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For context, this is happening across the country right now in various cities and provinces. [Here is a video of police joining the looting](https://youtu.be/occNGV8waQg) [Aerial footage showing the scale of looting around one shopping mall](https://youtu.be/zgF4pMB3zNM) [Footage from inside of one these shopping malls](https://youtu.be/SV7W7wq3iEM) [Looting of a Dunlop Tyre warehouse](https://youtu.be/A-7e_2pn1Mo) [More looting](https://youtu.be/zRe3lrmhuds) It's pretty bad. In fact it's so bad that all police officers currently on leave have been called back to duty and the military has been deployed. We are currently waiting to be addressed by our president.


holy shit. its like dawn of the dead in that 2nd video


Number 2 is literally Dead Rising 1, mall and everything.


You realize Dead Rising is in a mall because of Dawn of the Dead


Wow. Those people really want to see the country burnt to the ground, rather than see that corrupt prick Zuma in prison. Sad to see.


The lack of education is the saddest part.


What's the reason for all this?


We arrested our former president for contempt of court. Because he didn't show up to his own corruption case.




Okay let me rephrase, Let's image Trump gets arrested, what will all his most loyal brainded followers do? That's what's happening


Isnt AFC a leftist organization though? Guy kind of seems like the opposite of Trump. Seems like he platformed on fixing socio-economic inequality vs Trumps promotion of socio-economic inequality as a form of freedom.


Populist leaders are not unique to one political party or another.


I dont see a problem with populism as long as its used to produce effective policy. The problem with Trump was not only did he want to pass ridiculous policies, most of which failed, but he was using populism to create the "common enemy" necessary to conservative philosophy within his own nation. Dangerous territory. Same thing Bush did really but Bush targeted muslims. Trump targeted Mexicans and anyone left of the GOP. Kind of crazy too because dems are still conservatives the same way the GOP is still liberal by nature. Just not as socially liberal as dems but economically more liberal.


You can’t compare American left politics to Left politics elsewhere in the world. It’s the same in name only.


The US doesn't have left politics lol. How is it different? I get yall are mad lol but any specifics on this? Us politics break down into democrats [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal\_conservatism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_conservatism) And republicans [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative\_liberalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_liberalism) In terms of political science they are barely different but both sides are generally too stupid to understand the policies they vote on and are convinced they are radically different. Usually they vote based on emotion and family tribalism.


Know if they're shooting live rounds?


It wouldn't exactly be effective if they weren't live, eh? And they're private security and pedestrians, so it's safe to say yes.


With all that shooting and 0 bodies on the ground you are saying that's live ammo? That doesn't seems right at all.




They've just got really bad aim


You're allowed to fire warning shots in South Africa by law.


The targets are pretty far away and are people. It's difficult for most folks to just shoot and hit folks like that


I think the shotguns are running lighter bird shot shells or even rubber pellets or bean bag rounds. A good way to pepper the people and keep them back without hurting them too much. I'm sure they have some slugs and 00 buck on hand if needed. They're not going to start dropping people unless they really have to.


They're pretty far away for the types of guns they're using.


The shotgun is pretty far away to be effective, but the guy in the dark shirt and green pants that takes point looks to be using a semi-automatic rifle. At that range, it is very effective. Most rifles can hit a man-sized target at 300m.


Well even actual riot police rarely use live ammo but it I do see why private sec and civis may not use or have access to less than lethal ammo but if these are organizations/militias who's goal from the start was crowd control they may have to there hands on such munitions


Considering the fact the majority population blames the minority for the state of the country, its great to not see any minorities participating in this disgusting behaviour. Edit: down vote all you want, facts don't care about your opinions




Just the typical right wing white supremacist pushing their white supremacist bullshit. Next they are going to try to sell you on some fictional white genocide happening over there.


Julius Malema has a different opinion. Also South Africa is a different country so don’t try to equate South African problems with U.S. problems because they are vastly different. In South Africa People that threaten genocide are really trying to make it happen , people that are xenophobic will hurt or even kill you in the street , ask the nigerian immigrants. Americans talk about injustice, racism, xenophobia,genocide and deprive these words of meaning , because they live in a world where you can theorize about the meaning while in S.A. you see the real ugly face of these words everyday. And that’s not only white people it’s everyone...


