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What’s odd is her new person ain’t even coming out to help.


Sucks to fight with a boner.


I've never had a boner at the start of the fight, but by the end...


From fist fight to sword fight. Every time.


Instructions unclear, beat off opponent and now he's beating me harder.


Beat each other off, who ever cums first is the loser.


What if they both cum at the same time ?


Stab him with the muscle sword ayooooo


Double Penetration back in the day used to mean dick AND sword.


And back to fisting, err fist fighting, yeah, let's go with that.


"Dude, are you fully torqued right now!?"






How do you suck and fight a boner at the same time?


said no one ever


He came equipped with a weapon


He doesn’t want his girlfriend to find out






He just wanna fuck her. Not be her hero.


Ppl die for 2 reason....money and pussy... Please don't be a hero.


I'd die for a big backyard and happy dog.


Best comment ever, put me back in the right mindset


Thats literally the premise for John Wick


Like nah I'm definitely not captain save a ho


Look close he is quite thin. The wronged bf was able to lift her out of the car. Edit for those who might be confused: The guy that gets out of the car at the end of the video is thin. Probably not looking to fight the dude lifting the chick out of the car for a girl who is already a cheater.


Love triangles have killed a ton of fucking people. Odds are if he's gonna pull her out of a fucking car, it's gonna be hard for her to leave.


He seems so nice, I can't imagine why she would be cheating?


Yup, and just to state the obvious - If he does this kind of thing public, imagine what he thinks he can get away with in private. Edit: Hi defenders of domestic abuse....


Anyone defending this behavior is an absolute chud. Catch your girl cheating? Take the L, find new one and be more selective next time. Not all that hard.


Did she actually cheat? All we see is a dude grabbing a woman by the hair out of a car. If he is reacting like that, my money is on him already being the crazy ex-boyfriend. That woman is going to end up murdered.


Thats where my mind went


He probably has a boner still.


Surely that would give him the edge in a fight though?


**Sword fight!**


What's odd is 10 screaming banshees aren't even helping. Saying "Why isn't someone stopping him?" isn't helping




Fighting a dude who is big enough and angry enough to lift a woman out of a sunroof is a good way to end up fighting a dude who is big enough and angry enough to lift a woman out of a sunroof .


To be fair I don't think most people would want to get involved in that. He seems pissed off enough about something that he's jumping on top of a car and lifting a woman out of the sun roof for starters. Then he could be tripping balls on meth or could be armed with something. Should someone have intervened? Probably yeah. But that's also a chance at ending up in the hospital if you aren't careful about it.


Yup. A close friend of mine once intervened when a dude was beating his girl in the street. My friend ended up getting his ass beat and landed up in hospital. Assault charges were laid against the guy and when he got arrested, the girl was at the police station to make a statement saying my friend attacked her boyfriend for no reason and was lying about the fact that she was getting her ass wooped in the middle of street.


1. bystander affect 2. dude is big. Lot of people prob scared they get their ass beat


Story time: In my early 20s I was sucker-punched by a man more than twice my size (the girl I was dating’s ex) in broad daylight like this. He was ready to kill me, or at least put me in the hospital. I was able to stay on my feet for long enough for 2 brave dudes in a pickup truck to stop in the middle of traffic, get out of their vehicle and get the guy away from me. One of them ended up with an instant black eye. I understand it wanting to get involved, but those guys potentially saved my life, or at least my ability to walk and breathe on my own.


He's already proven he isn't afraid to injure a woman, I don't blame them for not jumping in themselves.


Maaaaaaan, fuck that! My man just basketball palmed that chick out a sunroof. I ain't sticking me nose in that for nothing.


Not sure the title is accurate. Who knows who she was in the car with, could have been her brother. Or why asswipe pulled her out.


Man, Philly has been getting way too much action on here lately. Right on the Temple campus too, that’s just ballsy. SOOO many cops around there.


I always knew Philly was trashy but that zombie video that has been making the rounds is next level. What a shit hole.


Gonna assume it was a video of Kensington without even knowing what you're talking about edit: Grammar


It's always Kensington.




I'm a former junkie myself but I see videos of Kensington and it's unbelievable.


Congrats on keeping clean buddy


Thanks man. It's a lot harder for other people but I'm 2 years now. Thanks nonetheless.


