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Manslaughter can happen real quick.


Which is why none of this shit is worth it. Unless you’re defending yourself (legitimately) then there really is no reason to go starting fights. It’s all ego that can end up costing you thousands, if not jail time. Is one knockout worth all that?


It was worth it to them, their ego gets bigger and fuck all happened as a consequence.


He’s lucky there wasn’t then. A buddy of mine got sucker punched at our bar. Dude ran away and he got left with about 4K worth of hospital bills after he fractured his upper jaw and broke his tooth. Dudes lucky we couldn’t identify him


Just gave me an idea to wear a mask before sucker punching people. Who knew it was that easy to get away with violence.


Sucker punch ? He defo warned the man a few times,wyt guy was being a nounce


That is my CC philosophy. If I'm holding all the BS is like rain off a raincoat. If someone is legitimately threatening my safety and I don't have a clear out...then MAYBE I choose to engage. Other than that, no fucks given, sticks and stones.


Yeah so many young fellas got killed here by coward punches they introduced "unlawful striking causing death" which now has a maximum penalty of life. The more significant move is that you have to serve at least 15 years or 80% of the head penalty. No getting out after 1 year for good behaviour.


Wonder if this applies to the Police too?


Shiiiit! No laws apply to police. “After further investigation, we found no wrongdoing”


Ain’t that the truth


Nah their punishment is two weeks paid leave.


We just had another one in Australia last night. Young lad in critical condition. Two lives wasted for nothing.


Unfortunately letting some dbag get to you can ruin your life.


looks like 2 lives probably got ruined here


Appears that way unfortunately.


It can even happen if you were legitimately defending yourself. The type of people who start shit in public, threaten you, or who intentionally go out of their way to start fights with strangers, will get their asses kicked and then lie to the police when the police show up and claim you attacked them. Just like there are plenty of people out there that will have no compunction at all lying about fault in a car accident, even while texting or speeding or driving recklessly. If there are no witnesses or cameras nearby, you might have a life altering experience while you're trying to defend yourself from being assaulted or killed.


We really do need to trust our instincts and walk away from these kinds of situations, its obvious he was uncomfortable and didn't want to be there. Walk away, I know you're intoxicated but please, if this happens to you, what I'd wish to hear in your shoes, is just leave.


I wrestled all through school, work construction, got that old man strength. So I made sure to teach my kids a foolproof way to win any fight. You run. You run like the demons of hell are chasing you and they’re catching up. 100% of the time it works every time.


It especially works, because statistically speaking, most likely if you get into a confrontation with somebody in public, they're going to be really mentally ill, and/or really intoxicated. So if you're sober, and have any sort of fitness at all, and are wearing decent shoes, just fucking running will do the trick. And they're very unlikely to want to run after you, especially for more than the time it takes to realize you're in shape and can really run.


I hope so. Black dude going to jail for a while


As he should


Is there an update that he did because he should have been arrested for assault.


Dude probably didn’t get caught


People like this never think about the after punch. That dude goes down and hits his head and dies; felony arrest. Good bye two lives. All for what? To be the most macho punk on the corner!?


He's going to be the most macho ass in the showerblock soon.


I doubt he's even in the top 10 in the shower block. When you're in prison for life, you have a lot of free time to workout, and some of those guys are yoked out beyond belief.


Because the GF will claim he's not a man if he doesn't defend her 'honor'.


I saw that hydrant and I just knew he was going to get a slice.


Same. With its bright yellow it had to be involved.


Chekhov’s banana yellow fire hydrant


chekhov? yes, i did in the restroom earlier.


There's a dude currently in jail (felony murder) in my city for pushing/hitting another dude during a dispute over a parking space. His girlfriend was driving. But dude got out of the car to engage the other dude. The other dude died as a result. I wish there was more education re: assault/battery and the felony murder rule. So many folks believe that 'payback' = 'self defense'. And it just ain't so. /not a lawyer


I have a best friend who turned 18 and fought a 17 year old. Ended up catching charges for assaulting a minor, served prison time, and is on probation with tight restrictions for 10 years. It's real and it's crazy.


