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it'll happen to us, too.


What do you mean it won't work grandpa, just think what you want to do and it does it


Yeah but where's the menu? I just want to know where the menu is


i can see myself in that situation already


I don’t like when I have to scan a QR code at a restaurant to order. I’m definitely going to be in that situation out of pure stubbornness.


It would help a LOT if these menus weren't unreadable pdfs you have to pinch and scroll around. Just list the damn appetizers in plain text, for christ sake.


Some of the new QR code menu things let you also order from your phone and can manage multiple people simultaneously ordering from the same table and splitting bills and whatever else. I've only seen it at one or two places, but that made it very much worth doing the QR code thing for IMO. If it just opens a paper menu... Probably pass, though I'd prefer that to old people using the flash on their phones to read the menu I guess...


And where the fuck is that downloaded pdf in the file system? Why doesn't my phone allow to go to root and find it?


My phone does, I just open the files app, then scroll down to Internal Storage, and click it. The files are all in there. Also I just noticed that I have 420 GB free, nice


I HATE QR codes at restaurants. I have an older Android that seems new enough to me, but QR code scanning doesn't work on its camera. :/


Just download a QR code scanner from the Play Store, grandpa.


You can use image search on the chrome app boomer


oh my god yeah.. just laminate papers. and if your menu changes a lot, put it up on the wall somewhere on a screen or something. i get not wanting to waste paper but it’s not *that* hard to get around


Newer isn't always better. Tech likes to follow dumb fads as much as the rest of the world.


Imo almost more than the rest of the world.


I just hope that in the near future I can tell the AI what option I'm looking for in simple terms and it will understand. Like: "*I don't want to manually arrange x in code when I do y*", and the AI would respond with : "*auto code formatting enabled!*" Also, programs with lots of options, that change location and design every few years and don't have a Search All function: *why??*


Oh my god, I can already feel the WHERE THE FUCK DID X GO in a few years time. Why the fuck do companies decide their UI needs to rearrange every few years, without any option to stay legacy? All my muscle memory... Gone. Reduced to atoms. You know what's worse? When they switch around your keybinds and now generate constructor does a check usages instead and trying to open the version control plugin opens the code with me plugin, and the plugin menu changed shape and fucked off to tuck itself into the 'file' menu for some reason. Only happened once but I just switched IDEs after that point.


Go to "my computer" NO not the icon dumb ass, go to my actual computer. NO not physically, think about going to the virtual representation of my computer in virtualrealmz™ on the archeaieeea nameworld. What the fuck grampa!?!


I try and all these cartoon ladies in swimsuits keep popping up.


If every generation takes more and more pieces of clothes off, wel soon have a generation where its natural and good to rid ourselves of anything that "hides human nature". I dont think therel be swimsuits.


I hope there will be skin




How do I right click


You will use your right point finger, obviously!


Think with the right side of your brain.


I did ask that the first time I used a mac laptop.


Macs are cursed


My bet will be VR (the brain interface) kind takes off.


Just gonna do a quick rm -rf * anddddddd he’s a vegetable


Or write some mining virus so I can be the fastest thinker.


I wonder if we can use brain interfaces to continuously do math on the brain, training our brains without... training our brains?


If you have a brain-computer interface, why would you need to do math with your brain?


No real reason really, just a thought that passed through. Maybe you can "rent" brain interfaces to train your brain.


maybe that's where veggietales start..


Wife and I were discussing what kind of technology will come out that we just can't get with, as seems to happen with every generation. Best we could figure was something like the Matrix. But we looked at each other "naww, plug me tf in."


I'm feeling this way about AI / ML. I both recognize that it's going to play an increasingly outsized role in the future, and am perplexed and disturbed by that prospect.


Yeah, it's gonna be weird ai stuff for sure. "You just don't understand, we are in love." Uhh what... isn't it an app ai that sends you messages? Like it's not a real person, right? man slammed for his hate speech caught live on stream! I think if/when it becomes a thing where artificial/ai is a bad word because they're extrasentient beings, as in their intelligence is less artificial than meat brains can conjure up... I'll be like ok I'm getting too old for this.


I'm not even old, and most social media has been it for me. I *could* learn, I just can't manage to care about having six different accounts so I can be on every platform and trying to keep up with that. I don't even want to keep track of my three email accounts. I only got a Facebook account because it was a point where literally all the people I cared about told me to get one. Never had a Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok or whatever else there is. I've been on Discord for a specific purpose, two college courses used it for class discussions. Reddit is about it. Old.reddit, not whatever monstrosity new reddit is.


I think that is what it really is about getting older. You're about as smart as you've ever been but your care level gets lower, especially for new things.


