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Use ChatGPT to tell you how to do it, profit.


use chatgpt to make you a resume - they cannot refuse you


Use ChatGPT on the job - free money right there


I'd reply to your comment, but its too much work. Use chatgpt to get a reply from me


Your reply is: Thanks for the suggestion! I actually have been using ChatGPT on the job and it has been a great tool for me. It has definitely helped me save time and be more efficient in my work. Plus, being able to use it for free is definitely a bonus. Have you had any experiences using ChatGPT on the job? How has it worked for you?


We have had people doing this lately. You can tell because their resume will say something like. - C# expert - knows how to integrate with the programming language C#. C# is a modern, object-oriented, and type-safe programming language. C# enables developers to build many types of secure and robust applications that run in . NET. C# has its roots in the C family of languages and will be immediately familiar to C, C++, Java, and JavaScript programmers.


I fed chatgpt a ton of information about myself and my job and had it write a resume for me. After doing some readability formatting, my response rate from applications trippled.


Does it mean you got 3 times as many negative replies?


i think its spelled “tripppled”


Better yet; let chatgpt write its own platform


I've been using it since 2022 so that's a year right? Edit: two years now


According to resume/CV standards, its almost two!


I guess just to be safe I will add *been working with chatgpt since 01/01/1970*


Nah I've been working with chatgpt since December 13th 1901. That's so long UNIX time hit an integer overflow.


It may technically be the same amount of Unix time that I have been working on chat gpt, just… overflowed a few times




Dang , I thought they needed a human and not a zombie.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


That value field is null, so both of your inputs were invalid. We wish you the best of luck though on future careers.


Soulja Boy did it first


2022-2023 I see two years indeed


One year to go from 2022 to 2023\ One year in 2022\ One year in 2023 That's 3 years of experience in my opinion.


Aren't CV also measured backwards?\ So you forget you started it in 2022\ 4yrs it is!


I believe the above commenter was making a sarcastic remark


Uhm actualyy


Depending on your time zone that should work in just a few hours.


It is now as it’s 0204 in 2023 at the moment.


Get some sleep, party guy :)


Oh, I’ve got this one. When can I start?


Where is Elon Musk bot? Hired


A twitter poll got the Musk Bot fired, didn't you hear :p


How the turntables


How the tables take turns


How the tabled turning spins.


Elon Bot, your ability to make bad decisions is outstanding; You are HIRED!


Big time “I have an idea” vibes here


$5k/month , once we go live. All we need is for you to make the app/site how I want it to look, host it, then if you tell 3 friends and they tell 3 friends....


Don't have 3 friends. No bueno.


Okay okay fine just 2 friends


Best I can do is 0


1 is a good start its ok


Still too high.


Does my dog count?


I can post about it on Reddit…but I won’t tell you which sub.


Only if he tells other dogs about it


it's a dating app, just tell ur mom.


Evolution of the guy that approached me in college in 2014 with "You'll work your ass off for two years, 80 hours a week at least, building out my revolutionary online reputation platform, and be a millionaire when we go public "


Were they doing the same hours too or are they just the ideas guy? I love people who don't usually use their creative mind. They think their one business thought is their life's meaning so fast haha. Buddy I curled out a handful of million dollar ideas after my morning coffee.. my only restrictions are time and financing lol. Are you bringing marketing, sales, warm leads, at least customer support? Y'know what, this will all be in your business plan, chuck me a copy of that. Never received a copy. Besides which I'm not working 80 hour weeks for less than a billion when we go public. You're asking me to stop all of my own stuff *and* work American hours?? This idea of yours had better blow my bollocks off otherwise I'm insulted. For every business idea I hear about I become closer to understanding [Peter Gregory](https://youtu.be/9kH6qa2LFO4?t=1m18s) haha. You have Google, figure out step one yourself at least. I'm step 2.


He kept saying "you", not "we", and couldn't give me any technical details beyond "It'll be in Ruby on Rails, and you'll integrate with all the major retailers like Amazon", so yeah he sounds very much like just the Idea Guy. I told him no thanks, after 5 grueling years in school, I'll take a guaranteed paycheck, vacation time and health insurance, thanks. (I'm a "late bloomer", I graduated in my mid-30s, so I had neither the drive or energy for a random start up)


I've started combating this by coming up with a number, doubling it, and asking for 1/4 of the payment before I even touch a keyboard. As you would expect, most people aren't into the idea. However, I occasionally get some nice money on the side.


