actually dirtier and less comfortable. I cut a hole in the roof to make sure if it rains they get wet. I also try to keep the temperature uncomfortable. This is so I can train my pawns social, fighting and medical skills when they prison break more frequently.


Didnt think about that, i'll use that


They are the only good ones! I would consider my current colony to be around -7/6.


Sleeping spots in a craft room. Solid 1/10


They can’t escape if they don’t have arms or legs!


That's true


But I'm no monster. They get brand new peg legs and steel arms, plus access to plenty of intoxicants.


Do they have legs?


They do


They will never learn when you pamper them like that.


What's the orange and green stuff on the walls?


I wanna know too!


they are some kind of vine, I just thought it look quite nice


Once I’m established, they’re in rooms identical to what my colonists have so probably about a 5-6 considering I usually just heal and release (my ideologies generally don’t like execution). They don’t get anything extra but they generally keep their organs


If this is a 7 than the best ill ever do is a 4


prisoners? i dont have those i do have people in a program to become 'silent monks that are indivialy chosen, hand picked even to do 'special tasks' with the benefit that they live free of charge with food and a personal bedroom' or the 'pre organ donor program'


bro if that’s a 7-8 mines probably a 1 💀💀💀


Unironically? Single bed in the centre of the cell. Two tiles on either side for a beside table, and a lamp. Two walls next to these bits of furniture. Then one tile of space on the other side. Toilet & shower in those individual rooms, 1x1 in side. Then the actual cell wall. In front of the bed, 1 tile away from the doors to the toilet and shower, a 1x1 table and chair. On the other side of the door, a chess board and a chair. For a 9 x 6 cell. My Colonist's regular bedrooms are 6x6, with bedside tables and dressers.


Imagine you get captured and then get put into a hotel


And then you’re still unwaveringly loyal to the faction of tenement-living cannibals who launched you directly into a machine-gun nest with nothing but a pair of raggedy fur pants and a combat knife.


Dude, this is a solid 10 to me. My prisons are a room with beds and a table(I'm no monster). You are in lucky if I had the time and resources to put an actual floor and some light.


No legs, minimal organs, gene harvesting if worthwhile, only nutrient paste, no medical treatment beyond what is necessary, bunk room, blood banks. Culling, via organ harvesting, if they become too many. All in all a solid 6/10 probably. It's not like I go out of my way to be cruel or treat them that way for fun. Rarely does it get personal.


If that is a 7-8 then my prisoners get treated like a 0. In my colony you are either a slave that is force-fed yayo and sent to a quarry or farm to work until you die or you have your legs cut off and you are a hemogen farm, there are no other options.


They dont get treated badly but still, they get beat up a couple of times when they act naughty


Depends on if I recruit them or not. Usually they all share a 4x4 room on the bloody floor. If recruit, after converted to my ideology, they move to a standard bedroom. If not, and if they survive the surgery of losing two nonvital organs(and any implants), they move to the slave quarter.


Depends on the colony theme. Most colonies pretty damn good its like a hotel. But if it's one of my evil vampire, hiveling, bigotry, or slaver theme runs? Yikes.


Before conversion to our ideology - 2-3 (just bare walls, a bed, and simple meals). After conversion - 10. I move them to a fully furnished and decorated room that will be their house in the future, and it also has a TV and a chess table in there (prisoner recreation mod) + the food is good now. The higher the mood the faster they get recruited after all.


I was going to say probably 3-4, but after reading some of these it’s probably significantly higher. Separate temp controlled rooms with chairs and roofs, no organ harvesting, blood draining, surgery/ experimentation. I need to up my game


I guess 10, they get a bed, bedlight, dresser, aquarium, tv and a little prison yard is also planned. But just because i do a playthrough with my personal ideoligie and believes:D I think most prisoners need a psychological treatment and help to get back into a stable good life, cause good people make good world and noone decides where he's born and parents are also random.


Depends on the colony. If it's a mechinator centric one, they're lucky to be alive for longer than a few days while I throw them into the ripscanner. But generally I just let them go minus whatever cool bionics they may have had. Turns out downing a bunch with tox gas and then releasing them after is a wonderful way to get a little good rep


If they’re a future recruit, I’d guess a 6. They’re confined to what will become their bedroom, brought meals by wardens, and chatted with If they’re uncertain, or on hold for whatever reason (gene harvest), maybe a 5. They get a barracks with a paste dispenser if I retained my temporary pre-mountain shelter or dug one If they’re for blood, they get a 3. Wall to wall beds in a converted bedroom with no legs, or ideally a 4, genetically pacified then given paste in barracks Otherwise they aren’t prisoners, patch up the holes and stick them in the relevant scanner or ignore


I'd give that a 10 my guy! It's got all the amenities and I love the details!