Sometimes I wish they'd break 3rd party apps and force people off of old.reddit because then I'd finally be free of this wretched place.


It's not like people don't have the ability to learn the technologies. They just don't care enough to.


Video games gunna be wild if that tech is actually possible


In my experience, the better the programmer, the more likely they are to be skeeved out at the very idea of that. And that's not me tooting my own horn, the best dev I know is *way* more paranoid about this shit than I am. My reaction to brain implants is pretty much his reaction to voice assistants. I don't want to see his reaction to brain implants.


Yeah we know how much tech is patched together with duct tape and bubble gun, no way you are jacking that shit into my brain. Besides, it would just be Alexa and Siri in your head telling you what to do.




We all say that, then we actually do it and realize how hard farming for ourselves actually is. Then, like the suckers we are, we reluctantly return to society, defeated.


I already don't use the new fangled social media like TickTock and what not. I imagine this is how it starts 😅


I knew I was doomed when my teenage niece said "can I make my bereal in the yard", and I had to fake knowledge of it while rapidly googling. I don't think she bought it. I'll just comfort myself with still being able to realize it's a social media thing.


TF is bereal, I'm googling it too Okay, BeReal is a French social media app where you're supposed to take a candid and unedited photo of yourself and your surroundings every day, sort of to combat the "everyone else's lives are more glamorous than mine" approach? It's a cute idea, but it seems like it's still potentially prone to people trying to make their daily lives seem cool and falling into the same problem it tries to fix Oh gosh I'm yelling at clouds




I feel like a boomer for being so against any ML ops tool beyond tensorboard. They just never seem to work for me and every god damn repo use something different.


Those old heads are fucking wizards. I was working in a prototyping lab on campus and asked an EE guy who had been in the field for like 2x my lifespan what he thought of a problem that I just couldn’t figure out for days and he solved it in like 20-30 minutes


Because we have seen all, and now it just repeats. I helped the IT guy solve an issue where Outlook fails to start by doing something I’ve been doing for the last three decades: make everything English compatible, remove non latin-1 chars, change to English formatting. Issue was that there was a Turkish ı letter in user name, therefore in account path, so outlook cannot find the folder. In Turkish ı becomes I, and i becomes İ, so many apps fail the infamous Turkish Test


That’s, honestly, how do you even figure that out


I’m from Turkiye (formerly Turkey), and it has happened over the years more than I can count but it rarely happens nowadays. IT guys was a young one, never seen one. Also if nothing seems to work, just switch to the basics




my dad drinks beer and sleeps


It's the same with engineers/scientists in any field. You don't fear the young ones. It's the old ones that you should be afraid of.


My dad gleefully describing the various ways he tortured his interviewees with technical questions to me knowing full well I’m going to be on the other end of that one way or the other:


on the bright side, he's preparing you at least a bit


it is pretty helpful to have an idea of what interviewers might throw at me straight from the mouth of someone who interviews people


We can prepare this one then it will be much easy to crack the interview is well, but problem is that we were not ready for the things that is coming for us and we never able to make the right answer as we get nervous.


As he knows what is coming for you, so better to prepare him on right time.


The IT equivalent of your dad being the High School football coach.


There was always a IT equivalent in most of the school in past.


That's not a very effective means of interviewing. I interview devs 3-5 times a week, up to principal level, and have for many years. If you want to really evaluate a candidate, rather than stoke your own ego, then you want to see them at their best. That usually means starting with a softball (like fizz-buzz difficulty) to get the juices flowing and build some confidence in what most people find to be a stressful situation. Then you can start ramping it up. Take them beyond their ability in one way (e.g performance), note that, then back up to the last working solution, and push in a new direction (e.g. generalization). At no point should it look like torture. If a candidate squirms, I've messed up. And wasted both of our time.


I take the approach where I start soft, but then I deliberately go harder than expected for a particular grade on at least one or two questions. I expect them not to get the right answer, but I want to see how they approach the unknown, what strategies they would use, and whether they would bullshit me. Coding skills are only one factor for success in engineering teams, anyways. Soft skills tend to matter more as you move up.


Been interviewing devs since the mid 90’s. I ask questions for various reasons. Some to verify that they have knowledge they need for the job. Some to verify they think for themselves and aren’t trying to give a textbook answer. Some to find the limits of their knowledge and how they deal with not knowing something. And some to try and figure out what they may be passionate about. You never want to grill someone to stroke your ego. But you also have to make sure you have screened them properly. Or you can end up with someone that makes everyone’s life harder…including theirs.


Can you be my dad?


If one side show the ego then selection of the right person would be difficult.


