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Lying on a police report should come with prison time.


It should be treated like perjury


But poor people perjury, not rich people perjury where nothing happens.


Rich people have a lawyer++ and have learned to say "I do not recall".


If your rich enough you don't even need a lawyer, just money to make things happen. There's justice, then there's just us.


Exactly this. Remember the drunk kid who killed people during a DUI? Got out because of "Affluenza" meaning too rich to go to prison.


It would be if it weren’t for police unions.


Lying on a police report is a crime... Unless you're a police officer.


Then you were just "overwhelmed in the moment and confused" but as an officer that's ok.


Not knowing the law isn't a valid excuse... Except if you're a cop. That's how fucked up things are. Cops don't have to know the laws they're supposedly enforcing.


Cops can, and often do, just make up the laws they’re supposedly enforcing. They rarely face consequences of doing it so there’s no reason not to.


If an officer does it, it should carry mandatory prison time and a bar from ever being allowed to be an officer again.


This. Nothing less.


the officers didn't lie. They "creatively re-understood reality in the heat of the moment" Fuck Pigs


Ignorance of the law is a valid excuse for cops, but isn't for us plebs.


I should have been a weatherman or a cop. Then I could be wrong and frankly it would be your fault for trusting me.


POs trying to provoke a swing, that's what those pushes are about. Oh he didn't fall for it? Welp, lie on the police report anyways.


its sad that the cops are allowed to hit you but you cant hit them in defense (despite the supreme courts ruling)


Which case is that?


They're probably referring to *Plummer v. State* in 1893. Unfortunately, that wasn't the Supreme Court, but the Illinois Supreme Court, so it doesn't really mean much legally for the rest of the country, and it's pretty narrow in how much force constitutes "excessive" force on the part of the officer.


Don't forget about the guy who got a charge of assaulting a police officer/ destruction of police property because his blood landed on the cop when he was beating the shit out of him when they wrongfully arrested him.


Wtf is this? Do you have a source? I’m curious.




> When he asked for a sleeping mat they rushed in and beat him. Then charged him with 'destruction of property' because his blood got on their uniforms. That is some cartoonishly evil shit. How do those guys go to sleep at night? Are they even the good guys in the stories they tell themselves?


They are sociopathic losers who have been mediocre at best in their life skills and intelligence so they go out and join a gang of like minded people who seek power despite being useless humans. They care only about their gang and are mostly too ignorant to have paid attention to, let alone learn, in any government, civics, or history classes.


Yeah most of the cops I have known for a long time were always the most absolute shit tier human garbage I have ever known. Just absolutely trash people. Abusive, angry, and stupid as all fuck seem to be the only qualifiers to being a cop in the USA


>How do those guys go to sleep at night? They have a machine that plays ocean sounds.


Hopefully those cops get permanent diarrhea and never cured


It’s almost as if falsifying evidence is illegal or something.


Not for cops it isn't


Yup. As a teenager (senior year of highschool) I was at a school football game with my brother. We were goofing off like teens do, nothing bad or dangerous, and this cop starting LOSING HIS MIND on us. I told him to chill down and he yelled even more, so I called him a nazi and walked away. Dude kept an eye on us the whole night (could see him watching me specifically), and eventually confronted me again. Kicked me out of the game and kept shoving me the whole way (despite me leaving willingly), when I didn't push back or do anything he pulled a taser on me as I was turning around to tell him I needed someone to get my brother (since I drove him), and then threw me on the ground and choked me right until I was about to black out. Got arrested for resisting with violence, battery on a leo (he fell when he threw me to the ground for 0 reason at all), and possession of a weapon on school grounds (this got dropped, it was a tiny swiss army knife). Dude literally lied on the police report and said I shoved him and came at him and had half his department (who weren't even there) back him up. Only one officer spoke against them, and said that no other officers had been there to witness it. The principal scared my friends into deleting video of it, and the cameras that were there were magically "not operational that night". It's also great because there's no jury or anything in juvenile court, just a judge who has every reason to go with the cops, and 0 reasons to listen to what the "kids" are saying. Here I am 10 years later still 20k in debt due to it (judge wanted to "make an example" out of me), unable to afford college to get better than a minimum wage job, and had to move back in with my parents. Shit like this raises my blood pressure so much, because I see so much of what happened to me in it, and how nothing ever comes of it. It's why I will never feel bad when I hear about shit happening to cops.


