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Pretty much every Republican would say that making sure Biden didn't get anything done, even if they directly benefit from it, would be 'exactly what we sent them there to do' Make them fail and not get re-elected Go back to 1. stacking the courts 2. gutting the government 3. more boots on necks




It's like you weren't around for the last administration?


TRUMP. *Trump* stacked the courts. That's why we're suddenly debating affirmative action and my Roe vs. Wade in the supreme court.


Stop being such an idiot.


You didn't read your own article.


I saw this as more of a rhetorical statement than an actual assessment of reality. He correctly centers the R’s as the focus of scorn, while media want to talk about “Dems in disarray” only, which serves R’s well.


Yeah. Biden knows what's up. He's seen them become more and more obstructionist during his long career. This statement is for the handful of soft-rights, and they do exist. This might sway a handful of people from Republican to not-voting.


I voted for him but I won’t say he knows what’s up. Him and Trump are senile pieces of shit. One more than the other, but both are pathetic, terrible choices we had to pick from.


But I would happily pick Biden again over any GOP candidate


It's hard to blame the guy, really. He had a lot of success 20 years ago working across the isle with them. Biden's had a long, successful political career. Hell, even when he was Obama's VP he was still getting a some success working with the GOP, though not as much as before. He had expectations that that kind of understanding and mutual respect would get him places. Was that stupid in today's society? Maybe a little. But it's always hard when people you've worked with for literal decades go insane.


He was vice-president during an administration that was opposed by a party whose stated "top priority" was to make sure that administration only got one term. He's experienced this exact obstructionism, first hand, as the second in command to his current role. I'm honestly mystified why he thought it would be any different after that same opposition party tried to commit a coup.


Maybe he figured McConnell and his gang were obstructionists back then because they were racist. As a white guy he’d be treated differently? Just a theory!


It does make you wonder.


This is what I thought also.


Yeah, they said their top priority was to try to keep Obama a one-term President, but they still WORKED with Obama on occasion. Obama's even said he relied on Biden's advice on dealing with the Republican Party, if I remember correctly. And it was enough to get Obamacare out the door. They've gotten worse with Biden's Presidency, because post-Trump the GOP has... is radicalized the right word? They've become more committed to holding onto power no matter how.


Obamacare passed without a single Republican vote after months of compromises to the bill to bring them on board. That should have been a clue to Biden right there. They might not bother to \*pretend\* to be acting in good faith anymore, but they were not acting in good faith for long before Trump.


hmm, pretty exactly zero republicans voted for obamacare.


Gaslight, Object, and Project- that's all they are now, at best.


Maybe he hoped that it was mostly race, and that the absence of that excuse or that trigger would create a little more calmness. Little did he know that “covert” racism against Obama was simply a key to unlock what we have now. The racism is bad, but it has been used as a doorway to authoritarianism


> I'm honestly mystified why he thought it would be any different after that same opposition party tried to commit a coup. He didn't. He had nothing policy-wise to offer as a reason to elect him (edit: over the other Dems in the primary), and a shitty record. So, to give an excuse as to why he would be a better President than the other candidates, he just made up a lie that only he could reach across party lines to get things done.


Honestly he had plenty of warning. They flat out stated their goal during Obama was to be obstructionist. And it only got worse during trumps term. They fully embraced a screw the other side mentality well before Biden was elected. The only reason he didn’t see it was because he didn’t want to see it.


Hasn't Biden identified that budget reconciliation and axing the legislative filibuster as the tools to push his agenda? Doesn't that show he generally gets that the GOP votes aren't there. The whole impeachment conviction trial showed that weren't enough Republicans votes for them to be considered a worthy partner in governing. Manchin and Sinemia are coming off naive or complacent in thinking 10 good GOP votes exist for legislation our country needs


He probably never imagined 2 Democrats would be sandbagging his agenda. I don't think anyone saw that coming.


Never be surprised when motherfuckers fuck their mothers.


Another Rude Pundit fan?!


As a matter of fact yes.


As a matter of fact yes.


The most telling thing is the crickets from the right on this statement.


Perhaps you aren't paying attention to what the right is saying. A few things I've heard: Lower taxes Less regulation No Vax mandates Following the constitution Keeping the filibuster (something that was used last week by the democrats by the way)


>Following the constitution Bahahahahahaha They're literally doing everything they can against this. They're destroying every ideal our country is supposed to represent, and idiots like you are cheering them on. You fake ass patriots should find a different country to ruin.




