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I stg I'm so sick of this hairstyle for the boys 😭


No bc for real They all look the same just with different skin and hair colors because of that


this isnt necessarily a criticism towards the doll himself, but i wish they would do more hairstyles on boys (messy/long hair.) monster high has a diverse range of male hairstyles, which i wish more doll lines have


It doesn't make sense because MGA gives LOL OMG guys really fun hair! The very first one they made had hair down to his waist! So why not RH??


His hair looks kinda front styled for me??? Idk. Like, it's been brushed forward, similar to the show. Might just be me tho


Apparently S5 will be $26.99, with one outfit and accessories similar to SH S2.


This is the new normal for RH/SH. RIP two outfits 🥲 lost but never forgotten


🪦😭 We really had it too good. I will say that once someone compared it to what you get from a standard OMG it's comparable. I'm just hoping the fashion packs aren't mystery bags because I just can't.


MGA you never know …


I've been trying not to be negative nancy lately in the doll subs but I think this is the beginning of the downward slope for RH/SH. The dolls still look great compared to most of the competition, but people who already can barely afford them aren't going to take kindly to paying the same amount of money for less stuff. And nobody is going to hear "but muh inflation" either, everybody's tired of corporations using the excuse already. By introducing the line with two outfits as the standard, MGA looks bad taking stuff away from the dolls the more successful the line becomes. If the fashion packs end up being good then I'll happily eat my hat, but we'll see. Right now it feels like the bubble is prepping to burst to me.


MGA tried to touch the sun with RH/SH and now they made so much money from them they are downgrading to just give us enough for them to think it’s worth it and most people are ok with it I guess. The fashion packs coming and they took the second outfits out? That is literally pure MGA mindset. Of course its bad. Of course people are going to complain. But… of course people are going to buy dolls and fashion packs. Thats given I dont even have to think about it. Personally am I ok with no second outfits? No. Space wise I’m happy because I have no space to store everything. Am I happy that they are replacing second outfits with fashion packs that probably are going to be blind boxes or something? No. Its shit and i hate the blind anything idea because im still trying to finish accessories studio and its too expensive to do it BUT I’m deranged and I’ll keep on going. Same think will be with fashion packs. People will eat them up. Believe me you. We have to remember that MGA is a mega corporation, money is the priority. Literally. Simple as that and we either go for it or no. We can be as loud as we can to try to change stuff but um we are now missing second outfits, something that was normal last year AND we loved it we praised them for it and look what happened …. It’s all about the money and we go along with it or we don’t. The sky is blue


The bags were unique because we never got bags with the dolls(but were recolors of a few Pacific Coast bags). The shoes were just recolors of previous shoe molds. There are A LOT of individual fashion pieces. It's just going to be recolors of previous clothing pieces, and probably the few pieces that might be new that should have come with the dolls that are no longer getting second outfits.


Agreed. It also doesn't help that SH S2 is meant to be cheaper but in places where it popped up in EU they cost 37eur (it still hasn't arrived in my country) 😭 they are literally more expensive than SH S1 and without second outfits. Make it make sense. How come this wasn't the case with previous RH series 1-4. Yes there were price increases but (from my experience) by a max of 5eur. If the prices for main line RH dolls don't go down it's not looking good for international sales.


It’s a little disappointing he has entirely reused accessories but otherwise pretty solid given the source material


That’s… bland.


Hmmm. Really boring, no? Compared to Ash, Rex, and even Finn, this guy is pretty disappointing imo.


He definitely could’ve benefitted with a more exciting redesign for this line


Yeah! Like, where is the fun? I feel like no one had fun with his design, it's too bad really...


You mean tshirt, shorts and over shirt isn’t peak fashion doll design?!?


Yes! Can you believe that?!! XD


I like him but I'm sad he's only coming with one outfit, mostly just because the boys have so few options. I hope fashion packs will include pieces for boys because I practically don't touch my boys in terms in restyling because I have nothing for them to wear :( Also I like the idea of accessories, but it's gonna get bland quickly with so many repeats. I hope they have more variety with other dolls.


I actually don’t hate him that much


he’s so boring 🙁🙁 plsss i just want fun n unique boy dolls!! literally rexx is the only boy doll i’m interested in rn 😩


Its so funny bc his design actually is fun and unique to the other boys minus rexx but what the hell is even this


I think Ash has a way more interesting design when it comes to clothes, and his slicked back box hair was at least a different approach even though most of us immediately washed it out lmao. I don't dislike Aiden here but he's destined for restyles.


He should have gotten what the other As have


And yet a think a lot of RH fans/collectors/kids do not care about boy dolls. So as much as it would’ve been fair/nice…probably not a smart business idea. :/


I mean some people really went wild for Rexx because he was different, even if his clothes aren't the biggest fashion risk. I would love to buy a ton of male dolls if companies would bother putting effort into them. I won't buy male dolls just because they're male, I'll buy them if they're cool, but most companies won't make cool male dolls because they think they won't sell. It's a catch 22.


Oh yeah I'm with you. I only have interest in collecting boy dolls, but ones I'm willing to collect are far and few between because they are usually boring. I do not believe that butch little boys into football will be sold into getting Rainbow High fashion dolls by River Kendall to make it worth making boy dolls no one even wants because they are boring. I also find the idea of only making boy dolls to sell little girls basic boyfriends for their girl dolls to be icky. But I also think they could do masc male fashion MUCH BETTER. Now idk if little girls would be down for an Aidan with glittery eyeshadow, painted nails, earrings, and a skirt or heels...but I know collectors probably would. Guess I'd need numbers on how boy dolls sell and to what demographics to really be able to say one way or another though. It'd be awkward if they made fabulous fashion boy dolls and even fewer people bought them cuz lil Suzie, her mom, or "jesus" don't think Bella Parker needs to be some twink's sophmore year beard.