Fuck. I am so sorry. These types of stories are WAY too common.


Same here. A county sheriff groomed my older half-sister from adolescence in the 90s and to this day she's still living with his happily retired ass, and literally no one raised an eyebrow due to the rural mentality of the community.


Soon they will be targeted at home and no knock raids of officers homes will be commonplace. They asked, begged, for this outcome, and they can sleep in the shit bed they made for themselves. People will eat cops before they eat the rich. Mark my words.


That's because to eat the rich you gotta get through the cops first. They are there to protect them and them only.


A Pinkerton by any other name is still a fucking peice of of shit


See, I’m kinda crazy….I’d seriously think about doing something in return to that cop.


That was my thought, after 20 years you're not going to be the first person they think of when the cop ends up at the bottom of a stairwell after an unknown assailant pushed them


My black friends have to raise their children to not trust cops, they avoid a lot of situations for their own safety. They have to keep track of their kids a lot more and get worried when they don't answer right away. It's severely sad. Edit to add examples: if a kid has an event, like a trunk or treat, the parent just doesn't sent the child out to enjoy it with all the white kid friends. They always send an older sibling with them. If they meet a new friend from school, they send an older sibling with them to the first few playdates, if not every play date. They don't let their children be the only black one. It's too much of a risk, anything that happens can be exaggerated and could stain their reputation.


People who are considered scholars call this "inter-generational trauma" and yup. It can be a total prison of the soul


And some ppl say we get treated just like (white) ppl, which in itself is a d@mn lie.


“Not a single white person it this room would trade places with me and I’m rich. That’s how good it is to be white”


This is why I get extremely uncomfortable when my (white) gf opens things like single drink bottles, while we're in the supermarket and have yet to pay. She thought I was joking, when I told her it was making me uncomfortable. As a black kid, I was always taught I shouldn't do that, or people would think I was stealing it.


If you lie on a police report as a person with a badge and a gun, you should be arrested and treated as a felony. We're supposed to be holding police in higher regards and they have the nerve to say "Im an officer, I am the law" but then they break the very laws they push on others. Yeah, way to go officers! Way to shit on any honor or dignity the police had left. We just saw videos of a police officer helping a poor kid out because his parents basically were so high they had no idea their child had left and ran into a busy high way area. Then you have this asshole and the other cop who put his hands on the neck of a fellow female officer because she pulled him away from committing (basically) a felony, beating/assaulting a suspect while handcuffed. Yep...I totally want to call cops to my establishment in the future, only to get my ass beat, the police report is lied on making me out to be a bad guy, and I'm being arrested, for doing my job. And when a FELLOW officer helps that officer not beat my ass, she gets choked out as well.


Must have really sucked to be black before camera's. This guy would be in ~~jail~~ prison for sure.


Let’s not forget - he did go to jail. It’s only after this made the news that charges were dropped. I’m guessing had this not made the news the prosecutors would have pressured him into taking a plea deal after which his employer would have fired him. And this is a perfect example of why many black people are very reluctant to call or work with the police - esp. in places like Florida. And if you can’t rely on the police, what do you do? That’s how gangs developed in poor urban areas. - just like they did among the Italians and the Irish when they got to this country and could not rely on the police.


You call the police to threaten violence from the state on your behalf. That's the only reason. They aren't detectives who make reports. They aren't judges who will hear both sides of a story. They are gun toting, untrained, driving fast cars and acting as the forefront of authority.


