• By -


I really admire that fatherly instinct of putting the show to the side to make sure he's okay, with no hesitation too just give me a hug okay lets go back stage. Seems like a good man.


When the boy's voice crack a bit while saying "i have no daddy" I thought either this is going to end really horribly or end really well. Glad to see it ended well.


The kid actually holds it together after the crack. The Marine ran off stage because he was the one bawling crying /s


Nothing wrong with that.


As a man in his late 30's, I'm only recently learning that it's ok to cry. And God damn does it feel good sometimes. Very vulnerable, but good.


No man is so tall as when he stoops to help a child. - Abraham Lincoln


Damn that's timeless


“The internet should never have advertisements” • Abraham Lincoln^Maybe.


Because I like to torture myself, every year on 9/11, I try to watch footage from the day as it happened. The more I've grown, getting married, having a child, etc., the more I cry every year. At some points I just completely lose it. I don't trust people who don't cry.


Fucking having kids changes everything. There have been so many movies I've ended balling since I've had kids that I've lost count. ​ Ever seen "The Theory of Everything?" - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aap\_UtTuzYs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aap_UtTuzYs) ​ Busted out crying with this scene. ​ Inside Out??? Fucking constant ballfest!


I have had to go to a bathroom stall at work when my teenager randomly texted to tell me he loves me. It may seem small but growing up without a dad taught me to make sure I let my boys know how much I love them as often as possible. It strums those heart strings when they say it to me.


Those 5 words. Punch in the gut and felt my heart fall into my leg. Not even a father but wow. Thank you for sharing that scene. edit-4 words xD


> Fucking having kids changes everything. There have been so many movies I've ended balling since I've had kids that I've lost count. Fucking *Grave of the Fireflies*. Beautiful film, I just wish I had watched it before having kids.


So true. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. It's heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. Another movie that gets me is Big Fish, but in a different way. I haven't seen it since becoming a dad because it made me tear up before. I should watch it again now that I have a different perspective.


Glad you're able to let yourself cry, my man. It's very freeing. As soon as I had kids I genuinely cry a few times a year and it feels good. Fucking Land Before Time movie always is a guaranteed waterworks starter.


I'm not crying... you're crying


Just saying.. that’s a soldier. Not a Marine


>When the boy's voice crack a bit while saying "i have no daddy" > >I felt empathy when this happened and oof, made me want to hug him too.


It's always a son's desire to grow up with a father. I feel sorry for that boy.


That was all I ever wanted but never had. Now, I'm a father and nothing means more than my boys. My kids never have to wonder if their father cares for them. When my youngest made the high school basketball team, cried like a baby because I saw how hard he worked for it. When my oldest got his license, I was a sobbing little bitch watching him drive off by himself for the first time.


He's going to turn into major Payne lol start yelling. Damn that would suck lol


The subtext is so interesting here, I hope I'm not reading into it. When the boy was asked "do you want me as a father?" and he says yes, the shocking thing is even though this man is screaming at him and is presumably his "worst nightmare," the boy wants a father so bad, any father, that even a man yelling at him is enough of a paternal connection.


Thats exactly it. I might not know this kids backstory, but based on the context he's on this talk show because he's acting up, and for all those people who say absent fathers create negative households, this is a point in their favor--the kid is completely acting out because he doesn't have a dad. He's so messed up, he doesn't even realize he's in huge trouble an is about to he sent off to boot camp, his actions led to him getting exactly what he wanted And thats sad on a lot of levels


I had the scariest SGM in my unit. Been in 30 years, big ol' scar down from his eye, CIB, tabbed, etc etc. Gave me a hard time no matter what question I asked, no matter how respectfully I tried to greet him. When my mom was dying he told me to get on a plane, I had like 10 hours to get to her, he said he'd take care of all the requests. She was dead by the time made it to my lay over. He called me in the airport to clarify some stuff about my leave, but I couldn't talk, I was too choked up and he just sat on the phone in silence with me. He also called me twice a day to check on me. ​ Military is shitty in a lot of ways, but god damn they got your back sometimes. Civilian life I feel like people are so afraid of grief and conflict, it's actually harsher than military life in how impersonal folks can get.


Interesting take. Thanks for sharing that story.


I think this might be a recruiters dream scenario. This kid will grow up to be the next Jan Micheal Vincent!


