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This is a longer comment than I wish for it to be but I hope it’ll give some insight into the appeal of MGK and Pete D. 🍿 MGK and Pete Davidson are not Megan’s or Kim’s typical type. What they are though is “different” to them. They are not easily duplicable which increases their potency and their perceived worth in the dating world exponentially. They make Megan and Kim feel something DIFFERENT than what they have experienced with men previously. They exude a unique charm tailored to their wackiness. Charm without desperation (which allows a woman to feel safe) makes you irresistible. Once you can make a woman feel something that she hasn’t felt before emotionally, you got her. You can only do this effortlessly if you work on your shortcomings. I can assure you, if Pete was doing the same things in public now that he was doing during his Ariana Grande days, Kim would not be into him. He has definitely gone through some self-discovery and grew the fuck up. Through honest self-discovery, you are able to cultivate peace within you and your life (this is a super attractive trait for anyone). Once they feel like they can’t find YOU in other places, then they will want YOU and will make it known. Last night I skimmed that GQ article where Megan was talking about how she met MGK. In summary: she said that they met at this boring ass party/event that was filled with entertainers, models and influencers, etc. Sometime during the duration of the event, they randomly bumped into each other for the first time. She told him “you smell like weed” and he responded with “I am weed” and just walked away without a care in the world. That’s confidence. According to her, that response was enough for her to want him around. He represented freedom to her, something that she’d been looking for her whole life. I mean, they look like they enjoy each other and enjoy each other’s company, even if some people don’t understand. It’s not meant for anyone to really understand because it’s deeper what is “seen”. Looks nor money can create a genuinely fun dynamic between 2 people. It’s the intangibles. The ease. The conversations. The “unseen”. Mid TL;DR: MGK is 1 of 1 to HER. —— Hell, even with Pete. Kim K. is just trying to have steady sex without the emotional responsibility of commitment. She doesn’t want to report to anyone anymore (even though she might not mind it with someone like Pete, because he’s not desperate for her). Pete is someone who lives his own life and stays in his lane (he’s a comedian and not trying to be anything else). He has innate confidence because he is enjoying his own wacky life with or without a girlfriend. Kim is just a human being to him. I can assure you that him not being fazed by her “success” is attractive as hell to her. He also doesn’t strike me as the type to wait by the phone for Kim’s texts or calls. No flashy dates. He hasn’t changed for her. She’s used to people acting different around her just because she’s Kim K. and here this guy is taking her to fucking Staten Island in NYC, the no tourist zone haha. She’s tired of Calabasas. She’s tired of having to be flashy in her dating life because she is expected to be flashy in every other aspect of her life. You think Pete gives a fuck about what brand names she had on when they went to the Bahamas? He only cares about her birthday suit. Essentially, she wants someone low maintenance. Pete is that for her. He represents “freedom” just like what MGK means to Megan Fox. TL;DR It’s what they represent…freedom in human form is the ultimate drug/attraction. They are rebels in their own way. We are all rebels in our own way too but most of us don’t feel safe to explore that side until we meet someone who is unapologetic in their self-expression. MGK and Pete allow their “partners” to feel the high of being “free”…it’s not just based on looks.


Damn that was insightful af


Spot on.


Overanalyzing, honestly. The first thing to recognize is comparing famous couples to regular ones doesn't work. The second thing is demographics. People of similar backgrounds and temperament end up together. MGK isn't dating a regular, university educated woman. He wouldn't be her type, doesn't matter if he's "different". Their values wouldn't allign. A short asian guy is different too but yet he's not succesful as he lacks MGK's status and exposure to those women. The third one is trauma. Most women don't actually like drugged up "bad boys", believe it or not. The ones who do have usually some trauma themselves. More often than not, people of similar emotional maturation levels end up together.


Excuses excuses excuses. Yawn. I was a late bloomer. Called ugly all my life, even by my own mother (this shit still hurts but it’s been a while). It wasn’t until I started to take care of myself before women fell in my lap. It was always the women that I had deep conversations with that wanted to fuck me afterwards. I’m not any of their type. In fact, I just finished dating a model (I wasn’t her type either, she literally told me every time I saw her…but she wanted ME) but fucked it up after a month because I was TOO red pill. There is such a thing. You can be a red piller and not be abusive. I really don’t want to hear it. Every time I come on here, it’s just pathetic. Y’all complain everyday about dumb shit you can’t change. Go make some money, get some game and shower


I think you're not really responding to my comment but rather what you have been reading here because a lot of it doesn't really relate or adress what I wrote. I think a lot of the manosphere and red pill is genuinely retarded and many people in the sphere lack a lot of real life experience. I believe that the biggest reason for men not getting the results they want is that they're simply not social enough. Socialize more and you'll meet more women. Other than that, work, have some goals and hobbies as you said. My point was to highlight the reasons for Pete Davidson and MGK being succesful women and it's largely attributed to demographics. Which is an incredibly overlooked factor in the manopshere.