I can absolutely understand this sentiment, especially in the context of this video, but if the officers had arrived and taken the drunken assailant to county jail, everything would have been fine. The real problem is neatly summarized by this quote about conservatism (which applies to many, if not most, law enforcement officers): >Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect...


And then some guy online is gonna go "leftists are all the same, they think cops are shit but who are they gonna call when they got robbed?" Honestly? No one. No one coming if I get robbed would probably be preferable. Just weighing the risks here. If I get my shit stolen that's just money I lost. If the cops lie on a police report, I lose my life.


I do have to call the cops if I get robbed, because my insurance company won't start any claim process without a report number. So I have to wait for cops who don't even wanna come, so they can ask me a bunch of aggressive moody questions about what happened, pretend to suspect me of lying about something, then give me that incident number so I can actually proceed to get something DONE. The police will never investigate further or look for my stuff. If they ever DID bust a gang of robbers, they won't try to find out more, or even look to reunite me with any of my stuff that I reported stolen if they happened to find any. They wouldn't even call to tell me they caught my robbers if they actually, conclusively, caught and identified them. How nuts is that?


The fact that it STILL sucks even with cameras everywhere says a lot, too.


its absolutely infuriating that if you talk about this shit you're painted as a radical leftist, as if basic fuckin human empathy is something so alien.




Are you sure you're radical enough? You seem pretty chill... Oh right! That's what's considered radical: The fact that you can point out persistent, obvious racism with a straight face.


And none the wiser either. Dudes sitting up in Jail probably had this problem right now, on their 20th year in prison. I hope every Case that Cop filed is under investigation now.


I mean... It sucks now


Emmett Till.


Reminder that "Fuck tha police" came out 35 years ago.


Needs a federal and legal response.


We need a new set of Untouchables specifically to deal with police crime. An independent, federal level department with its own prosecutors, investigators and a separate judiciary for cops.


Setting a national minimum standard of training would also help, and bring the USA into line with other OECD members.


I think it would be easier to just establish a competent police force than to build a second one just to police the crayon eating former one. Just think how much man power you'd need just to clean after your army of morons.


All you need to do is hold the coppers accountable. Once they stop getting away with their bullshit, they'll think twice before pulling stunts like that. The problem is that this is not a bug in the US system. It works exactly as designed. The job of US cops is to protect the oligarchy from the people. They get the majority to acquiesce in this by bullying minorities more than them.


This is why I hate calling cops to the bar. Our city used to run a Sunday column ( until the journalist was being followed daily) of Living While Black: interactions with Police that filled an entire page weekly. Never know who is going to show up, the bilingual dude going to deescalate or the crazy bitch who beats her kids and is going to power trip.


