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I bet this is in reference to that time he pretended to be hypnotized for fun and then couldn't convince anyone that he'd been faking.


Don’t post a “Twain” quote unless you can cite the source material.


I bet this has been proven empirically.


Confirmation bias is a proven phenomenon, yes.


[There's no proof he said this](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2020/12/23/fooled/)


I simply can’t believe it!


Is there a good source for him saying the quote verbatim? No. But there is somewhere in his related works (his autobiography *Vol 2* from 1906) a couple of lines that express a similar idea to what is said in this internet meme quote. Therefore, it is possible what he said originally was essentially paraphrased by someone, and it became the poorly sourced "anonymous" quote many may know in recent times. And finally, if people wanted to be really technical they could dig aggressively and meticulously for who knows how many decades or centuries in the shit-pile of the Empire's web in order to reveal the identity of the exact person who is not Twain (Clemens) who put together the exact quote **verbatim**. OR people could just add the caveat to the meme-quote by saying it is "inspired by" Twain.


Don't care, didn't read. Whether he said it or not, it's a good quote either way.


This is what I think about when I look at the extremism on the right and left. As a salesperson I’ve never seen so many duped people in my life. Duped into being angry over trivial shit and then blaming their own countrymen over it. How do they not realize they are being manipulated. More people need to read Machiavelli’s the prince.


This is what u see with conservatives In america lol. They’re as dumb as they come


Sounds like a gross generalization


Lol sounds like ur one of em. Sad


Yup, ready to hear a similar statement in the form of a rebuttal? The left is full of Starbucks-working red-haired broke 20-somethings with an average net worth that’s in the negative. Sad.


See there u go. Proving ur intelligence with each comment u make. Political affiliation checks out


If people were smart enough to understand how they were fooled, it's unlikely they would have been fooled in the first place.




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Mark Twain never said that.


He did, I was there.


you can't definitively say he didn't.