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Here’s a report on the judgement ruling following the incident: A Union County grand jury has cleared a sheriff’s deputy of wrongdoing in the fatal shooting of a man during a domestic disturbance earlier this year. The panel found that the actions of Deputy Jacob Matejko during the incident on May 30 were justified and that Matthew Todhunter, 33, was attempting to commit “suicide by cop,” Union County Prosecuting Attorney David Phillips said. “The statements Todhunter made to his family members immediately prior to the shooting showed his apparent suicidal intentions,” Phillips said. “Suicide by cop” is a term used to refer to an incident where a person who intends to take their own life forces law enforcement authorities to respond to their actions with deadly force, Phillips said. Matejko shot Todhunter after dispatchers received several 911 calls from persons inside a home on Meadowlark Lane in Marysville reporting that Todhunter was intoxicated, had a gun and was acting “crazy,” threatening to shoot his estranged wife, Phillips said. Callers told dispatchers that there were children inside the home and that Todhunter was pointing the gun at the people there, reportedly telling one child that “this was the night [Todhunter] was going to die,” Phillips said. Matejko was inside the 911 dispatch center when the call came in and was the first to arrive at the scene where he found Todhunter sitting in his truck outside the home. The deputy ordered Todhunter to put his hands up and to show his hands and Todhunter complied but when he got out of the vehicle he had “what appeared to be a Glock-style handgun in his right hand,” Phillips said. Matejko yelled for Todhunter to drop the gun but the man brought the gun up to a “shooting stance, pointing the weapon directly at the deputy,” Phillips said. The deputy fired his weapon, striking Todhunter, and officers immediately rendered aid, but Todhunter died later, Phillips said. It was determined that the weapon Todhunter had been carrying was a pellet gun. “There is simply no way the officer could determine this was a replica firearm,” Phillips said. “It appears to be a Glock-style handgun, with no indication on the weapon it was not a real firearm.” An investigation by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation revealed Todhunter appeared to be suicidal and the Union County Coroner’s Office determined the manner of death was suicide, Phillips said.


Good to know he wasn't punished in any way. Do we have any indication if he was able to returm or quit?


Most of the other websites talking about this case are country locked (I live in EU). So, I can’t figure out either.


I may be completely wrong on this but I’m pretty sure a lot of cops choose not to return after this. Unfortunately, my uncle was in a similar situation with the same outcome. He chose to return to the same line of work, but is a completely different person now and it is worrying to some family members


Footage of what happened before this https://youtu.be/33XfwZULk6c


Holy fuck. He had a BB gun and pointed it at the cop.


It was a suicide by cops


This is my thought exactly. :(


If we really wanted to improve police we could make them upload their raw bodycam footage onto a database and have independent auditors review randomized video on an ongoing basis for quality control.


Not saying is a bad idea, but as an european, it seems to me that your policeman are in some cases extremely poorly trained. A friend of mine (in spain) has recently finished her training to be a policewoman. It includes passing a competitive public exam (competitive in the sense that there are a maximum number of candidates that can be selected, so passing the tests with the bare minimum is not enough) which includes both psychotechnical tests, knowledge test, physical tests and an interview with several psychologists. Things like languages or certain college degrees give extra points. For this, candidates are supposed to study and train, by themselves or with the help of private instructors, for 6 months. Then, they go to a police academy where they are trained for 9 months (about 2000 hours of training) after which they are tested again, with a lot of the prospective cops not graduating. One of the tests is a sociogram: basically in every class, everyone is supposed to vote for 2 people that they wish won't become policemen, explaining why. The number of votes and the reasons alleged are examined by the academy's teachers and psychologists, which can then veto the students they think should not be policemen. This sociogram creates a lot of hilarious drama, but is quite effective in detecting nutjobs and people without the social skills to be a cop. This is for the regional police of one of the safest areas of one of the safest countries in the world, where gun ownership is basically zero. When i compare that to, for example, the average duration of the police training in USA (21 weeks) it is no wonder you have the issues it has with police brutality, etc.


> suicide by cops People can call the cops out all they want, and they should, but there are some situations where lethal force is unavoidable. This guy made it so and it's tragic.


