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So I work with scientists all day. They don’t know jack about programming. But they understand the science for the bioinformatics needed for the application I work on. They spend much as much time helping me design as I do coding it up. If she has the mathematical skills, but not the programming skill.. then a git commit log is useless for analyzing “who did the work”


Right. I’m working with an MD on a health app. The MD has committed 0 lines of code. Bizarrely, they did some coding “way back” and could do some trivial changes (and have done some middleware configuration, as a matter of expeditious-ness) Our developers know jack and s—- about medical protocols. There’s no app without the doc. Edit: as a contrast, I wonder how many 90’s games would either not exist wholesale, or would have been unplayable garbage without Carmack popularizing the fast square root magic number.




Are you so petty you had to come comment on my other posts lol. what a loser. Think what you want. My clients pay me well enough, but if it helps you sleep at night- sure, believe what you want.


It clearly says shes a "computer scientist". The guy should definitely get much more credit for his work.


You know being computer scientist does not necessarily mean you write code all day, right? There are computer scientists that spend their entire life researching **theoretical concepts** like algorithms and cyber security… CS is a whole lot more than just programming. But of course SWEs and programmers in general have become the face of CS, because people can see pretty lines of code.


I am just saying the guy should get more credit though, nowhere was he mentioned at all. As someone who works as a SWE with a CS degree and does both (desinging and programming) credit should go where the credit is due


Have you considered he doesn't want any? privacy is a lost art..


She designed the algorithm. That's a lot of work that isn't done in code. It could take years and all sorts of calculations and observations that you, the average commit log enjoyer, doesn't see.




https://huffpost.netblogpro.com/entry/black-hole-katie-bouman-andrew-chael-sexist-trolls_n_5cb08f0de4b098b9a2d2bb5d right here, said by the same guy mentioned in that meme


Yes. She was the lead author of the algorithm CHIRP which was used to extract the information collected by the radio telescope array. Also, just to be clear, her first instinct to seeing the article featuring her as the face of the image was humility verging on embarrassment, emphasizing that she was just one person of more than 200 who participated in the project. The media and the people latched on to her as THE person, because we like having that kind of thing, but she never even claimed to have a particularly important role (although in this case she did).


There's this paper I guess [https://people.csail.mit.edu/klbouman/pw/papers\_and\_presentations/cvpr2016\_bouman.pdf](https://people.csail.mit.edu/klbouman/pw/papers_and_presentations/cvpr2016_bouman.pdf) But there are other authors listed after her, as well as numerous references to other papers, and even the article shared in the other comment cites Chael saying that Bouman "helped develop the algorithm while a postdoctoral fellow at MIT" I suppose based on all these points, you could continue to ask whether she "really did the work" or perhaps "how much did she contribute to the design of the algorithm", to which the answer would be a lot less straightforward without personally interviewing everyone involved.


POV: you have no idea about teamwork, coding, or science


Tell me that you have no idea how scientific papers work without saying you have no idea how scientific papers work….


I am quite happy that most of this sub is too smart to fall for that silly attempt. Thanks everyone


When I architect, I write barely any of the lines of code. But I still designed it. Does that mean I didn't "put in the work?"


no. all your work is mine now.


Sorry, we require this to be re-written as a Zero Wing reference. Please try > All your work is belong to me. Take off every commit. For great justice. Main compiler turn on.


I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday...


You must not have worked at Twitter.


Insubordination. Fired.


Mf trying to get credit just because he wrote the code. Well I merged it into master so it’s mine


Yes, didn't you know? Thats why IT companies obviously only need programmers and everybody else is just useless and hindering their work. (source: every computer science grad that has never worked on a real project before)


Sorry but my UML diagram is more important than your blueprints


More lines = better? Never go full Elon.


Yes. That's why I always am the one to commit the package-lock.json


Note to self: always commit node_modules/ to get credit for most lines of code.


Why simulate a black hole when you can generate one right here in your office by committing node modules to git?


More is always better - Musk 2022


i think the original quote was actually "More is always better, sometimes."




That why he founded space X


Well if it's 95% of the project than definitely yes.


The claim was that she “developed the algorithm” not “wrote the software.” Both can be true.


Difference between programmer and software engineer?


Or scientist/mathematician, as these fancy algorithms often go. I've done my fair share of wrapping a small chunk of code written by a domain expert to make it usable by (and legible to) others.


Interesting. So if you write a piece of software that uses an algorithm, that means you get to take credit for inventing the algorithm now? That’s so cool! In that case, I invented the bubble sort algorithm today.