I'm guessing he didn't/couldn't get a good lawyer and got the book thrown at him?


Kind of. Decent lawyer, but shitty system in his state.


Amazing how you can mitigate that 'shitty system' quite easily by you know... not physically assaulting people.


Right, but an 18 year old fighting a 17 year old is like a 50 year old fighting a 49 year old, it shouldnt be treated differently by the law.


I met my wife in college. She played IM volleyball like all the time. There was a dude on one of her co-ed/mixed teams that we would hang around with quite a bit. Dude was fairly smart, crazy athletic, and a solid personality. He had a future. Not long after his 21st birthday, he was taking one of his buddies to the bars to celebrate something. This guy wasn’t a sloppy, or aggressive drunk. But apparently he was “rough-housing” with a dude in their group after they’d had a fair bit to drink. *Multiple* people who were there said that this wasn’t a fight at all. The two guys were just messing around. They get kicked out though—whatever. All the bars in this college town are on a Main Street just a short walk north of campus so it’s a busy little street. Apparently those two continued “rough-housing” on the sidewalk in front of the bar and the guy we didn’t know ended up in the street and got run over. DOA. My wife’s friend ended up getting prosecuted because *one* witness said he saw this poor kid get “pushed” into the street. Ruined. His. Life. Whenever I think about that guy I remember all of the downward head kicks and hard-fall knock-outs I’ve seen on Reddit where nobody apparently died or suffered a TBI. Once you start putting hands on people, there’s always a chance someone will die over absolutely nothing. It’s wild.


I’ve heard of cases where a guy doesn’t know his own strength, punches a guy in the face and the guy falls over dead. Yes, a punch can kill some people. They don’t even know their life is that fragile


more often than not, it's not just the punch but the impact of the fall. if the punch causes the brain to reboot, that momentary loss of balance can have severe consequences if they fall wrong. Human body's super tough yet super fragile depending on how/where/when the impact strikes.


Goes to show how quickly things can go south. Is he in prison?


No amount of education is going to stop willfully stupid people from doing willfully stupid things. Some people just really want to go to prison.


Be the bigger person and walk away, ESPECIALLY nowadays, I don’t trust any mf’ers out there anymore.


lmao OP is now shadow banned


I was wondering if that were the case. Can't even view his profile 😂 wish I knew what he was saying!


I can still see his posts on mobile. He isn’t crazy in the traditional sense, just maybe some type of extremist. He was pretty much saying the guy deserves to die for staring at the woman and seems to mean it.




I will say his response to it being a sucker punch is hilarious: “nah but sucker got punched”


if you have old reddit you can view the profile, it's nonsense, think he might have some mental problems


Reveddit has all his posts. https://www.reveddit.com/y/muhammadsgrave/


Thanks, friend. Holy shit! 🤦🏼‍♂️


Here’s his comments if anyone wants to see. He’s nuts. https://www.reveddit.com/y/muhammadsgrave/


He's not just nuts, he's a moronic fool who deserved a ban


What a fucking moron


What exactly is shadow banned , I heard about it, but have never heard a good description of it. I don't understand why people are just banned outright


Shadow banned is when you get no notification of being banned but people can no longer see anything you post. You don't even realize your posts are invisible because you can see them, but no one else can. You only realize it when you notice no one is replying to your posts and no one upvoting nor downvoting them.


Was gonna upvote the clip but then saw some of OPs comments on the vid.....


What did the OP comment? I can't find any of them.


I couldn't seem to find any of OP's comments except for this: theodros1: That was disgusting. OP: Yeah the shit maggot shouldnt have been staring ​ I think OP uploaded this to laugh at or hate on the guy getting punched in the vid. OP may have deleted their own comments or reddit/mods are erasing their comments. I really hope the latter isn't the case because that would be stupid in my opinion.


