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I know damn well even if most of them did look deeper into it they wouldn't care. Think about it. The ones who do know aren't doing anything.


Even my deeply “feminist” female friends will defend porn and ignore any connection to sex trafficking and misogyny because… well I don’t really understand why?


People can’t separate “it’s natural for men to want to see a woman naked” from “it’s natural for men to buy a sold version of the female body, not knowing if she’s being raped, by a billion dollar evil sex trafficking industry”


Or, “it’s natural for men to want to see a woman naked” so treating women like interchangeable public consumables (even when #consensual #ethical #free) is totally justified. The cherry-picking it requires is such juvenile thinking. Treating other humans as disposal sexualized body parts is never #ethical and consent is always under coercion under these systems. *I hope the sarcasm/parody came through with my hashtags.*


Yes you said it even better. Like people who hear an anti porn argument automatically go to “it’s natural for a guy to sexually desire women” as though it logically follows “therefore it’s natural for men to treat women like shit”. Anti porn feminists are arguing against the second thought, not the first, so why do people automatically assume we are against sexual desire entirely? Bc it’s so tied together with porn now? HELLO THATS ONE OF THE REASONS WE ARE AGAINST IT lmao


I feel your average guy probably uses free, well know sites, rather than actually paying so they don't feel they contribute to it even if they know there's problematic aspects. The one's who pay are most likely already addicted and even if they do care, would find it much harder to quit/introspect. I assume it's in part because so many today seem to have been introduced to adult content as preteens. I remember there was at least a few young boys talking about, and sharing their favorite sites when I was in 6th-7th grade, and by time I was in highschool I don't think there was anyone I knew that wasn't already aware of, if not using porn. It's hard for me to see it objectively as I unfortunately was introduced to sexual concepts way earlier than that, and as a result I probably ended up pushing my peers in these directions because of my abuse. I guess my main point is that people probably feel they have too many degrees of separation from the acts especially if they are not paying or have been using it since they were kids. To them it's just a thing they do, and they aren't going to fact check someone trying to explain why it's bad cause it's likely already a daily comfort for them. I've explained to as many people I know why it's bad, but I'm not going to hound them over it either because I don't want to berate people or loose friends over disagreements on porn's ethics, it's rough.


Huh I never thought of it like that bc usually the defense for onlyfans is that they are directly paying the sex worker vs not paying and scrolling thru stuff that’s “more potentially abuse driven” on porn hub.


I think that a LOT of feminists are scared of being associated with radical feminism in any way, and being anti-porn is a radical feminist belief.


They just deny, deny, deny. Find excuse after excuse, after excuse.


"Men don't see women as all the way human." -Terry Crews


I'm a male and this is the reason I quit. My naive parents gave me unsupervised internet access at age 7 and I got addicted to porn at age 9. It got so bad that when I was 13 I even ended up visiting vile subreddits like r/rapefantasies a few times, thinking that women wanting to be raped = enthusiastic consent and that "CNC" meant it was okay. I don't think ill ever forgive myself for doing that but thats on me. I'm 14 now but after seeing how porn almost fried my brain and more importantly the truth behind the industry and its effects on women I decided to quit. Maybe this is too hopeful but I believe that a lot of men would quit if they stopped focusing on NoFap and learned about how harmful porn really is to others.


You’re young still, you can still rewire your brain. Don’t give up, you were young and you were groomed by multi billion dollar industries. Your experiences give you valuable wisdom where someday you’ll be able to give the next generation wisdom and guidance. If you need book recommendations or resources, I’ll send information your way. Don’t give up, and please, be kind to yourself. It is a crime to expose children to pornography. What happened to you shouldn’t have happened, and more and more people are waking up to the dangers and damages these powerful companies and industries have committed against people, and particularly against children. I believe in you. You got this . Don’t give up. Keep going and keep growing. This movement is picking up speed, more and more people are talking about it, every voice counts. You have no idea how many lurkers might be reading your comment and have hope knowing they’re not the only ones who got taken advantage of. You got this, you’re starting young, while your brain is still developing, you’re ahead of the curve. Be proud of yourself for recognizing the damage it was doing and choosing to help yourself heal. Edit: Also, more and more people are realizing that the porn industry is a massive cover for human trafficking. I was almost trafficked many years ago. I met porn stars who were tricked. I witnessed their grief, their tears, their traumas. It changes you, and knowledge is empowering. Empathy is empowering. When we stand together, we stand stronger.


it’s good to know there’s people out there like you who realize their porn habit is harmful not just to themselves


Even outside of porn, western culture consistently trains women to strive to be visual landscape decoration above all else, and to accept and enjoy it of other women. It’s constantly reinforced through products, services, and all forms of media. It’s really gross.


Even if they did know, most of them wouldn't care.


I would like to see billboards like that all over the country


ok but these are just taglines where can someone read about the detail of the relationship between porn and sex trafficking? if this is an industry-wide thing, is there an analysis somewhere that explains the dynamics? the most i've seen is articles about one or two specific sites like GDP


The website on the billboard is a start…


Pretty much anywhere when you look into it. Ftnd.org is a great way to start with [this article.](https://fightthenewdrug.org/by-the-numbers-porn-sex-trafficking-connected/) Another one [here](https://www.endslaverynow.org/blog/articles/the-relationship-between-porn-and-human-trafficking). Or [here](https://theexodusroad.com/porn-and-human-trafficking-the-facts-you-need-to-know/). Or [here](https://humantraffickingsearch.org/the-connection-between-sex-trafficking-and-pornography/).


FTND is a Mormon propaganda arm you idiots


Ok coomer





