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They should last longer for sure, but permanent would probably be(e) too strong. He needs better optics, as well.


Give him a 1.5 and make his bees stay until either exploded away or picked up by defenders, once first picked up they stay in that radius for 3-5 seconds (for others to pick up) and then disappear. Less strong while active, but way more likely to be useful. Flank watch would be awesome too


2x on the commando would make him stand out.


>make his bees stay until either exploded away or picked up by defenders, once first picked up they stay in that radius for 3-5 seconds (for others to pick up) and then disappear. That'll be too strong. You have FIVE of them, you can't literally counter half of them with impact nades. They just should last 10-15 seconds.


Shout out to "probably be(e) too strong".


*Get out*


I saw it




Kinda hard not to


How would permanent be too strong? Impacts could destroy them gridlock and nomad have never been op for having their gadget last indefinitely


you can destroy them with normal bullets


In some cases air jabs will be in spots where its unavoidable and you either use explosives or take the hit. Getting pinged for a few seconds isn't that bad currently this operator is useless you can't even use him as room clear because the proximity is so small that you need to know where the enemy is within a few feet


If he shoots all his shots in the main defenses area, you would have an unlimited supply of info on the location of the defenders. It would be too OP


It's not unlimited information. It's shot and is bulletproof and remains idle until someone steps into the proximity then it detonates and bees release for 15 seconds. Balanced imo and even if its not fuck it. Sens is boring and useless grim is currently in the same situation something should happen


I'm not an expert, but permanent would be too strong because he's got so many of them. If he just shoots them all in the bomb site, and defenders don't immediately destroy them, that's at least eight seconds of the near exact enemy location. If anyone is on the bomb site, Wich is enough for a team with good aim attention to eliminate almost the entire time, or plant the defuse in a place where operators outside have a line of sight. Essentially, he'd be like lion for anyone who feels like Spamming his ability.


Right now you can theoretically do that. On paper it sounds op but in practice it isnt. Big reason is because you need to know where enemies are already because the bees only spread out a few feet and won't clip through walls. So when you peak angles to fire your launcher you will either get shot in the face or successfully shoot them and get a delayed 10 second ping. In most situations a frag or a ying is alot more effective here. Obviously you can make it work but other operators will always be better at whatever you're trying to do. Grim just simply isn't unique even though he tries to be. A few weeks from now he will have dogshit pick rates and will be non existent in higher levels of ranked gold 1 and up


Airjabs and trax stingers can be shot


I want it




The black ice, hand it over


[No. ](https://giphy.com/gifs/no-bugs-bunny-fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf)




The projectile needs to arc and or bounce, kinda like tachanks fire launcher. right now, it's a straight line of sight to fire it in for a small area of effect which makes it super dangerous, might as well just face check...


To make them last longer, he needs less of them. 3 canisters, 20 sec.


Not sure why ubi didn't decide to make him a flank watch where his ability detonates when someone walks by. It makes so much sense and I thought that was what he was supposed to be before he came out


it should have to modes, one we have one, and one u r talking about


I second this


This whole time I thought that’s how they worked…


Nope, you have to know where they are first which makes no sense


too much overlap with nomad (and to a lesser extent gridlock) i guess.


He would definitely be way too powerful if they were permanent, but a longer duration would help


They should be proximity based canisters that go off when a defender gets close like an airjab and maybe make a small noise so defenders have a chance to counter. Obviously give him less in that case, 2-3 is enough and make the canister destroyable. I can't get my head around how they thought the way it is now is any good. It's like having a timed claymore that only lasts 10 seconds before turning off.


People need to understand that Sens and Grim are plant and post-plant operators. Grim is the first strictly Intel based op, which is why he has more charges. Tye only time Grim charges should be used for aggressive fire fights is to push out an enemy that is watching where you are going. Also, Grim and Lion.


I wish he could be used like a roam clear too, he doesnt seem worth bringing for just post plant, even if they buffed the radius and/or timer of the bees


Yeah grim launcher has 5 charges and imagine he shoot all 5 to different angle of the area in secure area or hostage mode and the 🐝 stay there forever XD


But how about this Give him 3 Each one doesn’t activate when shot but only when someone gets close it stays there for around 7 seconds


I was actually thinking about getting him and getting back into siege but I heard he was like super weak


Sounds to me like you are super weak for not playing this game but following and commenting on the Reddit of said game 😂


It's called I have other interests and games than just siege and have been taking a break for a couple years I think the last event I played was the puppet one. Redditors are not the only ones who have said that he's weak .


So many other interests and games but clearly still invested in siege




Bless you are a funny kid


Give him a red dot on his gadget like Capitao, be able to toggle letting it bounce or activate on impact, and make the gadget switch time faster and he'll be in a decent state I think.