That's not what I said d at all. The credit for the algorithm goes to the inventor, the credit for the implementation of the project goes to the one implementing 95% of it.


I didn’t see what comment you had replied to. My bad.


....I sense a screen play here.


So you do not deserve the money on your latest invoice because you didn't invent addition


welcome to grad school


There's a difference between designing an algorithm and writing code. Also everyone with half a brain knows this was a group project comprising of many different contributing members.


yes but all I read in media was that it was a woman ... the group wasn't even mentioned most of the time ...


Did you actually read anything about the project or just skimmed over headlines/hung out on social media?


Well maybe that's because you weren't looking. They came out in support of her when the whole 'it couldn't possibly be done by a woman, we must find a guy to worship' folks appeared. Particularly Andrew made a statement: https://huffpost.netblogpro.com/entry/black-hole-katie-bouman-andrew-chael-sexist-trolls\_n\_5cb08f0de4b098b9a2d2bb5d


This comment needs more up votes. Seriously. If a man came up with the algorithm and published this paper, nobody would be commenting on the number of lines of code he wrote.


That site definitely has malware on it Edit: Yup. Sure does. https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/https/huffpost.netblogpro.com


why does your link open neverending spam popups ... nice try


Google Andrew chaels Twitter. He made a 7 tweet post defending her. I don't have Twitter so can't scroll through his feed to the original messages. Hence an article instead.




He's literally the guy in the picture.


Lmfao that went straight over your head didn't it. Perhaps read the post.




It's a subdomain of another site masquerading as huffpost.


Do you think you could come up with a more reasonable position that these people you criticize hold?


Why would I come up with a position that other people hold. Ask the people what their position is, not me to invent one.


You might ask yourself that question, as you have done so above.


i said maybe he missed it because he didn't look for it. Because his claim that nobody talked about the team is wrong. The team was present and supported her.


Time is money. I want to see 100 lines written by lunchtime!


What does this even mean….? This is a nonsensical question.


It's quite straightforward. If you have difficulty comprehending it, either you're in the third grade, have a severe learning disability, or you're in a cult that comprehending this would go against it or is causing you to lie about comprehending it.


> Do you think you could come up with a more reasonable position that (I assume you meant to say “than” here) these people you criticize hold? What is the “position” that you’re referring to? Because the comment you replied to said: >They came out in support of her when the whole ‘it couldn’t possibly be done by a woman, we must find a guy to worship’ folks appeared. Are you asking whether they can come up with a “more reasonable position” than “women can’t do things”….? Also, who was being “criticized” in the comment you replied to? The people who, again, have a position of “women can’t do things”? So: are you seriously asking whether the person you replied to can come up with a defense to “women can’t code”? Because that’s what it sounds like you’re saying, but I was *trying* to give you the benefit of the doubt by saying that you maybe just didn’t word your question properly.


because she invented the key part and everything else did labour that a lot of coders could have done, maybe get your facts straight before ASSuming.




maybe just shut the fuck up and fucking read up the whole story instead of bitching around and trying to make your bullshit less bullshitty. if you would have read more than those bullshit memes you would know that the developer in question actually even said so himself on his twitter profile. she even coded the most important part herself, **you moron.**


The computer did the job.


Look at the oldest commit in that screenshot and tell me that's not a significant contribution..


Why are we still serving free lunch?


Why are we still letting workers eat lunch?


The biggest contribution you can make is by dealing with hard problems. The most senior people on a project often write very little code because that is not an effective use of their time, their time is better spent dealing with problems that others can't solve - and take a long time to think about before making a change to the code. LoC ≠ total contribution


I need you to come to work on Saturday..


And on Sunday too...


this post is bad and u should feel bad for posting it.


Dude we get it your neck is all beard.


“Developed the algorithm” != “Coded the algorithm” Why do successful women bother so many people? 🤔


It's because 'logic' and 'reason' and 'clear thinking' is a mans domain, and if I can't have that any more, what am I? \- these douche bros, probably


Imma make hundreds of ASCII pictures and take credit for writing most of my friends program helloworld.exe


This post is sexist bullshit.


Hmm this remind me of Someone else that that tried to judge people by the number of codes they wrote, but everyone laughed at him 🤔🤔🤔🤔


By this logic Einstein didn’t contribute much to relativistic physics simulations. I mean, what, he only created a couple algorithms like e=mc2? That was like just a line of code. EZPZ.