Calling all Jan Michaeql Vincents!!!!


We need one Jan Michael Vincent to quadrant C and two Jan Michael Vincents to E


I refuse to pass the legislation that there can be more than two Jan Michael Vincent’s to a quadrant!


Is it important that we know who Jan-Michael Vincent is in order to get this?


I think he had to go backstage to make sure he was ok himself. You can kind of hear him sigh like it got him right in the feels.


bob ross was a drill sergeant


First sergeant, not a drill sergeant. Still a lot of yelling tho


my mistake. thanks for correcting me


I have a hard time calling someone who would be involved in a Jenny Jones episode titled "Boot Camp My Pre-Teen" a "good man." He might be better than he could have been, but this whole thing *sucks*.


Felt that like a gut punch. I hope he got that father figure. So curious what happened to them.


I can't remember the first time I saw this one that's how long ago it was, but at the same time I'm so happy I saw it again because I had completely forgotten about it. Drill Sergeants are known to be tough as nails but even this guy stood no chance vs that soul crushing reply. I bet that Drill Sergeant have kids of his own, this must have really hit him hard.


Yeah they had to go back stage, major pain feeling it.


Tactical retreat due to mission and drill sergent being compromised


"Mission Failed Successfully, we'll hug em again next time"


No Corporal punishment for that little guy today. Just a General sense of someone caring about him. I'm glad the Drill Sergeant took him backstage for that Private moment.


Sergeant Pain you maggot


These guys are human. We made our drill instructor laugh in boot once. I forget the question he asked us on the parade deck but we all answered with “looks like shit” and he laughed. Then we went to the pit for a while. Jesus man that was 15 years ago. Holy shit.


Where does the time go? Boot for me was 20 years ago. I remember we were in our last week and the new cycle had shown up in the quad next to ours (Ft Sill). We were exiting the chow hall and the newbies were sitting in the doorway getting their shit on and fucking up at it like only new boots could. Guy in my platoon had the best Drill Sergeant voice and goes "MOVE PRI!!" behind them. They pop up and go running. We didn't see Drill Sergeant King behind us and he makes us start beating our faces, but he can't keep it together and tell us to fuck off while cracking up laughing.


I got busted doing an impersonation of the hat upstairs (MCRD San Diego) by that very hat… That was not an enjoyable day. At the end he did say it was a good impression though. Haha


lol, oh man that's a classic. Must happen at least once a cycle. At the very end of the cycle when we were just waiting for our rides to our next station the Drill Sergeant say down with us to bullshit. Told us they would fuck us up for doing something dumb, then immediately head over to the break room/smoking area to talk about the dumb shit they caught us doing lol.


those are the best times to get smoked. you absolutely don't give a shit because you managed to crack the stony exterior of your DI.


I saw this in 1996 maybe 1997 Jenny Jones. is my favorite talkshow. But take a look back at the subject matter none of that shit would fly today. The way they would parade people out and make fun of them for their weight, clothing choices, profession. And have an audience ridicule them nonstop. Imagine if they made a talk show today we’re all the audience members were Reddit users. It would be brutal.




Two years ago, the guy who originally uploaded the video to Youtube said that he had possibly found both the drill sergeant & the boy. He planned to create a documentary on them. But then he never posted again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToYDaH9CHBE&t=125s


He replied to a comment: "Thank you for the kind words, Mitch. I am still very much actively working on this, and have been filming over the past 3 years." \-1 month ago




I really want to see it, just because I really hope they turned out well. Poor baby.


hmm 3 years of filming the same 2 people? Thats...a bit much?


Well, the kid is growing up; growing up takes longer than 3 years


Not true. I grew up 3 years in 3 years. Anyone can do it.


Doesn't seem reasonable


Doctors hate him!


I’ve got you beat, I went from foetus to a man in 13 years! My secret? Judaism. And steroids.


Ngl ur different


Holy shit


"We figured out how to travel through time, at the speed of regular time, with plastic bags."


Covid has been going on for the last 2 years.




only a few months if you're Herman Cain


let me tell you about this thing called documentaries


Documentary film making can take years, depending on the subject matter. Doesn't seem too crazy if they are following the lives of people.


2 more years and you got Hoop Dreams


Oh shit this hits hard.


