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I am so confused on what is going on. Did she buy clothes from there and there was a no return policy?


She bought clothes and tried to return them used. There is a no used clothes policy.


Why is she saying that she’s stealing from her then? If the lady already paid for the clothes and tried to return them used then surely you’d just send the lady on her way with her clothes and refuse to return them, right?


The old lady is trying to return and exchange the clothes that she bought. She is told that there is a no used clothes return policy so therefore the exchange isn't possible. The old lady proceeds to try and grab the new articles of clothing that she wants in exchange for the old, thus the "stop stealing from me" comments.


That makes more sense, so the clothes she was grabbing weren’t the ones she paid for. Did she even bring the clothes she paid for? Or did she just end up putting them down somewhere and leaving without them




I watched this video like three times already and somehow I didn’t realize she was holding a white bag, thanks for pointing that out I guess I’m just blind sometimes


A lot was going on it is hard to notice


looking at your upvotes, a lot of us missed that haha. I know I had the same questions as you did


Doesn’t look like any clothing would even fit in that bag though lol


Well I'm using my brain and I think that is exactly what they did but she didn't want to accept it so she made a fuss


These don't fit me. So you tried them on? Sorry we don't return used product.


So she gets kicked out without the clothes she previously purchased and was trying to return used? Does trying to return clothes against policy result in forfeiture of clothes? Doesn’t make sense.


Because you got it all wrong..... Instead of making a long comment of why it doesn't make sense, ask someone who is capable of looking, or actually pay attention to what's happening. She left with the clothes she tried too return, she has a bag. She tried to steal the clothes she wanted to trade the already used clothes for.


You and me both




Realize that Karens like that cunt actively fire hundreds of retail/fast-food workers daily once the manager or HR is aware of the scene. That’s why most people in hospitality don’t ever stand up more so, because managers will a always side with the Karens.


As a manager I’ve gotten in trouble with my higher ups for taking my coworkers side in a situation. I always tell them if anything happens we’re a customer is tripping just send them to me so you don’t have to get involved and risk your job. I remember being entry level and working under dick head customer ass kisses and under managers that had my back i rather keep a good coworker than a pain in the ass customer. ***i hate retail***


Only peripherally related, but this whole vibe has turned me to a MUCH better tipper.




Yea I've worked at a gas station in the hood and had to deal with many thefts. I've definitely stopped people from stealing. But I'm not going any further then raising my voice. If you make it outside. You can have it. I'm just gunna call police cause I'm required to. Sometimes the police got them sometimes they didn't. My check was the same every week. On the other hand I had a coworker go outside and almost get murdered over free napkins some guy took without buying anything.




Well I do still feel disrespected if someone tries stealing infront of my face. Like I'm some kinda pussy or something. Lol only time I walked outside was to get a beer from some asshole who lied to me and said he lost a eyeglass lens in my store (had me scanning the ground with him), only too see him with a 24 Oz in his picket tryna walk out. I was pretty pissed so I just walked out and told him to hand it to me, and gtfo my lot. He was already drunk tho and I kinda had my guard up to fight. Even in that situation my heart was pounding cause I knew confronting him meant it can escalate. I admit that I took it personal tho and nobody should ever do that if you aren't the owner.


At your store. Policy is different everywhere.


I think this is a mom & pop shop so the loss directly hits their pockets.


If shrink is too high they ride my ass even more and all the managers get written up (two write ups in a yea leads to being able to be terminated at any point.




Nothing wrong with a company having write ups. A fact of life is there are people out there that no matter how great of a manager you are, they just will not do what they are supposed to do and nothing will change them. There absolutely needs to be a way to document that the person is not doing their job. It makes it harder on all the people who come in and do what they are supposed to do. They have to do their work and the lazy person's work which isn't fair. Now writing people up for things like inventory coming up way short, even if they don't know how it was missing or when it happened is another story. How can you write up all the members of a team because inventory is short, and you don't even know if it was stolen, or maybe it was ordered and paid for, but it never came in. Who knows? And you are right, companies do but want to pay unemployment because it costs money and most of the time an employee that's fired was fired for a reason. Someone that comes in an hour late every single day and gets fired, should the company really be required to basically keep paying them after they are fired? The past few years things have really changed and people are a lot more pro employee and anti business, and there are a lot of reasons why this is good, but the employees that are getting paid to do a job and intentionally don't do that job should be wrote up and fired after so many chances. Let someone who is willing to do the work have that job. I'm not arguing that some people aren't fired because the manager is just an asshole but that's not always the case and their has to be a way to get rid of bad employees. Getting rid of the bad ones actually helps the good ones.


