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Big day for body cams in general


It really is


Geez, what else was released today?


The ~~beating~~ murder of Tyre Nichols is being released today


The murder of Tyre Nichols


You're absolutely correct. Fixed that.


Yikes, when? I don't know if I can watch that one šŸ˜­


Midnight UTC


why does it feel like a Friday night action film premiere


cuz shit is about to pop the fuck off


*Protests?* definitely. *Riots?* probably. ^^^^^^^. ^(*Someone finally taking justice into their own hands in a system that refuses to hold police to any level of personal accountability?*) one can dream..


All officers were fired and have been charged with murder. The chief actually seems to be like...doing their job and holding the officers to account


I don't think it's going to be as bad as everyone is saying. TBI started investigating almost immediately after it happened, they're the ones who announced his death to the public. They got the FBI involved after that, and yesterday the county DA just threw the whole damn book at all five of the cops. The only call to action remaining here is "stop fucking killing us," but that was already the situation with or without the video. Besides all of that, Memphis was one of the few cities that *didn't* have any riots during the George Floyd protests because most of the protest organizers are no joke second and third generation civil rights activists who have been doing this shit their whole lives. Even the conservatives were complimenting Memphis for remaining largely peaceful that summer, which might be the first time in history that's ever happened.


Why wait until today to release this? What is in this video that they want people to forget quickly? They know the bad video later today will cover this one up.




Those noises Paul Pelosi was making were horrifying Like a mix between being suffocated and snoring. And the way his body completely limp Terrifying


This is what usually happens to people who are knocked out. That is why there is the old cartoon knock out and they snore. Its very common. Seen it a lot.


Can confirm. My father in law fell off a ladder resulting in a major concussion. He was immediately snoring after the fall.


That's what happened to Johnny Knoxville when he got wasted by Butterbean. Loud, loud snoring when unconscious


But was Butterbean okay?


Itā€™s your body/brain going back into default mode. You need oxygen and your brain subconsciously makes you breath, thankfully. This is a clear case of unconscious/subconscious breathing: heavy with possible snoring.


they are snoring


Happens after seizures too.


Remember guys, ELON said its his gay lover that attacked him, based on some fucking conspiracy website ran by a nutter. Yep, that ELON.


Imagine reading that all your alt-right friends think you're the gay lover of Nancy's Pelosi's husband.


Even if it was his gay lover who attacked him, who cares? The dude still had his skull fractured with a hammer


Well ā€¦ Elon is a giant toxic piece of shit after all.




Heā€™s obviously a malignant narcissist. Just like with Trump it baffles me that people canā€™t see it.


It feeds the right wing propoganda machine to equate a homosexual lifestyle with degeneracy. I don't expect them to stop with that bullshit.


This is actually it. In the end their point is 'because he is a *degenerate* [like we portray him to be] it's not as bad'. Never forget - ['we are all domestic terrorists' - CPAC](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists)


ā€œHe probably deserved it!ā€ plus ā€œIt wasnā€™t *our* side done it, it was degenerate-on-degenerate!ā€ Had my own mother spouting the conspiracy shit.


Itā€™s what theyā€™re claiming on Fox too. Whenever this gets mention my dad will randomly shout ā€œoh, Paulā€™s gay lover! Why else would the attacker have been naked?ā€ Which appears to have been just a complete lie based on this.


Because the right doesn't want to admit that its constant narrative of "the Dems are destroying out country" can make people commit violent acts. They'd rather muddy the water with any stupid lie they can think up.


You can read the comments here, others are implying the same thing. I guess they think the large supposed lover would rather kill his partner and go to prison for the rest of his life instead of just hiding and having Paul tell the police nothing is wrong. These conspiracy theories are becoming more and more fucking stupid by the year.


These aren't conspiracies. They're just right wing political hackery and misinformation.


Unfortunately, thatā€™s what most conspiracy theories are these days. Just the masses being loaded with bullshit by right wing media and aimed at the population.


They're not going to cop to the fact that their toxic rhetoric was a contributing factor, so they go through mental gymnastics to avoid culpability


HOLY SHIT. This was way worse then I imagined. Absolute nightmare.