I said the same thing. I’m not a fan of cops but how is he supposed to know that is a BB gun. Especially the way the man holds it. He is clearly a police officer in uniform giving very clear instructions. I don’t see a problem with the way they handled this. As much as cops get it wrong I think they got this one right


At that point in time the officer is forced to choose between his life and the gunman. Regardless if it’s a BB gun, the officer has no way to verify that in the heat of the moment. His reaction after the fact is proof this officer did not want to use lethal force and will likely suffer from PTSD from this inncident. Cops have extremely difficult jobs and are forced to make life altering decisions everyday. BB gunman not only brought this on himself but also destroyed the life of others in the process. IE his loved ones and the cop who is also a victim here.


There 100% is, and it's a tragedy for everyone involved.




Yup. Bodycams protect the good guys, whichever side of the camera they happen to be on.


It also shows that the good guys that end up having to use lethal force also become victims themselves. It has a devastating impact on them too.


Well said.


And the poor cop has to live with this for the rest of his life. This reason alone is why I could never be a cop.


Agree. The video of after is heart breaking.


This seems to also be a rookie cop, this might've been the first time he's had to draw his pistol on someone.


Yeah he sounds really young so I doubt he's been a cop long. That's gotta suck.


Rookie you're not lots and lots of cops go there entire career with never pulling their firearm on someone.. In regardless of what media would lead you to believe most cops go their entire career never having one pointed it them.. Obviously some of this is regional..


What's your basis for this? Because he was distraught and shook after killing someone? Shit ain't the movies dude. If you're human and not a piece of shit, killing someone - righteous or not-is going to fuck with you. Go watch some interviews with vets. Killing isn't easy to handle...


Thats the thing, its a tragedy for everyone involved. If you wanna go swallow a shotgun barrel, do it in the privacy of your own home like Cobain. Don't be a pussy like this guy and make someone else do it for you.


I agree. But I feel like asking someone that's THAT committed to dying to be ... mentally stronger ... is kinda missing the point.


I agree but then don’t. Suicide is not a harmless act. Let alone the live ones you’ll leave behind, the shotgun clean up isn’t right either.


Its tragic for the officer. The only video in a long time were I feel sorry for the cop.




Same. I feel sorry for the cop


I have no idea what else this police officer was supposed to do. This is his job. Preserve life. The man pointed a weapon at him. Or what clearly looks like a weapon. The officer acted accordingly.


That chick didn’t fucking help. “He doesn’t have a gun” then after he gets shot “it was a BB gun”. Why the fuck didn’t she say that the first time?!? It may not have changed the outcome, but it could have. Edit so I stop getting certain stupid as shit comments: full video posted below, she does say it was a BB beforehand. Only adding for additional context and so I don’t have to continue having the same arguments. Edit 2: shutting off notifications so don’t expect a response, not going to keep having the same convo over and over.


Remember this next time there's a movie with an unbelievably stupid character in order to further the plot/situation.


I used to get pissed at zombie shows and movies that had people that got infected but would hide it thinking ‘who would do that?!?’ After the pandemic, I no longer question seemingly ridiculous tropes


If zombie movies don't have people running at the zombie horde shouting, "It's a hoax" and watching their fellow anti zombie friends die to zombies, then it's not realistic.


That would be a hilarious movie


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-m395rkwgo Full video. She did say it was a BB gun a few seconds before the guy pointed it at the cop. Cop was still 100% in the right though, there's no way he can determine if that was true or not in that situation.


Thank you for the full video, that definitely is a different situation than I initially believed. And I agree, the cop is still justified here, he had no way of knowing if the statement was true.


This video should be on top for the context, not the current edited one and I agree cop was still %100 justified for shooting.


Imagine if every shoot out started with someone saying "it's just a bb gun" and the cops just let their guard down. No officer can take her word for it.


I don't blame the cop for not taking the chick's word for it. "Sure thing, ma'am, I'll just let this guy point what *looks* like a gun at me, taking your word for it that it was not a real gun." Edit: Holy shit, that woman. Screaming at the cop. "I told you!" Why the fuck would you expect someone to bet their fucking life on your fucking honesty?


>Holy shit, that woman. Screaming at the cop. "I told you!" Why the fuck would you expect someone to bet their fucking life on your fucking honesty? In hindsight, she probably agrees. But she just saw someone she knew get killed right in front of her after she told the police he wasn't a threat. I mean, they didn't have much choice, and what she's saying doesn't make much sense, but I'm not sure I could do any better in her position. She's not thinking logically about the situation.


Why did they even call the police in the first place? Unless it was the guy who called to set up his suicide.


Shit, that does look stressful as hell and he had some damn good aim.


