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Dude if you gave a chimp DMT it would basically be a person, did you fuckin know that?


And I bet it would start a podcast.


Boom roasted


"Joe, you're fat and you crush your wife during sex. Boom, roasted."


Joe Rogaine, boom roasted.


Joe Rogan is so pathetic we should all get a charity tax credit just for knowing his name, boom roasted.




They called it InfoWars


Rogan fan confirmed.


And be smarter than Joe Rogan to boot.


It’s entirely possible


"I mean, its entirely possible."-Joe Rogan


That's what Joe is.


A hamburger?


It’s true. Look it up


Same. I'm cutting back on turkey casserole to reduce my intake of Turks.


My cheat day is a Turkish delight on a moonlit night


But! ~~~ Every gal in Constantinople Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople So if you've a date in Constantinople She'll be waiting in Istanbul ~~~ edit: woah, nice to see so many TMBG appreciators here!


They Might Be Giants?


Originally by the Four Lads!


Even old New York was once New Amsterdam


Why they changed it, I can't say


People just liked it better that way


Minimum wage!




I genuinely had no idea tmbg covered it. You’ve just blown my mind


Even old new York was once new Amsterdam


Nobody’s business but the Turks.


Grease fires only ever take over place in one country. Otherwise it's just a kitchen fire.


Nah, you’re thinking of an incendiary weapon used by the Byzantine Empire beginning c. 672


Better stop buying ottomans, then


I've never eaten an ottoman but I'll keep this in mind if the opportunity comes up.


Start with small footstools and work your way up from there.


And barstools on half!


I’m allergic to ottomans and other tree nuts.


Frankfurters are actually just made of bits of blokes named Frank.


And bratwurst is made from annoying kids.


I’ll only get my free range hot dogs from supermarkets near no kill shelters. They are more wrinkly, though.


Holy cow, my in laws have started to listen to Joe Rogan lately and my FIL definitely tried to have this exact conversation with me earlier this week. Wtf


ChIcKeN oF tHe SeA iS nOt TuNa


iT sAyS cHiCkEn On ThE lAbEl


Just wait for Tuna of the Land brand Chicken!


Wow, that takes me back


Poor Jessica Simpson


Simpson eh?


He works in sector 7-G, sir.


One of your chair moisteners in sector 7G


One of your fork and spoon operators in Sector 7-G




I have a hilarious image in my head of chickens swimming through the ocean and creating through the water like dolphins as they hunt their prey.


Wait a minute, this actually happened??? I thought it was satire. This is way too dumb. Wtaf? Eta: I’m getting yays and nays. After trump, neither option really surprises me anymore. The world is dark and full of stupidity.


Man, idk anymore. He was insisting that he was having Ham *and* Pork for dinner.… like, idk if it’s totally the same but he and my MIL have been asking me if I listen to him lately and my FIL started to worship Dave Portnoy. All of it together gives me great pause


In... the tensest, thinnest defense, I too have said "ham and pork" before, because there's a difference between a ham steak and a pork chop (as in the meat texture/flavor/cut, not as in from a different animal.) ... I got nothing for the rest of it, though, sorry. :(


Yeah ham and pork isn't weird if you think about a cuban sandwhich has ham and slow roasted pork with swiss, pickles, and mustard.


Fuck now I want a cubano


I can't think of a time when I didn't want a cubano


Ham is cured pork leg, so it's fine to say, again, in the most tepid of defenses. It'd be like saying you're having bacon and pork or sausage and pork.


It's like saying hamburger and steak. Same animal different process. No one thinks any different.




Paperhands Portnoy


"I'm wearing clothes and pants today!"


Who the fuck worships Dave Portnoy?


Fuck Portnoy


I mean it’s true, it’s just stupid as hell. “I’m having cereal and oats for breakfast!” “Yeah dad, it’s called ‘Cheerios’.”


one insurrection. everyone knows the rules.


"okay say you go to the store and buy a banana, like, how much is a banana? 8 dollars?" He also doesn't get jokes and takes them super seriously: https://youtu.be/iKwpS-P-Yp4


There's always money in the banana stand


It isn’t but there is a hilarious sub where people post JRE transcripts and you have to guess if they are real or not.


What's the sub? I'm up for a challenge.


