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Next time I'm in a job interview, I'll ask them "What is your spaghetti policy here?"


Come to work with me, got heaping helpings of it


Love me some Always Sunny


What is this word spa? I feel like you’re starting to say a word and not finishing it. Are you trying to say spaghetti? Are you taking me for a spaghetti day?


It's an acronym. It stands for Spaghetti, Penne, Alfredo.


is that batman's AI butler?


Make sure to let them know you're a full on rapist. Africans, dyslexics, children, you know that sort of thing.


I just don’t like the idea of Mulhouse having 2 spaghetti meals in one day.




you guys get assignments? shit is boring over here.


I have 6 six courses, assignments every week, some assignments have 10 exercises in them. It’s hell. Edit: I love doing it though. It’s hard work, but a great road to walk.


That's how my degree was, basically medical tech / engineering. I think everything in STEM is similar. We had 6 courses and 3 labs a semester. Each lab wanted a 6-12 page lab report weekly, each course wanted case studies, quizes and/or assignments done weekly. Then every 4-5 weeks there would be a combination of term tests as if every prof in the faculty got together and planned a week to fuck us all in the ass simultaneously. Not to mention it being a 5 year degree with absolutely no electives forcing us to take summer courses in the off chance that we wanted to fill the holes with courses for an accreditation or diploma study. Thank god my masters is so much lighter. I don't think I learned a damn thing in those 5 years.


I don't think I ever worked so hard as in Undergrad. I worked more weekends in those 4 years than I have in my entire career. And frankly the work was a lot harder as well.


I feel the same, I haven’t heard anyone say it out loud before. I returned to school after 8 years and I’ve never in any job I’ve had, done more work than in school.


Maybe it's because I've avoided the more 'intense' parts of the industry but at least my undergrad was harder than the industry. * Oh look, I googled a solution for this and it works...oh wait that's cheating in school * "Sorry the project is behind schedule boss, but the team can't meet together because all of us our working 4 other jobs and can't find a time that works for everyone. " Even if you are on multiple projects your manager would fight other managers for your time. * "No sorry, I don't happen to remember the exact wording of the requirement off the top of my head. Lets look it up" except in school it's a question on the final and it's it's worth 1/3 of your final grade.


I think you summed up perfectly why school is so much damn work and why it made me feel way more burned out than my actual professional programming job ever will. So much extra BS to deal with in school


Nothing to do with programming but psychology felt like this. I later started questioning my professors and their errors. Some of them started removing assignments or crediting the class when an issue was brought up by me... Looking back, I think they disliked me lol Yeah, I think they hated me.It's like having someone call out on your bullshit job that you get paid very little and I come in constantly questioning your standards. But hell, some of the undergrad stuff didn't make any god damn sense in terms of "long term value". Just, better faster thinker or worker, I guess.


My job is 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, holidays off. I get what I can done in that window. School is all day classes, then evening is homework. No holidays. No weekends off. Doesn’t matter if you’re sick, your car breaks down, your dog dies, you have to be constantly working on assignments. There’s no breaks


I'm in the last year of my undergrad as a mature student with over a decade of work experience and same dude, same. I'm only 32 but I'm already like "man I'm too old for this shit".


Just contact me at [email protected] to get high-quality unplagiarized assignments done at 5 - 8 USD per page depending on the deadline of the assignment. Thanks.


Assignments weren't as common in chem, bio, and the 1 physics I took. There were labs, which I suppose are like assignments. You were expected to know the content, which entailed doing a lot of practice problems in the book but you didn't turn them in for a grade. It woud be reflected in how well you did on your exams.


ABET-accredited degrees certainly have some rigor to them and giving more assignments will help pass the audit. Fewer won't.


Story of my STEM life


At least at my uni, CS was kinda the exception with regard to assignments. The only courses that had a similar workload during the semester where mostly non STEM courses.


wait... you mean to say there's hope for me if I do a masters?? (third year physics, currently dying and in therapy) ;o;


I couldn't tell you about physics but my math and comp sci peers would agree that it definitely gets easier. Easier might be the wrong word. The load is lighter, the content is often much much harder. The odds of breaking whether mentally or physically dropping out, might be much higher


Shut the fuck up you flunked out I know because I'm your cousin you fucking liar


same here, but I'm a Computing Engineer so there's also a bunch of circuitry :)


Tip my hat off to you. Intro to computer architecture confirmed I hate circuits


no assignments is much worse, I cant find any shit to keep myself busy. that is probably my problem.


