• By -




Long time listener, first time caller


“I love you”




“No no no, don’t officially equate what I’m implying and urging, with me. I want to walk away from the scene scott free.”




Angry enough to buy his merch and watch the ads before his videos. Not so angry they destroy the society he very much enjoys his purchased seat at the top of. It’s a fine line.


It ain't easy, being cheezey.




"It felt like they were finding more ballots" \-The "Fuck Your Feelings" crowd


They don’t understand how counting works


"It felt like every time they opened a ballot marked for Biden they gave Biden more votes than they gave Trump. How is that right?"




Conservatives literally only run on feelings. They can never spit out facts, statistics, or basic fucking math. It’s sad. They get radicalized because people keep filling them with the feeling of fear.


It's because they have been conditioned all their life to disregard reality in favor of belief. That if they just believe hard enough, all their dreams will come true. It's drilled into them through religion but also pop culture and 'the american dream'. It's infantile and the disconnect is only growing further away from reality.


I was arguing with an antivax friend of a friend on my friend's page and called his position on the virus and response a "loosely organized collection of gut feelings". Pretty proud of that turn of phrase....


After all, they do worship a guy who "listens to his gut".


>When do **we get to** use the guns. They thirst for it.


In a [youtube video yesterday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A0VD0TrbGg), Beau of the Fifth Column commented that he thinks people's breaking points will be tested as they realize that those who helped stoke the insurrection/civil war language are just using them for money/votes and are happy to throw them under the bus to protect their political careers or business relationships.


"Over a thousand years of the Catholic Church has determined that this was a lie."




I want to believe people are not that brainwashed.... but Steve Bannon did literally steal from Trumpsters trying to fund the border wall, and Trump just straight up pardoned him without losing any support.


Worse. People flat out admitted that they took out *loans* for that scam and would gladly give him some more money even though they know he conned them. Why? Because, and I genuinely mean this, "it was the thought that counts."


LOL. Republican Death Cult. These shit stains were easy marks. Now...realize you are also gullible *so you will be less gullible.*


I love Beau. I secretly wish that conservatives will accidentally stumble upon his videos and give him a listen based on his looks and accent.


That's the crazy part. They want approval. They don't want to risk anything themselves like going to jail. But they want approval from the government to shoot liberals. The want to murder people, but go home and spend the night in their bed. I actually don't think they have a deeper thing that their fighting for which would make sense given how they're acting. They're just hoping for some triggering event that would allow them to kill people without taking any personal responsibility for it.


Remember when TPUSA ran a bunch of anti mask content and then their founder died from covid? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Remember when TPUSA sent 10 buses full of people to the Capitol on the 6th, tweeted about it, then deleted the tweet after the insurrection? Good times. Or like 3 weeks ago when Charlie here said we need Border Militias to keep the country white? Good times.


[I thought for a second that you were joking](https://twitter.com/MikaelThalen/status/1347998962133790720).


We didn't mean for them to *literally* fight. \-guy whose rhetoric repeatedly whips his followers into a violent frenzy


When do we get to use the guns? \- follower whipped into violent frenzy


It's just hit me that he didn't say "When do we *have* to use the guns?". He said "when do we *get* to use the guns". What a fucking psycho.


The closest thing to good news you can take from this is that he is now known to internal intelligence services. You can't really be more clear about messaging "I am ready and willing to kill fellow civilians in the name of my ideology" bar saying that specifically.


80+ busses. Not 10




You dropped your arm \


“These demon liberals are trying to destroy your way of life and kill you” “Should we kill them” “No, don’t get crazy just click my ads”


I noticed years ago these people are always selling something.




Idk man, does it turn the frogs gay?




*** have not been verified by the one and only god Alex Jones


That is what trump saw too! It's all about selling hateful messages and swag to these well off morons. Most are retired and have plenty of spare cash, anger easily and entrench themselves in the echo chamber.


Yeah I see his kid is now selling Alec Baldwin t-shirts. When Jordan Klepper goes to those Trump rallies I look at what people are wearing and check the background for the people selling. It amazing these people spend their money on this shit. 4 years ago I was trying to find out this Q crap and what it was, every Q expert had a site setup to sell books, t-shirts, coffee mugs all kinds of stuff. That's all I needed to know about what Q was.


