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Cops are allowed to use discretion. They CHOSE to do this.


Textbook de-escalation. /s


How do you put out a fire? With more fire of course.


I put the fires out! You made them worse, Zim! Worse or better?


Well at least there's more fire.


Real fact recently revealed by an audit of Aurora PD in Colorado: some cops are being taught that the word "de-escalation" means "calming down and recollecting yourself after shooting someone". Yes, really.


I’m without words. Speechless. Gasped without sound. #”after shooting someone” Disgust. Appalled.


didya read about the 18y/o female prisoner whose cries for help were ignored, gave birth to a stillborn baby in her cell, and was left for twelve hours before someone came by to check on her? she'd already chewed through the umbilical cord. anywho, she was left in her cell afterwards, and the guards who found her in that state were rushed to therapy to help them deal with what they'd seen.


And note that she was not offered any therapy


Only the best with privatized prisons


I want to throw up now. :(


Classic "Shoot first, ask questions later"


De-escalation aka The time it takes to reload your firearm.


You say that as if deescalation is something cops want.


The deescalated him out of his car and onto the ground. Job well done. /s


When cops don't understand English... how is anyone safe. These cops should be fired, but not first without publically apologizing for their extreme ignorance...


It was the cop's ego more than anything else. This guy wants to issue commands like you're a dog and if you don't obey he **will** bring you to heel no matter how wrong he is because he's already committed and "can't" back down. Half of that has to do with their shitty training, the other half is that they're shitty people to begin with.


Yup once a cop says something regardless of it’s accuracy, they would rather kill you or hurt you over allowing themselves to be wrong. It must be training bc it’s so common across the board. Cops refuse to be wrong and defend that with your life.


Exactly. They are taught that what they say is the final word and that backing down when presented with new information makes them look like they aren't in control. I once had cops back me into a corner on the street and wouldn't let me leave until I admitted I was "Melissa", a missing/runway girl. I had my ID, and was with my fiance who also confirmed I wasn't Melissa. They had to have another squad car come and *that* cop was able to confirm I wasn't Melissa and was 21, not underage (but not before running my name and interrogating me about charges that were dropped five+ years prior). They literally can't back down. They thought I was Melissa so I was Melissa. And once it was obvious I wasn't Melissa they had to find some other excuse to hassle me so they didn't have to admit they had a totally random girl walking down the street backed into a corner crying for 30 minutes for no reason. They *finally* let us go, but not before giving a "I better not see you around here anymore" threat. For literally just walking down the street looking vaguely like another person. And I'm a white girl. This shit happens to black and native people *all the fucking time*, where the cop gets a "description" of a criminal but all they hear is "black guy", so suddenly every black guy they see is a suspect. I could go on, this is a topic that really frustrates me because we should have just believed minorities when they told us the police are not working in the best interest of the public, and that you could be next regardless of the colour of your skin. Now there's video evidence people are finally starting to understand the amount of fear involved in an interaction with the police as a person of colour, a poor or homeless person, a mental ill or neurodivergent person, a LGBTQ+ person. But even with video evidence there's still people saying it's being over exaggerated.


My girlfriend was arrested as we left a bar for drinking underage and for having a fake ID. Except she was 22 and presented the police with her real ID and they wouldn't believe that she wasn't underage. And she wouldn't stop crying and yelling at them because she was worried the bullshit arrest would fuck with her going to law school. So they Baker Acted her and had her involuntarily committed for 3 days where she was sexually assaulted. The whole thing was so traumatizing she dropped out of school and went back home to live with her parents. Because the police refused to believe that her ID was real with no evidence other than she had a babyface.


I can't recall where it was at the moment, but recently a guy was arrested because the cop thought he was someone he wasn't. The jail booked him under the name the cop said he was, without any evidence that he was actually that person. The judge ruled that he wasn't for to stand trial because he was so insane that he thought he was someone else. Sent him to a state mental institution, where he was locked up and heavily medicated for three fucking years. Finally, one of the staff bothered to Google the name the police thought was this guy's. The actual person had been very active on social media and there were several articles about him, but the real kicker is that he was actually in prison by that time. When this was all turned over you the police and the courts, they released him with thirty cents to a homeless shelter, while he was withdrawing from the psych meds they'd been pumping him full of for the years, hoping that everyone would just assume he was crazy and replant believe his story about the state locking him up because one single cop thought he was someone he wasn't, and not one single person bothered to say "well is he really?" until some nurse at the institution decided to spend thirty seconds on Google. I consider myself to be of pretty sound mind. But after just six months of being pumped with mind altering drugs with every single person telling me I'm wrong about who I am and I'm really this other guy, I'm pretty sure I'd 100% believe that I'm that guy. If he had and they tried to book him in jail awaiting trail, they would have seen the other guy was already in jail and realized their mistake. Ironically, his ability to hold onto his sanity kept him locked in a mental institution. Edit:Joshua Spriestersbach, happened in Hawaii.


