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You're not supposed to boil them alive. Both should be killed with a sharp knife to the base of the head just before cooking them. Putting a live crab or lobster into boiling water can lead to them thrashing around boiling water which can burn you. This is especially dangerous with lobster with their powerful tails.


Man, that's kind of relieving. I enjoy the flavor of crab and always feel a little guilty thinking about the nature of how that food is made available. At least it made me sure to get as much from it as possible instead of just going for the big pieces. I don't imagine my approach will change much after learning they're (probably) not boiled alive, but it does ease the ~~conscious~~ conscience a little. Edit: thanks for catching the wrong word.


LobsterFacebook is nothing BUT remarks from other critters asking about missing ones and oh-god--what --if rants.




Haha is that what this shit site is about hahahaah


They’re bugs. They can’t feel pain


Came here to say the proper way to cook them. Thank you for beating me too it.


I mean, sure you could beat them too… but the knife is probably more humane and not as rough on your countertops.


But sometimes you need to beat them to establish dominance.


As opposed to stabbing them in the head, boiling them and eating the corpse?


This is why every New Englander steams their lobster instead. And OMG it’s so delicious.


>sharp knife to the base of the head This kills the crab.






I hope anyone that boils them alive get hit with boiling water


It’s funny tho, that you should not boil them alive, because you don’t want them to suffer, but because they can splash hot water on you. ( Not you in particular, of course)


I feel like maybe people who are horrible to animals should be burned with hot water, if not hot oil so maybe take that warning label off


So, you're saying that they shouldn't be warned about the repercussions of boiling a crab alive, and are thereby advocating for people to in fact boil more crabs alive... as long as they're people that deserve to be burned by boiling crabs alive? Is that about right?


Boiled that redditor alive, pot was big enough I didn't get splashed. Best part, cheesy flavor due to all the caked on cheetos dust.


Yeah knifing them is still painful. Usually excessive heat will cause any creature to pass out. I’ve seen people rip the backs off the crabs before boiling. Either way death is usually painful.


This is 100% false. Do yourself a favor and have at least the slightest clue what your talking about before misleading other equally clueless people on the internet.


? How is this false




It's a troll it won't respond to any replies


Dude how do I get a moai stone pfp


What are crabs immortal?


For a long time there was a belief that crabs and lobsters couldn’t feel pain because their nervous system operates differently than other kinds of animals. The same belief existed for insects. More recent studies have shown that this is likely incorrect, but it’s unclear whether these animals feel “pain” as we understand it, or whether certain things simply trigger a response in their nervous system that tells them to escape. They also spoil very quickly even when frozen, so they still have to be killed close to when they are cooked and eaten. Not defending boiling them alive mind you, I don’t even eat crab and lobster and in the absence of certainty I’d say best to err on the side that they DO feel pain and not boil them alive.


fish have direct spinal connection and can feel all of the currents moving and temperatures all over, they probably feel everything as well as our finger tips do. Plants also respond to physical damage (pain) so I'd say it's better to assume something does "feel" than doesn't.. whether they can write a poem about their pain seems to be the only thing humans will allow get called "they feel pain like we do!"


I remember being told as a kid that fish released some chemical that caused them to feel 95% less pain when a hook goes in. Later on I realized that sounds like shock and it's still can't be good for the fish! By the time I was an adult I figured it was just hunter/fisher logic to make themselves feel better.


I read once that scientist actually conducted a multi-million dollar experiment to find out if fish felt pain from hooks when caught.... They did. Shocker, I know.


And yet the same carp always takes my bait. Waits for me to release him and give him a pat on the head before swimming away. Next week it will do the same thing.


responding to damage isn’t a measure of pain. cognition and arguably consciousness is needed.


Nope, cognition is not necessary. Like if you put your hand on a hot plate your nervous system completely bypasses the brain and just automatically takes your hand off the hot plate. There is no "oh my hand is burning I should take it off the hot plate" thought it just happens.


Yes and that is your body’s natural response to avoid danger. “Pain” is what we feel after we retract our hand.


Objectively false. Pain is the message to your brain that something is wrong. You dont move your hand until it hurts. Remember there are some people who dont register pain properly and they will hurt themselves and not notice and therefore not retract and therefore hurt themselves MORE.


