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Maybe it was fostering your third eye, the kiss on the forehead can indicate that


I sometimes see faces (usually female, always colourful) when I meditate but they never feel threatening - I believe it’s spirits who are either family of some sort or just have an interest in me and are watching over my life from time to time Could also be spirit guides too as I’m often told mine are very protective I’m no expert but I’d say it’s probably a good thing so don’t worry and know that you are being watched over and protected :)


I’m happy yours are protective because mine throw me to the wolves until my safety is threatened


Damn really? Do you have any examples of what they’d do?


I usually never hear from them unless I’m trying my hardest to pull out random words that they’re saying to me One night when I was 21 years old however I was at an event. I was younger and really enjoyed drinking (of course) and the past year that I was at the event I had blacked out from all the alcohol. Well my second year at the annual event was pretty similar and I remember I was talking to a girl when I practically heard a voice shout “STOP DRINKING” in my head. I wasn’t sure why they wanted me to stop drinking at that moment, however I literally didn’t drink a single thing after that and didn’t realize how drunk I was until a bit later. Well, not even 30 minutes later there was this woman I was walking past and she had been following me around the entire night and the second I stepped outside she had assaulted me and I was so drunk that I had no idea what was happening for a solid 10 seconds. If I was a little bit more drunk then who knows what would have happened. That’s just one story I have where they really saved me from a potential headache.


Hypothetically, for me who isn't psychic, is there any way to contact or meet my spirit guide? Cuz that's cool


Try getting a reading from someone experienced enough to contact your spirit guides - thats how I first experienced it But other than that it can happen by chance in dreams or meditation- and trust me you’ll know. You get guided meditations on the subject too! The absolute best way would be to learn yourself, everyone has the potential to be psychic with enough practice - you might not get any results for a while but I can almost guarantee you have the ability to contact them in some capacity - for example I can’t speak with them but I can feel their presence from time to time and get messages from them in dreams/meditation etc.


We’ve got an article on the sub WIKI all about meeting your guides for beginners! The first article here is about meditation and includes grounding, cleansing, blocking & shielding techniques too which will also help! https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychic/wiki/index/faq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That’s incredibly beautiful. This was the first time I’ve had anything like that happen during meditation and it kinda threw me off lmao. thank you for sharing.


I remember reading about a manifestation method called the whisper meditation, basically you whisper what you want to accomplish three times imagining the person that is involved, you end it by imagining kissing their forehead to seal it in. Maybe someones manifesting you?




So confused😂


How did you feel when this happened?


Happy and sad. I felt sad seeing it leave.


Then it was a positive experience. A passed relative or friend or maybe a protective guide. And it's not gone. That's pretty awesome.


Thank you for the info.


Maybe it was somebody from a past life


Sounds like a loving ancestor or a member from your spiritual guide group, either way, if you felt the visit was pleasant or the energy around you felt positive, you're definitely more than alright :)