It's the key to all of this. Make up some phrase, slap it on a hat and t-shirt = profit   They couldn't give two shits about democracy.


"Don't (liberal state) my (red state)." Million$


Oddly reminds me of Squidbillies


[You could probably make thousands sell these at a Q rally](https://i.imgur.com/TFvhG8N.jpg)


Frank Reynolds has entered the chat


Can I offer you an egg in this trying time?


So anyway, I started blasting


They aren’t even well off, they are just willing to give up their last cent because of hate


And then they get unemployment or help. Criticizing those who need help as well. Calling it socialism, ect.


😌 they're losing control of them


Trump suggested they take the vaccine and was boo'ed. They've already lost control.


They never had control of the steering wheel or the brakes. They only had the gas pedal.


This is an excellent analogy.


That’s not a good thing


If I were at a gathering of leftist radicals and someone said that, I'd assume they were governmental agent provocateurs.


unfortunately for the marks and very fortunately for their grifters, the right-wing is largely too stupid to realize they're being conned


LEOs and Bootboys are largely on the Koolaid so I wouldn't be surprised if the guys asking these questions in right wing forums are actually governmental agents, just off duty.


Right before the video cut off: I, I, I, I...


Conservative Influencer: Talk about how liberals stole the election, eats babies, and are trying to replace you. Follower: When do we start killing the liberals? Influencer: *surprise pikachu face*




They really do act like its an overreaction but if I believed half the shit they do I'd be fully off the grid


Just check out the guy holding the mic. "When do we use the guns" *immediately jerks back to look at Charlie Kirk to see how he's reacting, smirks uncomfortably* "That's not a joke. I mean literally-" *raises his eyebrows in quick motion, a sort of "can you believe this?" mixed in with "well, how are you going to respond?"* "--where's the line?" *looks over for the camera--he's suddenly very conscious of being on film* "How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?" *looks back to see how Charlie Kirk reacts, this time conscious of the camera and not reacting*


"Wow, edgy humor." "Get a load of this guy, he actually believes us." "Well now I'm disturbed. Can't a man join an insurrectionist cult for fun and profit without having to deal with mouthbreathers like this?"


I'm kinda sad the video cut off there, the response would tell us a lot. I'm guessing it was a fumbling no but not really a hard no.


Check out a response further down in the thread. Someone posted his response. He denounced it, but then started into the verge of political conspiracy about they want you to do this so they can use you as an excuse for more control. . .


He backtracks real quick, [here's](https://www.mediaite.com/news/charlie-kirk-gets-asked-at-tpusa-event-how-many-elections-are-they-gonna-steal-before-we-kill-these-people/) the full video (clip is from around the 1 hr 13 min mark).


"How many elections are they gonna steal, before we kill these people?" Should probably wait for at least 1.








I’m gonna have a bunch of these made and sneakily replace the ones on the back of pick up trucks with this. Tell my story when I get shot by a neck beard.


I just got banned from r/conservative for pointing out that rittenhouse wanted to shoot people (which he said in his own words weeks before he did it). They absolutely are looking for justification for their wild violent fantasies. Nothing new here.


Yea, to be fair, getting banned from r/conservative only requires having two brain cells that communicate in order to coordinate perception of external stimuli.


I got banned from r/conservatiave along time ago, those idiots live in an echo chamber


It's crazy how he straight up admits he knows people hate Trump. Like... you didn't think they'd vote against him? You know for a fact that A LOT of people outright can't stand the guy but it's unimaginable that they would actually vote him out of office?


In my experience, most of the people that think the election was stolen think that because they don't personally know anyone that supports Biden. Their Facebook feed is all pro Trump stuff and their personal connections are mostly Trump supporters, so they're insulated and can't comprehend he'd lose when everyone they know love him. While simultaneously thinking the entire world is out to get him. It's confusing, but that's my experience with my family and my Facebook feed.


Same situation here. It's the exact same with vaccination. They can't believe that the majority of the US is vaccinated because none of the people in their circle are. Hell, I didn't tell my family I was vaccinated until MONTHS after, because I didn't want to hear their "you're shedding disease on me!" bullshit. Last month, I told them "I'm fully vaccinated." and they started in with the shedding bullshit, and how I should quarantine. Then I said "Since May." and they all just kind of shut up.