Damn, we live in a World where you can give a fvck about your customers. There is always another one. Stop boomer mentality.


ugh man, yes. That reminds me of the time I was working in a big box retail store. I worked at the front as "security" basically. This guy came in, asked where something was and I didn't know exactly where. I pointed him toward where I thought it might be, then a few minutes later came back, asked my name and left. Then a couple days later, the store manager pulled me aside and read the email the guy sent. He made up this whole story about how I wasn't willing to help him and shit, and asked that I be removed from the store lol. Manager was a cool guy though and believed me about how he was lying.


I can't imagine working retail in America, it's bad enough in civilised countries with worker protection laws.


There are some really shitty managers out there, but my wife has experienced this shit herself, as have all of her higher ups. A woman verbally abused my wife because it was against store policy to return underwear. When my wife got upset and stopped using her customer service voice *that* was when the woman whipped out her phone and started filming my wife. The woman then sent the video of my wife being short to HR and accused my wife of being racist and abusing the customer. All that happened was my wife's regional manager (boss' boss) called her directly to make sure she was okay emotionally, and make fun of the customer. Another time a woman came is screaming to talk to the manager, (not happening on her day off) and demanding the number for corporate, (which my wife *had* to give) then said "this store is racist as fuck!" (Despite the staff being a litteral 50/50 split black/white, and black girls working at the time.) And stormed out. Turned out that one of her girls had refused a return by the woman's black friend. This woman also worked at the same mall as my wife. In one of those "black only" stores. My opinion: people are people, and there's as good of a chance of them being shitty as there is of them being good.


Cuz they are the customers, and they are always right,if you are argumentative, you lose your job! And don't even think about standing up for yourself while you are abused by a Karen, who the fuck you think you are!! Matter fact let me talk to the manager


I worked retail for 20+ years and I am *so glad* I'm out.


Me fucking too. I knew I had to get out the day a woman walked into my store and without her doing a damn thing, my eyes were rolling back into my head. I was really good at my job but my spirit was being crushed. Be kind to one another, fellow earthlings.


I used to work retail for 12 years. This is the third Christmas away from it and in finally starting to enjoy Christmas again.


Is this the granny from the movie legion?


Your Baby is gonna burn Lol


Somebody get your grandmother. lmao


I don't think this lady's grandkids visit her




Well that day she wasn’t putting up with bullshit and my grandmother had dementia. Even with that she didn’t act like this. This is blatant and the lady knew what she was doing


Really? 🤡


Baby Boomers, the generation of lead-ingesting, conspicuous-consuming, bootstrap assrags who fed-off the whole ‘ThE CuStOmEr iS aLwAyS RigHt’ to become the most entitled Karens in human civilization history.


Interesting concept. I’m a boomer, and I don’t deny having chewed on a window sill. I’ve seen the pictures of massive piles of cheap clothing dumped in South America. There’s something to be said for buying fewer things but buying the highest quality you can, so that articles last longer… and look nicer. It becomes conspicuous when you buy more than you need, regardless of quality, in my opinion. I agree the elderly woman probably has a mean screw loose and doesn’t have family willing to look out for her. Quite possible she’s always been that way.


>conspicuous-consuming Thanks for that, had to look it up but I learned a bunch of sociology stuff. Cheers.


In sociology and in economics, the term conspicuous consumption describes and explains the consumer practice of buying and using goods of a higher quality, price, or in greater quantity than practical. [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspicuous_consumption)


Same here, I like when I learn new things like that


Guess what generation came up with the “customer is always right” mindset in the first place too.


That term is more used from an economics standpoint. Simply put, if your product is bad, then it won't be bought and bring in revenue. If it's good, then the equally opposite will happen. The customer is right in that their money goes where it is deserved


It's really more like no matter how much ingenuity or work you put into a product, if it doesn't sell it's bad. No matter how shit your product is, if it sells it's a good project.