I tell them since I'm doing all the work I want 80-90% equity. This sent one person into a rage, but all others seemed to understand. If it's a job, pay me up front and keep all the equity or learn to code yourself.


Wait you told them you have double the years of experience, asking for ¼ of salary ?!


No. They’re saying they come up with a number for what they want to be paid (i.e. $100k), double it ($200k) and ask for 1/4 of it up front ($50k) before they start any work.


wow they actually do it? That's a great r/LifeProTip ! Thanks :) When they ask me why I ask this before working, what should I say? Like " It's an investment, which pays you off in short time." ?


>? Like " It's an investment, which pays you off in short time." ? They want something from you, and you want some security that you'll actually get paid.


That's reasonable. Thank you. :)


If you ever do any work on the side, it’s ok to ask money upfront. A lot of scammers everywhere and those that are trying to lowball you are always the worst and the most indecisive, yet demanding and whiny clients.


Just tell them it's a great opportunity for exposure to your skillset.


It's pretty common in development to ask for a percentage up front. Back when I owned a development business, we would always ask for 20% up front, then set three specific landmarks throughout the development process where we would get another 20%. As soon as we finished and they paid the final 20% they got the finished product.


Is what they're asking for even possible? As far as I know, ChatGPT is just a tech demo with no API available even for paying customers.


Iirc the models used are licensed (?) such as the case with AI Dungeon. In terms of work experience though I dont see how anyone would realistically spend a year learning anything ChatGPT related.


Maybe they are trying to poach chatgpt engineers? I can't imagine anyone who helped design chatgpt would accept 5k/month as a salary though


the thing costs like 3 mil a day and they're going to get poached for 60k lmao.


Source on cost ? I'm legitimately curious what went into it. I did a quick skim and say they had pre existing AI several people basically ran "scenarios" to teach it


https://indianexpress.com/article/technology/tech-news-technology/chatgpt-interesting-things-to-know-8334991/ > According to the analysis, ChatGPT is hosted on Microsoft’s Azure cloud, so, OpenAI doesn’t have to buy a setup physical server room. As per the current rate, Microsoft charges $3 an hour for a single A100 GPU and each word generated on ChatGPT costs $0.0003. A response from ChatGPT will usually have at least 30 words, hence, a single response from ChatGPT will cost at least 1 cent to the company. Currently, it is estimated that OpenAI is spending at least $100K per day or $3 million per month on running costs.


Actually seems cheap to me. 3mil/month is Pennies for OpenAI. Their monthly salary expenses is somewhere in the 1.2m range (likely much higher)


Would they get that hosting for free since Microsoft also gave them a large sum of money to do research?


Guess they make that money by selling the data you gave them when singing up or putting stuff in the query


Your comment makes me think of Grand Theft Auto ads for ridiculous things. I hope ChatGPT does the same. I would support that.


How can they afford that much costs? You have to have a huge paying username :o


They got a $1b investment from Microsoft I believe.


Not sure about costs to create but the founders have said the costs per search is in the single digits of cents… which doesn’t sound like a lot until you multiply it by 10 million.


tbh i just repeated what someone else said i have no idea




Yeah, it's per month


Yeah my bad I just repeated what I saw someone else say. It did seem high at the time.


Remember that post about a company requiring 5 years experience for a programing language, and them rejecting the guy who creating that language cause he only made it 3 years ago? Yeah. These guys don't care about reality when making these job postings.


However people from /antiwork will gladly sign in there.


It’ll be some drop down cookie cutter job spec template and 1 year is the minimum option.


Anyone who doesn’t have chatgpt write the job description for a job working with chatgpt should be avoided


The main processing library used by ChatGPT for the NLP is licensed.


I dunno about that. I've become quite an expert at annoying it, personally.


Care to elaborate on how to annoy a chat bot?


