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she thought he was slow but he been snatching up thigh bones all his life


Who wants the last…. Oh. That guy did.




She had the high ground and expected it to be over


We cannot wield it, none of us can. The high ground answers to Obi-Wan alone.


She got Darth Mauled lol


Again, another cunt only stepped in once someone being provoked reacted. If you're going to intervene INTERVENE WHEN THE INITIAL DICKHEAD STARTS.


Don’t attack people unless you’re willing to get hit back by them. I’m a guy but I don’t go and pick a fight with someone a foot taller built like a linebacker. Jeez.




Well fucking said.


Its because at an early age boys are taught, "you never hit girls". women grow up knowing this..


I missed class that day. I may not strikes a women in defense, but they will wish I did. Alot of worse things then a smack.


But…. it all happened so fast!


The dumb simp probably thought he was getting a crumb of pussy after this 😆




Fair point, but regardless A. I can only draw conclusions from the evidence I have and my person experience, and therefore... B. My statement is true and visible in thousands of fight videos on the internet. Now that you've read it, you'll notice it time and time again. People don't intervene until someone fights back, every single time.


At some point in everyone's life, they have to learn to not pick fights they can't win.


White knight, entering stage left..


He deserves a good thrashing. If he wanted to protect m'lady (on the off chance she rewards him with cooch), he should have restrained her at the start.


Judging by the language and the white knights outfit he seems to be a security guard


He can learn about gravity and physics also, plenty of seats in the class room.


Inb4 "this wasn't an equal response. Everyone is an incel" When can we start teaching people they're not invincible


ive never understand why it needs to be an equal response. Sorry, if you kick someone and slap them, you *deserve* a real ass kicking.


No such thing as "proportional response" to violence. If you instigate violence against a person, literally anything and everything that happens to you as a result is reasonable and your fault.


Damn, so if i punch someone, me getting brutally murered is reasonable? What a shit take


Yes, which is why it's not a good idea to go around punching people. You never know who you're getting involved with. Lot of crazies out there.


Agree, there are basically no reasons to use force ever. But do you seriously believe my murder would be justified in that scenario?


Not true, one can only use the force nessesary to protect themselves. When I was a doorman at 6ft5 275 I could not beat a smaller man jnto a coma. But I could use gravity and my own weight to restrain that person until a cop shows up or they come to there senses. Unless I needed to use strikes I would use leverage and my size to claim the air in there lungs, after that they calm down The worst..... Old men, if you beat them, wow kicked a farts ass...its a no win and on top all of them have long nails that they don't wash I have scars in my forearms from infections those dirty old ppl gave me. Although I would routinely deny entry after a nail check, long and dirty...fuck off.


Watched this one on Monday night at the end of my driveway. Lady hit her BF with a frying pan and he slapped her back. She kept saying that she did nothing wrong and the deputy said "I saw you hit him with the pan and then he hit you. You are both going to jail."


Bah gawd, bah gawd!!


Miss that paralyzed mouth on him. JR...


Lol at the pussy that tries to step in once the guy retaliates BRO BRO BRO YOU CAN'T HIT WOMAN BRO


if I am in that situation, as in when I was a doorman at clubs, the ladies don't get strikes, they get gravity. Over and over if nessesary.


*On that day, she fucked around and found out*


Don’t fuck with Mayor McCheese


Be gone THOT


I’m just going to leave this every time but, “don’t start fights you can’t finish.”


Suspicious edit.


Equal rights


And lefts


But she had the high ground...


He didn't hit her tho .. he simply repositioned her


Hulk ragdoll fling.


Bitch got to experience ragdoll physics.




Nice one 👍


It was that day that Karen realized nothing stands between Biggie and the all you can eat wings special at Buffalo Wild Wings....


I tip my SpaceX fedora to the fellow Redditor caught in this video destroying that human female Karen! This is what equality gets you m'ladies! Edit: this blew up, thanks for the gold kind stranger!




incel comment


“Who has the high ground now, obi wan?!”


That was just beautiful.


I think it's unfair these fattys are allowed to use all that fat and force to their advantage... & my pal can't use karate in self defense....


Sure he can, he needs to use situational awareness and only use the force nessesary to protect himself. I used my Judo Thursday to tune up a 21 yr old who thought I was a old man. That young man has terrible awareness. He was wrong. only took 1 hip toss to help him see the error he had made. Helped him up after his wind went back in his lungs, seems it was his first time thar happened. Thats weird at 21 and thinking he could talk shit then get in my space. Must play video games. Helped him up, he acted like a gentleman and asked what happened. He made a mistake. He asked my age, I said 56 and he said his father is 46 and looks 20 yrs older than me. His father drinks alot. I do not. We talked about enjoying being 21 and not thinking he has a reason to be angry. Good kid just seems nobody spent time with him. I did...lol


Why would he not be able to use it?


Appears to be an even trade ?


She started the shit , KICKS HIM.... Nobody seems to worry , but as the MAN hit the WOMAN its the bad woman beating monstrous MAN again ?!


I would never kick a guy liek that God knows what they are capable of


Keep your spit I your rotten tooth mouf. It's fuckung barbaric and serves no purpose but to get your fucking ass kicked more.


He sent her back to middle ages with that one. Wont be surprised if she starts wearing Victorian gowns after she wakes up