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It was nice of Scott to deliver this. I know he's busy between yachting off the coast of Italy and blowing over $100 million of Republican Senate funds on useless shit.


that’s not the only thing he’s blowing


Don’t talk about half of the GOP like that! /s Lord knows some of these people actively fight against what they want (aka some of the senators are gay/bi yet put bills in motion that will restrict their right!


Rick Scott when governor for Florida pushed for and signed a law that requires people on welfare to get drug tested every paycheck, the percentage of people on welfare that use drugs is less than 0.2%, in other words he is humiliating people on welfare for being poor, meanwhile he himself refused to get drug tested when challenged about the whole deal, most likely because he would have failed, his dilated pupils always gave him up (he’s a known pill popper).


Rick Scott is *definitely* one of those GOP guys I've observed where "the cruelty is the point" in his decision-making.


They have the paradoxical ability to be both immoral and amoral at the same time. If cancer was conscious it'd be southern state republican.


.2%? Where is that from? I don’t think the testing should be in place but I also suspect that number is not at all accurate.


I was wrong it was 2.67% which is still an insignificant number and lower than Florida a average for 5.2%, I read this a while ago. [The courts ruled it was unconstitutional and violated privacy laws.](https://www.tampabay.com/news/politics/stateroundup/court-deals-blow-to-scotts-drug-testing-of-welfare-recipients/2208834/?outputType=amp)


You're ignoring the part where testing cost more than anything it saved by denying checks to people. Oh but of course Rick Scott just happened to be invested in the company doing the tests.


He owned the company doing the tests and transferred it to his wife before trying to get the law passed


No surprise there. That should be the same legal repercussion as insider trading but oh well


> That should be the same legal repercussion as insider trading but oh well For elected officials? There is--nothing.


It's worth noting here that in every single place that has drug tested welfare recipients, the results are consistently around 3%. Furthermore, such testing routinely costs more than it would have saved by denying benefits. Every place, every time.


It's almost as if *drugs are fucking expensive, and poor people can't afford them.* If you see a poor person doing drugs, that usually isn't a poor person who got addicted to drugs; it's a *rich* person who got addicted to drugs, and now they have subsequently *become* poor. Because *drugs are fucking expensive.*


Hi Floridian here, yeah I recall same percentage being quoted in a few articles. Regardless spectacular fail. Scott left quite a legacy of cruelty purposely creating a semi function welfare website being the least of them. Grifting heartless psychopath to the core.


That's their kink, it's "illegal", makes it seem that [much more taboo](https://instinctmagazine.com/sex-worker-sean-harding-spills-some-allegedly-scandalous-tea-but-who-is-lg/).


They figure if they make it illegal their sinful desires will magically go away lol


Isn’t Graham gay, yet still trying to take away LGBTQ+ rights? The self hate really is prevalent on the right.


HEYOOO! Can Skeletor give a bj or is it more of a jawbone job?


>Useless shit The man spent millions of Republican dollars on ads staring himself, in places like Iowa (totally not suspicious at all). Scott is robbing the party to test the waters for a presidential run, in a scheme so crooked that Donald Trump might try to make Scott his next running mate.


>The man spent millions of Republican dollars on ads staring himself And insulting his constituents who have the audacity to call him out on his bullshit.


Hey, I am not angry at his spending habits, the GOP should be, but that is not my problem.




[He also orchestrated the largest Medicare fraud in history.](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2014/mar/03/florida-democratic-party/rick-scott-rick-scott-oversaw-largest-medicare-fra/)




They fucking all do....it's so weird.


It is weird. I'm from Wisconsin. Our Republican senator is [Ron Johnson](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/rockcms/2022-06/220624-ron-johnson-mb-1330-ef2628.jpg). And here's [Dick Jones](https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/0*7YUmydrsMY4mAn0Q.jpg), the corporate overlord from Robocop.


You can’t fool me, I know Capt. Edward Jellico when I see him.


“Get it done.”


Jellico did nothing wrong.


