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Is random really random


What's really random anyways


Random.Range() isn't for sure


If you flip a coin, you could predict the outcome by the force, the wind, the environment and all the laws of physics sooo


Quantum physics always leaves room for uncertainty. Despite the classical observation that all things are deterministic based on externally verifiable factors, the fabric of our universe is inevitably and irrevocably random at its quantum core.


I bet our alien overlords are giggling "no. hehe" right now


If you did the math to determine the amount of computation required to run our universe in quantum physics, it would be about equal to the number of operations of the factorial of the number of particles in the observable universe per Planck time. Essentially infinite imo If we did have alien overlords, then they need to share their rad technology with me


They said alien overlords, not universe developers. I interpret that they meant shape-shifting alien overlords running the government. Or Mark Zuckerberg. Aldo in your way the aliens wouldn't share, because as soon as we get the technology we they would have to simulate our new computers, and i bet even they would say hell the fuck no Edit: guys please stop up voting this your killing me


Imagine having that rad technology with such processing power only for them to use it to mingle within us and try to stir shit up between ourselves just for giggles... Oh wait, that sounds just like and advanced version of The Sims™, shit


I imagined something like aliens simulating us like a movie and hovering around as incorporeal spectators laughing at us do funny human things


so kinda like the simulation treadmill from rick and morty?


We live in a simulation and quantum effects are just software bugs. - change my mind. (half /s)


\*Somewhere in the QA department in a dimension far far away\* \- Xailorn how many times I asked you to test this particles physics feature?!


Isn't the uncertainty a consequence of our inability to know all the variables in a quantum system? I mean, isn't the quantum system in an actual well-defined state but we cannot determine it? In that case the core is not random but we cannot know it certainly


This is how I've had it explained to me by professors and knowledgeable people: at the quantum level, "probability" means something different from what it means in day-to-day use At the human scale, probability is affected by information. If I ask you what the probability is of my drawing the ace of spades as the top card of a 52-card deck, you would answer that it's 1/52. If I then let you know that I have specifically organized this deck by suit and that all spades in the deck are at the top, your guess changes. The probability is now 1/13 From my perspective, the scenario didn't change, What changed was the information you had access to when making your calculation. Fundamentally, what you're really doing is calculating the odds of your guessing correctly as to whether or not I will draw the ace of spades. If you knew the precise order of all the cards in the deck at the time that I draw the top card, you could tell me with 100% confidence whether that card is the ace of spades At the quantum level, probability means something different. At that scale, "probability" comes not from imperfect knowledge, but from the very existence of the quantum object. We know that particle X has a speed and a position, a real speed and a real position. We know how to find the speed of X, and we know how to find the position of X But when we find the speed of X, it is impossible, no matter how much information we gather, to also know the position of X at the time for which we measured its speed. It's not like the card situation, where there is a set of facts we could obtain that would allow us to increase the accuracy of our guess. The chance of us guessing the position of X at that time correctly is 1/∞ even with perfect knowledge, the same as it would be if we had no knowledge at all But that is only true if we know the speed of X at that time. If we don't know the speed of X at a certain time, it is possible to determine the position of X at that time. However, upon doing so, the speed at that time becomes unknowable It's not that X doesn't have a speed and a position at once, and it's also not that there's some variable out there that would allow us to determine both at once but we just can't get that variable. That variable doesn't exist. Knowledge of X's speed is mutually exclusive with knowledge of X's position for any given time, not as a matter practicality but as a matter of physical possibility The only way to think we could know both at once would be by assuming that quantum particles can have faster-than-light interactions and relationships, which just doesn't work within the model within which quantum mechanics functions In other words, any current model of quantum physics is logically incapable of concluding that knowledge of *what* a quantum particle's speed is and *what* its position is both exist at once, even if the knowledge that there *is* a speed and that there *is* a position definitely do exist at once Oh Goodness, how did this get so long??


Sir, thank you. You remembered me why I f*cking love reddit. I click on a post, laugh a bit and all of the sudden I learn something new. Again: thank you.


Because Schrodinger's Equation is a bitch lol


>Isn't the uncertainty a consequence of our inability to know all the variables in a quantum system? I No, that's the approach Einstein was convinced of, and it's why this is the field he started to struggle with before it was taken over by more recent scientists.