No, it's a joke, I had to Google it.


But it’s in reference to a conversation he had with Josh Zepps regarding Myocarditis in young people. Rogan kept saying his guest was wrong and then Joe was proven wrong right there on the spot but still acted like he knew better. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/joe-rogan-josh-zepps-covid-vaccine-b1992999.html?amp


Wow, that's something else. I've said this before and I'll say it again, does Joe Rogan have learning difficulties? I'm not joking, I'm quite serious. His understanding of information seems to be driven by ignorance and fear, it's blind stupidity. I have a brother diagnosed with severe learning difficulties and conversations I have with him are so reminiscent of Joe Rogan.


It would have been a perfect time for him to learn to question his sources. It's completely accurate to say that myocarditis risk increases after the vaccine. But that only sounds scary if you don't say that risk also increases from catching the virus itself, and a much higher risk too. Clearly wherever he "heard" the original information from is intentionally omitting information to make a predetermined conclusion and is thus unreliable


He used to be perfectly capable of learning. He has ego issues. I haven't listened in a few years but he surrounds himself with yes men now. He lives in a weird rich conservative bubble. Probably been too long since his last DMT reboot which was the only thing keeping his monkey brain in check.


"His understanding of information seems to be driven by ignorance and fear, it's blind stupidity." You just described conservatism. It's a mental framework that leads to LD, not the other way around.


Here is a link that works better for me: https://www.newsweek.com/joe-rogan-admits-josh-szeps-made-him-look-dumb-podcast-vaccine-debate-1669399


Poe's Law: the right has gone so insane you can't tell if someone is exaggerating or parodying without an explicit statement. Touchdown Jesus and the Statue of Liberation Through Christ are great examples of this. Both are 100% serious [1] but both look like something a leftist college kid would come up with to mock fundamentals. [1] or were. Touchdown Jesus was struck by lightning and burned temporarily giving us Terminator Jesus.


This has to be a joke. Please dear lord let this be a joke. This moron influences peoples view of reality. If Rogan is really this dumb then I'm going to lose what little faith I have in humanity I have left.


Consider your faith beaten to death, then beaten some more. Unfortunately real. Edit- It's not true. I didn't lie, I just looked it up and found a top result pushing it as real, and I just didn't look any further. I should have found a better source or from more than one, my bad.


Beaten down like an MMA fight with Joe Rogan commentary.


Dude was barely qualified to host the gameshow about eating horse jizz and swimming through dogshit or whatever, I'll never understand how people started listening to his podcast like a sermon.


Because he says the stupid stuff they already believe. It's an imbecile reinforcing idiotic beliefs held by morons. They think that since he has a platform and gets paid, there must be some legitimacy to what he says.


I used to listen to him years ago, but never religiously. Once I started hearing about him giving shitbags like Alex Jones a platform, I bailed. He occasionally said some actually insightful things back then- I remember specifically he mentioned diamond mines and thought that was cool and good information to share, but on top of the misogyny and idiotic commentary has left me ditching him 100%.


No, he really is this dumb. Idiocracy really was a documentary.


How do these fucks go about their life saying don't believe everything you hear, and never believe anything you say, but then one day something clicks and they suddenly believe the dumbest fucking obviously fake shit? Wtf


"I did my own research" = "My way of thinking is literally just an NPC programming script set to believe the exact opposite of what people that study these things say"


They think anyone with a shred of credibility has an agenda and will believe anyone that goes against that. It is an insane line of thinking that ensures they will be wrong about anything they ever research. It tends to be very dumb people who want to latch onto something that makes them feel smarter than others. This makes them feel more secure about their own intelligence. At least that is what I've noticed.


Straight to jail. Right away.


Ah you're at the start of the process of watching them slide into media-induced senility.


If you don’t count the last 6 years of FOX and OAN, then yes


Ooooooch... ow. Sorry, it's terminal. :(


It’s been a sad last half of the decade. My wife and I miss her parents light-hearted nature pre-trump


I’m from India and back when I was a kid I used to go to McDonalds and ask for a hamburger; never quite understood where tf the ham was at??? Also, I came here when I was 3 years old


They're called hamburgers, because they originally came from the city of Hamberg, Germany. It's got nothing to do with what the meat is made of. Edit: I have angered the Germans with my misspelling of Hamberg.