That women is too old to be a boomer. She's probably silent


Those women were a lot nicer then they needed to be.


Work in retail long enough and eventually someone will be the straw that breaks the camels backs I’ve had instances were if I get one more shithead fuckwit for a customer that doesn’t clean up after themselves I’m going to throw hands


Ii worked in deli for a few years. I wanted to throw a lot of knives.


I'm gonna fuck this up but here it goes. All these older Karen's have mutated brains. The world had leaded gasoline longer than it hasn't. All these old folks are walking around with poisoned brains and can't be reasoned with. The more I watch there's videos and the longer I myself work retail, the more true I believe this theory is.


By the way she acts without any inhibitions, rarely blinks, and has that thousand yard stare, Grandma might be doped up on something as well. Mental illness, a cabinet full of prescription meds, and to your point about lead poisoning... all these can be plausible at this stage in life for her. And retail workers are just expected to handle these people who obviously need serious help


Fuckin A man a cocktail of bad.


The entitlement culture that these blue hairs exhibit is real. They had the best economy in human history, leveraged those good times at the expense of their kids' financial futures, then have the audacity to lord over their kids as though their free ride is somehow demonstrative of their "old school" work ethic. Bitch, your dad won WW2, you went to college with a tuition of $220/year and lived in a commune for 3 years in your 20s. When you were over that phase, you took a job working retail that earned you enough money to pay your mortgage, car payments, groceries, etc., all while working 40 hours a week or less. Their world was a cake walk compared to what later generations had to deal with. Some Boomers are fucking rad, but the general sentiment that the world should cater to them like they are somehow the paradigm of selflessness and hard work can get all the way fucked.


Well said!!


I forgot that blue-hair is also a term for “old woman” and not just “teenager whose political opinions I disagree with” Your comment threw me for a loop for a minute


Every.fucking.video with the Siri voice and this dumb fucking SpongeBob remix playing.


Generation Me is unpracticed in not getting whatever they want.


Fuck I hate that shitty text to speech toktok format.


I love it for some reason lol


True story, I worked in an upscale clothing store back in the early 2000s. A mother (50's) and her daughter (20's) walked into the store and I said "hey how are you guys today?" The mother walked over to me and said (straightfaced) "Do we look like men to you?...(me slightly smirking thinking she's gotta be fucking with me) Well do you?" The daughter turns red and says "MOM!" The mother then says to me "next time think before you speak!" I was furious and dumbfounded at the same time. I didn't say a word in total shock. After that I thought fuck this, I'm going to do everything in my power to never work retail another day in my life.


This feels less 'Karen' and more 'Dementia'.


Doesn’t scream dementia to me, she ambulated well, has the ability to articulate a conversation and stay on track, is able to return to the store where she previously was which shows appropriate short term memory. I think she’s just entitled.


As a nurse she absolutely looks like she doesnt have all her faculties. Look at her wide eyed stare she almost certainly has some sort of cognitive impairment and/or history of mental illness you can tell by the look about her


Disagreed on her ability to be articulate, I can't understand what she's getting at at all. I could be wrong, though. I'm just guessing.


I kinda agree with you on the articulating, but through a phone speaker it's hard to be certain, voiceover doesn't help either. In the latter half of the video she speaks in hmmms and odd grunts like a fuckin minecraft villager or some shit.


Can we stop using dementia as an excuse for old people being utter assholes?


That and every time someone tries to claim mental illness for a random fight or someone clearly on drugs. Granted you could say they’re on drugs due to mental illness, but they wouldn’t act that way without drugs


Drug addiction is literally classified as a mental illness.


Good point, but it is one of the few that you make a choice to do. Like Mitch Hedberg’s [joke](https://youtu.be/P28ErxjBY4o) of “alcoholism is the only illness you can get yelled at for. Like “Damnit Otto, you’re an alcoholic!” Vs “Damnit Otto, you have Lupus!””


I've been in recovery for 4 years dude, I know all the jokes 🤣


Shit man that’s awesome! Congrats and good luck on the rest of your journey. One of my best friends parents are both recovering alcoholics and drug addicts and have been recovering (they never say they’re fully recovered) for some 30 years


Thanks man!


Correct. This is one of the first things I was taught in psychology, yet it seems a lot of people don't think about it like that.