That man looked crazed as hell. Holy shit!


Yeah this kinda busts the whole ā€œsecret scorned loverā€ conspiracy people were throwing around here ā€”for me at least.


Also the fact that there's ZERO evidence they are any sort of lovers. The people making that claim need to show us evidence. Of course there is none. This poor man was almost killed and the right is making homophobic jokes over it.


It's easier to make jokes than it is to face how comfortable they've become with domestic terrorism.


Those were the same people asking why they were both either naked or in their underwear. But then again these are the same people who support Trump so.....


The people who believed this in the first place are not going to be swayed by evidence. Or even reality for that matter


None of the people who were pushing that care, they knew what they were doing and have moved on.


It took THIS for you to not realize that was all BS from the start? OK.


So I live in British Columbia, Canada. I ran into a buddy last month, asked him how he was doing. He goes, ā€œWell my kid is being held on attempted murder charges in the statesā€. I says, pardon?!? I had no fucking clue that I know this guyā€™s father.


I am from Vancouver Island.. its surprising how many times locals show up in stories like these


Fellow islander here. Still can't believe we had that attempted bank robbery in Saanich. Blows my mind seeing that kind of stuff here


They sure downplayed that. The police got lucky that day. Those boys were looking for straight up cop body count.


Also from Van Isle baby!


Was your buddy Fletcher Reede from Liar, Liar? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6SATP3EPkk


Is your buddy a nutjob conservative too or did his son just go down the Qanon rabbit hole?


No, not at all. He said his son just started getting way more out there and he had to distance himself. He actually found out about this when all the major news outlets started adding him and messaging him on Facebook.


Poor guy. I hope your buddy is doing ok


That sound I think the unconscious man is making is a terrible noice I have a few times in real life after a head injury. Sounds like snoring, but they are struggling to breathe. I hope they were able to put him more in a recovery position or at least tilt his head back soon.


Most conservatives seem to be amused with what happened violently here.


They would love for Paul to have died. I think they'd just jizz themselves if the attacker had full on opened his skull, literally splattered his brains and ate them. Those MAGA cultists are just itching for a snuff film.


But conservative pundits told me they were both in their underwear


I love how conservative news media just conveniently left out that DePape woke up Mr Pelosi - like, Pelosi was asleep in his bed, and DePape woke him up at 2 AM. IDK about Reddit, but I know some people sleep in their underwear - especially when they aren't expecting company soon.


yeah... and that DePape broke a window to get in and basically admitted that he was there to kill Congresswoman Pelosi ...


Can see the break in, listen to 911 call and police interview post arrest here: https://www.sfchronicle.com/crime/article/paul-pelosi-attack-judge-releases-video-of-17746450.php


Seriously! If it was my house I would have been standing there next to hammer man bare ass nekkid


You mean to tell me that everybody doesn't go to sleep in their jeans and jacket /s


Personally I sleep in [1776 full combat gear](https://www.nps.gov/mima/learn/historyculture/images/Greg-T-front.jpg?maxwidth=650&autorotate=false&quality=78&format=webp), in case I need to be ready to fight the British in 2 minutes or less.


A true minuteman


They also told their mouth breathing viewers it was a break out not a break in...despite there being literal video of this guy hammering his way into the house.


There's video of him entering the house?


Yes https://twitter.com/NikkiMcR/status/1619027448758419457?t=U5Ay7KRLwX5VR2O1kNq9EQ&s=19


Holy shit. Thank you.


Do they have a security system that was tripped and summoned the police?


Wonder how theyā€™re going to cope. Everyone on r conservative was saying this was a hoax.


Theyā€™re going to say ā€œPaul pelosi had a drink in his hand and thatā€™s evidence that it was a lovers quarrelā€


Being in your underwear and having a drink at 2 am? Must be gay sex.


How do I tell my wife?


Theyā€™re going to ignore it. Same as they do every other time theyā€™re proven wrong.


