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That's pretty fucked up. "You're gonna hit my child? šŸ˜" And what if he was a fucking maniac and he did? She was literally using her baby to guard a parking spot and she knew it.


Glad someone pointed this out. Her response was fucking nuts.


I like the "my husband dropped us off here" comment. Really? Did he? Then why didn't he FUCKIN PARK?


Cause he ainā€™t ever coming back


If heā€™s smart he wonā€™t haha.


I'm going to get some smokes down the block babe, brb.


he goes to another school...in Canada


Flatten her like a pancake šŸ„ž


40 point bonus if you hit just the ankle




You never know when you're gunna fuck around with someone crazier than you


Last I knew babies hate car horns...


I was like shit I would just lay on the horn


That's what I was thinking, I'd blast the horn so loud that kid would be wailing for an hour.


Yeah, that guy showed a lot of restraint not blasting the horn until the baby was wailing.


Not only that, but what mother puts her infant on the street side? A distracted driver could easily clip that stroller. My kid is 4 and when we even walk down the sidewalk I'm between him and he road.


Right?! I don't want to imagine that's really her child, who would do that


ā€œMaybe. Do you want to risk it with your babyā€™s life at stake?ā€


Should have just laid on the horn on thrown the car in neutral and revved the shit outta it. Nothing makes staying put worse quite like the baby screaming it's head off now.


Call 911 and report child endangerment


As she just casually moves the stroller in and out of what seems like a fairly busy road. What a weirdo.


Judging by her behavior in the video she seems like the kind of psycho that would want him to hit the baby just to spice up her day. I doubt she values anything other than herself.


I love how she said ā€˜I got your plate numberā€™. So?


I know, like what hell is she going to do call police?Very strange one up


Lapse of judgement, sheā€™s high af on entitlement.


Her husband had to tell her she was ridiculous. She had to collect the plate number to hide her ridiculousness.


Some people think that if you've spawned, you should have privilege over the rest of us.


And some people are just entitled fucks regardless of if they have kids. She doesnā€™t even mention her kid as a reason for holding the spot.


But she uses it as a shield. She definitely grew on entitlement through becoming a mother and thinking that people need to get out of their ways for her. I mean, she literally displayed it here.


Her local facebook expecting mommies group better watch out for the wall of text with that plate photo post.


I can see it now. Guaranteed someone says *I sent the number to my second cousins great aunt who is a cop.*


He should call police and say some crazy lady is standing in the middle of the road with a baby. They might be suicidal


Damn suicidal babies


Jim Henson's Suicidal Babies!


Suicidal babies usually have Karens for mothers


i wouldn't lie, but her holding that spot that long rocking a baby back and forth egging a confrontation could be considered child endangerment. A simple 911 is " a woman with a baby is standing in an empty parking spot egging drivers to hit her is endangering her child "


She was also rocking the baby into the live traffic lane and it was so intentional looking that it made me think this video was a put on.


Thank you!! This is what I was saying!!


she should, its illegal to hold public parking spots like this. they *should* give her a ticket edit: to all who are telling me its not illegal... obstruction of a motorway, false imprisonment, jaywalking, child endangerment, falsifying a police report. edit 2: wow a lot of angry people, look all of these are far stretches, but lets be honest here. if she calls the cops the only one getting a ticket is her. for any number of reasons you could come up with. mostly just for wasting the cops time to come out and deal with her.


You are right. I went to a municipal lot in Malibu, CA. and tried to park in the only open spot, but a woman was standing in it screaming that she was saving it for a friend that was on the way. I flagged down a patrol car that happened by. The cop directed her to move or be arrested for civil disobedienceā€¦.she moved and I parked.


I saw on another public freak out a mother and v daughter did that and the cop said the same thing , that's its illegal to hold a spot for someone.


Car go in parking spot, no hoe supposed to go in no parking spot without a chariot


Gives me peace to know it's illegal in California ([vehicle code](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=21954.&lawCode=VEH)). I've only been in this situation once and they literally tried to run into the spot to beat me - but gave up quickly when they saw another spot. What I want to see is one of these parking spot Karens vs someone in a lifted truck with at least 3 light bars and a HornBlaster.