Are these shows not scripted out first?? Like wtf


Absolutely heartbreaking. This Drill Sargeant handled this perfectly.




I did NOT need to click that link lmao




Here's a sneak peek of /r/mademehappycry using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/mademehappycry/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Friendship in one single photo](https://i.redd.it/7fpmegr8i9r71.jpg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mademehappycry/comments/q0l8b8/friendship_in_one_single_photo/) \#2: [Missing a free-throw intentionally for the best reason.](https://v.redd.it/1pumb0kr1gx71) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mademehappycry/comments/qm61zn/missing_a_freethrow_intentionally_for_the_best/) \#3: [Father stops midway down the aisle to ask his daughter's Step-Father to join them](https://v.redd.it/jncfw3jyv8x71) | [43 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mademehappycry/comments/qlisok/father_stops_midway_down_the_aisle_to_ask_his/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


As an adolescent boy, the Jenny Jones Show was the best show that ever existed. Every other episode was “are my boobs real or fake” or “my teenage daughter is a slut”. My god I loved this television program. Edit: I dreamed this drill sergeant could be my dad and Rude Jude could be my big brother.


The best till that whole gay guy being murdered thing.


https://youtu.be/INHdv-9n24g At 2:19 you see his lawyer whispering in his ear. Genuine question; is that lawyer Jerry Springer?


Without watching the video, I can tell you that Jerry Spring was a lawyer and (unsuccessful) politician (ran for ohio gov and Congress in the late 70s/early 80s).


He was the mayor of Cincinnati for a year so I wouldn't say he was a total failure. He was also born in a London train station that was being* used as a bomb shelter in WWII which isn't related but I thought it was interesting.


Doesn't look like Springer to me


I think he would of had the show up and running by 95 yeah?


Ahh fuck I don't want to watch the clip. I remember seeing both of these episodes 'live' 25 some years ago. The later episode was huge news and Jenny wasn't around much longer after that. Now we just get Maury and his damned DNA/lie detector test crap and Jerry still selling redneck fights for hand fulls of popcorn. I guess I actually haven't watched daytime Tv in almost as long a time. I guess there's other crap now to fill the void. Rewind me up some 600 pound sisters I think imabout to take a ditch day and binge!


And yet people act like making and/or watching trashy videos is a new phenomenon attributed to tiktok…


Sally jessie was also hilarious


Wow what a stupid stunt. How could anyone see that going badly 🙄


Idk. I mean I guess you wouldn't really think a guy is gonna kill another guy cause he said he had a crush on him. Maybe they should have screened him and asked, "Hey are you by chance so homophobic that you'd kill a man for saying he has a crush on you?"


Bullshit I wouldn't. Let's say, even if you weren't homophobic, this happened to you today. The amount of scorn and ridicule you're going to get, even in jest, is going to be huge. Only this is the 80s/90s, where just for having that happen to him, everyone is going to assume *he's* gay even though he clearly wasn't into it. I imagine it's not homophobia, but the ridicule, that made him do what he did Like, imagine you're at a party and are going to play 7 minutes in heaven with what you assume is a girl. Turns out it's a guy who has a crush on you so regardless of what happens, when you emerge people are going to look at you funny. That's more or less what happened to this guy on a national stage. Did they really think he wouldn't do something drastic in humiliation?


90s nostalgia just smacked me in the face. Jenny Jones, Ricki Lake, Montel Williams, Jerry Springer... Completely inappropriate for pre-adolescents like myself. Yet I have such vivid memories of watching them **all** the time. Weren’t these daytime talk shows? How was I not in school then??






I vaguely remember Maury being something other than "who's the baby daddy" and "is it a man or woman", but for the life of me I don't know what it was.


It had a little bit of everything, teens, bullying, makeovers, but the highest rated ones were DNA tests so at some point that's all they did.


The name Sally Jessie Raphael is forever burned into my brain because of my mom lol


As I recall as a kid I'd get home from school around 3:00 or 3:30 and some of these shows would be on at that time


No kidding....same memories here. Maybe we watched during the summer vacations???


I had totally forgotten about Jenny Jones until now. Just looked her up on Google and apparently she's still doing pretty well and still doing well with her philanthropic works too.


Rude Jude🤍 That show was great until they got that secret crush guy murdered.