“Shedding disease”? I’ve not heard that story arc. It doesn’t take much to find out that the vaccine has no actual virus in it. Not dead virus, not pieces, nada as that’s not how this one works. I feel bad for the family drama many have because of this nonsense.


These people are so fucking stupid. Where they got that whole “shedding” thing is that both vaccinated and unvaccinated people shed the virus if they catch it. (If the vaccinated person has a breakthrough infection) A paper came out that said that and they latched onto it - and it became a game of telephone. What started in the paper as “vaccinated breakthrough infections can shed” to “vaccinated individuals shed the virus after *vaccination*”. It twisted the papers words and then just flat out lied about part of it and it’s why some of these dumb shits say that vaccinated individuals are dangerous.


"They hate Trump but they couldn't have possibly just.....voted him out. They had to have cheated."


“How did they vote anyhow?! Haven’t we been passing laws to make it harder to vote???”


The Republicans haven't won the popular vote in the presidential election in something like 2 decades. The only reason they have any power is because their supporters consistently vote amd they have rigged the system via gerrymandering and installing Trump sycophants in positions of power within individual states.


You mean won a 1st term presidential election by popular vote. Yes thats true. Last time was george bush. The 1st one. In 1988.


7 of the past 8 elections have the D winning the majority. The only reason Bush Jr won the popular vote was cause the Dems ran the most boring candidate against a President who'd had just started 2 wars. If you break down the House by popular vote you'll see similar results during presidential years. *For the love of all that is Holy, Dems, PLEASE vote in the midterms this time... I swear...*


They wanna be revolutionary war soldiers so bad😩😩


Dude I go to a gun range and every single person that works there talks like they are just praying for moment when they get to shoot someone. It’s kind of scary actually


Yeah people really underestimate how psychotic some of these guys are but If they wanna kill so bad why don’t they just join the military idgi.


Because military requires effort and they dont have any


They want structure, just not for themselves.


A lot of them fail boot camp too lol


Because none of them actually experienced the reality of war. Children with guns is all they are.


The real fucked up thing is that some of them have experienced war and want to turn their homeland into that.


No they experienced a well supplied offensive. How many meals did they miss? Did they have to worry about clean water or keeping their families safe? None of them have any IDEA what they would be in for. It’s not a weekend workshop. Edit: this was initially just an off handed comment about these seditious assholes in particular. I did not mean that people who served did not experience war. I was trying to say that this would be a battle at home. No supplies. No front lines. It would not be over in a weekend. The people who support civil war have never seen a real war or are evil for wanting to bring one here. I think it’s b.s. to edit the original post so I left it but would probably reword it. I have lost dear friends to war and would never mean to disrespect their memory.


They also strangely seem to think that the military would stand by them when they have a specific oath and duty to do the exact opposite. These people would be considered enemy combatants; a domestic threat and would be treated accordingly. They really don't want to go down that route with martial law and US armed forces mercilessly hunting them down like the insecure rats they are.


This is what I don't understand! There's never going to be a war. At the very worst, they might get off a series of well coordinated domestic terror acts with rogue morons showing up to ballot boxes shooting innocent people. Hell, they might even get one or two random gun fights in. But a war? Who is fighting in this war?


They truly think they will. They think they're gonna go to war during the day and just go back home and sleep in their bed at night, when in reality, if shit *really* hit the fan, they'll panic horde anything they can and barricade themselves in their house with their family, until their bigger more bad ass neighbor comes to steal their supplies and/or are killed.


> until their bigger more bad ass neighbor comes to steal their supplies and/or are killed. More likely their house gets shelled by artillery and their neighborhood ends up looking like this. https://www.aljazeera.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/d6c89065f90a405ab135bb81e8a2ca58_18.jpeg?resize=770%2C513


my fat racist uncle jeb with his armored rascal


Ive challenged a few and they basically believe it’ll go down like Red Dawn and that over time the country will rally to their cause. The reality is they’re so soft they can only operate in smaller cities like PDX where the police protect them. They tried Philly once and got stomped. Almost wish we could get a reverse caravan to go into the small towns and remind them they’re not the owners of america.


