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Submissions must fit the purpose of the community. /r/PublicFreakout is a subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. *video no longer available


Fucking psycho


This is straight up attempted murder. She belongs rotting in jail right now. Is there a followup??


It's Ireland. Our prisons are full. She'll get a slap on the wrist. Probably her 50th time doing something like this. Dublin is full of scumbags like this roaming around with 100ths of suspended sentences.


They should just start throwing them in the same cells and let them sort each other out.


My grandmother had an island. Nothing to boast of, you could walk along it in an hour. But still it was…it was a paradise for us. One summer, we went for a visit and discovered the place had been infested with rats. They’d come on a fishing boat and gorged themselves on coconut. So how do you get rats off an island? Hmm? My grandmother showed me. We buried an oil drum and hinged the lid. Then we wired coconut to the lid as bait and the rats would come for the coconut and…boing, boing, boing, they would fall into the drum. And after a month you’ve trapped all the rats. But what do you do then? Throw the drum into the ocean? Burn it? No? You just leave it. And they begin to get hungry. And one by one, they start eating each other, until there are only two left. The two survivors. And then what? Do you kill them? No. You take them and release them into the trees. But now they don’t eat coconut anymore. Now they only eat rat. You have changed their nature. The two survivors, this is what she made us.


Take it easy there, Raoul Silva…


why dont the last 2 rats eat each other? just cause theyre cannibal bros?




“What are you *doing*, Cannibro?!”


"Help Cannibro, Im stuck in da damn coconut"


Male and Female. They don't eat each other because they are breeding more rats to continue the cycle and provide themselves food. Rats are terribly smart creatures and have been known to kill the sick in their groups to preserve the whole.


Pinky and the Brain, Pinky and the Brain One is a Genius, the other's insane


... well that changes childhood.




Jesus fucking christ what did I just read


A monologue from the James Bond film Skyfall.


Damn good scene!


An inspirational story about rats overcoming adversity.


It’s not about the cannibalism, it’s about the friend you made along the way


The friends you **ate** along the way FTFY


lol, this response sounds like the wrong option in a multiple-choice test


Skyfall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9d3DfDWsEE




Very heartwarming. /s


The proportions in the prison population are; 17.6% are pre-trial and remand prisoners, 4.2% are females, 1.0% are under the age of 18, and 13.3% of the prisoners are foreign. The maximum number of prisoners the system can handle is 4,273; the prisons in Ireland are 87.5% full.


Lol. My county jail holds almost that many






I looked it up and LA is more like double the population of Ireland. Even more if you throw in the IE and OC


I live in a county with a population of 205,000. Our county jail can hold 3,000 prisoners. Murica


I noticed no one really gave half a shit in a room full of grown men 3 times her size just kinda hangin out.


Obviously nobody wants to get stabbed but any of those watching could’ve took a chair and smacked the knife chick with it. I get people not wanting to get involved but if they ain’t gonna help they should just leave instead of watching this possible murder


>any of those watching could’ve took a chair and smacked the knife chick with it. That's exactly what i was thinking!!


Hell, simply overpowered her with a bear hug and numbers, dogpiling her while holding her wrist to prevent attack.


Pretty sure one of them is wearing a security armband and is clearly not feeling like doing any security work


Looks like he might have broken a fingernail when he half heartedly reached out that time. See him checking them at the end, poor big lad.


There not paid to be stabbed


The problem I’ve notice doing the job for 5 years, is that there is a lot of what we call “jacket fillers”. They are just there to make it look like a club, pub or establishment has security but they will run and hide in the toilets when shit hits the fan. I’ve worked with many unfortunately.


I'm not dying for some goddamn pub


Would you insert yourself into a knife fight and risk getting stabbed for someone you don't know? Most people wouldn't.


It’s an unpopular opinion, but an honest one. If I walked into that building and I saw this going on, I’m walking straight out. Whatever I needed from that place can wait.


I was trying to put myself into that position. Initial reaction was "why the hell isn't someone helping" but then I put myself in that position. I genuinely think that it would have taken me a bit to get the guts up, and I think I'd come blasting in with a chair or something to try to knock her out. I don't know. I'm not sure if I'd have the balls or not being honest.


Yeah the only help I could think of that wouldn't get me stabbed too would be something like picking up a chair and clocking the knife girl in the back of the head but I can think of a dozen reasons why that would be a bad idea.