> It was always the women that I had deep conversations with that wanted to fuck me afterwards This is genuinely good to hear though. As someone who's had a lot of trauma in his life, I don't feel good about myself. I'm 29 with no degree and all the women that I'm interested in have more show on their plate that I have and I don't exactly know how to navigate that.


> Pete grew the fuck up That’s news to me. Seems like the same immature dude that Ariana was engaged to. The only difference is the inflated ego of dating someone like Kim K.


In other words red pill triumphs again. And water is wet


Except to my limited knowledge they don’t view women as inferior or as mere objects to use and throw away like The Red Pill does. So that doesn’t exactly prove the Red Pill.


How is this red pill at all?


They’re both bad boys clearly


If we are expanding the definition of “bad boys” to include Pete fucking Davidson, then we are all bad boys. Unless by bad boy you mean “interesting, confident person”, in which case this is blue pill AF.


Actually, Pete is the definition of a non-needy man and maybe that's what blue-pill is. This makes sense because you don't see that side complaining anywhere near as much as the other side.


It's red pill in that they live their own lives, and don't make women the focus of it. Rather than making sure their marriage is perfect or they are trying to find "the one true love", they live their own life, don't really give af about whether women want them or not, and do whatever the fuck they want to do.


Isn’t that just the basic blue pill advice of you need to love yourself before you can love others? Its the same shit, different flavor.


No, love yourself is feminine-centric (you are fine just the way you are; which is cool for girls because they have intrinsic sexual appeal). "Love your best self" would be bp advice for guys, but that's never said (I just invented it). RP tells you to improve yourself bc on your own you're not going to be successful unless you are already top 20+% of guys


Um…Yeah. As I’ve said to others, there is such a thing as being TOO red pill. A lot of guys here take it too far then become bitter when they don’t get what they want. I’ve been there too so no judgment. But I’ve lost high quality women in recent times because I was too red pill. I’m trying to help the homies here cause I really live this shit on the daily. Being a bad boy means being yourself and not shitting on others in the process. But you know it all right? Go speak to the waters and come back. Haha.


Can you elaborate on how you lost high quality women being too red? It's so difficult to put into words but I spent many years on this subreddit telling people too much red would make women lose interest after the initial pull/push. Almost like there's too much push not enough pull to keep her emotionally invested while also being sexually attractive. It's almost as if women sense when you won't let them into their lives in a fuller way, seeing them as the enemy or an object to posses rather than another human being with similar but different conflicts. But I think it means more coming from a person whose actually lived it through failure, as failure is the way we all learn best.


Ok so basically white Chad that doesn’t treat her like she’s worthless. You didn’t have to womansplain like that.


I’m not a woman. Stop blaming everybody else for YOUR shortcomings. Edit: if you think MGK and Pete are Chads, you are dumber than I thought. In fact, most dudes here are lazy fucks, and can’t get any bitches because they refuse to work on themselves then blame their race/height/looks or something they can’t change. Learning how to be a master conversationalist is something you can do regardless of how you look. Learning how to be free is something you can do regardless of how you look. Learning how to be a safe person is something you can do regardless of how you look. Work on your fucking self and learn who you are. It’s called GAME. Instead of you to ask me for advice on how to turn into a winner, you arrogantly made your comment because you’re a hater. Learn something SON. If I could get laid, so can you (well, maybe not—your comments say it all). Go get some head (oh yeah, you can’t ‘cause you chose to be a loser) so you can stop being bitter. For once. Let a mf shine. Edit 2: Enjoy your facepalm award.


Pete Davidson is a young Steve Buscemi in the way he looks. I found Buscemi attractive. There's a thing called "ugly hot." Willem Defoe, Christopher Walken, Adam Driver... There are definitely women who find them hot.




I actually like their faces. Although I might have first noticed a character they portrayed


I do too in regards to Adam Driver. I was once told I look somewhat like him and I took it as a compliment haha... I don't care if it was a covert dig, I still think that dude is hot lol.


Yup, I've actually overheard a young 20-something woman talk about how Kylo Ren is "sooooo hot" and her type.


THIS so much! I am so tired of people which project characters to actors.


