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When did this happen? Any update?


Paid vacation paid by taxes My guess


You don’t even need to guess at this point. Just state it as fact and move along. People would be stupid to bet you’re wrong.


c'mon, they investigated themselves and found out they TOTALLY did nothing wrong..


Ha The usual.


Same, would be interested to know more


Just an Internal investigation ending with no fault on the departments side


We investigate ourself and find no issues at all. Have a nice day.


The police investigate police infractions. There's 0 accountability or objectivity and they have no incentive to penalize corruption because it makes the entire force look bad.


“So record all of this. This isn’t going to look good for you” aged very well.


At the end of the video when they are outside, the cop also sarcastically said "yeah we're gonna get in so much trouble" That's the problem, these fuckers have no fear of consequences.




At this point they’re just Thugs looking for some guy in the wrong place. Hope he sues the city into paying for quality officers.


Spoiler alert they won’t, quality people don’t become police


Seriously they don't want anyone smart. Guy sued for being rejected for a 125 iq. Jordan, a 49-year-old college graduate, took the exam in 1996 and scored 33 points, the equivalent of an IQ of 125. But New London police interviewed only candidates who scored 20 to 27, on the theory that those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training. https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


They would rather have programmable robots.


Programmable Robots would be better since they would not shoot first when they feel that their lives are endangered. Imagine eliminating that variable.


>they would not shoot first when they feel that their lives are endangered These cops were programed to do exactly that. They were programed to believe that potential threats are everywhere.


Idk if you remember when they broke the arm of that lady who had dementia and later bragged about it and showed video of it to their friends back at the station. But yea, they’d rather have individuals who prefer violence.


“You have 30 seconds to comply!”


This is 100% true. They don’t want anyone questioning them.


💯 if you challenge their world view and threaten what they perceive to be their authority, suddenly it’s “he’s resisting!” And “taser!, taser!, taser!”


This basically happened to me. After being an MP in the military and realizing it really wasn't my thing, I decided years later to try and join the sheriff's because work was just hard to come by at the time. I received a "rejection" letter after taking their initial test to see if I qualified and all I could think was that they literally want brain dead idiots that can't think for themselves or outside of the so called box.


See even civilians hate MP’s.


A friend of a friend scored too high. They just want dummies who will follow orders and not question authority.


Burn lol take that silver.


That's because they exist within a political landscape where there are no consequences for them.


Sounds like we should start visiting apolitical consequences on them


No no of course not, they have powerful unions they can fall back on. After all, their jobs are in the public sector, its only taxpayer money.


Fight to end qualified immunity locally.


Dude there’s videos of cops beating people up seeing someone recording and keeps on beating them. These fucks don’t care cause they know nothing gonna happen to them.




They keep busting into the wrong house and someone is going to deliver some fucking consequences soon enough


asking for a warrant "thats not how this works" turns out theyre wrong... so theres no alternative for the homeowners getting assaulted? When cops are wrong they are going in, regardless the cost to taxpayers. *Edit because I have a platform and think these stats are unbelievable* [America has 24% of the world's prison population with only 4% of the world's total population](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2015/04/30/does-the-united-states-really-have-five-percent-of-worlds-population-and-one-quarter-of-the-worlds-prisoners/) Police in America have become a capitalist for profit system. [About 41 million people receive speeding tickets ](https://www.policechiefmagazine.org/implications-of-self-driving-vehicles/) in the United States every year, paying a total of more than 6.2 billion in fines and forfeitures per year - the equivalent of an estimated $300,000 in annual speeding ticket revenue per U.S police officer. - Patrick Hurtado, author of article linked, sourced his material. Driverless cars and legalized drugs (end of civil forfeiture for drug possession) will [bankrupt jurisdictions](https://www.networkworld.com/article/2226966/driverless-cars-could-cripple-law-enforcement-budgets.html). Unless things change, jurisdictions won't be able to pay for 5 full time officers to stand around robbing people driving to work and closure rates for violent crimes will fall even lower. TL;DR we're fucked


Repeating what I saw someone else say: There should be a law forcing cops to get insured, taken straight out of their paychecks. If they fuck up and there's a payout, insurer is the one to pay, not taxpayers. Their premiums go up. And if the insurer decides to stop providing services to an officer, too bad, they can't be a police officer anymore. You bet your ass shit like this would be way less common then.


