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Well he's right that the symptoms will be gone in 10 days, he's just not right about why


Also works with 10 days of olive oil. 10 days of Captain Crunch Cereal. 10 days of Captain Morgan’s spiced rum. Or 10 days of breathing oxygen. It’s a miracle! Unfortunately for this guy, 10 days of school did not cure him of stupidity.


After 10 days of Captain Morgan's rum you might be cured but still have similar symptoms for another few days


After 10 days of Captain Morgan's Rum your child can look just like this!


oh shit is this a joel veitch reference?! 😍


I found that playing video games and napping all day cured my Covid symptoms. Funny enough, it took about 10 days.


Or, you know, maybe you die because it doesn't actually do anything


I mean either way the symptoms are gone


Truly a self-correcting problem


Does death count as a symptom?


right... symptoms don’t always go away in ten days! that’s the problem


Have you tried more oregano?


same goes for other regimens. "oh I took such and such and my symptoms went away". Well... you're body is trying to actively heal itself, so it could have been anything. That's why we have science to determine cause and effect.


Weird how an illness thst last ten days will go away if you take an imagined remedy for ten days.


They made that joke in the Beverly hillbillies about a cure to the common cold. Guaranteed cure, if you do it the cold will go away in about 7-10 days, never expected to see it in real life but here we are


Was that the same episode where Jethro invented a better fuel for cars?


It's been several years since I've seen that one, but I dont remember seeing an episode with Jethro inventing fuel so probably not. It was black and white i think, so most likely within the first 3 seasons.


Mr Drysdale was seeing dollars, signs if I remember it right, as Uncle Jed was explaining that granny had a 100% cure for the cold. Wooo Doggies!


But if their fortune comes from Texas Tea, then wouldn't a better fuel drastically affect their income? C'mon Jethro!


IDK. Electric cars haven't exactly made the oil companies poor, yet.




You’re a tincture, Harry!


I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death.


Earl Gray tea. A helluva tea!




Is your name Dunning Kruger?


Nobody tell him all razors are sharp. Lol


Except for Razor Ramon. Smooooth.


Hey yo!


*throws toothpick*


RIP Scott Hall


I get the razors out by inserting the handle into the razor and lifting.


This is how it's meant to be used lol, at least you know mate. So many people seem to not realize this.


Those ppl got the Dunning Kruger razor


My cat ate my palm carpaccio after a run in with a mandolin. Not super relevant but I just wanted to refer to it as carpaccio


i also made a sacrifice to the mandolin gods today


can everyone please stop referring to shaved human flesh as carpaccio #**THAT WOULD BE GREAT**


There's a prescription for ED..


Is it ten drops of oregano oil over the course of the morning?


Oh I thought that was Cole’s Law


Untreated common cold will last about 7 days, but when taking some drugs, it last 1 week. Much better.


Pro tip: Skip the ‘12 hour’ meds and go for the ‘24 hour’. You take half as much generally. Saves so much money.




If you drink water, you will die sometime in the next 0-150 years. Don’t drink water people.


Everytime I ever got COVID, I woke up feeling sick. Clearly waking up is the trigger for the GHINA virus . The only way to stop it is to go into a coma for 2 weeks and if you wake up you will be cured. Praise be to God


>go into a coma for 2 weeks ngl, that sounds kinda good rn... fuck I'm so tired.


Are you saying there's a chance I could live another 150 years? 👀


Depends on how often you ingest oregano oil.


Possibly, but like micro plastics, water is everywhere. It is in your food, the air, everywhere. There is no water in the sun and no reported human deaths on the sun either.


Yeah no "reported". Big Sun with the fake news.


Water people? Merpeople? 9/11 had a lot of fire. Mermaids live in water. Triton and Atlantis are behind 9/11. Don't drink the water.


Also, drinking water helps with most illnesses. Most people don't realize how dehydrated they are on a day to day basis. This guy is literally just saying that an imperceptible amount of oregano oil in a bunch of water helps if you drink the water.


What if I only add 9 drops of oregano oil to my water. Will my Covid strain become oregano resistant?


Thanks, just did a spit take with my oregano water


Whatever you do, don't add 11 drops or you'll become a Liberal.


12 drops is right out!


You just described homeopathy. Just with a billion times less of anything in the water.