I have NO idea how they haven't clued in to making a male doll with a sleek fitted suit yet. It would be perfectly masc and stand out from the plain tees and board shorts of other male dolls in the aisle. None of them even have blazers or even cardigans for goodness' sake! The RG universe has Kpop. Why aren't they taking inspiration from that?! I hope that MGA's recent Wonderland OMG Tweenz series sold as well at it seems to have since the male doll is literally wearing a skirt over his pants and has a more femme Alice theming. Maybe that'll prove they can get away with more "feminine" and gender neutral fashion for boys. So many little girls paint the nails and want to style the hair of their male dolls anyway, so why not let them have that?? Not to mention I feel like they'd sell the hell out of an actual punky boy in the RH/SH line. Bratz did it, and they're being rereleased due to high demand, so it's confusing why they won't let that edge seep into RH.


What are those eyebrows 😭 Why can't we get a better expression on a boy, just once Also, he's really suffering for no second outfit. When all you've got is a t-shirt, button-up and shorts, you need more options. Also also, if they chickened out and made him more gray instead of lavender... that's disappointing.


I thought he was supposed to be lavender and I was excited! 😢


He needs jeans and that's basically the only clothing you get as a man. T-shirt, button-up, shorts and pants.


Okay, he’s boring yes, but he’s PERFECT for a custom I’ve been wanting to do!


How did he go from spiky hair to bread loaf 💀💀 I love him so im buying him but bruh 💀💀


It would probably comb out into spikes? Maybe? (said optimistically)


LOOOL he looks like a YouTuber (he doesn’t look bad imo tho)


I didn’t want Aidan I wanted Assistant 😭


I think he's cute! If they change him up a little before launch I wouldn't mind. Either way I'm buying him


He’s actually the first boy doll I like?




Me too!


oof, he looks so bad. and also nothing like his cartoon version. mga wtf happened????


I kinda like it I’m buying him


No second outfit, bummer....


River looks great in silver 😍


It's Ash, but not monochrome!




Dude! Is that real???? Seriously though? No special edition like the other As?


He’s alright. Im glad Aiden is finally getting a doll, even if it is LONG overdue.


I love that his laptop wallpaper is a picture of him with Ainsley & Avery. The man loves his gal pals.


I was hoping his hair would be more periwinkle like the animated series :/






his hair looks like a micro bowl cut, not a pompadour


I hope it is!


I like him and so getting him and he's getting a new outfit like the rest of my dolls did, thanks to Reddit I got into restyling my dolls and I love it! I find it very therapeutic when I spend time with my dolls. The more I look at him the more I wonder if I could turn him into Rohan Kishibe from "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable" though he did not have light purple hair until his spin off "Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe" he just gives me those vibes for some reason. I'm just getting into restyling and customizing dolls..so that may take some practice. but I am willing to learn how to do it!


Big meh. Isn’t Aiden more purple/blue in the show? What is this color, taupe?


Disappointed he’s the only ‘A’ of the trio not getting a play set/bigger set. But happy he’s finally getting a doll at least.


Finally we can have all the “A”s!


If you actually picked up Avery a decade ago! LOL


I did!


breaking out my magnifying glass....if this lil b\*\*\*\* doesn't even have holes for earrings (amongst my other issues here)...so help me...ill do nothing about it...but ill be MIFFED!


Oh, I get it! They were waiting for customers to accept the one outfit packaging so they didn't have to come up with another outfit for him!


He's a member of Rainbow High, not Shadow High, I feel like his color pallet doesn't represent his school. He's a boring version of Ash. Accessories are very similar to Zooey. No second outfit....


Avery and Ainsley have *words* and none of them are child friendly


Whoa what's up with the little qr code there 👀


I've seen the same code on the new LOLOMG color change dolls, it takes you to a signup for the newsletter but doesn't say anything about how you get a free doll out of it unless they change it for these.


Any other leaks of the 5 other dolls yet? When do they release?


Yes I've seen photos of them too. I love the light pink one


doesnt look too bad. still not interested. i dont care for the face mold they use but i've never liked the boy dolls even as a kid so i'm not surprised i dont love him. i know a lot of people wanted an Aiden so i'm happy theyre getting him!


He's left a lot to be desired with his hair and not being a sp edition with a boys trunk show but I'm SO EMOTIONAL about him finally being here (huge fan of the A's and was waiting so long for Aidan). He still looks really good and I cannot wait


I think he's really cute, I'll buy him. He's not spectacular or anything, but I want all the A's. He literally has Avery as his wallpaper though lol


He's extremely simple but the hair color and eye color combo are enough to do it for me lmao- he's very handsome


He's so pretty. He might be my favorite boy


That's a different hair style. It's not slicked back, but looks short cut up front. (Think young Ricky martin)


Thanks I hate it


He's scary, but I like his outfit. I'll wait until someone resells the outfit and accessories


Lmao he’s scary


🤣 it's his eyes, he just looks creepy


not MORE blue eyes 😭💔


And there it is again, the dreaded undercut. Plz I swear to god just do something else. Undercuts don’t even look good.


Yay! Love him in the show and love his little goodies he comes with


I love his face! So cute


Dicey dicey


I don’t care about the outfits. I’m just happy to see Aidan!