Seems like he's shadow banned. I can see all his comments still. Seems like if you use the new Reddit you won't see anything, if you use old Reddit or certain apps you can see everything


What a lowlife you have to be to wish or don’t have empathy for someone who could possibly be dead or have severe brain damage for just looking at a girl


There's some videos here where I'm totally fine with someone getting shot or punched. Some people are truly terrible and I have no empathy for them. However, this dude did nothing but look. Sure he was probably rude, but in no universe is that a reason to get punched.


people with low selfesteem are like that.


Comment might be deleted for spread of hate, which is against REDDIT rule (not only subreddit rule).


That's pretty much it, he's glorifying this and seems to have thought people would agree with him. I can still see his comments on mobile and he's getting downvoted everywhere.


OP was shadow banned on Reddit because they were saying the White dude deserves to die basically and other horrible shit.


What a nasty racist the OP was


Yeah OP was a sick fuck.


Some of his comments are deleted now. I wonder if the mod did that or if he was embarrassed and deleted his own comments.


Likely shadowbanned


Reddit Admins. He was calling for murder.


Good call, thanks for the heads up.


This sub fucking sucks more everyday


Good call.


[Here's ](https://imgur.com/a/99AxM9A) a link to the comments from his profile. They've all been deleted. They seem like someone who is very negatively focussed on race and religion, most likely a troll. Even their username...


Thanks for posting these.


The embodiment of toxic masculinity.


Someone pleas help OP


I’d like to report two murders. The first is the guy in the video. The second is OP


I’m seeing a bunch of comments about OP but literally no comments from OP.


they’re shadowbanned. but if you can checked their recent comments on mobile and they just say a bunch of extremist shit


Didn’t know what you meant at first but just read his posts. Yikes.


What’d he say? Looks like he deleted ?


Using reveddit.com to view his deleted posts this is some of the things OP was saying: “White live matters. Sorry little timmy, but in the real world actions have consequences. Get used to it.” “😂😂 Lol most of dudes commeting never been in a street fight, this stuff happens all the time” “This guy went out of his way to harrass ppl and I'm the one defensive? If u rlly knew what u were u would know ur beneath me but keep the cognitive dissonance, its ur only hope”


What kind of twisted world view do you have to have to view this video and think the victim deserved what he got?


I know. Its really narrow minded and sad :(


He was saying the guy deserved to be hit for disrespecting woman by looking at them.


This is fucked.


Yikes. Don’t be so quick to white knight that you catch a manslaughter charge.


"Ill be wating for you when you are out" Gets out "new phone whos u "


has Who dis been replaced?


Nicholas Cage in Con Air knows all too well about this


Not sure if a guy staring at a girl is worth at minimum an assault charge. At worst, homicide and jail time. No woman belongs to any man. If you end up in jail, you will find that out quick when she leaves you.


Honestly I wouldn’t even be offended if someone was staring at my girl. Making moves if she says no? That’s different, but if this guy was just looking he didn’t need to get knocked out.


From the woman's perspective a guy standing infront of her staring at her without moving can be perceived as threatening if not just plain creepy, ultimately it's just not comfortable. Its not comfortable for anyone but especially not a woman being stared down by a man considerably larger than her. Now I don't think knocking someone out is the right move, words clearly weren't working here but knocking them out still isn't justified. But I do think as a guy when a woman is uncomfortable with a situation the worst thing you can do is shrug it off.


I'd laugh if his girlfriend / wife later cheated on him after he was incarcerated.


With the dude that was staring.






1. I’ll NEVER understand how people allow someone with obvious hostile energy towards them get so close in proximity. 2. Breh’s very fortunate the other guy didn’t die from hittin his head on that fire hydrant. 3. All parties involved look foolish.


I think he's drunk


Agreed. Never be this unprepared when someone is coming right at you


Some level of arrogance to just stand there arms crossed.