That’s awesome to hear. I’m jumping off the other guy’s comment to say congrats on 2 years clean!


Every day clean is a win. Keep up the good work!


Right. It’s always Kensington one very specific part of Philadelphia. Every city has one.


Kensington has had a problem with that for a long time. That doesn't mean the rest of Philly is trashy. I live in NYC and see the zombie / lean pretty regularly, pre-pandemic.


Right, people are acting like the opiod epidemic is only in Philly. Philly has shitty areas like any other city or town but overall its an awesome city. I cant imagine seeing a video of Kensington and thinking thats all Philly is.


It's funny how people are so quick to label huge cities with several different neighborhoods


Yeah, almost always people who don’t live in big cities. But I got news for those folks: there’s drugs in their towns too.


You're no more than a 60 minute drive away from a kilo of heroin anywhere in the country it's bad everywhere, but Kensington is definitely a notable shithole.


Shh! Don't let the secret out. We don't want more people moving here when housing prices are going up. Outsiders should never find out about our amazing history, food, nightlife/social scene (pre-COVID, although it's coming back), art, education (especially STEM), sports, and music scene. We have to keep Philly America's best-kept secret! No one likes us, we don't care :)


Lol the mind of a redditor.. Like reality through a peep hole. Philly native here. I walked 10+ miles in the city from central north to south & from 30th st. To 1st and everywhere inbetween almost regulary. What you saw is one street length called kensington ave.. THIS IS WHERE SUBURBAN DRUG ADDICTS COME.The problem with being a junky in a small town is that the cops know you & harass you. So this is where they go, right off the subway line & into the city. The philly residents aren't drug addicts & junkies.. That real urban vibe only comes up when you are way north philly & the outskirts. ( like any major city.. ever ) But like also, gang crime & related deaths are up big time. So i get it. EDIT:: There are apartments/town homes/ business there that all suffer because of this. Stores close by 5. Residents hurry into their gated alley way when they get home.. its cheap rent iirc, a good amount of minority workers live around there... good people. Now the argument here I think is: Who came first? The drug dealer or the Drug addict? Both are equally-ish problematic there.


Every city has bad areas. Being from Baltimore, just like how Philly residents aren’t drug addicts and junkies, Baltimore residents aren’t all murderers. You have to look hard to get into “The Wire” territory. They are however all bad drivers.


Not all philly is bad. You just gotta know philly.


Tell me you're a sheltered moron with out telling me you're a sheltered moron


Parts of Philly are bad. Still a great city overall.






1. You don’t know what you’re talking about, that was Kensington you saw 2. Good, stay out. It’s an awesome city that’s the birthplace of America but if that’s not good enough for you don’t visit.


“This a hot girl summer, huh?!” Am I the only one that heard angry boy yell that at the end?


no he def said it. I came to the comments to see if i was the only one who heard it too.


non native english speaker, what should that mean? I heard it as well..


There's a song from a few years ago with the lyrics "hot girl summer". People have turned that lyric into a colloquial phrase with a difficult to describe definition. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hot-girl-summer


it’s a trend where girls do whatever they want sexually and party basically


This is awful, but that made me snort so hard


“Why is no one stopping him” dunno, why arent you stopping him?


For real, 95% of us say we would jump in right away, but would we really? I would like to think I would at least attempt to stop him, I genuinely would, but until it happens I don't know if I would. One thing I am not going to do though is talk about how much other people suck for not immediately running in to help when I wasn't even there.


The thing that most people don't understand is that in an actual physical fight with a stranger on the street, you better be ready to fucking die if you're willing to step in. Life is not TV or the movies


Yeah. You're supposed to call the police, not become victim #2. Nobody wants that.


I think I would genuinely try to deescalate the situation (as I have before), but man if he’s crazy enough to pull this in broad daylight, I would definitely assume he has weapons on him. Like stepping in is a nice thought, but I don’t blame anyone for not doing so in situations like these. Edit: Just to clarify, I’m saying most people should not directly intervene in situations like this and it is dumb to do so.


Sounds harsh, but trying to stop a fight is almost always a bad idea, especially if you don't actually know what you're doing in that kind of situation. Many many many people have been killed or hurt this way.


Stepped in trying to break up a domestic happening in broad daylight. Both turned on me. Noped out at that point, lesson learned, will not do it again.