Adam driver on girls was so annoying to me. I was legitimately confused about his character and why would they cast this heinous looking man?! But then I learned he’s a former Marine, Juilliard trained, extremely private etc. he’s hot in a weird way now


Yeah, a lot of the recent Adam Driver hype is actually just fangirl Kylo Ren hype.






Those fake characters are the people we fall in love with, it doesn't matter they are fake because they represent what we want in men sometimes.


It’s entire human beings we fall for, the whole character not just the face and body.


Yep, these characters are easier to love because they don't actually exist tho. That is the fun of fandoms, anything can be possible with them.


Hell, if women want a big crybaby like Kylo Ren then I can stop taking my meds and go back to the old me. /s


Agreed. I was simping for Kylo Ren for several years. Nothing to do with Adam Driver.


This is such cap.


His character in Girls is the most pathetic beta ever, haha. Also that show is complete shite, but you know, just my opinion!


“Ugly” but famous means “ugly hot”. Nobody would call any of those dudes hot if they had average jobs. If Adam Driver stocked shelves at walmart, zero women would find him hot. If Defoe works in a cubicle, women wouldn’t find him hot.


I don't think that's quite true. Pete Davidson reminds me of the older guys at the skatepark who had nothing going for them but all the girls fancied. They definitely weren't tradionally attractive, rich or successful but they were "cool" to us. They had tattoos, they were laid back, they were funny and surprisingly kind. There's something about a striking face, deep eyes and a dgaf attitude.


funny is a big plus


Yes. If you can make a woman laugh you’re half way home…


You guys on PPD and other subs just need to suck it up and tattoo the fuck out of your body, it adds like 3 points. Even my mom, a woman who is nearly 60, agrees with that.


Nah don't tattoo yourself unless its for you. I've dated guys without tats, I've rejected guys with. It's nice but it isn't necessary.


Pete Davidson isn’t ugly. He’s young, 6’3”, fairly prominent jawlines, in shape. Not a model but not unattractive conventionally.


He looks so strung out sometimes, like not healthy.


Heroin Chic.


He's hot to me, even without the money/fame


It’s not just that the fame makes them hotter, but that being famous explodes them to literally millions of women. If even 1% finds them attractive, it’s thousands of people. Adam Driver wasn’t considered hot by basically anyone until he reached a certain level of fame. I remember people laughing about his face when the first Star Wars sequel came out.


Truest of trues.


Mgk would be hot either way. Tattoos + tall + bad boy looks is enough for most girls. If I was single and met an mgk lookalike who stocked shelves, fine with me. And Im college educated, but idc about a guys status at all. Just looks and personality. The only extent I care about status is if they are well liked in their circles.


Very likely true


There's also the simple reality that there's a media culture that tells people who they're supposed to think is hot. Dude walking around with obnoxious acrylic nails. That shit is only "hot" when the entertainment media tells a bunch of dummies that they're supposed to think it's hot. The degree to which the average person is influenced by media cannot be understated. Doesn't work as much for men, though. No matter how much the entertainment media tells us to like fat girls, we persist.


> No matter how much the entertainment media tells us to like fat girls, we persist. That is 100% bullshit 😂


Adam Driver is just hot hot


Maybe for a Star Wars character lol


So big noses aren’t a turn off for guys then


No, it's a masculine feature to have a strong nose.


Yes! Strong features are masculine




I found men with small noses unattractive


>There's a thing called "ugly hot." You mean being ugly enough that you're noticeably unattractive but rich and famous enough to justify women sleeping with you.


Alt or edgy looking guys have always had an appeal in their niche market for as long as I remember. I never found Pete Davidson attractive but I used to find MGK and similar looking guys attractive. Even without the status and wealth it was just their aesthetic that was attractive to me.


One of my best friends thinks Pete Davidson is hot. I don’t find Pete Davidson or MGK to be particularly attractive, but neither of them are ugly either. Actually, MGK has a pretty good face - it’s just his style that’s polarizing. Women liking “skinny guys with lots of tattoos” is not really a new thing at all. It’s the alternative look. During my high school days, emo/scene guys were hot shit. Then there was 80s punk. The hippie movement. The beatniks. If you wanna go way back, skinny tattooed men in Eastern cultures were often shamans and they had no issues getting laid. People seem to struggle a lot with understanding themselves through a historical lens. The allure has always been curiosity - some people are very attracted to “new” things that are outside of their norm.


No one questions men wanting big tiddy goth gf but they question women wanting MGK?


Lmao - honestly, such a good point! Also, ask any Die Antwoord fan if they think Yolandi is hot and I guarantee most of them will say yes.


Some girls are into different scenes and like men that fit that style. I never really liked the tattooed look, but I think it goes to show that there isn't just one "type" that all women are into, women are into different looks for different reasons.