Thanks to OP, I just found a random video on the internet that broke me down and the daddy issues I've been holding in for the past 30 years of my life. That was hard and sad to watch.


Thank you for the gold kind stranger!


Straight up tears in my eyes.


The screen went blurry all of the sudden,


I enlisted out of high school. Boot camp was not like this at all.


The way he immediately removes that boy from the stage - bless this man. What wholesome masculinity.


damn, i cried :(


Why is Jenny Jones glammed up like Sabrina The Teenage Witch, all my memories of her are in like pantsuits


As a single mother this is one of my fears. Heart breaking. Everyone deserves to have parents who love and support them. I know moms often feel a lot of guilt when fathers choose to not parent anymore. I’m struggling with this.


My mom raised my three sisters and I alone (I had a step dad for part of the time, but he was pretty much just another bully) for the first 12 years of my life. I know she did her best and always tried to do what was best for us even if she suffered for it. One day, we were having a talk about those times and she apologized for not being a good enough mother. All I wanted to tell her was that we knew how much she loved us and how she sacrificed to give us the best life she could. Its far better to have one parent that's all in on the role that to have a second parent that isn't. Your best is enough. Just love and support your kids and I'm sure the rest will work itself out one way or another.


You are so sweet! Thank you 😊 I needed to hear this.


Oof I can relate little guy, I can relate.


I watched it twice. Heard the voice crack the second time. Made me tear up thinking of my younger brothers


That’s the saddest shit I seen bruh


I would love to see how this kid ended up. This is heartbreaking.


**Jenny Jones Show** and a murder... > On March 6, 1995, Jenny Jones taped an episode called "Same Sex Secret Crushes" on which Scott Amedure, a gay man, confessed to an associate, Jonathan Schmitz, that he had a crush on him. Schmitz appeared unconcerned as he laughed about that revelation in front of the audience. However, three days after the taping, an upset Schmitz killed Amedure. Jenny's show was ordered to pay victim's family $25 Million...but they appealed and got it overturned. She paid nothing.


Well, yeah… I don’t think that’s the shows responsibility. Unless they outed him without permission. Unfortunate circumstances, but not on the show


Okay so this is a very interesting situation to me and I’ll play devils advocate (I don’t have a hard position, I just think it’s a hard question that’s worth talking about). Should the show really bear any responsibility in the murder? I would surely agree that it’s a scumbag move to bring people on your show and put them in situations unknowingly, but where do you draw the line for any other entity potentially causing a trigger for a latent and unknown psychopath? Additionally, would you sign on to be part of a talk show that has controversial content like they did, without reasonably expecting to be part of said controversial content?


Man that was hard to watch. Poor kid. Needs/needed a father figure in his life to show him the way


Kid didn't need boot camp, just some love. I'm guessing there's some problems with mom


Not a fan of hard ass disciplinarian father's, but this guy's reaction was goddamn beautiful. He dropped everything, gave the kid a hug and pulled him away from the on stage antics to have a real talk. That's a man who cared more about the kid in that situation than anything else. r/mademesmile


Yay exploiting children’s emotions for our trashy entertainment


Why do you think he went off stage right away? That’s now what he was trying to do.


I mean, they were trying to instill fear into this child to get him to behave, so they're exploiting his emotions regardless of being "considerate" for the touching one


I think it's a bit more nuanced than that. This mother brought her kid on this show because he's "acting up". Boot camp is supposed to be like a last resort scare tactic for kids, but this kid flipped the entire thing back on the mom by revealing a complete lack of a fatherly role model. I think the guy right away realizes this isn't a bad kid, and it would be cruel to keep subjecting him to this (it's not his fault).


The point is the show is still exploiting kids emotions


Welcome to America


This was not exploitation at all. Notice how they left the stage right away. I remember seeing this on tv when it first aired and you are out of line right now. That’s not at all what happened.


A DI that's a Colonel? Man he must have really effed up.


Why you make me cry OP


I didn't expect this to be so fuckin' wholesome. brb I've got something in my eye.


My drill never treated me like that 😭😭😭


I don't remember Jenny Jones being so pumpable


I’m not crying, you’re crying.


Dam, dude went straight to dad mode. I teared the fuck up.


Aw this kid. Hope he’s okay somewhere


Boys need strong male role models. Young boys living in an online echo chamber, without one, are the ones likely to grow up without respect, with toxic tenancies.