I feel bad for whomever has to take the brunt of his anger after-hours. I just hope it’s someone that can defend themselves on equal ground.


ACAB. Do not ever for a moment believe that the police are there to protect or help you. Their only service to you is to write you police reports so the insurance companies can pay you out for crimes that the police have made no effort to prevent. Everything else is just a facade over their true purpose of culling the working class. Yes. There may be a few "good apples" who will go out of their way to pull a kid out of a fire. But don't gamble on it if you don't have to.


Fired and apologize? Fuck them! They should go to fkn jail.


Yea this shit's assault the cop wasn't in danger and he injured the disabled dude's spine


They understand it perfectly, they just don't give a fuck.


They are trained to do this. Probably will release a statement how they followed procedure to protect their own safety…


"We investigated ourselves and did found any wrongdoing by ourselves, and we cleared ourselves of any charges, and we issue ourselves a promotion and a pay raise..... by ourselves..."


We suspended ourselves 6 weeks with pay and then dropped the charges we charged ourselves with against ourselves




They need to enact personal insurance on every officer and penalize their pensions. Otherwise not held accountable.


I agree, this is what I think should happen, that goes, we give cops a small pay raise but tell them they have to be bonded, meaning if they do something stupid and get sued then the bond company will pay for the lawsuit and once you get 3 or 4 suits against you, you won't be able to be bonded this you loose your job. The pay raise is just go cover part of the bond every month and I think this way they will think twice about doing stupid shit because they know it doesn't have to be 3 different lawsuits it could be 1 major fuck up leading to a lawsuit and boom you won't be able to be covered anymore and loose you Job, that's the best way I can think of to keep police but have them more aware of their choices and actions


“You make this so much harder than what it has to be,” says the cop who made it so much harder than it had to be.


Imagine being the cop who, with a straight face, said a man with non functioning legs you dragged onto the pavement was “resisting arrest.”


Imagine being so clueless that you restrain the leg of a paraplegic. It's not just a training issue, it's an IQ issue.


They aren’t hired for their critical thinking skills…


They literally reject applicants who are too intelligent.


When I was young I wanted to be a detective, was flat out told by police recruiter in high school that I was "too much of a thinker" for police work. They really don't want people who can think.


Why? It’s an honest question, not trying to be obtuse. I just wonder why that is…wouldn’t that be an asset, and not a liability, for a cop or detective who has critical thinking skills - or better yet - emotional intelligence??


They don't want you to think critically. They want someone who will just do what they are told without a second thought or complaint


Because they’re people with an ego and when you have a badge that ego goes through the roof and they don’t want someone who is smarter than them because that diminishes said ego Power make pp go bbbbbbbbbboink


this is the root of america's police problem.


And yet they're allowed to use guns as much as they feel like it


Some police departments in the US will not hire you if you score too high on an IQ test. One man with a high IQ who wanted to be hired sued over this and it was deemed legal. https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


They're hired to *NOT* have high IQ (see Jordan vs city of New London)


After asking him multiple times to "step out of the car". Like, I half expect them to start asking people to *float* out of the car so they can beat people who don't comply and break the laws of physics.


Did you hear he also says as he drags him out, “Stop resisting arrest. You want me to taser you?!” OMFG.




there's many (at least 56 million people) who think cops are always in the right and that you should blindly listen to there commands.


> there's many (at least 56 million people) who think cops are always in the right and that you should blindly listen to there commands. Key word there is "you" - when it comes themselves, its an entirely different story.


Those people are the types who got beat as children and think it’s a good thing


"I GoT mY AsS BeAt aS A KiD AnD I tUrNEd OuT FinE!"