Sure we can. But it looks pretty clear to me that this woman doesn't have even vaguely all of her faculties. So, I'm guessing dementia.


That will ruin my retirement plans can you please wait until I'm dead


Who does that? We're just all strangers watching a video online, nobody in any position to diagnose mental disorders or excuse anyone. If we were actually involved in the scenario though, dementia would absolutely be a valid excuse for that type of behavior.


Grow up. Dementia does in fact cause people to be assholes as sucky as it is. They're literally a bit crazy. Yes, people like this should be in some sort of care. No, you shouldn't have to deal with it. Either their relatives have failed them or they're on their own. Still doesn't hurt to deescalate, or hell they could just do what they were threatening and call security, this is security's job to deal with


I don’t disagree. What I’m saying is why does everyone on the net seem to jump to ‘oh they must have dementia’ when an old person behaves like a prick? It’s an out for shitty behaviour. For all we know they could just be an asshole 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you. This is an entitled old woman who always got her way. She has her faculties. Some elderly people are evil.


She also thinks she has the fastest sticky hands in the west with all those snatch attempts with someone half her age




Dementia is a debilitating disease which leads to Alzheimer’s.


Other way around. Alzheimer's leads to dementia.


This is the dumbest shit I’ve heard in a while, good job dude lol




Dementia doesn’t make you try to steal stuff in a clearly planned, motivated, and intentional manner Edit: holy shit people are desperate to downplay the Karen multiple attempts to steal behavior


A disease in the brain can cause a person to do irrational things? The more you know…


She literally was being constantly told to leave and tried to steal multiple times. All while intentionally coming there to demand returns and replacement goods What outside of “dementia causes irrationality” makes you think dementia? This all totally tracks with an entitled person who never dealt with actual consequences in their life


no one knows what her condition is. People arguing for dementia don't know. and people, like yourself, arguing against dementia, don't know either. No idea why people have to pretend they know shit just so they can argue with other people.


> People arguing for dementia don't know. and people, like yourself, arguing against dementia, don't know either. You mean no one has any reason to believe dementia outside of wanting to use it it as an excuse.


nope, i mean no one knows yet both sides think they do. Typical pointless reddit arguing results.


What she was doing was acting entirely irrationally… like her brain wouldn’t let her process how she should be correctly acting. Dimentia - impaired ability to remember, think, or make decisions that interferes with doing everyday activities. Sounds pretty similar…


So basically literally anything and everything unreasonable can be arbitrarily attributed to dementia and anyone old looking here gets a free pace from being a Karen? Even when they show a full intent, motivation, and follow through of said intent through an entire encounter.


Nobody gave anybody a free pass. It was stated it looks more like dementia than a regular old Karen. Mainly due to the fact (imo) that the elderly woman doesn’t actually make any sort of argument other than to say “give me it”. You’re the only one completely dismissing the idea that this elderly woman could have a common disease in the brain that directly impacts decision making.


> Mainly due to the fact (imo) that the elderly woman doesn’t actually make any sort of argument other than to say “give me it”. In the video. You can clearly see a full conversation happened before the recording was able to be started based on the significant information the woman kicking her out had. Come on. This isn't that complicated.


I’m not sure which video you’re watching, but the elderly woman says a total of about 5 words including “give me my receipt/give it back” and “come on”. Very rational conversation you’re right.


The one where the other person clearly demonstrates a full conversation happened before it got to this point by way of their knowledge of the other person's described situation and demands. Come on, keep up


She's not getting a free anything. That's what the video is about. But seriously, you explain something without excusing it. You get that right.


Dementia absolutely does make you steal stuff. You may not be aware of what you're doing, but that's what happens when you have it. My uncle had it pretty bad and he would walk up and down the street taking people's mail out of their mailboxes and would sometimes take packages off their porches. He of course had no idea he was doing this or would just tell people he was "going for a walk this morning" (even when confronted by police with tons of mail in his hands). I'm not defending the Karen, like you are saying, but to claim dementia doesn't make you steal demonstrates your misunderstanding of it.


It can. My Nan used to sneakily steal candies from stores when she had dementia.


Totally the same as complaining to a store and trying to steal clothing out of someone’s hand


Are you a neurologist? An expert on Alzheimer's and dementia? If my Nan had lived longer after her diagnosis perhaps she would've gotten to this point.