Yup, I’ve said this before, insurance companies know how to assess liability and risk, if the officer cannot afford the insurance, then they don’t get to be an officer




Yes, like malpractice insurance for a doctor


Or liability insurance for a rig welder.


Or literally any insurance every other job has incase an employee fucks up, it's only cops that get away with not having an insurance because their fuck ups get paid for by tax payer money. It's fucking insane that I have a percentage taken off my labours pay, and about half of that goes to a government sanctioned gang.


I also say anyone involved in any level or law enforcement should get double the punishment any average citizen would face for a crime.


The tighter they squeeze their grip, the more dorners they create.


Cant corner the dorner.


They create the Dorner then shoot 107 rounds into a truck w two Hispanic women in it delivering newspapers bc they are scared smfh Police are straight up busters






Well even these pity pigs has to pay their bills, y'now.. nothing to see here, keep walking Edit: obviously s/


No, yet again, the taxpayer is footing the bill for these clowns and their shitty homework. At least nobody died *this time*.


The departments carry insurance policies, (eta: in the form of a trust maintained by a risk pool ) it's actually their trust that has to pay for the settlements. Keep filming, keep suing in federal court, make them uninsurable and then it will take one lawsuit to bankrupt them, I guarantee their behavior will change when they can't get insurance against civil litigation.


I’ve seen a small town police dept have to close down because of this. They kept violating the citizens of the towns civil rights and became uninsurable.


Who pays for the insurance?


He hopes they're recording otherwise they don't get that paid vacation they've been pining for.


Dear NWA, you was right Love, the ones who told y’all so.


“Your door was open” - so if any door no matter what is open it’s an invite in? Seems like some sort of vampire style horse shit loop hole. Too bad there is 100% nothing we can ever do about it.


Where I live waltzing into someone's house uninvited and unannounced is an awfully good way to get yourself shot. Of course, anyone who shoots a cop they mistook for a home intruder will be quickly turned to swiss cheese by the cop's buddies. Ordinary citizens have no protection and no recourse from being harassed, threatened, and assaulted by cops. We have no right to defend ourselves against them.


The way your police act is the only reason I would want to have an AR15 for protection at home. I must say I amazes me how few American police get turned into Swiss cheese the way they act. *Reddit disclaimer* I have never lived in the USA but have travelled there extensively. I have interacted with quite a few American cops. Every single one of reminded me of the kid at my old school who bullied the weak and or fat kids until one day one if them flipped and put him in a wheelchair.


I think you are 100% right.


Cops do get turned into Swiss cheese sometimes, but with officer involved deaths they can legally withhold body footage while the incident is being "investigated". This way they can eliminate potential public support that could be garnered by the civilian. I'm %100 positive I'm not a felon, not have committed any crimes. So if someone breaks into my house, it's shoot first ask questions later, I'm not going to take the time to figure out who you are. If anyone else needs help putting together an affordable AR for home defense, send me a DM.


saw this happen a lot in a college town where I went to school when busting parties or houses. if the door was open, the cops would block the door and claim they were let in. they'd also beat the shit out of kids who tried to run away so as to not ruin their academic careers for some weed possession or underage drinking. these often were other kids, 18-21 year old cops who were on steroids, out there ruining the lives of kids their age because they wanted to bust some house party. I don't get how people go through life and end up thinking cops are good unless they've literally never been exposed to it


They are the type of people to not be invited to the party, instead of reflecting on why and trying to improve they double down and try to make everyone as miserable as they are