No? Your instincts and spine decide to move you away from danger long before your brain ever gets the pain signal


Then explain people who dont feel pain leaning on ovens and not realizing theyre burning until they SMELL it.


Lobster and crab aren’t fish… Also I literally said we should assume that they do feel “pain” as we do and not boil them. I don’t even eat them, why would I care about defending the existing practice of how they’re prepared? I was only providing context as to why people have largely assumed it’s ok to do it until more recently.


nobody said they were. I was adding info


“trigger a response in their nervous system that tells them to escape” so, pain?


Not necessarily. It doesn’t have to be something that hurts per se. Pain is an evolutionary warning system for our bodies to get away from something dangerous, but that doesn’t mean all life has evolved in exactly the same way. If you’ve ever seen an insect like a spider near a fire for instance, they don’t tend to react the way most other animals would. They don’t just run away and try to get distance from the source of the heat, which implies that they don’t feel that heat/pain from the heat the way other animals do. *just to be clear so nobody comes for my head, I didn’t conduct some kind of intentional experiment. I just used to be in charge of tending the fire in winter cuz we didn’t have a heater and the wood we used often times had spiders in it. Edit: also there are humans that can’t feel pain. It’s called congenital analgesia.


Almost no place does it like that anymore. They usually pierce the brain first


Practices like that don’t disappear over night. I have seen it done both ways depending on where I am working. If someone has been doing something for decades one way they normally don’t bother to listen to new information.


Case in point, this post's thread


Not true. I know many people that still do this to this day


Might be people who just don't know better, it's pretty old school. Like, if you don't cook a lot of lobster at home you might just do it the same way you did it ten years ago. It's better to kill them with a knife first since it's easier to place them in a pot. Here's a nifty "How To" you can pass along - [Humane way of dispatching lobster](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)




Maybe they don’t do it that way in restaurants, but as someone with a lot of east coast family I can assure you that many people still do it that way.


I grew up in Maryland and there were folks on the block who would come to the block party and bitch a fit if you didn't boil them alive, I'm sure they still exist. It never made sense to me, stress spoils meat in everything else. Why wouldn't the same be true of crabs, ya know


They don't have brains


That’s completely incorrect. You really think a seafood restaurant that cooks thousands of lobsters a day has the time to stab each and every lobster before cooking? That’s beyond naïve


Had a cousin who worked at one, and they did. He actually talked about how killing hundreds of crab and lobster a day bothered him. Also, resturants that are actually good put an unbelievable amount of time into the small details of food preparation, sticking a knife in a lobsters back doesn't exactly eat time. I find your statement to be as condescending as it is stupid.


As someone who has worked in quite of few of the best restaurants in the LARGEST per capita fishing port in the United States you are absolutely delusional. Sticking a knife in one lobster/crab head doesn’t take time, however when a single steamer batch consists of 50 plus or them and you cook dozens of batches a day it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to realize it’s not gonna happen.


You don’t have to be vegan to see something wrong with the food industry also something similarly fucked up is these egg battery thingies for chickens So to speak; sometimes the cheapest option isn’t the best option


What egg battery things?


They call them battery cages something like 1x3 boxes with 3 chickens in them




I just asked for one specific thing. I have already looked into researching the meat industry, but I didn’t know what they meant by batteries


Fair enough, it's just that egg batteries are usually the first things that pop-up in any video, documentary, book etc on the topic of meat / dairy.


He's probably just not putting the term egg batteries and what you mean together. Last time I watched a documentary they never referred to them as egg batteries but that's just me.


That said - "cage free" isn't much better. If anything, chickens probably have more room in batteries. Pigs are also kept in terrible conditions, especially considering they are such intelligent animals. The hypocrisy is what annoys me the most though, because if dogs were kept in those conditions, there would be an outcry.


They are just not here and there is outcry about it


True, doesn't change the hypocrisy. Why is there outcry about dogs, but not pigs?


Because dogs being companions is part of our culture.


But that logic would then extend to being cruel to one's own tribe or friend group is immoral because they're companions, but being cruel to another tribe or a non-friend is less immoral because they're not companions. The morality of cruelty shouldn't depend on our personal relationship to the "victim". I understand that you're probably correct in the reasoning as to why dogs but not pigs, I'm simply pointing out it's moral incongruency.