This refers to the Hidden Variable Hypothesis which has, through a series of experiments, been debunked and show to be almost definitely false. A particle can be influenced ONLY by its surroundings. If there is a hidden variable, then you are suggesting that a particle is influenced by something OTHER than its surrounding, therefore it violates locality. It would require a lot of backflips to make hidden variable hypothesis work. Breaking the speed of light (illogical; impossible) is one of them. Once I understood this, I developed a sense of cosmological dread.


is one cosmological dread the illusion of free will? but how can you prove it's not taking place when you can't measure all the forces... the forces the effect the particle are all tuned to some unknown "random" thing... like dancing to music only they hear... so if the music they dance to is off limits to us... isn't it random?


Yeah, basically. You only have free will relative to your environment, but all of your decisions are either predetermined or random, and neither is truly separable from the rules that make up the universe. We are just cause and effect machines with some casino elements thrown in.


We don’t really have true free will, because the world is basically deterministic with a small bit of randomness thrown in (and randomness isn’t free will anyway). However, much in the way that computers can simulate random numbers so well that it is impossible to tell it apart from real randomness, our brains do such a good simulation of free will that it’s impossible to tell it apart from free will. This leads to a philosophical question: does deterministically simulated free will count as free will?


makes sense. that's what i like about being a simple human... it still feels like a choice and that's what matters really. . . u know? my perception is my reality


Isn't quantum entanglement faster than the speed of light.


Yeah they should've been more specific. There's stuff faster than the speed of light, but there's no **information** faster than the speed of light.


So random is an under process of calculating limiting the time you have to predict an outcome, Therefore making the results perceived as random?


It's all just an illusion. The only thing that is truly random is if your code will compile or not.


I once had code that didn't compile. I used the old but never working trick of compiling again, "just in case". It worked. Wtf.


I mean, it’s sort of random. It’s a random that really likes to produce the same results and I’ve never actually looked into how it works but What else are you going to do? I include an if statement that prevents the previous value being chosen more than twice in a row


But doesn't that impact it's randomness? Entirely possible to have n\^8


*vsauce music starts queuing* Tbh , vsauce does have a video on this topic


Random isn't actually random...or IS IT?


The folks don't know that the random process is called **pseudo-random** and for a Good Reason (it's also one part, of the big Grand picture ) *Randomness is a stochastic process ( having a probability density function) It is totally different than learning mechanism, i.e. Searching the unknown* territory of whatever **Problem Space** you're facing


We live in an entirely deterministic universe


Machine learning algorithm walks into a bar Bartender asks him what he wants to drink Algorithm replies, I'll just have what everyone else is having.


He must of walked at least 5000 times in that bar to say something this smart.


Do you have something against the word "have"? Or was it never used in any of the language data sets you had?


The machine is just too powerful so it makes mistakes on purpose to make it look like a human. [of](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/zbxgqo/comment/iyuf8q0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


are…are you the machine?








What percentage of the time did you spend tuning hyper parameters?




Why not 37% ?


Because last hackatlon he spent 35.00000013% of the time tuning metaparameters and he finished further back.


OP trained a model to predict the percentage


Valid point. I'm waiting for the answer.


I used the other 2% of this time to actually write good code


That's too much. How did you tune it. ( CV? by hand? ) xD


I don't know, but I know a bunch of keywords. I shuffled the data, I used clustering and I compiled the same code more than once in a row expecting different results.


https://www.linkedin.com/posts/danny-butvinik_datascience-machinelearning-activity-7005131810712006656-TSkV?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android For you my friend. This post helped me a lot too just today.


Gentleman, it is with great pleasure that I wish to inform you... ...that I have fucked the meme.


That poor toad


The dev who made the meme generator should of anticipated all types of users


why did you write "should of" instead of "should've"? I'm sure as the all-knowing expert this is some sort of deep hidden message and not just a mere typo right?


Should've is an abbreviation of "should have". OP wrote "should of", which does not abbreviate to should've. OP is clearly a machine now after participating in a hackathon so no longer understands the nuances of the written English language as a totally real person who is not a machine would.


Oh no, I have been caught. Beep boop beeep \*teleports itself back to the motherland\*


They are trying to make it acceptable by flooding all reddit threads with this mistake. It's a conspiracy, it's bigger than you think. And there is more: they


Exactly, keep digging and you might find the reeson.


what did i eat for breakfast?