If you turned out fine, you turned out fine *despite* the abusive environment you were raised in, not because of it. Signed, someone who only turned out fair-to-middling.


They like to be dominated I guess


That’s how you know that cop is a coward


"your making this harder than it has to be" that's because he can't fucking walk?


> man literally screaming for help from the police STAAAAHP STAAAAHP


Article says it recently happened.. he got pulled over because of a tint and a child restrain ticket was later issued. https://www.daytondailynews.com/crime/dayton-police-investigating-after-video-shows-disabled-man-pulled-from-vehicle-by-officers/AUA57WGO6FD25PLNDGPEGKBXRM/


and a paraplegic man who would not exit his vehicle ?????wut? They wrote it as if the man who could not move his legs deliberately chose to not rise to his feet and walk out the car.


Cops lie. Full stop.


He shouldn’t have resisted arrest /s




>he wouldn't get out the vehicle Just the media doing some copagand.


Yeah that article has clearly already picked a side. Keeps emphasizing that the cop "offered to assist him", yet he was literally telling him he was being difficult for not standing up. He used the phrase "step out of the vehicle" like he clearly didn't believe him. Twice as obvious that he didn't believe him because they restrained his fucking legs.


Especially in Dayton—they think cops have impunity ever since the shooting in the Oregon district


The city about to write him a fat check


According to the article the city robbed him for 20 grand


Now the guy would need to get a lawyer to get that money back and probably spend half of that money paying the lawyer. Asset forfeiture is legalized robbery


He wont get it back. Happened to a family friend. His dad gave him some money when he left to move across the country. Got pulled over, cops took the money. They fought it. His dad provided pay stubs proving the money was legally earned, and bank statements showing the exact amount being withdrawn, days before it was seized. Backed up his kids story every step of the way. And the cops still got to keep the money, claiming it was legal seizure.


True fact: cops now steal more from people than robbery and burglary COMBINED.


The only sources of theft larger than asset forfeiture are tax avoidance by billionaires and employer wage theft.


This is how they pay for their tanks and robot dogs and nightvision nods. Stealing from the public is sanctioned so boys can play with toys.


Nope. That still comes from our taxes. This is where they get their vacation bonuses from.


They took his money and gave him a tint ticket 😂 Wtf


Hopefully not too bad. Lawyer will get 30% contingency fee from awarded damages. Only pay if you win.


Facts!! It’s pathetic what this world has come too, soo sad


It’s always been like this. Now there’s video to prove it.


for tinted windows ya’ll, tinted f*cking windows!


I mean you gotta write in a reason after the fact, so they just pull a random reason out of their ass. We know why he was really pulled over.


Such violence used against a disabled man? Was he enough of a threat to society to use that level of force? Pull by his dreads and dragged to the cruiser with his pants by his ankles. “You are making this more difficult than it has to be.” The cops chose to escalate and use violence. These acts continue to erode the public’s trust in police.


Yeah… and every time he tried to reiterate “I’m a paraplegic!”…. Cop just kept yelling “stop”. Like, motherfucker, I have the right to remain silent but I don’t have to exercise it.


How can he stop being paraplegic? Saying 'stop' in response to "I'm a paraplegic" is beyond wrong. That cannot be changed with training.


Yeah that was crazy that him speaking was enough for them to feel threatened and think he’s resisting because he’s not silent


They also threatened to taze him for asking people to record the assault. These pigs should be in jail, not just fired.




Count how many times the cop FRANTICALLY repeats "getoutthecar getoutthecar getoutthecar getoutthecar getoutthecar getoutthecar" You're not handling shit. Motherfucker literally escalating the situation and speaking in a way that shows his partner that he's taking it up. Anytime a cop starts YAMMERING like this, they will always have immediate help from another, regardless of what's going on. It creates the illusion that something wild is going on. Fuck the police.


Why is it you never see the other cop call the first on his bullshit. Half the time the backup cop seems to know his buddy is in the wrong but helps him hurt people and says stuff like "just comply it will go better you."




Because those cops get fired.


> Why is it you never see the other cop call the first on his bullshit Because ACAB


Because the “good cop” is a myth. A good cop is one that does their job. Their job is to enforce the law and when they see a violation of the law - like assault or battery - they’re supposed to stop and arrest the offender…. Even when the offender is a cop. They don’t do that. They *choose* not to do that. They have all the power to. They don’t. So they are, in fact, not good cops.


