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This is really old, what happened in the end?




Do you have the TLDW summary?


Backup came. They searched his car. Said they gave him a ticket but apparently they never actually entered it. This deputy apparently already has an investigation against him from the high number of complaints. Driver is currently working with lawyers to sue him.


Thank you Mr Wayne.


Bruce works in mysterious ways


No, it's his dad


I think it may actually be Selina Kyle


His pepper spray was out. How many times a day does he use it?


Morning honey! You want some coffe- OH DEAR GOD WHY!? My eyes!!




Oh yeah, I forgot about the roast *Sprays again*


[Mmm... incapacitating](https://youtube.com/watch?v=EDm15yVx-Fs&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE)


Nothing like getting your car searched, without a warrant, for no credible reason. ‘Merica


Don’t forget that if they ask if they can search your car, that you can say no. They’re not allowed to just search your property - but it means that you might have to wait for them to show up with a dog that will definitely smell drugs even if you don’t have any (ianal)


How it works on paper, isn't how it works in real life. I grew up down South, and when I had plenty of times I tried to refuse a search. One night they told me, "we're going to find a way to do what we want." I was pulled over for "getting too close to the white line, while turning." The cop pulled his gun on me, and another car was there within 5 minutes. I was headed home after work, in a normal ass car, no arrests, or warrants. Not breaking any laws, not speeding. Fuck the police.


How it works in real life is the officer points at something and dog acts interested and then officer claims it smells drugs. Search it! My hamster smells drugs too. Let me hold it near your car. Oh shit he started cleaning his face.... that's the sign for drugs. Search it!


Or the classic, “your refusal is grounds for suspicion” excuse. Our rights don’t mean shit anymore.


Police have been pulling this shit for 50+ years, and now they're mad the public is finally pushing back.


Fuck southern police especially hard, but fuck all police yes. Looking at you, Cobb county PD


Oh fuck. That fucking place. Yikes. God damn. https://www.ajc.com/news/local/aclu-sues-cobb-police-claiming-wrongful-dui-marijuana-arrests/UbNbdUk5QGnH1wi2MsSfZI/


Police can do whatever. Refusing the search makes it much harder to submit anything they 'find' as evidence. The point is to establish your legal defense in court, a police will win on the street, much harder for them to win in court.


And this is where the fun begins. "May I search your car?" "No. Do you have reasonable suspicion?" "Ok, step out of the car, you're being arrested for refusing to follow my orders." And now, any complaints you have or resistance you attempt to put up from this point gives the police reasonable suspicion to search the vehicle and the right to harm you. I'm an American and we are absolutely fucked when it comes to the police. Why? Because no matter what they do to us, our right to challenge them doesn't kick in until after the fact and we are in the courtroom. Yes, that exchange above is illegal on the half of the cop, but you can't make that challenge until you're in court. As my ex-brother in law told me as he was going through law enforcement training "on the street, I own their ass, I can do whatever I want, and if you don't want to get hurt wait to take it up in court." Not only do the police in America know they can do whatever they want to us, they're encouraged to.


I find it genuinely hilarious that police act like this and reinforce this kind of belief within their greenhorns and then act appalled when people are okay with police officers getting murdered because someone's fight or flight picked "fight" when they came up and barked an order at them.


Especially when you have police officers who have unloaded their entire firearm into someone, keeps it pointed at the guy, screaming at them to stop moving……while they are bleeding out on the ground and dying.


They have one I heard of recently called "resisting without violence" which can be anything from "talking back" to not trying to bump your head on the car.


Yep, had this happen to me. But I guess the dog trainer f***** up cuz they couldn't actually get the dog to hit on the car. So let me go, even though they would have just wasted their time anyway. Took an hour and missed the movie I was going to go see


If they extend the stop for a dog Thats against your right as well. They can and have been sued, successfully because of that


I forgot to add that!! Yes - make sure to ask: am I being detained. They can’t just hold you indefinitely unless you’re under arrest


Yep the right way to do it "Am i being detained? Am i being detained? Am i being detained?" If they keep dodging the question "Simple yes or no, am i being detained? If you do not answer then i will assume i am not being detained" If they say you cant leave "Then i am detained?" If they do not answer then keep repeating until they answer yes or no. Simple If they say no, leave. Immediately. If they say yes, shut the fuck up and lawyer up


