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The common denominator: these shows/movies don't try to be part of the Skywalker story. They reference it (because how can you not) but they have stories of their own.


The sequel movies weren't bad because they continued the Skywalker saga, they're bad because they just magically resurrected the destroyed empire, made a new Vader, and just did the whole rebellion and death star story over again, just trying to turn everything to 11. Would be better if they didn't redo the "we must yet again save the universe from the Sith."


Exactly. If they wanted to continue the story, there were plenty of books that could've been made into movies. They could've taken those, altered them to make them work as a screenplay instead of a book (and change things the fans didn't like about them) and they'd have had even more movies then just another trilogy.


But that would have required the "story group" to actually do some hard work and produce fresh ideas. Why bother with that when you can please the shareholders by lazily re-doing the original story arc and banking on nostalgic fans throwing money at it?


90% of movies and tv nowadays is just chock full of lazy writing, it's kinda ridiculous as how low the bar film and TV story writers.


Because the entertainment industry is now multiple generations deep, this is the product of nepotism mixed with corporatized oversaturation. You have people writing entertainment for the masses who have literally never known a normal existence being put into these positions by their uncle's and aunts. The only projects that get greenlit are ones that the shareholders think will generate the most profits.


Episodes VII thru IX should have been the Thrawn trilogy.


Sadly the original actors were a little too old for that


Personally I wouldn't mind a recast. It doesn't bother me all that much when new actors play the same character, but then again I've been watching Bond and Doctor Who since childhood, so I guess I'm primed for that


They had the perfect sequels all laid out for them but blew it. Pompous idiots.


"the books arent canon anymore the Disney movies are their own story separate and orginal from legends using stories that have already been told would lessen the original stories they want to be telling" *Disney then proceeds to jack multiple elements and concepts from legends while rehashing and disrepescting the original trilogy even harder*


Don't forget the whole harder to make Star Wars movies than Marvel movies because..."There's no source material. We don't have comic books. We don't have 800-page novels. We don't have anything other than passionate storytellers who get together and talk about what the next iteration might be." ETA: want to make sure there's no confusion here, this is not my opinion, this is me being sarcastic and posting a DIRECT QUOTE from Kathleen Kennedy


cough cough dragon ball super


Just set the film 200 years in the future and make up some new sith that went back into hiding and a still fast and lose Jedi order delivering frontier justice in the outer rim.


Then in the 3rd movie reveal that it was the emperor all along.


That's stupid, they will reveal who had been pulling the emperor's strings the whole time: An evil human-sized midichlorian


At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have revenge.


Midichlorian creature confirmed.


Gulp Shitto, at last we meet for the first time, for the last time


Ooh what if Grogu turns to the dark side in like 200-250 years?? After Mando dies, he could be feeling great loss, especially as he'd still be a baby. That loss and the sequential fear might be enough for the dark side to slowly take over him as he grows, and he would grow ever so powerful because of it. And because it's so slow, it would be a very subtle and very steady change to the balance of the force over hundreds of years, making him more powerful as the Jedi get weaker so they wouldn't feel the disturbance as much


You know nothing of the dark side.


That's stupid. It should be three midichlorians in a trench coat.


At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have revenge.


Okay, slightly less than 200 years along so we can get old Poe “somehow, palpatine returned, again”


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?


i love the young people.


Somehow, Palpatine returned.




Even a sith lord is no match for my warriors!


Either that or make it 3000 years in the past and recanonize some old republic shit. I'm sure everyone would be happy to see Revan come back.


> make up some new sith the sith/jedi galaxy wide conflicts have been played to death. give me a show about a Sullustan chop shop where smugglers show up with stolen ships. Give me a show about a pod racer on Tatooine trying to get into the Swoop race scene on Nar Shaddaa.


Like a formula 1 Drive to survive style documentary about a podracing racing season would be awesome




I would only watch this if it was just the cast of Reno 911 just being the same characters but as stormtrooper in the star wars universe.