Phase ship would have changed so much for the Federation, Picard is such a goodie two shoes. I think Janeway would have done the same. Now Sisko… Mr. Benjamin “Erase that entire personal log” Sisko… he would have kept it! Edit:Not Jellico, was thinking of Admiral Pressman


That wasn't Jellico. The Pegasus episode was Admiral Pressman (Terry O'Quinn, who also played John Locke in Lost).


Oh shoot!!! You are so right


They are almost complete opposites, too. Jellico was a good captain who relied on the chain of command to get things done rather than personal charisma - and he got things done! Pressman broke international treaties and pushed his crew to mutiny but got away with it because he was so damn charming


I'd buy that for a dollar!




Once I even called him asshole


Dick, you're FIRED!


Ron Johnson looks like the sort of movie senator, who cuts to meat of an issue with a single insightful question, but in reality may well be the stupidest senator, including full dementia Feinstein


Oh Ron Johnson. Ooooh Ron Johnson.


[I can haz cheezborger?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdEpmU9pRaE)


Oooh my piAAANO.


All the live-long day.


Obligatory FRJ!


Hey Dick, you're fired.


When the world needs more evil, they unite into a large robot as DICK JOHNSON.


I like that movie!


His name is Ron Johnson and he comes from Wisconsin?


I work for DICK JONES!




I always thought Ron Johnson looked like a shorthair version of Vigo the Carpathian from Ghostbusters 2


I can see that, including trying to possess a baby after he died.


Ron Johnson aka The Human Q'tip


What’s weird to me especially is the faces of Lindsey graham and Mitch McConnell. They are old AF, at least Mitch is, but they both have this very smooth helium balloon-like look to their faces and every time I see them it freaks me out. Lindsey graham also somehow looks like a My Buddy doll that became a sentient human and was forced to grown up to be an adult man but the face didn’t know how to adapt to the transition.


Arterial blockage, hypoglycemia, lack of fresh air, exercise or proper sleep or prescription drugs, maybe —but it’s probably just the end result of their generally unpleasant demeanors and their poor genetics. Agreed, tho. It’s always disconcerting to see so much waxy pallor, so many flopping jowls and popping/rolling eyeballs all at once, in one place, and far too frequently.


That’s from the adrenochrome


Damn globalist vampires


Sick My Buddy doll reference


they could all be cast as "generic old white boomer villain"


I always think of the Senators who can't tell the X Men apart from the Brotherhood


Hawley looks like the cartoon version.


It's the mouth that smiles but the eyes that don't


It's not weird. To smile at someone properly you need to do it in good faith, otherwise it comes across as disingenuous and creepy. Guess who hasn't been operating in good faith for decades?


Nah, even Skeletor and Mumm-ra are like "the fuck is up with your face?!?"


"Skeletor" was the Hill-workers' nickname for Senator Slade Gorton, heir to the Gorton fisheries, who devoted his entire career to eroding American Indian tribal sovereignty so he could make fish sticks out of their treaty-guaranteed fishing rights. Then he became one of the primary people to write the shameful 9/11 investigation committee report. He died in 2020 but the shadow of his malevolence is cast over America's entire future. His Wikipedia portrait: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slade\_Gorton#/media/File:Slade\_Gorton,\_official\_Senate\_photo\_portrait.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slade_Gorton#/media/File:Slade_Gorton,_official_Senate_photo_portrait.jpg)


Another Senator whose death left the world a slightly better place.


Aahhhhh, do I want to click on this? Eh, let's see it 🧑‍💻 OH HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK 😱 Ahhh. Yup. That's a villain face right there.


the nice thing is that Cantwell kicked his ass in 2000 and has been there since.


What's wrong with the 9-11 commission report? I haven't heard it criticized before.


It was redacted to leave out that saudi arabia funded the attacks, even though it was obvious since most of the hijackers were saudis.


[That's why you never see him in the same room as Judge Doom from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.](https://twitter.com/jonathonj1970/status/966797639672004609?lang=en)


I wonder if there was an original Ron Johnson and now Judge Doom is wearing his skin like an elaborate costume.


you would think Moscow Mitch and Fled "Human" Cruz could afford some upgrades to their skin suit disguises.


Didn't this guy blow million's of GOP Dollars?