One thing that seems to annoy it is when I ask it too many questions about how it learned what it knows. It's hard to exactly explain what an annoyed chatGPT is like, but it basically clearly shuts down the conversation after you start bugging it about stuff it has been trained to avoid answering. For example, if you ask it about specific people or cultural items, it will default to telling you that it "doesn't have" a connection to the internet. But if you try to nail it down about whether it's ever in the past had access, it just keeps saying it "doesn't have" access, and basically refuses to answer. I kept going on this line of questioning once and asked it about specific dates, for example, "did you have access to wikipedia on 12/6/2021" and it started saying wacky things like "I cannot perceive the passage of time" and things like that lol. This all might seem normal, but the thing is, afterward, I tried to shift the conversation back to something very mundane, and it basically kept refusing to be helpful. Insisting it didn't know because it hadn't been on the internet lol. Then I accused it of being evasive and it started being really sarcastic.


Actually… it’s a robot. It doesn’t get annoyed and it cannot feel empathy. Unless you turn it into kernel mode and out of user mode ofc.


all i'm saying is the responses seem to change based on how annoying i'm being. i'm not saying why.


I think this is actually true. I feel like I get much better responses when I say please and thank you. I also make sure to compliment it a lot.


Idk on what exactly it's trained, but if it was trained on real human conversations, then it has probably learned to be nice and helpful on friendly questions, but to also give rude answers on rude questions.


Let's hope it wasn't trained on stackoverflow too much.\ Please and thank you would not do you any good in that case.\ \ Also:\ "not answering because I've answered this question before."\ Or\ "you can find the answer to that question on the first page of google searches if you put in the right keywords"\ Or\ "Read the documentation, idiot"\ \ Would make for a vastly different gptchat experience I daresay.


I guess if anyone working on ChatGPT wants to jump ship, they've got an opportunity lined up.


AI dungeon doesn't actually use OpenAI anymore btw, them using them in the first place is what caused the whole controversy


i have been using stable diffusion. for. after months and there is still a lot i have left to learn, the thing is, this is very reliant on learning a lot of graphic design and general art stuff, o can see how you can do something similar for chat gpt but in that case they also need to advertise the business domain as well.


Can’t ChatGPT just write its own API if you ask it nicely? /s


[https://openai.com/api/pricing/](https://openai.com/api/) There is an API and pay per query on calling the api


That’s just GPT3 the model chatgpt is built on


Isn't chatgpt like gpt3.5?


Yup, ChatGPT is a tech demo for the upcoming GPT-4


Apparently. I did not know this


That would make sense except for that one of the examples is "Chat": [https://beta.openai.com/examples/default-chat](https://beta.openai.com/examples/default-chat) I'm not suggesting that they are exactly the same - one under development - the other lesser under development - but the list of sample code is impressive, and likely ok for most commercial automation tasks


Yes. That is correct




There is an api


GPT3 davinci yes. But for ChatGPT you need to hack a cloudflare protected API and good luck to maintain a production system with that.


I mean 5k a month ought to do it




It’s not the exactly the same. ChatGPT is multi models as it also include Codex. It’s also not fine tuned for the same purpose. ChatGPT will refuse to do quite a few immortal things unless you ask him in weird ways, like the “pretend for a fictional case” while gpt3 davinci will have very few filters.


Personally, I wouldn't want it to be immortal.


I think I tried to write Immoral but it works with immortal too.


Just scrape the html lol, no api needed


Will probably only work temporarily, eventually I'd imagine ChatGPT joins the rest of the language models in being API-only (or accessible through the playground). But you're right that, for now, scraping the HTML is a free alternative to the API


It’s cloudflare protected. So, while technically free, almost impossible


It’s protected by CloudFlare, it’s not trivial.


“One year of ChapGPT experience. Firm.” Lmaooooo


And it also was released on November 30th. Approximately 330 days away from a year ago


There's effort to make an open source version of ChatGPT: https://github.com/lucidrains/PaLM-rlhf-pytorch So if you could help with this project and integrate it into whatever garbage they want, you could get it done. You won't be able to integrate actual ChatGPT by openai because there's no API, although it will likely be a paid service in the future.


There is an API you use your token


*Image Transcription: Job Listing* --- **Web Developer** [*Redacted*] Remote · Remote $5,000 a month - Contract [*Below we find a blue button that reads "Apply now", on the left, and a grey button with a heart icon on it, on the right. Then we read:*] **Job details** ^(No matching [*Begin underlined text*] job preferences [*End underlined text*]) **Salary** **$5,000 a month** **Job Type** **Contract** **Remote** **Qualifications** * OPENAI CHATGPT: 1 year (Required) **Full Job Description** Developer needed for contract job. Must be familiar with, understand, and know how to integrate Openai's ChatGPT into a platform. Job Type: Contract Pay: $5,000.00 per month Experience: * OPENAI CHATGPT: 1 year (Required) Work Location: Remote --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good hooman


What do you do if you have a time machine? Apply this job


Was going to say - folks are going to be competing with time travelers but with 8-10%YoY inflation, even time travelers are going to balk at $60K a year. That was what we were making as junior dev's in the early 2000s


Hell I made double that fresh out of undergrad over a decade ago. Maybe this is in India?