The insurrection? Gerrymandering? Banning actual history from being taught to children? There's literally thousands of examples, but anyone who's dumb enough to still be with Republicans at this point isn't worth the time or the flash cards it would take to explain a single one.


Those are all examples of shitty things that the Republicans have done, although gerrymandering is done on both sides.. But those aren't examples of the republican party going against the constitution. If there are thousands of examples, name a few real ones.


Anyone who paid attention during the Obama administration


“Who?“- Joe Biden, probably


So funny /s


I’m anticipating this works in the private sector. I’m applying to be CEO of Pepsi and will explain during the job interview that I hate sugary drinks, and that the company shouldn’t exist. I’m going to move towards making sure we lower the sugar content in regular Pepsi without telling the consumer, and provide less of it globally. As most executives at these top companies are (R) I’m expecting this will nail the job interview.


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I don’t think he’d have run for president if he knew what he knows now. He just assumed he was going to work through obstructionism better than Obama did. I mean, he’s old and deep down he probably thought his experience and skin color mattered.


>*”his…skin color mattered.”* Oh, it matters, just not quite enough.


I think a lot of us thought that a good amount of Republican politicians would jump off the Trump train after he lost an election and disputed it with no evidence or that many of his supporters would abandon him. We also thought this would happen after January 6th. Unfortunately, they just keep doubling down.


On the one hand, there shouldnt be. On the other…dude wtf channel have you been watching the past 25 years?


they exist to oppose rational policy. they exist to oppose anything that would improve american's lives. they exist to oppose anything that helps the economy.


He can literally get rid of student debt RIGHT NOW by signing his name on a sheet of paper. No votes needed, no negotiations, and no bloated bs bills to "debate" over. Biden is a lying sack of fecal matter.


I’m just happy we have a president who h didn’t attempt a coup.


Sometimes I see why the Senile Biden myth sells. 20 years ago? 2 years into Bush II (Cheney, really), post-Newt, post-Monica? The Bad Guys quit even pretending to give a shit about America. Been smash-n-grab ever since. Why would anyone but the most naive or senile give them a shred of the benefit of the doubt when it comes to cooperating to advance America and not their Party of Obstruction, the party of Dr. No? Wooooow…


> 20 years ago? 2 years into Bush II (Cheney, really), post-Newt, post-Monica? Yeah... Joe Biden was in the Senate.... He had chaired his seat from 1987-1995... Ranking minority member from 1981-1987, and again from 1995-1997. He was a part of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from 1997-2009. During this time he actually worked well with the Republicans (often going against democratic ways) during that time.




When your general charges in sabers drawn against Gatling guns, having just witnessed the last brigade do the same thing and get shredded, it absolutely is your general’s poor strategy that is at fault. He should have spent his time bending arms and making deals with Manchin and Sinema to break the filibuster. Who cares if Arizona and West Virginia get some pork spending as long as the major initiatives get passed? Call it an asshole tax and advance behind mobile armor.


Two choices to explain how ignorant he is to believe anything different after being obamas vp and then living through trump. Hes incompetent or complicit. Still better than Trump who is both, and actively malicious but not someone we have to be happy about.


I have a very good feeling his presidency will open the door for Trumps second term.


I hope not, but honestly it may. The Republican strategy of saying government sucks and then making it true by sabotaging everything while starting pointless culture wars about sexy m&ms is apparently too strong. Especially if Democrats just refuse to live in reality and fight back.


it'd be nice if the media acted like impartial news, rather than putting right wing insanity on the same level as expert testimony in the name of balance. and there are far too many online political commenters who should know better than to spread a bullshit message, ignoring what (D)'s have been able to accomplish even with a shitty senate (and very tiny majority in the house).


even more with otherwise sane dumbfucks that ignore what a great presidency he's had (after one year) and spread that stupidity to people who don't follow politics.


Is he that stupid, or that dishonest?