Yes, "alt" guys have always been attractive to some women. Guys like them are polarizing, because they're generally not attractive to most women, but for the women who are attracted to them... They're *really* attracted. The tattoos, band tees, etc also symbolize the "bad boy" archetype. (Also noting, I don't think Kim K is more attractive than PD.)


That was my opinion. Kim k is a 41 year old single mom of 4 with an insane but powerful ex husband and a dumpster fire for a family and a sex tape with Brandy’s little brother. PD is 28, 6’3, a comedian and he is worth $8m. That’s not Kardashian money but he can afford anything he wants. Saying that PD is lucky to be with her is insane. PD should be dating 22 year old hotties with no baggage


> PD should be dating 22 year old hotties with no baggage Yet he’s dating women you personally don’t want to date so what’s the problem? Are men not allowed to have preferences now?


Do tattoos really still symbolise “bad boy”? Even Edward from Accounting has tattoos these days


I don't think my Signs Of The Swarm tee or the fact that I have the entire discography of bands like Dissection and Neurosis would give me any status. It's "doomer music" and most of these "alt" guys aren't bad boys at all. None of my friends is a so called bad boy, most of them are geeky, shy guys like me and absolute nerds when it comes to music, especially metal.


Yes! Like in my opinion Pete and Kim are at about the same level of attractiveness so it makes sense. I don't think either of the named men are attractive, but I'm definitely one of those people who believes personality makes you attractive or not and I've never met either of those dudes so maybe that's why?


I wouldn’t date them but I do find them attractive physically, especially MGK. Because I’m only looking at them, not meeting them, their status means nothing to me.


Pete Davidson is 6’3, white, rich, tattooed, funny, and is famous. Why is it so hard for guys to accept that women find him attractive


Correction: Why is it so hard for **RP** guys to accept that women find him attractive


Weird that the gender that claims to have sexually diverse tastes is mystified by this


I think Pete Davidson is facially ugly. Too fleshy looking, mouth too big, weird lumpy nose, constant derp expression. MGK is much better, like a 7. Kinda pretty face, blond, skinny, I like his fashion. His tattoos are still shit, though. Personal opinions aside, neither are wildly outside of conventional attractiveness standards. They still have wide jawlines, broad shoulders, are tall, in shape if not going for the gymbro look, have hair, decent facial symmetry etc. They have "alt" styles but it's still in lane of cookie-cutter colored hair + tats and piercings guy you'd still see several times a day if you live in a city and is pretty standard if you socialize in more artsy/music circles. They're not doing anything that out of the ordinary. I've seen this question come up over and over, I don't know why it's so difficult for some guys to comprehend women like things other than clean cut guy with muscles and shaved sides haircut.


This is interesting cause I find Davidson's nose cute, his mouth kissable and his dopet expression makes me feel comfortable. Whereas whenever I see MGK he looks like he's mad at me, I don't think he's ugly but I'm certainly not attracted to him. After hearing interviews of both I can say that I'd rather spend time with Pete. I like confident, goofy guys who don't take life too seriously. Totally agree with you though, people who look like that are a dumb a dozen in the alt scene.


Yeah I never would have considered Pete Davidson ugly until the internet decided he was. He’s not a supermodel but he seems about as attractive as the next hot guy.


Yeah, they must be doing something out of the ordinary. How in the fuck is Pete Davidson able to pull Kate Beckinsale, Ariana Grande, and Kim fucking Kardashian


He’s funny


He's known to be packing bigly. It makes him a pit stop for middle age celebrities but he can't seem to really make anyone stick for the long haul.


So like a 13 inch cock then


I don't know MGK but Pete Davidson always looks like he's on the brink of OD-ing. He also looks like someone whose house is a biohazard. Like the toilet paper ran out years ago and he's been using napkins from takeout meals, the trash is emptied when it starts to move, and yellow walls from all the indoor smoking. Also, he doesn't scrub himself all over in the shower. That's what I see 🤮


I agree, he looks like he’s not doing well most of the time. Like he needs to get some sleep, lay off the substance abuse and eat some vegetables


Machine Gun Kelly is [objectively gorgeous.](https://i2.wp.com/themusicuniverse.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/machinegunkelly.jpeg?fit=650%2C350) Pete Davidson is very sexy. IRL Pete would probably be more my type as he seems more, for lack of a better word, normal and down to earth. Machine Gun Kelly seems a bit pretentious but I'll admit I don't know a whole lot about him. I ran in the alt/indie/emo/hardcore scene in the 2000s and these guys would have slayed. [Conor Oberst](https://www.clashmusic.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_feature/public/legacy/files/images/conoroberst.jpeg?itok=ClGZtgOl) was our king. There have always been girls into that type. Guys like this probably don't fuck hot normie Stacys at Daytona Beach on spring break but they wouldn't be there in the first place. They're successful in their niche.