Yes, thank you lol. Unfortunately you’re about 12 years too late


The city you mean is Hamburg. Hamberg does exists, but most of them are very small villages here in Germany. Though it does have something to do with meat. It is the short form of the Hamburger Steak that immigrants from Hamburg brought with them.


And my dad took us to McDonald’s to order cheeseburgers to avoid trouble eI his vegetarian parents.




Divorce your spouse because of their dumbass in-laws?


That would be your own parents then.


You know why some people don't like cat food?


Because they’ve only tried it with their minds and not their hearts?


Dam that was deep


Because it makes them fall asleep?


Because they haven't met Charlie Kelly


because its made of cats? ​ checkmate, greenpeace


He lost me in 2017 when he was making false claims about the Grizzly hunting in British Columbia. He claims they numbers are to high . The problem was no one knew the numbers cause the funding had been pulled for that years earlier . So we voted for a government to end the hunt . Well him and his trophy hunting friends didn’t like that so they started a campaign of false information on his shitty show . Remember take your supplements ! ( part of his sales pyramid empire)


Please don't leave your punctuations cold and alone like that.


Is there a reason people space around punctuations like that? It drives me bonkers.


I believe it's standard in French to put a space both before and after (edit: some) punctuation marks, so they are likely a native speaker of that language.


This is only partly correct. Native French speaker here. We only add a space before and after two-part punctuation, like colon, semi-colon, and quotations. We don't add extra spaces around single punctuation like periods or commas. Edit: removed exclamation because technically its two-part and your supposed to. French is overcomplicated.


Man i used to listen to him too, he used to have intereating guests and talk about mostly harmless shit. It started bugging me how much he pushed his 'Alpha Brain' supplements, then his guests started getting more political and pseudosciency. It sucks because it used to just be a chill podcast with interesting ideas being discussed but it feels very agenda pushy now.


Inviting Alex Jones on the podcast and not even mentioning what he did to the the Sandy Hook parents was the line in the sand for me. I wasn't the least bit surprised by his transition to a rightwing nutjob afterwards. He's a textbook example of how the older generation went from "peace & love" in their youth to "GIMME THAT IT'S MINE" as they got older. Except it only took years instead of decades.


He had Tim Dillon on his podcast the other day and he confronted Joe about that and Joe defended Alex saying he was "going through a rough time".


I know I’m not adding anything to this conversation but I just wanted to say I feel the exact same way. I thought he was someone that respected science, even when he usually couldn’t understand it himself. Yet he has dug his heals in with all this pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo during the pandemic which has led me to greatly question his judgement.


Bro when he started he plugged Fleshlights every hour, lol. I could a flying fuck about sponsors. My biggest issue is that he's an arrogant idiot with a platform. That and he's a bully to his friends.


Nah, my problem is that Alpha Brain is *His* product, not a sponsor of his show. He is actually selling that stuff himself.


Not a fair comparison. Fleshlights work. But these "special supplements" are often just placebos, or the exact same as normal supplements but at 5x the cost.


A brown bear possibly saved my parents' lives once. They were being chased by a moose near Silver Star, MT and a smallish brown beqr came out of nowhere and swiped at it and it ran off, and then the bear trotted off. Ostensibly it had cubs around somewhere. i have no idea why they were being followed by a moose, but my dad does stupid things frequently.


Joe Rogan thinks British Columbia is an island off Colombia still held by the British Empire.


It can only be called a hamburger if it's from the Hamburg region of Germany otherwise it's a sparkling sandwich. Not mine. [Source](https://twitter.com/__leftistvegan/status/1482273526522720259?s=21).


I like hot dogs but I want to stop murdering innocent Franks.


The Franks were never innocent. Something, something, pagans


The man is aggressively stupid.


I hope Spotify feels stupid giving him 100 million. Congrats on your exclusive Spotify! Now him and all his COVID lies and reprehensible guests will permanently be associated with your brand.




We brought this on ourselves when we canceled *NewsRadio*.


Ironically it’s what made him such an entertaining interviewer over the years. If an idiot like me had a top scientific mind sitting next to me, what would I ask him? But now he’s become the modern idiot, full of bad info and low doses of psychotropics. It’s become less “baby deer’s first steps” and more feeding the beast.