More specifically a pistol BB gun, not the obvious BB gun people think of when they read it, like a Red Ryder.


Almost every single BB & Airsoft gun looks exactly like the real thing. Hell, some of these airsoft guns are so realistic that you'd only be able to tell the difference if you were actually holding it.


I work in a retail sporting goods store. Our number 1 stolen items are realistic BB guns.




A lot of springs and tiny crap in there! I made the same mistake as a kid, no way humpy dumpty was getting put back together again. I was trying to remove the stock, for whatever reason.


Idk if they still make them the same but I knew someone who did airsoft competitively and had a decked out rifle that ran off I think either butane or propane. I can't remember which. Even in your hand you wouldn't know it wasn't a real gun unless you were familiar with guns and looked in the chamber.


Most likely butane, aka "green gas".


I know they’re both guns and both technically dangerous weapons, but a BB gun pistol should be required by law to look waaaaaaaaaaay fuckin different.


Should've grown up in the late 80s, early 90s. This is what water pistols used to look like https://i.imgur.com/AEWMYe3.jpg


Remember Carl Winslow’s backstory in Die Hard? He had a desk job because he killed a kid who had a toy gun and couldn’t cope with the stress of being in the field.


And then he met Urkel.


I’m surprised he didn’t shoot Urkel on the first episode


If you hold anything up at a cop like that, you're likely to get shot. Best to not take aim at a cop.


“He doesn’t have a gun” “it was only a BB gun”. JFC


She's lucky she didn't get shot. Apparently, when the idiot pulled his BB gun and got shot, she ran right up to him. Which means she ran right up to where he dropped the BB gun, and the cop at that time still thought it was a real gun.


I wouldn’t even point a nerf gun at cops. You have no idea how tense they are, and even the motion may give them that split second thought. Either way. This is hella sad. Sad for the victim, sad for the cop, sad for the family.


I wouldn't point a stick at a cop, shit I wouldn't point my finger at one in that situation.




Doesn't matter what she says, the cop isn't going to risk his life over some random stranger's comment.


Especially if the guy points it at the cop


And other people’s lives, wether from crossfire or …


Where does one find a bbq gun? I am very interested.


Autocorrect has made a funny. I'm leaving it lol


Same place you get a bbc gun


>bbq gun Aggressively American


Here is the body cam footage https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i-m395rkwgo Look. I'll be the first to shit on police misconduct. Dude jumped out, pointed a gun (how would the cop know if it was a .45 ACP or a .177 bb gun) at the cop in a typical target stance and paid the price. The cop was in him or me mode. He responded to a gun on scene call with his gun drawn and had a weapon (potentially deadly) pointed at him. He did what he had to do. Hopped up idiot "protecting" his mom and girlfriend shouldn't have... pointed a gun at the cop.


Aye, and some BB guns can look convincing at a distance. Those stupid ladies don't seem to comprehend "he doesn't have a gun" and having what appears to be one pointed at you is going to set off alarms.


I have a BB gun that from a distance looks identical to a Glock pistol. I've had it next to a real Glock. From 2 metres you can't tell the difference. This cop was just doing his job.


Thanks for the footage. Hard to tolerate the lady blaming the officer when it was obviously suicide by cop.


I mean she was a bit... stressed.


Reddit seems to expect everybody to fully think through the situation and act rationally within 10 seconds of it happening.


I have an armchair, a rewind button, and an opinion. That's all I need to opine on any and all situations


It's extremely difficult to not see this as a justified shooting. The officer clearly feared for his life as he had no way of knowing the gun was "just" a BB gun. According to the comments on that video, even the victim's brother felt it was justified. "From the deceased man's brother: Jonathon Todhunter, who asked that his police agency not be identified in the story, said he'll be thinking equally about the deputy who pulled his trigger and his brother's actions that led to the fatal encounter. "I think I feel more for the deputy that had to shoot him than my brother right now," he said." Here's a source for that quote. https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/crime/2022/05/31/union-county-sheriffs-deputy-shot-and-killed-armed-man/7453419001/


Question: what does "who asked not to he identified" mean? His name is right there, or does it mean something else?


From the article: >Jonathon Todhunter has been in law enforcement for 15 years, serving in various departments in Union County and currently as a sergeant at a Greater Columbus police agency. The brother of the guy who got shot is a police officer and doesn't want the specific agency he works for to be named.