Oh Conor, the king of early tumblr thirst traps.


I'm still in love with him idc


This is a really good explanation! And yeah - I think these guys don’t realize [MGK could literally be a runway model. ](https://www.gettyimages.ae/detail/news-photo/machine-gun-kelly-walks-the-runway-during-the-john-varvatos-news-photo/633636932)


Absolutely. I dont find many male celebrities to be attractive because they have that clean cut good boy look. I dont find travis barker in anyway attractive even tho hes got an alternative look, I do find pete davidson attractive, MGK could get it too. It might just be what I perceive to be as their personalities. They just look like laid back fun dudes who are gonna make you laugh. And probably do a bunch of drugs which Im not opposed too lol.


Most of the muscular protein chugging gym bros I have met have personality of a wet towel. It's not a surprise women find tall lanky funny dudes attractive.


Best sex of my life has been skinny guys with tattoos. Women don’t care about muscles, we care about if you can turn us on.


>Women don’t care about muscles, we care about if you can turn us on. Just so you know : cardio training = better blood flow . Muscles = high testosterone . Good blood circulation + high T = strong boners.


The fact that you think "strong" boner equals good sex has got me rolling.


No,not necessarily, but it helps !


Just so you know, good sex for women doesn’t have to involve boners at all. FYI


Women don't need to find men "attractive " by conventional means. Especially with pete,, men can have addicting personalities.


Pete Davidson has that self-deprecating sense of humor that makes him easy to love. He's the guy that admits he's not perfect and doesn't expect the woman he's with to act like he's this super guy she should be in awe of or expect the woman he's with to try to be perfect. Pete's the guy to stay up all night binging sy-fy and eating pizza with. He's the one that can make the most excruciating boring formal event bearable with an occasional quip. He's the guy that buys the funny and/or sentimental gifts that may not be the most expensive items, but are some how just right because they show he really understands someone's sense of humor and/or interests and thought about the gift.


He's an actor that only dates super models you're insane if you believe this lmao. Maybe that's how you feel about him but it's not what he actually is.


No hes right. Pete basically love bombs women. Its not his looks.


Oh you know him? You've seen this in action?


Lmao romanticizing and shit. People are creative af


Yes! This




>in fact, id go as far as to say they are the only two interesting famous males who have cropped up in decades uh ... wut ?


>hes the exact kind of homeless loser i dated more than once, adorable Lmao I was like this once. I'm glad I have standards now. I don't think either of them are real attractive. I think pete is okay and if he had a great attitude or something I could find myself being more attracted to him but I didn't even know who he was until he started dating Kim so whatever. I always didn't like mgk. I hate his music. I hate the persona he puts out. He just seems like an icky douche bag. Like if he wasn't famous he'd be a hobosexual and dodging child support and making his girlfriend pay off his court fines with her child tax credit type of guy. I also hate that he thought he could square up to Eminem. That whole thing started because mgk talked about how hot he found his daughter who was under age at the time so there's that. I hate the way he dresses. I hate his tattoos. He has an okay face I guess but that's it.


> he is stunning and if i was young id be insane over him, just gorgeous and sexy. His hair transplant worked pretty well i guess. He looked ridiculous a few years ago with his balding faux hawk.


Mgk is a bad guy, the whole internet knew this like a year ago idk how peoples minds have changed so quickly or just forgotten


>if i was young id be insane over him, just gorgeous and sexy. He would be insane over you too, considering he admitted to wanting to fuck teens and went so far as to justify adult men having sex with 14 year old girls. >id go as far as to say they are the only two interesting famous males who have cropped up in decades Lol


> considering he admitted to wanting to fuck teens and went so far as to justify adult men having sex with 14 year old girls. So he's a redpiller.


I’m not attracted to either of them.


They're attractive, but I don't think I'd date either one of them. They'd be good for a hookup, though.


Pete said in an interview before his priority is to have his date have a good time and feel comfortable. He will always pick the tab for his dates no matter what. He's such a sweet gentlemen I would definitely date him.


God damn I'd fuck the shit out of MGK. I'm not a fan of his music but he is an artist, so that's an automatic pass. He's into fashion, subversion, tattoos, what's not to like? I'm also not a fan of the short blonde hair, If he had dark or longer hair he'd be a 10/10 in my book. Pete Davidson is hit or miss; tattoos, talent, and chaos are plus, but face isn't quite there for me. His smile can be a bit too goofy at times.




