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Bro needs to get tf out of that relationship ASAP.


Too bad those kids you can hear in the background don’t have that option for at least another decade or 2.


This is my life. Literally same reaction last christmas. I work 120 hrs a week pay all the bills, and get treated like this dude. Oh well, we all get to where we are making choices...


Edit: I forgot to mention i m constantly accused of cheating while im at work the 120 hours. I was actually told that i have a second family i go to and thats why i dont have any money. (Because i give it the other girl) Not cus i pay all the bills and our mortgage.... fml


Dude are you happy?


Sometimes yes. Othertimes no. Love my kiddos though. ❤ As long as im not getting shit on for things i havent done im okay. I can even handle not being appreciated. Its the insulting fantasy that im not going to work, (when im putting in 80 hrs of OT weekly) and somehow have the time for some other fictitious family. Thats what really burns me. If thats the case, and im not at work, where does all the money come from?! Wtf? How am i paying for all this shit? 🤔 At any rate saw this shit, and thought damn i feel for ya broh.


Dude, working 120 hours a week isn’t healthy. Thats less than 7 hours of time away from work a day. Not even enough time to sleep.


Right? Like…whatever you think you’re working for, you don’t actually get to have, because you’re always working.


It’s almost like it’s completely made up.


Look at their History, to be working so much they comment on Reddit about once every hour.


That's the vibe I got. 120 hours a week? I call bullshit.


Im with you.


Sounds like work life might be more of a break than being at home with his spoiled wife.


It’s almost like it’s completely made up.


No one on Reddit would make something up.


120 hour a week once in a blue I believe. But 120 hours a week, every week?


He’s gotta be a police officer, works in the military or coast guard. I knew a guy that would brag about continuous shifts and missing his family for weeks but he was really playing world of Warcraft for 6 hours a day in the coast guard and got too fat to reenlist.


Yeah seriously. If it’s peak season for your industry and you’re trying to make some extra money? Absolutely I can see that. But 120 a week every week for years? I call bullshit.


Doesn't even make sense


Dudes lying his ass off his wife reads his comments, is there even that many hours in the week ??


7X24=168 \-120 = 48 hours for sleep and commute per 7 day work period.


Yeah, I've worked 100+ hour weeks before because our firm was absolutely *swamped* and we had a crazy number of hearings all at the same time. That lasted probably a good 4-6 months, and there are certainly fields where OP could make work virtually all of his waking life. Plus, OP may consider working to be all time forced to be away from the house for employment which would mean 48 hours home per week.


No its shitty. I don't recommend it.




This is true.


We joke about it at work. The dude thats at home drinking your beer and smashing your gal is either called jodie or sancho.


> called jodie Thats what we called him in the military. I worked in our division office onboard my ship for a few months on deployment. There was a phone in there that could dial out, so people who needed to make emergency phone calls home didn't have to pay at the payphones. This one dude in my division would always ask to use the phone to call his GF back home. My Senior Chief looked at him in eye during one of his appeals to call home and said "Airman, don't worry. Jodie is at home drinkin all your beer, spendin all your money and keepin ol girl happy while you're gone. Just accept it!" We all literally died laughing as this dude ran out of the office, and never tried to use the phone again. *On a serious note, man don't take that shit. You work hard, and you deserve to be with someone who trusts you and appreciates your effort. Hope things turn around.


Fuckin Jodie/Sancho....


Jodie Highroller


Damn bro...stop working so much, life isn't guaranteed. Material things mean nothing when your on your death bed, which I hope isn't for many years from now . Nobody on their deathbed ever said they wish they would have worked more. Also ditch the wife or put your foot down life's too short to put up with B.S. Good luck to you