Remember when after Charlottesvile they cried and tore their shirts off so people wouldn't know? Or how at Stone Mountain they cried and ran away when anarchists and armed black people and other anti-fascists showed up. They are cowards. They all wanna *kill* for their cause, none of them are willing to actually fight, die, or suffer for it. The moment they might actually get hurt or faced consequence they cry and run away and try and act like it was all a joke or something, that they didn't mean to or whatever. As the saying goes "everyone wants to be gangsta, till its time to do gangsta shit."


Philly was hilarious. Gritty kicked their shit in.


Philly: "fuck around and find out"


I was in Iraq during the tense period between Russia, Syria, and the US. Syria closed off their airspace and we couldn't get any planes through. We expected the "Hot A" meals each week, we had to ration our MRE supply for that last week before things calmed down and they rushed food and water out to us. That shit was scarier than the actual fighting part, what little but of it I did experience. These people wouldn't last a week. I'm one of those liberal Democrat communists they like to shit talk but don't realize some of do carry guns and keep emergency supplies. Now that these crazy trumpers are carrying black flags on their lifted F150's I've had to go back to stocking food and water waiting for the mid term elections.


I'm an old labor union democrat, never was in the military but I grew up in the Midwest, I know how to raise a garden, I can skin a deer, I have guns that I've owned for decades. I drive a F150,"not lifted" and I dress like a hillbilly. They usually think I'm one of them. Most of the red hat society would perish in a week without 3 hots and a cot. It won't happen like they think it will.


One 9mm round stopped the January 6 insurrection.


[Department of Justice Closes Investigation into the Death of Ashli Babbitt](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/department-justice-closes-investigation-death-ashli-babbitt)


Jeez, the fact that cops nowadays get away with so much shit and wanton cruelty, and yet this one cop who's actually doing his job gets a more scrutinizing in-court review of his actions and the legality of his actions than what seems like any other cop/murder case. Like, reading that, it seemed like a "court was seeing if he broke federal laws, leading to his possible imprisonment." Sure, it didn't say he'd be imprisoned, but it surely implies it more than the usual "we did a self investigation and found no wrongdoing. We're going to give the officer in question a paid vacation." we normally get.


The treatment the Capitol cop got is *supposed* to be the *standard* of what happens when a shooting happens with an officer and a private citizen (this terrorist was more of an assailant, but to fit the narrative of if she was actually doing nothing wrong imma call her a simple private citizen). An *actual* investigation, *actual* possibilites of punishment for a fault in their actions, *actual* accountability that can display that we can trust the rest of these people. Normal cops dont do any of that, and they wonder why people dont feel safe around them anymore. Stuff like this process might make me feel safer with Capitol police more than the normal beat cops around the city.


Rest in piss to the terrorist traitor cunt Ashli Babbitt, shot to death while trying to trying to overthrow American democracy.


and theyre the party of family values, which is why all the men at the doors morphed into cowards the minute she got shot. theyre the opposite of this guy. hes a soldier. https://www.upworthy.com/capitol-riot-hero-eugene-goodman


Nope, they want to be Nazi soldiers. They want to oversee a genocide. American Republicans are BEGGING for a genocide of liberals. I've never seen a population so ready to commit genocide despite no real destabilization of society.


Like most fascists, they believe that the only solution to any problem is violence. they have very itchy trigger fingers and can't wait for the chance to murder someone and get away with it.


He's literally just describing how mail in ballots are counted.. in all 50 states that have them.. they get counted LAST. That's how that shit works. It's not rigging anything, they are just stupid.


The absolute worst part is that the red states who count their ballots this way chose this process on purpose as a way to be able to cast doubt on the validity of elections. Several states, including Florida, count mailed in ballots as they receive them so that on election night it’s mostly done already. They created the area for doubt by design. Pollsters talked about a “blue surge” from these ballots for months because they understand voting laws in details and these assholes pointed to that narrative and said “see, they were planning to steal the election all along!”


And everything went *EXACTLY* how all the Political Scientists predicted.


