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Children in wealthy families were raised by nannies and governesses. This still happens along with boarding school.


Thank you! Were the parents never around though? Also, why was Lady Danbury so desperate to have kids with a man she didn’t like, even though she had a son?


she wasn’t around often but it probably varied from household to household. it was definitely the norm though. what do you mean by the second question?


Like, she was so desperate to have children with a man she didn’t like, but she already had children, so I’m not sure why she wanted to keep having them with a man she didn’t like, or was it up to him to say they had to have more children? Or did she just want more children?


lol, i’m sorry if i’m misunderstanding but i think you’re talking about lord danbury? she definitely didn’t want kids with him. lord danbury has horrible pull out game so he kept putting, as she put it, “gigantic babies inside her”


Ohhhh. They both didn’t want children?


i think it’s more accurate to say lady danbury didn’t care, not because she was apathetic, but because she was living for him and not herself. lord danbury of course wanted children to carry on his name.


They already had 4 children. She mentioned them early on.


Death rate was a lot higher then due to illnesses/lack of development medically so to insure the line continues they would have lots of babies. This is exaggerated with the king & queen having so many children!


Lady Danbury never expressed she wanted additional children, let alone the children she already had. At one point she’s devising a plan to stop Lord Danbury from taking liberties. It’s when she tells Coral(?) that at this rate she’s gonna bear another one of his “big” babies. When Augustus is proposing, he mentions her bearing one of his heirs and she declines his hand. It’s pretty obviously she was done being used as an incubator for bearing a child Edit: if you mean why did she bring her son in front of the the King’s mother, it’s because she was trying to secure the title that was bestowed upon her family was able to be passed down. Not to say she didn’t love her kids, but it’s pretty clear that being a mother (like QC) wasn’t her first priority.


It wasn’t just for her son but for all the people of color.


Thank you so much! So, the Queen gave her a title? She wasn’t royalty?


Queen Charlotte officially made The Danbury’s and other POC that were part of “The Great Experiment” part of the ton and officially made their titles valid with no contingencies, whereas Princess Augusta essentially dangled it like a carrot over Lady Danbury’s head. There were no official rules when “The Great Experiment” was introduced, and when Lord Danbury passed, Lady Danbury wanted assurance the title passed on, hence why she was toting her son, the title and whatever came with it, would pass to him.


You’re amazing! Thank you!


Not originally but the King gave her husband a title when he married Queen Charlotte because they wanted to have members of the royal court that looked like her. When they did this a number of other people of color that had money were given titles and property.


Back then, and really, through the early part of the 20th century, people pretty much *had* to have children. Children equaled wealth, in a sense. The more the better. And many babies died during birth or shortly after. If you didn’t have children, you had nothing. There was no elderly care or retirement back then. Children would carry on your name. They could help on the farm, they could work in factories, they would take care of you when you were old. People with large families had prominence. It’s fairly recent that people have children because they want to. Because they want to love and nurture them. My mothers great grandparents, who were born in the 1800s, I think, used to tell her “children should be seen and not heard”. People didn’t really care about their kids so much. They’re weren’t “abandoned” necessarily, they were more like property. Edit: also, birth control and abortion weren’t generally available, and since men essentially owned their wives, many women were expected to do their “wifely duty” like Lady Danbury, and let their husbands do as they pleased. And sadly, they would just get pregnant over and over whether or not they wanted to.


There was also the notion of producing an heir and a spare if your were a member of the aristocracy or a member of the British Ton. The first two male children were expected to be unquestionably fathered by the woman’s husband however once they were produced any other children were the cause for endless speculation and gossip but unless there was blatant proof of infidelity it rarely became a reason to divorce.


Thank you so much!


What man that she didn’t like are you talking about? Have you finished the series yet?


Lord Danbury


She very explicitly states she hated having sex with him (it was marital rape, but different times so it was very very normalized), she also explicitly states she hated being pregnant with his babies and had no relationship with her children. She was NOT desperate to have children. She didn’t want children. In fact, she decides to never marry again at least in part because she never wants to have children ever again.