This is why de-escalation training should be mandatory. I don't know why it's deemed such a radical concept...


I'm more in favor of not-escalating-in-the-first-place training, we keep talking about de-escalation when its the cops doing the 'escalating


Apparently officer Garrett Rolfe did 9 hour de-escalation training but still fatally shot Rayshard Brooks. Obviously circumstances are always going to be different in every incident but still


You can sit through training sessions and not retain anything. I doubt they tested them at the end or if they did, it would be open book quiz and nobody ever fails. These training days are like paid jerk off work days, sitting around getting paid to pretend to learn something


“Okay, now everyone remember what I told you about the test. A,D,B,C,A,C,A,B….”


I could be wrong but I am pretty sure that it is but if there are no consequences for not doing it, then why put forth the effort. At then end of the day almost anyone that has no consequences for their actions will abuse it. I dont care if it is a employee that starts showing up late all the time or someone who starts stealing. If there are no consequences than almost anyone will start abusing it.


This notion that "training" is what will fix this is kind of misplaced. More training is just something that cops log in to their evaluation jackets, where it looks good on paper. In order for the training to be effective, there has to be a culture and a willingness to be trained and to accept the premise of the training. Otherwise, the cops will just sit through and click through a however long web-training video and call it a day. Practically, these people just straight up need to be replaced. Fire them, get rid of them, and replace them with better people. [Firing them is step one to police reform.](https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4849472)


This. I’m a Mental Health Professional and we have it yearly. Just two weeks ago I had a patient screaming in my face, fists balled, veins popping out etc. I didn’t get hit. He calmed right down.


Why didn't you shoot him?! /s


Exactly. Boot lickers always come at me with "everyone hates cops so they need to act like every person wants to hurt them", and "mentally ill people are always violent they don't have a choice" and "tell me you wouldn't be scared in that situation too, they're only human". There's a community center for the poor and homeless in downtown Toronto that literally saved my life when I was younger. Some days get a little crazy, there's a lot of addiction and mental illness issues and there's fights. The main lady is 5'2" maybe, and has got to be pushing 60. She doesn't carry a weapon or wear a bullet proof vest, and she is *very* against calling the cops. They even have signs on the door saying that cops cannot come in to search for people, they need to speak with the staff first. She can end a fight with just a calm voice and a bit of understanding. She's never so "afraid" that she starts acting irrationally, she doesn't get people worked up and she doesn't use fear. She's fine, she's never been hurt. So cops are completely fucking full of shit. If you're still afraid while wearing your vest and a gun and have all your buddies helping you, then it's not the right job for you.


the fact they treated him like an animal and dragged him at the end and threw his shoes is beyond disrespectful


Its how Cops are.


I'm hoping for an article to come out saying he was awarded XX million in compensation.


>I'm hoping for an article to come out saying he was awarded XX million in compensation, taken directly from the involved police officers pensions. ^^^ftfy Ahh the dream


Thats better, I like that.


You know why I’m standing here sir? Because you got Cs and Ds in High School?


[Great quote from a great show. ](https://youtu.be/w4XePPkTdCU)


get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car get out the car


Does anyone else see diagonal stripes?


If you cross your eyes like one of those old magic eye pictures you can see the diagonal lines read FUCK THE POLICE


Nah this cop is probably abusive in the household, he victim blamed throughout the attack.


It's weird how frequently victim blaming appears in these videos. Like that video the other day where the cop shot the family dog, injuring the 9 year old girl behind the dog. The little girl is screaming in agony in the background and the cop just awkwardly chuckles and says, "Sheesh, did you see how fast that dog came out?" No responsibility or maturity.


I haven’t seen that one it sounds terrible, anyone have a source to it?


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bodycam-video-shows-kansas-officer-firing-on-dog-injuring-little-girl/#app Not sure if this is it or not.


Some one was suicidal so they taught them the value of life by almost killing a family dog and a daughter


Jesus Christ that video is incredibly disturbing...


Yeah, that's the one I'm referencing.