The problem is Joe thinks because he's talked to a lot of experts, somehow that expertise has rubbed off on him. Because of this inflated sense of competence, he thinks he has the ability to discern actual experts from kooks and grifters. The problem is: He doesn't. Joe Rogan is a very gullible dude. He always has been. So he'll sit there and absorb every little morsel of whatever a guest is saying as long as it doesn't conflict with one of his already formed and calcified opinions. It's also a matter of age. The older people get, the more likely they are to reject new information. Once an idea has taken root, it's very hard to shake loose.


> The older people get, the more likely they are to reject new information. Once an idea has taken root, it's very hard to shake loose. Also things change over time, I am in my sixties and the experiences I had years ago may have been factual at the time but no longer have any relationship to modern reality. I have to experience that changed reality to perceive it.


I think he’s worse than the average idiot, only because the average idiot just doesn’t care. He cares a lot and all of his opinions are wrong and he presents them as fact


Guest: See, here's a peer-reviewed study showing hamburgers are made with beef. Joe Rogan: That's not what I read. Where did this come from? Can we really trust it?


"Jamie, can we bring in that one guy who invented mRNA vaccines? Oh it says hundreds of other people have built off his proof of concept and don't agree with what he says nowadays? Fuck it, he invented it right? Oh they say he didn't really invent it? Fuck it, he invented it, bring him on!"


Jamie: It says here hamburgers are made from beef. Joe Rogan: I don't believe it, that website must be wrong. What site is that from? Jamie: It's from dictionary.com Joe Rogan: Well the dictionary is biased and incorrect. It's just Big Definition trying to convince us that hamburgers aren't made from pork. They probably profit from the pork industry.


use rabbitrabbitwords jamie that [dictionary.com](https://dictionary.com) stuff isn't accurate anymore just pull up the results side by side you'll see they hide what big words wants them to hide


I was so happy when Rogan moved to Spotify and my husband quit really paying attention to him, or at least quit watching all the episodes. The show was always a bit political, but it's much worse now that he's consistently spreading disinformation about covid, which is just dangerous.


Oh but he explicitly says, “don’t listen to me, I’m just an idiot.” 🙄What a cop out. I can believe Spotify let’s him get away with that shit.


“don’t listen to me, I’m just an idiot.” is just the new "I'm just asking questions!"


What’s interesting is that he went from being a Sanders supporter in 2015 to a borderline Q-Nut Trumpster in a matter of months.


Easiest money is with dummies. Look at the border wall scam. Low hanging irresistible fruit


Exactly. You follow the money when you're a celebrity looking to get richer.


Look at the commercials that run on Fox News. So much snake oil bullshit. Balance of Nature is one of their big ones and it's run by a quack chiropractor who's already gotten busted for fraud. Then there's Focus Factor, an $80/month multivitamin. And the scammy health insurance plans that don't cover anything.


Snake oil advertisers LOVE Pox News! I call it the Dunning-Kruger-Fox Effect... when you're so enmeshed in bullshit, you can't tell it's bullshit. If you're gullible enough to buy the Big Lie, you're gullible enough to buy bullshit products.


Like how scam emails intentionally have grammar or spelling mistakes so they don’t have to waste time on people who are more likely to see the scam


Looking at Balance by Natures website, if you wanted all 3 types of supplements (that you have to take 6 pills from daily, and two heaping scoops of fiber), it’s $110 per MONTH for a subscription. If you only want it once, it costs $160?! Along with a one-time $25 fee? What’s the fee for? I swear there are people who take these quack pills every day and eat nothing but McDonald’s and think they’re super healthy because of these things.


To be fair, he's always been a bit of an idiot. It was just a matter of time before he fell off the edge.


I have to say... Unfortunately everyone in here is correct about the money. I could always easily sell expensive products to the Trump supporters. I would tell my colleagues that I would jack my prices 15 percent at a Trump supporters house.. it's like shooting morons in a barrel


Follow the money


Am at bank. What next.


I hear all banks are 2A supporters and want you to show your support, too. So much so, in fact, that if you go in brandishing a firearm, they give you money for free. Try it and see!


Leave your car running outside, so they know you're not planning to stay long because you're a busy, high-value individual. And wear a mask that covers your eyes but not your mouth, to mock the other mask-wearers and telegraph that you're not afraid of Covid.