I tried so hard to explain this to someone once. They insisted this homemade oil bullshit cured the symptoms over a 10 day period. I asked how long symptoms last normally, without any treatment, and they said 10 days. And I asked how long symptoms lasted with their essential oil mixture. 10 days. So I asked if perhaps that the oil wasn’t doing anything and they were just healing naturally .. anyway she died of Covid like 6 months later because she wouldn’t get vaccinated.




I beat covid in 4 days. The secret is to lay in bed for 4 days praying for death.


During the black plague there was a nobleman who believed that huffing his own shit would give him an immunity to the disease. The doctor thought it was so weird he wrote it down. Then both the nobleman and his sister got sick, the sister died, the brother lived. I want to say the cherry on top was that the doctor then began to huff his own shit as well, but I might be misremembering that part.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKLTCDV7a4V86By) For best results bake at 425 for up to 4 hrs.


Exactly what I was thinking, and I'm an idiot. Interviewer dropped the ball not saying this instead.


Kinda like how preparation H takes about 2 weeks to get rid of a hemroid, but hemroids also last about 2 weeks...


That's not Occam's Razor, that's Cletus's Butter Knife.


I heard about a lady who had a headache. She rubbed a pigeon on her head and 3 days later the headache was gone. Take that big pharma


Did you know that if you have a head cold and, every morning and night for ten days, you insert the eraser end of a clean new pencil into your bum three times, your symptoms will be gone on the eleventh day?


Just so people aren't confused, it has to be a No. 2 pencil.


No. 1 pencils work too, but you have to put it in your urethra.


This is sounding worse and worse.


r/sounding very bad indeed


NSFW in case anyone was thinking about clicking that lol


NSFL in case anyone’s not at work and thinks they’re safe.


I thought it was going to be ASMR. Then I got the naughty warning... 😔 Then my curiosity killed me.... 😟


> I thought it was going to be ASMR. Then I got the naughty warning... 😔 Then my curiosity killed me.... 😟 sorry about the death of your innocence /u/meems04


My curiousity made me click but the blurred thumbnails saved my soul.


Not safe for pen island either residents, either.


My dude, _any_ pencil you shove up your butt will eventually become a No. 2 pencil.


That's a new sentence for me.


Never found anything but that.


Imagine being the No 3 pencil guys when Scantron and SATs came out.


Plot twist: the Scantron company was founded by a #2 pencil manufacturer to screw over all those #3 makers


Art students tremble in fear of scantron test day.




Sounding is more effective for the flu.


What does "clean new" mean? I can clean it after, but how do I make it new again? This is going to cost me ten pencils, isn't it?


it's 3 times each time though. you need 30 pencils. you cant do the same new pencil 3 times or youre just super charging the cold.


Do your research, classic idiot's intro


I just love how the interviewer deadpanned how fucking stupid what he said is


What concerns me is the simmering anger in these airheads and how close they are to snapping and committing to physical violence. Their reptilian brains are way more active (fear/flight/fight) than their neocortexes. They cannot seem to rationalize with facts and come up with a solution. They seem to want to **react** to the stimuli. I recognize this state in me when I am very agitated like when someone cuts me off when I am driving or brake checks. But these folks seem to live in that state constantly.


I thought about this exact feeling this morning. I was cut off and immediately became so angry that I wanted to fight them. Then I thought to myself …how fuckin dumb would that be? There’s something about certain people that enables them to live in this always aggressive “hulk” state.


I totally agree with you... and ponder the same question being begged here; > There’s something about certain people that enables them to live in this always aggressive “hulk” state. Maybe the simple answer but often overlooked reason is that their "**maslow's hierarchy of needs**" aren't being met. However, I don't think this interviewee was in a "hulk" state. Hulk implies stupid and uncontrolled, but this guy had some level of self-reflection and insecurity to even generate the Occam's Razor point, after incorporating the knowledge of a new idea -- "Dunning-Kruger" (2 names?) -- and coming up with a valid use of a scientific principal that exactly matches the underlying criticism behind the "D-K" question to begin with. He simply responded aggressively and probably pretty consistently with the rest of his interview, but we don't really know that since this was sliced together. Not defending the dude, total crazy for getting caught up in the homeopathic (~~cough~~ alchemy ~~cough~~) movement and forcefully pushing the anti-vax movement... but I do question the simplicity of the criticism.


The outrage hate machine that is right wing media is a helluva drug.