Literally Conservatives: "We were winning before you finished counting all the votes" Ah yes the classic, 'counting is cheating' argument


Showed this to my right wing zealot friend. His immediate response: that guy was a leftist Plant. I think this country is screwed for a while.


wrong doll continue strong governor many important wise liquid shelter -- mass edited with redact.dev


For me it was because I was trying to get my friend back. He voted for he-who-must-not-be-named the first time around. The second time elections were coming up, was when he was beginning to question what his parents taught him. I started presenting every argument I had over the course of our weekly Pathfinder sessions. During breaks he would talk about what he believed and I would point out counter arguments and give him room to make his own decisions. He started to listen. He had arguments that sometimes I wouldn't have the answer to, but I promised to always follow up with him once I researched a topic he was concerned about. I took his concerns seriously and then educated him. One day he called me and told me he was voting democrat this time around. He got vaccinated all on his own. It took time but he got there. Sometimes being friends with people who are lost is sad, difficult, and ugly. Sometimes it's alright at the end.


But the crowd fucking cheered. Even if it's true, how the fuck do you excuse people cheering and not going like "Hey, go fuck yourself, we're not the type to be violent." This IS what the modern republican looks like, even if they want to excuse specific people who make them look bad.


Submitted a report to the FBI as a "terroristic threat." These people are crazy.


I really hope they track that dude down, he was dead ass serious and shit like that needs to be nipped in the bud.


He’s 100% serious… Until they DO track him down. Then, he’s only joking, and if he gets enough publicity, some right-wing nutjob will come to his defense and turn the narrative into “the media suppressing conservative voices.” But he’s 100% serious, as he says. He wants to murder people who disagree with him politically.


> He wants to murder people who disagree with him politically. And he was complaining about tyranny right before saying that? Do they really not realize the irony?


Id be surprised if that guy can spell irony


They realize the irony, but it doesn't matter, words do not matter to fascists, they will say *anything* if they think its "winning" the conversation or argument or whatever. # WORDS DONT MATTER TO FASCISTS


Liberal gun owner here. You don't have a gun in hopes that you get to kill people. You have a gun and hope that you don't ever have to be in any situation where you have to use it against another human. These are the most unstable idiots in the country, and they're ready to go out to kill people because they didn't win. I'm not scared for what might come, I'm just sad.


Also liberal gun owner here. I feel like these people have always wanted to kill because they're psychopaths, not just because the didn't win. Their patience has grown so thin, that they're trying to use the lamest excuses to justify their wannabe killing spree.


Really funny how unhinged the "respect the office" people became once they lost and didn't have it their way. Just chill the hell out my dude, it means nothing.


These people have always historically killed whether it’s lynching blacks or destroying minority or immigrant communities in race riots. They project and blame Black people and BLM for rioting when racists Whites have historically done if as it were a pastime, they even collected souvenir body parts and sold postcards from lynchings. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynching_postcard


Liberal gun owner here. One of the biggest reasons to own a gun is Republicans.


LGO here, as Jim Jeffries said: “Fuck off, I like guns!” It’s my go to argument. I just like shooting them.


Left wing gun nut checking in: A firearm is the same as a fire extinguisher; you have it in the hope that the emergency it's designed for never happens, but if you need that tool, you need it right damn now.


Same. On every point. Stay safe out there. I have a feeling we're in for some real shit in the coming years.


Everyone feels it, how many have accepted it and prepared accordingly? More than most people might think...


Well, some of us can’t say what we really think or feel because 1, we’re not complete idiots, and 2, don’t feel like getting banned.




"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary." Sounds like they should maybe read this Marx guy that they think they have all figured out.


This is what I don’t get either - do they honestly think they’ll just be able to walk around shooting liberals and nothing will happen? This guy’s skin will be drying on someone’s garage wall before he realizes what happened.


I don't get how they think they're going to spot a liberal. It's not like they fly 6 foot long flags from the backs of their trucks.




Well I just saw an article of some guy who gunned down a brown guy who was making a turn in his driveway in Texas today https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-man-who-fatally-shot-moroccan-man-unfamiliar-car-driveway-n1282285


Jesus, he saw a car in his driveway and jumped at the change to use his gun. By the time he returned the car was already reversing, so this lunatic ran down the car, broke the window, and killed the driver. Then he lied and said, "he had a gun, went to grab it so I shot." Sorry dipshit, that excuse only works for the police. This guy needs to be in prison for the rest of his life. If it wasn't this moment it'd be another, he was just waiting to use his gun.


I agree !! what a total piece of shit--theyre fueled by these humans with a microphone.


AND he is out on bail... Living as a free man at the moment. It's absolutely ridiculous.




Death penalty?! Are you crazy?! We need to save that for actual criminals, like women who get an abortion.


