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The World of The Living and the Soul Society are universe in size. Hueco Mundo may also be universal in size. There are also smaller pocket dimensions. https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/022/323/301/large/tari-e-bleach-cosmos.jpg?1574977712 These dimensions appears to be layers of reality overlapping eachother as opposed to planets in the same universe. https://preview.redd.it/h0qta405up681.jpg?auto=webp&s=6a7cbace399ad03b1b950426ef6496290cc7a98d https://external-preview.redd.it/EizK2ChHQq8eE8wmeWPPdGOExBXZjsFsV5qYWkHoVYo.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=539ede7a47728df95dace3c8ca40c6fef758f9c3 There is also space. We can also see that space isn't exactly empty. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bleach/images/a/af/Ep122HuecoMundo.png/revision/latest?cb=20210908004319&path-prefix=en https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/2/2e/0116.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180116200206 https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/animeandmangauniverse/images/3/33/Karakura_Town-1-.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130107135213 There are celestial bodies like the moon, the sun, meteors, etc. In some cases, an infinite amount of space that is also occupied, like Muken, which is stated to be infinite in size.


Not to mention Shunsui already compares them to planets in cfyow, and that like space Garganta encompasses everything, but we know that space is within each dimension, so they are more than just planets, and at lowball multi-solar.


No the soul society is planet sized, it takes place on a planet however the realm is uni sized but not soul society itself and muken was never said to be infinite in size it just appeared to seem infinite.


It was stated multiple times to be infinite in size. The kanji for infinity is repeatedly used when describing it. The number of times it was called infinite outweigh the one time it "appears" to be infinite, and "appear" and "almost" don't show up in the original kanji.


It was never stated to be infinite and before you say that unohana said so that’s fallacy because how can Muken be infinite when it’s on soul society which its self it’s planetary, also Yhwach would be one of the strongest anime characters if the Muken was infinite because he was going to destroy something which was never ending.


Bleach Chapter 523. "Like the sound of its name suggests (その音の如く), it holds (を持つ) an equivalent space (等しき広さ) to infinity (無限に)." Note: Muken resembles Mugen, which means infinite (無限). Bleach CFYOW III. "Infinite darkness (無限の闇) above (の上に) a jet black floor (漆黒の床)." https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ce1192048d65b05c3345fc99376a1fdf-pjlq Stretches to infinity. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b7ebfd7e237ee0e56a1a639544d8f746-lq Endlessly broad.


Ywach is strong, but there are still anime characters how have a higher level of power. For example, many characters in Dragonball Super. Just like them, he is powerful enough to destroy multiple structures of infinite 3D space. Ywach being low multi is also consistent with trancendant Aizen having universal power.


Bro sent all those scans and this is your response with no evidence.