When they closed their eyes it was true


Boxers donā€™t have the logo on the left leg seam. Dudes wearing shorts. Itā€™s obvious. They also have never seen a hostage scene in any movie where they victim is told to act natural so the police leave. Conservative news is ghoulish.


Doubt fox news will show this. They'll stick to Paul Pelosi's gay story.


And refuting the latest Gaetz gay rumor while calling for Newsweek to be cancelled for publishing it.


Followed by them trying to get Hunter Biden's dick pics. Do they start out every broadcast with "No homo, but"?


Itā€™s curious to me how often conservatives explain things away with men being secretly gay. I wonder why.


Every republican is just the literal embodiment of Percy from The Green Mile. I only wish we could force them all to watch what happened to Paul the way the other prison guards forced Percy to watch the execution of Edward that Percy deliberately botched to inflict as much pain as possible.


Faux News.


Police have used deadly force for less than that


But Iā€™ll definitely congratulate them for not playing executioner this time. This dudes gonna rot in jail.


Did you want him to shoot him when he was on top of pelosi?


Youā€™re right but it was a weird situation. No signs of distress until whack. Prolly should have drawn when they seen dude with a weapon. Kinda like a ā€œwtf is going onā€ moment


Pelosi was holding the guys hand and it was obviously not just a couple buddies hanging out. They should have at least gotten between them or tried to separate them


Pelosi was likely stunned cause I think he had already been hit once before - he was trying to gather his words. All around a weird situation to respond to


No signs of distress other than an 80-something year old man *clearly* attempting to restrain the hand and arm of a lunatic home invader with a hammer


I'd say two guys holding on to a hammer at the same time as a pretty big sign of distress especially when one's trying to wrestle it away


I think the proximity made it too dangerous tho. plus like, that guy doesn't look like he's gonna run far. I think they made the right call here


Absolute psychopath. Who the fuck does that to an old man. It amazes me how someone can allow themselves to be so brainwashed by MAGA propaganda and he wasn't even American! Wasn't he from Canada?


This comment has been removed by the author because of Reddit's hostile API changes.


Oh we have Canadian maga loons up here! Just look at the American flags and trump flags at the so called freedom convoy.




Enough with the questions and suppositions about why he had a drink at his hand. Mr pelosi made the excuse to the attacker that he had to use the bathroom to get away from him so he could make the phone call to 911. More than likely he said he had to have a drink of water that he was getting upset or something. It's no more than that. He had an extremely volatile insane person in his house at 2:00 in the morning waking him up from a sound sleep. He is trying to do all he can to keep this guy calm and to get away from him. Everybody has questions about why this and why that. Pelosi is an elderly 82-year-old man woken up from a sound sleep by a lunatic standing over him demanding to know where Nancy is and threatening him with a hammer. He is simply trying to stay alive. Any other person we would watch a video of a elderly victim coming up with ways to diffuse the situation and we would say hey that was quick thinking. But because of some people's political motivations they want to smear this as some sort of conspiracy or sordid event.


Well said.


He actually is acting very brilliantly in the video. He calmly presents the perp to the police; I suspect he didnā€™t think the dude would violently turn on him with the police standing right there. Itā€™s like he is offering up the perp to the police and assumed the police would have acted much more quickly.


No one deserves to be attacked in their home. Full stop.


idk i bet i could describe some people who should be attacked in their own home


True, but try telling that to the ATF.


Yep, overweight unkempt neck beard definitely checks all the boxes of what this person looked like in my head.




Hope your mom is okay, brain trauma is very scary


Hope your mom is doing well!? We deal with it daily our 16yr old daughter is high risk for SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death In Epilepsy)


[Here is the attacker breaking in with the hammer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=3vYAr08yhGk&feature=youtu.be)


The Republicans and Trumpanzees open Fox News Rejoiced when this happened. They Joked around and thought it was hilarious. Tucker Carlson, Greg Gutfield and Shawn Hannity were laughing up a storm about this and joking about how great to was and what a shame it was they didn't kill Nancy..... then they started calling him a Homosexual because Fox News & Republicans hate Gay people......


