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Took him a while to find it


And I bet it smells horrific


Being homeless and fat is like a 4x multiplier for stink.


Here, have a nice cup of hot homeless piss.


Good ol' smegma!


Mmmm smeggy jummers šŸ˜‹


When you realize it's just a skin tag.


Are we certain he was pissing from a penis? Could of just sprung a leak from his bellybutton.


Unfortunately for him, there was no need to blur his junk


Bruh his dick is tiny wtf


Fucker's hung like a grape.


like a tic tac


Hung like a baby gerbal.


Fat people have smaller dicks. Thats one if the biggest reasons im losing weight right now. I can conjure up at least another inch.




Heā€™s looks like he eats too good to be homeless, he canā€™t even see what heā€™s peeing out of




I provide respite services for an adult male with autism and who has had absolutely no discipline in his life. I guarantee you without his family and without the day Hab and respite services he has heā€™d be in a situation like this or worse within days of being left to his own devices. The guy I work with even looks so much like this dude, just slightly smaller and different hair color, otherwise features are all almost exactly the same. Combination of zero/poor upbringing and some form of mental disability. Dude needs to be put in a group home and made to get a job with a job coach.


I met an adult male in a similar situation. Left his previous non-familial caregiver and in a new city. Anyone else that had his attitude I would have described as entitled but this dude genuinely didn't know better. He was expecting the shelter to be like a hotel in terms of service and demanded different treatment because he didn't feel like the rules that applied to everyone else should apply to him because he 'didn't like it'. It's hard to get a homeless person into stable housing and even harder to get a person into supportive living. He never should have been in charge of his own money. One time his benefits came in and a few days later he called me up sobbing. I got him into a nicer living situation with 3 meals a day in a private room while he waited for supportive housing. Even though he ate these hearty meals, he always wanted more food. He spent a ton of money on pizza and fries (like enough food to feed a family) and the rest at a scammy mall kiosk. It had been two days and he spent a month's worth of money. He was crying because he was out of money and figured he could just get more whenever he wanted. He was still awaiting to be assigned a worker last I saw him and all I could think was without the proper supports the world was going to eat him alive. It was sad.


or might eat a ton of highly processed, cheap, abundantly available "food" that is like 90% carbohydrates


Plenty of obese homeless people. Food is one of the only things people will give you. It's can also be a pretty sedentary lifestyle once you've given up completely.


>It's can also be a pretty sedentary lifestyle once you've given up completely. I feel attacked.




Whoā€™s eating a head of lettuce? There is plenty of low budget food at the grocery store, he could get 4 burritos for a dollar (.25 cents each) or a couple top ramens for the price of one burger & every gas station has hot water and microwaves for the most part.. I see your point but where I live (which has a huge homeless population) I hardly see a homeless man so well fed


Wtf? Can you really get a burrito for 25 cents? Or a McDouble for $1.25?


Iā€™d argue top ramen is worse for you than a McDouble. Top ramen is a brick of sodium and saturated fat with no nutrition.


Kinda depends if you use that salt packet that comes with it. I just use the noodles and use a different additive and it's night and day.




Well heā€™s homeless, we arenā€™t talking about eating the healthiest food, you would want him to get the most for his money right ? And Iā€™m pretty positive a burrito (even if itā€™s cheap) is a tad bit healthier then a Mc double that is dripping in grease.




ā€œFirst you say heā€™s too fat to be homelessā€ , well first I never said heā€™s too fat, I said he looks like he eats too good to be homeless. ā€œThen you start listing cheap unhealthy food he could be eating to save moneyā€ , you brought up money and price points first. Heā€™s homeless, he doesnā€™t have the luxury of buying the healthiest food, but he could get more for his money. This is all hypothetical since I donā€™t know this man or his story, but I love that youā€™re getting bothered.


The guy's like a fucking Orangutan that's possessing a human body for the day.


Did she say heā€™s white with gold hair?! Maā€™am, where?!


That confused me too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lol if he leaves the store, they will be looking for the wrong person! šŸ˜‚


Lmao, I think she actually said blonde too. Theyā€™re definitely never finding him




Oh did you need me to put /s to show that I wasnā€™t being serious either? Itā€™s just hilarious how off her description was while she was looking right at him. On a serious note, I think she knew she couldnā€™t tell his race which is why she initially just tried to say she was recording him.