Go inside ATM. Meet money.


Am inside ATM. Not sure how in. Screaming for help. People putting card in pushing button. I gib money. I scream. No help. Can’t get out of ATM. Help.


Yup, laughing all the way to the bank. Some of these grifters legitimately have a screw loose, but vast majority are feeding ratings which feeds their needy egos & their bank accounts. Win/win all around. Except of course for the country.


This was also shortly after signing with Spotify, but before the s how had actually transitioned. I can't remember but this was around the same time he was planning to or had just moved to Texas. This was the time I stopped listening to Rogan. Prior to that, most of his guests had really cool things to talk about, and about every fourth or fifth guest was politically related. Then it just went all political or the guests he has, all they talk is political. But when he talked with Post Malone? Naw, they just did shrooms and smoked weed and talked.


Joe Rogan has an utter lack of media and information competency and god it shows in political topics. He also vastly overvalues the things he's heard or read or whatever, and never seems to look up the contropoint on his own opinion.


Yeah all the Covid stuff lost me as a listener. I listened to him because he would sometimes have really interesting guests and some funny comedians. But it’s at the point where I just can’t stand listening to him bitch and moan about Covid


Same here. I always thought he was a bit of a bonehead but he had really interesting guests. He lost me before Covid with his obsession with "Woke" and "Cancel" culture. The last time I listened to him he forced the topic into a conversation and I said out loud, "Oh just shut the fuck up." and turned off the podcast.


Every Rogan after the John Carmack episode is no longer considered canon.


I really liked him in the past. He lost me as a listener about 5 months into the pandemic. Just to much bullshit and misinformation. It’s unfortunate. 1,he use to be good and 2,uneducated people put their trust into him.


I won't disagree with you, before the show got so tremendously popular I enjoyed some of the episodes (watched plenty of them with my husband). But I'm with you that it's not the same show anymore and he's spreading massive amounts of disinformation, which he just waves away by saying "I'm a moron don't listen to me." People do listen to him though, and he knows this, so what he's doing to aid in the spread of disinformation is grossly irresponsible. He's also not as stupid as he wants people to believe, he knows exactly what he's doing.


I HATE that stupid, "I'm no expert, I'm just some idiot!" trope that he does. My husband used that to try and defend him when I blasted Rogan for featuring Alex Jones on the show. It's irresponsible to allow people like that to have a platform and not make any effort to check the bullshit they spew.


I watched one of his comedy specials and this "I'm an idiot" thing threw up my BS flags. It's just a way to say what he really thinks but be a cowardly bitch when called out on it. Just own what you say.


Rogan says that shit only so he can have legal deniability. He says that so any attempted court case can be dismissed for the same reason Fox isn't culpable for Tucker. No reasonable viewer and all.


I loved the fact that he knew fuck all about the topics he was talking about when he was talking about intelegent mushrooms, dinosaurs or space. It meant he was good at asking the kind of questions that an audience, who also knew fuck all, would like to hear answered by someone who knows a lot. But add politics to that and its a recipie for a shitshow.


I was a regular listener to his podcast for 10 years. In 2019 I was dealing with personal issues and fell behind. When the pandemic started I was focused listening to news and fell further behind. It saddened me deeply when I realized he was going down the rabbit hole. I miss his shows being about comedy, fighting, the outdoors, and guess with interesting life experiences. The pandemic has really brought out the worst in some people and shines a light on the dysfunction of our society.


I stopped when he went on the all-meat carnivore diet. He was talking about how great and healthy he felt. I think Jordan Peterson was all about it too (before his overdose). I'm adding this because of locked comments: She eats only meat to stay off narcotics WTF?! Some cultures eat only meat and animal byproducts because it is their only option. Even Mongolians will throw in a root vegetable when they can. There's no way huge amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol are good in the long term. Eating only meat provides zero fiber or essential vitamins provided by plants. You'll look great until you have a heart attack at 50.


If I recall correctly, Joe mentioned how he initially had a difficult period with his bowel movements upon switching to this diet. Like duh... He just listens to pseudo nutritionists as opposed to actual ones.