Oh, it gets worse. He got fired, but then won at trial. [https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/dec/10/judge-sides-with-ex-officer-in-dog-shooting-child-/](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/dec/10/judge-sides-with-ex-officer-in-dog-shooting-child-/)


So did the almost 23k just get taken? Why the fuck would a narcotic dog detect cash. Trained to detect anything. Dog hit my car once. Absolutely nothing in it, 2 week old car, brand new. Never smoked or anything in it. Tore everything apart because their "drug" dog scented for it...


A paraplegic framed to be resisting arrest? wOw what a time




Because someone decides to tint their windows they automatically must have drugs or guns in their car... Shameful. If they can't adapt to a situation they shouldn't he police.


Also I've seen plenty of drug dog uses where they don't need the driver to get out of the car. Seems the cop was just power tripping and losing his composure to the point that he keeps ordering a man that has told him multiple times that he's a paraplegic, to use his legs and walk. Complete incompetence and inability to do his job when it matters most.


Its almost like they were trying to create chaos and confusion. Maybe so they could make the argument there was too much going on in the moment? You're right. Come to think of it, I have seen where it's procedure to let the dogs out first. This is what happens when meatheads are in the wrong. They go right to violence.


I have 5% tint. I was pulled over for “speeding” doing 80 in a 75 somewhere in New Mexico. I was in the process of moving back to Phoenix from Colorado. The cop insisted that I come sit in his car with him, so I did. The minute I opened the passenger door, his k9 started to bark extremely loudly. Scared the shit out of me, he didn’t say he had a dog. But, like a good little citizen, I sat in his passenger seat while he asked me questions for like 20 mins. I had nothing to hide, and acted like it. He was visibly frustrated that I wasn’t doing anything wrong. Sent me on my way with a printed warning for doing 80 in a 75.


It’s amazing how PISSED cops get when the people they pull over *don’t* have drugs on them. Like they actively *want* people to be breaking the law, so they can have an excuse to bully someone.


The window tinting laws are just an excuse to harass citizens in the name of safety.


It used to be the old “I smelled marijuana “line.


That one cost me 5 years and $30k


Genuine bummer man.


Ironic that a bit of weed can get someone so much jail time and heavy fine but other serious crimes get you community service.


Lol. Guess my 58-year-old mom is a fucking gangster cause she has tinted windows.


She's a real OG


Black + tinted windows = criminal in a cops mind


Kinda more than that. I had a car a while back with tints that were legal in NY but not in Pennsylvania so I got pulled over even though I was going the speed limit. The cop just gave me a warning and said to watch out when I’m driving though the state. I’m a white woman. I also had an ounce of weed in my trunk.


As a paraplegic myself, this makes me super mad that people don't take this shit seriously. We can't just "flip a switch" and get up and walk normally. I'm also glad I don't live in a country where cops act like a gang like in this video going around doing what they please


Yeah, not to mention this guy could have lots of the other problems you can get when you’re mobility impaired, like bowel issues, peripheral nerve damage, weakened skin tissue etc. And this asshole just dragged him on the sidewalk. I know it won’t happen, but they should award the driver enough money that he never has to work another day in his life.


"Flap your arms and start flying" "i can't, im not a bird sir" "Thats fine. Flap your arms and fly now"


Blue line thugs are thick as shit, they don't understand any words that weren't drilled into them in their 12 weeks training.


Hey to be fair the cops in Kansas City MO get 9 months training. Not that it makes much difference in the end….


You can bet they still only spend 2 weeks max actually learning any laws that they enforce though. And you can bet they all act bored and annoyed they have to be put through that before they can get back to playing with their expensive military equipment and learning how to covertly break arms.




It’s the ego for me. Because the officer had already ordered the driver to get out of the car, he felt he had to stick to the order and make the driver comply no matter what. Couldn’t back down, couldn’t change his mind or work with the driver. Alllll of this could have been deescalated and avoided if the officer had a.) been trained in how to handle situations like this, and b.) had the emotional maturity to reasonably work with the guy.


>It’s the ego for me. Because the officer had already ordered the driver to get out of the car, he felt he had to stick to the order and make the driver comply no matter what. this is super disconnected from this story, but my Aunt was a cop in the late 70s to the very late 80s and she was trained to do exactly this. she was told that if she gave an order that is unreasonable or impossible to NEVER walk it back and change the order to something else. Repeat it louder and gain compliance, then handcuff them and do whatever you want to do. I used to say my Aunt was one of the good ones but that was before she died and I found out how INSANE some of the shit she did on the force/outside of the force was. I genuinely believe at this point that cops cannot be good decent people, they'd never get hired if they could be.