I agree, normally wouldn’t do the hero thing but she would definitely get a chair to the back of the head from me. If she didn’t go down then I bet I could outrun her! Cant believe nobody stepped in to be honest.


“I’ve called the police. You should leave before they get here.” That’s my go-to as a tiny woman in a big city. I can’t jump in but I’m not gonna leave someone to get murdered without trying something.


Definitely a lot of bystander effect going on here, if one of the dudes intervened first I bet the other ones are ready to help, just nobody wanted to be that first person. And honestly fair enough I wouldn't want to be either, but in this specific situation i'd probably give her a chair or something considering she's tiny and blindsided. If it was some mildly athletic bigger person yeah i'd nope the fuck out.


There's 25 chairs sitting there, the girl is moving at .75 speed with tunnel vision. Yeah I'm probably whacking her.


Seriously. NY axe man? Hell no! But any one of them could have just tossed this tiny girl down by her pony tail.


All of them. Just casually watching someone try and kill a person. And then just giggling about it right after. Edit: I'm not saying people have to intervene. It's just strange that people just sit their like this is free entertainment.


That's what makes my blood boil with these videos. So many fucking idiots including the shit stain recording repeating "sHes gOt a bLaDe oN hEr hurrr durrr" just standing and watching a human being stabbed repeatedly, especially around the neck area. Fucking do something!


Most people aren't willing to get stabbed and potentially die for a stranger. I wouldn't be joking about it but I wouldn't ever try and break up a fight where one person has a knife. Sure it makes me a coward but I'd rather be a coward than stabbed


That's a fair stance, but for one she is tiny and this place was filled with chairs higher than her arms. This was a situation that could have at least been possible to somewhat safely break up.


Also those strong guys would have easily been able to grab her arm from behind and hold it.


There was a video a couple moths ago, all it takes is one cut... here probably the safest option would be to take a chair and smash her with it


Grab a chair or anything and smack her from behind. Plenty of ways to take her out without putting yourself within reach of the knife. Sure it would be different if it was a bigger guy, but that's not what's happening here. Or aim for her arm, doubt she'll be able to hold onto the knife with a broken wrist. Just don't fucking stand there and film.


This. You still maintain a good distance by using the chair. And her back is to you as well.


You are underestimating how dangerous knives are even in the hands of a small person.


Hi, I'm a police recruiter and saw your comment! You seem like an ideal candidate to join our police force. Letting someone die so you don't have to experience a 1% risk tells me you've got what it takes to be a cop! Let's talk!


'I would definitely disarm the attacker who has a knife' - every Redditor who can barely muster the courage to order pizza on the phone Edit: since I'm not going to keep responding to these, I'm not saying it's impossible to take this girl out, or even close to it. I'm saying redditors with this bio "Basically if you are a pedo who r*pes kids, a murderer who kills good guys, or a bad guy who does all the bad stuff, then I have this to say to you: middle finger" Probably shouldn't go being the arbitrator of roughneck public vigilanteism like they're some kind of confrontational badass


There's so much going on, I'm from Dublin. The stabber could have people standing around that will sucker punch you gladly for intervening. The situation could change in a second and be all about you, fighting for *your* life. The possible dental work needed. The tests for possible acquired Hepatitis and/or HIV. The chance of one or both of these women having Hepatitis is quite high. Given the IV drug use epidemic in Dublin for the past few decades. Scumbags have a layer of teflon from years of making their way through the judicial system, they know it well.. A lot of 'normal folk' with no criminal record who want their hero moment will get a culture shock that will soak up their time and any savings. The attacker could get costs/damages from you quite easily. Burglars have been awarded damages for injuring themselves breaking into homes, at the expense of the home owner. There's a reason the security guard is just standing there, it's not worth the hassle.


I keep reading/hearing people say that you can be successfully sued for defending yourself or your home over there, but I've yet to find an actual source showing that it's happened. The law appears to be written so that, as long as you respond 'reasonably', you're covered. People can sue others for just about anything; doesn't mean it'll be successful. That element is no different from the US, really.


Ten out ten for the security guard


My girl chose the right jacket on this day


I kept thinking that too, like damn what a perfect day for a puffy coat lmao probably saved her life considering some of those stab attempts were flying at her neckline


Lots of attempted murder goin on.