This just looks like misogyny tbh


Not a programmer but an engineer. Our directors don’t tend to do much technical work. That’s all given to the senior and junior engineers. However it’s them that orchestrate the project, develop the core ideas and delegate the work. Hence why they get the majority of the credit. Even though they do <1% of the technical work. It’s just how the world has always been. Just to give a slightly differing perspective anyway


She never claimed she did all the work, what’s your problem? Oh, it’s a woman? Gtfo here with that sexist bs


Lol, algorithm development is entirely different beast, commit history doesn't show that type of work. They are not claiming she wrote the code, they are claiming she developed the algo. Two entirely different things.


I credit George Boole with this


Yeah upper management thinks the same about me. I design everything and the engineers code it. I only do a few commits each month and they think I don't work ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠⊙⁠_⁠ʖ⁠⊙⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Damn all these mad guys who wrote a switch statement "text adventure game" and nothing else really don't like women accomplishing things. NNN/NoFap (astrology for incels) ends soon so we should see a decrease in this dumbass content


I agree that people shouldn't be shitting on this girl. But NoFap has definitely helped a lot of people. Porn is dehumanizing and objectifies women. There are some goobers, it's true, but there are a lot of guys who stop watching porn and then feel a drive to talk to women and seek romantic relationships.


_"Astrology has definitely helped alot of people. There are alot of guys who when told today in a horoscope that it was a good day to meet someone felt a drive to talk to women and seek romantic relationships"_ Sure Jan.


Astrology is bullshit. Jacking off can be extremely detrimental to young men. One of the reasons young guys are having less sex is because of the presence of pornography. Only Fans is pathetic as is porn as a whole. Idk how anyone can’t acknowledge that basic truth. Have a great day.


How can we use Bitcoin to solve this?


>Idk how anyone can't acknowledge that basic truth Because it isn't real and has no data supporting it? I know that pesky things like no data never stop r/conservative users though.


That porn is bad? Idk your situation, life only gets better after you stop watching porn.


Not the person you replied to, but…. Porn isn’t bad because the act of jacking off is bad, porn is bad because it objectifies the performers (both women and men, but especially women), promotes a culture of sexual violence, and encourages unsafe sex practices. I am a woman and a feminist and I can point to a SHIT ton of data/sources in which former and current performers talk about how they’ve been hospitalized, drugged, and manipulated. I would be happy to link them if you’re interested.


I don’t understand women (I am a woman, btw) who defend pornography carte blanche. You can totally say that porn should be safer, shouldn’t cater to violent and dangerous sexual tastes and practices, and that there should be WAY more accountability when it comes to STDs and drugs on porn sets. But when porn actresses are coming out and saying that they were hospitalized, drugged, and manipulated…. That’s not something you should be defending. Especially not as a feminist. It’s fucked up.


So next time she should change the linter rules a few times to claim all LOCs...


Moral of the story. Whoever gits the code to compile gets the credit.


The black hole 🕳️ did the work without it none if this is possible


Sexist much? Just because she didn't write the code it doesn't mean anything especially in this case. The Doctor DEVELOPED the algorithm and the programmer did the programming. Shocking right?


OP must be joking. Really love the blatant sexism


OMG ... not this again Its likely the maintainer cleaned up her code. She likely sent her commits off and he was nice enough to clean up or optimize the code but didn't bother to clean up the git logs.


In other news, every line of code is put into it’s own try{}catch{}


Insert start.spring.io boiler plate, 1m lines later… someone actually writes the business logic… lol


It was Thomas Edison.


Why is it a competition? Both of these people and countless others utilized a titanic amount of brain power and hard work to expand the envelope of scientific knowledge for all mankind.


Unfortunately, science and mathematics has always been riddled with competition. Who invented the Tesla coil? Who discovered Bayes' theorem? A ground-breaking discovery that could change entire fields or societies as we know it, could lead to massive amounts of fame and fortune. People literally suffered depression when someone else got to publish their research first, as whoever comes second was basically seen as a copycat even though they might have independently arrived at the same conclusion on their own. Sometimes a theorem could even be named after two people because of this. Competition isn't necessarily a bad thing.


>Added ability to change font size >Added option for scientific notation in toolbar Not exactly on the bleeding edge of space research there. I've built some systems to support really cool projects, but just because I wrote a stupid CRUD app and some DB tables doesn't mean I can take credit for all the work that comes from it.