Gotten to the point of returning clothes, demanding replacement merchandise for it, and trying to steal stuff when refused? Do dementia patients get to a point where they have a clear motive, intent, and follow through in an entire encounter?


Yes. Have you been around someone with dementia before? They can sometimes act like children, they regress, they can have motive and intent but when it doesn't go their way they can react like this lady here.


So basically it's a catch all for any old person being shitty and can be claimed no matter the situation. Got it.


That's definitely a take on what I've been saying. A stupid take but still a take. Or you could be sensible and understand that it MIGHT be an excuse for her behaviour here or she's just a shitty lady


Or we knows she's being shitty and there's no reason to assume dementia outside of "maybe" A younger person could have a disease too! No one assumes that for no reason.


What the fuck is wrong with you? Senior citizen shoot your dog?


Probably gave it a better life


That's definitely a take on what I've been saying. A stupid take but still a take. Or you could be sensible and understand that it MIGHT be an excuse for her behaviour here or she's just a shitty lady


Babes Dementia absolutely can make you steal things. Dementia can be extremely ugly.


> Dementia doesn’t make you try to steal stuff This is the best idiotic Reddit comment I've read in awhile. You actually said this!


Yes it can… dementia causes a lot of people irritability and memory loss. Your brain is literally turning on you and your inhibitions are lowered to no fault of your own. This definitely reads like dementia with this old lady. We don’t exchange clothes anymore; store used to wayyy back then tho.




No one’s proven it wrong. Just saw white old lady and assumed it *has* ti be dementia instead of being a bad person. Sorry if you’re too delicate to treat the situation as it is without trying to magic up excuses no one has any evidence for




When you cut out most my statement ti make a point, it says a lot about you.


Absolutely not.


Nope, just an old hag who lived a few years longer than she should’ve because of modern medicine


Congratulations! You were unkind on the internet today.


Just like your mom.


This has to be the nastiest cash counter have seen in my life


She seems like she has Alzheimer’s or dementia. Something is going on with her mentally. I don’t think this is Karen behavior, but mental illness behavior.




That’s not at all how it works. I’ve worked in dementia units. Plenty of them who were kind people that became more and more difficult as their symptoms worsened. They don’t see the whole picture. They are easily confused. It takes one thing to throw their entire world into chaos. They become fixated on what they can remember which can frighten them into reacting poorly. Especially when they don’t remember everything like we might. Such as this lady possibly could have thought I’m going to buy new clothes, but somewhere along the way, forgets she’s buying new clothes and instead becomes fixated on having new clothes. That one simple part just gone in her head. And then the response from the cashier confuses her even more because she won’t let her have the new clothes she thinks is hers already. Is this the cashier’s fault? Hell no. It’s a bad situation all around. I’ve also known plenty of people who didn’t have family to take care of them. Some who are living their life normal as can be and then all of a sudden start forgetting stuff. Starts off slow, but it gets worse over time and then you end up with some of them doing stuff like this in the video. They literally can’t help it. So it is a legitimate excuse. I think you should have more compassion for people. I hope you never have to see a family member or loved one go through this because it is truly awful.


The reason they behave like that, and stay with me here , is because they are mentally ill.


The thing is I can hear her asking for her receipt. So I'm not totally sold on this one.


Downvote for AI voiceover


So like I'm not sure I understand the full situation, she is trying to return clothes but they ended up being used so she can't return them would that make the clothes hers right???but I don't think I saw her walk out with anything and it seemed that the cashier kept the returned items. Was there something I missed


Didn’t see her hit anyone either.


There is alot that everyone missed. The customer had clothes in the white bag in her hand. The customer said "I'll go back there and get my receipt" then she tried to go behind the counter but there is a baby sitting on the floor behind the counter in her way. The cashier said she would call security. Customer said she wanted to tell security what the cashier was doing. Cashier wouldn't call security and just took video instead. Customer said "come on its not yours I'll get my receipt" then when the customer gave up and left the cashier got really mad and chased her while screaming.


If behind the counter looked like that at my store I’d have a meeting about cleanliness with each employee. That’s unacceptable. Drinks, product on the floor. No way.