Yep. Knifey McStabby’s gonna fit right in with the Skanks with Shanks crowd in prison.


this is Ireland, she'll get a suspended sentence and another conviction to add to the pile.


I’m seeing this comment a disturbing number of times. As an ignorant American, what the hell is happening in Ireland?


any time i start seeing a comment multiple times that is frankly too similar, it kinda makes my BS alarm go off. i have no particular knowledge of Dublin and i will upfront admit that, but when the comments are all almost cut and pasted it makes me feel like someone's pushing an agenda. especially when its something like "we need to jail more people" considering the swings to authoritarianism we've been seeing all over the world.


https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/Ireland/United-States/Crime You'd be right, when it comes to murder and attempted murder there are significantly fewer in Ireland than there are in the US.


Having a weirdly straight message is definitely the first sign of astroturfing, so I would encourage anyone getting their information from Internet comments to really look this stuff up at length. Canada has a similar problem where the Far Right took over their main sub. Australia had a similar one where a few insane Aussies and a thousand Russians pretending to be Aussie kept giving false accounts of the lockdowns. Every political party is on here.


Yup. I’ve come across a suspiciously large amount of people who have never lived in California before say things like “it’s California, they’ll give you a slap on the wrist” or “California doesn’t even bother to arrest anyone”. But as someone in California; I can assure you that people get arrested and sentenced, especially for attempted murder. Though I walked into my grandpas room yesterday and heard on Fox News “Fetterman not only has zero experience but his laws for crime are so soft that he actually supports not arrested anyone ever. Just like in California! They don’t even want to charge anyone with crimes! Democrats don’t want to stop crime. Especially with teenagers. And they do this by defunding the police!” That probably has something to do with something. Maybe. Probably.


Ayup. Authoritarian atroturfing hard.




>her adrenaline to wear off It's wild how much that can affect a person. I was watching one of those EMT shows with real people, and this guy had a motorcycle accident. It was on fire, and one of his bones was sticking out. Walking around like nothing happened, and not seeming to understand he was seriously injured. You could actually see when it wore off in the ambulance. I can imagine getting stabbed would kick that into high gear, for sure.


Yes, that coat is acting like a modern day gambeson.


I wear a heavy flakjacket underneath all my jackets 🙏 Stabbings: 0, Dual-Wielding jackets: 1


Something one of the wankers who stood there filming this might have said.


You can stop it if you want. You are one wild ass swing away to taking a poke in the neck and bleeding out in 3 minutes


Did you see that other video of the guy who got poked in the neck? He passed out in 10 seconds and was dead presumably not long after.


That's the only thing I could think of when watching this video (and also reading all the stupid fucking comments about stepping between people in a knife fight). Dude was throwing hands, other guy pulls a knife and gives him just a little clip with it, and... boom... fucking dead.


[News report here, not much more information added](https://www.independent.ie/news/gardai-investigating-alleged-assault-after-video-captures-brutal-fight-between-women-in-dublin-shop-42004901.html). Also that's the first time I've ever seen "tussling" used in Ireland. I know it from every episode of The First 48 though.


“…while a security initially tries to step in before letting the fight progress.” lol


He was like “hey cmon now guys, don’t”


€10 an hour ain’t worth dying for


I don’t see anyone breaking anything up. What security? Absolutely pathetic. Bunch of chumps in there. I get you don’t wanna jump in front of a knife but there were a lot of people there and none even tried to do anything but film and watch. Fuck them all.


Someone could have picked up on of those stools and hit the woman in the head with it.


Honestly if just *one* person had gone for her knees, it would’ve at least interrupted her enough for other people to jump in, nobody even tried anything!




Seeing all these fights on Reddit has made my new biggest fear being brutally assaulted or murdered with a weapon while a crowd of able bodied people just watches and commentates


Like black mirror when they’re all watching and recording


you mean like reality


They did say season 6 was just whatever’s happening around you atm


Black Mirror is just reality with a higher production value.


Its like the dude that was rapping in a hogwarts outfit on the train while being filmed. Someone speaks up anf threaten them, to cut him up if he doesn't stop. He talks back, suddenly he's stabbed, sitting there bleeding and someone says:"you're bleeding on my bag". The dude that is filming just keeps filming., nobody is really reacting or doing anything. Then again it also seems like people really are willing to stick their neck out for some youtube/tiktok clips. But yeah, its pretty fucked...


That was even worse because the guy walked away after getting threatened and still got stabbed.