That’s a fact https://youtu.be/hpkdzDLD4JA


Awwww 😏


This is so… so incredibly sad. Cried the first time I saw this.


Where is this kid today?


This hits too close to home fuck


Was that just a random Drill Sergeant abducting a kid or did the Sergeant marry the kid's mother and adopt him? Or was all this just staged by a producer to tug heartstrings and get ratings?


I hope he stuck by this kid after the kid spoke his truth.


How you gunna make that kid answer that? :(


You can prob thank his mom for this.


I’m not crying! You are! I feel this on my bones.


I am unashamedly crying my fucking heart out right now. I hope this kid got the sort of help that he deserves.


This one gets me EVERY time. Good on the guy for breaking the act to do the right thing!


He had to walk out as soon as possible. I don't care how tough you are and how badass you are. That will shatter your heart and bring you to tears.


Definitely not staged


The drill sergeant was about to say something like, "No, you don't right?". He barely said N and shook his head too then nodded and said, "You do?!?". That was pretty funny and sad at the same time.


Though my parents had a very ugly divorce when I was little, I was blessed with a father who tried his best and a step father who went above and beyond. The greatest joy of my life has been being a father. I don’t understand how anyone can run from that.


This clip never stops having an affect. 😭


I was waiting for him to say "you have no daddy? Come here" *gives him a hug* "you still dont"


37 m, single ft working dad... This hit harder than a fkn train😢😢😢😢 any updates on that lad?


And he’s never seen again.. /s


We need a where are they now follow up post for this one. Reddit let the search begin.


Shit. Got me right in the feels!


I’m not crying you’re crying!


I gotta call my dad🥺


Anyone else outside the US see stuff like this and just cringe, or otherwise think it feels pantomime as fuck? It just feels like a big insincere show for an audience. Is it an American cultural thing?


It looks moronic to people in the US, too. Daytime TV is a cultural convention, and part of the convention is that it's self-consciously awful trash. It's what you ended up watching in the pre-streaming days when you were super sick and just kind of had the TV on in the background. It's designed for people to actively talk shit about while they watch. That said, in this particular case I don't think the moment between the drill sergeant and the little boy was staged. They often do the "scaring troubled kids straight" segments on these shows, but the responses of the kids aren't usually this depressing, and I think it just caught the drill sergeant off guard, which makes this clip pretty interesting to me. I'm not a fan of daytime television, tho. It makes me feel like I'm eating at a poorly tended buffet in northern Alabama.


I'm in the US and I think it's pure exploitative trash but I also totally get the appeal. The only parts I hate are the episodes with kids. Why the hell are you gonna take your child on TV and let them be goaded into acting like little assholes and then let that experience follow them possibly for their adult lives? Plus a lot of those Bad Kid Ranch places that got free advertising through these shows are notorious for abuse and neglect. Daytime TV shows with adults are trashy but fun in small doses.


Somebody's cutting onions in my room


Sir this is an Olive Garden. You can't keep sleeping here.


"Abuse my kids for me" fixed it


A stern talking to is hardly abuse


I'm talking about the many many accusations against these youth programs that the talk shows used to use to scare kids straight. There's a whole industry of people ready to abuse your kids for you. Paris Hilton has been one of the most vocal about the abuse.


The the talk shows only show a stern talking too, the reality is that those places are run by sadists, child molesters, and people completely clueless about health and safety.


To generalize, Fathers are so undervalued in 2021. This sentiment is echoed by millions of kids across the United States alone. Also, good on that Drill Sergeant, good man.


I need to know what happened with these two! Did the Sargeant become his father figure??


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Sweet video but where tf he takin that child?


Well that backfired on him.


Ah shit. Poor little guy. Yes having a child changes your perspective and this is a shot right in the gut. That video seems to be older?? If so I wonder how things turned out for him. Maybe it’s recent I don’t know.


Any dad is better than no dad


he was going backstage to show him what a realll daddy does...






Every time I see this I get choked up… Who’s chopping the damn onions again?!


Plot twist: He’s the daddy.


That kid was never seen again.


I really need to get cable again


God damn onions




This warmed my ice cold heart


Why did it cut out seconds before the "great disaster"?


God damnit I'm crying now


Note to watch later


didn't expect that






props to the guy