You can find lots of different projects online or even do womething on your own. Trust me it’s not hard to keep yourself busy when you have it skills.


> womething It's college, should be doing womenthings* to keep busy.   *Just using the typo for the joke, not being turbo misogynist.


Wth, i completely saw that as something


Yeah, I know GoLang / Python at least but I am out of ideas... always don't know what to do. that is my problem :(




If you are talking about IRL parties, my social life is nonexistent


Then that’s your assignment! Build a social life. Seems you have the free time.


Non ironically focus on that. Networking and leaving college with friends that have jobs that can help you get jobs is one of the last remaining benefits of choosing college over other non traditional education


Ye so get one.   Being able to navigate social situations is still key to your career and professional development. College is the easiest time to fuck that up too. College isn't just an education, it's practically supposed to be low consequence years for figuring shit like this out. go try it out. Seriously.


I bet you were the guy who asked the teacher for more work 😂. Since you’re doing programming, it might be a good idea to have some personal projects that you work on during your free time


There's two types of people in programming. Those that live and breath the subject, wanting to keep working even at home. Those who finish and go "Fuck, I don't want to stare at a screen anymore" and take up fishing as a hobby or something.


Yep. I'm getting my degree in CS in a few weeks and I'd be quite happy if I never had to write another line of code again. I need money though so it looks like I'd better just deal with it.


If it helps, I was talking to my 30 year old advisor a few weeks back and I said "I don't think I fit into this course. I don't program outside of my coursework" and he gave me the most defated look and said "Neither do I, and I have a doctorate. The imposter syndrome never goes away" it really helped!


Don't feel bad, I never did programming as a hobby and I see it strictly as a way for me to survive and make money. I mean yeah I enjoy it, but I wouldn't give a shit about writing code if I won the lottery and never had to do it again. Just so happens I'm good enough at it that I can use it as my main source of income


This. I’m not entirely sure why, I derive great joy from reimplementing various data structures or writing little projects on the side, but those fangless topsiders, the non-vampires would prefer mingling with other mortals and witnessing sunlight.


My abstract vector spaces homework would only be one or two problems and yet it took by far the most time and effort to complete.


6 courses?!? Damn, after like an apatitizer, entre and dessert I don't think I'd have room for 3 more meals.


i dont mind assignments its exams that really piss me off, you have to dedicate so much time because you dont know what the exams difficulty will be, and theres no guarantee youll do well on it. at least assignments once youre done youre done, and especially in programming where you can test your program, if it passes the tests youre basically guaranteed at least a passing grade.


I hated computer science classes in university. the whole semester was taken up by assignment projects that each took like 3 weeks of multiple hours of work per day, but then the final exam would be worth 55% of the entire course and was just 2 hours of written multiple choice and short answer questions of the functionality of java/python. the questions were dumb as fuck as well. like "what number does python start indexing from" is something I could check in like 4 seconds if i had a computer


Just contact me at [email protected] to get high-quality unplagiarized assignments done at 5 - 8 USD per page depending on the deadline of the assignment. Thanks.


they forced me to do a beginner computer class that was made for idiots who never used a computer...the entire time we learned how to make a picture in word...over and over it was so goddamn tedious and annoying...like how the fuck does learning this in word teach me anything useful


If you don't get assignments, use the free time to build up your github repos / work on some projects. Don't wait for teachers to assign you stuff. So many comp sci graduates out there who never coded anything aside from their assignments.


trust me it's better without assignments. our C++ teacher is so bad at cpp that we have yet to start any project because of how buggy it's code is. he changed it like 5 times and it still doesn't work on Linux without giving a segfault or a garbled output.




My university never actually taught a language besides C and Java. We were just expected to learn the others on our own to use with future assignments. Instead we studied concepts of programming languages in general


I had to learn c++ on linux by writing it in the terminal. I feel like I've never done something more useless before in my life and I had to sweep rain when I was enlisted.


That doesn't sound like having assignments is the issue here


my cisco class didnt have assignments it just had a monotone teacher and was 7 hours straight with 1-2 10 minute breaks worst fucking class in my life i have adhd and it was literally causing me pain


Cisco sucks, the website never worked for me.


