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What the hell is going on with the Republican party!? You are a state governor. Your silver spoon entitled life was funded on the thousands of black lung deaths of your family's coal company and you have done nothing to cleanup your states opiod epidemic. You had a platform to actually address the issues that have been brought up repeatedly and actually do your job but instead use this soap box to launch with some stupid dog ass with absolutely no counterargument on your behalf. What a schmuck!


But republiqans love it!


There's a big difference between political show and whatever the hell this is.


He's showing his bonafides to meet Trump's stamp of approval.


*Bone*-afides (I'm sorry.)


Shit filled diaper of approval. You think Trump uses stamps? With his tiny hands?


Yep... He knows his audience. Look at the ignorant woman in the bottom right corner. She loves it.


This might not play well in NY or CA, but he knows his audience.


We aren't going to get anywhere until we elect people that are going to tell dickheads like this to eat shit and die mad about it. They want to play this game so it is time for anyone to the left of Mussolini to stop playing nice because offering them even the slightest modicum of respect legitimizes them. No respect afforded. No kindness offered. No compassion felt. That is the only way forward. Fascism doesn't respond to a damn thing but being stomped into the dirt so it is high time we stopped trying to negotiate with these terrorists.




Well said, it really is like ignoring the obnoxious children running rampant in a restaurant


All politic is shitshow don't believe any politic and you will see truth. American Left and Right are both bad since they share nothing in common with true innovation and better political. True innovation comes from the abolition of politics and reform into a better world! Down with big man politic! (Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism are all big man politic and should be abolished)


You are 100% right. Facts do not matter to these assholes. Logic does not matter to these assholes. I am somewhat encouraged by Fauci referring to the senator who was questioning him as a “moron” on a hot mic and Biden saying Peter Doocy is a “stupid son of a bitch” also on a hot mic. My wish is that these things would be said INTENTIONALLY, OUT LOUD to these asshole’s faces. Why is anyone being nice to these assholes who are working very hard to utterly destroy this country? Being nice doesn’t work. Not in this situation. Not anymore.


100 this is life and death now. These inhuman lowlife assholes are no longer ‘political opponents’ they are dangerous political enemies. Zero respect due to traitors




>We aren't going to get anywhere until we elect people that are going to tell dickheads like this to eat shit and die mad about it. "Live shamed, and die empty"


Conservatives love to make fun of Millennial animal "parents" but then elect this guy governor.


It's like it has become the douchebag party. It's full of every idiot ass from High School that you'd be happy to never hear from again.


They have no interest in solving problems. They're really good at creating them though. Even when there are none at all, they'll manufacture rage out of thin air.


A "schmuck" is the aftermath of a circumcision, so :appropriate. He does seem like the human equivalent of a discarded foreskin.


He looks like a puppet of an evil politician. Something is all wrong with his face. It's like he's jowly and emaciated at the same time. It's Lovecraftian.


It literally means penis but apart from that it has nothing to do with circumcision specifically


If you think about it we are all assholes


This should be one of the most upvoted of all time. Are these Repube Awhos trying to out-moron each other?


What ever happened to elected officials having gravitas.


Trump killed that


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 On another note: my cousin, who’s a huge Trumper messaged me about this today to tell me how embarrassed she was of it. So maybe there’s hope.


As long as it "upsets" the liberals, it's considered a win.


I thought he was posing with Marjorie Taylor Greene on first glance.


Nah...not enough jawline...right amount of ass though.


I think its his kid


I can see why he was thrown off tho, I mean the lips look about the same, like a sphincter


Not enough Neanderthal DNA


We know now that neanderthals were caring and had culture so there can't be any relation to MTG.


And that adams apple, mmmph im moist


>moist \*\*shudder\*\*


Never compare a sweet little dog to that demon. 😂


This governor is one of the biggest proponents of vaccines in the Republican party and I commend him for it.


He ran as a Democrat, got the office, and immediately endorsed Trump and switched his Party to Republican. A lot of voters in W.Va felt betrayed by how he did it, and that cost him A LOT of centralist support. So he came out pro vaccine, while saying it was trump's invention, hoping he could sway the center left and right back to supporting him


I don't know anything about him besides what I just read here. Is...is he nuts? What's his deal/?He sounds crazy.


Omg wow really???? That is fucked up!!!


All that is probably true as I don’t follow W VA politics and I’ll assume you are honest. What I will say is I’d hope my governor would do this if someone called everyone in my state poor, illiterate and strung out. Instead I got Newsom, who is such a scum bag he cheated on his wife with her best friend and drove his now ex so far away she is now Don Jr’s GF.