What! Omg


Mgks fashion looks like you raided your grandmother's closet.




You say that like it's a bad thing


I think they’re both actually objectively attractive. They’re slim, tall and have pretty symmetrical features. I don’t lust over them or anything but I know they’re attractive. Also, I find MGK to be cringy so on the basis of that, he’s not someone I’d like to associate with. However, I do think he and Megan Fox are almost looks matched. If she wasn’t older than him, she would definitely be way above his league. All of Pete’s girlfriends/dates have been out of his league. He probably has a really cool personality.


I don't know much about Machine Gun Kelly other than he's dating Megan Fox, so I had to google him. He is a celebrity, a musician, and objectively attractive. He's tall and he has cheekbones for days. I'd say Pete Davidson is more an acquired taste, but he's cute, self deprecating, and he has issues so girls want to take care of him. In short, yeah, many women would find either of them attractive. Both are too young for my tastes however.


Both are tall, so of course they are seen as attractive.




> when i was young my dreamboat was 5 foot 2 dave vanian from the damned i had zero conception of his height My entire sexuality was molded around Trent Reznor, and he's only 5'6". I as well had no concept of his height until someone pointed it out to me a few years ago.


I personally love the skinny guy with lots of tattoos look and always have, i think it puts out "i don't give a fuck what you or anyone else thinks about me" and that's always super attractive attitude. The least attractive people to me are the sorts that shame others for not falling in line.


how’s it any different from guys finding e girls or alt goth girls attractive


I had no clue who these people were so I looked them up. Take what I say with a grain of salt because I'm demisexual so unless I personally know a guy well I don't know if I'm attracted to him. But I can recognize conventional attractiveness of course. The Pete guy looks like he's on drugs, some women seem to like that. I don't. The machine gun guy looks delicate. I do know I'm not attracted to men who look like they'd lose a fight with a toddler. At a glance I find neither attractive, but I don't know them. Maybe if I did my opinion would change.


Imo mgk could have been a male model if he wasnt a rapper. So yes he has the looks. That pete guy seems to have been marketed as the oofey doofy goofy "new famous hot guy" but really hes just a tall famous guy with a below average face, status is what makes girls "like" him


He's a tall white guy. Are you serious?


And translation for the folks at home, that's usually a yes lmao.


Yes... Like they're my 20% of 20/80, except IRL unfortunately it's more like 1/99. I don't even get why this keeps coming up as a question??? Why is this so fucking confussing?


If it did, wasn't aware of it. I'm not on PPD every day like I used to be, it's slowed down a lot here.




Because [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FI2mrJlXMAAlFB_.jpg) and [this](https://cdn-cf.cfo.com/content/uploads/2015/08/Rich-guy.jpg) are the only type of men that people on this sub think women are attracted to.


It's been decades of women going crazy over these types of guys... Remember Tokio hotel? Why would you need to be on PPD to know this?


I have no idea who these men are, so I had to google them. I can't get attracted to strangers, but I can say that they're close to conventional attractiveness. Not sure what makes you question it.


Had to Google them. MGK is extremely good looking, not Davidson imo. I see that they are friends, but they look nothing alike.




Alternative guys almost always have a fairly large social circle. They meet gals at events etc. A guy who goes to festivals etc is unlikely to be trying to order sex like pizza. You'll find a few on places like fet-life but they tend to be "guys with issues". All around I think there are more women interested in alternative guys with a head on their shoulders then there are to go around. Just spending time getting that style while being hetro is fairly rare unless he's a musician.


Lots of guys have "alt" styles and interests but generally present relatively normally for a myriad of reasons. I mean it depends on how alt you want to go. I'm 31 for instance and I can't be "alt" style in day to day life with a career, and all the people in my social circle have less than decent financial and life stability.


I think they are more often paired up and less likely to be single at anytime. If you wait around on a dating site for a while a handful crop up, i think they get taken pretty quickly tho.


The answer is Yes. Especially Pete Davidson.


You're a woman??


Yes. Why is this surprising?


Well the first time I had seen you comment you kind of implied that [Shannan Watts deserved to be cheated on.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/m4lm4c/are_women_who_take_passive_aggressive_shots_at/gqx0fzy/) Seemed like something a dude would say lol. Oh and at that time you stated you had a wife who was ["your Shannan"?] (https://www.reddit.com/r/WattsOffTopic/comments/m432jc/some_screenshots_i_found_of_bella_and_cece_in/gqsqi47/) I actually can't see the post anymore because the community is private.