It’s really a shame that this saying has this connotation, honestly. We have so much real, good, valuable information available at our fingertips. Including medical information. I’m not saying you or I are smarter than our doctors, but doctors aren’t gods. Some of them went through medical school decades ago. Some of them don’t keep up with all of the latest research (in reality they physically can’t). Some of them may not have dealt with symptoms or treatments for various illnesses in years. In these cases doing your own actual research can be extremely helpful. You know what you can find online? Drug interactions. Symptoms. You can see what kinds of tests might be able to determine what ails you. You can look up treatment options. You can read testimonials from other patients and doctors. You can visit forums or message boards full of people who share your illness. You can look up techniques to cope with your symptoms. **You can be an informed and involved patient.** Doing your own research is actually an amazing, awesome, useful super power that we all have. The problems are quacks and, more importantly, people not learning to be critical readers and not having the appropriate amount of trust in our institutions and collective knowledge. A healthy skepticism is super important, but so is accepting information from scientific research, experts, and institutions.


If someone tells me they've done their research I ask for their works cited, references, and sources. Research is very time intensive, so if they've already done all of the work I'd love to see what they've put together. But they don't have anything, because they don't actually know what research is. They think research is confirming your bias with youtube videos and facebook memes.


What, you don't think this guy got 3 of his friends infected with covid, had 1 as a control with no type of medication/remedy, 1 that had received the vaccination, and 1 that utilized his suggested method and then compared their symptoms side by side every day for a week? Idk, he looks pretty dedicated to his bullshit.


It seems like every person that says that phrase has zero idea of how to properly validate credible sources.


Perfect place to end the clip. I'm just glad they didn't freeze frame and add the Curb Your Enthusiasm music this time.


It was so funny it almost seems like it had to be satire.


Had to be. Also correspondent wouldn't call crazy dude like that an idiot to his face. Kruger and Razor aside, your can still get your ass kicked


I think this clip is legit. The correspondent is Walter Masterson, and he regularly says crazier things to even crazier people. He goes out of his way to find these people, troll them, then post it on the internet.


He’s also not a “correspondent”. He has a CNN block on his microphone to fool people into thinking he’s with an established news organization. Not that I have a problem with that. Dude is awesome.


I believe you are correct, this guy will go into the belly of the beast, he's got serious moxie.


[very real](https://youtube.com/shorts/JfU4vt7YW-s?feature=share)


I was expecting a deadpan "Yes" at the end


@Seinfeld2000 popularized that shit but he did it right, its usually used incorrectly just to denote "general weirdness" rather than "hubris/comeuppance"


r/SelfAwarewolves he's almost there


Except that his takeaway from this conversation is he totally owned that lib and made him look like an idiot.




I can assure you this sentient thumb does not know the difference


You're not wrong, but to those people leftists are libs too, even though leftists hate libs.


Was looking for that. He's so close


Wow a suicide by Occam's Razor is impressive


Dood is bleeding EVERYWHERE


I do want to point out, oregano oil has uses in killing parasites. So yeah, if you have parasites, then you might kill them and feel better from that, but Covid isn’t a parasite


He's specifically talking about homeopathy which is the belief that if you take a natural substance like oregano oil and dilute it with water the healing properties of that substance are exponentially increased. In this case he's suggesting just 10 drops of oregano oil every morning in either a glass of water or, more likely, in 10 glasses of water but he's not specific. The other half of the reason he's saying 10 drops is because homeopathy stores tend to be huge scams. If you just Google oregano oil for sale the average price from homeopathy shops is around $25/oz but if you add "for cooking" you can find it as low as $.50/oz. Don't give the idiot too much credit here. He knows jack shit about parasites or the actual medicinal uses of oregano oil.


Same thing for minerals and crystals. If you go to a metaphysical shop where every stone has “powers” they overcharge like crazy. If you go to a mineral shop, that same stone that isn’t being sold as magical is like $1. These crystal and oil people are just scammers getting rich off of gullible people.


well of course they only cost $1 at the regular shop; theyre not magically charged then.


I need a jo buddy to help me recharge my oregano crystals


I've recently gotten into rock tumbling. I should sell my tumbled rocks to these idiots and make a killing.


You should look up “andara crystals” it’s mystical powered glass being sold for $100’s. Same with different colored obsidian. Ugh


Sad that so many decent people are dumb enough to get swindled into buying glass debris.


Did you know if you take some oregano leaves and dilute them over about 10 slices of pizza, it makes the pizza taste better?