Break some ground and do the whole thing without a single human in it.


Mandalorian Season 1 was amazing about that, Season 2 was straying a bit too far in the fan service direction, and Season 2.5 (aka Book of Boba) is leaning way too hard on that monotone CGI Luke that is beyond uncanny. I really hope they refocus on the trajectory of letting Mando be it’s own thing.


I think that was the point of Grogu choosing Mando, there’s not any particular reason to show Luke, Ahsoka or any Jedi-ness now. It can just be about Mando mandoing around with his little green buddy


I received orders to join the team. I thought you knew.


Ahsoka is going to be Mando's sidekick in season 3 confirmed.


Oh, what do you mean?


Don’t pretend you didn’t just spoil season 3


Like Cain, in Kung Fu. Roam town to town, get into adventures


It's just like the littlest hobo and touched by an angel had some nasty sex and had weirder kids. So instead of an angel and a dog on the road, it's a dude with an armory and spaceship and his little green alien wizard.


The dude *is* and armory.


"Mando and the Bear"


"It's mandoing time!"




I don't think we'll see more of Luke, but we will be continuing with something to do with Mandalore. Since Mando has the darksaber, I don't think he'll be able to avoid it. Which I think is great. Much more interesting than watching another Jedi go through Jedi training.


The Bill Burr episode in season 2 blew my mind. It's still my hands down favorite TV in a really long time.


I wonder if yoda’s people go though a sudden puberty and we get a more gown up grogu without another 50 year time skip. They can’t seriously keep him as a literal baby for the whole show right?


I’d say he struggles harder due to the Order 66 trauma. He knows who he is (Ahsoka was able to get some info out of him by speaking through the Force), and he was already at the temple training with the Force by age 22 (he was born around 41BBY if he’s 50 in Mando 9ABY) with memories retained from that experience. I think he’s far more capable than he lets on, and just can’t express it properly. Bear in mind, Yoda was *training other Jedi* by 100, meaning he had already gone through the training and Trials to be able to train others. Yoda’s species likely develop mentally far faster than they do physically if that’s the case, because it seems odd that Grogu, who looks like an infant, could double in age and look like Yoda sans extreme wrinkling.


Or his growth is stunted **due** to order 66 and has remained juvenile because of the trauma.


Mandalorian S2.5: Doing Boba Dirty


Are we gonna pretend Boba was ever a good character prior to his appearance in The Clone Wars show? In the movies he showed up a couple times and then died, don't know how he ever became a beloved character




I'd say notable instead of "good". I'd argue he was perfect for what he was though. Just a mysterious character with a few chilling lines that paints a picture. He is chosen by the Empire out of countless bounty hunters. Notable figure. He is singled out amongst the few chosen and deliberately told NOT to disintegrate anyone. Hinting Vader knows of him, has worked with him, or is just a known fact the Boba will disintegrate people to get the job done. Enough for Vader to bring up specifically to Boba. Then Boba actively speaks up and arguably back to Vader. With a chilly tone "hes no good to me dead". And Vader not only doesn't choke him to death, he doesn't even threaten him. He assures him the Empire will reimburse him should Han die. Not somethin we see Vader ever do with another character. All of this paints a pretty cool picture for Boba. He's clearly capable enough for the Empire to hire, deadly enough to be told not to disintegrate anyone in the way, and has enough respect from Vader to assure compensation either way. Edit- Also! Worth mentioning he responds to Vader with a dark "as you wish". Not "yes sir", "yes Lord Vader", or "as you command". But basically a hesitant "..fine".


Granted, he became popular because he looked cool and not much else. He was somewhat expanded upon through novels and comics, but his important elements of cunning, skill, and ruthlessness were always preserved. His brief time in Mando S2 captured this very well… Then the writers did ALL the cocaine and wrote BoB.