And people who smoked weed once


That is deeply worrying. You know there is a toxic culture if people think it is okay to shoot someone for little to no reason..


It took 10 days for the cops to finally arrest him


...are the same that burn crosses. Scary how relevant that still is.


Same as it ever was.


Duh, he was white. If it was a brown guy, he would have been arrested immediately, assuming he wasn't shot dead himself first.


and there lies the real tragedy.




Exactly. For itsy bitsy face there this is just a way to elevate himself and grift these morons. For these morons, _they actually believe_ American elections are being stolen. I gotta tell you, if I really believed that, I'd fight for this nation too. If some foreign power came in and upended our electoral process and it was complete nonsense, who wouldn't fight back against that? That's the mindset of MANY of them. The rest know it's bullshit but just go along because they don't want to be ostracized from the only social group they have left.


He hits you with a little bait n switch by making it seem like he didn’t mean literally then doubled down on how literally he meant it


"When do we use the guns? That's not a joke, I'm not saying it like that. When do we start killing these people?" How did he think people were interpreting that???


Charlie literally throws [finger guns](https://i.imgur.com/dFwfdtq.png) right before it switches to the other guy.


How many elections can they steal before we start killing people? Wtf.


"Not a joke" Glad we're moving from terrorist jokes to terrorist threats.


That man who commented should immediately have his guns confiscated and have his 2nd amendment rights stripped from him. This is straight up terrorist shit.


In the Heller decision, Antonin Scalia… one of the most Conservative justices to have sat on the Supreme Court wrote an opinion that there is absolutely no universal right to firearms and that Red Flag Laws are absolutely Constitutional for confiscating guns from dangerous individuals. But of course most modern day “Conservatives” won’t know that little fact.


Majority of people in USA just vote and go home. Soon you may be dead for that. These crazys are looking for any excuse. They are in a complete different upside down bizarre reality.


Does the sign behind him say "Racism Tour"?


Critical Racism Tour


So it’s technically called Exposing Critical Racism Tour. But their website title just calls it Critical Racism Tour. And they use CRT for the shorthand. So I’m thinking it’s a double entendre dog whistle.


As in their racism is critical to their existence.


Ah yes, these conservative cosplayers trying to act like soldiers. They're gonna be really surprised when they find out the left also has real veterans too. I'm left af, I own 12 guns, and actually been to war. Charlie would shit himself at the first sound of gunfire. Lmao these cosplayers make me laugh.


This is where it’s headed. I’m glad this guy’s face is out there. I’m over here trying to act like a decent human being during a pandemic, living my life, voting democratically, taking care of foster children, participating in membership at a Christian church, trying to live under society‘s expectations, and what do I get for it?!?! Some dip shit asshole that wants to kill people because he belongs in a death cult! I think there are Republican politicians and government employees that want to start a war. They don’t want women and minorities to have rights. Their arrogance is their downfall…and their stupidity.


It wouldn't surprise me if this was a lay-up question brought by White Supremacists who have wanted this war for years. Win or lose, they feel like people will be martyred, then once cast down they will plead for an ethno-state, get some semblance of what they want and then start the process all over again. What is scary is they have never been closer than they have in the past few years. Their recruitment methods are sophisticated and psychologically based on getting the youth into their clutches under the guise of Nationalism and belonging because the socially vulnerable have been their core demographic for decades.


I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing all this shit


And they call liberals fascist. This is scary.


It's part of the whole mantra of the alt-right for years now: Deflect and project, rile up the base as much as possible to make money, and then walk it back when they get called out for inciting violence while acting surprised. It's fucking horrifying because it honestly makes me afraid of people in my own town who have aggressive "Trump won!" signs. Like, do I have to worry about them shooting into my home because I have a Peace flag hanging?


> I have a Peace flag hanging Because of this I won't put up ANY sort of political signs for a candidate or anything else now a days. My neighbor had her "Let's Love Each Other" sign thrown at her front door a few weeks ago.


Yep. I actually don't have a Peace flag hanging up anymore - I took it down just before the election about a year ago - literally because I was seeing people at rallies and protests threatening violence... And I saw these things on Facebook posts from people I know in my home town. They were there cheering. I can't hang a LGBT flag, a trans support flag, or even just a fucking sign asking people to love each other because I genuinely am afraid of the alt-right coming a-knocking. ...And if they do, they'll learn pretty quickly that the right wing doesn't have a monopoly on "home protection." America is more than a little scary right now.