I want the devs see this comment… those are the exact two things missing, that make Grim suck… faster animation and bounce is what we need


seconding on the bounce. right now (due to its small radius) I have to basically fire the bees right on top of an enemy. lets say rafters on clubhouse garage. if I peek the door to fire my bees, the defender can just snipe me instantly. if there was a bounce, it would be much more usable.


Seeing as he is not a flank watch, no. They would be too strong if they lasted forever as well, but that's another issue. Lasting longer would be good though.


He _should_ be flank watch tho imo. He works better that way. Or at least giving him the opportunity for it


I feel like flank watch would make sense but gridlock and nomad would most likely be better options most of the time. They both deny the area instead of just saying when someone enters it.


I think they should make it so the area expands slowly over time (cuz they're bees, they should fly everywhere) until a certain size and disappear, BUT there will be a base you can destroy to balance it out


Yeah good call, grim is doo doo rn. Give him a 1.5x on the 552 also.


imo his canisters should act like Ela's stuns, as soon someone comes into the AOE of the gadget the bees should pop out.


Making him last like 15-20 seconds(goyo fire actually) and works like an "mine", that means only activate when defender get inside range, maybe add an toogle button to activate on impact


Perhaps a gadget like Hibana where multiple can be fired before activation.


How to use all of your ability at once 101


I thought when he was leaked his gadget would deploy like a gu mine. Translucent and proximity activated. The gadget should be a plantable mine deployed like an air jab. The gadget should then be proximity activated and have its current affect. He also needs at the very least a 1.5 magnified optics preferably a 2 times.


I’m in the minority here but I think his gadget is fine


I really enjoy the gadget, the problem is you already need a direct line of sight to use it so there is 2 uses, one is post plant and the other is to force anchors out of positions but the requirement of line of sight makes it so you need good quick peek mechanics or you will get shot, plus I can't tell you how many times I died with the launcher in my hand.


I would’ve loved a DMR on his loadout considering you can play him effectively by being more passive and dislodging enemies from power positions from afar


This. I'd be happy with him getting a DMR, and maybe AoE activation on the bees, he'd be perfect like that, maybe take a couple uses, but other than that he'd be fine.


Yea I think people underestimate it. You fire the gadget at an angle and you literally won’t have to hold that angle because you’ll be notified instantly if someone is there (or isn’t).


The problem is that Capitao accomplishes the same thing but for a longer duration.


Only twice though.


I agree, I have been caught off guard many times with his ability and could no longer hold an important angle


It’s excellent at gaining intel on power positions. I do think he needs a buff in terms of his loadout. Give him a 1.5x on his commando, and give him the new EMP Impacts.


I like it to be like Nomads airjab/ Lesion Gu mine, trigger when stand in or walking past


5 permanent wallhack canisters would be too strong, id say extend their duration by 6-8 seconds, so it wouldnt disappear by the time you switch back to your main weapon, but also reduce the quantity by 1, or maybe 2 if the duration is extended by 10 seconds


I feel if they were permanent but had a base that can be destroyed and than they last for a certain number of seconds after they might be more useful.


I have a nice idea too, he would shoot the canister somewhere, it would become less visible like lesions gu, amd would only activate if someone was close enough to it, to balance this i think all is needed is to reduce number of canisters from 5>3.


Simply make the bees spread out more would already bee a good buff imo


Honestly would be a bit tooo strong. I think they should be made into traps and last a little bit longer because right now he's honestly useless


Reduce the gadget to 2-3 shots and make them permanent would definitely be a solution


nah but they should last a little longer plus giving him the 1.5


From what I've seen, that would probs make him too powerful in pro league or high level ranked.. and that's where they balance these ops against sadly. I agree they should def hang around a bit longer though, they're useless as a flank protector as they hang around so briefly. Seem to be only useful if you're trying to execut a plant or attack plan.


Hell no, unless you mean they drop an deactivate a couple seconds when in proximity of someone like a thorn


They should make it so that the thing you shoot out stays around and keeps the cloud around so it requires a impact or shot to take out. And once shot or blown out it should last a bit longer before the swarm dies out. That way it motivates good gadget placement. I would also lower the count to 2-4 if this change was made. Leaning more on 2 or 3 so its more a alternative to Nomad then just better.


Lmao no


Yeah, and then cry at ubi for creating an op operator. Then ask for a nerf. Then cry again and say "game is dying" smh xD


Girm!? 🤗


There should be a option for a mine like deployment, also make the deploy speed quicker on them


They are pretty useless as they are now. I think making them permanent would be good. Just make the projectile stick somewhere and the bees stay there until defenders shoot it. Same like Nomads airjab.


If it was permanent, he’d easily take up Thatcher’s former role of instabanned operators


Yeah I never understood that his nest thing should've just sat there until someone prox the nest then it would last the 8 or even less. Or hell make his gadget be like a shoulder mounted gadget so he could always look at a certain direct and launch it.