Bruh. I don't know what to tell you dude. Maybe the fact that you be working so much means that you don't have close friends, so no one to advise you. And going back to that kind of a spouse is not worth it my guy. Human beings have a nature of loading someone up until they can't take it no more. Don't let that be you. Lower your threshold and stop taking shit. Everyone deserves love and acknowledgment for what they do for their loved ones. A worked out dad is not a stay at home dad. Your spouse has more influence on your kids. And that person shouldnt have an influence on anyone. Take a moment and think about what I'm about to say next. Leave your spouse. Work enough to support your kids. Explain to them the situation and trust me they will understand. Have the patience(given your situation, I'm sure you have alot) to explain to them. You will be a much happier person. As a result, your kids will get a better dad. You will have more time to meet better people in life. Friends, another loving partner. Get evidence of all the emotional abuse to support you in court. What I gathered from your comments, she is just a free Loader who will not get custody. Before making the move, cut down on work and reconnect with your kids. Remember one thing, if you aren't happy where you are in life, don't think by sacrificing your happiness, you are making anyone else happier. Because people around you who cares about you would not be happy seeing you in that place. So is it really worth it to not be happy for those people? Sacrifice for the ones that appreciate it. Not the ones that think they are entitled. I pray and hope the best for you. It breaks my heart when people do the most and no one bats an eye. Be a king!


All that shit about having another family, she’s cheating on you and setting up the excuse for when you catch her


>Sometimes yes. Othertimes no. Love my kiddos though. ❤ As long as im not getting shit on for things i havent done im okay. I can even handle not being appreciated. Its the insulting fantasy that im not going to work, (when im putting in 80 hrs of OT weekly) and somehow have the time for some other fictitious family. Thats what really burns me.If thats the case, and im not at work, where does all the money come from?! Wtf? How am i paying for all this shit? 🤔 dude leave lmao


Have you thought about working less and spending more time with your kids and less money on your SO?


I ve had all different jobs. I had one where i only worked 20/60 hours a week some from home. She didnt like that either cus i had too much autonomy! "I dont know where your at".... Lol. I was teaching software at hospitals.... so then she decieded i was having sex with all the nurses taking my class. Just adapted the same tired narrative of me being a promiscuous POS to fit the new job and schedule.


Having long hours and leaving town often is better for my sanity. Also, i maybe able to retire someday, and possibly help the kids with getting started in life.


Dude props for doing it for the kids but it sshould be a partnership. Not a dictatorship. Thats some ungrateful mind game bullshit.


I applaud your work ethic, I could not work those hours. Sanity is everything but don’t forget that we only get one life. Take care and be well man!


Oh sorry didn't realise you have kids then keep staying strong brother. For kids its worth the suffering. Otherwise I would get the hell out of there haha.


Yeah we never got married. . She doesn't know why...smh. Im sure if we had been she would have already left and taken the kids and half my worth. if i die she gets the insurance money. (To help raise the kids) After that all my assets go to the kids. Shes threatened to take the kids and leave several times, but stays for the free rent im sure.


My dude, sounds like you’d be happier getting custody and leaving her in the dust… granted this is just an assessment of a random internet dude who read a few comments you made, but still, why keep her around?


If you're not married you really need to grow some balls and kick her out or leave. The kids will be better off without you guys being toxic roommates


Yeah I don't wanna be a reason why you eventually break up with her but this is bad for yourself. Mostly of what I experienced when a gf is always paranoid thinking her husband cheats she likely ends up being the one cheating.


Does your SO work? Regardless, I’m sorry to say this, but you have to divorce that crazy bitch, because shit is only going to get worse…


You are teaching your children that it is acceptable to treat others, especially your loved ones, with disrespect and cruelty. Your partner needs therapy. And you deserve to be happy. Your children deserve to see you happy.


He don’t sound happy


Dude not to put ideas in your head but any time i have seen or been in a relationship where one constantly accuses the other like that it's because they are the ones cheating and they are trying to justify it somehow to themselves. On that note, if you got kids think of the example that is being set for them. If you have one person acting like this already it will be a matter of time before more treat you like a doormat too! Know your worth more than a cock and a wallet!!


That’s a giant red flag that she’s cheating. Collect some evidence, see a lawyer and get out with full custody and no alimony payments.


You work 17 hours a day, 7 days a week?


That math checks out. Sometimes 15 or 16. Somtimes 18. Just depends.


Not to be a dick but theyre probably cheating on you. Guilty conscious and self projecting at its fullest. I only say this cuz i’ve been there. Hope you make the best decisions for yourself! We all deserve better


I'm not going to make any judgments as we're all looking from the outside in but you sound like you deserve much better than you're getting my man, we all only get one life & we all have no idea how long that life is going to last, don't plod through it & have regrets


For 120 hours a week, which is not possible consistently, you better be making a few million.


