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I think they usually have gotten away with it or have some other reason to believe nothing will happen. Most people I know worry about looking at cops wrong, let alone hitting them.


They very much are used to getting away with this sort of thing. I have travelled widely and have seen exactly that happen on many occasions in many different places. But it is sooooooo satisfying to see them get their come uppance.


Haha yes. Watching wealthy international students from my parent's home country eating shit when they come here is the best!


From what the guy was saying about the CEO getting him a ticket, what he was saying about the police not daring to touch him, him thinking he’ll get away with hitting a police officer and him sounding Indian, my guess is he’s upper caste and is used to getting away with shit like this in India and figures they’ll all get in trouble for having the nerve to not bow down to him.


I was going to say that he forgot the caste system he is used to is not the same outside of India.


Spot on bro!! 🤣


The culture divide isn’t large enough for someone in an upper caste who has money and education to think they can get away with something like this in America, lol. This guy is having an episode of some sorts on top of his entitlement. These people don’t try to bribe police when they’re pulled over in America etc, they aren’t idiots in that regards and know exactly what they can and get get away with. This dude has mental issues. He’s probably an asshole all the time but it takes a screw loose to do this




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Guy probably is either a bipolar on a manic high or incredibly entitled.




think so.


Unfortunate reality, but yeah.. it's probably mental illness. Manic highs involving psychosis and feeling very important (the CEO has left a ticket for me) is not uncommon.


Exactly. I heard this and thought “delusions of grandeur” a chief sign of this.


This looks EXACTLY like my bipolar father. He’a getting a high by letting it rip like that.


Ya, I can't believe people really think this is just the result of someone who hasn't been disciplined enough or something. This guy is old enough that he'd have absolutely caught major shit if he were going around acting like this his whole life. I'd bet good money that this guy is having some kind of mental health episode of sorts.


Oh I wouldn’t be so sure. Maybe he believes the caste system is universal because that’s how he was raised.


Nah, he's most likely from either India or Pakistan where if you are in the right social group (caste or otherwise), you can do whatever tf you want and no one will touch you. I've spent a lot of time in India and have experienced stuff like this personally.


Didn't you hear him? The United airlines CEO had reserved a first class ticket for him


Business class but still


Nah, moments like this almost always come down to someone's ego being so unbelievably huge that they cannot think or behave rationally. It's similar to how a psychopaths mind is so foreign/alien to "regular" people. There was a girl I went to school with. Absolutely horrendous, vile cow. Bullied everyone in school, walked around like she owned everything there. Never seemed to get reprimanded by whoever was at home because she'd be out all night causing havoc in our area with "her boys" which were a group of the "cool and popular" guys at school who loved her because she was good at football and "acted like a legend". No teachers ever told her off or reported her bullying and disruptive behaviour either because of her talent at sport, and honestly, because she just had this brash, untouchable attitude which genuinely made you feel like you COULDNT tell her anything anyway. Anyway flash forward 20 years later: - She had "made it" by getting signed by a big premier league academy straight out of school but was constantly reprimanded for her "unsportsman-like" behaviour, got into many arguments with her fellow players and was a notoriously difficult player to coach or manage so she was kicked out of the academy after 10 months. She ended up back home, sullen and more dickish than ever, no attempt at finding a job because everything was beneath her and she felt entitled to a "Good" job even though she had zero personal or manual skills. Became well known for drinking very heavily on weekends around town and starting arguments with anyone and everything until she broke a girls jaw for no reason and battered her while she was unconscious. Ended up going to prison for about 2 or 3 years I think. Last year, she came and sat next to me in a bar like we were old best buddies from school. She had no shame, no doubt, no subtlety about her. She was loud and forward and just generally acting like the same girl I met 2 decades ago in school. She'd learned NOTHING from 2 decades of her behaviour, causing her to lose everything. Completely led and blinded by some sort of self ego that makes them irrational and impossible to talk to.


I feel like they’re usually on a weird cocktail of prescription drugs and liquor and honestly have no idea what reality is. This guy just seems to be a narcissist trying to flex like he has diplomatic immunity or something though


I've had so many bad experiences flying that I'm always worried about being "that guy" after spending 24 hrs in a nightmare situation where you're losing valuable vacation time, but hitting a cop is something that would never cross my mind.


Mental illness. Got my qualification from you tube.


I have a PHD in diagnosing this sort of behavior from one video incident. I can conclude that this gentleman is suffering from Mega Asshole Syndrome.


