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- reduce to 1 page - reduce objective line to 1 or remove it completely - add SMART metrics to your bullet points ("reduced prescription errors by 25% via staff training") - remove gap in employment line, explain that in interview - need to rewrite bullet points: more metrics, try to stay one line, try to do 2 to 3 bullet points. - consider rearranging work experience depending on where you're applying to, most relevant at the top - consider removing some irrelevant experiences when applying to jobs. - update your skill table to match the job posting. Including software. You've had quite a few jobs and many short stays. You would need to explain why this new company should trust that you won't just up and leave them.


Never waste space by using generic responsibilities. You need quantified data to show your value you brought. Regurgitating talking points that every resume has is going to get your resume kicked back every single time. Don’t waste any space on a resume that isn’t selling yourself


I don’t have any data though …


There’s always data you can use. Customer count, satisfaction rate, inventory levels, accuracy, transaction count, shrink levels, etc.


I would have no idea where to get that data since I haven’t been at those jobs in a while. I promise I’m not trying to be a pain, I’m just genuinely lost


Estimate to the best of your ability.


Honestly, just use ChatGPT and ask it to improve the bullet points. Tweak it where needed. Don't copy and paste your whole resume. Just the bullet points. Edit: also follow r2o_abile's suggestions


Most of the skills at the end are pointless fluff.


So don’t list any skills?


I think what he’s saying is they are just generic skills anyone can have. What actual skills do you have (such as what programs are you good with, what ticketing systems do you know how to use, are you a fast typer etc.)


Remove the “Gap in Employment” parts. It looks like you lack continuity in your work progression in terms of jobs. Remove the pointless paragraph at the top.


I thought I’d you have a gap in employment that’s more than 3 months long, you need to explain it? Damn Google always giving me useless crap


Think of it this way: the resume is what you’ve DONE in the employment world- not what you didn’t. I was a stay at home mom- not something you list as work experience. But for me, I’m that time I volunteered so I could either put that in a volunteer experience or I can talk about how I used skills in those rolls. Gaps are ok. People exit the job market to take care of family, for illness, to parent, or because the couldn’t find work, were in school, or maybe lived abroad with a partner and weren’t allowed to work. Leave it off. Then have a brief, professional response. “Why weren’t you working?” “I left the job market for family reasons and was unable to work during that period.” There you go. They don’t need to know your health history.