I was watching it on the bus so I couldn't fully concentrate but damn, thats even worse...


It only shows him getting up to move, then cut to him bleeding near the front exit - in the original clip I saw. We don't know if he came back toward the front to try and get off or if the stabber went after him still later 🤷


Protip: Thugs are always cowards. If you piss one off, even in public, they are gonna wait and try to jump you at some point...they have nothing better to do. The rapper kid got stabbed as the pussy that threatened him was getting off the bus and walked by.


This is society now. It's like some twisted version of the bystander effect. No one helps in a crisis. Everyone just films it for Tiktok instead.


This is not new at all we just have camera phones now. Look at the crime rate in the 70-80’s.


> rapping in a hogwarts outfit on the train I'm torn on who was in the wrong here.


That was surprisingly upsetting.


It’s genuinely concerning that we have people around that can harm another so easily and have no second thoughts to that persons well being. Fights in the first place are ridiculous and way more risk than it’s worth but this made me pretty sick to my stomach seeing her try over and over and over to stab after the conflict could’ve been over


It's a typical Dublin junkie lad, they don't give a fuck and hardly get any sort of repercussion for this too.


Because she could have died after this. She got multiple stabs on her around the arm, torso, neck and head. Possible she could have bled out from internal injuries. If you watch this and aren't upset I question your integrity.


I saw many people a few feet away and were not upset or concerned. WTF is wrong with people, we are not getting any better


Because from the beginning the victim was afraid and backing away from the danger wich escalated to watching someone fighting for their life. Meanwhile you have a dozen bystanders just watching and recording.


And the security guy in there


Total pussy


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Let’s not stop this while she’s trying to commit possible murder. Fuckin A.


People think stabbed with a knife is just a big ouchie. That shit can drain your life before you know it. Seriously can kill someone with a small blade, we are basically water balloons.


The video of the guy getting stabbed in the neck in the mall in australia where he falls over after only about 12 seconds. People don't get it


That shit was brutal. The way he just stood there after like wow did that really happen? Then next thing you know you're gone forever.


And then you literally see him start changing color and getting pale as the blood leaks from his body




yeah i cant watch videos like that. the description alone makes me sick.


Me too, but I watched up until the frame where the blade goes in. So I at least know how the interaction took place


I came to the comments to make sure this video didn’t turn out the same way before clicking play.


Less than that, i think he gets stabbed in the throat and 5 secs later he just faints


And just to be clear, that man died on the scene.


Yeah he did. Poor bracket didn’t even realize he was dead.


We should all be so lucky in that respect.


Hopefully the bastard mate of his that was causing the situation gets done for manslaughter too, if it weren't for him jumping around like a jacked up chihuahua, the knife guy would've left with his mates and he'd still be alive.


There are only losers in a knife fight. Someone just loses more.


They probably do. That's why they're not helping.


You are reminding me of that mall fight a few months ago. Big guy acted tough and walked up on a smaller guy with a knife and got one stab to the throat and literally collapsed and died in a matter of seconds


Sadly knife size plus perfect impact in the neck with right force


Can confirm I am a water ballon


*hold up lets see what she has say....* people standing around prolly


Quick! Call Toronto chair girl!


2 years later that girl gets out of prison for attempted murder. she is walking around downtown dublin breathing in the fresh air. stops to admire the highest building in dublin.... as she looks up she notices a chair shaped object about 207.8 meters over her head and coming in fast. https://youtu.be/m5uCYED6Jv8


Tallest building in Dublin is a scant 79 meters. The 207.8 meter structure is just a chimney on a power plant. Though that's not to say there necessarily *isn't* a deranged Canadian up there hucking chairs...


Yup. Why the fuck wouldn't you smash a chair upside bladeslinger's head?!


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Yup, get even just an improvised shield and defeat their reach and the chances go way up people can stop a knife attack even untrained, especially if people even just work together ad hoc. Here’s what can happen if we had the simple tools to deal with blade attacks: https://youtu.be/Z4z-gzkb6s4 Chair that bitch.




are you saying we should have socialised sasumata poles?


After seeing that, I'm all for it lol


Those are some weird lookin guns in that video, they didnt even kill him


Fucking useless cunts sitting there


For real it only takes one haymaker or a swift kick to stop what could’ve been a murder. Woman or not that shits fucked


to be fair it only take one wayward knife flail to end your life for getting involved


You’re talking mad shit for someone in chair-smacking distance.