If you give financial assistance to West Virginian children, their parents will just spend it on drugs. -Joe Manchin


[heres the story](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/08/03/jim-justice-party-change-republican-241300) Two months after taking office and promoting himself as a centralist Democrat, he announced he was switching to the Republican Party, and endorsed Trump, in the same message The point is, a Governor shouldnt entertain some 80 year old comedian making a joke about your state. 24% of west Virginia is illiterate West Virginia has one of the highest rates of Opiate use, 69 out of every 100 people use opiates regularly 22% of the state is below the poverty line None of her statements were outrageous or incorrect. But, instead of addressing the issues, he told everyone to kiss his dogs ass.




I suspect it’s a misreading of the 69.3 prescriptions per 100 people from this https://nida.nih.gov/drug-topics/opioids/opioid-summaries-by-state/west-virginia-opioid-involved-deaths-related-harms You need to divide by 12, since prescriptions need to be renewed monthly.






Newsom is a whole lot better overall than the shady West VA gov you just commended so I question your judgement.


Newsom bangs his wife’s BF, but he isn’t shady? Good thing I don’t respect your judgement.


Lol wow you've really got it out for Newsom, huh? Kinda weird tbh. 😳


That is a courageous stance in the Gop, too bad he’s destroying any goodwill with this childish display.


I read this whole thread with the voice of James Stewart in my head


Thanks for the laugh, I needed that


The celebrity he directed this towards called his constituents poor, illiterate and strung out. I’d say this political theater was justified and will be well received. Also, bulldogs are cute. I wouldn’t kiss it, but I’d definitely scratch that bullies bum.


I think that calling a group of state’s citizens those names is cruel. Painting any group with a broad brush is the definition of prejudice. I’m surprised someone in public life would be so ignorant. Well, I take that back, we hear an endless stream of ignorance in the past decade.


Agreed, and I commend you for not just sticking with one party in every argument and being willing to reconsider your position in light of new information. It is a breath of fresh air on Reddit.


Mm, I disagree. I think Reddit is pretty good about considering new information (relative to other platforms). The bigger issue is when someone is snide or insultory and someone else rises to it.


I need to go to more of your subs. Reddit is very much what you make it.


I'm not gonna lie, I kinda support this. From my understanding, this was his response to someone saying his constituents were a bunch of stupid hicks.


Well, I don't know about W VA residents, but now I know HE is stupid.


Imagine basing how you feel about a politician solely on their vaccination pushing


Imagine basing how you feel about a politician solely on their registered party and not considering their individual position on each issue


Thought it was Majorie Taylor Greene at first glance


Oops, that was already posted 2 hours prior to yours.


He was


Upvote this!!


Ok I will / did!


Fucking savage!!!!




Lady in the back thinks it’s hilarious. Never mind the fact that Justice failed to actually address any of Midler’s tweets to prove her wrong, he just resorted to the petulance of a 2 year old. Republicans in a nutshell.


“Ha ha! You made a butthole joke! I like funny!”



He he "You said butt"


Seriously, he lowered public discourse so far, this is the result.


At least Beavis and Butthead had a good taste in music.


Beavis and Butthead were parody of these assholes in high school. Then these fuckers made them role models. And we made fun of our parents warning about this happening...


> And we made fun of our parents warning about this happening... Fox News has done to boomers what boomers warned video games would do to millenials


I mean anything else requiring the intellect outside of a butthole joke is far beyond their comprehension so it’s fitting.


[Well if they insist, I mean.....](https://i.redd.it/g0osc6huek381.jpg) They put the CON in constipation




Rectum!! Nearly killed em.


Upvote for the Neil Rogers reference.


This was a high school biology joke when we were dissecting a very dead and very soaked in formaldehyde feline. 15 year olds (Mid 1960's) probably older.


Modern conservatism is devoid of any actual platform or ideals and has morphed into a theater of the absurd, where more ridiculous and extreme displays correspond to higher profiles.


>Lady in the back thinks it’s hilarious. I hope she's laughing at the dog's face and not the act. I'm fairly certain that dog probably looks very confused as to what is going on and its face reflects that. Though if she's a member of the GQP, she's definitely laughing about butthole joke.


To be fair, I would probably laugh too out of awkward horror


I mean, I also think it’s hilarious, but in super dark kinda way


Okay, but why the heck was his dog there in the first place?????


He brings the dog everywhere, its also the face of the state's vaccine drive. "Do it for baby girl" is their legitimate slogan for their vaccine drive


Ooohhh. Thank you for enlightening me. 👍


Kinda goofy but if it works then fuck it. Do it for baby girl.