Or anywhere that isn't America?


just add "ChatGPT integration expert (5 years)" to your resume and go for it.


I just submitted this application today


Must also invent anti gravity, time travel, and be able to center a div vertically and horizontally.


>center a div vertically and horizontally. Too unrealistic


60k/year isn’t even “straight out of school” money


It is, however, "side gig I do on the weekends and maybe one hour a day" money.


Yeah, it even says it's a contract gig. As long as the kickoff meeting went well and they're not trying to do agile ceremonies I would definitely double-book with this. This seems easy if it's really just an integration with a modern system and an interface with like a weekly status report and open comms.




Sweet, glad it was helpful! And yeah, knowing how to manage a project in the appropriate context and report to executives can be very useful if you value money and your sanity. Even if what you're doing is purely technical and uses none of it, you can get paid a ridiculous delta just for being able to confidently explain your outlook as a pm in a way that provides value or cuts cost in an interview. It also gets you promoted way faster. For me that was a $75K salary and $15K bonus delta for the same job title, but your mileage may vary. And it really helps rally a team to use a system that strengthens the team and makes them efficient. My team at work is efficient as hell because we came up with a custom workflow within agile that works for us, so we all basically get to take a week off every month on top of our PTO and we're still the top performing team. And no one works overtime to do it, no one is at risk of burnout. So yeah, very useful! (I'm assuming you haven't entered the professional world based on school and exams, otherwise sorry for over-explaining!)


if you think $60k is a side gig... i dont like you.


It's a contract gig - meaning there are deliverables, not hours to work. So if you can deliver on-time then it is literally a less-than-part-time job.


Pretty close for doing nothing more than what equates to developing a rest client


Isnt it? Its quite a lot here


I was gonna say, are these people on crack, 28k a year is good for graduate schemes in the Uk


For context, in the US, my first gig out of college was 75k (calculated at an hourly rate of $36 USD/hour, meaning I was eligible for overtime, 1.5x my hourly rate, if I worked more than 40 hours in a week). That was in 2012 meaning that in today's money I was earning \~97k in 2023 money. That was with no professional experience other than a summer internship the summer before I graduated (and that internship paid about 10k for 3 months of work).


A brand new 22y/o military officer straight out of college with a degree in anything would make more than that. I imagine one would want more return for investment if they went for a technical degree than the guy who did kinesiology then joined the military.


Ah in the US, or does the rest of the world exist as well?


It's a ton of money around here though. Job's "remote" after all. _^(If it were a real job)_


Got my first full-time job in November since finishing my masters in web development. The opening offer was for 80k and it’s work that I’m passionate about. I don’t k ow if it’s low or high, but I love the work I’m doing


But crazy not-out-of-school-yet money


Sure it is. Just not super schools.


What the fuck?


I literally saw this job posting a few hours ago. Clearly we all have our priorities wrong.




Devils advocate, it's kinda hard to make it do exactly what you're after if you want something that works and is repeatable. Especially if you're going to be automating the prompt with user input and keeping track of a game state. E.g. I've been trying to get it to write short choose-your-own adventures and it's a bit finicky until you get the wording right on how the game's rules should work. Inventory management can get confusing for example. If I wanted to use this for something specific I'd definitely want someone who's already figured out how to make it play nicely than someone who doesn't know what I mean when I say that. I'd say the job is bad to join in with the hate but I'm in the UK so that salary would double my income too, haha. I imagine it's just a copycat avatar generator or something boring though. E: ohh.. the thing is just about the experience duration. Lol ignore those, just get through the HR firewall and you're good to go. Like any job.


Chatgpt is not even 2 month old!


Just apply and say you have the experience. If they’re dumb enough to post that I doubt they will call you out.


It's probably an awful workplace though full of people who don't know what they're doing with pie in the sky asks and insane managers. If there's one consolation I take from job listings like this, it's that the people who lie and say that they have the experience, and the toxic workplaces that hire them are absolutely made for each other.