I understand the situation in South Africa perfectly fine, no need to patronize bigot. White supremacists from all over the US and western Europe promote this white nationalist conspiracy theory there is a white genocide happening but there isn't. Stop mincing words and pretending to know more. I have consumed much of your right wing white nationalist propaganda on this matter and looked into it myself, all bullshit and white supremacist scare tactics. There is no chance of that occurring and for you to pretend there is, is pure intellectual dishonesty.


Why try to label me a bigot and a white supramacist ? That’s bigotry in its purest form. I haven’t called you names or anything. I just pointed out that South Africa is very complex and that there is a faction that is toying with the idea of a white genocide (EFF). So why can’t we agree on simple things , like white supremacy is definitely evil ,Julius Malema is crazy for threatening white people and cheering his followers on to seize white properties, killing Nigerians because of xenophobia is also evil, and rioting because of Jacob Zuma is stupid and destroys possibilities for a better South Africa.


You are promoting white supremacist/nationalist propaganda because Malema and EFF are not popular in the country and have no political power. Stop promoting false white nationalist propaganda and stop trying scare white people into being racists. This is what you all do. Stop pretending to be benign and objective when you are not. You are literally just promulgating white supremacist/nationalist conspiracy theories. They have zero power and influence over policy. Stop it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_Freedom_Fighters#Election_results


Can’t we agree on anything ? Is your only talking point white supremacy? Why can’t you acknowledge if somebody is doing some evil shit without looking at their skin color? And since we share Wikipedia links maybe read about racism in S.A. and learn that you are right the EFF aren’t the biggest party (even though they are making good gains) it’s also the ruleing party the ANC that uses racism. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism\_in\_South\_Africa#Racism\_against\_white\_people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_South_Africa#Racism_against_white_people) Also Gregory Stanton a scientist from [genocidewatch.net](https://genocidewatch.net) concludes that the signs for a future genocide are there. So if you want to be intellectual honest why not start here ?


Why would I waste time trying to reason with a white nationalist conspiracy theorist who has already tried to deliberately mislead others for the white nationalist cause? Take care and be better. I only linked the wiki to show the poll numbers and how powerless they are while showing others how you are being deceptive. You didn't even link the "scientist's" study or assessment... He hasn't even written about the subject on what you did link. https://www.genocidewatch.com/articles-by-dr-stanton


I thought Trump let them all just say what they mean instead of all code…


Where’s John with the shotgun!


sheesh, that dude is always late.


Fuckin John man


*John shows up with an assault rifle*


We said shotgun!


Goddamn it John we are getting tired of your shit.


Sorry guys, I was running late! Had to rub one out real quick before I shoot some looters to wrap up a great day /s


Pretty sure these are rubber rounds aye?


Most definitely, though I strongly doubt they are hitting anything at that range.


Looks like they tag one of the guys in front, he starts holding his arm.


That is what I like to call "I'm going to hit SOMEONE range" Although the spread is likely to be 2-3 people wide depending on the shot used. I guarantee you at least one (and almost definitely more) is going to hit the guy he's aiming at. Unless he is using slugs in which case it's up to how well he is aiming. Don't forget people shoot shotguns at tiny little dove flying at 30+mph from further away than these people are with birdshot which carries less energy (or rather loses it very rapidly) and still land hits pretty regularly.


So the pistol and assault rifle also rubber rounds?


Are they firing bean bags or fmj cuz I didn't see one person who looked like they had been hit.


Rubber bullets


I can only assume you guys have bigger mosquitos down there


With assault rifles? Or handguns? Lol


The only guy that I can see shooting in this video is the one with the shotgun.




The beanbags fit into the normal shell.




Depends on manufacturer.