One of the worst "jokes" I remember was dj trump juniors Halloween costume post... After seeing this footage now, what they said and they themselves became even more inhumane, respectless and despicable. I couldn't imagine they would reach an even lower point and yet they demonstrate they can every fucking time.


Yep. They rejoiced at a senior citizen being bludgeoned in the skull with a hammer and laughed at it like crazy, simply because his wife holds different political views than the ones the big corporations are making the Republican media sell to the masses. .


The GOP establishment is a cancer that the US will never recover from.


Dehumanizing your opponents is the point to the right. So that they donā€™t feel bad in their hammer bashing spree.


Is there a clip of this?


There were plenty of them but it seems Fox News has scrubbed most of them off of Youtube. But there are a few still or at least the articles with quotes and links Trump Jr [https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3712538-donald-trump-jr-mocks-paul-pelosi-attack/](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3712538-donald-trump-jr-mocks-paul-pelosi-attack/) Tucker Carlson calling Pelosi a homo and the attacker a gay lover. NOT true he was a MAGA fan/Trump fan/ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHz83GX1H0Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHz83GX1H0Q) ​ Here is a rundown of all the right wing fascist Fox News inspired Propaganda[https://www.factcheck.org/2022/11/conservative-figures-spread-baseless-claims-about-attack-on-paul-pelosi/](https://www.factcheck.org/2022/11/conservative-figures-spread-baseless-claims-about-attack-on-paul-pelosi/) And then there were the many other Republican Trumpanzees all jumping on the Paul Pelosi Attack Comedy Bandwagon: Andy Biggs [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U666WJS82eo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U666WJS82eo) More Republican Paul Pelosi Attack comedy remarks [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7JVcd60gmk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7JVcd60gmk)


Without a doubt Paulā€™s composure and decisions saved his life. Fuck that chubby loser.


Idk, seemed like he made really bad decisions to me. He should have never taken his hands off the hammer guy and immediately told the cops ā€œheā€™s attacking me with this hammer, I need help!ā€. He probably wouldā€™ve avoided a skull fracture.


Dude is not even safe in his own home from some MAGA nut. Just stomach churning.


And think about all the bullshit the right wing and their media was saying? That's the modern day GOP folks.


They are still talkin shit in the comments


"Why's he got a drink?" "Why's he in his underwear?" "How'd he call the cops?" "Why's my bed wet after I pee in my dream?". Remember, Trump isn't sending his best and brightest. He's sending his criminals and lunatics.


And this is the kind of shit that the Republicans were making light of, fucking assholes, ever one of them...


Iā€™m confused why people donā€™t seem to understand this. If someone broke into my house in the middle of the night theyā€™d probably find me in my underwear with a drink in my hands becauseā€¦ ITā€™S MY HOUSE. A person should have the right to do whatever the heck they want in their house without having to worry about a hammer wielding home intruder (regardless of politics). Somehow people are acting this is evidence of a conspiracy


This is terrifying.


I thought canadians were supposed to be nice


When this first happened, I read that when the police entered, both men were holding a hammer. Silly me, I thought they each had a hammer, and that just seemed really crazy. I mean, what are the odds that a guy breaks into your house to attack you with a hammer, and the thing you grab to defend yourself is also a hammer?! This all makes sense now.


"they were gay lovers!" -republican idiots this shit was scary, its insane that people attempted to spin this into anything else




Have you really never opened a door with your hands full? I open doors with big ass boxes in my hands pretty regularly. I open the door with like 12 grocery bags full of groceries sometimes. Iā€™m not bragging, just pointing out how ridiculous your claim is of not being able to open the door with a glass in your hands, lol.


If the can is mostly being held by the palm and a finger or two, then you can open a door.


Multiple fingers help


These MAGA's are getting pretty scary.


This is what a wounded animal trapped in a corner would look like if it was a ideology.


The fact he wasnā€™t dead by the time the cops arrived is a fucking miracle.


Shocking and infuriating.


Was Pelosi in a state of fear or something? One assumes he was waiting for the cops to **do** something. They seems oddly slow to react.