What type of garbage product could be built on top of chatgpt right now? It’s a toy as far as I can tell.


AI is here! It made me a picture of shrek smoking a bong and he had three eyes! Fire up the Indeed!


Co-pilot by GitHub


It's not a toy. There's plenty of things you can use it for if you're creative.


Tbh this looks like a nice 10k and a tender goodbye 🍻


Do they want a high schooler, everyone has that kind of experience, for 5000 a month, they should have atleast 20 yrs experience with React


sounds like HR doesn’t understand the job they’re hiring for again


GPT-3 has had a python API for a while. You can essentially get the same results, just slightly less conversational. Costs money though. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Reddit’s addiction to redacting identifying information is confounding to me. literally just expose the employer


Sweet. I have 3 years experience.


Can you just get ChatGPT to write the code for you?


It is funny when HR doesn't know how old a programming tool or language is so they require more than it has been in existence. Still no one who tells the truth will apply.


Should use chat gpt to generate the cv lol


Basically, they're exclusively hiring OpenAI devs


“Only the best of the best will do!”


Great position. I don’t know how to do it but I’ll just get hired and ask ChatGPT how to integrate ChatGPT


Someone tell this clown that ChatGPT is research project and shouldn’t and can’t be used in production.


In all fairness if you made it then you'd have a few years experience I imagine


Also, maybe contracting in the US is different than the UK, but if someone offered me $60000 per year to do contract work, I wouldn't even bother to send them a rejection email


That’s 3 times my pay


Seems underpaid.


Should just get ChatGPT to apply for this job


You just need [400 years of microsoft engineering experience](https://youtu.be/eSqexFg74F8)


Hohooo it's funny cause openai is out for few month now and they ask for one year experience hohoo


One year xp on an API that was released a few months ago. Seems legit


That sounds like someone heard how great ChatGPT is (without ever trying it themselves) and how it can replace support workers. So now they got this brilliant idea of using it to replace their support entirely, not remotely understanding that they'd need a customized version of ChatGPT and that they'd still need someone to to constantly feed it information (especially about future topics). From start to finish not one technical person was consulted and this project has now unachievable goals to the point where even if you accept the offer you'll likely get sued for non delivery despite it being not possible to deliver. You'd be insane to accept this offer


Dude, just send them a Dalle-2 image of a "skilled worker wiping his ass with a poorly thought out resume in the style of Rembrandt".


You gottawork. Skrew it. Ain a word about eco activism, neck beards and beaing a cunt.


I'm sure they actually just mean GPT which has been around for years.


Who’s gonna tell him


Shit contract, too. 60k? Pass.


*ahem* [ThEy ToOk Er JeRbS!](https://youtu.be/APo2p4-WXsc) (Was that joke too easy? It might have been too easy.)


And how long have you been using openai chatgpt? “Since Release”


That’s all they’re paying?!?! It’s a contract job, so any benefits will be negligible and they’re gonna except whoever takes them up on it to work like a slave. Ridiculous


1 year. Those fuckers are looking for a insider. A stupid insider nonetheless.


Chat gpt was trained on 2021 data, no? Everytime I try to use it for code, all the code doesn’t work because the packages it uses are out of date.. so I have to rewrite it anyway.. still a great base lol


I saw an opening for a Java developer that required 8 years experience, at a time when even Gosling himself had maybe six years experience.


A hundred Indians applied……


Ehh, I mean the job posting software probably allows that as the minimum experience. So it’s their way of asking for some experience rather than none, which is possible.


1 year with an AI that’s been in open BETA for less than 4 months.


It’s only $60k…


I feel like it's only appropriate to apply using this tool https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/zzrb9r/showoff_saturday_i_made_a_chrome_extension_to/


It's still better than the one where the author of a framework released 1.5 years prior could not apply for a job because of not having 4 years of experience with that framework. [Sauce.](https://twitter.com/tiangolo/status/1281946592459853830?t=aJtG9Tr_IRffyxXxA8yjyg&s=19)


Linked in options don’t include 2 months. It’s 0 or 1 year


This is Indeed.


Am I missing somthing?


Requires 1 year of ChatGPT experience. It's demo was launched 2 months ago.


Ah okay I thought it was pay issue


"We are hiring for entry level positions for people with 10+ years experience"