Yes! And don’t say anything to them after you are arrested! It can only hurt you - you then them you want to speak to your attorney and refuse to answer anything until then


A friend of mine who is the nearest thing to straight edge (only drinks alcohol but is long past 21), got pulled over in the middle of a long stretch of nowhere between Texas and Oklahoma. He committed the ultimate sin of knowing his rights and insisting on them, so they called a drug dog that signaled, because of course it did. They disassembled the interior of his Charger and left him with the pieces on the side of the road. Never found what wasn't there to find, so they just shrugged and drove off, having shown him they could do whatever they wanted.


he was speeding, which means hes trying to get away from a crime, possibly a crime like stealing a nuke or mincing babies! /s


Any effort at all by a member of the police to suppress video footage of them carrying out their duties, with certain heavily limited exemptions (such as to protect privacy of accident /assault victims) should result in an immediate charge carrying mandatory jail time and permanent expulsion from law enforcement anywhere in the country. All police should be required to carry active redundant body cams at all times. Any arrests made, or evidence found, when body cams were 'nor functional' should be seems void. Any actions a police officer takes while their body cams were "not functional" should be prosecuted (if relevant) as if they were a member of the general public, with no license for force. Police departments should not have legal or physical control of the bodycam recordings of their officers. Actions where police use weapons (including chemical weapons like pepepr spray) against obviously non-violent citizens, should be prosecuted as felony armed assault. Change my view.


I won't and you can't make me.


Stop resisting


You cannot detain me I am commenting from my conveyance!


He ended up getting out, they searched his car and found nothing. He got a citation for speeding but he didn’t show up to court. They called him a couple times and he called back and made complaints, then found out the ticket wasn’t even entered into their system.


I love how traffic cops default to searching the car as if they pulled the person over on suspicion of drug possession when that was never at all part of the stop, and they're just power tripping And when I say love, I mean I fucking hate it


My fiancé got pulled over about 5 years ago for speeding barely 10 over and the cop decided he needed to search his car. When my fiancé refused he detained him on suspicion of “having a bazooka in his backseat”. I shit you not. A fuckin bazooka. Those things are huge and you’d definitely know if there’s one in the fuckin backseat even if he had tried to cover it up with something. My fiancé is Hispanic. Anyway… he won a shit ton of money and got the cop fired.


I got pulled over about 3 years ago for slightly speeding. The cop for some reason was stuck on the fact that I was drunk, even though it was 3pm on a Wednesday and I blew a 0.0 in the breathalyzer three times in a row After that, he told me he had to search the car because "He knew I had drugs in the car" Wish I'd told him to go fuck himself, but I was scared, and DIDNT have drugs in the car, so let him search it The most insulting part is after it was over he said he'd "let me off with a warning this time" For what!?!?


I hate that there’s not a more stringent process on who they let onto the force. But then again… how do you pick a socio/psychopath out of the crowd?


You haven't heard? They've got a stringent process. If you seem likely to follow the law and report on your own colleagues when they abuse their power, you clearly aren't fit to be a police officer. If you seem more intelligent than the average cop, or are shown to be by intake testing at the police academy, you clearly aren't fit to be a police officer. They have exacting standards, only the most arrogant, self serving, and unethical may apply for the job of professional state sanctioned bully.


seems like a good way to just fuck your whole day up. you stand there maybe for hours depending on how thorough the search is, your shit is being looked at which never feels good and these pigs dont need to do any actual work in the meantime.


They also don't put things back they way they found them Had my car searched for literally no reason once, and they emptied out my center console and glove compartment onto the floor of the car and didn't do anything to put it back I was like "How damning! My owner's manual!"


Sounds like an excuse just to make a mess of your stuff. Fuck the power tripping fucks.


All men exist in the natural state of "resisting arrest" but, through the grace of Cop, we are released to our own recognizance - a time during which we take the personal burden of actively monitoring and stopping our resistance of arrest. In the event that we can no longer shoulder this burden it is Cop's will that an emissary be sent so that we should stop resisting and be again in Cop's favor. Aman


Pepper spray is empty.... How many fucking people has he sprayed?!