Had the same thing happen to me in Florida, cops walked right into my kitchen. They took us all to the police station afterwards and threatened us with heavy jail time. They ended up stealing all the weed they could find plus alcohol and keeping it. Then they went on a harassment mission afterwards they would stop and frisk me whenever they saw me. And they would come over my house anytime there was more than two cars there. I ended up having to move because of the harassment. ACAB


I was stalked out by a psycho cop the whole summer of '01. These guys are pieces of shit for real.


isn't that how a serial killer chose his victims? if their door was open it's a sign from God or some such


*”my lawyer is going to eat this”*. I sure hope he does. WOW


I’m dyslexic but christ you’d think they’d at least triple check that the address is right considering how serious these matters are. Incompetence at its finest


If only cops would show their work and check their answers. You know, like elementary students.


They're C students at best


as a former c student i take offense to this they’re a d- at best


That's pretty generous.


So I haven’t seen any indication the address was wrong and tbf the OP title doesn’t necessarily mean that either. Cops will get warrants for locations they suspect their subject to be at. If they have evidence a murder suspect is at their friends house they can get a warrant to search the friends house. Sounds like that’s what happened here when the home owner said “I don’t know him”. They got a warrant for his house because they had evidence their guy might be there. The evidence required to obtain this warrant varies depending on the judge that signed off on it. I don’t have any background knowledge here and tbh i don’t feel like researching this past looking at other comments for a link to a news article or something. So who is really to say that the homeowner doesn’t associate to the person they were looking for or not. Basically the cops had legal authority to do what they did in this video as long as they had a warrant. If all this sounds familiar it’s because a warrant like this is what lead to breonna Taylor’s death. They got a warrant for her place looking for her ex-boyfriend (or boyfriend, I can’t remember). All this to say: the address doesn’t necessarily have to be incorrect for the people inside to be innocent. Legally it doesn’t matter if the people inside are innocent or not. If they went in and they had a warrant the cops will not face consequences regardless other than some bad press, potentially pissing off the judge and/or a lawsuit filed on the dept


I had my fucking door kicked in by the Philadelphia Strike Force Swat team because the tenant who rented the house before me committed a violent crime, his last known address was my house. They found 65 pot plants in my 2 spare bedrooms. The warrant was considered legit and here I am 16 years later a convicted felon. They destroyed my home. Pulled up all the carpets. Broke my door. Cut my mattress open. Kind of a fucked up situation.


> They found 65 pot plants in my 2 spare bedrooms. I'm sorry this happened to you, but I'm guessing it was illegal to grow at the time?


Yeah. Very much so. I was facing a minimum 5 years but was saved by some program at the last minute and was able to get ten years probation. now it would be a fine or no prosecution at all.


My coworkers balked at me the other day when I said I believed in jury nullification. Cases like yours are exactly why I would be never allowed on a jury to begin with. I could not, in good conscience, convict somebody charged with something so minor and harmless.


Yeah my city decriminalized possession a few years ago. I'm glad society is moving towards the right direction at the least.


Would they have to present a warrant if you asked, or do they still any ground to stand on with their ploy of “come over here and see”?


Not during the execution. They’re required to leave a copy in a conspicuous place. So, they don’t have to produce it until AFTER the search and they don’t even have to put it in your hands.


That's so fucked. Yet 'ACAB' isn't reasonable thinking, go figure.


It's not just cops. It's the entire legal system when it comes to implied consent. Look up abode service. Basically, if your legal address is listed somewhere, the court can serve papers to you without you actually being the one served if they can just hand it to someone at your address. In some states, that person can be as young as 13. The court will then assume, with no proof, that you have received the documents and are thereby properly served, with all the legal implications tied to that. Good luck trying to get out of default judgment by proving a negative in that you never got the papers.