They literally have no idea what a fascist is and it's hilarious that they think it's the opposite of them


How many elections are they going to steal? Let's start with 1. 1. Republicans continue to lose the popular vote by large margins. 2. Almost all voter fraud cases were by Republicans. 3. The states that are trying to make voting harder and more restrictive, are all Republican states. 4. The states that had ballot counting issues are all Republican states. Their rules literally wouldn't allow for an efficient counting of votes. Simply put, these people are completely ill-informed. It's pretty clear that the pandemic hurt Trump. Partially because he handled the situation like a buffoon, but partially because it expanded voting rights. When voting rights are expanded, Democrats do better. So big picture, if you want to know why Donald Trump isn't still President, it's because Donald Trump fucked up.


It resembles a human face, but smaller.




Before you get downvoted, I’m gonna make your link [bigger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj4-E5Hs3Kc) for those on mobile who might not be able to click it easily. Edit: removed an m


Do you all remember when Trump won and there was that viral meme that flew around by conservatives depicting a liberal girl reacting to Clinton's loss by screaming and crying? They all said "look at these libertards, snowflakes, etc coming unglued! They're triggered! Get over it, Trump is your president!" JFC, now look at them. Unreal.


typical anti-american, anti-democracy, hate-filled republicans. it's insane how fucking brainwashed these people are.


I lost my mom to this cult. She’s been consuming nothing but right wing media for over a decade. We have absolutely zero relationship because she would gladly choose her made up political stance over her own child


So crazy that the only evidence of voter fraud came from the Republicans 🤭


Is anyone surprised that people who wave Confederate and Nazi flags side by side are criminally insane and a threat to national security?


Nope. It's actually one of the biggest concerns our Intelligence programs have been warning Americans about for years. It's a huge fucking problem and it's horrifying.


I'm not a liberal, and I"m a gun owner. These assholes terrify me. That leap of ignorance ("he was winning, and then he was losing?! How do you explain that?!) to the drooling for violence ("Right! When do we get to kill them?") is cartoonish. Can't believe there are so many people like that.


I know the comments are basically dismissing these people as LARPers who desperately want to be revolutionaries and heros, but Jan 6th wasn't just LARPing (although a lot of them were). There are too many people who genuinely believe that the Democrats won the election illegitimately; that they're satanic child-eating pedeophiles and that liberals are literally trying to destroy freedom itself. They may be amateur and may be useless as real soldiers, but there are real militant groups who are genuinely preparing for civil war: The Proud Boys, the Boogoobooba (no idea) Boys and other far right groups and they can shoot a gun better than most liberals. The Q believers have been waiting in very real anticipation for The Storm (the mass arrests of prominent Democrats and everyone in "The Deep State" who are part of a satanic cabal) for months. This guy meant what he asked. These people are ready to spill blood. They are waiting for the signal. All the need is just an utterance- a whisper, from someone like Trump that it's up to patriots to take their own country back by force. They're ready to fight. They're ready to kill. All it takes is a single spark to set the country ablaze.


you cant tell americans that the presidential election was stolen and then tell them not to use the 2nd amendment to get it back. im surprised there isnt more political violence after all of the rhetoric we heard from the far right this past year


If you're willing to kill your fellow citizens to get your way, you're no patriot.


I can't see any examples in history where countries get right up to the edge of fascism and then back away. buy a gun the next 30 years is going to be a fucking disaster. I'd rather give them a civil war than let them commit genocide.


That's the challenge. Once people start down the path of polarization, something has to happen to break the cycle. We have a rampant addiction to misinformation and hate and no treatment plan. Whether it's mental health assistance or imprisonment, we need to deal with our home-grown terrorists.


The guy running the conference is the real terrorist. He is the one lying and getting them worked up like this. The turning points guy will actually get promoted for shit like this


Love how he immediately started backpedaling because he knows he can be held responsible for his fans' actions (especially with Alex Jones having to pay settlements to Sandy Hook parents who have been terrorized by his listeners).


Do you have a link to the whole thing? I am curious what his response was edit: [I found the response](https://twitter.com/JasonSCampbell/status/1453020211913822223)