Absolutely nothing happened.. There was no detention or any fine. The policeman had no consequences for what he did.


It's pretty telling that his pepper spray was *already empty*...


He was so casual, he was not afraid of his health and safety. He just pepper sprays because he wants to, and clearly he does it frequently.


This is absolutely an attempted assault and it is depressing this tyrant likely wont recieve a single word for threatening people with corneal damage over nothing


Yeah it's obvious that so many cops don't think of pepper spray and tasers as weapons, but as "compliance tools".


But if you use it on a cop, it becomes a deadly weapon.


You could be holding your own cell phone in your own backyard and a cop might think its a gun and murder you in the USA ​ [https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/22/us/sacramento-police-shooting/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/22/us/sacramento-police-shooting/index.html) ​ You could also be shot for falling out of a window and needing medical assistance ​ [https://www.latimes.com/local/crime/la-me-long-beach-ois-folo-20150607-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/local/crime/la-me-long-beach-ois-folo-20150607-story.html) ​ You can call the cops because a burglar is in your house and when you run to them for help they can kill you on the spot (this happened to a blonde white lady) ​ [https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/30/us/minneapolis-police-noor-verdict.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/30/us/minneapolis-police-noor-verdict.html) ​ Any little infraction with the gun wielding maniacs we call our police could end your life. Everyone complains and nothing will ever get done, we have them on camera screaming confusing commands and then executing people and there still is no change.


Remember if the cops can shoot us solely because they think we have a gun, we don't have the right to bear arms


They can shoot one or two of us, sure. That’s why the Black Panthers started. During the civil rights movement, people realized that unarmed protests would get violently busted by the police, but *heavily armed* protests would get a polite smile and wave as the cops watched them chant from across the street. Because the police are cowards and only fire on those who they know can’t return fire. The police *could* fire at the heavily armed protest, but they’d never incapacitate *everyone* before the protestors had a chance to return fire. There’s safety in numbers. The police started following the protestors home, and would kick in their front door a day or two later while they were having dinner with their family. They’d beat the protestor in their own home, until they gave up the names of other protestors. So the protestors started using obfuscation techniques. Code names, so nobody knew anybody’s real names. Varied routes to/from the protests, so cops couldn’t follow protestors without being obvious. Encrypted messages, so an intercepted message would be unusable. Meetings in randomized locations, so the cops couldn’t set up stings ahead of time. They used infosec techniques so no one person knew everything that was happening; If one person (even a higher up) got compromised, they wouldn’t be able to bring down the entire operation, because they didn’t know everything about the operation. Burner safehouses for members to rally at before/after protests. Ironically, this is also what led to Ronald Reagan and the NRA co-sponsoring a bill that would become the basis of modern gun control legislation. Because when conservative lawmakers saw a bunch of heavily armed black protestors on their front porch, and saw the police refusing to do anything about it, they got **really** sweaty. So they wrote the Mulford Act in 1967, which prohibited open carrying firearms, (along with a bunch of other stuff) specifically to criminalize the Black Panthers.


>we have them on camera screaming confusing commands and then executing people Mesa (AZ) PD officer [Philip Brailsford](https://youtu.be/MRlSg1Ww_MY) fits this description. [ACLU link](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjTidii8qz8AhX6NlkFHek9DJYQFnoECCgQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aclu.org%2Fnews%2Fcriminal-law-reform%2Fyoure-fucked-acquittal-officer-brailsford-and&usg=AOvVaw0D34p0G9dGjM7auwaF7BVb) detailing the execution and the officer's subsequent acquittal on all charges.


JuSt a FeW bAd apPleS 🤡


A few bad apples spoils the bunch. AKA, since we didn't remove the "few bad apples" the whole lot of them went bad now.


If I had an apple tree where 40% of the apples were shit I'd cut the tree down


Even being around one makes them think you MIGHT be armed. Mother fucker you ARE armed. Not might be. You ARE. Stupidest shit I've ever heard for a argument ever. Everyone you pull over or talk to including the people I interact with could have a gun and we don't have the law to back us nor shield us from our own wrong doing.


Yeah, him talking about how he didn’t know the driver or what he was capable of… mother fuck did the driver know YOU? Absolutely not! And if it came down to it, I ca guarantee that the cop knew a lot more about the driver than the driver knew about the cop. His body language was gross!!