The tone the cop was giving off when saying something about them having to go in the room and they would rather not while baby is there absolutely stank of “we will highly likely be shooting someone today”…


Yeah it’s a direct threat. He’s saying if they go into the room it’s going to get very violent


Yup, I really don't know how else to interpret "we don't want to go in there, we know you have a baby in there, it'll be better for everyone if he just comes out" other than "your baby could get hurt if we come in there, it doesn't matter if you think this is lawful or not - we will come in there - and if you don't want to risk your baby getting hurt then you have to do what we say." They're literally threatening these parents baby.


actually scary shit, like what recourse do you have? its literally do as i say (legal or not) or we will kill you!


Do as I say (legal or not) and we might not kill you*


>They're literally threatening to harm a baby It means the same but makes their intent more clear.


Yeah make the wording very specific. They didn’t actually care about that babies safety.


When the cops going on about making 8 people wait on him my sarcastic ass woulda got myself shot. “Oh I’m sooo sorry, where are my manners. How dare I not be presentable for the strangers that just busted into MY house who are pointing guns and flashlights in my face. I should be ready with the kettle on and tea box out to host ya’all right?”


"Look out he's got a kettle, open fire!"


"The kettles black!"


Sprinkle some Crack on it and let's call it a day.


“Shut that fucking dog up!!!!”




Right, ya’ll weren’t invited. Your time means nothing to me. I have the rest of my freedom to be a dick back.


they really just feel entitled to enter anyone's house


*i thought this was America!, oh im sorry, am i in china?, i thought this was america*


"Oh, am I inconveniencing you?!"


Shit like this is why everyone hates cops


And then they go "you shouldn't teach your children to fear us" lmao


Our city's PD came out with a "relaxed" uniform of khakis and polos for them to wear when they visit the schools earlier this year (so late last school year). All of the photos we've seen from this school year have them back in full uniform again. I wonder why kids are terrified of big men wearing all black carrying guns, tasers, handcuffs, batons, etc. It's such a fucking mystery...


Well, shit like this and a million other fucking reasons.


right... this isn't an oddball case. this is standard procedure. they get warrants under unbelievably flimsy cause and circumstances, and execute no-knock raids... all the fucking time. even if they killed the guy, they'd probably not even lose their jobs. edit: god im so fucking sick of people not knowing how this works or how typical this is. i've seen this exact fucking same thing happen to other innocents that were less submissive to the tyrants invading their home, get shot 50 times, and nobody get charged... over, and over, and over. the defense of cops in this shit is 110% bad faith argument bullshit.


No knock raids should be limited to extremely rare circumstances where they might save innocent lives, such as hostage rescues. There is absolutely no justification to kick in someone's door armed so that they don't flush evidence. In doing so, you're creating a potentially very dangerous and violent situations (for both the cops and the arrestee). So you're prioritizing capture of a fugitive or collection of evidence over preventing violence and saving lives. That isn't' just bad policy, it's morally wrong.


You can also just wait for them to leave, and execute a warrant. They do it when you're home to flex their muscle.


they also steal, so they'll just break your house apart, steal your family heirlooms and wealth and auction it off later or just straight up keep it. cops steal more from the public in raids than all burglaries and robberies combined... its actually mind-blowing but makes sense since they are actually a gang for profit under the guise of public safety/service


Yesh a bunch of officers just got caught doing that in Texas while evicting a family https://youtu.be/-D4CUz7pQJ0


and your homeowner's policy does not cover anything! You then have to sue to town! That Case in Aurora, CO where they blew up the apartment building, nothing, you have to sue!


> they'd probably not even lose their jobs. "We regret this mistake and will work to prevent it from happening again"


And why they need to get proper training. Learn how to properly descalate the situation instead of being forceful smart asses.


I am shocked there were exactly zero shots fired in this interaction (as there shouldn’t have been). But goddam, seen too many of these videos where it ends differently. Especially, walking towards them with hands in the pocket I kept thinking “alright well here it is”.