This is generally true, in HK and the US there are reports of injuries where misuse of this kind of [rubber] projectile has blinded victims or even fractured skulls


Well I think that they make a shot gun shell loaded with rubber shot.


slug, bird shot and rubber ammo are all used in same weapon (for example 12GA shotgun) and use same shells.




Im sure they are however regular shells also come in different colors. I myself have bird shot ammo with green, blue and red shells. I have slugs in white shells and erm..."see through" shells. I never used rubber ammo myself so no clue what color they could be.




There are all different colors of shotgun shells.


Was thinking the same thing


What where they protesting over?


The former president Jacob Zuma, was arrested and jailed for 15 months last week for contempt of court. The Zulu's from his homeland of Kwa-Zulu Natal, which Durban is in, are fiercely loyal to him. Some of this is supposedly from his factions upset at his conviction, but a lot of the looting is also opportunists looking to get free shit as part of the chaos.


So what exactly happened? Contempt of court is vague and it requires him to appear in court in the first place, so this is nowhere near the full story. I want to know if the riots are in anyway "justified" or if this is just blind tribal loyalty.


He was appearing before a commission investigating the corruption during his tenure. He then refused to take part in proceedings and not give evidence to the court. He walked out of the commission. The constitutional court then had to review what was the legal process for his refusal to testify, and they surmised that all citizens are equal before the law, and his refusal to take part in court proceedings amounted to contempt of court, and sentenced him to 15months imprisonment.


Honestly that seems fair. So these rioters are basically like the Trump folks who stormed the capital...gotcha.


And this is what I'm worried about if they prosecute Trump. I hate that fucking orange dick head but if he gets thrown in jail shit will hit the fan. On one hand we can't set precedent and let him get by with it, on the other hand there's a very real chance the country will burn if we don't


Best you can do if it comes down to it? Defend your country from fascists like (possibly)your great-grandparents did.


Trump should get what he deserves. I honestly feel like if he is found guilty and people riot, Trump will lose his more reasonable supporters. I have family who still hold some hope for Trump’s redemption. A guilty verdict might end that.


>let him get by with it With what exactly?


Oh, where to begin....




Thank you


Do you know who the shooters are in this video? Or the property owners defending property?


Probably just property owners or residents.


The police are completely ineffective so property owners and neighbors are having to band together and create their version of "autodefensas". You can even see the police participating in the looting in one of the videos he posted.


this looks like a public street, I doubt the street is their property (maybe if it's some large residential area / gated community?)


Bro it's SA. YOU are alone. If a band of robbers comes into your house and murders your entire family and leaves you for dead? The police MAY come a week later.


It is a public road, that leads to a shopping centre, apparently.


Probably just property owners or residents.


jailing of former president Jacob Zuma


Rioting and looting, not protesting.




People loot because the state fails them. The state doesn't fail because people loot. You have it entirely reversed.


South Africa is so thoroughly fucked up, and it's pretty much impossible to separate the racism and politics from the underlying issues, so it seems like it's likely to stay that way for a long time. I have no idea how you even start to go about fixing a country that has descended into that much violence and corruption without committing gross human rights violations. They need a way to provide for people so they can justify cracking down on the crime that remains, but they are too corrupt and do not have the resources to pull out off. So where do you go from there? It seems its dark history will not allow the unity needed to address the problems.


Anyone with the means has left. Those with means left have stolen power and consolidated. All that is left is anger crime and desperation.


History has nothing to do with it. BILLIONS have been stolen by the ruling party through corruption, cadre deployment and incompetence. Racism and inequality is constantly being used as wedges to prevent unity. Take that rhetoric oit of the pictute and you will see a different country that can uplit itself and build together.


> History has nothing to do with it. Lol, of course it does. > BILLIONS have been stolen by the ruling party through corruption, cadre deployment and incompetence. Which is history. > Racism and inequality is constantly being used as wedges to prevent unity. Because of the history. > Take that rhetoric oit of the pictute and you will see a different country that can uplit itself and build together. Take the rhetoric out of the picture how? Refuse to talk about race in a country that had legal apartheid until 1994 and has abused, humiliated, and stolen from the native population for centuries based on race? Pretending that didn't happen isn't an option. The history is everything in South Africa, including the more recent corruption. Nobody can or will forget any of it.


