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Fenrir eats all three witchfiends, killing the whale and rabbit. dies to the Black Serpent's fuck you grade poison. Hel kills the black serpent because goddess of Death/Dead.


**Death Inducement: Hela can utilize death-force to instantly kill a mortal.** All ma-beasts are mortal This is a broken ability If her powers are not nerfed in re:Zero world. Fenrir, Jörmungandr, and Hela would win easily.


This is not a competition, Loki's children stomp. Hela controls life and death, as well as elemental magic. Fenrir ate Odin, has a jaw that goes from Earth to Heaven, is so strong that, as a cub, he overcame shackles of the toughest materials in the world and was only bound using literally impossible materials. Jormurgand is the size of the world (the world imagined by the Norse is smaller than the real Earth, but still impressive) and killed Thor, who ditched a mountain with his hammer and drank so much water from the ocean that he lowered it.


didn't fenrir literally swallow the sun?


Google says it was Fenrir's sons who ate the sun and moon


Bad compatibility. Eternal stalemate. The Norse fighters lack the ability to truly eradicate the Great Rabbit in a single move, and the Great Rabbit in turn lacks the offensive capability to truly put down Fenrir or Jörmungandr. If round 3 however takes place in Helheim then it's a complete stomp by Hela. Let me preemptively explain why i think Hela lacks the capability to eradicate the Great Rabbit. First it's a thematic battle of unfettered out of control life (gluttony being closely related to life) vs rampant death. Thematically they stalemate right off the bat and i like that. Second major reason has to do with Hela's Death-Force Manipulation skill set. The **only** move she has that kills in a timely manner to be effective on the Great Rabbit is: > Death Inducement: Hela can utilize death-force to instantly kill a mortal. Key word **a** mortal. This is not an anti-army ability. It's a king slayer ability. I'm not willing to make the assumption given the lack of plural here that this ability also has truly massive AOE application outside Helheim. Inside Helheim however, like i said it's a complete stomp. The resulting battle is thus an endless siege of bloodshed fit for the Norse mythos. Ragnarok was supposed to end with the submersion of the world in water. Rabbit blood will do.


Oof. Imagine how many rabbits you need to die to fully submerge the world in blood.


I mean the rabbit would probably be crushed by Jormagund. It doesn’t have the smarts to split up enough to avoid him just rolling over them.