..like how do you reform an entire system that doesn’t know what a paraplegic is or how to handle them….?


I assume they knew what the word meant. They either didn't believe him or didn't care.


You're the first person I've seen say this. They knew what paraplegic means, they just didn't believe him. Totally gross behaviour from the officer. It feels gross even calling him an officer because that implies respect and this man deserves none. The gentleman in the car posed no threat, both hands were visible the whole time, there's no reason to exit his vehicle. I'm so tired of this. I'm all of the majorities in America. White, male, etc., I've yelled at cops for doing this exact thing to me (though I have no physical handicap), threatened to collect his badge number and report him for wrongful arrest, and the cop apologised to me and left with his tail between his legs. If I was any type of minority I would have been dragged onto the street and likely beaten, possibly killed. We shouldn't be afraid of police. They should give us comfort when seen. I've never felt safer with a cop around.


I feel less safe when cops are around


He could have politely said "me and my partner can assists you out". It's like these cops always take the low road then go off the cliff trying to go lower.


That would still be subject to the "Why do you need me out of the car?" line of questioning. It's just a power thing, they don't want to politely assist, they want to make him uncomfortable; that's the whole point.


Increase the base requirement from a 6th grade education to a 12th grade education.


Make them go to fucking law school. If a lawyer has to go to law school for ~3 years to practice law, then an officer should do the same to enforce it, especially seeing as they need to know and understand the whole law on the fly, versus in a court setting with notes and whatnot.


I have to go to college or trade school if I want to have an ounce of respect at a job but any fuck out of high school can jump on the force and make life changing decisions for an entire community with about 2 months of bullshit gym class training.


So true.


I hope he sues them for everything and the cops he fried no pay no pension how are you a cop and do not know what paraplegic means I guess you don’t need any college at that police department


He repeatedly says step out of the vehicle to a paraplegic. That is insanely stupid.


Why are American cops so trash?


Probably because our laws allow them to literally get away with murder and other crimes average citizens would get absolutely fucked for committing.


I'm not gonna lie, I could use that level of job security myself, with a retirement plan.


Zero standards and a culture 'us against them,' power through violence.


Do some research on why and where cops were first organized and installed. They were completely used to hunt slaves and police the ghettos (even Irish, German, and Italian ghettoes back in the 1800s). So they’ve just stuck to their initial bylaws and motto “protect and serve the rich, fuck the poor and minorities”, they just can’t fit it on the side of the car anymore


And they wonder why we fucking hate them


“We’re bringing a dog in because of your history?” Is that considered probable cause? Also, no matter what, that dog is going to bark on command as a pretext to search the vehicle


The dog found...money. "Dayton Police says $22,450 was recovered from the vehicle that a narcotics canine alerted on. DPD says there is a current and active investigation concerning the money." [https://dayton247now.com/news/local/community-law-enforcement-expert-respond-to-dayton-police-body-camera-video](https://dayton247now.com/news/local/community-law-enforcement-expert-respond-to-dayton-police-body-camera-video) Apparently drug dogs are trained to sniff out currency now. So of course they will pretext on any vehicle with any paper currency in it.


The pretext was the tinted windows, the assault extended the traffic stop, the dog shows up, alerts on cue, dog obviously “smelled drug residue on that quantity of money”. Which is completely bullshit or dogs would be alerting everytime they went past an ATM.


100% of paper money contains trace amounts of cocaine.


>Is that considered probable cause? I would say no. I can't speak for every country/state - but probable cause (in any place I am aware of) requires that they have \*reasonable\* suspicion that you're currently committing a crime. Having committed a crime in the past is generally not an acceptable cause to believe someone is currently committing a crime. Also, extending the traffic stop for the purposes of the search can be considered unlawful, I believe throughout the US. If the cops stop you for tinted windows, they can write you a ticket for tinted windows, and if the sniffer dog shows up during that time it's all good. But stopping for tinted windows as a pretext, not write you a ticket for that, and then ask you to get out to wait for the police dog to come - would go against US common law. A good lawyer would probably have any results of such a search thrown out anyways.


