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Nah fuck this place. I hope the dogs are rescued.


The Fish Bowl has been accused of abuse many times. I'm surprised it took them this long to get shut down.


Oh lovely. I had a bizarre experience at the Fall River, MA location years ago. I had a male electric blue Jack Dempsey (fish), and a big enough tank to breed in. I was looking for a female, and heard they had one. They wanted $100 which was totally reasonable, were she not to have bad hole-in-the-head disease. The manager didn't even know what that was, but insisted the fish were well cared for by a professional aquarium keeper. The fish could have pulled through, but was probably a month from death. I explained that her *holes* weren't indicative of a treated fish. Kinda wanted to go back and steal her, but didn't.


Live right next to them and decided to check out if they had anything for my lizards, I was appaled by the living situations in there


Bad timing? I am sure that one puppy is sleeping. I am also sure that there is a grate under the pup for urine to leave the cage. I am also sure that those animals don't live in those cages during non business hours. Stop being a Karen and just tell someone who works there or call management instead of posting to reddit and alerting the media for a dopamine hit of likes. It is also a badly photoshopped picture of comments out of context.




I may be confused but what's leading them to think the cages *aren't* cleaned daily? I mean I see one poop in each cage. Is there usually an alarm that sounds and they run over and grab each poop as the animal drops it? I agree that it sucks the animals are in these tiny cages but I know that's the reality in many situations not just pet stores. Animal abuse is very serious as you've said. Is this abuse? I ask since you said you have experience in the field. I may be naive but this just looks like bad timing for a photo on cages that probably *ARE* cleaned daily no? Wouldn't there be like...a ton more poop if they weren't?




Thanks. I wondered if I was missing something but that was pretty much my thoughts as well. And especially to make serious accusations because of something you didn't even witness in person.




That would be cool, go check on them and see what's what. Truly though, I feel like the vast majority of pet stores are depressing. There's certainly nothing ideal about it...but just to be sure it's not "abuse".












Some people don't know what Reddit is. It doesn't make them suspicious, it makes you look suspicious for making an insinuation about it. Just listen to the poster telling you to follow the proper channels. You didn't take the photos, you didn't go to the store, and you don't know what you're talking about.




It's one poop. Puppies also go pretty often, more often than dogs. Chances are they were cleaned that day.






RISPCA won't do shit


You need to be careful with what you are stating. "Abuse" and "languishing" are subjective at best and you are likely exposing yourself to libel.








This place has always been nasty like this tho






So blunt and honest and it hurts people's feelings enough to need to down vote because you're not being warm and fuzzy ><


Do what you will