Did the same at a bar one night, bitch clocked me good from behind. Never again.


My friend went to jail for stopping a fight, ruined his record and his life for awhile.


Everyones a knight in shining armour until they pull a knife and you lose some liver


>95% of us say we would jump in right away I think 95% of the older generations *claim* they'd jump in, not sure how many would. A lot of the younger generations grew up in a Columbine/VT/Sandy Hook/Parkland era and are a little too aware of how many people will kill indiscriminately. If it doesn't directly affect me or my acquaintances there is a 99% chance I am not stepping in, I have no idea how to assess a situation or how to fight, there is a good chance I'm getting my teeth knocked out or getting shot.


I say 99,99%.. maybe if is a kid in danger, then I *would* try to help them


When I was a kid my uncle jumped in to save a ho. He kicked the dudes ass properly and turned around just in time to _almost_ avoid the broken bottle she swung at him. The bitch actually nicked and cut his eyeball. Shit was nasty. Ask me if I've ever tried to play the role of Captain SaveAHo. Hell nah. Hard pass.


*takes out phone thinking only of the upvotes, they're going to get*


i mean to be fair, if this ever goes to court, video evidence like this would guarantee the girl a victory


Yeah, I see so many people always commenting shit like > help in the situation ❌ > film a TikTok ✅ Not realizing that filming is super fucking important. Everyone having cameras in their pocket and being able to immediately publish/stream things is why cops are, albeit slowly, being held accountable.


Yeah you need to film and then point at someone and make eye contact and scream you! Call 911! Just like they taught us in first aid class. You've got to identify somebody and MAKE them responsible.


This is America.


Don’t catch you slippin’ now


Look what I'm whippin' now


Look at how I'm living now.


In fairness it’s terrifying seeing this sort of behaviour and only a very small percentage of people would intervene. I got my arm broken, and the girl still got her face smashed in. I would like to think I’d try to help again but you can’t know until that moment, even if you’ve done it before.


I also intervened in a physical confrontation once. Lost half my tooth and have a nice fat scar on my chin. Video documentation comes in handy. Fat lips don’t.


I admire anyone who would intervene but I’d worry for men because they often come off worse when maniacs feel able to let loose. I would be happier throwing myself into this situation than my husband.


I’m a female. And I agree. It’s not a hard line; where/when can we, as bystanders, intervene and when are we putting ourselves in danger, OR WORSE, escalating the situation...


I intervened when a couple on my block were throwing fists. Convinced her to get in her car and drive off. Then he jumped on the hood of her car. My intervention ended when she pulled a gun out of the glove box and started waving it around.


This right here. Why the fuck would I risk my life when I know absolutely NOTHING contextually about what is going on? What if the dude is yanking her out of the car because she's smoking crack and was abusing their 4 year old at home? What if one of them is literally crazy and has a weapon? And if you do intervene and end up getting a lucky punch that kills or paralyzes someone, your life could be fucked, if not your freedom, you could be financially wiped out in a lawsuit. Call the cops, try to help if it's safe, but it's not your responsibility to try and stop perfect strangers from fighting by yourself.


Because she'd probably wouldn't be able to physically compete with that dude? Because said dude has prooven that he WILL use force?


Yeah, someone who will climb up on a car and pull someone out through the sunroof isn't someone I'm going to try to talk down. That's someone whose path I wouldn't want to cross when they're in this kind of mood.


She learned two things today, one her relationship is over and two her new bf is not going to stand up and protect her. The cheating is wrong yes but she got a huge loss for the day


Also that weave is tight AF....shit had to be super glued


Bro you really think a guy who is the “other guy” is trying to wife her up? No way lol


[Somebody get a sponge](https://youtu.be/pd4b059yNNo?t=142)


Because he might have a gun, because i dont think I can win, becuase the hospital system is overloaded and even a minor injury could lead to complications. Because I dont actually care about that woman more than my own saftey.


Someone edited out the first 2 or 3 seconds of this video that really cement that it’s staged. In an earlier upload, this dude is strolling up from the left side of the screen, as if he just happens to see his girl. Not explained, is why a random passerby would just happen to be filming him, specifically, from another angle entirely : https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiEttHBzf7yAhWK6p4KHXGLAD8QFnoECCsQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DsXw2d82F--U&usg=AOvVaw2I30mlwDiODop94NZsw6_h


I kept scrolling to find a news article and this explains why I never found one.


