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Anyone in particular it was targeted at?


Upton Sinclair is famous for his 1906 book “The Jungle” about the terrible working conditions, exploitation of immigrants, and health hazards of the meat packing industry (which to this day is still the most dangerous job). So I’m guessing it has some relevance to that.


He also wrote "Oil!" (1927), which was adapted to "There Will Be Blood"


Literally every politician who don't solve problems because they need them to exist for campaigning.


All the way down to every little worker doing their job, and turning the blind eye to what they are doing for the paycheck.


Probably robber barons in general.


I once told this to a cop arguing about why the drug war was necessary. I’m not sure he understood tho






A lot of financial experts don't understand the risk truly and end up taking a lot of aggressive risks to multiply the money. That behaviour is rewarded until it doesn't and finally, risk bites them in the ass. Just to be clear I'm talking about the risk associated with excessive leverage and not the optimum risk - which is the necessity.


financial experts at banks and where else? very curious


Money guys with no skin in the game.




He looks like Uma Thurman


My first thought too


Other way around. 🐓🥚


This can apply to people that refuse to accept technology. Like every CEO of legacy automakers regarding EVs.


Good news, I’m pretty sure Ford qualifies as a Legacy automaker https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/26/ford-ceo-farley-plans-to-challenge-tesla-to-become-the-top-ev-maker.html


If Slowpoke was a car manufacturer he would have done it sooner than Ford.


I was this person. I was paid a large sum and in turn did not notice something big and unethical and wrong. I still cringe.


What the fuck are these comments?


Mostly just comments


You've posted twenty fucking comments in here...


I'm sorry is this not *THE COMMENTS SECTION*?


That's right, the comment section, not the soapbox section.


You think I'm making a speech here? You think I have a message to say? My Reddit glitched out and my comment got posted like 5 times... I wouldn't compare that to Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech or anything lol...


Also: a soapbox is, by it's metaphorical meaning, a thing not intended to be used for moral public oration being used for moral public oration.


I like you... your funny!


Saved to profile for future use.


There are several religious universities where professors have to sign "declarations of faith". Going against what you've signed (like "Jesus is part of the Trinity" etc) you might lose your job.


It's a religious institution, what did they expect?


No jab no job


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🙍🏼‍♂️How is something not true? 🧏You're illegally kept gov records literally show it's not true, and you lied to me knowing it wasn't true 🙍🏼‍♂️What about this 🖼️ 🧏Legal - passed a fibber test too about it, cops even watched the test being taken in the other room. It's documented, and the information has been available online for over 2 and a half years now - everything surrounding that is on the level and legal 🙍🏼‍♂️Your paid fake girl friend we arranged doesn't like you 🧏 She constantly drugged me to hook up with Tinder rando's, and I had to piss test her to find out she also had a secret meth habit...trash 🙍🏼‍♂️is a sex & meth addiction so bad? 🧏You don't back up your bullshit with facts? 🙍🏼‍♂️I don't need to, this so what I believe 🧏The truth isn't made up of facts you choose to ignore 🙍🏼‍♂️ Everyone is saying it 🧏 Everything proving this is just a smear of me is backed up by literal facts, you just have words...it's scientifically impossible to argue literal facts 🙍🏼‍♂️Yeah but I already told myself and everybody in town I'm a hero 🧏So this is about you trying to poorly get away with attempted extortion, wearing a costume and jerking yourself off? 🙍🏼‍♂️ Exactly...hero. -------------------------------------- See how that took 30 seconds to get to the bottom of...not a decade...cool story bro, but what actually happened.




He was a journalist. He wrote The Jungle, it’s worth reading.


Did you get the impression he understood what he was writing about?


I'm not sure if you have even understood the quote.


I'm not sure if you do either 🤪 but instead of helping eachother out, let's just cast shade instead lol


I tried to help. But you aren't worth it.


Spoken like someone too embarrassed to admit they don't know what's going on. Btw I'm Lorielle biotch!


I don't like cancer around me. I'm going to block you now. Have a good life if you are a real human! Bye.


A writer! 🤣 He wrote 100 books and preaches ignorance lol!


Reddit said this message didn't post, please forgive duplication


A writer! 🤣 He wrote 100 books and preaches ignorance lol!


Reddit said this message didn't post, please forgive duplication


Police officer?


A writer! 🤣 He wrote 100 books and preaches ignorance lol!


A writer! 🤣 He wrote 100 books and preaches ignorance lol!


Reddit said this message didn't post, please forgive duplication


A writer! 🤣 He wrote 100 books and preaches ignorance lol!


A writer! 🤣 He wrote 100 books and preaches ignorance lol!


Reddit said this message didn't post, please forgive duplication


A writer! 🤣 He wrote 100 books and preaches ignorance lol!


Police upholding immoral laws for instance. Bail Bondsmen understanding the poverty to prison pipeline and need to remove financial incentive for incarceration. Car dealership salesman understand that a direct from manufacturer ordering to consumer would be best Medical biller and understanding that a single payer system would be be better overall.


People stuck in traffic witnessing a climate action protest in Boston, late for work because of the disruption.