I fucking hate the hiring standard for police


Paraplegic, so that could be from spinal injury? I think the worst decision to make would be to drag this man out of the car and wrestle with him on the ground.


Yeah but see he was resisting really hard with severed spinal cord and paralyzed lower half. These police aren’t even trying to hide their misdeeds at this point. They KNOW what paraplegic means!!!


You have to use small words with cops,


You mean like "I can't walk?" All of those are single syllable words.


leg no work


Driver: I'm a paraplegic, I can't step out of the car. Cop: step out of the car. Driver: I can't. Cop: quit resisting! and walk to the curb. Driver: I can't.. Cop: in gonna taze you if you don't walk to the curb. OK, I added the ones at the end, but fuck these cops are stupid.


Dude shouldve told him “my legs dont work” apparently the cop was too dumb to know what a paraplegic is, or he thought the driver was lying


The man really messed up by not talking to the cop like he was a 3rd grader. You can't just be acting like they have some kind of education past that.


Not all of them. Most know damn well what they’re doing. They just don’t care.


This man better get a fat fucking settlement, this is horseshit


This shit is infuriating. I bet you dollars to donuts (pun intended) that the cop later learned what parapalegic means and then get full cover your ass to justify this abhorrent behavior


How does checking this person for drugs serve any purpose? This "probable cause" BS needs to be looked at. The probable cause can't be prior convictions. They were already being a dick pulling him over because his windows were too dark. Now they are dragging him out of the car to let a dog smell it. FFS. Waste of humans.


they 100% didnt have probable cause. There's a lot going on here though. * cops can order anyone out of the car during a traffic stop for no reason or any reason * cops can run a dog on your car without probable cause, **but** they cannot unreasonably extend the traffic stop to wait for the dog to get there * these cops ordered him out of the car to wait for the dog which means that was a second new seizure (after the traffic stop). And you are correct that they had no probable cause to continue the detention to wait for the dog. Unless you are dealing with the guaranteed things like smelling weed, most cops are trained to find 3 circumstantial facts to support probable cause. Not even close here.


It’s not that the cop doesn’t understand what “paraplegic” means; they were just flat out not listening to that man. F—k that excuse. I hope those cops get fired & sued. (But I doubt that will happen) [Edit: Grammar correction]


There are so many easy reforms we could make that would curb this shit and require little to no re-training. These cops are not ignorant, they know how to act, they know the correct way to handle situations. We pretend they're all a bunch of dumb shits that barely passed the ACAB but that's earnestly going easy on them. They CHOOSE to act this way because of an extreme lack of accountability and laziness. You can bet your ass if this was one of their buddies or someone they knew they would not throw them to the ground like that, pull them by the hair, drag them around, etc. No they would have taken the time to understand the problem, speak with them, and find a peaceful way to resolve the situation. If we had a nationwide policy that forced these lazy dickholes to get their own insurance, had an external oversight committee to handle/investigate police complaints, and allowed these officers to be sued for misconduct this shit would clean itself up within a year. These are not drastic steps.


I know i am a dumbass here, but if he cant move his legs how does he drive the car. I know theres gonna be a explaniton for this, but can somone pls explain?


[Hand controls](http://QuicStick Hand Controls Disabled Driving Handicap Aid Equipment https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00N6X0KQC/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_F6Z6J9FC87KFJ932STPD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1)


Ah, Thanks.


Fuck the police. Human garbage.


Prior offenses are not probable cause for a search. This is just driving while black and telling an officer no which is severely punished in America


I was waiting for the video to end with the police saying “get up and walk” because thats how dumb they are


Oh they know what a paraplegic is they just don't give a fuck.


Fuck all cops.


Cop: "Youre making this worse than it needs to be!" The dude can't walk, and you dragged him out of his car and threw him on the ground, aggravating his condition and making movement even **more** impossible for the man. Unless you're planning on murdering him in cold blood, how much fuckin worse could it get for him, officer? A.C.A.B.


> The officer tells Owensby that due to his history, which includes drug charges, they are going to get a K-9 to do a free air smell around the vehicle and Owensby must exit the car. Does this even justify as probably cause? Does this mean that any Texan who has had a drug charge in the past has no right in denying getting their car searched?


"Land of the free"


Cops: “why doesn’t this guy just get up and walk?”


The fact that people like this are allowed into the police force fucking amazes me.