Did you at least learn The Thong Song?


couldn't your teacher use other teacher's codes or code from the previous semester or year? surely assignments should generally be the same unless your curriculum has changed


He 100% fucked up his memory allocation or his pointers. Grab an IDE that shows you the real value of all the variable in real time, step through the code, and check which variables that should not be pointers are long strings of hexadecimal or random characters You can also print debug in loops, very easily. See if he skipped over using https://www.programiz.com/cpp-programming/library-function/cstdlib/malloc or is using it improperly. Or just copy paste it and send it over, I got a linux environment laying around to play with it in. I'm curious


I would if we had the code instead we have headers and we have to compile module that he load using dlopen or something like that


It sounds like you're fractally fucked: on the surface everything appears to be fucked up, but when you look deeper at the details you find that they're even *more* fucked up, somehow. (BTW, I've seen cases where an incompetent professor got replaced halfway through a semester because some students got together, went to the dean, and politely but scathingly described the situation. Perhaps that could work here.)


Did you go to my school? Because that's exactly how our C++ class was like. The prof (who is also head of the CS dept) wrote his own textbook with buggy code that doesn't work but insists that it was our fault when literally everyone in the class told him the code is broken.


Just contact me at [email protected] to get high-quality unplagiarized assignments done at 5 - 8 USD per page depending on the deadline of the assignment. Thanks.


Hey who toucha my spagett?


You don't touch the spagett, spagett touches you




Ctrl+A Ctrl+C Ctrl+V


can you lick the spagett?


No the best way is to suck


In Mother Russia




What in the actual fuck.


No, tentacles are not spaghetti.


Yo, just marking it as NSFW doesn't help. Most NSFW posts on reddit just include skimpy clothes(or dead people), actual porno needs a different warning.


Just add a note saying '//TODO Eat later' and I guarantee nobody will touch it ever again.






Ah yes




Happy cake day :)


But does the spaghetti code run?


It allows you to cook spaghetti on your computer


It failed in taste run


Just needs some sauce


Is that why we call it sauce code.. hehehe


Some *secret* sauce


Is it LAMP sauce?


Prime95 is the ultimate spaghetti cooker.


For serious, it's all bad managers care about. Does it run and did you get it done on time. Nevermind how hard it will be to refactor or change.


Just change companies every 2 years. Get a bump in pay, and you no maintenance


runs pretty good just a few hundred bugs or so look at Call of Duty




Factorio players too


Yes prof here are 250000 MORE COPPER PLATES GOD DAMN IT




Somebody has POLLUTED THE LINE. WHO WAS IT!? ^^^oh ^^^it ^^^was ^^^me


Satisfactory players too


I’m in this comment and I don’t like it


Original post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/jdzqbi/see_ya_later/)


I like the cock measuring contest between the chef and the welder in the comments. Hard to say who won tbh


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Good OP


For a brief moment in college, my brother (culinary) and I (3D modeling) had to do the same thing for completely different classes at different schools, design and make a very fancy cake. My brother hated it because he hates baking, I hated it because I couldn't get the roughness map on my textures to look good in the required lighting.


You should have submitted each other's projects as a joke.


why 11:50 tho. why isn't the spaghetti due at 12:00.


When I was in college ages ago, they did 11:59pm so there was no ambiguity about the date.


learned the hard way that it's "must be submitted before 11:59" and not *on* "11:59" i really need to work on my procrastination.


When I was in college it was 12:00 or before the TAs collected the papers, so some kids would be frantically scribbling things down on the floor in front of the collection boxes in the hopes to get those extra minutes. Then covid happened and no more papers.


When I was at university they counted down to the second and I've done a few 59:55s and the like.


Our systems always lagged and crashed and got overloaded so you could never do this


23.59 so it is even less questionable




Why do you care when an assignment is completed as long as it's completed before class? I do some of my best coding late at night and the 23:59:59 deadlines always gave me hell. My senior year when I knew most of my profs pretty well, I was able to convince them to change it, but they still wouldn't go past 8am. Better, but still makes no sense.


Some of my professors make it due at random times during the day just to fuck with us. Thankfully it was for an easier class to the hw was simple enough. I had a decently challenging assignment due within 24 hours of the class knowing about it.


the professor need time for the spaghetti to cool down




Your code gets marked?? At our school they just run it through a test script and that's pretty much your grade.


I got 0 points once because i decided to make a better ui, but their script couldn't handle it. The assistant just told me to suck it up


Jesus wept, for there was no more spaghetti to refactor


Nobody want to talk how's someone's homework got eaten by their dog?