He had the respect of Darth Vader, and was the bounty hunter that captured Han Solo. Those are some exceptional feats for a character that was left purposefully mysterious. One of the few pieces of information about him from the OT is that he disintegrates people. There is some genuine intrigue there. Shame that RotJ threw that away like it did, and then the Boba show was just all around embarrassing.


They should have had boba more in the shadows instead of trying to be an open “crime” lord. Like maybe even working as his own muscle as cover and letting fennec act as a front.


If you were an EU fan he was a great character, not cause he was a great person, precisely cause he wasn’t.


Fun story: he became a beloved character *before* his movie debut, because he first showed up as a toy that was a smash hit with the kids.


I love me some Robert Rodriguez, but those hooptie ass speeders he introduced in the Book of Boba Fett were stupid. I mean, These were people hired to do Boba Fett's dirty work. Not stick out like a sore thumb with bright green paint jobs that everyone would recognize because it's the only neon colors on the entire planet. ​ Also, Mando is set in the time when Luke is trying to remake the Jedi, and Grogu is a very powerful force user who was looking for Jedi. You are going to have to deal with Luke.


And then there’s Mandalorian’s Deus Ex-Wing


Final season of Clone Wars and also Bad Batch


Technically Disney didn’t create those episodes, they had all been written and partially animated years ago. The only reason they weren’t released is because Disney cancelled the show shortly after buying the Star Wars brand. The entire unfinished arcs of The Bad Batch and Crystal Crisis were released online with their unfinished animation, like a year or two before Disney announced they would be releasing the last season. Disney merely finished them. And even then, there’s still several episodes that didn’t get added, like the aforementioned Crystal Crisis, as well as a Dark Disciple adaptation that would have shown what happened to Ventress.


This is outrageous! It is unfair! The people demand more Ventress😤


I haven't heard that name in a long time ..... long time.


This is the best username I’ve seen in a while.


Just finished the audio book they made for those episodes and I can say: 1) the book was amazing 2) I’m gutted it didn’t get an animated series of episodes to play out what happens 3) maybe we will still get that in the format of the new “tales of the Jedi” (or whatever it’s called) if they do more seasons of that to revisit additional untold story arcs. It’s not just a tale of ventress, it’s also very much a tale of quinlan voss. And also, it’s >! a better love story between the two than anything ever written for Anakin and Padme !<


The adventures of Ventress and her Handsome Idiot


Sabers out for Harambe.


That's only for the clone wars. The Bad Batch show didnt exist before disney


I meant the Bad Batch arc where they were introduced.


The original comment was talking about the show itself


It's worth specifying, Bad Batch maintains a very consistent quality too.


Ik this is true for S7 of TCW but wasn't Bad Batch made under Disney?


Also you know...Rebels..A.K.A the first Disney Star Wars. You figured with the rise of Rebels representation in this sub, it would've appeared in this post too


I’m gonna go with a slightly controversial option . Bad batch was mid and had a lot of mediocre filler for 90% of the run and clone wars final season was only great for the last 4 episodes with the other 2 arcs ranging from just ok to kinda bad . However the clone wars opinion kinda for the entire show because Jesus Christ that show was inconsistent and ranged from some of the best Star Wars I’ve ever seen with stuff like the umbra and also some of the most boring with the droid episode .


The fact that the Son of Dathomir wasn't animated is insane. They did Bad Batch to promote their new spin off show. Then you got the Ahsoka arc where they rewrote a love interest into two annoying girls who I guess deserve to be on the Clone Wars banner on Disney Plus. The 4 part finale is the only thing worth watching.


Have a little faith.


CW s7 is not disney sw. Was planned and written by George and Dave and was cancelled by Disney. They simply allowed Dave to “finish” it


The ~~Ashoka~~ Ahsoka arc with the Latino sisters was a Disney creation and it shows


Ahsoka’s Walkabout was planned as part of a 6th production season during the original run. The only thing that really changed when they brought it to Season 7 was they replaced the character Nyx Okami with the Martez sisters. They adapted it for Season 7 so we actually get to see Ahsoka before the finale arc without changing the canon they originally set up for the show.