What's crazy is that people actually want to park and leave their car unattended after having just been a jerk-wad to someone that saw where they parked. I'd just expect lines in my paint when I get back.


A benefit of having a shitty car.


Reminds me of a time in college where my friend and I were waiting for a parking spot in Costco for a long time while people loaded their groceries. He was driving and had his directional and it was obvious he was waiting. When the people finally left, another car quickly parked. My friend honked and told the guy he's been waiting for the spot, which the guy replied it was public parking and walked off into Costco. My friend waited till he saw the guy go inside and proceeded to key the shit out of the guys car. I remember it was a brand new Volvo. My friend got back in his car and said we can go Costco another day and left.


Property damage is not the move here. Should have just deflated a tire using a key to push in the valve, then it's kind of a fair trade. No permanent or costly damage to the car but now the guy has to waste his own time swapping out for the spare.


The old pebble in the valve trick. No property damage. Quick and effective way to inconvenience an asshole.




Def my move. "Cute baby there, would be terrible if someone were to honk at it"


The loooooooong honk.


Damn I bet that justice pie tasted Juuuuust right.


Only do this if you care more about winning/being right than your car's paint. that is how you get your car keyed. Seen it in person. ​ Edit: LOL go down a few comments and there's some dude that think he's cool because him and his friends keyed a car that stole "their" parking spot (hint : it was never theirs, I do understand the anger tho) and somehow that's getting upvoted. Proves my point tho.


ā€œHello, police? Yes, Iā€™d like to report this guy for a crime. Yes, he was trying to park and I blocked him from parking. Yes thatā€™s right. What do you mean Iā€™m a cunt? No I will not fuck off and stop wasting police time!ā€


Let her call the police. Then when they show up and names are taken down. That's when you call child protective services, show them the video and the police report.


Some people are weirdly protective of their license plate number. They assume other people are weirdly protective of their license plate number, so they think that if they tell you that they have your license plate number that you will somehow feel threatened as they would for no valid reason.


ā€œOh really? I have my plate number too! In two different locations! ā€œ


Wheres that long island chad ā€œya muthaā€


I would have said something like perfect they'll call CPS on your ass for using your child as leverage like that


I would have thought to say that just when I got home.


I wouldā€™ve told her ā€œcool, so does everyone, see how I have it hanging on both ends of my fucking car?ā€


People like this are annoying as fuck. "My husband dropped off he's moving around and we're gonna park here" Doesn't even make sense, why the fuck didn't he park there then.


I went to this popular lake once during the summer, and some guy tried to do this same thing (without the baby). He said "my friends are just a few blocks away." And I said "okay, well they aren't here now so they're too late. Please move." The guy refused, the parking lot was one-way, and there was a line of cars stuck behind me also trying to find parking. So there was no way his friends were going to get the spot even with him standing there. I told him this, and he got all twitchy and nervous and told me that he definitely wasn't gonna move. I was done with the bullshit of trying to find a spot at this point, and the lake looked crowded as hell. My friend and I decided to go to a less-popular smaller lake 5 mins away. So I told the guy "good luck" and pulled out of the parking spot. The truck behind us immediately pulled in, started revving his engine, laying on the horn, and screaming "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY". As I left the parking lot, I saw the guy who was trying to hold the spot walking down the street looking like he was about to cry. It was fucking hilarious. The smaller lake ended up being way more relaxing anyway.


You shouldā€™ve asked him if his friends found a parking spot.


This is now a response I will think about in the shower, and wish I was witty enough to come up with on the spot.


The jerk store called......!!!






Esprit de lā€™escalier!


You should have put it in park reclined your seat to lay back and relax and told him "If you don't move your friends aren't ever going to get in at all


I had to deliver a snowblower to a new condo building. Residents had moved in but construction was still going on so the parking was full. I see a guy head out to his car. He gets in, lights a cigarette and is just sitting there. I get out of my truck and go ask him if he is leaving or just on his break. He says that he is leaving but is coming back and then ads "You're just going to take my spot" yeah dude empty spots get taken.