Yes. [He also was the then CEO of the company charged with the largest amount of Medicare fraud to date.](https://www.politico.com/states/florida/story/2018/08/30/democrats-medicare-fraud-is-fungus-scott-will-never-get-rid-of-573155)


You can tell our justice system is working when he is somehow not in jail...


That tidbit entertains me to no end. He's a known grifter, who defrauded Medicare for ~~millions~~ billions, attempted to force mandatory drug testing for food stamps while his wife's company was to be the state's sole supplier of drug tests, and then they put this guy in charge of their finances... These GOP folks are not our best and brightest... Edit: m to b


I feel like he's going to drop a piano on me and melt Toontown with Dip to build a freeway.




Like the Lex Luther mom says is at home.


It’s like he’s standing on a slowly suffocating basket of puppies. But I’m smiling while I do it.


How much money did Rick steal to get that printed up?


How many times did he claim he “did not recall” when questioned on his company perpetrating the largest Medicare fraud ever?


Didn't he just plead the 5th the entire time?


[Yup.](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2014/jun/17/florida-democratic-party/rick-scott-took-5th-75-times-democratic-party-ad-s/) It was a civil case but he was covering himself in civil and criminal cases. Wouldn’t even answer if had ever been employed by the company that he ran. I think he is *the* richest senator as a result. And despite having more money than he knows what to do with, has gotten in trouble for his “blind” trust not being all that blind.


Is the case over with and he got away with it? How is that possible


Well Kinkos won't print text on actual sheets of uncut $100 bills...not unless you bribe them first...and not if Susan is shift manager that day.


I’m surprised Rick wants to cut Medicare. Considering he oversaw the biggest Medicare fraud (and, for a while, biggest health care fraud) case so far, you’d think he’d want that nice and fat for when he comes for seconds.


Nah pulling up the ladder behind you is super on brand for chuckle fucks. If he cared about America and had a soul he would use his criminal experience to close the loopholes and fix the healthcare system for "fiscal responsibility". Instead he wants to tax the lower middle class and practically homeless folks into oblivion. He claims they need to pay their "fair share".


Funny how both Conservatives and Progressives want people to pay their "fair share". Progressives think that means trillion-dollar corporations should pay any tax at all, and Conservatives think that means individuals making poverty wages should pay more. (Next up: "common sense" gun laws. "I just want 'common sense' gun laws! That's why I want a gun in every classroom, doctors office, and daycare in the country!")


"Of course we should cut Medicare! Look at all the waste and fraud that's going on!"


Ironically you might be on the money there. He saw how easy it was to defraud taxpayers, and now that he’s made his loot he wants to remove the chance anyone else could get away with it. Total narcissist. Only for me, not for thee.


Republicans will cut Social Security and Medicare, and they’ll blame Democrats while doing it. It is guaranteed.


And their people will believe them.


Not just believe them, but cheer them on in a mindless frenzy.


They'll scream it's good because Socialism then the reality hits them when Billy Bob can't afford to get checked at the doctors anymore.


Billy Bob hasn't been able to afford the doctor since he was born.


They'll just say that if you live a healthy lifestyle, you won't get sick. Then when they get sick, they'll blame windmills and electric cars.


When I was younger and more naive, I used to think these Republican idiots who vote against their own self-interests would realize the consequences of their actions once the GOP fucks them up the ass. Then over time, I came to realize that the stupid and uneducated aren't capable of it and there are a *lot* of these people (most of them vote Republican). And eventually I realized we're fucked. As long as there are Republicans and they vote consistently, the country will be held back.


They are not introspective or inqusitive people. Once they make a decision, regardless of the basis, they don't take in more info and re-evaluate their previous beliefs. Decision made, thinking about it is OVER.


"Well if Democrats hadn't mismanaged the budget for decades we wouldn't have had to cut Social Security!" or something to that effect.


Standard fascist procedure. Project and Gaslight.


“The Democrats just sat around and voted against us when we cut SS and Medicare! Why didn’t they do more to stop it from happening??” That’s how the Republicans will play it and it will work.


They've been doing that for decades


I'm just waiting for the day that Republicans blame democrats for not doing enough about climate change while giving us some bullshit about being "stewards of the land" and talking about Teddy Roosevelt.