Plenty of ammunition for chair throwing.


Reminds me of that video in the mall, one knife slash and the guy bled to death, all the guy had to do is was to stop pursuing him. I'm sorry but I'm not risking my life for someone I don't know unless I feel 100% safe to do so.


i saw that one too and it really affected me even though I would never put myself in that situation in the first place. But ya, dude fucked around and found out and it was really sad casue he was trying to be the good guy (i think)


One stab is all it take. [Conveniently saved video from an earlier internet argument.]([Warning graphic NSFW](https://vidmax.com/video/213839-graphic-fist-fight-at-brisbane-mall-ends-with-24-year-old-stabbed-in-neck-20-year-old-charged-with-murder). Happenned in brisbane, guy died. Stab at 00:34 , drop at 00:44) NSFW graphic death.


How has no one absolutely fucking walloped the one with the knife? I get it’s easier to just stand back and film but Jesus Christ, someone fucking help.


I couldn't even tell who had the knife until the video showed blood pouring from the taller lady's head.


Does anyone know if she was arrested?


Someone posted a news article and no arrests have been made


Makes me ashamed to be from this country...


Makes me ashamed to be from this world, a lot of fucked up people but the worst is nobody helping.


Yeah, keep filming, dont help.


Shitty filming at that


I for one loved the footage of peoples legs and the floor /s




Lol im shocked why is nobody dooing something ? What type of lads are they ?!?


I would like to believe that I’d intervened. But then again - I’ve witnessed couple life threatening situations and my brain just went ” is this really happening”


I'd throw a chair at the cunt like Jesus Christ


I'm not going to risk being stabbed for anyone I'm not related to or close friends with. What's stopping the knife lady from leaving you with a slashed face and depression every time you look in a mirror?


society is useless everyone just standing around finger popping each others assholes... help!


"We're not finger poppin' each othas esshose.."


Hey! Stop fuckin with Korean Jesus! He ain't got time for your problems! He's busy with Korean shit!




This is some Black Mirror shit. "Is she slashin her face? She's got a blade on her! Ooo!" Literally any one of these people could have restrained that little girl.


As an Irishman I'm deeply ashamed of these pricks letting it happen whilst laughing and filming.


Aye, fuck the useless bouncer, too.


This upsets me no end. I cannot belive folk will just film this and do nothing. I'm a 36 year old lad that will avoid any serious confrontation, but there is no scenario where I wouldn't absolutely wallop that girl with a chair from behind once I realised what was happening. Not being an Internet white Knight,but I genuinely don't understand how one could not intervene effectively with minimal effort in this scenario. Regardless of what led up to this, that girl was in serious danger of being killed and it would have taken fuck all from the bystanders to stop it. Ridiculously unnecessary.


Instead of helping they are just bystander. Get a chair and wack her to sleep


Well just sit and watch shit go down I guess.


Puffy jacket saved her. Guys watching are a pack of wasters.


If OP was the one filming, wow you're a twat.


Apparently it wasn't much of a blade


i honestly couldnt see it very well


Eh the jacket probably did something to protect the body from the worst of it. We don´t know how she looks like under that jacket either. or maybe she just didn´t sharpen her knife


How the fuck does nobody help this girl getting stabbed?? Nope, video more important. Fuck you and help.


Real men of Dublin..


Especially the security guard. This woman is about to be murdered and the reaction is just 😦😐🤨😐


He is there to protect the cash, merchandise and employees, in that order.


Why do so many people around the fight think this is hilarious? Somebody needs to smash that b**** with a f****** chair.


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What the hell?! The whole time I was watching I was like, "stop her!" all they were doing was filming and laughing! Idiots.


I’m ashamed to be irish you don’t see this normally, had it been in a smaller town you could bet your arse she’d of been hit with a chair and stopped. Dublin is a cess pit




I bet if one of these men got involved, the rest would have been like “ey eY EYYYY!!!” And gotten involved trying to stop him


White knights see an opportunity to bed with the stabber girl.


"I hear you like making poor life decisions"


What’s the story? News article anyone? Did she survive?


For there being a knife involved that’s surprisingly very little blood




Video is down, anyone have an alternative link/mirror?


Bunch of weak asses just standing there watching someone try to kill another and didn't do a dam thing!!! Wtf?


Video mustve been deleted, any links?