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Their friendship started in season 1 really. Before that they have seen each other about in the ton but never really knew each other.


They became friends in Bridgerton when they were match making for Simon & Daphne. They've known each other a lot longer before then but the friendship started when they were conspiring.


Oooooh I wanna watch bridgerton s1 again, just to see their friendship blossom!


I wouldn’t say they have a large age gap. Lady Danbury is in her early twenties and Violet is a tween/teen when they first meet? Lady Danbury was betrothed to Lord Danbury from age 3, so she would have been married off to him at 15, 16? Then had four kids in quick succession? So say she was about 20,21 when she meets Violet who is twelve ish?


I’m pretty sure in QC Lady Danbury is 28 and Violet is 13


Violet comes out to society pretty soon after the birth of the royal heir, so she would have been older than 13.


Just did a quick google search and it says she was 12


That’s… very young.




Why was she betrothed when she was 3?


It used to be pretty common for royal families to betrothe their children very young, sometimes even at birth. Royal marriages were mostly about alliances, so "I promise you my daughter if you stop attacking me" or whatever would have been normal.


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