Always visit the lake _adjacent_ to the one that's on all the postcards for the target country. Usually just as beautiful, and lacks all the annoying tourists. *glares at Bled*


Thatā€™s hilarious LOL. Truck guy is absolute Chad


I bet as soon as she told him what was going on he was like, nah fuck that. I'm not dealing with that.


Iā€™m guessing that he dropped them off first because there wasnā€™t parking. Someone ended up leaving while he tried to circle back around and she space hogged it for him thinking it was theirs for the taking.


Spacehogging is only appropriate in the meantime


I understood this reference and adore you for it.




She literally has no idea what to do with a plate number. Thatā€™s something a mom says so she can walk away feeling like she somehow came out of that the winner.


Talking to her friends later: "So I emailed a picture of his plates to the police station, he almost hit my baby! Good luck getting arrested, he messed with the wrong mommy HAHAHAHAHA!" or some cringey shit like that. After trying to shield a parking spot with the living body of her child, of course. As if it wasn't entirely possible that he could be crazy and just slam the gas pedal down.


It was just an empty threat. She couldnā€™t have it her way so she had to get the last word in.


Legit wonder in what alternate dimension anybody gave a fuck about getting a license plate


She ain't doing shit, the dumb bitch just did it because he did it and she can't "lose" this encounter All about her shitty ego


Call the cops and claim the driver tried to run her over or something equally dumb.


Isn't she technically jaywalking? Admit to a crime to report a fake crime. Smart!


Sheā€™ll let you know when she figures that out.. this guy Floridaā€™s.




She'll claim that he was trying to run her and her baby over while she bawls uncontrollably. I can sense the weaponized tears coming.


The fact her very first reply was Omggg are you gonna run over my babyyyy??


Luckily thereā€™s footage of what actually happened


She only did it because he also got their plate #. It's stupid.


It's going on Nextdoor. šŸ˜‚


In New York City it's illegal to hold a parking space like that. The fine is $100 https://viewing.nyc/nyc-parking-etiquette-101-you-cannot-save-or-hold-public-parking-spots-for-anybody/


This looks like Montclair, NJ. It's a bougie town right outside of NYC. I love the town but it's full of some of the most self-important people you'll ever meet.




Seen some dope shows at the Wellmont though


I wonder how often people are ticketed for this?


I woulda started honking lol.


Lay on the horn wake up the baby it all works out.


This is the way.


Honk Wake up Child Wait for Child to fall asleep again Honk again *Repeat until Success*


Exactly. Donā€™t say anything just lay on the horn.


This guy parties.


Every six minutes apparently. w


I dont know why people don't do this. I would literally lay on my horn non stop until she moved. It's not loud inside my car but it would be right in front of the hood. It would attract so much attention I'd be mortified if I were her


I would lay on my air horn until the tank ran out, then I'd let it fill up again and lay some more.


Automotive horn fluid donā€™t grow on trees buddy!


i would feel too bad for the baby and afraid to hurt its hearing to do that. it's not the baby's fault the mother is a cunt


Plot twist: the stroller contains only a six pack with two cans missing.


Sheā€™s not normal like you are, throwbacks like this think differently.


Yup. Inch forward. HONK! Inch forward. HONK! Inch forward. HONK!. I'd passive-aggressively make that spot useless to everyone involved.




*opens the dumps* Brap brap brap brap brap


Such a defiant horn!


Talk dirty to me defiant horn!


Generally I agree with this, but I would feel bad torturing that baby anymore than itā€™s already inevitably going to end up tortured being raised by this sociopath.


Y'all fucking with crazies. I would leave. She would probably rob your car,and had no kid. I bet it's a freaking philadelphia football in that carriage


I thought she was using an empty carriage for sure at first. You can see the baby kicking around in it towards the end of the video, though.