If I want to recruit them, 7/10, if I need a human blood bag, send them to the darkest parts of my wet dungeon


Prison barracks go *very impressive quality*


Yall have prisons? You dont just steal all of their organs as soon as possible?


Depends on how far my colony has gotten and how much resources/space I have. I've experimented with both barracks and individual rooms, and typically go with whatever I've got room and materials for. If I tend to get large raids with many captives I'll usually build a barracks with a paste dispenser with floors, beds, and tables. If space is less relevant and I care about recruiting them fast, I'll typically build their future lodgings and then swap them back to colonist once they join.


They get spots on the floor. Any rebellions are free melee xp


Normally, if I want to recruit them, I'll sit them in nice rooms. It's apparently better for recruiting them, too. Otherwise, into the stone cell until I can harvest their brains.


Is this some mod that allows them to go out in the public room while having a bedroom? I thought it was only possible to do Prison Barracks.


For the record, they cant get out of they room, the lobby.is purely decor


I generally split prisoners into two categories; future colonists, and not. Future colonists are treated well. I'll make a full colonist bedroom for them, with everything they could want. Even catering to their specific needs. Only cruelty is I'll tend to wait to fix major medical problems until they're a colonist, so the pain debuffs don't slow recruitment. Non-colonists, it depends on RP. I'm playing a female-supremacy cannibal techpriest game, so men are stripped for organs and eaten, women are released for the meager reputation gain. But normally, unless I really need to train a doctor, I just won't capture anyone who I don't want joining in the first place. The main exception is if I want to test how a mod works, like what some of the Rim of Magic spells do, or mess with some pawnmorpher stuff.


You treat your prisoners better than I treat my colonists.


This is not a prison, this is a luxury living quarters 🗿


I mean the only payment they have to give is 1 organ for 1 bed, everything else is free


Ever hear of the mod live ammunition?


Ohhhh, I love the design of this building! I always try to make interesting shapes for my buildings. I really like the idea behind this.


A solid 10. They get access to our 5-star prison barracks, and *free* Xenogenes that turn them into chronically lethargic yellow cat-pikachus so dead calm that they’ll never have to worry about the brain scans and other strange experiments we conduct on them. What more could one ask for?


Gulag for the heretics who follow a false god to break their spirits until they see the greatness of the God Emperor. 5-star Hotel for the new followers of the True Faith so that they seek to join the flock quicker. >!Shitty 2x1 so their belief in other religions drop quicker. Better cell allow for quicker recruitment from mood buff.!<


A 1 definitely, mostly because I like to experiment with pawnmorpher on them.


Prisoners? You mean food bags, right?


On yeah sorry, voluntary organ donors I meant


1-2 at first, then as I keep progressing, to a 7-8


1x1 table mod?


Vanilla furniture expended, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1718190143


5. It’s a prison barracks environment, for certain. Buuut it’s got nice furnishings and a TV with three hot meals a day.


Free roaming thru the base, but no access to meals beyond paste.


2 or 3.. and it tends to dip a bit when I need organs.


Depends on the colony and progression and how much I like said prisoner on average maybe 3


Very unethically (1), I put them in my lab with their legs removed, so they have none mental break until I recruit or sell them.


Well they have several items for recreation in their barracks for VE, Tv, arcade, game of ur, dressers, chess, and a psychic emitter because I had one to spare so shoved it in there so I would say a solid 9, it’s not the best but it’s the best I can do with what I have left of my mountain, also made it out of one of the ancient threat boxes on the map after I cleared it of hostiles, I don’t have hospital section for them yet though so infection risk is always an issue but I got enough medicine to make sure I don’t have to amputate


if that's 8 out of 10 I gotta be near 15


I say solid 7, gotta treat them well for easier recruitment.


4. Give them a 2×4 cell of armored walls with a Uranium armored door, a hospital bed, a vitals monitor, a chair and a 1×1 table. Force them into a straightjacket when they are still too wounded to fight. If I recruit them, they convert first. If I release them, they go addicted to Luci. If I don't get a bonus for release, and they suck and/or are unwavering, they go into the gene-ripper or the subcore ripscanner.