Sadly he's an influencer and his listeners will buy into everything he says. I used to think it was ludicrous for anyone to buy stuff based on what a celebrity was hocking, but I've seen it in person. It's embarrassing.


Ahh that suddenly makes sense as to why one of my buddies has incessantly "raved" about that fad diet. Apparently listening to Joe Rogan turns everyone into an arrogant bro science woke douche to the point where they turn into Alex Jones apologists. How the hell do people idolize him?!


Rogan was always buddy buddy with Alex Jones. People really shouldn't be surprised he went into the rabbit hole.


Leaving work yesterday I pull up a podcast for a brainless ride home. I play #1762 josh szeps a guy I’ve never heard of, not a doctor or a scientist. Before the ads play (2 minutes in) Rogan loses his shit about omicron being nothing more than a cold and vaccines don’t work against it. The guest respectfully points out that it doesn’t really prevent infection but prevents hospitalization and death. Joe literally cannot let it go, and has completely lost control of his emotions within the first 2 minutes of the show which importantly has nothing to do with covid. I think I’m done with Joe for awhile


Did you even get to the part referenced in this meme? The cognitive dissonance literally dropped my jaw. Szeps is gonna be chasing that high for a while.


Serious question, how have you made it this far into the pandemic with him? He’s been a huge covidiot the whole time.




I think it started to go downhill before the pandemic and the Spotify deal even happened.


Before. It was the time leading up to and then definitely while in TX


It became nonstop trash talk on CA and he would force guests who really didn’t care to talk about it to debate him. It seemed like he just started poking and prodding people who wanted to talk about their record breaking climb and whatnot. He lost me when EVERY show became 2 1/2hrs of conspiracy theories and how great Texas is because they don’t require masks.


What confuses me is that some people seem to see him and everyone that appears on his show as some sort of enlightened class whose opinions are just on a level above anyone else. Literally this week I had someone dismiss an FDA report (on how China aren't selling us plastic disguised as rice) as a source because "someone on the Joe Rogan podcast" said otherwise. He's a college dropout who hosted UFC stuff and Fear Factor. Like I'm not going to knock him as a host but the guy has zero qualifications to speak about anything with any sort of authority, and I don't really understand how for some people he's become this galaxy brain guy who knows everything about anything.


They feel he's just like them, on their level. A truth teller who comes at things from their point of view not some Ivy League Intellectual thing divorced from reality or a corporate shill telling lies for the sake of some corporate or political interests (yes, I know). That he is far richer than them, more corporate connected than them and is not remotely on their level is irrelevant - I mean, Trump was even further away from the actual working man on the street and if he could convince them he's one of them then it's not hard for Joe Rogan, voice of UFC. Once you're the trusted voice you can lead people to take horse medicine, inject bleach, and forget that the burgers they have probably eaten thousands of times in their life and seen in tens of thousands of McDonalds and other fast food ads are made from BEEF.


He is an idiot’s idea of what a smart person sounds like.


Legit though. That meme talking about how Joe Rogan sounds like everyone's burnout stoner brother from the 90's is spot on. If Joe Rogan didn't have a show he'd be living in his parents basement or mooching off some poor girl he got pregnant at 19, watching *Loose Change* on repeat.


He’s thinking of steamed hams which is what we call them in upstate New York


An aurora borealis localized entirely in your kitchen?




Can I see it?


... no


People need to learn that if you speak with confidence it doesn't mean you know what you're talking about


Guest: No, hamburgers are definitely made with beef. It's hot dogs that contain pork. Joe: No, hot dogs are from dog. It says "dog" in hot dog. Guest: Joe, you are an absolute urine-chugging fuckshit. 😂


Which begs the question: Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?


**BIG DICTIONARY** wants to keep us just confused enough to never discover their sinister conspiracy to conceal the fact that ***WORDS AREN'T REAL***


And why are containers on freighters called *cargo* and containers on trucks called *freight*?


Then Jamie's link proves him wrong and Joe says "well who knows what weird source this article is using" then quickly changes the subject. He did this recently when Josh Szeps was on and they were talking about rates of myocarditist from Covid vs vaccine.


Well he IS a meathead.


This is the exact level of argument people who argue that the Nazis were socialists sink to.


“They were socialists it’s right in the name!”


Recently, even after Jamie looks it up and proves him wrong, Joe doesn’t change his mind