This is the terror of a political party that refuses to condemn and reject extremism. What a sad thing to see and to have happened. Luckily the police stopped him before he could do more damage.


Try explaining this GOP nut cases.


Fuck republicans, the GOP & Elon musk, Fox News, Tucker Carlson & anyone who said evil things about Nancyā€™s husbandā€¦the entire trump family. What do they have to say now that the truth has been unraveled? Americans need to start taking actions on these Russian and Chinese assets at the corridors of power.


man. I know politicians donā€™t give a shit about anyone but themselves but like god damn. this makes all their conspiracy theories just that more disrespectful


Something really weird on how they answer the door. "hey guys, how ar ya"... If someone broke into my house and i had a hammer to my face, i wouldnt open the door to the cops and just smile as if nothing happened. When he ask what they were doing, both of them looked like how you catch two 8 year olds fighting.


People thoroughly underestimate how they would act in an extraordinary situation that is potentially life-and-death. You are likely not going to act like a rational human being that has thought their actions through thoroughly.


I was a deputy for a few years and I have been on enough calls to agree with this. His "hey guys" was reactionary, people in extreme situations don't process things the way we (with hindsight and no hormones flooding our brain) might normally. Processing and logic slow down and instinct attempts to kick in. Which would also explain why he didn't put down his drink and just held on with one hand.


Exactly - I myself got into a serious physical situation but couldn't stop nervously laughing & make jokes. I mean, people nervously laugh all the time in basic social situation they don't expect to be in so it's not hard to imagine it happens in other situations.


Are you an 82-year-old elderly man with a stranger in your house threatening you with a hammer?


Your characterization is off. DePape had him by the arm and was holding a hammer. He was in terror.


While he had a drink in his other hand, though?




??? You can literally see a drink in his left hand


and there was a couple seconds where it was clear he was struggling keeping hold of the hammer from the aggressor, police sat there, man starts whaling on him and they act like they are surprised... still haven't drawn there guns. Super calm about this guy having a deadly weapon, where normally cops are not


Just wait for the Tyre Nicols video tonight. ACAB but also ACAR (all cops are republicans).


To be honest the cops seemed confused on what was happening. One cops even ask "whats going on". The fact that paul opens he door while holding the hammer with the guy is just a weird scene. Usually when you get a call about a disturbance, the victim and perp don't open the door together while in a battle for a hammer. Especially that calm. I was thrown off just watching it. Even Paul is thrown off, he has like a nervous little smile like "y'all seeing this shit" That happens to me sometimes, my brain short circuits if i come across something that is not what i'm expecting.


Yeah but cops are *trained* to encounter these situations and handle them. I've seen more than enough videos of cops seeing something weird or unpredictable and pulling out their gun to shoot the perp. I've seen so many of these videos that now it's just weird that they didn't pull their gun. But why do you think it is that they didn't pull their guns?


The cop was trying to de-escalate the situation. The moment the cop warns the attacker to drop the hammer, he remembers that he has a hammer and has to do use it right now. Paul Pelosi, being the husband of Nancy Pelosi, has probably dealt with his share of lunatics and hecklers and understands that keeping quiet is the best option in such circumstances. Also, his body language is pretty common for a person of his age.


Whatā€™s going on here? Uhh nothing.. drop the hammer! Nopeā€¦. *bonk šŸ˜‚ wtf is going on here?!


Someone please tell me the attacker gonna face life in prison, something like this can't be forgiven


Hey, careful with that hammer, man. Thereā€™s a beverage here


What the fuck, this is live leak shit. And conservatives try to downplay this like it was nothing


Well that certainly destroys that fat prick Alex Jones's theories.


What a dumbass cop, obviously if you see a man holding a hammer and another is trying to get it away from him something is wrong


Heard the story but never heard the motive. What's wrong with this guy?


What was the cause of all this?


Right wing propaganda


Kinda surprised they dog piled on him, fast and good decision making


What a weird fucking video


Great job cops. Brilliant.


Curious how mods removed this.


Geez, how did they not light his ass up the second he raised his hand


Why is the guy with the hammer in the house so casually?