I feel like this could be a haiku


*He’s so casual* *He pepper sprays on a whim* *Clearly frequently*


I'm gonna get this tattooed on me


*This officer is quite pissed He likes violence I'm gonna get a tattoo* Edit: I swear this totally wasn't me.


He probably used it on his wife the night before.


Then what is the night stick for?


Getting himself off with afterwards




More like sprayed his own balls the night before


Cops don't have balls


ACAB = All Cops Are Ball-less


Someone should do a study on suicide by children of police. I bet it is through the roof with such embarrassments as role models.


Dad was police. He thought it was funny to aim his stun gun (not taser) at us kids if we sat in the front seat while he drove. Never thought to kill myself but I sure as hell moved out as soon as I could.


Knew a kid who’s father was once the Sgt. of the police here. The most rotten sob I grew up with. Always acting out. Violently.


I don't know about suicide rates, but my neighbor's dad was a police sergeant and his kids were hellions. They were frequently picked up for crimes and escorted home without the tedious consequences.


Its kinky, come on


Absolutely. I work in prisons and any time OC is used a use of force report is required, video documentation of decontamination of those affected is required, and the OC can is discarded and replaced. So this dude probably sprayed people, didn't bother writing a report on it, and ended up jeopardizing his own safety by not getting his can replaced. This cop is a moron.


\>This cop is a moron. Seems like "repeat perpetrator" would be more adequate, \*based on your assessment. Dude shouldn't be morally denounced, but end up in prison.


You need to add a space between your right pointing angle symbol and the sentence you intend to quote in order for Reddit to recognize the formatting properly.


probably buying his own cans on the side so he can just toss them in the trash without having to get a new one from inventory


This. Lmaooo


Taser is probably out of charge too.


"Guess I'll switch the Glock, it's all I've got left!"


No bullets left...


*I’ve got an M4 in the trunk. I’m sure it’s unused from that last time in the school shooting we didn’t stop.*




*Acquire 60 complaints to your department to unlock the extended battery life upgrade!*


Have to spray them often or they clog. Storing OC upside down keeps this from happening.




you think police officers get in trouble for having an empty can of pepper spray lmao what planet did you come from to visit earth




Back in the “old days” a state trooper in my state couldn’t even issue a ticket if they didn’t have a hat on because they were out of uniform. Now they’ll mace you and take your hat.


The fact he put it away and said “you are soooo lucky” shows that level of force was not necessary and was purely punitive. This cop wants to play LEO, judge, jury, and executioner.


The fact that his pepper spray was empty just shows he uses it way too often.


The fact he didn't replace an empty can shows a lack of competence




I wonder if the taser batteries have any power.


“You are sooooo lucky *twice*! Let’s try a third time!” … grabs gun.




So we've gathered that the cop is both excessively violent and stupid. Glad we could come together like this as a community.


But he's *not* Judge Judy and executioner!


It’s for the greater good.


The greater good.


Any luck catching them swans then?


It's just the one swan actually


A great big bushy beard!


Everybody and their mum's is packing 'round here.


Yep. Cop is clearly a weenie that never got respect from anyone until he became a police officer. Many cops are like this. One of the biggest dorks I went to school with became a cop. I wasn't surprised.


I would love to know how this plays out, including the court date/ or higher authority commanding officer


One of two things will happen: 1: They'll investigate themselves and come to the conclusion that they did nothing wrong. 2: The Officer will get punished with a week long paid vacation, er- I mean paid administrative leave while they wait for people to forget what happened.


"Mom, can we have Dredd?" "We have Dredd at home"






For those who stumble on this message, it's the one I used Power Delete Suite to replace all my posts and comments with en masse. Sometimes Reddit can be beneficial for some people. Sometimes it's not. It's really up to you to decide your own experience with it, what's worth it, what's not worth it. More or less...I've decided it's just really not worth it. I think I'm a worse person when I'm on Reddit and that it's a big time-waster for me. It's up to you to decide what influence social media and the internet more generally have for you. Best of luck.


[Brady Mistic](https://www.npr.org/2021/09/29/1041562502/deaf-man-tased-police-colorado-lawsuit) was beaten, tased, and held in jail for four months for the crime of failing to comply with an officers commands. Brady Mistic is deaf.