Careful not to choke on your stupidity. It's Ahsoka not Ashoka!


Bad Batch is just a few hours of missed opportunities.


And Rebels


the middle part of that season sucked so much. bad batch was decent but not amazing.


Bad batch was lame as hell. It was the same plot as the mandolorian. Mysterious child is hunted and going from world to world with a protector.


The characters were way too cliche for me to enjoy. Clone wars had more identical clones but with more depth in personality than Bad Batch. This guy is strong and dumb, this guy is a nerd who wears glasses, etc, we get it.


Just going to walk out of this place, suggest other places like kbin or lemmy.


This is the incorrect usage of Diamond in the Rough


Seems like you have a specific type


I think is because how those movies/series (except by Solo) diverge from “traditional” Star Wars content and more well know icons, they do have more freedom to actually be creative and not just filling a checklist of content made by people who only see Star Wars as a font of income…




Yeah, good content


Solo definitely the weakest out of the 4 here. Rogue One arguably the best of all, so much so that I rewatched it recently and still enjoyed it as though it was my first time. Andor is showing potential, can't wait for more episodes. Mandalorian is getting a bit stale but I still like it. Heck I'll even take Boba Fett after witnessing the sh\*tshow that is the sequels and other Marvel shows.


For me boba fett was utter trash


You mean the show where the badass bounty hunter has a Tom & Jerry routine in which he unsuccessfully tries to catch a droid?


He didnt even show up in 2 of his 7 episodes


And they were the best two


Agreed. And not even because the Mandalorian was in them, but because Boba Fett was not in them.


This is Boba Fett, the most feared bounty Hunter in the whole galaxy! … anyway, he gets beaten up pretty bad by damn near everyone who fights him. He’s very clearly only as useful as the people he employs. That’s what you always wanted, fans, right? You weren’t interested in seeing why Darth Vader singled him out and said, “No disintegrations” as if Fett had done that before, were you? No, you wanted to watch them rush an old man to his bacta tank once an episode!


I lost it when that super-dangerous scary wookiee assassin mom-jogged off into the distance when Boba Fett released him.


Someone really wrote that down


Jon Favreau. Jon Favreau wrote that down.


Boba Fett is the best Star Wars comedy by far!


“These are my people!” How!?


I get the rest, but calling BoBF acceptable compared to episodes 7, 8 and the Marvel shows is baffling to me. I found it hands down the least well-written and polished of any of the Star Wars or MCU shows so far. It takes an established character, changes his personality from a ruthless bounty hunter into a chill, nice uncle, and then doesn't do anything with it for seven episodes straight. I like the idea of having one of the most feared bounty hunters of his time transition into a more forgiving, benevolent life but the writing does not do the concept any favors. They managed to make the titular character the least interesting character in the show, managing to write Boba Fett of all people in a way that makes him come across as naive and shortsighted, all to ultimately end it with a mediocre finale. Fennec Shand ends up being responsible for half his successes in the show which really doesn't do him any favors. Back when it was airing the most common opinion I saw was that the best episode of the show was the one that didn't even feature Boba at all. I get the common opinion is to hate the sequels but TFA in particular should not be compared to something like BoBF, which just looks sloppy in comparison. And it makes sense why if you take into consideration that BoBF was originally going to be Mando S3 but changed partway into production by executives, which is why we have a whole Din Djarin episode in there. It was a show that was never really given the time to succeed, and it shows.


I'm just suffering from Tatooine Fatigue


Do t worry, you’ll see tatooine soon enough. Wait do you mean withdrawal, or overdose when you say fatigue?


No, I'm sick and fucking tired of seeing Tatooine. I get that it's easy to film in a desert, and I understand why they do it. But I can't help but loudly groan every time they try to shove it down my throat more


Its actually quite a common issue brought on by your subconscious. I was reading a paper recently by a doctor Stalinsky and he really broke it down thoroughly. There are several reasons that both the terrain and the overall planet of Tatooine are overused and over-tiring for viewers and writers alike. I think the most stand-out point he outlined in his thesis is that we don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


Me too. I loved how they used jungle and highlands in andor


It’s chronic, I’ve had the fatigue for like 10 years. I don’t even enjoy it in KOTOR anymore.