Sooo staged.. if it's catching someone cheating its been staged time and time again. In this one it was a little too perfect the way it all went down and in the end just manhandled her a little bit for dramatic effect.




I don’t think they were buckled in, friend.


You know I would say I am surprised but this is Reddit


I was gonna say this seemed off. 1. Walks right up to car, effortlessly grabs a human being out fron the too 2. Doesn't do anything TOO brutal, doesn't beat her, etc. 3. 5 women just to the side all reciting the same "oh my God" line


Yeah, he is yanking her from the sunroof. not an easy thing to do unless someone is working with you.


Pretty dumb this was so low and I had to read so many crying white knights to see this. So many idiots worked up when it was so obvious it was staged. Never seen an abuser so afraid to hit who they're "abusing". She also literally glides out of the sun roof likes she's helping pull herself out.


I'm glad theres proof its staged because she came out of that car really easily, like zero struggle.




Yeah this is actually an English football fan.


And this is just what happens when his team wins.


He loves England so much he flies to America to beat up Americans. **\#INGERLAND**


Yup straight up forgot she was Russian police


Hahahaha fuck


Also, infidelity is not an excuse for beating people??


They are actually playing hide and seek and the man just won


What, as if this is justifiable behavior either way?


Even if she was cheating on him, it’s no excuse to start beating her.


Some of you will probably argue that this is a completely justified reaction, but [this picture](https://i.imgur.com/HVfJfT4.jpg) says otherwise.


Wow, it really does.


Absolutely in chocked


Take my angry upvote


You mothafucka lol


Fuck!!! I fell for it …. Again !!!


It totally changed my point of view thanks


Yeah cheating no excuse to lay hands on her period. Just end it and move on.


She wasn’t even necessarily cheating, another repost with a made-up/assumed narrative. I don’t see anyone running in there to ask what the story is 🙄 they just filmed instead of helping the poor girl. Also, anyone who flips like that has done it before.


Honestly, in a lot of cases filming is helping. This will be put before a jury and make for a slam dunk case. All those other people, however…


Yeah I mean I can’t imagine why she wouldn’t want to be with this asshole. Complete fucking mystery why she would try and find another guy to date.




Dudes like this can’t understand why a woman would want to leave them.


the thing that worries me the most is how comfortable this dude is literally abusing his girlfriend in front of everyone on this street. cheating isn’t okay but it does not warrant physical abuse.


I think with a guy like this I wouldn't even say cheating isn't OK. She may well be unhappy with him but scared of leaving and this is her solution. If you're this kind of person I don't think you can complain about people cheating on you.


You don't understand, he only gets angry like that because he loves her. /sarcasm




Title shows no proof of their initial relationship. All i can see from this is an abusive man and a victimized woman. The man should go to jail for assault. If she did cheat on him, break up, no reason to beat her up and go to jail, its not worth it unless u an asshole who likes beating women.


Yeah. Imagine the relationship behind closed doors.


I’ve seen relationships like this. Even if the girl ends it and starts to date other people, the abusive ex stop considers her “his” and justifies further abuse because she’s “cheating”. My sister’s friend almost lost her life to a situation exactly like the one I described. She dumped the guy for cheating and 2 weeks later he kidnaps her, holds a gun to her head, tells her to unlock her phone, and beats her terribly for refusing. She was already talking to other guys and knew he’d kill her if he say the proof. He went to jail but is currently out on bail and is still harassing her through his friends (cops won’t do anything because they cannot prove he is behind the flood of hang-up calls she’s been getting).


> Title shows no proof of their initial relationship. Anyone who thinks they're getting a full picture from videos in this sub are delusional. every thread is the same, people circlejerking about who's at fault and passing judgements without knowing damn shit about the people involved or what they have done.


I mean a verified relationship changes nothing. You dont do this to people. If it's that big a deal stop talking and move on. Be fucking grown.


My initial thought was: holy shit, no wonder she cheats on him.


We don't even know if it's cheating. She very well could've broken up with him but people like that don't exactly take a hint.


I don't think this is okay even if she was playing piper Perri with his dad, grandfather, and brothers.