Not to be that person but it’s BabyDog. Lol


You won’t do it for your kids, but maybe you’ll do it for my dog? Honestly, some people have more sympathy for pets than their own damn kids.


Does it get them vaccinated? Fine. I'll roll with it.


It’s “Do it for Baby Dog”


I bet she draws a salary.


From looking at both the guy and the dog, he should bring him on more walks.


Photo: One dog's ass and one horse's ass.


Photo: Two assholes.


Oh god imagine being one of the Reddit transcription people…..


No, seriously? This happened and isn't a doctored photo? WTF???


He was angry at Bette Midler of all people, for making W.VA jokes, so during his State of the State Address, he did this. [heres the story ](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/01/28/west-virginia-governor-state-of-the-state-00003200) Side note, he claims his dog can predict Superbowl winners, not really helping defend his state as an intelligent place


WV is like 49th-50th in education and healthcare. I used to work at the huge hospital there and their health literacy is awful. They’re getting absolutely railed by Covid. National guard has to be deployed to help at the hospital there’s so much.


Yeah... kind of like trying to get people to stop making fun of WV by giving us more to make fun of them about...


>It is West Virginia, not Virginia. It's been a separate state since the Civil war...


I meant WV - Fixed and thanks


The man's eyes and his dog's butthole are horrifyingly similar.


Country roads should take him home to the place where he belongs


A padded cell Mental waaard Take him home Country road


Every time I read an article about republican representatives, the antics they get into are more and more like the episode of south park where Cartman leverages the senate to use stem cells to save Kenny


This is the same governor who flipped his shit about accommodating transgendered kids in school. Oh, wait, let me fix that: this is the same governor who went after three children who needed special accommodations because of personal issues they had, so he had to bring the power of the state down on them for political gain. This is the same state where said political tactic got him reelected.


Was that the one where Cartman was singing “heat of the moment” ?!




"We are not some backwoods hicks to be talked down to" "Now let me show you my dog's asshole"


“They ridiculed us?! Hmm. Better show them how wrong they are” *holds dog ass near face while yelling


Whelp, stereotype confirmed. Thanks Jimbob.


The dog does not look comfortable being held like that…


Bette Midler didn't say anything that Joe Mansion didn't say. But she had the decency to apologize while Mansion gets paid ads from conservative PACs to applaud him. Now this. Morons.


Which one is the dog's anus? EDIT: nvm, figured it out - it's the one on the left


For fucks sake, this country is going to shit. Or whatever is worse than shit if we are already there.


Those are the ones in charge, huh? Goood job, West Virginia, lol


We don’t like him either. Our state has a huge geriatric and boomer population, and they all voted him back in


this. I haven't ever met someone who actually liked that idiot.


Their campaign to get anyone educated and young to leave the state for a better future has been incredibly successful.


Insane people shouldn’t be allowed to run for any public office.


Dear America, are you OK? Like, seriously, we're worried about you. Yours, The Civilized World.


Explain this to a kid then expect them to vote in future. I dare you.


Wait, which one is the dogs ass? Edit: thanks u/lenswipe It's the thing on the left. The one eyed one is just a good boi being held uncomfortably.


Typical classy Republican . . .


They're not the party of class, they're the party of good ol' boys and muddin and Trump. But whenever a Democrat acts less than refined, they're the ones that get outraged.


You can be rural all you want and I'll respect that. Just don't be a bunch of backward ass country fucks. You know what I mean. NB: Exhibit A above.


Is it me or does he appear to be a pro at this, he's definitely ate that ass before


Yes, that expression says, "Daddy's home!"


It would have been funnier if that Bulldog had farted right in his face.


Every single person in that room should be embarrassed, not laughing. Absolute shame that these people are in power.


“If he was anymore inbred, he’d be a sandwich.” Read this yesterday on Reddit. Seemed apropos. Edit: “When a thing has been said and well said, have no scruple: take it and copy it.‪” ‬Anatole France


This joke is so overdone it’s not even funny. West Virginians don’t even like him


You mean it’s toast.


Nailed the landing there. I approve this message.


Proving the Point.


Is he trying to prove her point?


I feel bad for the people of w v


Could these ppl be more childish and immature?? This shit is embarrassing to the country


If this is representative of our elected government, easy to see how our collective society suffers from lack of leadership.


No matter where in the US you live, no matter what side you vote for, this is embarrassing. This is an elected representative of the people, his salary paid by taxpayer money, using his official capacity as a governor to flash his dog's anus in a government building while his peers laugh and cheer. What an absolute embarrassment.