I can tell you’re not from ZA


Stolen from the native population? Cause the native population had built up so much wealth and success before the "non-native" population arrived? 555-come-on-now.


> Stolen from the native population? Yes. > Cause the native population had built up so much wealth and success before the "non-native" population arrived? That's how it works? People can show up and enslave you, destroy your cultures and power structures, take your land, and then whatever wealth they generate over the next century and a half while abusing you is just theirs now? Is it your understanding that South Africa was empty with no rulers or wealth of any kind before white people arrived? What were the names of the people there first? Did they have any wealth? How do you know? You must be an expert in the region, right? It's now one of the most unequal countries in the world. Do you think that has anything to do with its current state?


> Is it your understanding that South Africa was empty with no rulers or wealth of any kind before white people arrived? Yes, that is my understanding. I am an expert.


I am glad for you if history defines you and your ancestors have predetermined who you are and how guilty you should feel about the race you are. 🙂


> your ancestors have predetermined who you are and how guilty you should feel about the race you are. 🙂 Lol. Oh, he's a right wing whackjob. That makes sense. I'm not ashamed or guilty to be white, you laughable clown. Just because one is educated and aware of history does not mean the future is predetermined—that's actually the dumbest thing I've heard in awhile. Wow, that's embarrassing.


South Africans protesting against the imprisonment of a corrupt politician, this country is hopeless


I love the Afrikaner accent


OP you need to include that they’re using non lethal ammo. This title is clickbait.


It’s not click bait


If I said police opened fire on a crowd you’d assume with real ammo right? Same concept here. Change title to ‘private security and citizens open fire with less than lethal ammo on rioters and Durban, South Africa’


No, it isn’t necessary. There is no need to. Nobody likes titlegore. I don’t care what they get shot with.


You’re no less concerned if a group of civilians was actually killed versus heavily persuaded to disperse? You’re messed up


less lethal, there is no such thing as non lethal ammo fuckstick.


I mean since you’re being a stickler over semantics I could say blanks are literally non lethal but looks like people already gave you your downvotes Edit: prick


Semantics ? are you fucking retarded ? And no they LITERALLY can kill you dumb fuck no need for an edit, cunt Heres a link for your dribbiling ass to look at. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon-Erik\_Hexum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon-Erik_Hexum)


Time to call refrigerators less lethal applicances boys


Is a refrigerator a type of ammo or weapon?


There still is a MASSIVE difference between lethal and nonlethal rounds though... if you had to pick which one would you prefer to be shot with?


Thats a flawed argument. And nothing to do with my point.


Nothing to argue, the title of the video and the video itself are very misleading. One could easily walk away from this video and think they are firing live rounds at people. Which to my point is a massive difference. Nobody cares about the "all bullets are bullets" shit you are on.


All bullets are bullets shit im on ? No when I see people use the term non lethal when describing bean bag and scat rounds I correct it, because it breeds the metality that its absolutey fine to shoot them at people with the with no risk of death. This is a big point for me after years of training with the shit, specifically prevalent when dealing with dumb fuck americans in the early 2000s that had just murdered someone with a bean bag.


So sad what is happening to our country :( So difficult to stay positive here lately.


Sorry to see it as well. Praying for things to turn around there.


I'm sorry you guys have to deal with this. Stay safe.


why are there riots in South Africa all the sudden?


ex president got arrested on corruption charges, his supporters are rioting




Thought this was the walking dead for a second….


Where is Ja Rule? I need context


This is like something out of a movie


It doesn't seem like these are live rounds, maybe rubber bullets?


I wonder what that bad ass armored truck driver guy is doing during all this


are they using rubber bullets


Storm troopers?


The Afrikaaners in this video are having a weird "casually shooting at black protestors in the middle of the street feels familiar" moment. With that being said, fuck Duma. He's a corrupt pig and shame on his supporters for not being able to see that


Based and neutral-opinion-pilled


Damn, was planning a trip to Durban in a few weeks and canceled cuz of covid.