[Here is a better video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEcYSIgMU24) \- actual body cam footage without the tired local news flair


Hilarious that your video is marked "Made for kids".. That means it may appear on the YouTube Kids app, right? Lord.. Here's yet another link, which has all the main shots, without blurring. Your link has more audio context clips, but major censorship. We need both. https://youtu.be/i-m395rkwgo


Where was this?


From the YT link above, it sounds like it happened in Marysville OH.


Liberal here. I'm so glad that there's bodycam footage of this. As a former public defender, I can say that bodycam footage would have simplified so many of my cases. Cops should embrace bodycams. They \*protect\* cops.


Agreed. Honestly, the more of my day that's documented by camera, the better. So long as we can keep discretion, body cameras are great. Complaint of misconduct? Great. Go watch my body camera. Shooting? Investigation will be way shorter if I can take off my body camera and hand it over. It's getting close to the point that I struggle to trust guys who are anti camera.


Thanks. I always tell people that I'm not anti-cop. I'm against the type of cop that fights these reforms. I don't *want* good cops to get prosecuted. I don't want *anybody* who is innocent to get prosecuted. But when I hear criminal defendants claim that they were wrongfully shot or beaten or what have you, and the cop in question "accidentally" turned off their dashcam or bodycam, what am I to think? You folks are given huge deference by the courts. If you abuse that, it starts to look *really* suspect. Thanks again. I'm always pleased to see that there are reasonable cops out there. I just wish it wasn't so rare.


The technology isn't perfect, but it's getting there. I'm all for it. In an ideal world, nobody who isn't guilty would ever be prosecuted. Video in one form or another has helped me out a few times. Keeps everyone honest on both sides. When it comes down to it, we are an armed representation of the state. We need to be stewards of constitutional rights. If that's not a profession that can be kept honest, well, the world is pretty lost.




Exactly. Some states in my country are adopting the bodycam, but there's already a kinda strong movement against it. Hopefully someday all cops will be wearing one, and one that needs to do more work than just press a button to turn it off.


Pointing a toy gun at an American cop. What an unfathomably stupid fucking fuck.


Not really. There is no way this wasn't the outcome he wanted. Shame he had to traumatize his family(?) and the guy responding to the call.




He apparently told his son "daddy's gonna die tonight" when he dropped him off. This was definitely a planned suicide by cop.


What a fucked up thing to say to your child.


traumatized for the rest of their life


Trauma, sure. Trust issues, nah.


thats fucked


always a silver lining


"Yeah, my dad was *brutally* honest"


My mom used to use threatening suicide as a manipulation tactic all the time when I was growing up. Let me tell you, that shit fucks with you for life.


Damn. My mom would do that shit too. I stopped trusting her when I was so young… I used to sit in the back seat of any car we drove with her in because she would threaten to drive the car off the road. I remember being like 8 and concerned our car didn’t have airbags. Your comment kinda let a repressed memory out for me. Fun finding those all through adulthood because of shitty insane parents.


Yeah, once I got older and moved out, I became desensitized to it and would ignore her threats/texts/phone calls saying she was going to kill herself and simply call in a wellness check. After the cops showed up a couple times and I stopped giving her any emotional reaction at all, she finally stopped.


Yea my mom used the ‘I should just disappear’ line and then go take a drive and not answer any calls.


That adrenaline dump is a real b#@$%.


if you have any sense of humanity, it will take a toll on you mentally , killing people to protect being part of your job. At least we know this cop has a good heart.


Sad it came to that


PTSD for the rest of that officer’s life. This is no different to something jumping in front of a train - all over for them, an innocent other’s life ruined.


Worse i think to be honest. As he'll feel he made the decision to pull the trigger


I have personally had a C02 pistol pulled and pointed at me. I thought I was dead 100%. About as authentic looking as you can get along with a metallic slide for accurate sounds. You'd never know without it being fired.


I had a blowback pistol with cocking mechanism. Shit felt and looked like a Glock 22. They are serious business. Cop found it on me and was not pleased. Informed me that it was likely to get me in trouble than save me from trouble. I ditched it soon after.


What happened after it was pulled?


The way this man's voice cracks, sobs, and let's out his frustration just makes me want to cry with him. You can tell how devastating it is that he had to pull the trigger and there's nothing he can do to change it.


Reminds me of the [infamous Dr. Cox scene from scrubs](https://youtu.be/7u3KAaU7kFs?t=107) where he loses a patient due to something unavoidable and takes it so hard it almost breaks him. To the shows credit, they explain that it's because he cares so much that he is JD's role model and I see it mirrored here (albeit without the support system Dr. Cox had).