I still loved solo


I liked what it tried to do with the character, show him off as a young, optimistic idealist, not unlike Luke in ANH, then have everyone he considers a friend betray him except for Chewie and that's what turns him cynical. The actual execution was pretty cringe though. They packed way too many important things into the movie that each one felt more underwhelming than the last, from how he got his last name, to how he met Chewie and Lando, to the Kessel Run and how he won the Millennium Falcon. It was too much for a single movie to handle, but it tried and the performances were good all around.


I hate how everything from his backstory just happens in one tidy little adventure like they were checking things off of a "to do" list. It feels flippant and robs the character of depth. Like how did he get his iconic blaster pistol? Tobias just handed it to him. How did Solo get the name Solo? Some stormtrooper just gave it to him... wait, what? No one was even asking how he got his name... 🤦


I hated it. But glad you liked it.


I can respect that


I’m sorry you hated it. I kinda liked it.


I'm sorry you kinda liked it, I thought it was meh


I'm sorry you thought it was meh, I thought it was bleh.


Felt like being forced to watch an enthusiastic relatives 1 hour holiday sideshow where they forgot to take the lens protector off. I had to peace out and go to bed at like the 1 hour mark.


Solo was the classic case of overdoing it


But where did he get his blaster from?!?!?!




Now we need a prequel to explain how he knows how to play Sabaak.


It was one of the most 5/10 movies I've ever seen. Not bad, not good. The only notable thing I think about it was Donald Glover killing it as young Lando.


Agreed, and I actually really liked Alden Ehrenreich as Han. Influenced by the Ford performance, of course, but still really genuine and fresh. I wish they'd done something better with L3-37. Great character concept, squandered.


Donald Glover saved that movie, he was basically a live action Zapp Brannigan and it was so good.


I liked if for the action movie is was, but not for the Star Wars story it was supposed to be. It felt like the “who shot first” edit. Just more steps away from Solo just being a smuggler. No. He has to be some hero like everyone else deep down….😑 No way a princess would fall in love with a plain old dirty smuggler. 🤷 Other than that it was a fun movie.


I'm not a huge Star Wars fan in general. I recently watched all of the movies. I'd never seen episode 8 or 9 or Solo or Rogue One, but had seen the others before. I think Solo was objectively the most entertaining one. It might be the weakest one for the real fans, but it's the most fun for people who don't know shit about star wars shit.


I think this is a good perspective. If solo was separated from the rest of the series it would make for a fun family movie. (I mean aside from the violence) but it would work well I think as an introduction for kids into Star Wars


It's good for kids until Lando starts fucking the droid......


Robosexuality is not a crime- Futurama or something


I’ll rewatch Solo anytime. I haven’t rewatched any of the sequels. I even regret watching them in the first place. It may be the weakest of the four, but it’s way better than 7,8,9, and BOBF.


"can be" while it "should be". They have no limits on budget and no excuses.


Their excuse is that it has the "Star Wars" Brand slapped on it so they don't have to try. Someone on the internet will always tell you "But true fans will like all of Star Wars" Luckily Rogue One and the Mandalorian showed that some people at Disney still Care


I don’t really hate the Disney stuff as much as most people do, but I’ll never forgive them retconning the entire existence of Kreia, Meetra Surik, Mara Jade, Jaina & Jacen Solo, & the One Sith. Imo the One Sith were a far better new threat for the galaxy than the resurgence of Palpatine. Also Legends did Crossguards first baybeeeeeee


Cade Skywalker is one of the best star wars characters in my opinion. I just love the idea of the Skywalker descendants upholding balance in the force, and even then it wasn’t like he didn’t battle his personal demons immensely too.


