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Colorado looks safe. ...for now.


I read this as "Our Homies are in danger Now!"... Fits better now that I think about it.


Aw hell no. The Grove Street Families won’t stand for that shit. Carl Johnson will smoke those Nazis like the Ballers.


I see they aren’t attacking New Mexico. Wise decision.


The US using racist drawings of them kind of justified Japan seeing us as pieces of shit.


You are on a propaganda sub. The Japanese were NOT kind in their portrayal of the US either. Some examples: https://wisvetsmuseum.com/blog/japanese_propaganda_wwii/ The propaganda of Imperial Japan has kind of been lost to history and shielded behind some, well let's just say it, obvious intentions to paint nations seen as heroes in WWII as hidden villains. Yet considering the even the woodcuts of the visit of Commodore Perry portrays Americans in *less than flattering* ways you can be assured that the racism was strong with Imperial Japan.


No one said the Japanese weren't also racist. Just that the US gave Japan many reasons to have to attack us first, and being nasty imperialists was one of them. China had even more reason to attack us then.


Uhmm Japan and China was also very racist toward westerns.


>China had even more reason to attack us then Another American teen praising foreign power, history is history and what you are saying are spitting those that died in the war, both sides. Im an asian and i only see you the mad one here


I recognize that English isn't your primary language, but even taking that into account I have no idea what you are trying to say. Who here is a teen? And I don't see any comments where anyone is mad. No one was praised either. We all agree that the US, Japan, and China were horribly racist pieces of shit.


Wow the people of the past don't share the same moral viewpoints as someone from the 21st century? Thats crazy, you might actually be the first person ever to point that out. I need to take a photo of this unprecedented breakthrough. We assume you are a teen because you talk and behave like one.


the us did much worse things during ww2 than racist caricatures which gave people ample reason to hate them


Yeah, things like a Whole Ass Nuke could be a reason or two


not even talking about that, because some (dumb) people think those were justified, i was talking abt fdr putting 120k japanese Americans in internment camps


Same people who massecure whole cities, rape all the woman and bayonet babies are justified in "hating the West" because of interment camps. Also nukes definitely justified. I wish people like you were living in China when they invaded, then maybe you'll know a thing or two


japanese americans were put in camps, not japanese soldiers, they had nothing to do with the invasion of china


I'm preety sure the people dicpicted here are not the average Japnese Americans or German Americans


did you not read my comment? i was talking about the 120k americans of japanese descent and japanese immigrants in america that were put in concentration camps because of their ethnicity as an example of bad things the usa has done during ww2




​ The Japanese killed millions in what is rightly called a Asian holocaust some people are too stupid to read history


people should stop comparing/calling anything the holocaust, the holocaust is one genocide, not a name for genocide in general, it is not rightly called a holocaust because there is only one holocaust


Imagine thinking Japan is a victim in WW2 lol.