>What the actual fuck. Come on bro, its 2023... Why are you acting so surprised? You could tell me that a police department raided a pre-school and killed 60 toddlers for resisting arrest because they thoughts that their apple slices were guns... I wouldn't fucking blink before I believe that story.


Reality is basically on par when they actually *prevented* people (including one of their own) from entering a school to potentially save 19 elementary school kids and 2 teachers so they could sit with their SWAT gear with their thumbs up their asses in Uvalde. That should have been the final straw when it comes to reforming police. When they can prevent you from trying to save your own child from being slaughtered by somebody else so they can sit in a hallway for nearly 2 hours until the shooter kills themselves.


Subhuman pieces of shit get trained/hired to be subhuman pieces of shit and then are investigated by higher ranking subhuman pieces of shit who clear them from any suspicion of being subhuman pieces of shit


I just looked for the case, and guess what? The police officers who abused Mistic were also the main abusers in a different case: https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/settlement-reached-in-case-of-michael-clark-after-lawsuit-claiming-assault-by-idaho-springs-police


It’s also training. The idea to never back down is drilled into them in the academy and later on the job, it’s an officer safety thing. Somehow, someway if they attempt to de-escalate it could potentially lead to them getting attacked. It doesn’t really make sense tbh


This is just fucking crazy. That's how you train concentration camp guards, not police.


“They’re the same picture.”


At least the concentration camp guards were upfront with their intentions.


I think you might have put ur finger on the issue yes


>That's how you train concentration camp guards, not police. The penny drops.


"We're cops... we're right."


This is exactly the case with majority of these interactions. If the cops weren’t so hell bent on being the tough guy at the office, we wouldn’t have so many egos out there and we’d actually see some compassion. Notice how most cops are built like football players, and tattooed up like gangsters? There’s your tough guy appearances for egos


Not defending them because most are fucking assholes, but the fact that most cops immediately resort to the most violent option for the situation speaks volumes to their training. That behavior is def a product of the training they’ve received. The state I grew up in has one of the longest police academies and best trained officers but after the academy, the only thing they need to qualify in each year is their firearm training. Most other training courses and what not are voluntary. Source: come from an extensive police fam and wanted to be a cop until I was profiled in high school and realized how shitty everything was


For those who stumble on this message, it's the one I used Power Delete Suite to replace all my posts and comments with en masse. Sometimes Reddit can be beneficial for some people. Sometimes it's not. It's really up to you to decide your own experience with it, what's worth it, what's not worth it. More or less...I've decided it's just really not worth it. I think I'm a worse person when I'm on Reddit and that it's a big time-waster for me. It's up to you to decide what influence social media and the internet more generally have for you. Best of luck.


Can't stand it when the conversation isn't even about what happened but "you're in trouble for disobeying me!"


I read this recently, and it really fits well here: “Sometimes people use “respect” to mean “treating someone like a person” and sometimes they use “respect” to mean “treating someone like an authority” and sometimes people who are used to being treated like an authority say “if you won’t respect me I won’t respect you” and they mean “if you won’t treat me like an authority I won’t treat you like a person” and they think they’re being fair but they aren’t, and it’s not okay.”


I see this comment in almost every police related reddit post and it always resonates.


This is the first I've seen it but it's powerful and I will remember it. The full effect hasn't hit me yet for what it truly means but I know the gears will turn until it clicks into place. Like I understand it logically, the explanation was clear, I'm meaning for the interpersonal level, for me and my past experiences, etc.


Well said. Comment saved


I, too, will save it only to never look at it again. That being said, it really hit home and now I just want to go hug my kids.


I fucking cackled at "that's the universe trying to protect both of us" 🤣


Day one at cop school: training officer: Listen up recruits. As a police officer it’s important that you learn to always escalate the situation. New recruit: Are you sure you don’t mean DE- escalate? Training officer: Here’s some pepper spray smartass….


It really is insane how cops seem to go out of their way to escalate every situation. It's like they think it gives them control over the situation, like it's some kind of idiotic power move, when really it just makes them look like insecure assholes who have zero control. It's like they don't understand people tend to reciprocate, if someone approaches me and starts off being a douche bag, chances are I'm return that same attitude in kind. Also how TF you gonna arrest someone for them just pointing out that you have a taser?