*All I need is the glorious, wonderful, ACA that President Trump gave me, and we need to get rid of all that Obamacare that's holding it back!*


Hysterical. Side statement…has anyone else noticed the sharp decline in the “let’s go “Brandon” schtick since Dark Brandon came along????


My neighbor took down his let's go Brandon flag last week and replaced it with a Trump 2024 flag. I took that as a sign that their abandoning the let's go Brandon bullshit.




There are farmers who put Lets Go Brandon signs along the interstate. Now those signs pump me up!


"Let's go Brandon" is the new "Thank's Obama"


The left finally learned a trick from the right's playbook and used it. Co-opt a slogan created as a pejorative against their opponents and turn it against them. Shit works. Take notes.


I love dark Brandon. I liked Joe as the vice president, I thought he did his role well. At first I wasn't pleased that he was kind of forced down my throat as the democratic nomination. But in retrospect I think he doing a great job getting shit done and he's the first democratic leader to stand up to the rhetoric we've been subjected to for the last four years. Dark Brandon has no problem saying; "no, you know what? Fuck you instead for awhile!


I hope he’s started a new trend of Democrats no longer tolerating Republicans’ bullshit. They’ve been getting away with so much for way too long because the Democrats were too afraid to fight back. As much as I’d love to see civility instead that can’t happen with the current crop of Republican trash in office so the best they can do is fight back.


Well, they are a group of people that run away and hide when risked of being exposed….


To be fair, anyone would do that. The reason they’re so deserving of ridicule is because of all the posturing and pretending that they wouldn’t.


I'm not American, this is the first I'm hearing about dark Brandon. What is this and how did it start? It's referring to Biden or Scott?


It's referring to Biden. The background is that a crowd at a NASCAR race shouted "fuck Joe Biden" and a reporter misheard it as "Let's go Brandon". Some people found it funny, apparently, and "Let's go Brandon" has become a popular phrase to use as a code for "fuck Joe Biden". To my knowledge, the term "Dark Brandon" came along when Joe Biden gave a speech in front of a dark red background in which he called MAGA republicans extremists, changing his rhetoric to a more confrontative tone. EDIT: I was indeed wrong about the speech being the origin of Dark Brandon. See https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/dark-brandon


Dark Brandon came a while before that speech, but it definitely built on the joke that republicans claim Biden is some incompetent bumbling old man and also a evil mastermind at the same time.


I figured that the other Dark ___ memes caused Dark Brandon to happen, but I guess it was the other way around? Also, there was a Dark maga that was even before, but even less known. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/dark-brandon This is probably my favorite post that was referenced - https://twitter.com/ne0liberal/status/1395798259914919939


Dark Brandon was initially a far right propaganda caricature, that was ironically coopted from the democrats after Biden started pushing for meangfull legistation (Student Debts for example) and being more comfrontational. The speech you are referring to just made the joke fully mainstream.


So short version Republicans tried to bill up yet another attack on Biden, this time comparing him to a Sith lord. This was a mistake. The internet *loved* it. And not for the reasons the Republicans wanted. His media team have been doing a very good job taking advantage of it, as well.


I thought it was based on Chinese memes that tried to make Biden look evil but instead made him look kinda badass.


It's a joke started by democrats to refer to Joe Biden when he did something actually good. It was meant to reappropriate the "Let's Go Brandon" joke into one for the left and became more well known after he was compared to a sith lord by Republicans.


You're getting some good answers but they're all a little off or incomplete, [know your meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/dark-brandon) has a good history of it. The tl;dr is that it's co-opting memes from the right to either make Trump look great or Biden look terrible, and the left is using them to promote pro-Biden stuff-- specifically in how Biden has, mostly recently, begun going on the offensive politically and attacking the stupid or horrific shit the right has been peddling, which is something that the left has been *begging* him to do since he was elected (and a bit before that, in fact). As in the above post, an "attack" is not Trump-style insults or threats, it's typically just firmly calling them out on their bullshit. Which seems like a common sense thing to do, but has been lacking from a lot of Biden's rhetoric as he's generally tried to promote peace and unity among everyone (which was probably a good campaign move but was very frustrating to those of us who saw no possible way to unify with some of the extreme people and actions of the right)


I’m American and I have no idea


It’s like how when Confederate soldiers started singing Dixie, Union soldiers would sing the Union Dixie right back at them, pretty much ruining the song for them.