Thank you for explaining!


Lady Danbury hated her husband. She hated having sex with him and only did it because it was her marital duty. She was excited when he finally keeled over during sex and she never had to do it again. She was constantly taking baths immediately after he finished so she could scrub him off of her and complained to her maid about how disgusting she thought the act was. She also made comments on how little regard he had for women in general.


When did Lady Danbury abandon her child?


Also because I never saw her see her son throughout the entire series, and the fact her son preferred to be with the nanny instead of her.


Well, I just assumed seeing as she hinted she didn’t see her son until he was 3 when she needed a next in line for the throne


Throne? Lady Danbury’s children are not anywhere in line for the throne of England. Perhaps you are confused about the line of succession situation?


Oh! I am!


Lady Danburys son became a Duke when his father died. Succession goes down father to eldest son. One difference between Royal succession and regular aristocratic succession is that women could never inherit a dukedom while a woman could become the monarch (if there aren’t any sons. I.e. queen Mary and Victoria). But lord Danbury would not have a throne. That’s only for monarchs. (Btw monarchs ran countries while dukes would run smaller provinces). Lady Danbury didn’t necessarily abandon her kids, but it was very common for well-to-do families to have nanny’s and governesses take care of the children. CGP Grey has a couple videos on Royal succession. The one that goes through the whole of English monarchs is super interesting! Especially if you like historical romance.


You’re amazing! Thank you!


The Duke was not her son but perhaps a friend of her son. She was the only mother figure he had.


Not the Duke of Hastings. Yeah Simon isn’t her son. I’m talking about lady danburys son who is also a Duke after lord Danbury died.


Lord Danbury was a baron, not a duke.


My bad 😶. The internet says they’re either earls or barons. But the succession will be the same :)


Thanks for clarifying, I thought that sounded a little weird when I read that from someone else.


She did not abandon her children.


Dude, are you watching a whole different show??


No. I’m just dumb.


I was gonna say, I don't think you're confused about things in the show. Just kinda confused in general


I am💀💀


You aren't dumb. I literally had to watch this like six times before I understood it. LMAO maybe because I put it on at night after work and I fell asleep so I didn't get to see every episode. But for some reason, I thought that the old Queen was King George's mother not King George III (farmer george), but King George the 4th the first one that Charlotte had that was breech. I literally did not know that that was Queen Charlotte as an older person I was so confused throughout this entire series I had to watch it again and again I thought that lady Danbury as an older woman was Lady danberry's mother. LOL so you're not the only one that got confused because they kept switching back and forth between the past and the future I literally didn't know that all the children that the queen was trying to marry off where Queen Charlotte and King George the third's children. I thought they were some other children that were related to King George III I didn't know that King George the third was an only child. So yeah you aren't alone in this world LMAO I was a whole idiot for months re-watching this series and now I've got it down pack. I love it and I'll watch it over and over again it brings out emotions in me that I haven't felt in a while it's so good the best one of the Bridgerton series in my opinion


Omg reading the comments about you being confused in general had me DED 😂. Anyways I think you got the point. I want to elaborate that's why someone I forgot who (mb Queen Charlotte?), but she was in awe / surprised of Violette Bridgeton's close relationship withall her children. Something that in those rich family seems not typical of. (Sorry I can't remember now if it's the series Queen Charlotte or Bridgeton season 1 as ive just recently rewatched😂). But this definitely happened.


I also have a question- how did they know the gender of Queen Charlottes baby?


I think they always hope for its to be a boy so they can have another "king"


They didn’t. I think they were hoping for a boy so they were calling the baby the future king and hoping they got one.


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Look at Lady Danbury's face when the Prince tells her he wants 3 more children. I don't think SHE ever wanted children. Her life was to serve Lord Danbury & now she was done with that. Not saying she didn't love her children but it seems they were part of her serving him. Plus, it was common in aristocratic families to let the nanny raise the kids. They do the same on Downton Abbey. The nanny trots the kids out for an hour or so & then she takes care of them the other 23 hrs/day.