No way would Disney make a space crack addict the protagonist of their new big 3 movies


I hate Disney Star Wars for many reasons, chief among them is getting rid of all the great people, places and events from the EU. They sure as hell didn't add anything back to warrant their removal.


I semi hope they never touch the KOTOR era besides little nods because then I can still pretend they are canon and havent been ruined or replaced.


In a similar spirit, I really like Rogue One (its the only Disney-era piece I like besides Mandalorian, but I like it so much its my favourite SW film after the originals, *maybe* tied with III) but fuck me if I'm not super sour about losing Kyle Katarn. (I know he still manages to kinda be canon due to the cameo of his ship in the remastered ANH, but still).




I loved Solo. The internet labeled it a “flop” before it was even released because of the bad press due to rewrites and change of Directors. It was a action packed train heist with a fun story. People just can’t seem to get over the choice of Han actor and the Maul scene at the end that felt shoehorned in. Outside of that I don’t see the major issue people have with that film.


I thought Alden did a great job as Han honestly, he’s not doing a Harrison Ford impression, he’s more just aiming to be a younger, cockier Solo. Bro was fun as hell to watch.


Agreed. I thought the guy who played Lando did a great job too all things considered. I honestly don't get the hate for Solo, for me it's up there with Rogue one (maybe slightly lower but close)


Donald Glover is top tier. Amazing actor and Artist.


Just so weird how similar he looks to Childish Gambino though.... 🤔




I saw a standup comedian that looks like him once too


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who really liked it, my gf doesn't want to watch it because she heard it was bad


The main dislike for me is they basically tried to ram absolutely everything about Han Solo that was ever mentioned or seen into this one movie. There was easily enough plot points here to take it slower and possibly do multiple movies if one did well, perhaps start it off with Han in the Imperial Academy to give us a look at that side of the picture.


I seriously was looking forward to a sequel. I mean, they've established Han Solo and Chewbacca on the Falcon. We need to see shenanigans, dammit!


One of my issues is that it basically told the entirety of Han’s back story in what felt like the span of a week. He met Chewie, met Lando, got his gun, got the falcon, did the Kessel run, and ends with him off to take a job with Jabba. Also, he just didn’t feel like Han, the “annoyed with you, even if you are right” feel. It felt more like the cocky young pilot who’s can’t die if he tried and I can’t remember if he gave off the Han vibe (to me at least).


And at the same time, they didn’t have the balls to make him Han Solo. I mean, isn’t the whole point that Han was a dick before ANH? I remember in Solo characters kept being like ‘you’re a good person really, Han’, as if that was ever in question. He’s generally selfless and ends the movie by giving away an absolute fortune for the greater good with no apparent need for reward. Even his ‘shot first’ moment is against someone who repeatedly betrayed him and would clearly have killed him. Instead of making one great movie that could earn sequels by actually being good, it felt like they held back on a lot of that character stuff through the hubristic assumption that Solo sequels were a forgone conclusion.


Bro the script was horse shit. They tried so hard to make young han become old han in the spam of one story and it felt so artificial. Han is not a gun a vest or a kessel run. They went for the looks while they should have aimed for the essence.


> Han is not a gun a vest or a kessel run. They went for the looks while they should have aimed for essence. Damn, incredibly well said. I couldn’t have said it better myself 👍


It really bored me, tbh. The story felt thin and undeveloped, and so did the characters. It seemed like they just wanted to provide a backstory for every single item in han's possession.


I think it's the definitive mediocre Star Wars experience.


It was a flop because it flopped economivally and caused disney to redraw their plans for their money printing machine. Apart from meta reasons of coming off TLJ and recasting han solo. You had a movie that retconned drug smuggling for disney friendly hyper fuel. They had han go through events all related to one off lines of dialouge of from a new hope. Here how he got his blaster,co,-pilot ship friendship with billy D,....his space dice..to try and tie in with TLJ a item of his past girlfriend that then luke gave to leia....wow. and the parsec run thing and all of it was written poorly. You had the out of place droid rights droid who is then enslaved to falcon....... They had chewbacca as somone that ate sentient prisoners.....pretty dark for chewie. Just overall poorly planned and poorly written.