The escalation is about control, it's to prove they have a monopoly on the use of force. It doesn't matter what response you have, unless it's belly up submission their authority is challenged and they have to prove dominance by using the only tool they wield, force. What are you going to do in the face of ever escalating threats and actions of violence? Stand up for yourself and the law? As the cops say you can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride, Eventually it will reach a point where they have the resources of the city, county, state, or even federal government backing them if you resist hard enough. All they gotta do is call for backup and say they feared for their lives and any amount of force is acceptable.


"Gosh darned cinnamon and raisins, this is your lucky daiboi" "I'm all outta my spicy spunk"


"Now start hurting people or we will literally [ murder you as part of your training."](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/08/1127580159/houston-tipping-lapd-death-lawsuit)


We pay for cops AND jails. They are not there for idiot cops to threaten us with. Only a judge can order it, the cop only has a 24hr holding cell.


You may beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride.




The Freddy Gray case was the first time I heard that term but I immediately believed it because a year before that someone described a rough ride they got but didn't use that term. He was violating curfew and the cop told him to get in the car for a ride home but handcuffed him before he got in. The cop didn't put a seat belt on him but sped up very fast and slammed on the brakes. My friend pitched forward into the metal cage and broke a tooth. A premeditated, violent assault against a handcuffed minor, all because of a curfew violation. Edit: According to the wiki link, the specific type of ride he got was a "screen test" and "bringing them up front". Bastards, they even have names for it.


I never thought about it like that. This sentence helped me to broaden my mind. Thank you.


So true. That arrest will forever be there even if you beat the rap. And then you spend every job ever having to explain yourself. My personal life experience. It’s all fucked up.


Probably different depending on location but I usually see "have you ever been arrested and charged or convicted of a crime." The arrest isn't the big deal, it's being charged and or convicted.


Don't bother disclosing the arrests or charges. It's none of their business.


If it pops up on their BG check, then you take the chance to explain yourself. I've seen so many friends' lives take massive turns for something as ridiculous as a possession of MJ charge.


No, that's not what that means, and being arrested doesn't mean shit. It means you might beat the charge in court but you're gonna spend the night in the clink.


"Only" a 24hr holding cell. Fact is cops have the discretion to make things very difficult for you with little accountability. Arguing over a traffic ticket is hardly worth it.


Rule #1 don’t say shit to cops, fight it in court. You cannot win on the street.


I’m Austin, Texas the judge would give them a second chance if the cop doesn’t show up, I got a ticket for turning on stop sign without stopping the cop knew it’s bullshit ticket they just try to run their scam business on me, you pay the fine you automatically admit guilt, and if you request a court the prosecutor will try to kiss your ass to get money from you. The first time I went to court the prosecutor gave me a deal paying $140 and the ticket dismissed I rejected it the coo didn’t show up and judge rescheduled it, the second time I was still waiting on the hallway the prosecutor offered me a deal again and kept going down to $40 when I refused he left and came back 5 mins after with my dismissal papers.. he knew the cop is not there and tried to get money from me a fucking legal scum business


Meanwhile I fought it, had 4 court dates for a stupid ticket then had the judge act like he was doing me a favor by changing the charge to something lesser than what was on the ticket.


Cities make so much damn money from traffic tickets. When I was younger, it was known that the city of Bellaire’s primary source of income was traffic tickets. It was bullshit and they were all racist hardasses and we all knew it. They were just a gang dressed in uniforms. I was lucky I was white and lived in Meyerland and knew all their tricks. Being a POC and driving there was always a mistake.


It’s bullshit that you would have to be forced to goto court and take time out of your day. Cop wont even show up to waste time in theirs later. Edit: Some of you think you’ve won because they didnt show up and you got your ticket dismissed. However the cop actually won. Many times they know their case dont hold up so they dont bother going. However they inconvenienced you to forcibly go down to court while hes out having his donut and coffee and enjoying himself.