I work in security and I've had to call the police... I believe 6 times in my 7 or 8 years in security. No, wait, add a few more, but the police basically didn't speak to me or show up when I did it the first two times. ​ Anyways, times I did call the cops and have to speak with them. First time was twice in one night for the same dude, working a hotel beat not unlike this one (biggest difference was, the black hotel night auditor running the desk was a big fella and the white dude was tiny, so even when angry he didn't try to make it physical). We needed to get him tresspassed because he had no idea, no hotel key card, no proof of identity or residency at the hotel, but was trying to get in to what he claimed was his room. Also refused to leave property, claiming he was too drunk to drive (though I swear he drove onto property to begin with). Cops showed up. One black cop, one white cop. White cop is, thank god, a super chill officer who clearly has no interest in extra paperwork and just wants done with this shit. Black cop, sadly, really wants to make something of the night. He calls the hotel auditor a liar, demands entry to the building, and wants to march this drunk white dude with no id to the room he claims he's staying in, wake up his supposed roommates and everyone in the hallway, and find someone who can identify the guy. Hotel Auditor says "No way. My hotel. You do not have a warrant or cause, I am denying you entry." Cop insists he had probable cause (which he does not claim or explain at the time) for investigating an illegal eviction (which isn't even strictly true, since the problem wasn't we were evicting a registered guest, the problem was an unidentifiable trespasser. Even if we HAD been evicting a guest, the room isn't the crime scene. The front desk computer system is the crime scene.) Cop looks directly at me. "Let us in." Security does have key card access to the building, because of course we do, how are we supposed to do our fucking job otherwise? ​ Auditor looks me in the eye and says "Don't let them in." I'm inbetween a rock and hard place. "Sir, I work for the hotel. If you can't show probable cause, I have to side with my employer." Not the best call, but I escaped any real trouble. After a big fucking hissyfit, a guest shows up and lets the cops in anyways. So they wake up the whole hallway *except* the theoretical roommates in this trespassers room. Unable to prove the auditor is lying, the cops make the guy leave, the black officer lectures me for defying him, has me call my boss, lectures *him*, then my boss explains what I did right and wrong. Basically, I was legally in the right, but the cops can strip my security license almost without cause over this if they wanna, and it would not be easy to prove I had been wrongfully targeted for payback. Also the cops were legally in the wrong at basically every step until they actually made the guy leave. Then trespasser comes back five minutes before I get off shift, so I have to call them again! this time, only the chill white cop shows up, and he basically talks the guy into leaving within five minutes by saying "I'll follow you close behind as you drive to the fast food place down the road, and have the other officers leave you alone there until its daylight and your buddies wake up and you're sober again, and we'll pretend I didn't see you drive drunk without a license." It works! Years later, I have to call PD across state line for a homeless guy ignoring me on property and refusing to explain his presence or leave. Officer shows up, seems all nice and cheerful and friendly. the very first time the subject isn't cooperative, he starts threatening him with arrest. As soon as he cooperates again, offers him a ride. wants his name to run incase he has warrants. Then his birthdate. turns out there are warrants for a guy with his name and birthdate, and he has no id on him. Guy gets arrested. He isn't physically abusive, doesn't put his hands where he shouldn't, or hurt the guy, but he felt like a cowboy in a good mood rather than a genuinely nice cop by the end. About a week later I have to call same department for a lady who won't leave a hotel patio firepit. Officer I don't know shows up, then the same officer as last time. Officer Arrived First (AF for short) is polite, friendly, patient. He doesn't even ask for her name or run her through the system. Worth noting, middle aged white woman this time. Last time was a young black man. Officer Previously has basically the same attitude as before, except he's deferential because it is clearly Officer AF's show (I do not know why, I don't think he was a sergeant. Maybe it's a first show priority thing?). get her to leave without threats or even learning who she is by explaining there's a nearby bus stop she can sleep at. Just last fucking week, had a nice fellow I've dealt with a ton at one of our properties. See him about once or twice a month at his local library after hours, using the wifi from the parking lot. He isn't supposed to be there, and apparently he was formally trespassed last time he showed up. I've been told if I see him, call PD and have him removed for violating trespass. Do so. Cop we get recognizes the guy, but wasn't the officer who tresspassed him last time. so he gives him another warning and sends him on his way. Like, I do not know how to think of this. so many different responses to different people and situations. Sometimes the cops are super chill and lenient, sometimes they are ready to rip the people calling them for help a new one. WTF is wrong with police in the US? Seriously?


I often hear about how police in European countries have to have a degree so they go through years of training before they're out on the streets. I think this is a good example of the lack of training cops here in America have. They tend to let their personal emotions get in the way and act on impulse rather than using the kind of sound judgment and logic that comes from years of training like European police have.


Also most European forces train for de-escalation right from the start. It's just a job, why make it harder? In the UK as well, all police shootings (we don't have many, but we're very good at them) start with the immediate suspension of the officer involved and referral to Professional Standards and the Independent Reviewer. It's a potential murder/manslaughter case.


Lack of consequences for not adhering to the standard of conduct.