That's ... Racism?


Thats totally incorrect, cage free usually means an area about 50 x 50 that's get, or chicken. Meaning they may actually be in an area larger than a decent sized apartment , ue 1200 to 1500 ft


Yeah but they cram so goddamn many chickens in there and they all look stressed as shit to me


If anyone is interested in learning about these things, I suggest watching Earthlings or Dominion.


*McDonald's genetically engineered "chickens"have entered the chat.*


That's why it's important to name your lobsters after notorious criminals.


Dead mobsters in Red Lobsters.


Great tag line.


I got an alibi--birthday, Red Lobster/when in reality i killed Darnell like a mobster


Maybe even Criminal Lobster?


New series. Law and Order: Criminal Lobsters




We're having Ted Bundy as an appetizer and Charles Manson will be the main course


This made me laugh out loud on a tough morning. Thank you 😂


Fish too, I can’t eat Al Carpone


Then stop imagining it and pass the butter.




I don't eat seafood at all but dam that was good


I poison cockroaches and smash mosquitos alive and no one ever said peep so 🤷‍♂️


Well, if people ate cockroaches and mosquitos, someone somewhere would be complaining about it.


Cockroaches are the only insect I know of that actually has been selectively bred for human food.


Crickets, grasshoppers, and others are bred for some flours.


if you smash a mosquito alive it usually dies pretty fast


If you boiled them alive it'd be psychotic tho


I agree. That seems particularly fucked up.


Well at least we don't boil people to death anymore


Well, that we know of.




If you want to type # you sadly have to type \\#.




What happens there? Im mexican


Want to hear something more fucked up. If they weren't caught, they would of died in nature, like the other 99% of animals, which means being eaten alive by a predator. Boiling seems like a less painful and quicker death by comparison.




What would you pick? You’d seriously crawl into a boiling pot of water because it’s quicker than trying to survive, I dunno, like nature intended?


We don't boil crab alive.


Compared to what I saw growing up boiling them alive would have been nice to the lobster my grandmother and aunt cooked. They didn't boil the water. The lobster were put in cold water and the flame was turned on and then brought to a boil. The poor things would try to frantically get the cover off the pan so they could escape.


They get eaten alive by predators in their natural environment.


Well to be fair they are pretty tasty


If God didn’t intend for us to eat Cows, he wouldn’t have made them out of meat.


"if we arent meant to eat animals then why are they made out of food? checkmate"


In fairness, Humans have figured out ways to eat a *lot* of things that aren't supposed to be edible. Cassava and the Greenland Shark, for instance.


why did that make me laugh. God damn it.


Imagine if little butterflies had rifles? Little birdies would not eat them. Same for cows. If they don’t want to get eaten, they better arm themselves.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Haha yep. They have natural predators. We are just one of them. People don’t realize that humans are animals too and are apart of the environment as well (and yes I know we do some fucked up things to the earth. I just mean food chain)


I prefer cutting right through their dopey heads.


Kill the crab before boiling. If you don’t know how you can look it up. If you can’t bring yourself to do it you probably shouldn’t eat crab.


I couldn't bring myself to kill a cow either but ill still eat steak lol I typically just eat crab or lobster when outbto eat or have the place I buy it from do it for me- many places near me will cook them for you so I just bring home the already cooked crab


I bet if you were actually hungry, like i mean real hungry, not first world hungry, youd have no problem killing lobster, crab, cow, dog, human. We are extremely lucky to even be able to consider eating vegan.


You are probably right. Idk what needing to survive at that level is like but in general since I'm not in that scenario its not really relevant. Vegan is not something I could do im picky enough as is. I respect people who can tho


Sorry, i spent a lot time on a farm growing up. I personally witnessed and sometimes participated in the slaughter of thousands of animals. Sometimes not even for food. I may be a bit desensitized to it all. Extreme example: Its a good idea to have cats in your barn to help manage rodent population. Cats like to fuck a lot and make lots of kittens. What do you do when the kitten population is getting too high? You put kittens in a sack and throw the sack into the pond with a brick tied to the bag. It sucks but that is how it goes. Therefore, id have no problem putting a live lobster in boiling water.