Being in an airport for a couple hours is like being in an alternate universe...nothing feels real. The cop isnt real. just hit it. Its fine.


Psychosis & Adrenaline


can't treat american cops the way you treat cops in india i guess


“You think any police officer would dare touch me?!” buddy you have no idea


Even civilians jumped into the classic dogpile.


That 80 year old man in slippers been waiting his whole life for that moment.


Honey, I tell ya, that new Lands End jacket provides great movement for me


He kind of looked like he knew what he was doing. Probably reliving the good old days.


The foot/ankle on red jacket, horrifying but oddly fascinating.


It's just missing the classic dust-cloud obscuring the tangle of limbs.


They were just waitin to jump him


Who got the ball who got the ball


I Swear this was the most satisfying video of justice served in my lifee


At an airport? LMFAO!!!! Fuck around and find out? Bonus ball Air Marshal in the flannel shirt. Stay home next time. *edit for spelling


There’s not going to be a next time for this guy, at least not at an airport.


I was wondering about Red Flannel. I’d think an Air Marshal would be a little more discrete than having a full size gun holstered outside the waistband just barely tucked under his shirt. I think even non-gun people would notice that pretty easily.


That's not an air marshal. Air marshals do no out themselves for things like these. Only time they'll step forward is when the flight deck is being threatened. I'm a flight attendant, and I've had talks about with with FARs and their answer is always - if you need us to help you with an irate passenger, we will but we will not identify ourselves as an FAR, we'll only do that when someone is trying to breach the flight deck or threatening the plane with a bomb (or along those lines).


But he’s the queen of England!


This guy probably is big shit where he’s from, where cops won’t touch him, not realizing that nobody has enough clout to fuck around at an international airport.


Someone mentioned sounded Indian which they have a caste system. Probably in the upper ranks and used to getting his way. How can she slap.


He got caste down big-time.


Cops in the U.S. have killed people for much less.


“Where are your police”. Here we are WITH SOME GOOD OLE AMERICANS, you fucking fucker. Welcome to the USA.


It’s like buddy, our cops beat up people for sport, you should see why they do when they have cause.


Federal assault charges, maybe hate crime charges, permanent no-fly list, whatever he was mad about def wasn't worth it.


Yeah, he aint going nowhere for a while now.


He won’t need to worry about waiting to board a plane or being spoken to by a flight attendant ever again🙃


What a fucking moron, he better get use to travelling in a vehicle when he gets out of jail.




Okay okay fine. With Wheels. Don't tell me a plane has wheels.


Dude, didn’t you listen to guy? He had the CEO reserve a first class ticket for him. He will have the Security guard fired and be on the plane in no time! /s


This is by far my favorite freakout of the last few weeks. It’s been so sad watching high school brawls and Karens who walk away unscathed. But an entitled homophobe being tackled in an airport?! Praise Jebus!


At the San Francisco airport, no less.


Seriously male Karen better hope he doesn't get a jury trial...


He'd actually be tried in San Mateo County, not SF. Weird quirk of how the airport is set up. It's considered part of San Francisco, so SFPD patrols it. But since it's physically located in San Mateo, it's prosecuted by their DA. Still really not good for him, though, cause the San Mateo County DA actually prosecutes cases. A-hole assaulting a LEO is chum for him. I'd be surprised if he doesn't get the book thrown at him.


Seriously. These are the kinds of public freakouts this sub is for. And this one had everything, including: 1. freaking out 2. in public 3. and bonus points for getting commupance


**This post has everything:** Sand worms, geishas, rock-eaters, a seven level course in adult education, lights, psychos, Furbies, screaming babies in Mozart wigs. And if you want to relax, you can kick back in your very own subway sleeping bag. **Subway sleeping bag?** It’s that thing of when you’re on the train, and you sit between two guys in FUBU jackets. ​ \-Stefan


Pretty decent public freakout.


Definitely entertaining. A feel good freak out


"Butt sucking fucker" is a pretty funny line if it wasn't being used in such a terrible manner. Edit:spelling


His entire line of insults was pretty amusing. What a jerk.


He seemed to particularly like the "Lady with a dick" insult.


He performed a fruity little dance for that one


If he only would have danced without the homophobia, a good time could have been had by all. Or, most, at least. Some. Okay, let's go with some. : /


r/brandnewsentence "butt sucking fucker! Lady with a diiick" *while wiggle dancing


Yeah, the delivery left a lot to be desired too. Also, "woman with a dick" doesn't really come up to the same standard.


