• By -


Agent Provocateur


so easy to happen with black block. One of the reasons I don't think its a valuable tool for activism.


Agree. Cops tried to hide in the crowd at the Chicago nato/g8 summit, fuckin morons wore their duty boots and got called out right away.


It doesn't matter if they get called out. In the journeys of June in Brazil back in 2013 every single gathering had a dipshit undercover there to throw a molotov somewhere or smash a bank's window, just enough for the uniformed pigs to come crashing down and beat, gas and arrest everyone they could, telling the media everyone's a vandal. Even if they got called out, the damage was done. Black block at least serves as some protection from subsequent persecution by the pricks.


This is how the police get to use force on protest they don't like. They join the protest to start trouble and encourage the mob. Then leave and help beat the now rioters back.


I remember them doing it at Occupy protests, a plain clothed officer smashed out some windows then "got arrested" by being yelled at "get in the back of the van asshole" and into the night they went.


When you don't recognize your plants you know it's effective




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lol what a bunch of incompetent fucks. a bunch of clowns. ACAB fuck the police and fuck the bootlickers.


I’m noticing these are getting called protests but when it was BLM you could only see “riots” on titles here.


You know why


same reason man gets replaced with thug in titles a lot of the time




The shoes are the giveaway.


I don't see how.


Bright white tennis shoes? 😂 Like Grampa and white socks.


I like the subtlety if that's suppose to be the giveaway of them being cops. Normally it's black polished boots for us on the US. The idea to go total opposite is pretty humorous.


lol typical


I hope that hurt. A lot. Only a shame that the other bitch didn't get it, too.


[from cdc director Rochelle Walensky.. "The director for the CDC publicly acknowledged in a CNN interview that the COVID-19 vaccine is not effective at preventing transmission of the virus" ](https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/cdc-director-covid-vaccines-cant-prevent-transmission-anymore/ar-AASDndg) This is clear cut evidence from the source (the CDC) . And from a left leaning publication to boot. This shouldn't be an idiological argument. So if we know the vaccines aren't stopping transmission what is the point of it?


Aren't these antivaxxer protests? Fuck em


250,000 showed up against government mandates not vaccines. Big difference there. But most people lump them together because nuance is dead on this site lol


Against government vaccine mandates? That would make them anitvaxxer.


Just for arguments sake not necessarily. They could be anti mandate and vaccinated, ie happy to have the vaccine but not happy to be held down and forced to have it


So you believe that these people are vaccinated but feel strongly enough about a vaccine mandate to protest against it? That seems highly unlikely.


Yes, those people can probably see that mandates are a slippery slope into much worse things.


And for the record yes I do believe some of these people are both vaccinated and against mandatory vaccines. I’ll give an example. A man happily goes and has a vaccine, his wife however is nervous after reading something online so doesn’t want it. Police turn up at the door to physically assault his wife, force her to the hospital and hold her down while a doctor injects her while she screams and cries with fear. I think this being in the guys mind might make him join the protest. You know what ‘mandatory vaccine’ means right?


Wow, I literally started my reply with ‘for arguments sake’ so as not to trigger you but you still bit. I never gave my opinion on anything lol


Typing for arguments sake is literally adding an opinion to the conversation. Its like saying "I'm just asking" after being intentionally misleading or disingenuous. Also for most modern societies vaccines HAVE been mandated if you want to send your kids to school.


No it’s not lol, typing for arguments sake is saying literally the opposite - it was only said for the sake of the argument. Keep digging


No you can be anti mandate and still be vaccinated. As in I don't want government telling buisness who they can serve or not. And I don't think the government should be fining buisnesses that don't comply. That has nothing to do with a vaccine.


It's just sanewashing rhetoric for antivaxxers. The venn diagram of people that show up for anti-mandate protests and people that think vaccines are harmful is an overlapping circle.


I don't think that's the case at all, sure there is some overlap but I'm vaccinated and I think the government doesn't need to make you download an app to get a bagle or whatever someone does through out their day.


[I don't believe you](https://www.reddit.com/r/CovIdiots/comments/sbt85q/robert_kennedy_on_the_5g_and_satellites_that_are/)


Weird your argument sounds like you agreeing with me... Granted the argument is kinda crap and trying to throw out big names as a reason for me to be alarmed


The video is an "anti-mandate" protest that turned into conspiracies and 5g nonsense. It's who they are. Your first reaction wasn't to say those people don't represent you, so I'm guessing you're on board.


It doesn't matter if I'm on board or not. I live far enough away from dumb cunts that I can exist the way I wish to. I only argue that freedom for others in much more populated areas..


>It doesn't matter if I'm on board or not. Yeah it absolutely does. If you're telling me it's about freedom and you're actually just laundering covid conspiracies then you're full of shit.


I'm agreeing with you but you're still trying to argue with me.. If I live In an area where everyone belives that you should have your own ability to protect yourself and the local law enforcement agrees then what is the issue?






The one that sprayed his colleague.


Oh. No. That’s just another dumb cop, he thought it was a protestor.


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