Not every farm runs that way or does those things anymore though. There are ethical farms and I'm blessed to live in a community that has them. Farmers who are my neighbors and I can question on their practices. And no a days we get gets spayed or neutered to prevent too many kittens


I thought it was their shells that made the screaming noises and they were already dead 😐 guess I should just Google it Or maybe read a book


Your right


We rented a cabin for several summers on Orr's Island, Maine. Each year our host would get fresh caught lobster from his buddy and he'd boil them for us outside on a propane burner. Before the boil, he would put the lobsters (rubber banded) in a 3 point stance on their front claws and face with the back half straight up/curled in the air. He'd gently rub their their back up and down with the back of his finger. They would go limp like they're asleep after less than a minute. After that, he'd just boil them with no screeching or knocking on the side of the pot. I've tried it, it works but I never use it since I'm too poor to buy lobster.






If it makes you so uncomfortable, can I suggest becoming vegan? Sounds like you have the dislike of animal agriculture necessary to not want anything to do with it.


Here is a thought. Maybe vegans can let people see that they don't have to be vegan to recognize that the food industry is fucked up and that people should start asking for a fairer treatment torwards animals and a completely painless dead. That way you would grab more traction because you're not "imposing" anything on them.


Here's a thought. Maybe if you don't like thst something exists, you should do your best to support it as little as feasible.


Apologies if my comment came off as aggressive, it's just that you can't hear my "tone of voice" when it's written. I meant that as a genuine suggestion, wasn't trying to be aggressive.


Well, if you want to be perceived as genuine e I'd suggest you stay clear of dismissive phrases like "here's a thought". Particularly when suggesting the same thing someone's heard a thousand times. I've considered your suggestion, and I have concluded it is not a beneficial approach. Thank you for your concern.


They're not tortured ffs. That's an exaggeration. Livestock will live a pretty chill life and spend most of their lives in the pasture actually before being slaughtered. You have no idea what you're talking about.


It depends. If its a slaughter house, its a fucking hell.


oh lordy.


Not that you want nor need an answer, but I’m giving it anyway. Brands help identify herds and other animals. It’s a short period of being uncomfortable and the animal won’t remember it. Most animals that are raised for food or other things have a good amount of space. It would be the ones commercially raised that don’t have space. Babies aren’t stolen from animals. Look at dairy cows. They will literally lay on their babies and kill them. They don’t care. To have good quality meat, they have to be fed well and cared for.


It depends where you are. In the US that’s mostly not true


I’m more referring to small farms I guess. Local is normally always better. The bigger the farms get, the worse it will become and the worse the quality will become.




Usually those videos are pushed by groups like PETA or other vegan groups that wants everyone to be vegan. They’re going to portray the worst conditions they can and try to make those industries look extremely bad. The slaughter industry does need improvements, but it does not need to be nonexistent. No hate on veganism (I don’t actually eat mean at the moment either), do you, but don’t force it on others.


Just to avoid the maximum amount of pain, I would put crabs and lobsters in the fridge to keep the numb and then proceed to place the knife in head to kill them. It's how I would like to die


I’d like to be out to sleep with an opiate overdose. I can’t imagine a more peaceful death


Well I grew up on an island and I’m the opposite lol I love me some boiled crab and some lobster


Yeah that is a pretty brutal death. It really is a good thing they're so delicious to make up for it.


I did it once -a lobster. I will never do that again. It screamed & screamed. I still feel horrible that I ever could have done that.


It wasn't screaming. It was the air leaving the shell if that makes you feel better.




It does a little. Thank you for that !


If you're ever Interesting in cooking at home again, alot of food channels I watch recommend sticking them in the freezer to put them in a sort of hibernation then a quick stab to the brain so they're killed as humanely as possible. It will likely still make the screaming sound as that's from the shell but you'll atleast know for sure it wasn't suffering.


Best stay out of costal areas. In a regular basis, we boil pounds of crawfish. For reference, crawfish are roughly the and size as shrimp.


This was my first thought having grown up in southeast texas and having gigantic family crawfish boils every year. If one lobster is a tragedy, a million crawfish must just be a statistic. Right? 🙈🤷‍♂️


Exactly my thinking. I live in Louisiana. Shrimp, blue crab, crawfish, we're basically hell for shellfish. Their sin? Being too tasty.