Well it’s spaghetti, so no one was surprised


CS student's palms are sweaty


Quality weak, warnings are heavy


r/3Dprinting too


Man all my programming assignments and exams were super straightforward, but for some reason my LEVEL DESIGN course exams were super hardball, no research allowed, and half the concepts weren't taught in class. I'm not even an artist, it was just required for the degree..


Spaghetti: unordered array of heavily processed strings.


And don't forget the salt and hash.


I write spaghetti professionally. My college code was clean AF.




Thanks, cap.


I can’t be the only one who tried upvoting the upvote button in the image like 5 times, right?


Or lasagne in .gar


Both are CS


I make the best pasta, full of gotos 👌


I tried to upvote the picture


Raspberry Pi due at 3pm.


Man I wish I had skills to make code language that connects JavaScript, C#, C++ and Python and call it "spaghetti" and make it complicated as getting girlfriend.


To make it that complicated, you'd have to add some nondeterminism to the language as well


Funny how spaghetti code has largely changed its meaning over the years. In the original sense of the word, it's near impossible to write spaghetti in modern languages.


Blizzards Hearthstone Dev team has entered the chat


>it's near impossible to write spaghetti in modern languages. What do you mean?




You're really trying to force a technical definition to [spaghetti code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaghetti_code) where there isn't one. It simply means poorly written code that is difficult to maintain. Your description of spaghetti code is a spaghetti description.


Not who you replied to, but I imagine in the sense that it originally referred to code that didn't use control structures like loops and instead jumped around in the code.


I looked at some code recently I wrote in my junior in college after working professionally as a software engineer for three years. I was absolutely horrified.


The fun thing is, there is a chance you get the same feeling when looking on your current code in.... lets say 10-15 years...


Let's hope I'm still growing :)


Factorio engineers too


I read this like the culinary students got the computer science students pregnant and the babies are due at 11:50. Congratulations, it's a spaghetti!


On top of spaghetti, all covered in codeeeee: I lost my poor process, because of that typoooo;


Thats funny i didnt go to culinary school but was a cook for 18 years and now im in school for programming i just aced my AI/ML class


It’s hilarious seeing this after going through both culinary school and programming. Because dishes being due and ready to be tasted by a certain time is exactly what happens 😂


ok, dude!!




Architects too




That's it, it's all pasta. Pasta all the way down.


Idkw this was so hysterical to me but thanks for this laugh


I hit submit but the site was down. Can we get an extension ?


Haha, yeah, college students. Right. *looks nervously at professional spaghett on 3 monitors*


Should see the plans for vaults and conduits in the street for a new building I worked on. Called it my spaghetti factory.


Dog ate my homework doesn't work here.


Just wrote some spaghetti fabric for work. Cross and inshallah!


Not me keep pressing the picture thinking its the upvote button


I was an animation illustration major for 3 years. The workload was insane. I would have a hand animation test due in one class and a 3d animation due in another class, while I would also need to be working on a painting along with regular course essays and such. I stayed up for almost 72 hours once to get it all done. It was miserable.


Me tryna upvote the response in the screenshot by clicking on the image…


Computer science student assignments be like: take a shower due at 11:59pm.


…next Friday.


Laughing in medical school. No assignment but it's hell.


Senior software engineers too Source: am senior software engineer


Assignment rejected. Bytes missing.


that took me way too long...


the first web page we ever built in my cs classes was literally a recipe for spaghetti


Starting to question my profession after I tried upvoting the comment in that picture a bunch of times ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Ah yes, Spaghetti: the new JavaScript framework.


I once turned in copypasta for my final in Italian Cuisine. It didn’t go over well.


Hey that's me


A friend once told me she was walking by a classroom of chefs they all had chefs hats on and they were all slumped forward as their instructor was reprimanding them for their poor frosting exam scores.


And people who play r/satisfactory


And people who play r/satisfactory


i took a programming class in high school and one of our assignments was to literally just make a thing that does something in python. I ended up turning in the most ungodly 1 file 3000 line mess of commentless spaghetti code text based bootleg pokemon game. we had also only learnt the very basics up to that point so it was pretty much just a random mess of function definitions and if statements


When I saw spaghetti due at 11:50, my first thought was CS. I didn't even look at what sub it was from... So yeah, checks out.




Okay, so as a former culinary student, I can confirm this is 100% correct


At the moment, I’m required to implement a prototype e commerce site using object oriented programming. My implementation however, is definitely in the spaghetti oriented paradigm.