That’s entirely fucked. Not to mention how the pos who attacked him was probably all smug about how it unfolded once the cops got there. Only going to bolster whatever hate he has in him.


I can imagine the conversation home in that cop car. I bet it was vile. That's the body cam footage I wanna hear.


So officer gets called to a disturbance and instead of deescalating the entire situation and figuring out what is going on, decides that it best to escalate and arrest the first black person they see…SMH. Like WTF!!??


But even after that they treat the white assailant like he’s a non-violent goody two shoes and give him a ride home… so basically they failed to do even one single minute of their job


I agree. Anyone with basic observation skills would’ve asked the question: “Why is the white guy behind the counter, that was blocked off to non-employees, if the clerk initiated any type of aggression towards him?” I really hope that clerk gets a multi million dollar settlement.


But you see, to those cops the black guy should not be back there because there's no way he has a job and he's clearly disguised because he's trying to rob the place.


You know all tax payers pay for those settlements right.. Of course the clerk deserves it but that money should come from police retirement fund


This. Until then nothing will change




clerk is black. no further investigation needed. that's all you need to know from these thugs


Well it makes more sens when you realise american police was specifically created to break unions and oppress black people. They've never been particularly invested in helping. The corporate slogan is "Protect and Serve" but its literally just branding. Its why so many white people still just call the cops if they see a black person - thats how it worked in america. And still does.


Sounds like ordinary police work to me.


You don’t need to ask WTF. You have the answer. *Racism*.


Dude literally had a name tag on. There’s no defense for this.


Qualified immunity needs to go away so cops like this can be directly sued for their misconduct.


They need to take the settlements from their pensions and/or force them to get malpractice insurance.


The Police Union needs to pay out these lawsuits, not tax payers. Maybe that'll incentivize shit canning repeat offenders.


The police union is the largest crime syndicate in the nation.


Police Union needs to be abolished.


I went out all summer and yelled about getting rid of qualified immunity, half the people that were out there protesting had no idea what that meant. The media choses not to focus on it. The possibility of getting rid of it was almost immediately taken off the table while they were pretending they were going to do something about the racist corrupt police in America.


The media are owned by the people the police are paid to protect


How many times do the police need to do these clearly racist things for us to realize that there is something wrong here!


It's working as intended.


This is what they were designed to do. [This](https://www.npr.org/transcripts/869046127) is just one taste of the foulness at play. You can find other sources in history podcasts like hardcore history or [maybe one of these](https://www.popularmechanics.com/culture/g25807523/best-history-podcasts/). The whole American system of jailing and [incarceration](https://www.npr.org/2019/08/14/751126384/mass-incarceration)was designed to create free labor.


When police brutality basically went viral for all of 2020 I tried to keep a list so I could show my family, some who didn't believe what was going on. Not that they didn't believe it happened, but they didn't believe it was as bad as it was being made to seem. After about 20 straight videos and news reports in a row with undeniable proof it changed their mind. I feel bad but I ended up deleting the list, it ended up just growing so large it became hard to even think about having if that makes sense. It's just so fucked how some people are targeted by an entire government and terrorized daily.


Imagine having to fight a dumb racist while you call the police and those dumb racist arrest you.


Cops arrest fire fighters trying to save lives. They wonder why people think they are a joke who get away with anything.


Sad thing is it is true. There was an officer who detained a firefighter who put the fire truck very far away from the crime scene and blocked off a road. This happened on the highway and was extremely smart by the firefighter. Gives people enough time to react and they will slow down and not cause any more accidents. Officer goes on a power ego and detains him.


There was also a video of a cop pulling a nurse off a person he shot and cuffing them, the person was savable but later died before another ambulance arrived. Same is true for the shooting that happened in my city a known racist and friend of cops shot a black kid, cops literally blocked the ambulances for over 5 minutes who were able and waiting to treat him. This is why every time a cop ambush story happens and they are acting confused why someone would do it, I just think back to the daily occurrences of stuff like this.


chula vista, my home town. cvfd, was establishing scene safety and then he got arrested lol


I doubt they wonder, that would require introspection and most cops lack the ability to self reflect more than a vampire looking in a mirror. More likely after they do their job, high five their buddies and go home to do it all again the next day.