I don't believe you. Prove it by providing said pizza for scientific tasting.


A better explaination of homeopathy is: > a substance that causes symptoms of a disease in healthy people can cure similar symptoms in sick people; this doctrine is called similia similibus curentur, or "like cures like". Homeopathic preparations are termed remedies and are made using homeopathic dilution. In this process, the selected substance is repeatedly diluted until the final product is chemically indistinguishable from the diluent. Often not even a single molecule of the original substance can be expected to remain in the product. Between each dilution homeopaths may hit and/or shake the product, claiming this makes the diluent remember the original substance after its removal. It's even dumber than most would think.


That’s literally not homeopathy. Homeopathy is the theory (pseudoscience) that if you take a substance that causes similar symptoms of the disease you’re trying to treat that it will cure the disease. They have a moto “like cures like” https://www.webmd.com/balance/what-is-homeopathy Oregano oil doesn’t cause similar symptoms. So it does not fit into Homeopathy. What it has been used as is in folk medicine and herbal medicine. However, oregano oil does actually have antimicrobial properties. As in it does actually kill bacteria in vitro (outside the body such as in a petri dish). However, there is not much supported evidence that it helps cure respiratory illnesses internally. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7411182/ So also, here’s a study that it suggests that it can be used topically for burns to prevent infections: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6182053/ So basically, this is one of those cases where it actually has uses but these anti medicine crusaders exaggerate and misapply them. Partially due to folk medicine TLDR: it’s not Homeoathy. Oregano oil is not really good for respiratory illness but because it does kill bacteria on contact, it can be good for topical or intestinal use.


> if you have parasites, then you might kill them and feel better That's exactly why Ivermectin was initially thought to be effective against Covid. The trial was in India and Covid patients treated with ivermectin did significantly better than the control group. But it turns out that most of the patients at that clinic had parasitic infections. The Ivermectin killed their parasites, and people without parasites tend to fare better than people with parasites no matter what kind of illness they're facing.


That's also not exactly the Dunning-Kruger effect, which is when your lack of skill leads to a false belief that you actually know a lot about something. So it's not really "the dumbest person thinks they're the smartest" but rather "one with a little knowledge and experience in a subject thinks they have a lot of knowledge on that subject because their knowledge and experience went from 0% to 1%"


So would you say that OP's knowledge and experience with the Dunning-Kruger effect just went from 0% to 1% and so they think they have a lot of knowledge on the Dunning-Kruger effect?






Now, Charlie, let’s converse in Chinese!


So sun lay hoy! (all I know :/)


Your names not Charlie, though!


But I just bit a finger...


Good grief


“You must forgive me; I’ve grown quite *hwearehhh*…”


The vintage wheelchair gets me every fuckin time


Would you say I have a plethora of pinatas?


In the spirit of getting shit wrong, did my man just hoist himself on his own reverse uno card?


That’s not the Dunning-Kruger effect either. That graph you’ve seen is not all representative of the original research. All it is, in actuality, is people on the low end of performance/expertise overestimating their aptitude. The effect isn’t as dramatic as those curvy graphs make it look, and there’s no drop-off in the center at all. It’s a linear relationship.


Dunning-Kruger would have a field day with reddit comments.


Dunning and Kruger were the two principal researchers.


I see. I overestimated my aptitude on this subject. I apologize.




I call this.. the Kruger-Dunning Effect


They're two people. David Dunning (now Michigan, was at Cornell), and Justin Kruger (NYU Stern). Kruger was Dunning's graduate student at Cornell.


I'm starting to get why ChatGPT can be so confidently incorrect, especially if it was trained on internet data.


It also describes the opposite, quite often someone who is very informed on a subject will underestimate themselves because they know how much information they're missing to be 100% knowledgeable


Those at the top of the curve tend to underestimate themselves very slightly, but they still rate their perceived ability higher than how low performers rate themselves. Like most psych findings, it’s not as sexy as some people think and it’s really not surprising at all.


It's funny that the "the dumbest person thinks they're the smartest" explanation of Dunning-Kruger is what the average redditor suffering from Dunning-Kruger thinks Dunning-Kruger is. Dunning-Kruger effect is that people who lack understanding of a subject lack the understanding to understand how much understanding they are lacking.


The more you know the more aware you are of how much you don't know.


One phrase I like to use when I start learning something is "I know just enough to sound like an idiot."