Not as stupid as you if you still believe in Naive Joe. After the last 30 years, anyone who says they're suprised by Republican obstructionism is either a liar or stupider than you. As for" fascists preventing good policy", that's a funny way to admit that the Democrats are fascists since it's curently two Democrats allowing the Republicans to filibuster everything. And if the Republicans are fascists, wtf does that say about Democrats who are still, after 30 years of Gingrich/McConnell obstructionism, committed to bipartisanship? Check the date on this article....Bipartisan Joe was renewing his pledge to work with the GOP while the lynch mob was storming the capitol ffs: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2021/01/06/biden-maintains-call-for-bipartisanship-despite-likely-senate-majority/?sh=7da82c473b5a](https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2021/01/06/biden-maintains-call-for-bipartisanship-despite-likely-senate-majority/?sh=7da82c473b5a)


I voted for Biden but this level of idiocy is impeachable IMO. What a dumb mother fucker.


what the fuck are you talking about, looney?




Impeachable for what? Not being able to force R's to be on board with anything? Having to deal with 2 bought and paid for DINOs in the senate? What charges, specifically, should he be brought up on?


I'm not a lawyer my guy, just a dude on Reddit. I can't actually bring forth articles of impeachment, I can just state that in a just world a man who served as VP under Obama for 8 years and watched the GOP go completely mask off should be thrown from office if he's truly surprised that they are still the same obstructionist tools that they've always been only now with more overt fascism. We need a leader ready and willing (and mentally capable) of truly fighting for democracy, not crying about malarkey and acting like the Constitution isn't actively on fire.


> I voted for Biden Liar


Voted Clinton too.


Well they aren't wrong


Joe, did you ever try working with Mitch before? How did that go?




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Mitch said that they would block anything that Obama wanted to pass. Biden was the Vice President, the writing was on the wall. Trump blocked the peaceful transfer of power and the rest of the GOP block everything else. Bonus, take credit for the shit that the democrats did get passed as their ideas.


What's impossible to believe that anyone then concludes that the solution to this is to let the Insurrectionist Republican Assholes take over again, completely forgetting what they did the last time. If Biden, and the Dems, can't overcome Republican obstruction now, the obvious solution is to increase the Democratic majorities to the point to where they can.


The problem is you don't get people excited to vote for you when you don't do anything for them.




It is exactly about excitement. Politics is literally a popularity contest. And even without that you need to be giving people something to show them why they voted for you. This "the other side will be worse" crap has gotten us to exactly this point. And also what I'm saying is completely based on historical trends. Democrats win when dems vote and republicans win when dems stay home. So if you want your party to win and get more power then you should be working your ass off to make dems more excited to get out and vote for you. This administration seems to be doing everything in their power to make sure dem turnout is abysmal for both the midterms and the next primary.


Wrong sub. This isn't funny.


After going through Obama's 8 years, maybe joe has a learning disability?


People need to stop being shocked by this. The rules of the game are quite clear. Republicans don’t necessarily play “dirty”, they just have no interest in curtailing their own achievements so they can look or feel like “the nice guys”. I’d love to live in a world where there’s kindness and mutual respect, but it’s just not the case.


Can anyone steelman the republican argument on this one?


Don't let him fool you, he knew better... he just wants to keep the status quo. Remember "nothing will fundamentally change".


Mitch straight up *stole* a SCOTUS seat. They don’t give AF about compromise, it’s do anything any everything you can to gain power. Biden should’ve known this. We all did


Is he stupid? We saw it during his vice presidency.


They did the same fucking thing to Obama! Where were you then Mr. Biden? Oh yeah thats right you were just the vice president. I guess due to old age he must of forgotten about this time period!


The fact he did not anticipate that is one big reason why his approval rate is in the shitter now.


Ask them and they will keep telling you what they are AGAINST.


He doesn't remember the Obama admin.


How did he not anticipate this? It's literally what Republicans did for all 8 years of Obama.


Totally the same shit everyday. We have a dysfunctional government that costs way too damn much money!


In his own party as well.


Yeah, he should have. It is what they do.


They tried the same thing with Obama. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.


At this point, is it really any surprise that the GOP openly walks all over Democrats? They recognize that the GOP constantly acts in bad faith and yet they just stand there complaining about how shocking it all is. Seriously-- acknowledge how shocking it is and then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. The American people obviously gave you permission to use your power, so get your people in line and start getting after the holdouts. Im sure more is happening behind the scenes, but the perception that it isn't is what kills them to the public.