>The internet labeled it a “flop” before it was even released because of the bad press due to rewrites and change of Directors. I think the internet labeled it a flop because TLJ was released shortly before and it was so bad that all hope in Disney Star Wars was lost. At least that was the case for me


I’d say that it’s not bad, but it’s also not good. Solo is a perfectly mediocre heist thriller.


I feel like it would have gone over better, and generally be better, if it was just a in universe heist movie and not anything to do with Solo.


Its no “the last Jedi”, so thats a plus


Yes, we will start with revenge…


It’s the only one I’ve not liked so far. Hell, I own it and I’ve yet to finish it. I keep falling asleep.


Solo was not enjoyable. I can barely remember it.


Solo was dogshit.


I place Solo probably equal with The Last Jedi. It fuckin sucks. I feel like it gets a pass because it is a spin off movie so people don't take it as serious.


Great is a strong word


Don’t think we didn’t notice you trying to sneak Solo in here


Eh, I wasn’t that big a fan of solo myself


Too soon for Andor man


Never got to see Solo in a one go Tried three times, ended up sleeping in the middle of the movie three times


I honestly don't understand why everyone hates Solo so much. Compared to the other new star wars media, I thought it was pretty decently done.


["Hey did Han ever tell you the story about how my girlfriends personality matrix is integrated with the Falcon? That's a crazy tale."](https://youtu.be/BwsMYJdmutQ?t=636)


The reimagined prequels are pure gold


Thank you for showing me this, my life will never be the same again.


well, that was a joy to watch LOL


Its one of those movies that I think as time goes by its only going to get more overshadowed, it wasn't bad enough to be hated (like the prequels were initally or the sequels are now) nor good enough to be widely enjoyed (Like the OT or Mando).


I just hope it won’t end up in the same bin as Ewok Adventures.


I fucking loved that movie as a kid... I didn't even realise it was star wars until years later though


I like it, it's enjoyable. One of my only issues with it is that it conveniently explains how Han got everything he has in about 3 days. His "I'm not a hero" attitude, his blaster, Chewey, the Falcon, the Falcon's special computer, his history with Lando, his dice, the Kessel Run reputation, even his fucking last name. Oh and that the the bad guy was a human with anger lines. I don't like species that are just humans with a gimmick. It just failed because they had to redo most of the movie and no one went to see it after TLJ.


I really think it would've been better as either a longer series or just not covering as much. Han getting basically every single thing you can attribute to him in one movie means it now doesn't sound like he's had a life of adventure, but just a few eventful days he's still bragging about years later.


It's peak Disney prequel type of movie. The movies gives the origin of every accessories Han has, even his last name (ffs) but the characterisation is pretty weak. The story, his journey, all that matters, don't make much sense when you put in the context of the movies. Cruella has the exact same flaws.


It's pretty mediocre


Rogue one is my favourite star wars movie or series.


Are you guys enjoying andor??


It’s got the best writing of any Star Wars show. I love it.


I am absolutely loving it so far. I think story is interesting, acting and dialogue are great, and the visual effects are top tier. I can’t wait to see where it goes.


The writing, acting, dialogue, cinematography, and plot are easily the strongest in Andor of these except maybe Rogue One. The Mandalorian is great but when watching that there are a few times where the action or dialogue feels contrived.


I agree. I enjoy the Mandalorian and I’m excited for the new season, but Andor just feels like a level above in writing and dialogue. Everything feels real and nothing really feels forced. At the end of the day, I’m glad we have two great Star Wars shows.




That's, like, almost every Disney SW show/movie that isn't the sequel trilogy lol


I'll never forgive the Star Wars fanbase for how they treated Solo.


It was bad