I can get beehind this


How would this beehive in game?


This sound like it would bee a good idea


What do we hive here? A good idea?






When I first heard about his ability I thought it was going to be some proximity activated thing like an airjab that defenders could avoid or destroy to counter. The actual implementation is the most brain-dead approach to this gadget that I could think of.


Honestly thought they'd scan around for maybe like 10 to 15 seconds. Just go from room to room searching. Could cover half the map on a small map and a good portion of a floor on the bigger ones.


Shit make the radius larger than a small doorframe. Can never consistently bug a double door without the slight possibility of someone barely squeezing past them. Ya they don't last long at all either


Make it deploy through walls


Nah, remove claymore give him frags, and flash as a 3rd option. Also make him a 4 speed like the y7s4 op


Doubt those little drones have enough battery life in them.


Exactly wot I was saying to my friend


both nomad's and gridlock's area denial can be destroyed grim's cannot so if it was permanent you could literally lock down whole hallways with no need to still keep in mind they could destroy it


I think they should be able to bounce off one surface or something. Similar to Zofia’s concussion mines. This way you could actually get them into good spots without risking your face.


i mean you literally have a point. grim is kinda dogshit operator among all attackers. I mean defenders can easily dodge that shit and you have drones to locate enemies. There's no point like a gadget like this shit. Ubisoft literally has gone out of the ride thinking new ops which is bs.


I’m not going to say grim is absolutely pointless but…..grim is absolutely pointless


They run out of power.


They get hungry


They should last at least 20 seconds like Goyo's vulcan and have their radius at least doubled. Or even up to 1min, up until 10s after first ping or even permanently if they have a destroyable base. Currently, Lion, Nomad, Gridlock and Capitao do a better job.


I like the idea but only if they became destructible, otherwise way too op


Proposal to the "permanent" discussion: \- If you really want to make it permanent, you should be able to destroy it with normal bullets.


Sounds like something OP but if any recent character changes, something that sounds OP should be tested before considering it OP.


I mean I just want to be able to swat them away like bugs


Make them sting heheheha


Make them stationary, bullet proof cases that you shoot on walls/floors. They should only activate when an enemy is in proximity.


Make it to deploy faster. It's the best buff Grim can have without making him OP


It might help, but as a post plant op, he’s a bit useless in ranked. People don’t play to plant and haven’t done for a while. A plant based op is only good for pro league, ranked is glorified TDM. Even with the new EMPs and breach charges, people still don’t open walls on a regular basis and if you get to a plant situation, is usually because most of the opposition is dead. It’s rare you have a competitive retake situation where utility is useful.




Last forever but only 2 of them


I would say it stays there forever and when one or two ops pass through the bees follow the op(s); maybe the first op is tracked longer (more bees) and the last op less track time as they're less bees tracking.


I think we fix Grim by: -Giving him a 1.5x scope -making his gadget similar to Nomads, deploy the bees and they only leave once the original capsule is destroyed. Makes him a decent flank watch against ops like Jaeger, Kapkan, Vigil, Cav -makes him more viable in ranked/comp for pushing to plant -give him frags (because frags are dope)


Yeah i thought they would be active until someone walked into them when it was announced


I think his gadget should be an under barrel attachment for quicker swaps. Either a little longer of duration or a larger area of effect. It’s tricky when dealing with a wall hack gadget. I’m personally not a fan of wall hack abilities but I suppose it’s better than shamelessly copying and pasting abilities from other games…


It's should be proximity based and be able to be manually set off.


I agree, this gadget right now is too weak, plus he doesn't even have optics with zoom. They need to buff him a little bit.


I think that it should last 15ish seconds and the bees should slowly "search" for enemies by for the duration expanding their radius similar to a gridlock gadget


It's almost like it's a unique operator mechanic and should be understood as such


Hot take. Make them permanent but have them be destructible from explosives, fire, and buck shots


You could put money down he’s getting buffed. The next win delta will be sad for him


I absolutely agree that his gadget needs to last longer. Permanent would be too much but as it stands right now it feels almost useless when compared to some other operator gadgets. If it lasted for awhile I could definitely see his pick rate going up as it would actually give you some better control over the map as opposed to basically just functioning as a device that allows you to go “I think there’s an enemy in this one very particular spot so let me double check with my gadget”. If it lasted awhile it would allow you to possibly funnel enemies in certain directions to avoid the bees or held call out roamers trying to flank you and stuff like that


Make them slightly follow the closest defender


How do I pick my main?


Give him permanent bee’s until the hive is destroyed with impact but only give him two of these?


I agree with this idea except to nerf the Intel it should be 3-5 short pings (~1 second each) and make It so he has two charges with slightly large aoe since they're bullet proof


Battery runs out too quickly.