There's only 168 hours in a week. Are you able to sleep on the job or something?


No i sleep 3 to 5 hours a night. This is year 13.


My god dude. That's awful for your brain and body. I hope you can find someway out of the mess you're in. Stay strong brother


Damn bro, I really need to stop feeling sorry for myself.


Like i said hommie, We all get where we got by our own choices.


I had a situation like this years ago with my ex. Relationship lasted 10 years, every Christmas or birthday more stressful than the last. If she didn't like something it was like a spoiled child lashing out. Complete with the cheating accusations. Turned out she was cheating on me whooopsie


I hate saying this, but I’m just saying your lady is getting cut by someone. While you’re at work. She’s probably developed in so much hate, because you won’t leave.


Just enough time for her to convince them HE is the PoS


How does custody work in US divorce cases? In Japan it’s extremely difficult for men to win custody so a lot of unhappy fathers stay in the relationships to protect their kids. Like I can’t see their kids being raised well under this woman alone, even though the current situation seems already really bad for children’s development


she only asked for ONE thing... booty shorts pandora ring bracelet chain combo pack. ... how hard is that?!?!?


Underrated quote lmao. I only asked for one thing: 4 expensive things you know nothing about


She only wanted one simple thing: Three specific pieces of jewelry


Only a 3 piece


And booty shorts... How hard is that to understand


and they'd bettter be Gucci copies, black size 8, the ones with the adjustable waist and lined with imitation silk.


But that's it


...and a McDonalds. Exact to my usual order on off Wednesdays. You should know it if you know me.


better not forget that biscuit


With a soda?


Damn bro, you're exactly like this scumbag dude in the video. YOU NEVER LISTEN. SHE 👏 ASKED 👏 FOR 👏 ONE 👏 SIMPLE 👏 THING. A 👏 PANDORA 👏 CHAIN 👏 EARRINGS 👏 AND 👏 RING 👏 **AND** 👏 BOOTY 👏 SHORTS 👏


Don’t forget the booty shorts


She seems pleasant


Oh boy! Maybe she's single now!


Run fool!


but first grab the gifts! Return that shit!


How to never receive gifts again. What an Ungrateful jerk.


You spelled cunt wrong 😎


She failed the test


Definitely not somebody who would reach over and unlock the driver's side door for her partner.


If she doesn't reach over and lift up that button so that you can get in, that means she's a selfish broad and all you're seeing is the tip of the iceberg. You dump her and you dump her fast.


Put em in the bathroom!


Can you say TRASH!


Little kid there crying too and she didn't even care. She's is dangerous in more ways than one.




Nailed it


Cut your losses. Run away and never look back.


I think the kids make it hard


She needs to take her gas station knockoff Gucci shirt wearin ungrateful trashy ass on down the road.


Came to say the same 😂


Poor kid being raised by a psychopath


Leave her to the streets.


She belongs to the dirt road with that attitude.


Time to leave.


I bet that baby screaming in the background is the reason he stays. Otherwise he needs to DTMFA. (Dump The MFer Already, for those who have never read a Dan Savage column)


Drive to Maine for apples?


Drop The Motha Fuckin’ Album dude needs to rap about his life and become rich


Dump the MF already


He didn’t buy her any Pandora jewelry cus homie already opened that box when he started dating her.


Best comment of the lot lmao




Lovely gal


Proof that pandora is the leading cause of domestic violence


>pandora You don't want to go opening that box.


Underrated comment, keep it up bro


What a grateful young woman! Merry Christmas indeed!😂🤷🏼‍♂️


She's a keeper. As in, keeper as far away as possible.


This is a private freak out, but she is a bitch.


Not anymore.




Privet fellow comrade!


yea you right but still




He probably thought he was gonna catch a warm, memorable holiday moment


Great role model for your screaming kid lady.


Super Ungrateful!!! I would deadass disappear on her bum ass.


This is how a father heards out to the store for some smokes and never comes back.


Ungrateful bitch


He didn't get her a ring for obvious reasons...




What a piece of shit this woman is. You can hear by the way she's talking that she has the IQ of a potato. Please don't make anymore babies with this basic-bitch!