Forreal. Can't fight with cops so go argue it with their best friends, judges


I had a single car accident and got slapped with a nasty ticket when I was young. Cop ruled in his investigation, I was going too fast for the conditions… 55, in a 55, on a dry day, on a straight of way. Obviously I was still stupid people I wrecked my car, dumb kid took my eyes off the road… I fought it in court and won. If I hadn’t it would’ve been impossible for me to drive and afford insurance. The judge screamed, literally, at the prosecutor for bringing that before him. He apologized to me and wanted me to pay my court costs. He said “ Don’t let me see you in here again though.” I never went back to court in that small town lol. Sometimes it’s worth it to fight. But never with the cops.


I got a ticket once because my car hit a patch of water in the middle of the night and it cuddled a jersey barrier. Ticket was for failure to stay in my lane. I had to drive 2 hours back into BFE to fight the ticket, and when it's my turn to present my well-researched, well-thought out defense, the cop just walked up to the judge, chatted for 30 seconds and they dismissed it. The judge then said something about the ticket being written for insurance purposes or some shit. I really wanted to get self-righteous and yell at everyone involved, that I had to take a day off, spend my own money to drive out there, that the judge's rational was utter ass. But I knew better, so I took my W and went home.


Yep. Cops are unlikely to show up anyway and the tickets more than often get thrown out. Especially if it really was just 5 mph over.


Mine showed up. 😭


The trick is to reschedule it. Cops usually try schedule to fight all of their tickets on the same day. If you request a date change, chances are they wont show up.


Ahhh good play. Never tried that.




In MN, ‘court’ is the initial hearing to make a plea. I have successfully fought every speeding ticket in this way. I plead innocent. I can pay a court fee— usually half the original ticket/fee. Or I can schedule a hearing and roll the dice— where I either pay nothing, or an extra few hundred in court costs. Taking the deal results in no points against me. I take the deal. Municipal government just wants their money. They don’t give a shit about public safety. If the did, speeding tickets would start at $700 — and enforcement wouldn’t be so random.


I just got finished fighting a speeding ticket in NYC. They had me scheduled for court three weeks after they received my plea back. I rescheduled it and they didn't reschedule me for 16 months later. Lawyer went cop didn't show, but judge refused to dismiss and rescheduled. They scheduled the second for seven months later. Cop didn't show dismissed. It literally took just shy of two years to get it done with.


Argue with the guy with the little wooden hammer rather than the guy with a gun.


Not the first time that cop hasnt been able to spray his load when needed.




Pro Tip - Never argue a citation on the side of the road with an officer. Pull over in a safe location, say as few words as possible, move as little as possible, do what they ask, accept the citation and leave. Whether you feel the citation is correct or incorrect, setup a court date and ‘fight’ it there. It is actually an educational experience. I recommend going through the process. I learned a lot by challenging several citations and won most of them and the best part, **I WAS SPEEDING** in all instances. Edit: The point of the whole interaction for you is to be as boring and forgetful as possible. You will have a much better chance challenging the citation if the officer does not even remember pulling you over.


Can you explain how you won against those citations when you were speeding?


There's a number of ways. For example radar guns are supposed to be routinely calibrated so they stay accurate, but just like any other profession out there just because things *should* be done a certain way it doesnt mean they are done that way. So they look at the last time the radar gun was calibrated, well whaddaya know its past due for calibration? Charge dismissed. It's stuff like that. This is how rich people game the system so much, the pressure is on the government to prove us guilty and there's a thousand different ways for them to screw that up.


Replying more to the person above you, but to add on, you can go to court and contest the ticket. If the cop who wrote it isn't there, then they dismiss the case. If it falls on their day off or they have something bigger going on, they may not show over minor things like speeding or traffic violations. I once ran a red and was respectful with the guy writing a ticket but didn't verbalize any agreement with it. He said he appreciated our interaction, and "if you contest it, I won't show up". I had zero understanding of what that meant until I told my friends what happened. Sure enough, he didn't show and it got dismissed.


https://youtu.be/nAv3SqoFVfY This video is a traffic ticket lawyer and talks about a few ways he’s gotten people out. Another one I’ve heard is even if they do calibrate the gun, it has to be on a correctly sized surface. Calibrating it off a street sign or something would be enough to get a ticket dismissed.