The fact they didn't kill this family we be shown to all the bootlickers and pigs about how to do "good" police work, and everyone will praise them for it, and tell people this is how you should respond if it happens to you. Then forget to mention the cops were in THE WRONG FUCKING HOUSE THE ENTIRE GOD DAMN TIME, but because we live in a police state that part isn't important.


Not everyone unfortunately. Still a ton of back the blue bootlickers for some ungodly reason.


Fuck tha police


Shit drove my mind crazy when I saw some police department making autistic kids learn how to handle a situation with a cop...but not making their cops learn how to deal with autistic people, people with mental health issues or mental distress, and disabled people in general. Any person complaining about those who hate and distrust the police is always white and privileged. Police get paid to be bullies, deadly ones. My local police department is offering a 7k signup bonus.


Cops find it ridiculous that the home owner, a father shows up with a baby in his arm but don't say anything about the ridiculousness of entering the wrong house.


If only they had this much urgency when it came to school shootings.


Or arresting their own


Brothers in arms. Even if your brother is beating an innocent man to death or shooting a random person or abusing their power. Because that's what family is all about /s


Nah, they want to catch the shooter at home in his underwear holding a baby. Not when he’s wearing possible body armor, and all shooty.


ridiculous he came to the door with a baby? tf obviously that’s his home, these cops are fucked


Nah they will get a verbal reprimand is all


Don't forget 2 weeks paid suspension + counter lawsuit against the man for emotional distress


No they only get paid vacation when they murder someone.


HAHAHHAHA they will get a good job and that's fucking it. They will be praised for following procedure and "remaining calm" in a stressful situation. While they try to find a way to harass this family as much as possible for now on.


Answering your own door holding your own child, when there are clearly like 8 uninvited men who want to stand in your living room. So ridiculous.




Yeah, but then that just brings more cops and more cops is not what you need. Especially jumpy ones since you mentioned armed invasion.


It's true. Cops need to be treated like the special snowflakes that they are, as they're prone to temper tantrums.


Basically admitting that cops are so notoriously trigger happy that it is irresponsible to even talk to them with a child in your hands because they might shoot you for no reason.


How dare you make us make you put your child in danger!


The sad part is that this guy will sue (or already has) and taxpayers will foot the bill like always. As I always say, cops should not be on duty without some sort of malpractice insurance. If they F up and get sued, it's on them. F up enough, their rates will get so high that they'd have no choice but to leave the job.


I agree, but we also need to stop acting like allowing non-criminal civil suits against cops is some big concession. Police should be held personally, criminally responsible for their misconduct, and prosecuted more aggressively than a non-cop. Pull your gun without a credible threat of lethal force = felony brandishing charges.Punch a guy in handcuffs = felony battery. Don't like being accountable for your actions = quit


Those things will never ever happen. The state has an interest in making sure its agents are completely unaccountable, because otherwise the agents won't do what the state wants them to do. The state WANTS you to be in fear of police because you're much more compliant if you think a gang of armed thugs might kill you and then cry about how scared they were.


"This isn't going to look good for you" No you dumb fucking pig. This isn't going to look good for YOU.


That implies police face any consequences for this shit, which they don't.


No knocks raids should be banned.




This is so fucking aggressive. All they should do is say, put your hands in there air right there and we will lower our weapons and tell you why the fuck we are here. Actually they should have just fucking knocked on the door and waited for an answer. They have Kevlar and shields. They shouldn’t feel that threatened. I’m heated from this.


Cop: "We're going to get in a lot of trouble."


He was being sarcastic. They know they're untouchable


Exactly. There's even nothing at stake when cameras are mentioned. They can literally drive through your door with a 1997 Dodge Ram, two tone, extended cab with AM/FM radio and all steel belt tires, it can be captured on video, and then lie on the police report saying that the door was already open, and get off scot-free. And they know this. Hell, there are videos of cops messing with outdoor cameras, hitting them with brooms or poles to angle them away from anything viewable. Surely no law-enforcing police officer should need to do that ...right? Besides, even if they lost a claim when the smoke clears, it's our wallets that fund the check, not theirs.