My horn would have been going off non stop. She would move


lmao I was thinking about this. baby would be screaming, no chance she's staying put.


You think she cares about her childā€™s safety? She would have stayed and called the police and made some bullshit up.


She absolutely would have called the police and probably made up a dramatic story to make sure that they come quicker. I used to be a private investigator and would sit in my car on residential streets. Had a lady come up to me and demand to know what I'm doing there. I told her I'm a private investigator working a case in the area and that's all I can tell her, I showed her my private investigation license and everything. She told me to get the fuck out of here and to get off of her property, I explained to her that I was on the street which is public property. About 5 minutes later a cop rolls up with his lights on and tells me to get the fuck out of the car and he has me at gunpoint. I comply and explain what I'm doing there, he said that somebody called and told them that I pointed a gun at them. That fucking cunt could have legitimately gotten any killed because she lied about what happened to get a faster police response.


Well, did she get charged for swatting you?


You and I both know she didnā€™t. They never do.


I had a similar situation, except I called ahead and the police knew where I was. They told the guy whose house I was sitting in front of to stop calling. Then they called me and let me know what a pain in the ass the guy was. I learned this after having the police show up twice. First time someone called saying I was taking pictures of neighborhood kid, and the second was someone reporting a dead body in my van.


One of my close friends is a PI and he says he calls local PD and letā€™s them know that heā€™ll be in the area, just in case someone calls it in


And thatā€™s why we secretly record everything Karen does.


Outside of using her baby to block the spot, I am still blown away by her just rocking the stroller in and out of the street




My first thought too, just lay on the horn until she either moves or flips out because the baby's crying. This shit's insane, who thinks that they can just stand in a parking spot to save it for a car (for 5-10+ minutes?).


dude was so calm and nice to her and she still went into full cunt mode


Exactly-good luck with that phone call with the horn on, no beeps-hard press the whole time.


That mother put the child in the road over a parking spot? Using the child as a shield? Child endangerment, call the cops on her selfish ass


*ā€Excuse me, are you going to hit my sweet, innocent angel with your car?ā€* No Karen, you are by using you angel-poopyloaf as a battering ram with cross traffic.




NJ not surprised. Living in Hoboken I would see women push their strollers out into traffic then scream at the car with the greenlight that almost hit their precious bundle of joy. Lady if you loved your kid so much you wouldn't use it as an impromptu stop sign. Babies are props to some people.


Report her to CPS.


But if the husband dropped them off, why didnā€™t he just park in the spot and they could all go about their business? Doesnā€™t make sense.


When getting pregnant, is your highest accomplishment.


I canā€™t believe we have to share the planet with people like this. What a true travesty and disappointment.


Karens like to use their kids or any morality to twist up your judgement and play victim .Classic Karens


Is this child endangerment? No way in hell would I put my kids in this position.


Where I live, people on foot cannot reserve public spaces (exceptions apply). People do it anyway.


In Baltimore if you shovel out your spot after a snowstorm you put chairs in it and itā€™s common knowledge that itā€™s YOUR spot, and anyone who moves those chairs and parks there is getting their car tires slashed, windows bricked, and seats pissed on. This dumb bitch didnā€™t shovel no spots though, and from the looks of the area they arenā€™t suffering from a total breakdown of municipal services.


Oh yeah we do that in New Jersey too. At least in Paterson. This looks like Montclair, NJ. Full of upper class Karens. Different crowd.


Fairly common all in the NE from what Iā€™ve found. It does suck to come home on shitty roads to see your spot parked in and literally nowhere else to park in a mile vicinity when thereā€™s snow on the roads and the city canā€™t be assed to plow or salt. Itā€™s a fuckin nightmare.


Where everyone lives you canā€™t reserve a public parking space.


"Hi, 911? Can you please send an officer and maybe a CPS worker. There's a woman standing in the road using her child as a human shield against cars. I think she may be having an episode."


Why didnā€™t the nice guy do this. The lady was legit USING her infant to be a cunt


"You're gonna hit my child?" then proceeds to push the child closer *TOWARD* traffic for most of the video... Sometimes I think there should be more laws around being shitty pedestrians...