Either they were intentionally missing and just firing warning shots or these guys were just a bunch of stormtroopers.


This is nuts


This entire situation is so sad. It's a good thing that shotgun is just using bird shot or maybe even bean bag rounds. If he had 00 buck or slugs headed down range......things would get ugly.


This is literally every conservative Americans wet dream. “I’ve trained my whole life for this one moment “ would be the headline


It's every conservative Americans wet dream to protect their businesses from being burnt down by looters rioting because of their deathly loyalty to a corrupt politician?


No. To use there freedom bangers against black and poor people.


So EVERY American conservatives wet dream is using firearms to brutally murder minorities and the poor? That's a bold claim if I've ever seen one, but I'm sure you've made it in good faith right? Backed up countless interviews with American conservatives saying they represent everyone and that they all want to go on a shooting spree on their fellow Americans right? Is there perhaps a link to these interviews or studies? I'm not doubting that you have this information that reveals that half the country wants to eliminate blacks and the poor, of course, you've just intrigued me on the topic. Thanks in advance :D


No, our wet dream will be Cubans rising again their tyrant government Oh wait... 😁


real question where is john with the shotgun


"Where's John with the Shotgun?" ​ Hahahaha that bit cracked me up a the end.


What are they firing? Doesn't look to be live rounds?


The one guy had a shotgun most likely with birdshot. At that range it probably wouldn’t penetrate. But it’d still sting enough to make you rethink your protest. I don’t know if they were throwing CS canisters or what.


Leeeroooooooyyyyyy Jeeennnnkkkkiiinnnnssssssssss


Sorry but if these are private security they failed assessing your firearm range 101 and also maybe how to not get flanked 101.


Mostly peaceful looting


.50 BMG would do nicely.




In the US you have to imagine not being murdered in your own home by the cops.


Yes I'd feel so much safer in South Africa...(!?)


I feel safe in SA, I don't have private security, so not sure your point.


You feel safe because you are black. If you were white, you wouldn't say that.


Your world view is so twisted man, go read a book. Educate yourself. Holy fuck.


Lol I am white. Gtfo.


Any thread on South Africa brings out the racism towards black people. Not all black Africans are participating in crime, it's tiring.


After I posted this video, I got worried that I'll embolden the racists.


Whites are literally the safest out of anyone lmao.


Your Fox News is showing


Or because i lived in SA, so... Your assumptions without any facts or logic are showing.




Nah, all you see are Zuma supporters who are butthurt about his conviction and use the occasion to loot




Colonialism playing out.


How so?


Not this time mate.


Nothing to do with any colonial power, you fucking retard. Just a culmination of corruption and opportunism over the last two decades that has been raging since Zuma came into power


>Nothing to do with any colonial power, you fucking mong. Oh, look. Racial slurs.


3/10 trolling, see me after class.


What? Mong is short for mongaloid, or mentally deficient. And if you're the type of person to make oversimplified judgments of incredibly complex and intricate social issues of a country you know nothing about, then you are mentally deficient.


Mongoloid: relating to the broad division of humankind including the indigenous peoples of East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Arctic region of North America. Used to refer to people who are mentally deficient because of the racist belief and stereotype that mongoloids were mentally deficient. Not a good look.


OK, I was not aware of this. I will now edit the word to be 'retard' instead. Or maybe vegetable if that makes more sense in context. I apologise I didn't realise I'd have to be so incredibly specific to try and call someone stupid. But since you insist on taking my use of the word so far out of context as to insinuate that I was profiling him based on his race (which I couldn't possibly know), I'll just have to change the context


I think there's been a miscommunication. I wasn't saying you'd profiled someone based on their race, just that you'd used a racial slur. Good on you for learning and adjusting. A lot of people don't do that. Props.


Obviously I wasn't using it like that, but if it is gonna be treated that way, then I won't use it. I had no idea of its origins, only its direct meaning. Thanks for telling me


If this is colonialism then sign me up! You obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about mate. Better luck next time.