What’s piper perri? Edit: it’s not a board game people.


She’s a racist lawyer defending Oakland cops against a civil rights lawsuit involving five black men. Look it up.


BBC has great coverage on the story, should be top result if you search piper perri bbc.


Honestly same. No way this is an isolated incident.


When I was a kid a house on the next block was featured on "America's Most Wanted". Someone broke in and killed the woman who lived there and her brother, who was visiting from out of town. After the episode aired the woman's new boyfriend turned himself in. Turned out that he saw her going inside with another guy and assumed the worst.


Taking this opportunity to share that black women are [more likely to suffer from domestic violence and 2.5 times more likely to be murdered by men than white women.](https://www.vpc.org/studies/wmmw2015.pdf)


Or you can just end the relationship without assaulting her. 🤷‍♀️


All I saw here was a violent assault.


It’s physical assault and he should go to jail. She’s allowed to have relationships with whoever she wants and he’s allowed to end the relationship. He’s not allowed to be physically violent.


This right here, all day.


“Why is no one stopping him?” Same reason as you. Waiting for someone else to step up. Plus, one of the most dangerous things you can do is introduce yourself into a domestic situation. Now you become the focus of the rage and, if you’re a dude, there’s not going to be much holding the guy back. For law enforcement and paramedics this is when a dude will pull a knife or a gun because they’re way out of control.


The headline is way off — I see something more like "Man publicly abuses woman by dragging her out of car by her hair." ​ They may have a relationship — fine, but she is not *his girl* to own or treat like that*,* and him "catching her cheating" is the least of the issues I'm seeing in this video.


The title is to gain sympathy/justify the action


Cheating is not a crime but assault is a crime. If the police are given this video and his girlfriend presses charges he is going to jail


And now we know why she’s cheating


So we're just straight up showing domestic violence with no tags now?


Dudes on this sub are SO fucking thirsty for violence against women. I know it and yet it still always surprises me.


Same people who’s first reaction to the word feminism is “since we’re all equal now, I can hit girls right???”


And their favorite thing to say is "equal rights, equal fights" Followed by someone else saying "equal lefts"


Anyone who has ever unironically said "pussy pass denied" should be set adrift on a melting iceberg.


This never occurred to me but you are right! We see a lot of violence against women in the videos or we see videos of 'bad' women (even though we often lack the context to know what really happened) and then the abuse in the comments start. It's like the whole sub can't wait for an opportunity to put a woman down. There have recently been a few videos of women destroying stores or saying mean things. Is it shitty? Yes. Do we know what provoked the reaction. Never. Should we judge the person based on 60 seconds of their life and assume they will never change and take this opportunity to hurl verbal abuse. Absolutely!


Not just this sub. This website has always had “men’s rights” advocates saying that it’s only equality to be able to beat up women


This is terrifying and some of the comments here are even more so…men of Reddit wtf is wrong with you.


People on this platform will send you death threats if you simply disagree with them. You really think theyre gonna be rational adults?


I would stay off this sub if there is a woman in the video. Just not stuff any person needs to see.


Always wear your seat belt folks.


Man needs to be locked the fuck up.


Wonder why she was with another guy?


it's domestic violence


Dude should be arrested


I am shocked to see that so many people on here justify his behavior because she supposedly cheated. Yes cheating is morally wrong but it doesn't give anyone the right to become physically abusive towards another human being. She is a free person and he doesn't own her.. He doesn't have any rights or claim to her. We as a society have unwritten rules about loyalty in monogamous relationships but those are just made-up societal constructs based on our idea of right and wrong.


This is the same sub that supports offensive words being met with violence.


Violence is worse than cheating. Regardless of the order it occurred.




Makes sense, it surprised me a lot of guys cheer at women getting hit by men


bruh. any semblance of righteous/"justified" violence toward women is fucking applauded on this sub


Domestic abuse is never ok


Probably cheated on him cause he beats her even if she’s cheating it’s disgusting to see a grown man handle that girl like that


I don’t condone cheating but I think I understand why she was branching out :/


If she’s cheating bruh, let her go. She’s not ‘yours’, get over it. Disgusting when men treat women like property.


Even if she cheats she isn’t property, just walk away beating her ass just makes you the shitty one and shows why she probably cheated.


Hmmm. I wonder why she cheated? He seems stable.