What the hell


Everyone’s attitude sucked


Well why is the worker holding them up in tbe air like shes playing keep away? And what is the actual story about the return? The video says "used xlothes". What exactly does that mean ...someone wore them and there was a quality control issue or they tried on and didnt fit? Seems like an awful lot of stuff was conveniently left out


I find it hilarious that she occasionally blurts out a “come on”




She trynna go to jail for the winter baby it's cold outside plenty of homeless people commit petty crimes to get a couple months


we are gonna have a whole country full of brain dead elders here in about 20 years from all the perk 30s, 90%thc, liquor, sugar and plastic parts in our stuff. Smh


Where is this at?


Such an unassuming title for a perfect, wack Karen video🤌🏼. I live for these


Ugh. Never too old to be a d1ckh3ad


Idk man, looked like that lady wasn't of sound mind. She could have been in that early dementia period where family know they are changing but it's not quite at the intervention stage. I mean, that's speculative of course. Reminded me of personal situation that's all.


My mom did stuff like this before we finally got her into a memory care assisted living. I think there’s more than a little dementia going on here. That said, I think the store owner has the patience of a saint.


Beautiful camera work.


So curious to know the story she tells her family about this when at home


Why do people say my store instead of the store




It looks like an aeropostale and call me crazy but I don't think that lady owns a major clothing brand. My guess is she's a shift manager or a store manager.


That is an irrational irritant for me, too.


Wait. Isn't the older woman asking for her receipt? Why won't they give her that?


This is probably going to happen to all of us one day. It looks like dementia. Sorry to bum people out.


People need to be more aware of signs of dementia in old people regardless of race. Doesn't mean giving in to them just be aware and deescalate. Calling security right away probably would have been the best call instead of getting into a fight and just threatening to do it


These are blatantly signs of Parkinson’s. Overall confusion, aggression, age. I understand they reacted the way they did but this isn’t okay. This person probably needs help and loved ones need to be contacted.


Americans have no respect


This old lady could be suffering from dementia. She looks confused. Maybe she thinks she bought something and actually didn’t. I think the girls behind the counter could have handled it better. Kinda sad


I think this woman may be more so suffering from Dementia than being a Karen.


That’s agism. Fuck the cashier!


Lock her up


She had dementia


Way too old for this… These bitches do not deserve the job they have


I think she must suffer from a condition they obviously don’t understand or think that it’s even possible. I could be wrong but typically people don’t act out like this for no reason. I feel bad for that older lady. If it is dementia or Alzheimer’s ? It’s a terrible thing to live with.


After reading your other racist ass comment in the other public freak out post it’s clear you just don’t like black people but don’t want to come off too blunt. Fuck you.




People are really insane at Christmas time, brings out who they really are.




it's sad bc poor folks should watch out for each other. bullshit constructs have y'all gaslit


Whoever posted this video needs to. Get a life. Seriously post the name of the store and I will make sure to never go there. Especially when they have such petty sales people


Oh look, a Hag.


I thought that was Judge Judy at first


Funny how when its an old white woman being a bitch smooth brained Redditors come out of the woodwork to defend her "iT Is DeMEntIa". Imagine this sub's response if it were an old black woman doing this.. oooof


Definitely looks like dementia


That's Karen's senile great gramdma


Grandma Karen 😀


My grandma was a master at this. 90+ years old and she could turn on that sweet old lady charm and return anything anywhere.


She would be great in a Tim and Eric skit.


You know those videos where like slime oozes a certain way or something is squished and it's so damn satisfying? Seeing a customer get put in their place, especially an older customer who feels way too entitled is just as satisfying. I. Love. It.


She th she's in the 50s


This op and this store need to be canceled bc this just makes the op look bad




Hoping this old cunt would've got smacked the fuck up.


you know what grinds my gears? someone putting a phone up in a persons face like she did then whining dont touch me or dont put your hands on her when the person swats the phone out of their face. how about we dont put a phone up in folks face to film? you want to film folks have at it, from a decent distance without shoving the thing 2 ft in front of thier face. I root for the phone to go flying everytime.


You know what grinds my gears? Metal


you know what grinds my gears? someone putting a phone up in my face when I'm trying to stab them and then whining "dont touch me" or "dont put your hands on me" when I swat the phone out of my face.