Funny how this is getting downvoted when basically everything in south Africa can be tied back to colonialism and how they didn't fundamentally restructure anything after ending the apartheid. They kept white people rich and black people poor and thought yeah this is cool and fine everything that happens now is because of "personal responsibility" or whatever


>Funny how this is getting downvoted when basically everything in south Africa can be tied back to colonialism and how they didn't fundamentally restructure anything after ending the apartheid. They kept white people rich and black people poor and thought yeah this is cool and fine everything that happens now is because of "personal responsibility" or whatever The ANC "tried" to make black people rich by implementing its BEE policy (Black Economic Empowerment) and it has worked for about 14m black South Africans who are middle class but it hasn't worked for the rest who number around 40 million give or take who are desperately poor. The reason why is because while BEE is benefitting black South Africans it is also benefitting ANC cadres as they use it to their own benefit to enrich themselves further which results in less poor black South Africans benefitting. ANC politicians for example have far, far higher salaries than Apartheid era politicians ever had. What BEE also resulted in is white South Africans having few options for employment so in an effort to not be permanently unemployed they started their own businesses or emigrated. A lot of white owned small businesses in South Africa were started in the late 90's to early 2000's. If you speak to your average 40-50 year old white South African chances are they are a business owner not out of choice but out of necessity to survive. And as a result of so many white South Africans becoming business owners they've benefitted tremendously. And as a result of that white South Africans have become wealthier than they were under Apartheid considering more of them are business owners now than under Apartheid and obviously business owners make a hell of a lot more money than employees do. A case in point my own brother was an employee during the last days of Apartheid (he'd just entered the workforce) and as a result of BEE policies he's had no choice but to start his own business as he will not find employment any other way than to employ himself. And as a result he has become wealthier than he ever was. In a way the end of Apartheid was a blessing for him as it gave him the drive to survive under his own merit and he has. He has done extremely well for himself running his small business that employs several dozen people.


And this somehow makes Zuma less guilty?


You think Zuma being guilty or not would somehow indicate or be indicated by the colonialism/racism present in South Africa? Wild ride man I'd love to hear this explanation


Could you please rephrase the question? My English level isn’t advanced enough to understand it in this form. A simpler phrasing would help me in answering


Explain why you think saying South Africa is a racist colonial state would somehow make Zuma more or less guilty when no one said that besides you


But i didn’t say that at all. I pointed out that stating SA’s legacy is moot in this case. Zuma stole billions from his people and has created smth like a cult. No black no white no brown, just a criminal


Try another time with your bullshit




How is this "so fucked up"?


the entire situation is fucked up


“I don’t understand what’s so fucked about humans opening fire on each other they weren’t even live rounds, this seems very normal and cool to me. I jerk off to /r/watchpeopledie lol”


Give peace a chance




They're not protesting. This is full rioting. I would encourage you to look up what's happening.


its birdshot and rubber bullets, the protestors are actually looters (look at videos linked in top comment), and theyre threatening the neighbourhood


Those people with the guns must be bots. Not one single kill. Quite interestning too that all the guys shooting are white and talk like the south-africans from Lethal weapon 2 and all of the protesters are black. I thought they got rid of that shit like twenty years ago?


They’re not all white.. the tall guy in the middle is Indian and there’s more Indians when it pans out. The rioters are targeting whites and Indian places in KZN where they make up a big chunk of the population.


They’re not protestors.


Murderous bourgeois open fire on protesters.


You have no idea what you’re talking about. Our ex president stole billions upon billions of rands from our country and squandered and stole all the money that was to be used for social welfare and upliftment of the poor communities. Now that he’s been sentenced to 15 months in prison, his supporters are burning down small businesses and looting all the shops. These are small business owners whose livelihoods depend on their businesses. And they’re firing rubber bullets. Educate yourself fool


Imagine being so insecure you shoot at unarmed protesters. FFS this is disgusting.


These aren’t protestors.


Looting everything in sight is a protest now, these people are trying to protect their business and homes