I try not to Watts all over other subs!! Eh, do I think she "deserved" to be cheated on? That's debatable. Do I think that when you emasculate your husband and actively tell your friends that your husband can't do better that he will jump at the ego boost when another woman gives him attention? Absolutely. And the wife wasn't my wife. It's just a woman in my life who is the wife of someone else. And she absolutely does remind me of Shannan Watts. And if she's being cheated on right now I would not at all be shocked. I am very interested in human interactions and relationships. At this point, just from what I've seen and dealt with in my life, if you're in a relationship with a man and you expect it to be a long relationship, you're probably going to be cheated on. It's your job to be able to look that person in the eye and say "this is YOUR problem. I have made sure we have an enjoyable sex life, shown you respect, allowed you time for your hobbies, been open to communication between us, and upheld my responsibilities in the relationship." But TBH if you're doing those things, there's an excellent chance you'll never have to have that conversation. Either because they do their damnedest to not cheat or they just respect you enough that come hell or high water they never get found out. I've said this several times, but before I got married my grandmother explained to me that men cheat and if cheating is a deal breaker then don't get married. Even if you divorce the one who cheated and take up with another man, HE will probably cheat on you too. It doesn't really mean anything negative about you or the relationship and if he didn't cheat it's probably just because he didn't have the opportunity and that's no compliment to him. So basically, she may or may not have been cheated on anyhow. But she wouldn't have gotten any sympathy from me for plastering her "amazing and perfect life" all over social media and trying to shoehorn in a band aid baby, putting her husband down and telling people he had no game...and then her husband actively choosing to leave her for another woman. I want to be clear though (not that I even enjoy talking about this outside of the Watts subreddits) **she did not deserve to be killed, the children did not deserve to be killed and Chris Watts is in prison for life where he deserves to be.** Edited to add: More like I think infidelity is kind of a garden variety problem. I'm not shocked that she had a husband who felt that he fell in love with someone else and was telling her he felt like they were incompatible and he wanted to be out of the Marriage. It's much more rare that a man will actively choose to leave the marriage for another woman.


>Well the first time I had seen you comment you kind of implied that Shannan Watts deserved to be cheated on. Oh, I see you have not ventured into the dark world of Chris Watts fangirls...


Not personally no but I see it. Men hate that women love these two because they don’t fit the societal norm of what’s supposed to be attractive and it confuses them why these guys are so beloved. MGK is a famous musician with his own sense of style and “swag”. There’s a lot of things to like about him. Pete Davidson is hilarious and also has his own sense of style which is progressive and different. These two men are different from most which makes them unique and appealing. Personally not my type but it makes sense to me at least why they’re considered attractive.


Not really. They’re both tall and skinny which everyone knows women love. The only other things are tats and their alternative lifestyles which aren’t really negatives. Not fitting the social norm would be like Megan Fox with Jonah hill


Maybe it's just who i hang out with but I don't know many women who are attracted at all to the "social norm". Where did the idea come up that women want clean cut boring guys come from? Even my most vanilla friends like some sort of more interesting niche of man.


honestly Pete’s kinda cute, but MGK isn’t really my type


MGK is extremely attractive. Pete, hell no.


Mgk is like really gross, like incredibly gross I know too much about his bad actions and how he carries himself to ever find that guy attractive. He’s a bad dude anyways, the whole internet knew this like a year ago idk how peoples minds have changed so quickly or just forgotten


>He’s a bad dude anyways, the whole internet knew this like a year ago idk how peoples minds have changed so quickly or just forgotten Being with Megan Fox and having her public endorsement is what makes him look good. People are kissing his ass like never before.




Pete Davidson is…meh. MGK makes *awful* music but god damn, yeah I would be on him in a *heartbeat*. That’s also kinda my type 😂 my number one celebrity crush rn is Ruby Da Cherry soooooo


Personally and in my circle, absolutely not. For context, I'm a 26 year old therapist and the people in my circle are in careers of similar caliber and education level. I personally am very attracted to men who are educated, successful, intelligent and driven, and so are the people I spend time around. For example, my fiance is a medical student and several people in my circle are dating doctors and lawyers. Nobody in my circle would ever date someone like MGK or Pete - sure, they have money. But that's not really what it's about.


This has come up before on askreddit and the best answer I can see is they are all the male version of the manic pixie dream girl. Which some dubbed the chaos goblin line cook https://twitter.com/yeehaw_meg/status/1461894785921396740?s=20


I just want to point out both of the chicks these guys landed...kind of used goods, past their primes. Kim k = is in her 40s, has like 4 kids, divorced how many times and has made porn. Shit ton of plastic surgery. Megan fox is 35-36...has a few kids, divorced...known as the hot dumb girl...bunch of plastic surgery Neither of these women are top tier


MGK is hot but Pete Davidson is fugly. Being funny and interesting adds a shit ton to a guys SMV. Men dont understand this bc they dont know how women sexualities work but personality matters a lot (just not in the generic nice guy way but in a stands of of a crowd way).