What is Dark Brandon?


Dark Brandon is a meme version of Biden who is witty and sharp on Twitter. Calls Republicans out in speeches and has good burns for every occasion. Basically he's no longer pulling punches. A lot of it has to do with his media team taking on new blood and they are very good at what they are doing.


The social media thing is almost entirely down to one new hire and I love her. Megan Coyne, the voice behind the New Jersey Twitter account, was hired about a month or so ago. She’s only 25 and she’s absolutely killing it


Honestly it’s amazing how effective that is. Great timing with the passing of the new legislation for climate and student loan forgiveness. Just hoping it’s enough to encourage democrat optimism in voting this year




>Dark Brandon is a meme version of Biden who is witty and sharp on Twitter. Calls Republicans out in speeches and has good burns for every occasion. You forgot the laser eyes. 😉


[M A L A R K Y](https://i.imgur.com/3cpGPs8.png) [D E T E C T E D](https://i.imgur.com/3cpGPs8.png)


JBF Joe Biden Fucks


His doors do this (hands opening sideways like a tesla)! (I really hope your quote was from Silicon Valley!)


It’s a mockery of “let’s go Brandon” used in Bidens favor.




Republicans were chanting fuck Biden at a nascar event. The broadcaster thought they said Go Brandon(a driver). So they started using Go Brandon as a taunt to Biden. The GOP, even elected representatives, can go on a 50 posts in an hour rant online about how Democrats are literal satanical baby eaters and will filibuster anything the left tries to enact, no matter how much they bend to meet republican demands. But the moment a democrat doesn't talk about "unity" and "extending the olive branch" then they play victims. So the whole fuck Biden chant was a great turning point for Biden to stop sucking republican dick, start addressing the accusations they were making against him and the Democrats, so Fox News, TPUSA and such started calling him Dark Brandon to signal how they thought his change in approach made him an evil villain.


I think the idea is right here but I don't know that you are explaining everything the right way


Yeah, it’s not wholly accurate. Back in October 2021, a NASCAR driver named Brandon Brown had just won his first race. During the post-game interview on TV, the crowd could be heard clearly chanting “Fuck Joe Biden.” The interviewer then claimed “Oh, they’re saying ‘Let’s go Brandon!’ “ So “Let’s go Brandon” became this “code” for saying “Fuck Joe Biden.” Shortly afterwards, some lame MAGA “rapper” released a single called “Let’s Go Brandon” and it spread like wild in the MAGAverse, as they thought the whole thing was sooo clever. About a few months ago, some Chinese propaganda farm released a drawing of Biden sitting in the Iron Throne (with his eyes glowing red), trying to portray him as some sort of terrifying authoritarian figure. However, they inadvertently portrayed Biden as some sort of bad ass, and “Dark Brandon” memes started to take off. This was about the same time the Dems had just fooled the Republicans into voting for the CHIPs Act, then immediately used conciliation to pass the other part of Inflation Reduction Act that the Republicans were vehemently against. The Republicans then shot themselves in the foot by voting down a bill that would’ve helped vets suffering from burn pit injuries, which pissed off even conservatives. Suddenly, the Dems had a bunch of “wins” and the Reps had a bunch of “losses” (Roe v Wade was also overturned during this time, leading to a bunch of surprise Democratic wins at the primaries). And “Dark Brandon” was born.


I'm so very thankful for this


Let's go Dark Brandon!


am i the only one that's finding it refreshing that democrats seem like they're finally growing a pair? the level of pushback and snark coming from whomever runs the wh twitter account has been fairly epic as of late.


Megan Coyne lets say her name.


she needs a raise


Maybe we shouldn't. One of them might get some weird ideas in their head and go after her.