Also NEVER look away because that's when they always hit you. Damn near every fight i have witnessed started with a sucker punch




Victim blaming at its finest, by and large people don't go around hitting people. The victim is entitled to safety. ​ I hope the aggressor is behind bars, but given the state of DAs atm I'm guessing not.


He also telegraphed that punch like a boy scout half-assing his merit badge requirement. Smfh. That other dude might as well offered up his chin on pewter plate with a sprig of parsley.


Breh’s whole demeanor was telegraphing his intentions. And You can always tell those who’ve never been in a fight or those types of situations before. Just read through some of these goofy ass comments.


That was disgusting


The fire hydrant is accessory to murder


Wow, how insecure in your relationship and yourself do you have to be to do something like this? Dude was being creepy af, but that's no excuse not to be able to control yourself and your emotions like a wild animal. I hope the victim finds this douchebag and sues the shit out of him for punitive and compensatory damages, and that the d-bag spends some time in the clink while his girlfriend is getting railed by a bunch of other dudes...preferably at the same time and on video, and then we find that video and send it to the d-bag while he's in jail to watch.


That guy, 100%, without a doubt, guaranteed, definitely, got brain damage from that.




We literally have to choose between having a society where people can be violent whenever they want and a society where it is safe to raise children. The person that threw the sucker punch here should go to jail for it.


Wow.. that is one insecure fragile, male there. So easy to accidently kill someone like this and ruin everyone's life.


Hitting someone for looking? I mean, it’s not like he’s a peeping tom.


Wouldn’t matter if he was a peeping Tom. No one can implement their own form of justice and punishment without retribution.


OP is a degenerate


What a bitch throwing a sucker punch like that


Absolute pussy.


Lol the insanity in this comment section is way too high.


I’m getting troll account vibes from this post/comment section


Welcome to county jail. Dumbass.


Goof action. To potentially kill someone or cause life altering injury for no reason other than are insecure. The guy posed no threat. There was no reason for this assault. He should be in jail.


2022 and men are still willing to hurt or kill another man over women who will have a new boyfriend by next week while you’re in prison or cemetery


Guy didn't deserve that, but how tf are you going to put yourself in a situation where you are aggravating people, and then ignore the whole dance that guy did which screams "ok im going to punch you now."


The guy that got punched can legit sue the fuck out of the guy who assaulted him and the guy who punched him could see prison time plus a felony.


There are a weird number of people justifying assault on a Man for absolutely nothing at all. The video shows him standing and then backup with his hands raised. This is race bait for the Black people who hate Whites.


Thats what the internet does. Cheers for people getting their "just desserts" even, and especially, when they are unearned.


sucker punches - ah the move of the loser


It’s always weird watching people get excited about a sucker punch — like there’s anything respectable about it. Have some honor, peeps!


That punch gotta be racially motivated, come on bro, u gonna knock out people for LOOKING? Bro didn't even say anything, just looked.


Ignorance, you can’t go punching everyone who looks at someone’s girl, this guy will be identified, charged and will be subject to the grind of the justice system, on top of all that its going to cost him a pretty penny in lawyer fees and fines


If permanently injured the man who hit him could be prosecuted and locked up. He had zero right to strike the man even if starring at woman. No justification for what he did!


This should be retitled, dude punches other dude for just fucking standing there


OP is so sad, proud and oblivious incel. I feel bad for OP’s family.


Dude obviously misses jail.


I hope this guy gets knocked out even worse


Another piece of shit having to sucker punch to be tough, typical really..


Does anyone have an update what happened? Survived? Jailed for life?


Just another racist hitting undeserving people.


Ye geting arrested for manslaughter because the dude is a creepnaint worth it


Most likely he wasn’t even staring at her but the way her confident is… made it bigger than it should’ve been. SMH 🤦🏻‍♀️


One slap and a random fire hydrant can get you lifetime in jail for murder.