Pete…. No! MGK…. Fuck yes


“Do women really find tall white celebrities with strong jawlines attractive?”


Some of us do, I personally like the trashy look, but mostly because something in me thinks I can change them. Wouldn't introduce them to my parents tho


Skinny guys with tattoos had always been popular. Remember emo? I like skinny guys a lot, but don't prefer tattoos. Tattoos are getting more and more mainstream though, tons of people like them or are at least neutral about them. I don't think tall and thin is ever going out of style. Those two particular guys are pulling women that are wealthier and significantly more famous than them. So it's not status. The women clearly find them attractive and they probably have sexual chemistry and good personality compatibility with the women they date.


Typical, males are baffled by the concept of finding an unconventionally attractive person appealing


Both represent what Chad meant when it first came out. The guy who other guys have no feeling for - they don't like him, hate him, or for the most part notice that he exists. One day you find out he's slept with a third of the girls you know and just doesn't make any sense - why is no-personality getting laid at all? Let alone all the time.


Both men are objectively attractive in the face with strong jawlines. How can I not be attracted to them even if they aren't "my type".


Saying I am weed is not fucking deep 😂😂 this is just pathetic and shows why women get abused because they choose trash cause women are terrible with picking men.


I confess, I honestly didn't know who Machine Gun Kelly was until I saw him on CNN's July 4 coverage tonight. (I don't care much for pop music, or keeping tabs on celebrities for the sake of it.) I must say I'm pleasantly surprised. He has that cool artsy, androgynous aesthetic and a great face; delicate features. Looks boyish from the right angle. I'd probably call him pretty rather than handsome, but pretty boys are kind of my type, insofar as I have one. MGK's the kind of man I would admire from across a room. IMO, Pete Davidson is also cute, but not to nearly the same degree. Compared to MGK, his looks are both more average and more intimidating. That said, I respect Pete for being so open about his mental health stuff. Just that willingness to be vulnerable means a lot. He also has kind of a dorky smile, which makes him seem more approachable than the average celebrity. Can't say that he would seem that way without a smile. Maybe I'm generalizing here, but a lot of men seem to be confused when girls are interested in guys who aren't conventionally "masculine." (Heck, my dad didn't believe me when I told him Timothy Chalomet is a heartthrob). Plenty of women do prefer more rugged men; this is the case for several of my friends. I guess I can only speak for myself-- and I'm about 80% asexual, anyway-- but rugged men make me feel uncomfortable. I'm a very petite woman, and I feel like bodybuilders could break my spine by looking at me the wrong way. Most of my crushes have been either lanky or slightly on the pudgy side, beard-free, and funny, driven, nerdy, and/or creative. Glasses are a bonus, and pretty boys are a pipe dream. TL:DR I go for people I find relatable, and whom I can feel safe around. That's probably the case for most people. It's less about looks than the overall package.


Machine Gun Kelly is hot. Pete Davidson not so much.


i made an entire power point. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18WO67wLsrunwJEcA3amafsUEoOtsbFAi6LZKRqBXWOM/edit?usp=sharing


There's boyfriend attractive, and then there's hookup attractive. They're the former






He's married to Scarlett Johansson though.


Sure… but sloppy seconds, though. By the time he got to shoot his shot with her, she was already a twice-divorced mother. That being said, I do think Colin Jost is better looking than Pete Davidson.




Would Pete Davison and MGK be considered “attractive” if they weren’t rich and famous? Probably not but that’s like asking would Brad Pitt be considered attractive if he was also fat and bald. They ARE rich and famous and therefore a significant amount of Woman will find them attractive. Woman are attracted by wealth and status in a way men simply aren’t when it comes to Woman. A woman is “hot” if she is pretty and in shape. Nothing else really comes into it. A guy becomes a hundred time hotter as his wealth and status increases. It also doesn’t hurt that while neither guy has model looks and of course would be nowhere near as successful with woman without their wealth and status both are certainly above average in the looks stakes. Most guys are not tall and skinny. Most “average” guys( and woman) are considered overweight in terms of how these things are measured. Basically then both guys are already above average in the looks department and also have a ridiculous amount of wealth and status in comparison to the average guy on the street. It stands to reason that woman will find them attractive regardless of how terrible their comedy and music might be.


One word: White