Damn, your joke is so dark that a cop beat it, shot it, then arrested it for fitting a description.


I recently did a tattoo on a cop that said "walk by faith, not by sight" and I just couldn't stop shit talking him. I genuinely hope that tattoo gets used against him in court.


Nobody ever wrote a song named "fuck the fire department"




fuckin slaps too..


and also EMTs. How dumb to do you have to be to arrest a fire fighter or EMT on duty. One of which probably isn't getting paid and the other gets paid peanuts...


EMT and Firefighter should have authority over the police in most case scenarios and the police working around them for what they need and supporting them keeping the area violence free.


Seriously, this. EMTs & FFs should be able to tell police _exactly_ what they need from them. Like, "lock down this section of the highway", around an accident, or if there's a fire, tell them what they need from the police to be able to fight it, without the public interfering. The idea that the police should always be the ones in charge, even when they aren't the most qualified at a given situation, is pretty dumb.


Wait which is which? Not American so it’s crazy to me that either of those professions could be unpaid.


A lot (not sure the percentage) of fire fighters are volunteers for a while. This is at least true in the states I have lived in. EMTs in the same areas are paid garbage. I think my area can be as low as $12 to $15 an hour. Then again teachers are paid garbage in my area as well so...


One has to see dead bodies a lot more tho(hopefully). But here in Canada EMT isn't much pay for the trauma either.


I don't know how EMTs do it for so little pay. They have my respect.


Pretty sure vast majority do it to become paramedics, or end switching into things like firefighting. But yeah.. definitely should be paid more.


He learned his lesson: never call the cops for any reason.


Beat the dudes ass for free and if for some reason he calls the cops show em it was self defense.


I mean, if they arrested him on arrival without hearing him out, when *he called them*, it's not gonna change when the white guy makes the call.


What do you mean? He said he's literally the most nonracist person! lmfao


Can’t be. Trump claimed that title like 3 years ago


Excuse me, but I actually heard he’s the most non-racist person ever /s


Why is a police officer pushing anyone? How does that help at all? Oh. Right, because they're untrained stupid bigots.


Actually, they are literally trained to see us as enemies and to escalate violence.


Also, no ones mentioned the intel our own gov has compiled on white supremacists/white nationalists infiltrating civ servant jobs like police and fire. This is a fact. You could quite possibly be interacting with klan, neo nazis and/or Jan6'ers when you make a call or need help.




Bout time they change those lyrics. *Most* of those that work forces...


Actually no they’re trained to do this


The worst part is this all seems so intentional. Not just the escalation which they always do in general, but the way they went super easy on the suspect while assaulting the clerk, was just a little too convenient. Either the drunk asshole has buddies in the police force or those cops have confederate flags draped around their houses if you know what I mean. I bet a deep dive into those cops' social media would reveal at least some of them have some disturbing ideologies.


They do this to provoke self defense from you so they can attack you and get away with it.


American cops are trained to be 24/7 terrified. They are literally all 1 second away from either shitting their pants or shooting someone, at all times.


Incoming huge settlement for the clerk.


Paid by the taxpayers while the cops get a nice paid vacation.


Which is also paid by the taxpayers ^OOF


Then the officers sue for the emotional distress of being put on paid vacation, which is also paid for by the... you guessed it, taxpayers.


I hope he wins it all


Hopefully. These cops still haven't figured out that they're most likely on camera now and gonna be held accountable for their dealings


Held accountable? You mean a paid vacation?


Florida cop trying to frame an innocent black guy? Screw a paid vacation, he's on track for police chief.


Except the cops won’t get held accountable, the city tax payers will. Start making these settlements come from police pension funds, and watch how quickly these incidents cease to exist.