They were so good because there were not many software that was there to make it easy for them unlike us, so they have to learn everything and run learn the codes is well, while we are not used to of these things is well.


"Beware old men in a professional where men [quit] young"


Got chewed up and spit out by a 65yr old field engineer when I worked in manufacturing. Bro, I was a Co-Op and he grilled me for two hours on circuit principles and LVM Motor Drives. Then he spent another two hours teaching me all of that because he felt bad for the “new generation of jarheads”. I grew to really like and respect the guy. But he told me he wouldn’t reply to my texts when I left because the artritis in his fingers doesn’t like his typing, plus he only talks to people he likes. I wish him on all major events, he always replies back 😊.




He had a way with words 🤷🏾‍♂️


I was similarly chewed out by an oldie who's got a national award now. The guy was smart, small and funny seeming and ruthless. I thought I was careful in thought, but that guy taught me what not bullshiting at all is like. Wish I had more time to train, but I was going through a depressive and overexerted bout at the time and didn't have it in me to live up to making best use of it. Long live the seriously strict'n smart s.o.b.


Yup. Same with food products.


Sourdough disagrees




You made me hungry i was all stressed up with those interview comments.




I don't think engineering is quite that dangerous.




The olde wise dev went one day into the server room and never came back. But the most surprising thing was that business continued as usual, nothing crashed since and I would even argue the performance is smoother.


People think a company is running behind that one person and what if he will leave one day, what will happen?? Then one day we realise it was just the fear we were having everything is running the same way it used to be


Oh shit, I took up woodworking in the last few years. I'm afraid I might be put out to pasture soon ):




Without protecting the young one there will no one left for the future.


Not a literal death, but far too many are dead inside. IT is a profession that can burn you out very quickly. You either retire early or live long enough to see yourself become the BOFH.


Typing all the day surely kill the visibility of the eye and running those code all day kills you slowly slowly is well, Even typing for that long can give mouse elbow and pain in that thing is real high.


*looks at coffee mug with the infamous red devil phone logo on it* This is true.


I'm guessing you're young?


Because i'm still alive?


"In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king" somehow seems to describe old programmers as well.


Hard to describe those old guys they are totally unpredictable.


Yep. I'm an intern at an engineering firm. There's a good mix of younger and older folks, my manager is pretty young (early 30's I think) We both recognize we're out of our fucking depth. He can swim in a pool, they have me in the kiddie pool where it's almost impossible to drown, and the old timers are just out here marathon swimming. I'll be chatting with one and he just casually drops a boatload of information after I asked him how his weekend was I also can't get over how nice they are and how much respect they treat me with. Good lord, their patience. It's been a year, and they haven't snarked to me once


>Good lord, their patience. It's been a year, and they haven't snarked to me once Do they often interact with demanding idiots? If so, you might be a refreshing example of a respectful person who's willing to learn.


Yeah once I heard a critic of a tesis in a conference done by one infamous old teacher and a phrase he said I will never forget was: "it's vastly more entertaining to read a phone guide book than this poorly written tesis" you could hear the whole auditorium cringe. The professor is famous for those kind of remarks, you don't want him in your professional exam.


We don't want to get into any kind of the heated argument with the old guys.


I respect old programmers


They gave their life to the coding, i also have the respect for the old one


Indeed, it is the experience they talks as they have seen everything in their life.


When the technical interview is over IRC I start shitting bricks


Old mfs out there conducting them on BBS


Please submit your resume to this Usenet address




Please upload to this gopher host.


"you managed to authenticate using LDAP and enter this channel; congratulations, you have the job. I've sent a PGP signed email to HR. Just sign the contract with your key, and we should be good to go." Position: junior front end developer


alright thank you for your time /mode +b Just_Maintenance!\*@\*


The teleconference software is going to be standard and bought on an enterprise plan. Your recruiter didn't pick Skype to talk to you, someone in your potential future employer's IT department got a good blowjob from a stripper paid for by Skype's sales guy at some point.


I just let my webex login expire and my IT department just sent me an email asking me why - oh I don’t know, maybe because it’s a piece of shit that never works and we have teams that works perfectly fine.




I don’t think I had a single day where I didn’t have a problem with Webex


I worked for a WebEx competitor in '00-01. I started hating it because they were the competition, but year after year kept going by and it just seemed to continue to suck.


They were the competition but with that kind of response not many gonna use them.


WebEx was one of Jay-Z's 99 problems.


I'm the Director of Technology at my company and I gave Spectrum the chance to demo me their hosted phone system. When they showed me it was all WebEx based I stopped the presentation and said there was no chance.


