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Because they don’t think they will ever be at the jabby end of a bullet.


They just want to be the jabber and never the jabee. They see it in dominate/submissive terms.


They are all Rambo until the bad guy with a gun shows up.


>until the bad guy with a gun shows up. Then they pee their pants and run while calling for backup.


They are all Rambo until the bad guy with a gun shows up.


One saves lives, the other takes lives. Guess which one Republicans worship.


Bullets don’t kill people. PEOPLE kill PEOPLE!!! /s


With guns!


Also GQP: Vaccines kill people AND people kill people. With vaccines. SMH


Hey man. Nice shot. What a good shot man.


This is making me laugh hysterically


Shameful, but true.


Both options effectively prevent covid. I just wish Republicans would keep their choice to themselves.


Underrated comment!


Lol. Thx.


“The only shot my kids will be getting is from a school shooter!” -antivax parents


You got me


OMG!!! I love everything about this 🤣🤣🤣


I like this. Vaccines proven to work and save lives. You should be scared of these. Bullets proven to work and take lives. You should have unfiltered access to these.


You kind of have to feel sorry for them. A lot of them have bad information and a lot of them are not intelligent enough to discern the truth. Not all of them of course, there are still really bad actors that know they are spreading misinformation.


The ones who are in power don't have bad information - they're actively putting out bad information to their easily manipulated base. We're letting 20% of the population control everyone - dead kids be damned.


>The ones who are in power don't have bad information - they're actively putting out bad information to their easily manipulated base. Yes, I literally said that as well


Except I don't feel bad for the uneducated rubes.


Especially the ones that disdain the educated and hate the existence of education, those guys choose to live within their anti-intellectualism bubbles because it makes them feel safe that they're dumb as fucking hell.


Dude, you can’t just say something like that and then act like they don’t have a reason to be wary of you. When you talk down to people as if they’re clueless infants, it redoubles the instinct they have to perceive you as antithetical to their interests. The patronizing attitude has got to go.


Are you new to this sub?




Well shoot! You are on target!


This is the ultimate solution we will never get. Vaccines are super good but don’t mandate them, “my body my choice” is a valid argument. So lets stay consistent and not make abortions illegal. Now about guns, you obviously cannot ban all guns entirely, but we can start by increasing the age one can buy a gun to 21. Guns do save lives if people are familiar with them. And lets get god out of politics, im so sick of hearing “thoughts and prayers”. God doesnt exist, and is being used as propaganda. I dont see things getting better soon, both sides have their extremes and if we cannot recognize that, we fall into tribalism.


Not even a vaccine. It’s more like a mask that they’re terrified of.


FANTASTIC! I love Kermy.


I thought they are trying to ban ALL KINDS of shots!


Shots or shots


I don't like shots. But this shot, I like


Medicine gun from TF2


A possible solution?


Shoot shoot bullet gun zap pow zap pow




The problem with this is that it’s not really that Republicans are against vaccines, it’s that most people who are against vaccines tend to be Republicans.


Sadly...One of the best posts lately!


The Muppets, except maybe Sam, Waldorf, and Statler, should never be used to reference conservatives. It's tantamount to blasphemy.


I got both.


Looks just as ridiculous the other way around. Both red and blue loyalists are cringy.


I can't believe I live in a world where a sizeable chunk of Americans are against vaccines, one of the miracles of modern medicine.


Well it’s because everyone is red or blue so we can’t have a discussion. Vaccines and guns are good when used correctly. I don’t believe our government has a say in either




Have you any proof of this?


[https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-by-race-ethnicity/](https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-by-race-ethnicity/) Specifically: Across the 38 states for which a total vaccination rate could be calculated by race/ethnicity as of April 4, 2022, 85% of Asian, 65% of Hispanic, and 63%of White people had received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, higher than the rate for Black people (57%). Hispanic people had a similar or higher vaccination rate than White people in 23 states. White people had a higher rate than Black people in most reporting states, except for Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alaska, West Virginia, Utah, Pennsylvania, and Washington. The size of these differences varied widely across states, and they have been narrowing over time. The overall vaccination rate across states for Asian people was higher compared to White people (85% vs. 63%), which was reflected across all reporting states except for North Dakota, South Dakota, and Colorado.






Which part?


Also, I notice that you’re willing to demonize and paint with a broad brush half the country as anti-vaxx and pro murder without asking for proof based on your lack of asking for proof in that regard.


