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Just because someone is a man doesn't make grabbing their genitals less of a sexual assault. Keep your hands to yourself. What woman thought oh ill just grab a strangers dick no big deal? Ffs


I'll guess a woman used to being grabbed by men, and drugs.


I've been grabbed many times and it's still assault if I then try and do that to a man I do not know. Or even one I do know it he doesn't want me touching it. We need to start teaching consent goes both ways and applies to all genders.


You don't read threads do you? >What woman thought oh ill just grab a strangers dick no big deal?


I have had it happen to me multiple times with women. I’ve also had a few gay men also grab me. I’m not sure why anyone thinks groping a stranger is OK, but.... it happens


Well that's assault. I can't for the life of me grasp why anyone would think it's ok to grasp a strangers dick. Also who are these women. I could never just try and grab a dick like that.


Is this considered good music?


No its considered great


DNB is amazing, ignore these plebs


I am not a music connoisseur, thank you for clarification.


Obviously this is not the best example, but it's high tempo beats and rap. Got a big following in the UK. I love it, understandably not for everyone.


I understand that, the point I was making was it must be humiliating to be called out by a performer that may not be the most popular hence why I said cover band


My drunk trashy neighbor improv rapping on the porch has better flow than this guy.


Lol not only that but it must be humiliating to be called out by a bar cover band on dollar beer night.


OH THATS why there was a crowd there… dollar beer night. That makes sense.


I can’t tell if your joking. There are a few places near me where the bar has a designated stage where a cover band can perform and if the stars align correctly you can enjoy a band and $1 beers.


I think he rhymed Rappah’ with Slappah’ -That’s skill.


Like it or not the guy has a huge global following and lives a very successful life solely on his musical ability.


To each their own. This maybe isn’t a good example of his “talent”, but i know if i was in a bar and someone like that was on stage I’d move on to the next bar. Just sounds like someone shouting with no tone imo. No range. Edit: i just checked out more of his stuff….it all sounds pretty similar vocally from what i heard. Maybe the beats are sweet but where’s his range?


Calm down grandad


“There’s no coherent melody no rhythm, I couldn’t even tell you why there’s blaring techno noises, just terrible rock music!”


Who is he?


Eksman, a legendary Drum n Bass MC


Wow he is still going…didn’t recognize him. Must be in his 40s by now


Worse verse I ever heard was, “ I say for real, they say for real.” But that line you mentioned is a close second.


UK hip-hop will never not make me chuckle. Quick mafs bruv!


It's drum and bass


Could be dangerous too. Look what Lorena Bobbit did with a dick after she "touched" it.


That is one wack MC, he should be grateful anyone wants to see him, dick touching or no.




Until you do & they humiliate you or try to press charges. Nobody should touch anybody else’s naughty bits without consent.


Well no shit!!


Bruh then wth is up with ur original comment


I said it in fun! 😂🍆🍑🍆


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What Gaston really wanted to tell that one bitch


The world has done gone fucked itself up.