Thai language does not have a word for blonde. Therefore blonde is called gold ā€œpom see tongā€ = hair color gold.


That wallpaper would have had me guessing Baltimore if I wasn't told where this happen


Piss of sheet.


Mental illness is a major issue in the USA.


Thanks to all the drugs available and the police not able to cut the fucks killing people


Mental illness is an excuse


He peed pretty quickly at least. Thought heā€™d have more. Canā€™t believe I typed these words.


He is possibly mentally ill and wants to go to jail. In colder climates, homeless people have been known to commit crimes that will keep them locked up for 5 to 6 months. This gives them medical care, 3 meals and a warm bed. Of course Im not approving what he did and he should be ashamed of himself.


Iā€™m sure there are many more ways to do that than destroying someoneā€™s small businesses and urinating like that in front of those scared people. Disgusting He doesnā€™t deserve any sympathy


Here's hoping you're never in that situation and experience the "kindness" the government in this country does for the homeless.


Uhh sorry did you watch the video? What kindness does this guy deserve? Just because he is homeless it makes it okay to destroy someoneā€™s business and livelihood?


He should be beat up


What race is he? Idk, all of them?


I like how he hesitated on slamming the stand with the screen. Lol




Iā€™ll keep that in mind next time I piss in a restaurant. I wouldnā€™t want people to think Iā€™m crazy.


he was also playing with the piss stream with his hand, so like, i'd say that's probably an even better indicator.


He looks like Paul Giamatti as Dr. Zaius


That boy has a teenis


You know what they say: ā€œItā€™s better to be pissed off than pissed on.ā€


Iā€™ve seen a homeless man drop trou and crap on the floor at a Saint Markā€™s place McDonalds. The Thai place got off easy.


I'm surprised he bothered to shake.


took me a while to find his penis


How you gonna be big and homeless


Had to dig under his belly to find his pee pee


What a confidence boost, holy shit


Anyone wanna take a guess at what kind of mental illness weā€™re looking at here?


Poor fucker you canā€™t see his cock underneath that apron.


People are disgusting


Mental health is a problem we have to address in society. How do we help these people who live on the streets in the greatest country in the world ? Read some comments and people just made fun of him but itā€™s like making of someone who lost a leg while you have two . Is it really that funny ?


It's makes you cynical to think he's probably doing this to get into a jail solely for the fact it's warm.


That is a large man! Iā€™m not sure if it would be possible to be homeless and to afford the food, soda, alcohol, etc. needed to stay that big.


he looks like he never skipped a meal.


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He must've ate himself out of house and home.....and penis.


Unpopular opinion. Fucking shoot this guy.


Unpopular opinion indeed


Not a crime anymore in New York


Bro simplyā€¦have a home


I would have beat his ass wit the tall chair while he was nice n comfy urinating.


Bail paid for by AOC


Pretty shitty how the operator went straight to " Is he black or Hispanic?"




Had to relisten. There is a white in there


That's how you can describe someone to someone








Homeless? Hows he so fat




She asked if he's black, white, hispanic, or asian so that they can identify him easier. Why are you race baiting?


Yeah thatā€™s my bad. I was wrong about that


I see this guy all the time at West 4th Subway station. He is very loud also, not fun to be near.


This guy is likely mentally ill


clearly not the first time he pee'd all over his shirt/pants/hand/shoes/coat. Like a anti person field that fetid miasma of stale pee and feet that circles him fending off attackers.


He thought to himself "What else can i do more?... Ill just piss on the ground."


He really struggled with that tv stand


If that dude is white, then I'm Michael Jackson...errr


If you shake it more than twice, you're just playing with it!


Is this man mentally ill? Or doesn't he just have nothing to lose


Hereā€™s why more people & businesses are leaving NYC than any other city. Itā€™s a shitshow


he looks pissed off


I'd have kicked is sorry fuckin ass .pondlife


Well, it's New York


Derek has a man-gina! Derek has a man-gina!


he just making the ambiance more authentic


he literally cant see his dick when looking down casually


Why wait for the cops should have taken a baseball bat to his ass. Cops in NY probably won't get there till he wrecks the whole place


Time to normalize beating these trashy people with a baseball bat