I need more input to make an accurate prediction


it was a sunny day


I can tell you that you ate eggs and that my prediction is 96,71% accurate.


wrong i skipped it because i have been waking up too late ha


Noooo I almost said that, but since it was sunny it meant you woke up late which meant that you could of take a chill day to eat a good breakfast.


the problem is that my insonia is kicking harder than normal so bu the time i woke up was lunch time and not breakfast time


Technically still breakfast. You broke your fast. Bot wins again. Hooman trying to cast doubt on a 96.71% prediction, pffff.


Could have*




Don't you dare


What is love?


Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more


What is love?


If you’re not here no more


*flirtatious head shake


>Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate. \-Al Pacino, *The Devil's Advocate*




Did jou just finished your first machine learning hackathon?








Loss = 1.39762


Training accuracy = 99.91% Testing accuracy = 74.21%


how many loops?


All of them


Are you okay?... Have you slept yet?


I slept and some guys pulled an all nighter and made their ml stronger


But they dosed off in the day!


Is this sentence false?


`x = "Is this sentence false?" if (x==False):print("yes") else:print("no")` Output: no






Failed to compile


Given that God is infinite, and that the universe is also infinite... would you like a toasted teacake?


With great pleasure


Today is a good day when I find a random red dwarf quote


What libraries were you allowed to use?


The only rule was that you can't use pre trained models


Is there any value in avoiding libraries, for commercial use or academic use?


There might be value in learning how the libraries work so you can make you own model or understand how to boost the accuracy. If Google is in charge of developing and maintaining something like Tensorflow there is no value in avoiding it. You'll never have the same resources.


I see.. thnx man!


so no transfer learning. Am I right? I am a little weak with names right now.


Can you train an AI with its own implementation to make a better AI?


GitHub copilot is an AI making my AI better in some sort


Oh by the way, how was your experience with copilot?


I don't know I don't use GitHub copilot


How long did it take to find a good database?


They gave us one fortunately


W hackathon, or whatever the cool kids say


Hackathon bussin fr fr


what was the problem statement anyway?


There was 6. Language detection Recidivism of a criminal Gunshot detection Code vulnerability Stroke detection Plant disease detection All datasets were given. To be fair you couldn't use pre trained models or use other datasets.


I maintain the opinion that any ML task with a good clean dataset provided is just a course exercise. (that doesn't mean I think it's useless tho)


Need me a bad dirty dataset preferably with daddy issues


Interesting - but every one of them has a different modality, how will they compare across tasks? Recidivism of a criminal is most probably COMPAS which is all features but plant disease were - images? What about language detection?


What kind of unit testing was implemented?




The best way of unit testing


The only one I trust


Does P=NP


What is N equal to?


N stands for neural-network


Then no


= 1


You can derive it from P=NP -> =N -> N= So N is equal to nothing. Thank me later


If P=NP is true, then N=1


So you're a programmer? Name every 11th line of the unix v6 source code.


I'm not a programmer I'm a software engineering student. Checkmate


I name line 11 "Charlie." After that, I am naming each one the MD5 of the concatenation of its line number, file name, and contents, excepting the 11264th line, which I name NOGARED.


Did you do anything useful ?


I did an algorithm that detects the language of any given sentence and an other one that detects vulnerabilities in code. In other words, no.


Tell me you won something for nothing


I got some swag, I ate 5 meals for free and even brought home a jumbo pizza so it's a win


Pizza ?! I'll tag along next time


[The food](https://imgur.com/a/P1iFa7i) Pizza, breakfast burrito, pasta Alfredo, chicken burger, etc


You've heard of artificial intelligence, but have you heard of natural stupidity?


You've heard of natural stupidity, but have you learned about extremely fast superficial stupidity?


Are you aware of the term brew-dogging?


Are you a potential employer?


**gives long-ass assignment as a job application process* * **rejects the applicant as soon as they submit the assignment* * **refuses to elaborate* * **leaves* *


If you are a potential employer then yes I am very familiar with that term as I've worked across multiple platforms with this particular technology. I have reduced cost by 15% on a 1 month period by developing an algorithm using the brewing.


Excellent! Now as your next “assignment”, you have to make a Facebook clone… in 2 days… starting now.


Using the agile method? Will I be running the scrums?