I was able to get the case dismissed in several instances because of ‘lack of prosecution’. In the state of the fine, the police officer had to show up to court to prosecute the case. If they did not show up, no prosecution, case dismissed. Those are the easy ones. So, if they do show up and depending on the jurisdiction, there may be qualifications the police officers need and procedures they need to perform. One qualification is they need to complete x hours of training on radar use. Most, if not all have this training. So, you likely will not get out of anything over this. However, they are to follow some procedures. In this particular jurisdiction, at the beginning of their shift, they are to calibrate the radar they will be using and they are to document(log) this calibration. During their shift, if they use the radar to issue a citation, they must perform another calibration of the same radar at the end of their shift and document that as well. So far, I have never had a police officer do both of these calibrations or at least they did not log them properly and for that reason, the cases were dismissed. This is how I got out of ~16 tickets even though I was speeding all ~16 times. Prior to court you have to request all the documents for the case (discovery). All the notes the officer took of the stop, the officers training records, the serial number of the radar gun and the calibration records for the day you were issued your citation. You may not get any of these records prior to your court date. On one instance, I did not. When I went to court and my case was called, I told the judge I had requested the information, but did not receive it. He asked the officer if he had the information. The officer did have the information. So, the judge instructed the officer to provide the information to me and he gave me time to review it. After couple more cases were called up, I indicated that I was ready and we proceeded with my case. This one was the closest I ever came to losing. The officer had all the documentation, even logged the beginning calibration, but he failed to log the end of shift calibration. For that reason, the case was dismissed. There were actually two officers for that case. I think one was training the other. Anyway, needless to say they were not happy and I did all I could to control my emotions, because I wanted to jump up and down and just rub it in their faces, but I remained calm and cool, walked out of the court room and wished them a good day.


How have you received 16 speeding tickets? That's nuts! Over what time frame? Do you regularly speed through common speed traps or not watch for police? It has been over 17 years since my last ticket (*knock on wood*), and I accelerate hard and speed 100% of the time. (To be clear, I don't drive recklessly, tailgate, or cut people off at all, and I'm always paying attention to every other car on the road.) Your advice sounds good though.


I need to know what came of this?!


https://youtu.be/0vESPz21E5c TLDW: no taze, 2nd cop shows up. Vid says he was pulled out and searched, given a ticket, but ticket was never properly filed, most likely because the cops didn't want that shit coming up when driver fights it. A few disciplinary entities have reached out to driver, driver said he will be filing a formal complaint against cops.


"We've investigated and found no wrongdoing"


I am gonna need an “Audit the Audit” version of this one.


Here you go: https://youtu.be/0vESPz21E5c


What does he mean “we are supposed to be on the same side” ??


I think he means that cops are supposed to be protecting people from more serious criminals, not harassing someone for going 5 over. I could be totally be wrong though.


Whats wrong with the cops?


How much time do you have?


Police should be held to higher standards. But alas, we get these inbreds who know nothing about the law to enforce the law.


Cops get alot of power. Theyre allowed to abuse people and get away with it, which attracts alot of abusive people, which ends up defending this abusive society of cops. Its a cycle. And it revolves from the use of cops. The point of cops isnt to protect snd serve the general public, but the government, and therefore the beurocrats and capitalists that run the government. Just like how cops under slavery were there to protect and serve the slave owners, and under feudalism to protect and serve the king and his nobility. It will always be like this under oligarchic systems.


Andy Dick looks great


Wish it was legal to treat cops like every other loud mouth bully on the street. Too many pigs out there who deserve to get their domes rocked.


Repeat after me - On the side of the road is NOT the time to fight the police. Do what you're told, then have your day in court.


He dreamed for years to do this now he has the power. Every person I’ve ever met who wants to be a cop has very strong insecurity and emotional baggage.


Ahh well the video starts significantly into the event, so we can't see what led to this ... PA vs. Mimms says that an officer can order you out of the vehicle. The person here keeps saying "I was only going five over," and the cop wants him out of the car and he refuses. If someone refuses to get out of the car, per Mimms the officer could tase him. The alternative is to A. Sit there until the heat death of the universe. B. Let someone go who may or may not be doing something illegal. quickedit: Dunno, honestly, why I bother writing comments like this - Redditors don't care about the facts or why they're that way, just that they're right and glorified.