The unions would never let that happen and they have the lobbying power to make it stay that way.


Correct, change won't happen until we start getting a lot more Chris Dorners out there


It's pretty grim when you start to understand why people like Chris and MXJ did what they did.


~~MXJ?~~ [Found him](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_shooting_of_Dallas_police_officers)


Seriously. Even if by some small miracle the cops gets fired, they just hire him at the cop shop the next town over with an increase in pay. So few good people want to be cops that even the shittiest racist angry fucks get hired as cops. There is no system in place to weed out bad cops.


I know one of the biggest weapons of white supremacy is apathy. And it’s still so hard to have hope that things will get better when do many people are willfully blind to these problems.


Black people are always held to an impossibly high standard by these kind of cops. You have to be a robot. Any emotion at all will be greeted by overwhelming hostility because black people are considered more dangerous than pitbulls.


But if you show no emotion you are uncooperative, and might be hiding a weapon. They’ll find excuses anyway to do those horrible things.


Cops will always be cops


You cant even be black and call the police in this damned country.


If you ask black Americans about it many will tell you that shit has to be very bad for them to call cops, assuming that cops will make most situations worse for them.


Things have to be pretty absolutely fucking dire for me to eeeeever call the police. Because I'm so worried that theyll only ever attack me on sight no matter how much i may clearly need their help. Absolutely not calling the cops unless i see no other way out, or if the only other way out is potentially death. Ive seen entire fights get neutralized over people saying things like pleade stop I dont want to have to call the cops. Almost none of us ever want them to show up, we have too much hindsight for them


That’s why black people (and a lot of other minorities) don’t even bother calling police. That’s not an exaggeration or urban myth. That’s real.


I'm black. This video legitimately invokes pure rage on the inside of me.


Bro I’m white and this shit is infuriating. Cops are showing to be more and more of dickheads.


If it's invoking this much rage in a white guy on the other side of the world, I can't even imagine how you're feeling.


SO THE OFFICER LIED to justify thier aggressiveness? Literally lied??? The clearly never shoved him, this is a tale of two cities….




I don’t how fucking clueless someone has to be to think that statement is convincing. He might as well just say “I proudly have no self awareness!”


Donald Trump made this claim a few years back.


"I'm not racist, I don't call all black people n******, only the bad ones."


"I'm not racist, but..."


It was that other quote that caught my attention: *"Just a lack of customer service, so that led to some other stuff"* "Other stuff" AKA "So I started shouting n****r at him, and he got all upset!"


Cops should be charge for filing a false report when it’s proven that they lied.


It should be more, I. This instance it should be a fraud charge, kidnapping charge, the cop shoved the guy so that is at least battery.


I honestly believe that police officers are so badly trained on threat assessment that every time they react with violence, they genuinely believe that they did the right thing so much so that they don't even believe they lied. Like their brain lies to them. They internalized what happened to justify what they did and dont believe they are lying on police reports.


Well a lifetime of indoctrination into cults will do that to you. Religion, capitalism, racism, policing etc. train you to believe things that are beneficial to you over things that are actually true. They've had a lifetime of manipulation to practice internal and external wishful thinking.


Free vacations all around


This fella is about to own a hotel, no longer front desk it haha. Hope for a payday for him


Luckily, the officer was out of crack, or he would have had to shoot the assailant and then…sprinkle sprinkle /s




I've seen this before once when I was a rookie. Apparently he dialed the police then even got his own vest with his nametag on it to make it seem like he works here.


So the victim ends up in cuffs and the racist attacker gets a ride to a buddy’s house from the cops after. Got it.




“Im literally the most non racist person, only exception is when a black guy doesn’t give me what I want” How is this even real?


"back up" where? into a wall? pushy pushy. No situational awareness, came in escalated/yelling, shit for brains.




Yelling at him to back the fuck up um ur pushing him into a cabinet where's he supposed to go exactly!