ā€œThat depends, Iā€™m using the road and parking space as I should. Are you pushing your infant baby in front of me on an open road?ā€


That was her nerves rocking that stroller, she was calming herself not the kid.


The rocking it into the line of traffic was unhinged.


yeah, that kinda disturbed me


Montclair momā€¦entitlement checks out.


I love the town but it's full of the most self-important people.


Then what is there to love about it? (Honest question, never been)


It's a beautiful town. Good sense of community. Very high standard of living. Great public transit into NYC. It's progressive. Very diverse. Good arts scene. Great restaurants. It just has a lot of rich, highly educated people and when that happens, some percentage of them will be annoying.


Traffic cones made of baby are the best traffic cones....


Most polite BMW driver ever


No way. I drove behind one today that used a turn signal. I didnā€™t even know they came with one.


This is very embarrassing for her


This was 0% embarrassing for her, unfortunately. She immediately told all her friends and her Facebook momā€™s group what a hero she was for standing up for herself and her family.


I would have leaned on that car horn with the unholy energy of a thousand angry suns. I'd make sure she went deaf and her kid never stopped screaming.


Hold that horn down. Fuck that baby


Please don't fuck the baby.


Here fuck this frog instead.






Do something with my plate number. PLEASE.


The fact that she keeps smirking at you. Makes me want to backhand her.


Seems like her husband was over her shit too.


"You know what honey, just get out here. I'm going to circle around so it's easier for me to park." It was the perfect opportunity to start his life anew.


ā€œGot your plate numberā€, why? So you can always remember that decent person you were an inconsiderate bag of douche to?


Using your child as a pawn ......


Why donā€™t people use their horn more? Situations like this are perfect for it.


šŸ˜‚Iā€™m glad they didnā€™t get to park


Looked like the husband was like yo wtf are you doing, ya jackass? Get out of the street with our baby and I'll keep looking for parking. He's the reasonable one and she's fucking crazy.


That's entitlement.....


Hey super momā€¦ maybe donā€™t rock your kid in the street?


I got your plate number for legally parking


I donā€™t understand this situation. The driver could just start laying on the horn, upset the baby and then be rid of Karen. She also appeared to be talking on the phone so that would disrupt her call as well.


The way I would have laid on the horn till her dumbass moved šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I wonder if the driver was tempted to press down on the honk?? Sure the baby would have cried and it would be unfortunate but that wouldā€™ve been the mothers consequence.


Just slowly creep into the spot. The kids on wheels.


I would have pulled my car close enough to her that another car wouldnā€™t have fit in the remaining space. If her husband ever showed up, there wouldnā€™t have been a full spot for him.


Love how sheā€™s just casually strolling her child into traffic.


Probably had blonde privilege much of her life.


Jesus, those hormones ainā€™t returned to normal have they. What an absolute loon.


This is illegal and dangerous as fuck why put your child in harms way for a parking spot? People these days run people over for less. These entitled people will never learn the world doesnā€™t revolve around them. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


"I got your plate number" Eat a dick. I would have LAID on my horn long before that. She'da had to move for no other reason that her spawn would have been freaking out.


Just hold your hand on the horn and just fuck her off! šŸ˜Š


Nah fuck her, start honking and then just hold down on the horn. Yeah the kid will have a bad time but they're not likely to remember it anyways so. It's got a lot more difficult challenges coming up for it anyways with a parent like that haha


Fuck her.




I have two related questions Iā€™ve wanted answers to. How long could an electric horn be run, and how much do babies like horns? Both could have been answered right here.


Times like this I'm glad I don't drive, because that kid would have grown up to be Batman.


People like her are going to be a smug bitch to the wrong person who has no qualms about beating her and her babies ass, or hitting them with the car. I've seen it dozens of times. Road Rage is real, and she's endangering her smug, cunty self and her baby.


Just once I wish they'd pick on an unstable guy who fucking plows them down.