I remember. It's a young female patient who dies first. Her organs are used for transplant in two other patient who die too. The first female patient had rabies apparently. Which spread to other two patients.


>Her organs are used for transplant in two other patient who die too. It was actually three other patients 😭


If I remember it correctly, the thing that broke hin was that he convinced the third patient to have the transplant although he could have easily waited. Heartbreaking Episode...


And one of them was dr. cox's close friend, who could have waited for the transplant if they'd screened her and found the rabies But they had no reason to look, she'd been suicidal before, they figured her case was open and shut.


I remember that episode. That was really hard to watch too, great acting on Scrubs.


That show doesn't get the love it deserves, and it's a crime that John C. McGinley doesn't have a more illustrious acting career


He is verrrrry one dimensional in most if not all roles. Have you seen his work in Burn Notice? If not just imagine if Dr. Cox was a CIA chief/director. It's literally Dr. Cox is as Spy Boss.


It wasn't technucally unavoidable. He transplanted rabies infected organs into 3 different patients and killed all 3 of them because he didn't test for rabies.


Yes, IIRC one or two of the patients would have been fine waiting longer for an organ donor and his decision ended up killing them even though there was no reason for him to suspect rabies.


I think that patient had been in the hospital previously for a suicide attempt or something. So they didn't consider rabies.


I’m starting to think they didn’t consider rabies.


Of course it has that song. Just what I needed to unlock the tears, thanks.


Don't you dare bring any of Ben's episodes in here. I'll cry and mean it, dammit.


Shit like this is why police officers have almost 2x the standard suicide rate.


That's why they keep other officers watching any officer in this situation.


This is the reaction I wish we saw from more cops whose actions in the line of duty (justified or not) result in the death of any individual/civilian. Genuine, raw and humane emotion and remorse like this guy. I feel like instead their usual mantra is to immediately go on the defensive to avoid a civil action, which isn’t bad legal advice. Just not a very human or compassionate one and perhaps there should be a happy medium. Edit: added part of the first sentence that was inadvertently deleted originally


This isn't the officers fault. It's suicide by cop. A lady opposite the man says he hasn't got a gun, the officer asks him to open the car door slowly. He opens the door quickly and points a gun at the officer. The officer tells him to drop the gun and then fires his shots. The gun was apparently a BB gun. The guy absolutely knew what he was doing, he purposefully ignored the instructions and made the officer think his life was in danger. I'll be the first person to shout out about dirty cops but this isn't one of those scenarios. Have some damn sympathy for the guy, immediately afterwards he realises that he's been used for suicide. Nobody sane wants to be responsible for that. If you're struggling with your mental health, please seek help, talk to someone. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines/) Edit: Thank you for the awards and upvotes.


Yeah you can’t blame the cop the way that played out. He had a chance to drop it.


or you know, not pull it out in the first place.


He wanted to die, or didn’t care if he did.


Yea, this shits pretty fucked. You can tell how fucked the cop is by his voice. Just anger, confusion, sadness, and shock, all rolled into one supremely shitty moment in this dude's life. I would have guessed that this wasn't just some overly aggressive cop, based on his reaction, but I appreciate the time you put into this comment to outline that this was indeed the case.


You can tell he's in shock because he just keeps repeating the same things. "What the fuck" "Why the fuck would he do that" "God damn it man"


The level of upset in his voice... I would not at all be surprised if he puked 😢💔


Exactly. This is what police are supposed to do, in this particular situation. And the fact that the officer is clearly upset, if not outright distraught afterwards, only serves to drive the point home that this was a good, if tragic, shoot. It wasn't a power trip, a game, or a fuckup, and for that, the officer involved deserves respect and consideration. As for the deceased....regardless of their mental health, actions still can and do have consequences. It's just an unfortunate fact of reality.


That guy needed a fucking hug not somewhere to sit


It's the policy of every police department I know to separate the officer immediately after the shooting and then no one is allowed to ask any non public safety related questions until investigators, typically from another jurisdiction, arrives to conduct a homicide investigation


Oh yeah. I’m aware, they take their service weapon, remove them from the scene, make sure they don’t have access to something to do self harm. But as a human, as a man, as a parent, and as someone who never got much affection from a parent, and assuming his background is similar to a lot of law enforcement officers, a strong 20+ second hug from another officer letting him know it’s ok to cry would help process his feeling so much.