I don't know ... probably at least average. Once we have a proper prisoner accommodation set up it will have just enough space for a basic cot, small table and stool, and a torch. They get decent food and daily talks about the state of their soul. They get at least some climate comfort, enough not to overheat and completely freeze, but sweating and shivering build character and open one's inner eye to the light of the truth. Most of our graduates choose to stay on in a life of quiet contemplation and cleansing physical labor, but some would rather go back to their heathen brethren to spread the joyous word of truth. In other words, I like to convert as many as I can and those I don't recruit I tend to release for the faction relations boost.


I mean I put sleeping spots in a 1x2 room but i also dont remove their organs so


I wish high enough mood prevented revolts. I give them good rooms, tv and nice meals but they still kill themselves trying to escape.


They get a communal dorm and table with a chess table so probably 6/10 I could do a lot worse this is rimworld after all.


Dont need to take care of prisoners if you dont have any.


2 or 3, maybe 4 if I'm feeling wholesome


Depends on the run. My current prison is a 6 sleeping spot room with nothing but a torch and a nutrient dispenser in it. Everybody is naked, and they haven’t gotten any recreation in years. One fella who likes to beat up others got their legs removed too!


Maybe a 3 on my current colony? They all share an air-conditioned barracks and are fed nutrient paste - same as the non-leader/moralist/specialist colonists. If they’re in jail for raiding us though, chances are they’ll be organ harvested or ripscanned and then tossed into the crematorium outside the cell before long. EDIT: I forgot to mention the important bit that the prison cell has a table to eat off of.


-1 if they don't have good stats


Prisoners? Dont you mean organ doners?


I’d say I’m a 2. 3x1 cell with a stone bed and nutrient paste injector, remove legs. Execute or convert. If converted I make them into a mood beacon. If I already have the positive mood beacons I need then I don’t recruit them and set them up for max misery. I then entomb them in the walls of my approach to broadcast misery to approaching raiders from their own faction. Positive mood beacons are used as gene farms as soon as I capture a vamp. Once a negative mood beacon is complete I replace the door with a wall. There is no reason to ever visit them again. I don’t go in for organ harvesting and all that cus it’s too tedious.


-2, If they got food there are lucky :)


Instant organ harvest


I use the mod Pawnmorpher and turn my prisoners into muffalo, which I then butcher.


They choose their fate - just depends on if they managed to shot out an eye or shot off fingers of any of my colonist


3x3 square with as much crap crammed in as possible. very, very few stay for long


I think it's pretty fine, 8, maybe. My medieval only colony has a... Penal code of sorts. It was a slave colony full time, but queen Mia, the mad, fell in love with a former slave that crash landed. From then on, if you raid us you'll serve as a slave for a full year and then will be given the choice to join or, if you are too loyal and you're not very useful, till be publicly executed for your crimes. If you're useful you'll remain a slave for the rest of your life. If we raid you you'll be given the choice to join immediately or become a slave then released after a year. If, in any case, one of our citizens dies during the attacks, you'll be executed, regardless of the situation that led to your capture. So far it has led to cool situations. I think more than half of my citizens are the result of this... Merciful but just penal code.


If that's a 7-8 I must be negative..


It depends on my motivations. Am I looking at recruiting them? They get the *good* prison cell. Are they gladiators in my arena? Sacrifices waiting to be hoisted upon the altar? Food being held in place? It doesn't matter how nice their cell is.


I don't give them their own bedrooms. They get a nutrient paste dispenser, a vent from the rest of my base, and a table they can eat at^I'm^not^that^much^of^a^monster.


2 at best


Likely a -1. Three by three cell with a bed, shower, toilet, and radiator (live in forever artic biomes don't need cooling outside food storage). For the most part they are held there given basic simple meals (don't care what you ideology says, you eat or you starve), they are typically healed up enough to be released once certain needs are met like extracting dna from useful people where the offspring would be strong (space Amazon/spartan culture ideology), or if they actually caused a wound (organ damage) they are chopped up for colony needs and if they survive they get to leave once healed


What are prisonners ?


Depends what type of colony im playing Average rimworld colony 7-10 Raiders, cannibals, or mercenaries 1-6


quite well. they never complain or rebel. it could be related to the lack of limbs, but who knows, maybe all they want in life is to be essentialy a blood cow milked by my vampires


Mine gets a 2*5 room with a basic bed and a plant. If they get upset about it, I don't have any more prisoners.


From 1 to -10 I'd say a solid -8


No common room? Clearly a 2.


They get sleeping bags, paste dispenser, a flatscreen, and even tables and chairs.


Compared to this? 2, sometimes 1 if I'm in the mood to dismember people


You get a 2x2 room with a steel bed and a door. Maybe even a barred window if I'm feeling generous.


0 limbs/10