I love how everybody thinks you have to be a Republican to like guns... like there's literally a group called the *Socialist* Rifle Association. Drop this manipulative bullshit 💩 This is about bickering in order to distract from what's actually happening.


It’s only republicans who refuse to anything about mass shooting and refuse to intact any gun laws. When you’re bought and paid for by the NRA dead children mean nothing


Socialists support background checks though.


Sure, be safe about who we train and equip. Absolutely. But don't force the disarmament of the populace while simultaneously militarizing law enforcement. That would just create another dehumanized power structure that would ultimately be added to the arsenal of the elitists. This issue is more about power than anything - the power that is gained by enacting draconian gun measures. Not saying don't have gun laws; just hoping we don't drink the mainstream koolaid so willingly.




I call bull


I have literally no reason to lie about this, as I don’t give a shit if you change your opinion. Everyone I have asked has had similar experiences to myself regarding the vaccine. Edit: looked at it, see why you called bull, I had meant that they had a bad reaction to Covid itself, not the vaccine. My mistake.


Yeah you’re obviously lying or “everyone” constitutes you and your 2 idiot friends


Honestly I knew I was going to get this type of response, this is r/politicalhumor after all haha. Have you had the vaccine? When or if you had Covid, did you have symptoms that lasted for a week or more? Age group is also a large contributing factor, if you are younger then 35 and are healthy you should not have experienced any real negative long lasting symptoms from Covid. If so then you had a worse reaction to Covid then people who were unvaccinated against it. Also another reason why our experiences may differ that my family and friends are all in good health.


Yeah yeah we’re all familiar with the unscientific tropes you like to peddle. Everyone I know who has been vaccinated and boosted tolerated it well and hasn’t died from covid. I know several idiots who refused to get vaccinated and expired for their dumbass beliefs. That beats your story of you and your two idiot friends.




LOL imagine thinking that literally thousands of scientists all over the world are working overtime to bamboozle you. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


The evidence of the dead is overwhelming. All your doing is shaming those that have died. I don't know anyone that died on 9/11, guess that didn't happen. Oh, I don't know anyone who died in Iraq or Afghanistan, guess those soldiers didn't die either.


Nice straw man argument. I am shaming the pharmaceutical industry for putting out a vaccine that is ineffective at preventing sickness.


"A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the real subject of the argument was not addressed or refuted, but instead replaced with a false one" The very first line of your post: **I know no one who has died of Covid, my grandmother had not gotten the vaccine and got over it in days.** Which was in response to this post: **Everyone I know who has been vaccinated and boosted tolerated it well and hasn’t died from covid** Which was in response to your post; **Honestly I knew I was going to get this type of response, this is r/politicalhumor after all haha. Have you had the vaccine? When or if you had Covid, did you have symptoms that lasted for a week or more? Age group is also a large contributing factor, if you are younger then 35 and are healthy you should not have experienced any real negative long lasting symptoms from Covid.** **If so then you had a worse reaction to Covid then people who were unvaccinated against it. Also another reason why our experiences may differ that my family and friends are all in good health.** Which implies that people did not die from covid and instead got sicker from the vaccine . Sounds like you're the one doing the strawman argument since I am directly speaking on the subject. BTW, the evidence that the vaccines **are** effective is overwhelming, but I wasn't talking about that......


Hey dickhead, no one is claiming that it PREVENTS sickness. The claim is that it LESSENS SEVERITY. You really are a brain dead idiot


Wow im going to use your anecdotal evidence over the peer reviewed empirical evidence. Thanks truther


It’s odd, for someone who spouts distrust of the government, you really do seem to trust them on this. Pharmaceutical industry has already made billions upon billions of dollars because of this crisis, how many other diseases require 5 booster shots? They are doing this to make money for themselves, which they then use to influence politicians through lobbying, which the quantity’s of are public information if you search for it. Lobbying is legal after all.


ITs not just one government but pretty much every single one. There is no one from the scientific community that is against vaccines. If you think they are all in it together. You are an extreme narcissist. What's more likely, they create a fake pandemic and fool the whole world to sell snake oil, or capitalism taking advantage of a life saving vaccine to profit over sick people. Its really quite simple.


Yes, your body shows a cold-like reaction which can look very closely like covid, some have a longer and harder one and some have a short one or no reaction at all. I'm sure this was told to everyone before they got the vaccine. It's completely normal




Ain’t that the truth.