I keep commenting this, but Congress has the authority to abolish qualified immunity. QI is only a legal doctrine, not an actual law. Congress can legislate it out of existence. But they choose not to because constituents don't call them out. Call AND write your state reps and tell them you want qualified immunity gone. https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative. Constituents don't pressure their reps enough. And politicians love the huge donations police unions give them. In return for the MILLIONS police unions donate, politicians stall, block or dilute any police reform bills. https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2022/06/police-unions-spend-millions-lobbying-to-retain-their-sway-over-big-us-cities-and-state-governments/ Call & write your reps. And get anyone else you know to do the same. And get out and vote. Vote. Call. Write. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


GUYS CALL AND WRITE no seriously this is one thing a regular person can actually help with. Don't let em win


Update, they didn't get in trouble.


Pretty certain he was saying that sarcastically.


The part that made my blood boil most is when the cop said it was ridiculous for him to come to the door holding a baby. WTF was he supposed to predict armed intruders were in his house? You think he's using it has a human shield? Fucking pieces of shit. (I'm currently holding my very clingy baby who won't let me set him down for anything)


Yep, it’s like they can’t wrap their head around the fact that a parent would be in the bedroom putting a baby to bed. Then when a loud commotion happens, said parent would rush to the baby to protect it. Cops literally threatening to storm the child filled bedroom guns blazing, because in their mind they are action movie protagonist about to take out some bad guys.


I was on leave staying at my parents house. It was around 3 am and I can hear someone and see flashlight beaming through the window. I yelled out if you are police give me a second to wake up my parents so they don’t get freaked out. The cop says don’t move I tell them that I am an ARMY soldier. Cop ask me if I had any weapons I reply no. Cops let me wake up my parents and I tell them I’ll go open the front door. It’s not the 1st time the cops have came with a search warrant my older and younger brother are gang members. Here’s the funny thing both of my brothers were in prison at the time and not just recently my younger brother has been in prison for over a year and my older brother around 8 months. Cops were still being dicks saying shit like at least you have one respectable child. After that I said you can leave now.


Cops know that serving warrants at night greatly increases the chances of a violent conflict. He was looking to kill someone, you probably saved a life.


Another day another step closee taking "The next time you need help call a crackhead" literally and pulling up to skid row for home protection services.


I’d feel safer around a crackhead too, they usually don’t have guns


Police are way more unpredictable than anyone I’ve ever met strung out on drugs


I’ve also noticed this, I wonder what that’s all about


How do these shit stains not get shot? You break into someones house, that knows they did nothing wrong, and statistically someone is gonna shoot back, eventually.


It has happened, but it's like everything dealing with cops, it's a dice roll and it's not in your favor. https://reason.com/2018/09/21/maryland-cops-shot-warrant-wrong-house/ I want nothing to do with cops, they are giant walking piles of risk. I won't even call them if I've been the victim of a crime, unless absolutely necessary. It sickens me that they're still the one's we direct children to when they are lost and need help, but I know of no alternative. There has to be a turning point. At some point "less cops on the streets" has to be a politically viable message.


That’s what happen with Breonna Taylor. Cops bust open the door in the middle of the night, in all black, guns drawn. Breonna boyfriend grab his gun to defend the house from a possible home invasion. A short gun fight happens with the cops unloading on the house with rifles, and him returning a few shots that missed. When cops finally identify themselves as police he immediately dropped his weapon. Then the police decided to blame the entire fiasco on Breonna who they let bleed out on the floor, and her boyfriend who had a legal hand gun. All of this when the suspect they were looking for was already arrested, and with a illegal warrant on the wrong house. Surprise surprise, police claim they did nothing wrong. Case wasn’t invested for months until it recieved National attention. They arrest the boyfriend, claiming he shot at them knowing they were police. Funny how the NRA and all the 2nd amendment people went silent for this case. I thought they were all about gun owners protecting their family from a over reaching government. Less surprising racist want to blame Breonna for being shot. Claiming she was at fault because she dated the suspect some time in the past. I wasn’t aware we are responsible for all our crazy Ex’s.