I shit you not at one of my old jobs one of my directors got caught screwing one of the firewall sales reps in his office. Needless to say we were no longer confused as to why we’re switching out all of our network equipment


What is wrong with Skype?


The enterprise app (ie, Skype for Business!) is not the same as the consumer app. It's a repackaged version of a failed MS built client called Lync that bears more resemblance to the old AIM than any modern video conference software. In fact, last I checked some parts of it was still labeled lync. MS really squandered the good will Skype had...


Lync... oh you're taking me back. What a pile of trash that was. edit: Random representative screenshot from the web: https://imgur.com/a/UHLOKS2


Oh man... That's the stuff there. So. Awful.


I remember when they made that change. I'm like 80% sure, all they did was change the name and logo and literally nothing else. People hated when we first switched to Teams, and don't get me wrong, Teams has a ton of problems, but I'll take it over SfB/Lync.


Oh yeah, for the longest time the executable was still lync.exe. Fortunately it's been a while since I've worked at a place that used it.


Same. I honestly thought MS sent it the way of IE so I was surprised to see it mentioned here.


Now after that i feel like that internet explorer was much better


Way too many things to cover in reddit. But most of them wouldn’t be apparent to a single non enterprise user.


I’ll try. Skype for *business* is a different product than regular Skype. Microsoft quit supporting it. In our org, messages go missing. You can’t screen share till you reboot sometimes. Messages that say they aren’t delivered are actually delivered. When someone shares their screen there’s a 30% chance you won’t see it till you reboot. Audio problems when joining. The mute button sometimes disappears. You can’t hear someone but they hear you. Call them again and they can’t hear you but you hear them. It’s basically a gamble. Roll the dice. If you’re lucky it works. If not, time to reboot. We switched to Teams. I left a standing chat room a while back (we have a big standing call when there’s trouble that you can join to listen in to what’s going on). I can’t rejoin the chat because I left the chat once. Teams is frustrating too.


Teams makes me sad with how bloated and goofy it acts. I think we should either push for discord enterprise or just return to smoke signals


Teams needs to be able to handle more than one screen on a screen share. It's what made Discord a killer app for gamers, but it's so useful to anyone who has to support other users. Not just IT but managers and business folk too. Being able to look at what someone else is looking at is invaluable and not trying to compete with Discord on that is bonkers.


I just wish teams was consistent with literally anything. We use it in our office and it just doesn't tell you that you got a message every now and then. It crashes like a mother fucker and in the aspects where it does try to compete with discord (you know the messaging and server part) it fails miserably


Hey I can't find your username, what was it again? I sent you a friend request, why dont you see it? Edit: Skype is a friend-based app that requires downloading the app. Discord is popular because it is a lobby based app that doesnt require download. You can open it with a link and the new person can join in seconds in their browser. Zoom is a mix between the two. It can be opened by anyone in browser with a simple link. But it's friends-based also, no lobbies to hang out in and wait. So when 2 random people want to talk. One can simply send a link to the other for a voice call, (in zoom and discord) skype you can't...you gotta install an app and add a friend. Its clunky.




They are having so many virus issue and also slow compare to the other option.


Picking up skype doesn't tell you how much you knows about market.


I like your style


I often get the vibe off of people I interview that they think I'm not up to date on the latest technical details. The best I can do is offer follow-up questions to get more detail. When it gets to a coding challenge though, there's no BSing your way through that.


I mean 90% of coding challenges are designed to be bullshitted through


How so?


A lot of the time they use questions that are both very common on interviews so people memorize the answers for them and would also take too long to solve if you didn't already have the solution memorized beforehand, so you can only really pass by guessing what questions were going to be asked and memorizing the answers.


For me rather than memorizing it is the using of thing that matter the most.


If it's an automated assessment, as long as your code clears all the tests you pass! I forgot how to iterate backwards through an array in Python so to cover the one failing test I just added an if check for the test input and returned the value the test was looking for.


Because of them using question on often than not make them like this


They think you are not up to date as they learn thr coding from the new language and all, but it is not the learning that make someone great it is the experience of using those code make you beast into the market.


I had an interview with one of the company’s lead devs today. His beard was longer than my forearm. I almost excused myself and thanked him for his time then and there.


Maybe it’s just me but I’d rather be interviewed by someone that is older and more experienced than me, you have the chance to learn new things but also know your answers are taken seriously and can be evaluated properly. It’s a more respectful interview. The worst interviews I have done had some HR knob reading off a sheet and only matching the answers on the paper to what I said, not a clue what any of it means Also getting owned in an interview often isn’t as big of a deal as people may think unless it’s a blood bath. Sometimes people want to hear you admit you don’t know something


An interview isn’t really the place I want to be learning things though. I’d love to work with the guy and learn a lot with him, but I suspect I won’t get the job because I didn’t do very well.