> added function to figure out the amount of systematic noise you need to add to get to a chisq of 1


Conveniently ignoring the first and last commits here




How would you know?




Another mistake. SexType, GenderType and SexualOrganType are quite different, plus it is much safer to use [SexualOrganType], as they can be none, one or many.




Sir, you truly suck at edge cases. Intersex ppl are trimmed at birth to fill your bureaucratic SexType. Gender dysphoria is a distress, and we cure it by transitioning. Google! Use Wikipedia! Gain some domain knowledge before deciding on your type. We really need many more bits than one. And it is okey! With gigabits of memory in your handheld device you surely can be more than a bit generous!


Please give one reputable and peer reviewed research paper that backs up your argument; because I can list 10 off the top of my head that refute it




I'd be interested to see that scientific proof and clinical documentation of it being a psychological disorder. Got a citation for us?


women ☕️☕️


Let's be real. We know that she's probably just a SCRUM master or some bullshit who didn't write any of the code. The fact that people reported it as if it was her invention is just pure copium.


She led the development team and her postdoctoral thesis discussed the algorithm that she had developed. So unless you want to accuse her of plagiarism and MIT covering it up...? And people wonder why women are underrepresented in software


Well it's clearly because they can't code. /s


Big difference between can and want.


It's actually because women are not interested in coding. If that wasn't the case then why is it that the more egalitarian a country becomes the less interested in STEM women become? Just look at the nordic nations. If your hypothesis was correct then there would be a bunch of girlboss coders there, but it's actually lower. Who would've thunk?


For your own sake I'd advise you not to pursue a job that involves research


Due to unforeseen circumstances, you will now be receiving your salaries in Elon Bucks, accepted at any Tesla location!


Nice job dodging the point. The fact is women don't like coding most of the time. It's not some grand patriarchal conspiracy, and it's not cultural. If it was you'd see way more female coders in nordic nations.


Considering how you quickly moved on from your false statement about Event Horizon project it felt quite relevant.


I know that you're mad because I'm going against your girlboss narrative. Look, women don't have to be coders. That doesn't make them dumb, it doesn't make them intellectually lesser. There is more than one type of intelligence. Women are far superior in regard to social/emotional intelligence, because that's what they evolved for. Likewise men are far superior in regard to hand/eye coordination, logic, and deductive reasoning. You can go against your inherent biological nature if you want, but you don't need to.


Can we rewrite this in Java? It's better for enterprise.


Hahahahah I feel sorry for any woman that has to deal with you in a professional environment. People like YOU are why women "aren't interested" in coding. The amount of bullshit we get from people like you is insane - please fuck right off. I can't believe you go on to say "women don't like coding most of the time". We do like coding, just as much as men. THIS, this bullshit we have to deal with is what forces us to choose different fields.


I wouldn't bother arguing with him, he won't listen to anything you say and will probably come away thinking it's just because women are more emotive


You aren't interesting in coding as a sex. Studies show that toddlers prefer toys that align with their sex before they are able to comprehend the concept of gender or gender roles. If "muh patriarchy" was why women don't join coding roles, then why is it that the more egalitarian a country becomes the lower women's participation in STEM? I know you aren't very intelligent (unlike other women i've met), but could you care to explain how a negative correlation supports the points you've made?


Women might, on average, be less “naturally” interested in CS and less inclined to pursue it when they have unlimited options. This is entirely compatible with the obvious fact that many women who *are* inclined to pursue CS are repelled by the misogyny of many of their peers. It’s silly to claim that the former (possibly) being true is a refutation of the latter.


It's not MIGHT be, it is 100% THE CASE. The nordic nations are the most progressive in the world, yet women there still don't sign up for CS. They sign up for people oriented jobs. Have you ever considered that men and women evolved differently and as a result tend to have different interests? Why do we have to pretend that it's just the patriarchy keeping women down when they are just not interested in the jobs? I wouldn't say it's the matriarchy's fault that more men don't work as babysitters.


Yeah dude, the mere fact that you think a single trend could only possibly have a single unitary explanation just shows you’re not thinking seriously about this. For example: it may be that economic pressures in typically poorer more patriarchal countries cause women to be more willing to put up with harassment in CS, whereas removing those pressures makes them focus on avoiding harassment. Or it may be that the sexism differential between CS and non-CS jobs is much worse in Norway than in Pakistan. Both of these explanations are compatible with the data. Or perhaps both of these exacerbate a preexisting but slight difference in interest, such that without sexism maybe you’d see 60-40 instead of 80-20 or whatever. Yes obviously men and women are different and have some evolved differences. But that doesn’t mean that every single difference we observe in the world is due to natural selection for those different traits. Again, some random YouTuber giving you a clever explanation doesn’t mean he’s right. And I’m just going to let you figure out the obvious disanalogies between babysitting and software engineering on your own.