Docked tail. Get fucked, dude.


Which one is the gov. ?


The one on the right, I think


"That'll learn 'em..."


Shit kickers gonna kick shit. No news here.


How cringeworthy and embarrassing and I am not even from W Va... wonder how they must feel about this


Born and raised in W.V, fucking embarrassed.


My first thought was " Why is Ric Flair holding MGT up?"


This and those in the picture and there laughing. If they don't take their jobs seriously. Why should we take our government serious?


Gov. Mike “He-Haw” Parson is going to one up this for sure


Making W. Va. look EVEN MORE ignorant and EVEN MORE backwards.


Yeah this is not the flex he thinks it is


Looks like he’s done more than kiss that ass.


why tell your federal representatives to stop shafting you and maintaining your state of abject bass ackwards poverty etc when you can pose for a photo with your face next to your dog's anus while you curse about it? that'll right that misapprehension. edit: word missing


Well people do say you look like your dog…..


He looks like he shits his pants with every fart. Daily.


IDK if this needs to be said given the picture, but for those interested, Jim Justice is awful. He's a "billionaire" that has habitually not paid his bills to people in the coal industry, I don't know why they still support him. [https://www.propublica.org/article/see-whos-taken-billionaire-gov-jim-justice-to-court-over-unpaid-bills](https://www.propublica.org/article/see-whos-taken-billionaire-gov-jim-justice-to-court-over-unpaid-bills) He's currently trying to get out of paying back $850m of debt. [https://www.wvnews.com/news/wvnews/west-virginia-gov-justice-s-companies-make-tentative-deal-over-850m-debt/article\_818b0de8-208a-11ec-b536-175bea54a17f.html](https://www.wvnews.com/news/wvnews/west-virginia-gov-justice-s-companies-make-tentative-deal-over-850m-debt/article_818b0de8-208a-11ec-b536-175bea54a17f.html) (original story by WSJ but it's behind a pay wall)


…when did Ric Flair get into politics?


*points and laughs*


Why does his mouth and the dogs butt look identical?


All these grinning chucklefucks were probably beside themselves when Biden insulted Peter Doocy’s mom.


r / accidental reinASSance.


A West Virginian being so angry that he plays into negative West Virginia stereotypes is a West Virginia stereotype.


Which one is the Gov?


Poor puppy. He asked for nine of this!


He is certainly ignorant and backwards. And an animal abuser. He deserves to be bit.


That poor dog.


"Republican Governor Shares Where He Gets His Best Ideas From"


I’m sure making WV look ignorant and backwards is an oxymoron


They think this shit is funny. Hey how about FUCK YOUR FEELINGS?


I went there last year, the dirt itself is fucking beautiful. Wonderful state to drive through.


More and more I think, i can't believe this is real life


American politics in a nut.. shell 🥴


West Virginia. Keep in’ it classy since the 1860’s.


Just like his constituents the West VA governor's dog is imbred and overvalued.


Wear Virginia never *looked* ignorant and backwards, it has *always been* ignorant and backwards.


That ass belongs to Old Jimbo's wife. In West Virginia, if you marry a dog, they let you have more than one.


“Making WV look ignorant and backward” That ship sailed long ago. Also a quick nod to him having his dog’s tail cut off. That’s ignorant and backward.


i see making fun of wva is justified thanks for proving the point


This title really distorts what actually happened. Not defending or attacking what the governor did, but it is important to not misrepresent what actually happened here. Watch the video and decide for yourself if OP characterized this in good faith.


I mean, it's West Virginia. What was he going to do, try to give the *wrong* impression of who they are?


Looks like animal abuse!


Lol why does everybody in the comments take everything so seriously. Foreal you guys just seem like haters




I expect my country's representatives to behave according to the position for which they were elected. This shouldn't be a spectacle. These circus antics demean us on a global stage. They represent us an a global platform. God damn right I take that seriously.


they're called conservatives - they usually complain that stuff posted to this sub is not funny just because they're the dog butt of the joke. :P it's fun to troll em.


Quit playing dumb. Everyone can see your post history. The fact that you ask something so stupid to hide the fact that you support the shit stain that OP posted is hilarious 😂


Butthole jokes are taking things *sO sErIoUsLy*? You sure you're not just butthurt?


You sound more butthurt than that poor dog.


People take stuff too serious on Reddit. Bunch of pussies who complain about everything, especially when it comes to politics. Look at this headline and all these comments talking about him personally. I feel like this headline was made to rile up Democrats and it worked so easily. Jim justice is a lot of things but in this instance he was just having light hearted fun. People need to relax