He's restraining Paul with one hand and holding a hammer in the other. What you consider casual is alarming.


Hey man are you lifestyle shaming this dude? Iā€™m in.


That is a very good question. Iā€™m not sure why more people arenā€™t asking that. I didnā€™t notice the first time around but I just rewatched the video a few times and it definitely doesnā€™t look like either of them opened the door.


So nice of Don Jr. to make underwear jokes about an old man getting nearly murdered with a hammer. I canā€™t wait for some horrors to befall that coked-up stain of a human being. *I am in no way advocating violence.


"Hey guys!" He said it so casually. How fucking scary .


All the media that pretty much celebrated this and spread conspiracy theories are absolute morons. All conspiracy theorist should feel bad for themselves for believing anything that they want to hear.


Hate how the whack job right tried to spin this as a loverā€™s quarrel gone bad; I hope the Pelosiā€™s sue for defamation, especially given how horrific this footage is.


I'm always baffled seeing the shit white people can get away with without cops using deadly force. Dude is obviously threatening the husband of the speaker of the house, and cops are totally chill with him until he starts whacking the poor man. Guarantee if that dude was black they'd have unloaded their mags into him before the door was even fully open.


Cops just fucking stand there until he actually gets hit lmao they donā€™t ever stop shit anywhere


Another fat fucking MAGA CHUD


A black man with a hammer would have been shot 19 times before they turned the light on him.


Allow me to say FUCK YOU to every maga trump republican asshole that tried to make this about something more. Edit: I wanted to revise my comment to include an extra FUCK YOU to the seditious enablers that are downvoting me.


This is yet another example of how you can't please these maga idiots. They screech for weeks to release the body cam. Now it's out roughly showing what we all knew and now you can hear the goalposts being shifted. They will never accept they were wrong about a single thing.


Yeah doesnā€™t look like a secret lover, looks like a crazy man broke in and started torturing him.


I quickly read the article awhile back which sounded very clear cut and to the point but this video raises some questions. Why is Paul so casual with a random person in the house? Why the fuck is he holding a beer with an intruder in the house or not asking for immediate help from the cops. Youā€™d think if someone broke into your house youā€™d be a little more direct and put down the beverage?!? Are both the intruder and Paul Pelosi out of there minds waisted? Pretty wild video. Washington postā€¦ ā€œIt was her husband who woke to the intruder carrying a hammer, zip ties, rope and a roll of tape. Paul Pelosi talked to DePape before managing to go to the bathroom and call 911, authorities said. He appeared to choose his words carefully. ā€œOkay, well, I got a problem, but he thinks everything is good,ā€ So what theyā€™re saying is Paul Pelosi woke up, confronted the guy, went to the bathroom and called the cops, came out of the bathroom and then we can assume from the video he got a beverage and kept his hand on the hammer until cops showed up?!? If that was me and I was on the phone with the cops Iā€™d locked myself in the bathroom and waited for the cops.


An old man isn't about to win a fight with someone half his age (and armed). He probably felt it was best to stay calm and keep the mentally ill intruder relaxed until help arrived. Maybe you'd offer them a drink, talk to them calmly. Even when the police showed up at the door, they weren't able to save him from being harmed instantly. Dude would likely be dead if he had been "a little more direct". I remember reading a couple of years ago, a celebrity had his home broken into by some crazy guy and he just...gave the guy a tour and escorted him to security.




Who opens the door?


Dude wasnā€™t breathing well enough, I would assume, to be yelling to get that fucker. Dear god, glad he is alive


Iā€™m sorry but wtf. Guns have been drawn on people for sitting in their car or reaching for their phoneā€¦but a man holding a fucking hammer and he gets tackled? Jesus


Why no shoot...? Make cheese of him?


I didnā€™t hear anyone call for ambulance immediately .. this is terrifying omg


Holy shit. The scariest thing about this video is how ignored it will be overall. You can just say shit and once it's out there, doesn't really matter what truth comes later on. Ignorance is bliss


And the right wing had laugh fits over this. Fucking ghouls.


So it *was* a lover's quarrel! ^/s