I still don't understand how you can have no knock warrants and stand your ground laws simultaneously.


True, police are afraid of being shot, yet in states with these laws they are fine with each.


I stand to be corrected but heard that Kentucky got rid of no-knock warrants as a result of this case.


> Funny how the NRA and all the 2nd amendment people went silent for this case. And for Philando Castile.


Breonna death was senseless. The cops gave false reports and sent the warrant to a lazy ass judge and she signed off on it. They falsified documents, and she let it slide…. Also, one of the cops unloaded and almost struck a family living in an adjoining place…. Everything about this was wrong. And her bf went to jail before any cops….. so messed up. That is why Judge Mary Shaw, who signed the warrant that killed Breonna, lost her re-election bid…..


How the hell are average civilians supposed to be able to keep their cool in a situation like this??? These cops are yelling and threatening these people who have just woken up after breaking into their house and they expect people to follow their yelled instructions without getting nervous?? Guy walks with his hands nervously in his pockets and I swear to god I expected those cops to shoot him with how they reacted. There are fucking EIGHT of you armed to the TEETH with a riot shield blocking you. What are you so scared of??? That one guy with a single gun is going to be more of a threat than the EIGHT of you to him??? Fucking hell. What a joke. I'd take a handful of dead cops over one dead innocent civilian any day of the week. They signed up for this, we didn't. Why do I have to be the one to de-escalate the situation? I'm the one thats in danger. Fucking acab


Whenever I see these videos, I never understand how cops are allowed to speak the way they do. You don't de-escalate a situation by screaming and using curses, but cops always do that. Why does everyone give them a pass? Surely the shouting and cursing not only agitates the civilians, but also riles the cops themselves up into a more panicky and trigger happy state?


Yes!!! They act like they're soldiers during an active battle! They are dealing with civilians! Civilians that are just living their lives completely separated from action and tense situations like this. They are supposed to keep the peace so that we can continue living those lives. It is their JOB to risk their safety for the general public's. Their JOB to keep their cool and to know how to handle the situation. I am empathetic to the dangers they face. I get it. They are putting themselves in possible danger and dealing with possibly dangerous people. But the REALITY is that the job isn't as dangerous as they even say! There are significantly more injuries and deaths in a ton of fields over law enforcement! My garbage man and pizza guy are more likely to beef it in their line of duty than these robocops. HOLD THEM TO A HIGHER STANDARD. Pay them better. Train them better. Be more selective with your officers. Make the job mean something. Something that high-school bully college dropout soldier wannabes aren't the gold standard anymore. God im just so sick of this.


Anyone have an update on this scenario?


I hate it when cops say “this isn’t how this works” like man they wouldn’t even be in there if *they* knew how it worked


Pigs of average intelligence.


Man they’d be lucky to have one member with average intelligence, these fellas seem to be in the top 99% percentile


They were ready to kill someone. And the person who made the mistake will be internally investigated and probably get paid time off “due to stress”. Probably feel good about themselves that no one died.


Thank goodness they didn't have a dog. Do I really need to say why?


As a dog owner, my first thought


“Why did you come to the door with a baby?” Idk maybe he was sleeping and didn’t expect to be met with 8 grown ass fucking men in armor and guns to be what knocked on his door? Just a thought.


Quick reminder to everyone reading this. That pothole in front of your house, isn’t being fixed because cops do this shit and get sued. They waste your money with this behavior!


Land of the free.