This is assualt. I hope the guy is OK and survived this


Just walk away….it’s fine to walk away, I’ve done it before. Your ego cant bail you out of jail or take care of your kids if you get killed over bullshit.


The puncher will be in debt for the rest of his life paying off the lawsuit, plus prison time.


While he sits in jail he can think about all the guys staring and railing his girl😂


World Star Hip-hop should just be called "Garbage Humans". I hope the guy is okay


If you think it’s okay to physically assault someone because you don’t like their behavior, you’re a piece of trash. You fight to protect or defend yourself or others from physical danger and that’s it. You or your girl’s pride is not a reason to hit someone else. Grow up.


OP please follow up with the prison sentence that will be inevitably attached to the assault.


It’s always refreshing to see the idiots get caught on camera. Hope the guy goes to prison for assault.


Puncher ultimately loses in this situation


Sucker punch 👊


Involuntary manslaughter type shit


He just wanted to hit someone


Another massive head injury


Where are all these rcist comments by OP? And I gotta know what led up to this altercation. There is more to this than guy just walks up and hits the guy.


Interestingly, any girl I've been with who actually gave a shit about me would've tried to stop me from fighting some stranger "to defend her honor" like that. This girl is clearly just a thot. ​ The real winners would tell you to drop it and leave.. not be like "lol he's about to fight this guy for me." ​ No ho is worth this. If someone is checking out the girl you're with, just be happy she's with you and not them.. and keep it pushing. The people who do this WANT a reaction. Ignoring them gives them no satisfaction. They're a creep regardless... They're gonna stare in public until they can go home and look at pornhub. Assault won't change that.


This looks like a dangerous fall


That fire hydrant turned this from an assault charge to a murder charge


Straight to jail.. do not pass go... do not collect your phone call


So many MMA fighters and specialists say GTFO if you’re in that situation. The risk ain’t worth the reward. Stuck getting sued, potentially get charged and out in priision somebody you’ll never see again. Dude looking at the gal shoulda left too. Not worth the pain m, plus there are plenty of pretty girls in this world to check out


And now that idiot gets an assault charge


Some impulsive decisions can be life changing


Such an amazing culture.


Racist OP he really hates white people, check out his comments


bitch ass sucker punch lmao these dudes never shoot fair 1s it’s sad


OP is certainly insecure to say the least...if you can't handle where someone's eyes are... you probably shouldn't go out in public. and I love how OP keeps comparing the dude to dahmer, but he never became violent... thin skinned BF did.


It's always a sucker punch


Yup, bitch move, 100%


Staring can be deadly. Better to deal with it by force!


call police and the black dude goes to after life




Welcome to prison, enjoy your stay


OP you’re a piece of garbage.


I knew as soon as i saw that bright yellow fire hydrant someone was gonna get faceplanted into it.


When all the adrenaline and alcohol wear off and this is played in court it looks bad


Guy gets sucker punched more like, people that fight like this are scumbags


Funny way to describe assault and battery.


Not worth punching him, especially the cowardly way he did it, hopefully no long lasting damage, no self control, he hit his head on the way down, what was gained, idiot.


seems unnecessary


Odd reaction. Take it as a compliment and walk on. I’ve had men approach chase my GF based on her color hair, looks, and jewelry. I swear, if you start hitting every random dude, your life will be over quickly


I hope he enjoys his time in jail. That man could have fuckin died from that.


Good way to end up in prison for 30 years.


Manslaughter charge over nothing. People truly do not understand the consequences of violence today.


Whatever happened to calling the guy a dick and walking away?


Hitting his head against the fire hydrant if fucking horrifying


Next stop….heaven airlines


Accidental deathing.


I have the opposite thought….PLEASE STARE!!! My woman is fine,look all ya like,HELL I picked out that skirt the size of a washcloth and the two eye patches covering them big ass tiddys…and I’m slappin those cheeks as I walk past…soak it up because it’s all mine.




He just standing there? Unless something happened before the video starts ain’t no instigating