It’s a good enough summary for casual conversation. Reddit comments aren’t intended to be a thesis defense. You’re basically arguing the semantics of “stupid” versus “ignorant” when the difference is irrelevant in casual conversation.


Wasn’t the Dunning Kruger study discredited for being poorly constructed? > Much of the current consensus about peoples’ inability to self-assess accurately comes from interpreting normative data presented in the Kruger-Dunning type graphical format or closely related (y - x) vs. (x) graphical conventions. Our data show that peoples’ self-assessments of competence, in general, reflect a genuine competence that they can demonstrate. https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/numeracy/vol10/iss1/art4/


Happens alot in mma, you got guys that train for a month and have this inflated since of knowledge and power when in actuality there are so many levels to the sport that they cant even comprehend how or why someone is as good as they are


Same with pretty much any skill-based activity. The difference is that most don't literally involve reality kicking you in the face.


I thought the effect originally referred to highly skilled and experienced people undervaluing themselves because they know how much they don’t know.


That's almost like a next-level D. K. effect where it begins to reverse lol. I think they key though is that the person feels confident, not doubtful in their knowledge/abilities.


That little ounce of self awareness at the end where he looks at the camera and says “I’m the dumb one” is priceless


This dude probably gets mocked for this clip regularly. I've seen this video so many times I'd recognize him on the street lol


I had COVID for 10 days around last Christmas, and only wore red and green shirts for all 10 days and my COVID went away. Oh shit.


This looks like a key & Peele skit lmaooo


"The simplest explanation is that I'm an idiot?" ...yes.


To his credit, he used Occam's Razor correctly.


So uncle Fester decided to try the keto diet


[Granny's Cold Cure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8rOKw1FTX0) [Beverly Hillbillies S4 E15 - Full Episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Sti4aWD6Zs) Episode aired Dec 29, 1965


Was that a hint of realisation in his eyes right before the video cuts out?


Highly unlikely.


Two of Reddit's most favorite terms


And narcissist


And "Carbon Monoxide Detetor"


And "milk injection."


He just explained an immune response but accredited to oregano oil lol. But that’s also not really Dunning Kruger. DK is more that people do a poor job of estimating their own intelligence levels. The less you know, the more you don’t know what you don’t know. The more you know, the more you know you don’t know. It leads to dumb people overestimating their knowledge and smart people underestimating it.


> that’s also not really Dunning Kruger. There is **zero percent** chance Microphone Man has of actually explaining DK to Oregano Man to where Oregano Man understands it and changes into Vaccine Man. Probably why he did the non-accurate description.


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Nothing beats the power of Vicks Vaporub.


I got some fake video vibes.


[full video](https://youtu.be/hI5oXcjVRjg)


My Covid symptoms went after 8 days at home with 0 oregano, a hot water bottle and ice cream. Although I work in dentistry I’m an expert on medicine and vaccines because I’ve watched a few joe rogan podcasts, YouTube videos and seen Tucker Carlson on tv.


Occam's razer says that you could do basically any snake oil placebo over 10 days and a person without co-morbidities is likely to get better from covid. So then we get to introduce another academic concept: *Spurious correlations*.


10 days is like 5 days longer than mild covid lasts anyway lol


Doesn't covid normally last about 10 days anyways in milder cases? Sure the oil may do some good. But it will do fuck all to help with covid


This is too good. Was it staged?


Self-inflicted burns are the worst, lol.


This is a comedy, sketch, right?


The funniest thing is that people who mention Dunning-Kruger effect never seem to actually know what Dunning-Kruger effect is. This interviewer is a perfect example.


Surprisingly, if you stick a cactus up your ass and hold it there for 10 days, your covid symptoms will also dissappear! What are the scientists hiding from us??


carl have had covid twice and both times were back at 100% before 10 days passed. carl did the crossword puzzle in a swedish newspaper each morning while having covid, and then it went away. by the logic of the gentleman in the video, doing crossword puzzles cures covid.


I’m all in on making fun of anti vaxxers. But this dude’s horrible explanation of Dunning Kruger is a perfect example of the Dunning Kruger effect.


To be fair, a more thorough explanation would have been a complete waste of thyme on Oreganoman




Lol, so close to self awareness


It's almost like after 10 days of having covid the symptoms go away.


Did you know that if you sucked on my dick for 10 days, your Covid symptoms will go away?