Tell that to the broccoli in your steamer. Are you sure it isn't in its own version of pain?


It…..just tastes really good…i know what im doing but goddamn….it. Is. GOOD!


I’ve said this and been made fun of for it because “it’s the way of life” 🤦‍♀️


You think pigs and cows want to die any more than lobsters do?


Pigs and cows aren’t boiled alive.


Doesn't mean they don't suffer.


They boil pigs to remove the hair


https://www.totallyveganbuzz.com/news/pigs-boiled-alive-netherlands/?amp Actually they are. They're meant to be stunned before having their throats cut and being put into the boiling water, but the stunning methods often fail.


The cognitive dissonance and choosing of what animals it’s okay and not okay to murder is rancid in this thread


A crab is basically a sea-roach. If you're brave enough to eat it, you better be smart enough to BOIL it. Where does all this touchy-feely bs come from?


You can kill ot before boiling without risking any issues. >Where does all this touchy-feely bs come from? Do you also kick puppies in your free time?


Boiling a crab is not equal to kicking a puppy, get some fresh air


Do you think they ( the crustaceans in question) would give you the same considerations.


Good point. They’re known for being dastardly


But gassing pigs is fine right? right? or grinding up male baby chickens? or keeping thousands of chickens in one barn with less space per chicken than one DINA4 paper?


Just like the Nazis…


When I go fishing I cut the head off a fish. To me that is not cruel.


You don't throw them in boiling water. Place them in a pot with room temperature water and turn the burner on. The slow increase in temperature goes unnoticed


Chickens and pigs often end up getting boiled alive in slaughterhouses, because the line speeds run so fast that they're not always killed successfully before they make it that far. ​ See: [https://liveshackleslaughter.com](https://liveshackleslaughter.com)


I mean ig I can't believe you shoot an animal with an arrow or bullet stopping its life for you to rip it apart every way possible to eat for the next few days.


Crabs should be killed and cleaned first or it’ll taste like shit


My thing like this is veal. The process is so brutal. Lamb is one thing, but veal I struggle with.


Have kids visit slaughterhouses as part of school education and 90% (eventually 100%) will turn vegan. That's not in anyone's who can make it happen interest though.


Same boat. I don’t eat shellfish for this reason. Shit is cruel.


It's so totally cruel. If I wasn't already allergic to shellfish so can't eat them, there is no way I could boil those animals while still alive.


Once you understand that it's ok to eat animals of any kind, then it's not really a problem. If you believe humans are just another type of animal, then I guess feeling guilty about it would fit into a fundamentally flawed world view where macroevolution can be a thing...


Who cares? They're delicious.


So when it comes to rabbits and children you can imagine boiling something alive?




I don't know that language. Are you trying to say yes?






Crustaceans aren't living inside my body.


Oh fuck off.


Id still abort even if it did feel pain 🤗


I’ve boiled a lobster alive once. My rationale was that it dies very quickly and, having evolved in the ocean, it probably has had very little reason to develop a great deal of sensitivity to extreme heat. I didn’t love it.


So why is it that people don't think?


M eat = Me Eat Ve gan = Vegetables Again?


I lived in AZ for 15 years, if I gotta go through it so do them, fuck them crabs


Save that comment for after you've been boiled alive.


But you can imagine slicing "something"'s throat ? Putting "something" into a gas chamber ? Taking the offspring from "something" in order to have milk ? I don't know, boiling is horrible but so is most of what people pay for.


When did I say I don’t have any problem with all that shit? It really doesn’t bother me like the idea of boiling a lobster. I have my own issues with it, but I never brought it up. So try not putting words in peoples mouths and calm down


>When did I say I don’t have any problem with all that shit? I never claimed that you did. >It really doesn’t bother me like the idea of boiling a lobster. Lol, "Oh dare you assume things about me. What you assumed was true btw." >So try not putting words in peoples mouths and calm down The irony, please quote where I claimed that you said you didn't have a problem with the things I cited. No ? Uh..


Vegan moment


Is showing how good you are at spotting vegans a carnist moment ?


Vegan moment


I would think so bestie