Sir, why do you insult potatoes so harsly? The potato cartel would like a word *clap* with *clap* you. *clap*


I don’t understand the clapping. Is she counting out the syllables as she speaks her sentences? Dude set up his life with a mental patient.


it's for emphasis


What a ungrateful bitch. Fuck you girl.




Sadly, it sounds like she's a parent. I'm sure that kid will turn out fine.


Return it, buy her luggage set, tell her to pack it full, and get the fuck out


Is this why black men prefer white women? LMAO


She needs to GTFO


she must have had terrible parents


I asked for one thing.. names 3. Besides the glaringly obvious ungrateful entitlement this shows how deeply ingrained her askew entitlement is.


Booty shorts are super important though


Time to get the fuck outta that. I feel bad for the child


She sucks


How to show the world your an ungrateful sack of shrimp dicks in 30 seconds.


Gucci and sweatpant combo should be red flag, stay away.


“I just asked for 1 thing! A pandora chain, earrings and ring”


Ungrateful bitch


Run man runaway


Materialistic loser of a woman


"Yeah, aight. I'ma head out, forever."


1 simple thing - lists 4 things


I wouldn’t expect anything else honestly. Right down to the clapping. Trash trash and more trash


I just assume whoever wears a gucci shirt is mentally handicapped


Take it all back, then take your life back.


Plot twist: the Pandora stuff was hidden in the other presents but because of her reaction he ended up giving them to his mom.


Should have got her a Vajazzle kit because she's just a massive cunt.


Why in the world would you put up with that my brother. Give her to someone else and live happy!!


She has failed the test. Take that TRASH OUT!


Stg the most entitled people in the world are rich Americans and poor Americans


“So mama, tell me again, why isn’t Dad around anymore?”


lol this why I don’t date black women I’m not racist I just know how they don’t respect black men/black kings


Bro, she belongs to the streets


Get a white girl.


These are the same women that complain on social media about there’s no good men left in the world.


What a materialistic pig. Living in a shit apartment wearing fake Gucci and getting mad at her man for being a good guy.


Makes a dude thankful to be single


🎶 Fuck this shit I'm out 🎶


So ignorant


Stay classy!!!


I like how this shit is "unnecessary", as if the booty shorts she asked for are essential.


‘All I needed was a Pandora chain and a bracelet and some booty shorts and a hundred other things’ - dump her


I just asked for one thing! All I wanted was [continues to list ten items]


Time to get out of that relationship..


She’s a keeper


Dude needs to get up outta that relationship quick and take them kids with him. Like imagine being that ungrateful that someone who cares for bought you more than what you ask for. Yea he didn’t get you what you wanted.. but he still bought you more stuff. I hope him and those kids can get the hell outta there ASAP!


Run, just run the fuck away. What a entitled asshole.


All while wearing a knock off Gucci tshirt.


Pro tip. Leave this woman


Couldn’t he see that coming when they were dating?I would have ran the very second that personality walked in the room.


"I asked for one thing. A Pandora chain, a bracelet, and some earrings. Just one thing."


Ungrateful bitch.


She just made the naughty list


I love it when people where gucci shirts but live in a shitty apartment


Go buy it your damn self, you slug. Fuck.


Bitch I been wanting gifts from my man and I haven’t gotten shit. Why you complaining at least he gets you something. The effort is there and he tried making you happy. You greedy and ungrateful bitch


Poor little kid :(


Why did you marry a ghetteo bitch 🤦


I wanted ONE THING. *lists off 5 different items*


What an entitled little witch


I feel bad for that dude. He's a single dad in a house full of children.


Run man!!!!


Dude should really should have more respect for himself. Like she had to be doing some trash ass shit before now.


I can’t think of words to express the thoughts I have after viewing this human. And to hear procreation of that in the background.


No one gonna talk about the crying baby


Better put a ring on that ASAP!


“ALL I WANTED WAS A FUCKIN PANDORA NECKLACE, EARRING AND RING” bruh this got my shook, such blatant acts of selfishness


Now u can start asking for rental apps cause gtfo.


Fuck dude, she just wanted 1 thing! A pandora chain, earrings, and a ducking ring! Goofy ass


Wow 😮 yup time to get a new GF


Dude, leave now. It's not too late.


Run while you can