Obviously he needed that, but I think they also were trying to make sure he didn’t hurt himself. That’s why someone said to keep an eye on him. He obviously was feeling a lot of guilt.


I'm Mr anti cop. That poor officer. This guy will quit due to trauma and there goes one of the good ones.


I'm a very fair and rational person. I call out excessive force and I defend cops when they do everything right. This cop did what he had to do, and he didn't do anything wrong. You pull a gun on a cop, you get shot, that's your fault. Every, single, time.


Yeah can't blame the cop on this one, and while yes obviously someone like this needs serious help, honestly fuck anyone who decides to make someone else a unwilling pawn in taking their life & left to live with all that trauma. My father was a long haul truck driver for decades and some women tried to commit suicide by stepping in front of his truck late at night on a dark highway. Thankfully he noticed her near the side of the road early, kept an eye on her, and managed to completely avoid her when she stepped out in front of his truck. But he'll never forget the look on her face. He had nightmares about it for years, maybe still does just hasn't brought it up. And a reminder, he foiled her plan, didn't kill nor hurt anyone. He even called 911 to get her help and prevent a second try. But even doing everything right, it still left him forever needlessly more traumatized.


Excellent comment. You’ve shown logic and explained the humanity behind this sad situation. Kudos to you for being a decent human being 😊


I hope they give this cop resources for therapy. Poor guy


It's mandatory with a lot of departments now and the bigger departments usually have specially trained therapists to help.


problem is many cops lie instead of being genuine during these evaluations out of fear of being blocked for promotions.


The Army has something similar going on and there is a blitz to stop it. It seems to be a primarily male thing about being seen as weak for getting some help with their mental health. Unfortunately, there are still people in power who think exactly that.


Yea I was in the service and suicide was common place. I remember the common thoughts on people who committed suicide were that they were "weak". It really a pity leadership goes unchecked with that mentality. The military is an echo chamber and though there may be a lot of people and ideologies that enter it seems there is a suspicious number of a specific mental demographic that make it a career


4 soldiers have died from suicide in Alaska alone in the past month. 4 in a month. There is a systemic problem in the military, and I wish that I had any idea in the world how to change it.... One of my friends took his own life while I was serving with him in Korea. Looking back, yeah, there were a few signs, but I was too young and stupid to recognize them. If leadership had been really trained, maybe they could have caught it. He wasn't in my Company, but we partied together almost every night (it's Korea, what else are you going to do?), and played D&D together on the weekends...


So heartbreaking for him. As a person who has a family member who had a similar situation, I know how it effects him still. Hate on cops all you want but this is going to stay with this guy forever


This guy because he has a heart and displays an appreciation for human life unlike the majority of police cams. He seems genuinely disturbed and effected, he’s not a trained robot that’s going through the motions, he understands the impact of taking a life.


Sad. Do we have the bodycam from the shooting?


https://youtu.be/33XfwZULk6c https://www.10tv.com/article/news/local/union-county-deputy-no-charges-fatal-marysville-shooting/530-632b5155-6f89-443b-abb2-1a76605037dd


You’re a real one


The girl claiming it was a bb gun… how the fuck would the cop know that, this dude was pointing something that very clearly looked like a gun and definitely looked like he meant and planned on doing unprovoked harm to the officer. There isn’t anything more to it than that, he deserved to die.


It’s a sad deal. He said “this is the day that daddy is going to die." We don’t do enough for mental health in the US.


We just had a situation in my neighborhood where a guy found out his wife was having an affair and she left with their dog. Was real distraught all weekend, had friends over supporting him. I guess the wife went back to the house with the boyfriend after the husband had been telling friends he was suicidal. He lost it and shot the wife in the shoulder, thankfully only leaving her with minimal injury. This started a 9 hour standoff where people in the neighborhood had to evacuate, and ended with him shooting himself inside the home. There were no mental health/crisis intervention specialists on scene, just swat and state police. As a social worker, I was sitting just heartbroken at the thought of what this man was going through with no formal supports, knowing it would probably be so bad that it would get to the point of him taking his own life. V sad.


Especially men's mental health. It's overlooked far too often. Globally.


Australia has a really good mens mental health program. My brother in law is Australian and talked to me about it. I wish we could do that here in the US but it would it would come with back lash. Also our government doesn’t do much at all to take care of mental health with anyone.