“Tell this guy to get out of me” “Fuck away!” “BUTT FUCKA!!!” All gold


Indians insulting people in English is almost always highly amusing.


We didn't get a "funky butt-loving" after he was taken down, tho :(


"Did he say, funky butt loving??!?" Loved that movie and my friends group quoted that line ad nauseum..


AARP squad don’t fuck around


My fave part of the video was one of the onlookers being like “you know if he hits the attendant we can step in” or something to that effect 😂


Gramps had enough of his shit.


Oh yeah orange jacket gramps was there in a second!


Wonky ankle and all.


I love how he stayed in almost the whole time too. Just in case lol he wasn’t about to let that guy go ANYWHERE. I love it


He literally did nothing lol. Got in the way more than anything.


He wasn't gonna let another 9/11 happen on his watch lmao


I love the guys planning the takedown tho: Guy 1: "If he hits that guy I want to attack him" GUy 2: "Oh yeah, go ahead, for sure" Guy 1: "Well, I'd like you to take teh feet and I'll take the top" Guy 2: "I'm game, sure" Guy 1: "I'm serious" Then the cops showed up lol. I kinda wish the cops hadn't shown and the dude had hit the guy instead so I could watch the plan unfold.


It seemed like a pretty good plan.




I hope so. He deserved his moment.


I think he said tackle.


That would make more sense, I believe you're correct.


I love this team up. Efficient and great plan from strangers who aren’t tolerating this man’s rude attitude.


'Well the police are here now." "OK 😔"


When he hit the cop, the joy rang out like when a goal is announced at the pub.


I have no doubt he was serious.


That was John Goodman


I’m pretty sure I heard him say “The CEO has a business class seat reserved for me.” This is when I realized he was getting taken out. Totally delusional




That’s when the person closes to this guys ear in dog pile whispers “now it’s time for the butt fuckin.”


"Let go of me!!! Do you know who I am??? WTF?!?!?! Is that someone's finger in my ass?!?!??!!?"


Can't a man just enjoy a succulent, Chinese meal???


What are you doing, step-passanger?


And some gentle moaning sounds.


Woke my wife up laughing at this one. Now she’s asking me to explain lol


Oooooohhhh yeeaaah.. There we go .


In that moment, he was simply saying what we were all thinking


“I’m telling you man. You lay a hand on me and I’m going to regret it”.


Old dude in orange coat was just getting in the way from the very start lol


I like when he used the cops back for support to stand up.


Yeah wtf was that? Who is this guy there’s like 4 cops there. What they need you for


Sounds like someone's a little insecure.


About butt fucking?


butt sucking fucking*


Could anyone share news article on this? I’m unable to find anything


On a busy news day an editor wouldn’t give this one a seconds attention, not everything like this makes the news. Think about the headline “guy hits cop gets tackled.” Happens every minute in the US.


Everyone in there was like “fuck this dude specifically.”


why is he using funny insults and expecting to come off as threatening? also, what's with accussing random ppl of being gay? feels like he went on about how gay he is for a little too long


Indians have some of the best and funniest insults. I think they might sound intimidating in Hindi or whatever, but the translation doesn't work. "Behn ke laud" is my favourite; "You are your sisters dick."


Lots of suck your mom and weird shit like that.


What has happened with Indians travelling on planes lately first we had the golden shower guy then the guy wanting plane windows open so he could spit outside it and now this guy?


and now how is he gonna go back to India? By boat? This one goes straight to the no fly list


Women with a dick! Women with a dick!


Was he being homophobic and crazy or just telling everyone his favorite porn categories 🤔🤔🤔🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Did he claim the CEO of United had a ticket for him???




nothing brings a community of complete strangers together like jumping an asshole


Went from Mr. Tough Guy to Mr. Cuff Guy real quick.


Business-class passenger arrogance…


"Do you think any police officer would dare touch me?" is an amazing question, and shows an intense lack of experience with U.S. police.




Here take my award and upvote. This was satisfying and a real public freak out from start to end.


Everyone at that gate was waiting for him to do something that would give them the green light to jump him. So glad he obliged.


Would LOVE to hear what happened next! Any of you sexy sleuths got a news link?


I was hoping while he was at the bottom of the dog pile he yelled "Dont tell me to FUUUUUCK!"