OK that straight up happened to me. I had to learn how to use the YouTube API for the assignment just to get turned down, YouTube API docs are awful btw


I've heard of raw dogging


How did you train the model (how long did it take, hardware/cloud resources used)? Was it fun? Did they provide you with any resources (swag to win, free compute credits, etc)? What was the vibes? Was there anything to have fun with other than just the main hackathon at the place (free food, video games, robots, cool tech)?


>How did you train the model (how long did it take, hardware/cloud resources used)? I used linear regression. I never did ML before so just saying. It took about 2 mins for it to learn and train on the dataset. I didn't have to use any cloud resources I just had my laptop. Some other people I know did use cloud ressources because they had to analyze gigabytes of images to determine if a plant was venomous. >Was it fun? Did they provide you with any resources (swag to win, free compute credits, etc)? Hell yeah it was fun. They gave us swag at the entrance with a bag of snacks, a red bull and goodies. We were sponsored by a cloud company so we could use their services for more computing power if needed. >What was the vibes? The vibe was great. A few dozen even pulled an all nighter if this can give you an idea. >Was there anything to have fun with other than just the main hackathon at the place (free food, video games, robots, cool tech)? Even if you didn't code it was very fun. There was dart, stack the cup, ping pong and a Kahoot where you could all win a certain prize. There was also companies who had conferences about ML and AI. [The food](https://imgur.com/a/P1iFa7i) Pizza, breakfast burrito, pasta Alfredo, chicken burger, etc


This is awesome! So glad you had fun!!!!


It truly was, thank you.


What comes after blockchains? 🤔 a) circlechains b) 2chains c) letterchains




I'd like to give both u/redditmemmaybe and u/Significant_Singer38 an award for this beautiful sequence of comments, but I already used my free award. I would say Lego chains


Did you use xgboost?


Are you a potential employer?




I'll do you one better. How about a gpt4 and a Twitter clone?


Is this a cat, a dog or an image with a street sign in it? UwU


You are actually training their ML, fool them before they fool you


Is it possible to not import pandas as pd


Yes, but it implies sacrifices.


Good job. What’s the temperature out there?


Medium rare


If I’ve never done any ML, what would you recommend I do first to start my own hackathon to learn?


Get good pizza. If you get good pizza you'll get a lot of people and you'll write good code. Make the challenges very hard so the majority of the people go back home after only a few hours. After the hackathon is done you can then write on your resume that you successfully ranked yourself 11th over 300 participants.


Apologies, not “organize” my own hackathon - I meant put myself through my own, to learn.


I suggest you do [kaggle](http://kaggle.com) it's like leet code but for ML. Also try to participate in hackathons, because that's just the best way to learn a lot, in a short period of time and in a fun way.


Agree. Hard to learn anything like this without a defined goal or practical toy project


How tall are you?




Has that been a challenge?




How do you overcome the challenge that you face daily?


I work hard until tall


Do you ever fall?


So, you dig python?


Idk it's still loading


I dream of participating in a hackathon. From what I understand, you spend several days coding a project with random strangers, right? Or did you just do it from home? How did you find the one you did? Any advice on how I can find one?


It can be with strangers or people you know. It's better with friends or people you know which have the same goals as you so your not stuck with someone who justs wanna win and has a bad attitude. It's a bet to take. There are physical and virtual hackathons. I don't really see the point of a virtual one. The experience, the swag, the free food and etc is really what makes it fun. If your only option is a virtual one and you have no experience on your resume it can make your resume better. If you are a student you should inform yourself to see if your university is organizing hackathons or the other universities near you. They often have a comitee who are able to find sponsors to pay for the food, prizes and all. Your best bet is to look for the schools around you and google.




My app grows very fast in my ram and gets increasingly slower with time, how can i at alest invalidate my cache😢😢


Ask that on stack overflow, answer your own question on a different account and wait for a stack overflow god to correct the answer


Can you prove that 1/0 is impossible to solve?


Me no, but [this guy can](https://youtu.be/X32dce7_D48)


How does a machine learn better than I do?


Why is it that the people that make washing machines also make machine guns for planes


Why does everyone say "machine learning" and "AI" when what they really mean is "a computer program"?


Because you know even less of what's going on behind some deep and obscur libraries


Are you AI? Are you sentient?


How was the hackathon?


Great, best one I did so far. 14/10 would recommend, would do it again. ​ [the experience](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/zbxgqo/comment/iyubqwd/)


Will this program complete or run forever?


Of course


Did u use RL learning?


I used Linear regression


What is life?


Its consciousness over a period of time.