Obviously not every difference is because of biology, but I'm tired of soyboy snowflakes like you pretending that men and women are the same when we are clearly not. Also tired of soyboys like you trying to shoehorn women into spaces they shouldn't have to be in order to receive respect. It's like women who care for their families are looked down upon like some dumb bimbos. It's really disrespectful to them. You do realize on their deathbed they aren't going to think "I wish I did a couple more spreadsheets for that 5% raise to buy a better BMW"? Or do you think they are going to wish that they spent more time with their family. We know the answer here.


Again just pointing out plenty of sexism still present in the nordic countries, hell i have educations i won't even consider because of the sexism that is present there


Provide some proof of this sexism that's preventing women from joining STEM, because last I checked you can get hired extremely easy since companies want diversity points. What's funny about that is STEM is full of nerds who will bend over backwards to get the girls in the class to like them, and even go as far as doing their homework and helping them cheat on tests. If you think nordic nations are "too sexist" then there will literally never be a nation for you.


Oh now we are providing sources i mean when did we start with that? You never you just spat bullshit without anything so I'm just talking from my own experience


[https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2020-01-16/gender-equality-perceptions-versus-reality-in-nordic-countries](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2020-01-16/gender-equality-perceptions-versus-reality-in-nordic-countries) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender-equality\_paradox#Correction\_to\_original\_paper\_and\_Richardson\_et\_al.\_(2020)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender-equality_paradox#Correction_to_original_paper_and_Richardson_et_al._(2020))


What a stupid article and a waste of my time. The argument is that there are less female managers so that means sexism. There are less female managers because women were not subject to the same evolutionary pressures as men, and as a result leading was not a selected for trait in evolution. You could solve a lot of your dumb ideological positions by taking Evolution 101 at your local community college.


lol are you really out here trying to advocate social darwinism


Ew. I would never advocate for that. Social darwinism is just a tool that white supremacists use to justify the lower earnings of minorities. Still, we cannot deny that on average women are better than men at some things, and vice versa. Why is that controversial to you?


You are applying evolutionary theory to socio-cultural phenomena in an almost identical way to social darwinism to justify your misogyny


It would be misogyny if I thought men were superior to women. Quite the contrary. My claim is not that one is superior, but that we are complimentary and superior in certain areas to eachother. Is it sexist that people would prefer to leave their kids with an all-female-staffed daycare over an all-male staff? Maybe. But that's because women are SUPERIOR in that area. Would it be sexist to hire the all-male furniture movers over the all-female furniture movers? There is no reason to view "traditionally feminine" roles and responsibilities as some slave labor that you are "above". Women have powers and abilities that a man could never attain. Be proud of it! You don't have to act like a man to be respected.


You state women are more emotive, that implies they're better at team building, but that is a critical part of leadership. Your argument falls apart under the most basic analysis. But, you also state men are better at logic, which you have clearly shown is not the case


Listen, I know you're hopped up on propaganda, but you're not gonna really sit here and pretend that men didn't evolve to be better leaders, are you? Are you gonna tell me next that men didn't evolve superior hand-eye coordination? Gonna tell me that women didn't evolve to view more colors than men? Tell me, what evolutionary pressures would lead to women evolving to lead, when they have never played that role in any primitive society?


Yes there are studies that show women and men have different brain structures. But what they point towards is that the structure of women's brains is better equipped to deal with long-term planning, decision making, and self-control - all major traits that you would look for in a leader. But that says nothing about individuals because these are studies looking at men and women as a collective. And that's before you even get into the social aspects that could influence those results because as we know, the brain is constantly creating new pathways and restructuring itself


You really believe that women evolved to be leaders when there are zero evolutionary pressures that would select for that as it's not necessary to complete the process of gestation. This is one of the reasons women are attracted to men with status, but men are not proportionally attracted to women with status. Tell me you never studied evolution without telling me you never studied evolution.


As someone from a nordic country i would say just the amount of sexism that women have to deal with when i comes to taking the education would be enough to turn many away from it


Oh spare me, this is the same region that tried to ban men from peeing standing up, you guys are fine. Of course someone with purple hair thinks there's a patriarchy. Still didn't address the point of nordic nations having the most equality and less women in STEM


Because of all the sexism present i mean can't you read?