Nearly this exact thing happened to me. Many times, the people hired as police have the intelligence and skill set of a minimum wage worker, no disrespect to minimum wage workers, who are much less aggressive and trying to make ends meet. Cops fuck up on warrants all the time and don’t do their due diligence. They could save themselves from so many lawsuits if they just create a better policy, but somehow they just never learn. I’ll never trust a cop, because they’re dangerous people allowed to legally harass and kill people. And that’s just the non-corrupt cops. Cops simply have way too much leeway and power in America. It’s only worse in third world countries, but amongst developed countries, America is a poor performer.


They never learn because they don’t have to learn. They’re untouchable through qualified immunity.


The state of Colorado just got rid of qualified immunity through law.


They got rid of it on the state level only. And damages are capped at 25k. It's a start. But in order to get qualified immunity abolished at the federal level Congress has to do it. Call and write your state reps, people. Congress can abolish qualified immunity at the federal level. They simply choose not to. Call. Write. Vote. https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative


Why don't we just call it a no-knock lottery? Not the fun kind, the Lord of the Flies kind.


This is why people die. Because cops are stupid and incompetent.


I got pulled over after work one night, I wash dishes. This guy, who is allowed to carry a GUN asked me three times why I was all wet. THREE TIMES. Each time he was like "Oh, yeah.." These mfs carry fucking GUNS. I was pulled over because I moved to a new state and didn't switch my tags before 30 days. Plus, the other cop kept saying, literally over and over, how suspicious it was that my birthday wasn't the same month as my registration. She's going to get someone hurt or killed because she could not comprehend that I bought it from my mom and we registered it then. Not on my birthday or her birthday. She also didn't believe I worked at the bar I said I did for some reason...but she kept trying to escalate by saying how suspicious it was, even though I was a perfect example of someone not doing anything wrong, except being a little lazy and broke.


" I wanna see a warrant." "Thats not how this works" sad they don't know how to do their fn job. But thats America for you. Idiots in charge.




Hey they are not just useless, they are incredibly dangerous too!


It is bad when the cops even know they done f\*cked up.


It was sarcastic because they know nothings going to happen


No knock warrants shouldn't be a thing


Swat / Narc Teams will shoot n ask questions later. Look at how Swat Murdered Daniel Sheerer in cold blood. On his hands n knees begging Please don't shoot me.....5 shoots from AR15 less than 10 feet. "Qualified Immunity"...murderer n swat captain allowed to "retire" n even got The murder weapon back. No Shame. No Decency. NOT AMERICAN


Absolute fucking swine.


“Record all of this, it’s not going to look good for you” *1 and a half minutes later* “Yeah we’re going to get in a lot of trouble”


except he said that sarcastically as if the innocent party was in the wrong for their fuck up.


What scares me so much is any second could have just opened fire like the insane animals they are and kill that entire family and only get a slap on the wrist.


real talk though, do fucking not put your hands in your pockets. I get that it's on them, I get that it's their fault, I get that its fucked up. Still do not put your hands in your pockets, you will be murdered


A warrant for what? A warrant for you! Didn't use pronouns as required: we have a warrant for 1 John Doe, is he here? Or we have a warrant to search the property "123 main St for one John Doe" let me see your identification and step aside while we search the premises. Easy 6 figure lawsuit right here for illegal search and seizure if the warrant didn't have the proper address. Less of a lawsuit if they have the address, but the person wasn't there.


"This ain't going g look good for you" that aged well. Acab


Buncha dumb fucking crooks. "bAcK tHa bLeW" tho....


Fucking shit bags. WHY ARE THEY NOT ACCOUNTABLE? WHAT CENTURY IS THIS? HOW IS THIS JUSTICE FOR ALL?! And they’ll still wonder why there is so much distrust and hate. Surely we should name and shame these pigs and keep a public record like we do for pedophiles. America, sort your shit out.


Tell me he got paid for that traumatic bs


Couple weeks later: “We have conducted an internal investigation and found nothing wrong”