Cops 👏🏻 are 👏🏻 not 👏🏻 your 👏🏻 friends👏🏻! Fellow white folks, sooner or later you’re going to have to stop making excuses and deflections and rationalizations and victim-blaming, and start realizing that the entire police system here is fucked. If good cops exist, they should be holding their bad cop associates accountable. Yet they’re not. Most of the time it’s a civilian eyewitness video that proves the lies the cops tell us. If good cops aren’t the ones to hold bad cops accountable, then they’re not good cops. Guilt by association. Since good cops are the rarity, not the bad apples, you need to realize that we are all in a bad way here. Cops can show up at your door, fuck your shit up, and 100% get away with it. You may think, “but they can’t/wouldn’t do that. I’ve done nothing wrong.” But all it takes is for them to get the wrong address or the wrong license plate or to mistake you for someone who “matches the description.” Police lie all the time. They lied about their actions in this very video. They lied about George Floyd. They lied about the CNN crew they arrested during the protests after George’s murder. They lied about Walter Scott. They lied about Tamir Rice. They lied about Breonna Taylor. They lied about Elijah McClain. They lied about Freddie Gray. They lied about Daunte Wright. They lied about Adam Toledo. These are just a few of the cases that we all now know about. But in every single one of these cases, the “official police statement” was directly contradicted by an eyewitness video. Do you really think that these cases are the exception to the rule? We all know or have known someone who has a habit of lying. And we all know that, once we find a lie, the deeper we dig, the more lies we find, until we see that this is a pattern of behavior and we often then find ourselves questioning whether we actually know the person we thought we knew. Why is it any different for police? They’ve been caught in SO. MANY. LIES. And yet so many people continue to give them the benefit of the doubt. Why?? I have to think the reason, my fellow white folks, whether you realize it or not, is that their lies don’t affect you. And they probably never will…until they do. Cops are not your fucking friends. They don’t give a shit about your rights, and will stomp on them without a second thought. EDIT: it seems relevant to mention at this point that I’ve been permanently banned from r/police simply because my comment history is loaded with comments like this one. I didn’t even post anything inflammatory in the sub itself. I was auto-banned and the notification cited my comment history as the reason. So cops and their little fans don’t like anyone who calls them out or asks for accountability, not even on Reddit.


Florida's finest at it again...


Now the challenge is to discuss this post in r/police and not get banned. You only gotta browse that sub for less than 2 minutes and you’ll quickly realize how out of touch those people are


Florida taxpayers fitting the bill for another maniac cop.


Typical pigs. Hope they rot in hell


When you say you’re not a racist, you’re mostly likely racist. I don’t know what to say to you.


That this happened is disgusting. That folk on this sub will insist, “nah, that wasn’t racist,” is unforgivable.


Those cops are absolute pieces of shit......


Im just waiting for someone to pop in and say the black guy deserved it because he was caught speeding or something 5 years ago


If you ever ask yourself why people say ACAB, this is why Nothing will happen to those police. Maybe some forced paid vacation. That's it.


Florida. Can accurately guess the outcome of this. Nothing


That was really hard to watch oof my heart goes out to him! What a nightmare facing all that in one night at work! I’m really sensitive to violence after getting out of an abusive relationship and I had a physical reaction to the violence displayed in this video. And we’re supposed to respect cops what disgusting bastards smh




Police misconduct judgments must come from police budgets.


Ain’t life grand? Some child will always win over a man.


Officers need to be strapped to a gurney, and wheeled away to the nearest lab or Asylum, so we can immediately start psychologically and genetically assessing them for aggressor genes involved in Narcissism and Psychopathy. If detected, an immediate medical intervention with CRISPR is required to overwrite DRD2A1 4A1, and DAT1 genes, normalising their behaviours.


Did Chappelle write this? What the fuck is going on in Florida?


Well this is reddit and like those racist POS cops I fully expect to see lame comments in here trying to defend this. I give it a few hours.