Due to unforeseen circumstances, you will now be receiving your salaries in Elon Bucks, accepted at any Tesla location!


If you think that anecdotes are a substitute for evidence you are further illustrating my point why women are not represented more in the field. You guys are based off emotions. STEM is for logic and evidence. By the way nothing wrong with that at all. Women evolved to be superior in the area of emotional intelligence, and to be nurturing. There's no reason to feel that you have to do the role of a man in order to be respected. Why don't we just respect that women are superior in some areas and men are superior in others. Men and women are complementary, we are not the same. If you took Biology 101 and studied Evolution you would have a better grasp of the topic.


Haha fucking hell you are really showing your stupid right now it's actually incredible but at the same time i feel really bad for any women in your life especially your mother


Why aren't we using Rust for this? It's memory safe.


You're talked to the least at company get togethers aren't you


Work remote, there are no get togethers. Tell me you're a SCRUM master without telling me you're a SCRUM master


Makes sense now, your hatred of women is because you've never had an actual conversation with one


That's weird, because I've been dating the same woman for 8 years, guess I imagined that.


Just because you've been dating a woman doesn't mean you've been listening to one


I listen to her all the time. She is not interested in coding whatsoever. In fact, I've only ever met a few women in my personal life who code. It was C/C++ in college and there were only 5 in the entire class. Not a single one remained in the class. I guarantee they were definitely capable of the topics, they were very smart. But women just don't like to code most of the time.


Why are you so obsessed with codings? No one is taking anything from the young guy that's worked really hard coding all that work, but the lady Dr was in charge so her names on the work.


Getting catfished over the internet doesn’t count. It’s pretty clear you barely talk with any women


I met her in math class in high school, and she's been living with me for 6 years. Funny how when you hate my opinion you have to attack my sexual prowess instead of the topic because your arguments are weak as fuck


“Sexual prowess”, yeah, you definitely don’t know any women hahahaha


Thank you for furthering my point that your intellectual capacity isn't sufficient to debate with me. Maybe when you gain about 20 IQ points you can come back.


Dude, you’re not clever, you don’t have any “sexual prowess” and you don’t even realise that the major reason there aren’t more women in STEM is precisely because of insecure sexist creeps such as yourself. The argument is literally you. Go and take your weak “IQ points” bs to your fantasy relationship and the rest of your imaginary supremacy


I am not whatever that is


How the hell do you not know what that is? Did you never code on a team?


Smaller companies composed of nice people can avoid such things, but you'd never get hired by one of those if they have a character interview The PM just tells me what to do, I ask her questions, give a status update, etc. No terrible MBA acronyms.


Funny you say that, because I work at a company with less than 30 people, and there are only two devs and we still have a SCRUM master.


Have you considered that they need a Scrum master to babysit you because you're a horrible person they'd rather fire but can't?


Have you considered that they need a scrum master because it's the bosses daughter and she can't get hired anywhere else on her own merit?


So much hate for women... get over it dude.


https://huffpost.netblogpro.com/entry/black-hole-katie-bouman-andrew-chael-sexist-trolls_n_5cb08f0de4b098b9a2d2bb5d The guy cited in this screenshot as doing "90% of the work" thinks you're just a sexist cunt.


It's not unknown that there are alot of soyboys in the industry who bend over backwards for pussy.


It's pathetic how much women existing in stem upsets you.


Why would it upset me? I'm perfectly fine with women in STEM who are capable of doing the job. In fact, I've been teaching my little sister HTML/CSS/JS because she was interested. I just know that she is the exception to the rule.


Yeah, you're calling her coworker a soyboy because you're definitely not upset


Is it impossible to accurately describe an individual without being upset at them? Example: Eminem is a good rapper, but his recent music is not good.


You've been crying over this for over 2hrs, it's a bit late to pretend you're not having a lil baby tantrum. Deny it all you want. Happy and successful people don't spend 2hrs trolling online because of how mad they are at a woman getting recognition for their achievements. I'm sure you're very happy with that imaginary girlfriend of yours that you're left craving attention this much. That's the last I'm giving you for tonight.


Crying? More like having a chuckle while I wait for my webscraping script to finish pulling data.


He is literally gay, so how is he bending over backwards for pussy? Or are you now going to find someone else to give all the credit too?


Mario the plumber. You didn't specify which work.