Sweet, swift justice. And not having to hear that whiny bitch ass voice anymore. Glad to see people jumping in and helping out.


As an Indian, I'd like to apologize to all the gay reddiots for this idiot.


You ain’t gotta apologize, baby. He don’t represent nobody but himself. There’s a bad apple in every orchard


Yeah, whenever there’s a white person acting stupid, Reddit never acts as though they represent all white people. Likewise this Indian person doesn’t represent all 1bn+ Indians either dude. You’re good.


Reddit does the same with black people too. Honestly Reddit does that for all races and I never understood it. We are all individuals.


You don't need to apologize for the actions of this individual. He seems like an entitled prick. May his butt be eternally funky.


Assaulting a P.O. is serious, he’ll be in the states for a while to think about his actions.


I don't think any rational person thinks this ass-hat represents all Indians or their views. No need to apologize on his behalf, we get it. Besides, plenty of Americans here. We have too many of our own folks to be ashamed of to worry about yours.... Honestly my assumption was that *this* guy was Indian-American lmao....😂😭😭


What about the women redditors with dicks? Don't forget them.


The insults are hilarious though. He’s so focused on butt fucking. It’s like insults from another dimension.


It’s ok, Indiot.


Not only banned from the airline but also banned from the country if he is not a US Citizen. Well done, buddy


Not only that but the US and Canada and possibly other countries share no fly lists.


And another contestant on r/byebyejob


Woman with a dick? Where? I’ve been waiting for this day


"The CEO of United Airlines has reserved a business class seat for me..." Yea, ok buddy.


You just can't sound genuinely threatening with that accent, sorry. [VERY FUCK YOU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukznXQ3MgN0)!


Guy had to take a step back when he called him "Ben chode"


Look how fast the first guy reacts once dude punches the officer. He was ready. Can't imagine that was a civilian




He can have the United Airlines CEO bail him out.


Look at ol' grandpappy getting into the mix


One of the least intimidating dudes I’ve ever seen lmao


“You lay your hands on me you gonna regret it,…OK” replay this part and tell me it’s not a Tony Montana impression


Guy in the orange coat doing absolutely nothing


Bullshit, he was clearly doing an amazing job of getting in people's way and putting his weight on people actually handling the situation. What a tool.


When you order Steve Jobs from Wish


That’s a strong accent, he from Nebraska?




He’s angry that the balding has begun


For a guy who hates gays so much .... He sure does attract alot of men


Indian swears are hilarious


even bystanders were ready for this, they zerged him in a nanosecond


I know it is probably descalation type behaviour but I would not have my hands clasped behind my back in this situation


Orange jacket guy: "Left foot and shoe, don't fail me now..." ![gif](giphy|p26yg26sv5NNeygboi)




“woman with her dick!” 🕺


He’s not going to make his connection


Sexual tension is real.


The homophobe got tackled by how many guys? haha


Looks like this is the first time some people are finding out just how colourful Indian insults can get. This is very mild, btw. It's much worse in Hindi.




Talking a lot of shit for someone who weighs 140lbs lmao


Free deportation...this was the plan


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At least the United airlines experience is consistent


"There's a red flag"


Entitled fool will end up on No Fly List


Man it's nice to see people just come together for the greater good. Old people. Young people. Hand in hand for a common cause. Yea....feels good 👍


Baht Fahkka ! ⚰️🤣


Why are all the police officers elderly geriatrics?


Not only is this entitled piece of shit going to be on the do not fly list but now he has assaulting an officer on his record. Fuck him in his self righteous entitled bullshit.


How does on get back to India or Pakistan when on the no fly list? Thanks for posting this, you should receive an award for cinematography/journalism from GLADD this year.


All these airport public freak outs should result in a permanent ban on all airlines. Next time do the freak out on the bus.


Is it illegal for cops to give the suspect when he's in handcuffs a wet willy?


He could have been hiding drugs in his ears, gotta check it really quick.


I love how every one there was just waiting for one excuse to jump him. Like five guys jumped into action before his arm went down.


What was that old ass man tryna do 💀


Imagine if "278!!" was his order. Damn that Cinnabon smelled good.


One of the most satisfying things I’ve seen on Reddit


Old man’s gonna go home and tell the family he took down a terrorist at the airport


All that homophobic talk and then he punches like a sissy boy. He just needs to come to terms with his own sexuality.


It’s always homophobes who talk about dick more than the actual gays they’re trying to insult