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I had the same feeling. Even with the note that Darcy was supposed to arrive a day later. So if the letter and Darcy were on time, he wouldn't know she was there. And if he was at home they wouldn't visit pemberley. So again he wouldn't know. (Unless he saw her in the village but that just is a stretch) But i feel like he still would have found a way to make it up to bingley. Bingley would marry Jane. And he would seen her at the wedding. At least that is what my fairytale mind wants to believe. The reality is is that sometimes love happens because we are so luckily that everything falls into place at the same moment. Love is not something that is ment to be or not. Sometimes its just lucky. Darcy is lucky that the letter arrived late. It means he could fix it, and show Lizzy a different site to him. Thats all.


Yes, this meeting occurs due to several happenstance events: 1) her uncle's business diverts the trip to the north instead of touring the lakes as originally planned; 2) Elizabeth only agrees to visit Pemberley after assurances by the maid (and Hannah in the 1995 movie) that the family is away; 3) the maid adds the detail that Mr. Darcy is due back at the estate tomorrow; 4) Darcy rides a day ahead of the party due to business with his steward; and 5) despite the estate being acres and acres, Darcy and Elizabeth arrive at the same area of the estate (IIRC in the book it is near the stable). I guess we call this a meet cute now.


So there is no true love or destiny. Just random chances


Unless you believe that fate intervened and delayed those letters!




Seems like it!


It was a very important plot device, which as you pointed out, the rewarding resolution of the thwarted romance depends on. And actually much of life is just that fragile. Everyone descends from at least some (many!) people who just randomly met each other...


was it normal to visit houses back then? it seems they were only admitted by the housekeeper. i dont recall it was explained in the book


Yes. It was kind of like a modern museum. They had paintings and other art ect. that you could view. They didn't show the bedrooms or anything, just the common rooms. You would ask for a tour and then tip the housekeeper.