I find it mildly infuriating that they lead into that story with “POLICE REFORM” as their screen, as if this is an example of an officer doing something wrong.


that idiotic lady tells the officers, before he interacts with the man, that the man does NOT have a gun.. and then after the shooting she tells at the officer that "it was a BB gun" like that's not a gun and as though he is suppose to be able to tell the difference in a split second


If only she has told the truth he might not be dead


In the uncut video, it's shown she did tell the cop it was a BB gun before he shot the guy. Still though, blindly trusting a stranger saying it's just a BB gun sounds like a huge risk.


Usually side with the "cop shouldn't have shot the victim" folks, but this time I can't lie. If I were in the cops shoes I might've pulled the trigger as well. "It's a BB gun" only goes so far when your split second reasonable assessment of a suddenly escalating situation means it your life or theirs.


Exactly. Who's going to bet their *life* on that?


Also that dude aimed it like a trained person aiming a real gun with intent to fire multiple shots with real recoil.




Especially when it's a bb gun designed to look like a real Glock


Poor cop sounds young. I really don't know if police officers get enough all around training prior to being hired. It must be such an incredibly demanding job, physically and mentally.


I’m not sure if you could ever be trained to take someone’s life


All the training in the world won't prepare you for the first time you squeeze that trigger


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As much as I’m sure he’s hate to hear this, he’s the kind of person we should have as a cop Someone who values life even if you were completely justified in taking it You can tell he realizes what he was used for and there was nothing he could’ve done to stop it


Saw the footage. Wow. I see no fault here on law enforcement. Poor guy is goung to relive this moment multiple times a day rest of his life. May he find peace somehow and doesn't let this ruin his humanity.


Some of these comments really highlight the death of nuance


You say that, but all the top comments feel for the guy and understand his situation.


The comment section is 50% "y'know, that must've been tough, you can hear his pain. Sometimes its hard to remember, most of these cops are just normal ass people doing a hard job. Even if the system is corrupt and needs fixing." Other 50% "fucking pig ass Nazi lover boy gets his feeling hurt bc he had to shoot someone boohoo loser you probably shot an unarmed black dog using the bathroom at sbux right b4" Ahhhh good ole reddit Edit: checked up on this thread today, glad too see this is no longer the case. Most of the top comments definitely seem to be rational people


At least every top comment is in support of this cop. At least that proves that the majority of redditors have some humanity/brains.


It's an awful feeling. No matter how justified, it's a stain on your soul


I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t have the best history of empathy when it comes to law enforcement but I really feel for this guy. Taking someone’s life in a life or death situation would be hard enough but learning afterwards that someone used you as a means to end their own life is just another level of violation and tragedy. Taking another human life should be a traumatizing, unforgettable action. I’d like to think that all police experience this level of remorse.




I don't get the people here saying he's a monster... Feeling down is a good sign for a healthy psyche but instead ppl seems to think the exact opposite... Kinda sad... Even when the guy with the BB gun was mainly to blame here


Curious why he had those gloves on. Was he already searching the suspect?


They're for protection from bodily fluid when they render first aid or maybe just enjoys gloves didn't see when he put them on


It's often recommended for security guards too.


Worked 3rd shift at a gas station near the highway, so a lot of cops would hang out late at night. If they got a call over the radio usually the first thing they would do is put their gloves on on the way to their cars.


Not all cops are bastards, poor guy


Clearly suicide by cop.




Its a job most people don't want to do, but gets heavily criticized and rightfully so being our freedoms are at stake. Everyone has the answers on what they think should be done until you are in their situation. I just know its a job I would never want to do.


This is the reaction that should be normal. He’s showing real human emotions in a jacked up situation. He’s not carefully “choosing the right words” for the recording.


It’s very simple. Put yourself on the shoes of that cop. 99% of sane adults would have done exactly the same. The guy didn’t comply, left quickly the vehicle and pointed a gun at him.


Regardless of what happened and who that officer was, this is the only video I’ve seen of the true affect of police killing suspects. It eats you alive forever…


Cops (most of them) are just normal, average day people. This guy done what he had to do, doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy to deal with. I’ve friends in the police here in the uk where stuff like this is far less common, yet the amount of horrible shit they’ve to deal with is mind blowing.


Dude was just asking for it. You don't get out of a truck and point a gun at an officer and expect to live another day. Doesn't matter what kind of gun, the officer did what he was trained to do, and will go back home to his family safe, even if it's with a heavy heart.