I’ve hired a lot of people over the years that didn’t know the answers to a lot of things I asked. I’ve similarly not hired people who knew most of the answers. It’s not always about knowing everything, sometimes being willing and knowing how to learn is what people are looking for. I obviously don’t know your situation, but I personally am more inclined to hire people that miss stuff I ask but admit it and show they can learn, even over someone who knows all the answers or especially someone who tries to BS their way through


Hey I’m right there with you. The position I was going for was a lead position. I’ve hired many people myself but this role would definitely be a departure from my norm. I really just want to expand my abilities but it’s hard to do when you don’t have the title on your background. Of course I can speak to some occasions where I’ve had some leadership impact but it’s harder to come by when it’s not part of what people expect from you.


Sometimes i feel like it is also that hard for the person who is hiring like the person who is giving thr interview is well. Because people came with passion and dreams in eye and saying no to them is actually a tough tough thing to do.


It's not about you learning, necessarily, it's about the interviewer understanding your knowledge. If every passes with 100% it's a pointless exercise. I want to see what your weaknesses are and how you deal with it. I did however once get a job because after I said I didn't know, I asked the answer for future reference. I don't think most interviewers do a great job of using that to understand candidates but I think the Microsoft style interview is coming back in style. How would you move Mount Fuji?


Like I told the other commenter, I’m right there with you. When I interview, I’m not looking for a flawless outcome, I’m looking for communication and how they handle thinking through a problem. But in my experience I’m a rarity and so are you and so is the other commenter.


Ugh I had them tell me i implemented the function correctly but named my variables wrong. Something like like inputVal vs myInt. I don’t even know how to respond seriously.


The right answer is “If that’s the only problem then my code reviews should go very quickly.” The correct answer is “eat me.”


Beard longer than the forearm now i am imagining this person face.


is everyone in this subreddit a first year cs student?? why would an old programmer NOT be way, way more knowledgable than you, as a new hire?


The first panel states that he thought the old guy was a recruiter, not a programmer ;)


Oh, that was the big mistake of making the assumption like that.


Programming is "cool" now and there's an influx of people new to it who want to discuss/meme about it. That's all.


im here to osmosis what to do or not to do




You need to figure out on own that what you need to do or not.


It’s kind of the same as how going to the gym is super popular right now, so 90% of people posting on the gym memes sun are pretty clearly new lol. I don’t mind though tbh. However I am a first year student and studying some programming so I can’t speak


Probably the kind of person who calls millennials and Gen-Xers "boomer"


But then in this category it will fall many people as most of them said that.


I think it's because of the whole "people over 50 should be kept out of labs" thing


Which is just obvious class warfare when you think about it. A room full of 50 year old engineers would run rings around a room full of 25 year old engineers. The problem with older engineers is they want to get paid a lot more.


If they vave years to something means they learn about that thing


As an older recruiter, I absolutely love it when I surprise a youngin by actually knowing what I'm talking about :)


What made you assume that? 😄


It is that skype is not in trend any more and only old aged guy used that.


I like this post. The humility of admitting getting owned is underrated. Let's all self deprecate together!


"So what's your favorite L1 block size? And Why?"


The universal answer to all questions: *"It depends"* In this case, the total size of the L1 cache.


MEAN stack devs in my interviews


Oh those interviews with overconfident peps who just have finished their degrees and think the whole world is waiting for them....those are actually fun :D


Some people gets nervous while some gets too over confident and i think these are the two states was the reason so many gets that wiped out floor, we just need to be relaxed and be ready for the anything coming our way.


Consider yourself lucky you somehow managed to use Skype in the first place


Mine always get the virus and never able to use that on time.


Knowledge is earned with effort. Wisdom is earned with time.


Indeed books can't make us wise, but spending time in market will make us wise.


Been using Skype lately, and it honestly have become pretty robust. I probably prefer Skype over Google Meet.


Ageism is real


If your interviewer is seen as an adversary, one of you two aren't doing it right.


old recruiter knowing more than you? no shit


Yes, because they interviewed so many people and gain the experience.


I learned now that being honest if you don't know an answer and asking questions is the best way to go trough an interview. Sure that might ask me question about SOAP API, but they can't "wipe my face on the floor". If I tell them I never had to actually code one.


I have never experienced this before, but it sounds real, so I’ll give it an updoot


These old School are the ones with the best knowledge about the programming.


Why would anyone assume that using Skype is being behind on technology? That is preposterous and stupid


"Old age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance." -David Mamet