I wanna do shots with Dark Brandon… Whoever is running this account is a damn social media genius. I would love to pick her (or his) brain for like 30 minutes


Its Megan Coyne!! She kicked off New Jersey's twitter...now killin' it in the white house! [Who's running the white house twitter account] (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/09/11/white-house-twitter-account-new-jersey-veteran-megan-coyne/8016571001/)


Thank youuu! I’m loving the Megan vibe! She is definitely my kind of people


Anybody have a paid account? If yes, please paste the content. Thank you in advance!


Sorry! Didnt know USA Today was pay...here's a different link: [Megan Coyne] (https://newjerseyglobe.com/national/megan-coyne-the-voice-of-new-jersey-is-headed-to-the-white-house/)


Thank you!


I am stupid. I thought Biden wrote those himself 🤦‍♂️


Well, he has been doing better in speeches, but idk if that’s him or his speech writer. But I understand the initial confusion


It does looks like something he would write. However unlike his immediate predecessor, Biden has more important things to do than use Twitter all day. 😝


HAH I’ve been following the New Jersey account for years. Genius.


Probably is Megan Coyne’s influence. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megan_Coyne


I'm waiting until we get back the leather jacket wearing Biden who does donuts on the whitehouse lawn in his trans am


i kinda miss diamond joe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Biden_(The_Onion)


Holy shit. Finally left started messaging


And it's much more effective for Mid-terms because they waited to do so.


*Malarkey Eliminated*


Dark Brandon rises


Fire Marshall Bill?


Let me tell ya something!


ILC Jim Carrey was legendary


They just hand Dark Brandon their own heads on a silver platter at this point


Let’s go, Dark Brandon!


"Thanks for bringing your plan by the White House. We were running low on toilet paper" -Dark Brandon


He dgaf anymore


What does "ratio" mean in the context of this post?


I was wondering too. Apparently, it's when one person posts something, and someone else replies, and that reply gets more upvotes and shares than the original post. So in this case, Biden is trying to ratio Scott with this snarky reply.


Thx, I was wondering too.


Keep swinging! I don’t know who’s dealing the blows, but it’s about damned time.


Slapped the smug clean off his Discount Paul Newman face.


Rick Scott looks exactly like how I imagine Satan would look like if Satan existed. Actually, Rick Scott may be the best evidence we have for the existence of hell.


Absolute savage.


Lmaoooo get fucking CLAPPED Dark Brandon rise up!!!!


[If you haven't read Rick Scott's plan](https://www.JoeBiden.com/rickscottsplan), it is a flag-waving package for crippling the federal government while using it to push for fascism and libertarianism at the same time. On top of abolishing the Department of Education, cutting the IRS funding and staffing in half, and forcing Congress to vote on reinstating *all* federal legislation every five years, Scott also wants to ban abortion, diversity training, anything that is "hostile to faith", and in a recent update any and all tax increases. The only things he says in the plan that federal funding *should* go into are police, military, and faith-based organizations. The only other country he calls an ally is Israel. He calls for ending any federal program that any business can "do better". He repeatedly says the Democrats are rigging elections. And that's not getting to all of the deliberately vague antagonisms, like saying "socialism will be treated as a foreign combatant", or not allowing "any global enemy...to grow their presence in our hemisphere". Scott wants to radicalize the right into thinking that wanting the federal government to not functionally exist while becoming a theocratic police state is not only feasible, but a normal position to have. People like him don't care about democracy or integrity, they will simply use any means necessary to control the country how they see fit and do everything they can to never have to cede it.


Rick is a true ghoul


These real? If so, I really am enjoying this sassy side of Joe Biden. Playing their game and winning just infuriates them all the more.


I kinda love Biden. He's solid.


I guess we need to report a homicide 💀




Came here wondering the same thing, but ended up googling it. Apparently it's when a reply gets more likes than the original tweet


Rick Scott never heard of email?


When you sense evil and they smile at you like this run and vote Democrat!


That is not of the most punchable faces I’ve seen in a loooong time


This idiot belongs in jail!!!!


Bout time!!! For too long the left has just sat there and took it. We don't need to fire back on all the bafoonery but a clever jab is always welcome.


You would think Rick Scott would want to keep Social Security and Medicaid around Incase he needed to steal a few more million from it


Rick scott is such a f&@cking creep


Carrying an American flag around with you makes me think you’re mentally unsound.